xt77d7959x4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77d7959x4q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-03-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 09, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 09, 1972 1972 1972-03-09 2020 true xt77d7959x4q section xt77d7959x4q \
D ff ’ t t t b d cided
By MIKE YORK --are not representative of the hall. elected vice president by a unanimous vote of them applied to his official duties as _
Kernel Staff Writer --Impeded the right of the council to elect of the house counc11. secretary. Nick Casey, treasurer, could ‘-
The Holmes Hall house council will meet officers outside 0‘ the council. _ In reference to the other char es not be reached for comment. _ .
in a special meeting tonight to consider «Acted inconiunction Withagroup in the Ska S said he “did not at an tigme Tom Sturgis, Holmes‘ head reSIdent ‘ -
impeachment charges filed against all of hallttoluse their representative power for uesgtgi the ‘nt “_ fth Yd t .. said he had not seen the charges and
the council’s officers_ personal purposes in bringing complaints q °"_ ' e feenceP e reSi en 5 prefered not to comment. .
The officers charged are Roy Skaggs about the head resident to Student but‘he sa‘d he 1d3d question the method by H l H ll . .
. , ’ . which the petition was Circulated. 0 mes a was m the news last week
preSIdent, Stu Pope, secretary, and we" Government Legal SerVIces. when the Student Government Legal '
Casey, treasurer. The vice presidency has House Council member Tyson Williams “lcouldn‘t have impeded the election Of Services was considering asking Dean
been vacant since last Wednesday when circulated the impeachment petition and anyone outside the council because we Jack Hall to prosecute Tom Sturgis,
Skaggs became president following for presented it at last Sunday’s meeting. haven‘t had any elections since I've been Holmes' head resident for alledged
mg; PreSidehlthSteve Smith’: EeSiStEafifnt- Claiming that over 70 percent of the dorm president." Skaggs said. Student Code violations.
3885 53' ewas presen e W‘ a ‘5 si ned the tition, Williams said the dorm .. .. - 1
of ten charges for impeachment last night. “flamed th: right to elect its own of- Skaggs said he never asked anybody to Lloyd Corky .Br y anttdcof-chair lman 0f
Among the complaints against the officers ficers." prosecute Sturgis. SG Lega Servxces, sai orma com- ,
are charges that they have: . plaints were filed With Dean Hall Friday.
1 «repeatedly questioned the intelligence Skaggs, however, said he thought Stu Pope, secretary, would not respond and he expects the results of the filing
of the men of the hall. himself representative because he was to any of them specificaliy, but said none sometime this week. .
1110 “unlucky Dark Shadows???? . ~ .
The powers of climatological darkness
seem to have taken a brief respite from
their evil doings. Thursday is prophisied to
be fair with a high temperature in the mid-
40's. The low will be in the 30's. Take
your umbrella along though. it will not '
rain. sleet or snow. but a good bum-
VOL. LXlll N0. 104 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Thursday. March 9. I972 :fsrshoot is good protection from sunburn
1 . ., e :
. it t d
i, it
- r at“: “it - r g e S 1111 91‘ W 3y
. I at -- 1
- i ,1 i f - l - :13? By mu. mxsom definitely willing to put in the
1. * Ww%& if? Kel‘lle' Staff Writer time and effort necessary for this
“ 1 gig; 3;; ' The campaign for the Graduate position.“ Deitchman had ex~
fr: eykefl’ae m _ _3_hd 1. P {OfeSSiQUEI __ Student perience with administrative -
. git hit-f” : .. Assoelatlpn s l CPS) comlng officials in negotiation-
‘ he”? 1 ' ‘3 ‘ 1‘ . ems gleam." ’5 revolving around consultation as a" "n' i
. . 1 egg?” g; .: g? . , -. ttkfiifiégggg increasmg the rights of graduate dergraduate.
, - ; , Wee? PieSldentlal candidate Thomas Dave Sirosberg and Michael ‘
’ “gee? R Hall said he “would continue Ryan. strosberg's main goal is to
’ . in” - eeéts’ifif‘fiw . .. .. pp
* , ' " game“ mania Be “505”“ a greater ween GPSA and law schooli ~ '
j , _‘ 1 , tefgfiyi??? clarification of the role and status especially by increasing interest '
i351 ”Hteeeé‘a‘aigfi‘g 0f _teaCh1hg ahq research of law students in GPSA and 1
. :i iaafi‘fizfifi‘i assistants. abolition. of the general campus activities.“
- - 1. -: -» We we milder“ cred” reqw'ements Ryan said he has extensive
..1> . gem ' efigege after the comprehenswe eXamS. background in business, He
. wiwmgwge: and a better means to sound out worked with World Library
: W t graduate and professmnal Publication Inc. as a marketing
’:~e“em) student opinions." m anager.
" ' .1 e Another presidential can- The elections will be held next
" 1“ didate. Ms. Margaret L. Mason. Monday in the Classroom
.. 5" 1 . 1 said she hopes ”‘0 further im- Building. The officers will be
1 ' . . . prove the status of graduate aim chosen by to representatives at -
., V - professional students“ by large who will be elected by all
11 completing 01d programs and GPSA members, the outgoing
V “Seesaw initiating new ones. Mason‘ is officers and the 85 to 90 depart- ' .
. . we” GPSA'S present corresponding ment representatives.
a TM" Cend'd‘?“ Ray Redm“? baber wielding 1
. .1 - ,1 1.» was assomate director of Alum ni
' " \ a"? DeYe‘m’mem f“ “New“! 30 1’98 take first
a? Uf‘wers'w- “1? 53'“ “9. Wk“ . '
’ , 3 .. i W”? ”I" Vanderb'“ 8" in Purdue meet
: ,1 fit: 5* ' *i‘wi ministration. faculty. staff and .- . . _
17': . :33 graduate. professional and un- Winning first place In squad
1, M" 1 i ‘9 dergraduate students“ compiling competition and . second In
. .. ..-" ' . . e,” information for organizing and platoon competition at the
it ' - - .- . :9 presenting programs. Purdue lnvitational Drill Meet
Me 1 The only candidate for the recently was the Kentucky
1 . e533; corresponding secretary slot is Babes. UK's coed precision drill
. Bill Fuchs. He favors “an actiVist team formed in 1965-
° ., " " role for GPSA" and supports (‘ole Willis. commander of the
l.:i.‘“"£"g:t“ya-. . e 151:1 g" GPSA‘S policies in “procuring Babes. called the competition at
yeoei‘nvsei 11 Aimee ,e. . group health insurance and in Purdue" the “toughest in the
, an“; we“ .. 1e ,. ‘. trying to secure equitable nation. She added. “The teams
. . «.5 ..-;- gfiewee '1'":1-:' . - f _ 1 - salaries for teaching assistants.“ there are the best teams that are >
‘a ”a f ‘1}, e 1__. . 1 There are two candidates for at any drill meet.“
I i I the office of recording secretary. The Pershing Rifles. the men‘s
. . _ ,ts." Ms. Lois Baersaid "GPSA should precision ri team. won an
Bowled Over The lndoneeian Art Show in the m or to take a (I'lliiri: look t continue to protect the rights of award for being the best new
student (enter art gallery photo b) John c s.) graduate students." Candiate team at the meet. Joe Freeman.
facinates this Ki” as She bends Rick Deitchman said “I am most Continued on Pan 2, Col. 3

 2—'I'I|I3I KICN'I‘IK‘KV KENNEL. 'l‘lltll‘sdzl). \Int'cli St. I972
. Stat-lg TJU .\(lin slim B . b k t t] . ;.-I
. amalgam erry raps . ac 0 to arm 1 1
AUTO mu “ ‘ _
l“ 3s .- ‘3; S i . . . .
H I \H l ”mm" \\entlell Berry. noted author Berry told the class in organic chemical tei‘tilizers as examples. all people to protect the en
. and l'K linglish pi'otessor. told a gardening that down through However Berry said the far. vironinent. ”“Vmi‘” culture has
. I Freel' class Wednesday night history the purpose of tanning mm. knows how ‘to develop the WIN a part N "9010835" BO“?
. I that to stop the decline In small has been to teed the people in the Mud ,1“ “.0” as protect it, “Manv said. if":

' I I . tai‘iiis there must a radical cities. However. many city f h , . , b . .3 . 3 3 . ~ . .

, . _ - ~ I; 3 la\e a letling about , .. . , x , . . a»?

=I . . -. change Iii the minds ot city people today think a system of ”:L‘mILLd] a kind 0f social t ”‘IM'd titytfitopltrould haw

3 I people. agriculture based on technology or ”mg”; handed down for ”I (01mm __ IemsIL us to a

. ’ " is better than one based u on t“ ‘. ..‘ ~ change because larmers are

I ll t ‘ l 'd “ p generations. h“ said. lighting a losmg battle by 55533

, - 3 3 .. .. sina arms. 3 :1 . 3 iééfiés
UA . . u “I lie saidthere must be a change themselves. “You can‘t tell a

II,I ,I ~ . U7 Would You We Io know how Io w Io He said that while technology is ot' mind about the I use of man who Iis I struggling, and

. I . ' I. GOOD Heaven From Lexington, Ky.? cheaper and eaSIer itdestroys the technological agriculture probably talling, to start a
I . f 3 . COME ’0 THF environment. He cited DDT and because it is the responsibility of revolution.“ he said.

. ; , - . WWO; Ashland Ave. Baptist Church ‘

I. I - ‘ I '63 Nor'h Ast'land " . ~t-.' : :. ;;-» Ig. % - \werA3-:,_:;3-';..35:;:,<§.-.':3E::j:~':;.- 'n-.--.;..;:....:..v....::=:‘.'r:¢3-.-:r i;:;-‘-....\..~...

. I x: 315§:,IIIII,E=E~' "it: . I " '3: I:- ." IV I'M . w L :V 3

t l . 3 = The l'nii'ersity Dance ' ‘7 fife 3. I I

I3 : I‘ MOVIEtAB PARAMOUNT ‘R'-:-:- ('Olllpllny . I x g a;

x . ,I .. . presents V i , xi ‘ . 331.2:
. '. I 3 o\l)l Ll Ill 1 5 32“». . 1 ‘ III; €323.53.
' v » j 5 , " §TRIPLE AWARD WINNER a in mono,oI-oom-o .- . . '7 W- = i
\ 3I ' l' Eizitegm s'oLC’llcisldtcrsiiM cmiicssg “kll‘t'll 13. It. IS ' II.»- M N g .
- 33 I, '. I (iuigiiol 'l‘lieatre , - ' l i \-
3 ' I ,‘ l % Card (‘urtain 8:30pm. I:: 3 g; : =1:
7 ‘ . . . Box ott'Ice open noon 4:30 '. t; .- mm ' 3;
.I 3 " . ,' I C6 I For reservations call ,...If' . Z II;
‘ 3 I - , ' A rnAnxovicu PRODUCTIO" ‘ ”to t» ., l i l" '

I .‘ , , . I: ron COLUMBIA anus: I 3% I 3 . I .
3 '- _ f . toot; .. --~' «3' =

I ' .II II I : l-.t.l.ltil t.()l"l.l) | l :\(lliilSSl()ll $2 students 31 :‘ttI 3 two: ., .

.. , . . ~ a ¥ -

~ _ .. , . ie . g ;

I . T '. I' ' c H R L I E I S “My; . a « - .
., ~ - . _ . _ AMERICAN STATION ~ : a. e -' v - é
3I . '7. 3 t ‘ Foreign Car Specialists in Data processing students and professors went haywire :3 -

I I I V.W. _ BMC Motors _ Mercedes Benz . I Wednesday when they found theirIcomputer programs 2. I

._ I. . . The system l8 down' couldn't be run. Here MS. Francine Boone pomts out :..:
'3 . PHON E 269-3804 800 East Main Street . / ’ ' the trouble spot. Cincinnati provided the missing link .
II . . Corner of Main and Ashland by 8330 last night. and UK is on its feet again this I
. . I . . 0 _ morning. ((Staff photo by Ann Firesheets). 12:55:;

. , . 10 /o Discount on Parts and Labor
‘ ’ ‘ " S'“"°"" °"" 5"" °""! Kentuck Babes land first lace
_ _ .,: _ y t, C p
l: l I V ‘3 ‘ Continued from‘Pa e l ' ' i
‘ ' » ' ' ‘ g _ Rifles are the top people ”1 ROTC The Babes, which are affiliated
.3 _ I. _ a p l commgngIerI of theIRIfleIs. ex- classes.‘ with the Rifles, are unusual, ‘

_ ‘. ~ ' ‘ I . I . . I paine a a new eam '5 one Getting into the Rifles is the perhaps unique among collegiate '
.. . I . f": \.\ ISTl [)hx1 IDIStOIlINT 183 N. Lpper that has not competed at Purdue same as getting into a regular drill teams because they drill
I I j I \\\\ Spectallllng in Contact Lenses tor at least four years preVIous. traternity, according to with sabers.

I I I _ I \‘N I . I . . Freeman also explained that Freeman. D b' .

; ,1; I. I “l LettsTelHou Of Our Conditional the Rifles, formedatUKin 1934 is “There is an eight-week pledge 9: Re Thomas‘ a gems: ’3
3_ I3 ,I ' / 3’\~ Guarantee Write or Phone For an “honorary. military social period.The eight weeks consist of Thignffif :1: [32:38 fiéfesé-diile); I 6

’ ' . . - fraternity-all rolled into one." drilling physical trainin d . u '55 I ‘
= Literature - . . . . ‘ g an ‘

. . . . I .. I , . ( . . . ., . 254 8‘63 h It 5 trl‘seere'Army‘ Navy small unit tactics.We try to bring :hdg tIIlImonhhowbwe hi: tIhe €th ’ 55:5?
. I \h“ [Ml M ii AND i.oMB mums and Air Force. We take in leadership qualities out of the 9““ t‘g't” 5‘? :rsh' {9 "ms =
‘ , " . 3 ' 1 PARK FREE ACROSS sr. AT FEATHERSTONS civilians. t00“ said Freeman. pledges,“ Freeman who m ."9 n W t em' . 352%;
3. I I ., . I .. . _ . . . 3 Willis. echomg the sentiments .

. . BHSICHHY we strive for holds the commissmn of cadet { l h b f h ;;-:3;
‘ .. ., 3 . , leadershipfrom people going into captain in Army ROTC. con- 0 severaptfrmgm er.° t e
I I .‘ I . I I I the service. I .The Pershing tinued. Babes, said. II initiallyI Jomed to 3
x , .3 ;I . TWO-Y EAR ROTC. . APPLY BY MAY I .. BE A gfti'iVOFVde m something .3? the ,
-; . BARKER HALL. . APPLY Now AT BARKER CHAMPION thg'tvigjtgalg: ggeggggigg": :‘
=. _ I . . ~ HALL PAYS $100 A MONTH . . . LOOK iNTO TERM PAPERS , Research Mam» or Termpapers. me." 1 =
. «3 . ARMY ROTC LATE START? YOU CAN STILL 636 Beacon Street Sifft’éov‘o'éii‘i‘ofloat-35,2,£232; The Babes‘ commander holds
.3 I, _ -, I, . GET INTO THE SEE THE PMS Now AT "0- 605 ”“3 ‘°"’ ”‘9’” the rank 0‘ honorary Céptai" i" I
" ~ . .I .= BARKER HALL FOR FULL DERSHIP, Ex. Boston, Mass. 02115 mm b‘“ She '5 3 °'""‘"‘3 , ;
.3 I" 3 . I: I TWO YEAR ROTC NOW PAYS $100 PER The Kentucky Kernel [Unwem‘y'
» 3 3. . MONTH TO INTO ARMY ROTC NOW BY swim“ "“1"th °‘ “utmctw- “3" ' .
. , - I I . B B lngton. Xeptucky 40506. Second clans .
. STOPPING BY BARKER MAY I IS T HE uster I‘OWfl mitt:oitédo‘;etf§£§é‘i§"o’§§$39§3é= 3
' ' h l d :
.3 , I . _ DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS FOR from louisville firmfififzfizz‘ohsxx’wwfii’o‘i:. ,
. . ‘seuion.
I ' ', I DEFERMENTI UN'FORMS, PAY WHILE Published by The Kernel Press. Inc.. 113
l ' ‘ i J its a Ildi , Uni It I xen-
. . . . . , LEARNING. . . BARKER HALL BY I MAY. . a Friday March to 1972 IifiifooTIonZ... .1“, ”III... , .
I 3 ' .APPLY NOW . . . SEE INTO ARMY ROTC FOR ’ “'0‘" “ "“3“ “Wt" 154 "" "mm” 2'
ml It k It I in e g}
3 . . . A GOOD CAREER . . . APPLY PERIENCE, and TSIAS."“°"""‘“' "'"° ’I .moso:
‘ - . dv ti t It h «In I men 0 o -E-'"
. , , KNOW-HOW , , .RUN YOUR own COMPANY m Saturday March H, 1972 helpt::r3a':l‘e:::y.s:nyl.:les:o:mlsle‘ai:ling
rs. . .
.. - , 3 I. . PMS Now TO APPLY FOR THE ARMY ROTC 9 p.m. to i a m """""'““°“"'"'°"°"°“°"" °
. I Editor. Editorial Editor . . . 257-1756 :.;-
. , I I . m 540 SOU TH BROADWA Y Managing and Associate Editzog; 1.7.40 . 533'?
. 'I 3 moon ‘4 3W“ “9““ Student Center) timid}iti’i’??f‘?‘?§‘?';§§1oio
I I I 3 3 . Must be 2i mm ID Newsroom..............2571800
‘ - ‘

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' ' I . " ' . Stay away! Don t you have any respect for skeletons in the file cabin?“-
v- - n lml anon 0r R l ,
. ,. :- e y .
I . - . 0 cl 0 9
responsdu lty. ,
, . ~ A Kernel staffer defends his story
7 I i ' f e ual im rtance to the in- . .
- , e . While the Kentucky Genera 0 q. 2218 would be the The Feb. 28 edition of the Kernel carried “Whatever it takes to give Muskie the
.‘ ' . . . ., Assembly 18 trymg t0 hmlt medla crease in our d f the a letter from JR. Miller, chairman of the biggest majority.”
< . ' ' vas Increase wer 0 ‘ ‘ ‘
V ‘ ' and mum access 'to meetings, t d yt 'f th reforpr: is acce ted isiieaifaiigiiigrfsect fligiietiftisxgieiitfiiateg Shortly after the Story appeared’ I was 1
.I , Student Code reViSions by Scott s u en ,1 e P give the "facts" concemm a st‘E hint told by an informed source that Mr. Miller “
” l . - WGHdelSdOTf WOUId vastly 111' by the Board Of TrUSteeS' him I wrote g 0 y a u was unhappy with how I handled it, his
. I_ crease student and press access to What many faculty and ad— I consider. his letter an attack on my complaint being I put too much stress on I]
i ' . meetings on this campus. ministrators have learned thIlS abilities as a reporter and would like to ”'2. co'lm'dt beige" mm“? in}; the
‘. 1. . Wendelsdorf has proposed a year is that it is much more dlf' answer him. First, Mr. Miller’s statement 3:40;: phiillber wa: 3:213:33 :0 rgpor’tl:
‘ ' > completely new seetion 0f the feCUJt t0 VOte againSt a proposal m his letter Was 'T‘e’e‘y a Irewording or was present when he made his statements
.- . . . , C d t] d R. ht t f d b students when those whatlhad written in the article. It failed '
,, _ . I 0 IeI enti e . 1g 0 an Open avore y b t.“ to make any clearer his statements at the This despite the fact I clearly indentified
deCiswn making process. It calls students are at t e mee l g Young Democrats meeting. myself C
, I I , for virtually all meetings of all looking at you and then gueStIOH However Mr.I Miller did make a com- I have no conflict with the state use
._ . 7 " v . councils, committees and colleges your vote after the meeting. 11 51:21: vIthIicIl; ligtgrlelgtteglcil:dleetltn 21y storIy. DeiIrIitticratiIt: Piriy orIJi R. Millie; I just $1;
. I a II . students in a . in peope Wis oma ei c ear a so stan ywhatI .
. ~ 1 . to be Open to the student bOdY-I By . aIIOWIllng U _ 't 0 ul d know how he Will choose delegates to the wrote and will defend any attempt to D '1‘
g l I 'I Clearly this reform 18 meetings t e anel‘Sl y c . national convention this summer, this may discredit it. T
. ‘ _‘ necessary. We recognize, as most begin the long process of givmg shed somelightonjt When asked hawthe thei
‘ .‘ students do that much of the the student body some real delegates would be selected Mr. Miller Thomas 3- Sweeney gin,
‘ - j . ’. . . - - _ ki wer here replied: Kernel Staff Writer Ten
, I busmess this UniverSIty tran- deCiSIOn ma ng p0 . . But
i" i " saCtS’ it transaCtS behind Closed Whlle we’re falrly certam that “mnvtsemmmmaws 'r.':-.e=.--:=:r:=-=:::=~'.:-:::.=::.~'::+:<=:-::.are:-~ W
I » doors and out of the public’s eye. most students would welcome an I F O h . of vi
" ” , ., We especially, as the student opportunity to attend all Kerne Gram. t 6 readers wrlte of th
, ' j ‘ . - - ‘ ' ' eetin s,we doubt that . the‘
_ 1 . _ press, Whose dUty It IS to Inform UniverSltym dg dm' 'strators H II, 5‘ .' 1. book contained many coupons for savings, sup;
. - " I f . the UniverSity community of its most faculty an a m1 pa 1 t er! we r900" 3 some or which had expiration dates on
a . I 5 I, i _ aCtlonS. SUpport this FBfOTm- Our SUppOrt 511911 a reform' . . The Student Health Advisory Committee them. In
. " . job of covering the campus has They will argue that admitting is convinced that the present Student One coupon. which offered $1.00 off any that
1 -' - ' ‘ ' been hindered on more than one students to all meetings is “in- ”93"” Semce records 901W 0‘ Strict ”Ford or p’e'recorded tape at Barney ""0
' ‘. .‘ ' . . . . t' 'd t. ,, and that the u roper confidentiality is being followed. We are Miller‘s‘ had no expiration date or special Be
I - "I ‘. OCCIaSlon thls Y§ar by meetmgs m 1m] 8 mg , p . assured that this policy will be followed by StiPUIatiOHS anywhere on the coupon. J3?
- ' '. I whlch substantial pollcy change functioning Of the Ilanerinty Dr. Bowers. the future Chief of the Monday afternoon, Feb. 28, 1972, we 0f J0
, ‘ . ‘ was made but which we were cannot be carried on in public. psychiatric Service in the SHS. a“emlmed to purchase an album using this and:
' ~ ‘ . I 4 denied access to or had our The knowledge by a member of . C0.“p°',“ bi". 3" employee 0‘ Barney “we
II I a I. . v I l I it til f Uit dm' , t t If any student has questions or com~ Millerssaid it was not valid, because the Jump
‘2. I . . f I :I reporters asked to cave Since t e e ac y or an a inis raI or mems concerning this or any other matter coupon was intended for an earlier time. to d“
I I. I ' v. . -.; meeting was “private.” that anything he S€ild at a meeting dealing with the SHS. please write to the When their records were priced higher. Sor
I, gj I. --. . . might be reported in the press or SHAC. Box 436. University Station. The point is. regardless of what the athle‘
' ‘ , , ' 2f . T H I his vote 01‘ argument for a SHM‘ FEaSOHS were for the store not accepting team
_ I , Skip Althott to $1.00 value coupon, there are no he is
I , ‘ lle erne PFOPosai might be later Keith Brubaker Stipulations printed on the couponl! hell.s
. I. II ', . challenged by a student WOtlld Jit(;hosa| W0 willleaveitup to the reader to decide town
. . I ,. I ' Established 139‘ LEXINGTON, xeurucxv have a sober-mg, and we think WendyMcCarty for himself whether he is going to buy sensit
.I I I . good, effect on his actions. John Dorson. Acting (‘hairman records from a store that does this kind of only g
' , n 0 en' n w r ‘ubl: fled by SVUUPH’S . . , . h i. .
I I : A ”depanodwoen ff'iTvgtKeitucn Faculty and administrators (,(mpon rejected lmness 3:2”
' ' i i .' I . Mike wines Editorin Chief may can open meetlngs a f0.rm Of At the beginning or the Fa” ”971} ‘ t ~ - Paul‘Koehler JaS‘
. ,- , - , Jane Brow" Manaqierdi'o' intimidation but we think this 18 a . , , t , . ' . "5 & Solences Freshman mam
. . , . . .ionnora. EdIIOII'IEdIW . . . scmtster, many students were given a
1 . ., ' , ' mw ms Assam-newer ruflonization to escape respon- book of coupons. entitled “Welcome to . 00mm
' ’ 4 - '. Editorials VPDH‘SI‘HV'HI‘OD'YHOHS otiheeditors Sibilit . Savings in Downtown lexin t .. T . Terry ngon de‘m
' . I, . I ‘ notthe Unwersiiy, ‘ y- - r J g 0” his Architecture Freshman Sam

 Tm: KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. March 9. 1972—5 ' w,“ .» ' 1
' And spmtuals and originals ': " I, ‘
,l ' -’ t, , I
. . . I' I" ,' .V _
. - Slgldl belts out blues
.5 f "D'JOELD- ZAKEM casionally, to fill in or contrast. -:‘ . 't
I t Kernel Sta" Writer The bass and drums do most of » .- t”. . 7
" 'I- I Sigidi is an African word the work. 80th ISteave Iand '. 7 7 ‘3
I meaning “one worth a Sherman are solid musncnans, I~I . I , I
II a ’ 2* thousand.“ “Sigidi” is also the with” workmge‘hermy we” =. * I '. ' .-
; vi . II .v name of an unusual jazz, vocal 'I . ‘ ..
33:3 ts» .- trio from New York who are _ m i ' , ,‘. .
2:3:92; 313‘» e appearing at the University this “gt, 12th (number 0f the 50th 9 1 , I a ‘ '.'I , ' -.
ofé‘s ggééaigtI . I week courtesy of the Student wriltgte ‘b Sh) es are ToIngmals, q”. . ' ‘ =. r. ‘.
*égiasfy gzti‘u‘ég’t’t I Center Board‘s Coffee House n y . erman. ese were j: . ~ " ' .‘ a f
at”; Water": , . Series. mostly topical, and bring the at, w. .~ I .‘ . .
figgn W” problems of our society down to a ' . . a - . I . .‘ I ,I
”Rita?“ ; personal level. The rest of the set -- ,III: :51, - I ‘ ‘ ; I _5
“lashed? ' h. . 3'. “Sigidi” is made up of Wendy was made up of old blues and {g ' . ‘ . .u " L '
”mgéf“; ' e t Smith, vocals and guitar, Steave Spirituals and contemporary I333; I is}? (:5; ”WI 'I ‘ " ~ 7 .I , .
“a: as”: H", II Zr Salder, drums, and Sherman standards SUCh 35 James ' 2} V? I Q 'I .I‘ A .' t t.
’ft‘vfi;x°:; I I . McKinney, bass. harmonica and Taylor‘s ”Fire arid Rain", Bob "it; INTI-«III Qvu .' I II, . I. I I I
gt, v I " ;' sax. Together they deliver one of Dylan's ”Mr. Tamborine Man“ 33‘ g t. .- . I . V.

5' III?“ “few .1 -§ the freshest sounds heard in a and Carol King‘s ”YOU Got a 4' it; a; s .- t i' ’
as s ., i ‘0"3 time- ”mm" Eve“, the "On'origina' 1"? 4.;3* : s -' ' .
éggs,~$§; . I gI songs were rewtalized when done I .. ‘ ‘3 , . .. ‘ .' I.
III : - ' For most of the numbers, only in "Sigidi‘s" unique style. :0} x: W; . I a . .. .' I I , ., I

«M‘s .' three instruments were used. ‘ --- m an * -. _ . III I_
éggtg .' N ‘ vocals blend so well With the InIthese days Of mass produced Photo by David James ,’ . I . 5 .
fig? -“' 9” instrumentation that it is almost mUSlC» It IS refreshing to hear an . , ' : II
the“ I . third instrument. One of the Slgldl Idelivers such a sound. . ‘I . , . - -,

‘ ” Photo by David hat—nos reasons for this, as reported by They W1” be appearing 1" the I ,, I
Sherman, is to have a jazz trio Student Center Grill till Satur~ , I Iv
sound with the voice as the lead day. They are worth going to ' I I g , I '
instead of a horn. The other in— bear, and this reviewer thinks » . _x ' 4. ..
struments are only used oc- you Will enjoy them. ' 5'

Vienna Academy Chorus comes to BK I" . j - . j

6 - 9 .. .

The Last Picture 5,10“? The Vienna Academy Chorus, conducted by i " I t ’ .V

Dr. Xaver Meyer, will sing at Memorial .I. .
Coliseum at 8:15 o‘clock Monday night . I.
Irony and helplessness pervades (March 13) on the Central Kentucky Concert I ,- ». -I , W 7 ,
and Lecture Series. ' . -_ « I-I .
The chorus is composed of 24 men and . _' ‘ , ."
By BUCK PENNINGTON whose death passes his sage‘s role on to the un- Wm" graduates or the V'enna Academy Of ' - » ~ '
suspecting Sonny, and foretells the closing of the Musnc, has made concert tours in 25 coun- I I ._ .,
A Lexington Movie Review town picture show. Sam is the sage, the man who tries, Iand has. partic1pated m SUCh T” 7 . 7 . 7 . .
on America, “Why don’t you love me like you knows there is nothing but keeps right on smiling ternational festivals as Salzburg and Edm' ' ' Vt ‘

used to do?”, croons Hank Williams as the reel of through the APOCOIYPSG. burgh. It has made more than 50 recordings. : . ' " _ 1

the“LastPicture Show”pulls the audience acrossa RUth Popper, is the forgotten wife Of the high The concert WI“ be open to UK students ' '3‘ - , '

Hopper-esque facade of buildings on Main Street. school coach. She is reaching menopause, knows w1th Activmes and IID cards and to season I_.- - . . .I .

Dilapidated, dirty, closed and closing. her youth has passed, but still desires to feel members or the series. ' I. ‘
The fifties, who remembers that decade? Sure something, and 50 she seduces SOHHY- -‘ I ' ‘ -
there are the twenties and flappers and bath-tub Cloris Leachman is beautifully directed in her TERMPAPER ARSENAL Inc' - _ I '1 , ‘ Ii
gin, the thirties With the depression and Shirley role as Ruth Popper. She brings to the screen an Send $1.00 for your descriptive catalog of 1,300 quality term- " ,' , I’ .-
Temple, and the forties With the war and the hOb- extraordinary sensitivity, for when she crys, you papers '. .‘ . ' -'
BUt' What ot the times" know that it is much more than sheer gut resmnse 5:9 (ilenrock Ave. Suite 20:; Los Angeles. Calif. 90024 . . . ' I
Well, the “Last Picture Show” is a compendium to an uish. It is the response of a woman facing . . __ _ _ . .. . II , I . = -. '
of vignettes that seeks to capture much of the spirit nothingg and living nothingness. (2”) ““8474 471-349.; We need a local salesman _ ~ ’ I . , '
of that age, or at any rate the lack of it. The loss of Bogdonowitch‘s techniques also re-enforce the ‘- , ~
the older generation, the search of the younger on excellence of the film. The use of black and white - ‘ I, . ' 6.
supply the basic thematic Pattern. film is most appropriate for the depiction of grey ./ -. U ‘ . ‘ I,
(‘haracterization strong in B 81 W people inagrey time. Also, black and white enables Iv’/ SHOULDN’T . -. ~ I ‘ .
Into that pattern is woven a series 0t characters the director to utilize the effect of Chiaroscuro, the - , . ' f , . ‘ -
Ithatat first appear as sterotypes, hUt are developed shading of light and dark to suggest and capture ’ YOU BE . I I' . I. T
into much more. mood. ‘ 7 I '- ' . J ' . I
Beautifully sketched are: Also effective are the shots of the town, done in UP THERE. . ‘I '. I ’I ‘ - I I
Jasey, the small town society girl Who is right 0Ut that peopless fashion that makes Edward Hopper's ./', ~ . - ‘
0t thh O‘Hara. The blonde bitch With everything paintings of stark buildings so effective in capturing I ‘ I - ' ~ 1 I:
and yet nothing. singing those “Gee-why-don’t-you- the theme of dispair and blahness. o . .5 . * ., . ~I
love-me-oh-you—do-I'll-see-ya-later" blues. She "omna form of sadness 1‘ _ I .' - I
jumps from bed to bed to find what she wants, only Most intriguing is the film‘s use of irony to convey 8 - ' : ' ‘ I. ., I
to discard it- theme. It is an ironic universe. Jasey goes to bed A / ' ' I I ’I I-
SOth~ the hapless hero Of the town’s high SChOOI with one of her mother‘s lovers. Sonny. has an