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':‘3'::-“-‘:~f"‘fi'i"7391““?I'-3';3"3:":"5'""-7""”'77'53)a...-n~~w ‘ i 1946 1 . -':5:-* . , I . ‘V '- ' ’ ' i. i l . . l _ ' '1 PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF COMMUNITY JOURNALISM - - OF, BY, AND FOR KENTUCKY NEWSPAPERS . * mi ;s13535;EgE;EgE;E5S535E53;Z;352';S;E3235333353332533553335353353352323355;53553335335523;53iz553E555?33$3535525E5E9:533iii3£333‘:523i5iii5i533E5&5S355E5E555E553E323533525E333553535535535325355335E3553i53353E55333235355E3S353E523E5E5E55333E553S5335353E5532535355??53553333555533555323335?”:55555393525335555E5252535352333235555255535532iiiiimfifiwmfifié5523§E3§35§2533§EEiiiéiiiiiSEES5E35S55555E533E5.73555325EEE3E5E553E553{:55:”:E535E52353§355§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§mm - DLUME SEVENTEEN flM' [€46 NUMBER NINE , ’-53:53£5§§§§35335555535235535E35535E533E5E5E3E5E323i553E533E5352ii93E335533ESE3s553S5E3E5E1'55E523Eis?E353£2525E535E5235$35335535EE53S523E3333SEES35is5E3533E£3335E;53E;2:63.25E;55553533E5E:E5E3EgE;3333333553552335233353353EgE;E3EgE35g535gZ5E5Eg3gE35;333353E;EgE;3gi;3g£35g3gEgEgE5Eg55EgE:jgE5EgEg25EgE3:5E;2gE;3gEgEgE53;Eg3;35E555535;;E:£5355233335333E;35E;E;5335;;2333515fifiggfifiggggfigfifig25332;E:if:3£533E;if;_=E;E;53E3E525EgE;S5£3EgE;£5E5E;Sg:‘3EgE5E5Eg25SgsgigsgiigigigigisifigigEgE5E;E325235555EsE;Sg55353,:a;EgigSgégigégigiggigigigiEgEg-tm : l ' l o n 1 2 : . eekly Sworn C trculatton Law I 1). Force i ; : v tsident Truman‘s signature on an en- Department. 111 accordance with official in- 534 of the Postal Laws and Regulations as: , H .‘ . 3 ' “ed copy of—H. R. 2543 brought to a structions all postmasters are required to “There shall be included in such statement . ‘ tssful conclusion a long legislative cam- carefully examine these reports to see that the average of the number of copies of each : - n by the N. E. A. and state newspaper they are fully completed. The original copies issue of such publication sold or disrtibuted l I , tiations for a law requiring weekly news- are sent to the Office of the Third Assistant to paid subscribers during the preceding 12 ‘1 ' l . ‘ ers enjoying mailing privileges to make Postmaster General, Division ofNewspaper months.” ~ j i , 1 m statements with respect to circulation. and Periodical Mail. The local postmaster is The statute regarding ownership, etc} ,I 1 i , 1 Wing October 1, all weekly publishers obliged to notify the Department in cases which the Murray bill amends only in ‘ ' l . v be obliged to show the average paid where these annual statements are not filed respect to weekly circulation was validated , . f .. ulation in the statements of ownership, by October 10 of each year and to retain in by the U. S. Supreme Court in Lewis Pub- . l ., f ‘ agement etc. The bill passed the Senate the local offices’ files copies of the publica- lishing Co. v. Morgan, June 10, 1913. H, ‘ _ House by unanimous Vote. tion printing the report. What to Exclude in Returns . ‘ i 6 he economic advantages expected to “Paid Circulation" Defined The Postal Laws and Regulations are I: I V from this proof of circulation Will not The amendment authorized by H. R. 2543 clear as to exclusions. Subscriptions paid . ‘ , ‘2 s tlt until the law has been in operation. simply places weeklies on par with dailies for by an advertiser are not included in the I,“ ,1 ’ Official of the American Association of which have been required to file circulation legitimate list of subscribers which the law ,‘i‘ j , , I trtising Agencies testifying in favor of statements each year. Under Postal Laws requires. A publisher is not allowed to mail with, i 1, . 2543, the so-called Murray sworn cir- and Regulations the term “paid circula- such additional copies at the regular news- _ ' e lion bill, pointed out: “One of the factors tion," as administered in connection with paper pound rates. In instances where an " '1 i 7 S hhas tended to retard the use of week- this law, means copies of publications circu- advertiser buys so much space in a news- ‘ ' .1 f miweekly, and triweekly newspapers as lated in fulfillment of subscriptions that have paper, because he has been promised by , , xi '. Cl rtising mediums. is the general lack of not expired and those that are not more the publisher that he will print so many I 3 It , n uate and reliable circulation figures for than 1 year in arrears. In other words, pub- thousand additional copies of an issue free ' ‘ , 5 table area of the country press." The lishers are allowed 1 year to obtain a re- and mail them throughout the area, those _ ' s ' AA. spokesman added: “In the opinion newal. The subscriptions are counted as part additional copies are not includde in a legit» =" j ' eAmerican Association of Advertising of the legitimate subscriptions during that imate subscription list. They are subject fl 1_ ‘ 3 ties and its committee on weekly news- - period. That definition is uniform for all to a different postal rate than the publish- , '1?“ l . IS, it would be a constructive step and publications entered as second-class matter. ers’ pound rates. They are not properly in- . .. l g ll be a contributing factor in helping the The Post Office Department has operated cludible in the paid circulation to be shown ‘l 1 ‘ try press to get more advertising if an- over the years on opinions of various Attor-' in the annual statement of ownership and . 2113115 ' , sWorn circulation statements were re- neys-General as to circulation. In general, circulation. l ‘ ‘ “fl by law." the Department has taken the position that Compliance and Penalties ' ; g l - 6 new law places no extra burdens on the newspapers must be actually sold whether It is noteworthy that relatively few vio~ -, ' l ly publishers. The statements of owner- in single copy, at newsstands, etc., or in lations of- the circulation statement section 1"” 'i I (and heretofore only daily newspaper term subscriptions. which has been in effect for dailies since 1912 j l ; ' lation) are due not later than October The fifth question in Form 3523, which have been reported. The prompt prosecu< g ' . each year. The reports are submitted dailies have answered (and hereinafter re- tions by Federal authorities had a whole- ‘ "I: l orm 3526, furnished by the Post Oflice quired of weeklies), is defined in Section some influence. The latest case involved in _ ' ll 1.,- ' .1.- i': 1‘