xt77d795b000 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77d795b000/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-06-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 20, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 20, 1985 1985 1985-06-20 2020 true xt77d795b000 section xt77d795b000 f
“2 .mfii“ a,» “gist" fie: M””" g mu. l”
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Nurses released by 111] ackers to return today
By SCO'I'I‘WARD airport. Pa. She arrived in the United States Cataldo said that since she‘s been
Editor-inchief After that. they will return to their about 4 pm. Monday in New York’s Ken- home she‘s taken three showers, slept a
apartment where “no one will be My Airport and has been staying with lot. and drank a Diet Pepsi: “getting
1 Tonight. two W nurse who there to follow them” said Debra her mother Adele and father Richard. back into the old American things
were among passengers released from a Hensley, a friend of the two women who Since she’s been home, Bramford said' again."
_J hijacked plane in Algiers Saturday will hasplannedtheretm'n home. “I've just been with my parents, spoken With Hemley's — and some Lexington ‘ ,
be returning to Lexington — but they Since their return to the United States, with reporterS" and gotten some “very merchants‘ - help. getting back to those
won'tbegoing straight home. Cataldo and Bramford have been staying muchneededsleep." American things may be a little easier- ‘
When their plane lands at Bluegrass at their respective parents' homes. In Of her feelings about being home, Cat- Various Lexington businesses have given
' Airport tonight around 7 Janine Cauldo phone interviews Tuesday, both said it aldo, the nursing care manager for the the nurses food, a piggy bank full of pen- .
s and Penny Bramford will be greeted by was goodtoheback. adult unit at St. Joseph’s Hospital, said: nies. offered a free hack and neck mas-
"” ‘. a host of W and the sountb of Bramford, a part-time psychiatric “When I first got home, 1 don’t know how sage and limited use of a Jaccussi and
i ’ a lexington bagpipe group, and then will nurse at the Medical Center, said she I felt,“ and that it wasn‘t until Tuesday had their dogs cleaned — all for free.
D be whisked to a press “Inference at the was “real glad to be home" in Hanover thatshewas“thrilled.“ SeeNURSES.page5
. e
,, w Committee
to review '
‘ “ f" ‘ 3° t t l
_ , 1 con rac oss
*V’” A, p .m“ - a,” . ' ‘ 2'15; > By CYNTHIA A. PALORMO ,
’ 4' gr. ‘~‘ .~ 3 it ' ‘ ' . ‘ ManagingEditor
a.“ ... g Q~ ; ‘5?“ s ‘_ Q e 3'
.- , _ ; i, - “If“ The Board of Trustee's ad hoc com-
. . , mittee. requested by President Otis A.
‘ Singletary to look into the loss of a $4.3 '
million coal research contract to the Uni-
_ versity of Louisville. met Monday to plan
its course of action.
“We have been asked to do a review '
and as a result of this review. we would
hope that two results would emerge."
said Ted Lassetter. chairman of the com
The committee hopes to identify any 5
. shortcomings or mistakes on the part of
, _ w .,, w _ - University personnel and advise Univer-
t 5 .. -f: :33: 5‘ ’ “" ' , sity officials of ways in which contracts
' "g‘yf‘nisi ' - . ~' - ‘ of research administration can be im-
1x "tel" z 3.. . "‘ provedinthefuture.
: ‘ ( _'_; "we; War Along with lassetter, Thomas Bel]. A]-
t?- 95".? “f affliivté » c" l ' " “ be” Clay, Edythe Jm "BYE. Brereton
‘ _ 51.5.15: w, e ‘7": " ' «3‘ . .. ‘ ‘ «73".: «_ Jones, James Kemp and Robert McCo-
" K ’tr’l‘i‘ ’ ‘3; wancomprisethecommittee.
”W , t —~ ,1 Three meetings with vanous officials
‘ ,~ ; .t .' » ' “- from UK and the State Energy Cabinet
L x ~ '1’” .--._“,.. , 4 .,.~: havebeenset upsothecommittee can
1 t; ~_ ‘ ‘ .r “ ' fr "' i a; flag: #- review the facts concerning the events
3 3 fi’. -_-=_-» ; ‘- y a :1. in; .33; ; m¢.g{"‘(; thatleadtothetramferofthecontract.
-1” , v - “ ‘ r y, 't _ . “-5; Eiflgfiatfigéfia The committee plans to meet with
\ " ‘ ' ‘ . g MM :7,» - _, , W33; ; “ngia my , those UK administrative officials direct-
.. ‘1”, 71344;. t. “‘9‘?" m; , *.’f-§f‘;:%}’t:; {gig ly involved with the contract first. This
" . , , _ «- =3 3;;3: agar} 5-, “firx‘f’ax” ; k _ meeting will be with Art Gallaher. chan-
ka {Vi ff“ ‘ ‘9» .t ‘ 7"“ _«ie.’;‘r{“z§’>~a§ {3 ,‘F cellor for the Lexington campus; Wim-
:,;, — e” s. V, \._-.'a 1_ .. y " fibre 1i $9.3 #773); - berly Royster. vice chancellor for re-
".1‘ ‘~»~ , -* -‘ ”it?” “ z ‘_ _r:'n}’-T'7r£; Vt, search; and Lyle Sendlein, director of
- " ' , N“ 3; DW- ‘ ’ the Kentucky Energy Research Labo-
A: , -. .. “1:,” ”a". .~. _ - ‘ " ratory
,‘1535,*?$~‘s§- "&;}“}~‘M “We want the University to tell l5.
Y ;5, - ‘ng i ' . “ ~,, ‘ ’ from their perspective. how it adminis-
‘ —="‘ ' s _ ~ ~ ,, tend the contract, viewed the contract
It} 3;“:an ~- t, and viewed the negotiation tint were w
‘ apparentlygoingontorenewthecon-
, "w“ tract."l.assettersald.
Slttln onthedock. . . u’l‘hemeetingistentativelysetforJune
Camper Milne Owen (left) and Mark Zero", on unde- sponsored by the McDowell Cancer Network and by 0.;me 2, mmmmmm
elated sophomore. enjoy fishing at Indian Summer, 0 the UK chapter at Delta Delta Delta eororlty's onnuol with ftiriner state may Secretaries
camp for chlldren with cancer. Indian Summer la "Run fortheKlde." km";

' f ' d 1'
Philosophy pro essor receives grant to stu y neg igence
ByDAVlDIIO’lXINS Wmnanamofstudy to answer philosophical qiiestioris. but mwmmmmlivedinblew

~ Reporter concernedwithmmibifitymmeha maelandethicalmesaswell.1‘hefl Englandshesaidshelooksforwardtoit.
Smith. cfreepemieocletybilityln. isn’t :idea better theplace thaSLHai-gard to get 9.. “W the Wmim Wm-
Patricia aubtantprofeaaord .. both hence. sa. ithanddidhergrachiate in .
mmm'umfimedmmW mmmumw» Ari!-
”amun'blltty,eapectallyeocialandcommmtty muculty membusmthe mmwwnmwwmm
mmfiuflwflwm.andhwmthendfl mittee.aewinbepaidterehllph.tmummityotmy,ner
hummifflwm "m m 0"“ aide at inn-n bene- be balanced with mdmhm-tfl-mrd. dlvereitled maxim m
’ ' ' MW“. and law hve hen recei
mawmmmw .. dwmmmnmm.mu; Uiavenity.ebeseid.andthelaw8chool
nwmmmm. Yeuhtethevahieofcommultyaad them . proposal heebeenintueetedandcoeptativeShe
&WIMW aocletyunehndandthevahedhit www.mma mamhtberoeawmth
mute-unlit. with. mun-awaitumnde. mmmlbmw- beththerndlIV-
M'Whtlaw aim 'ltbghtz'mmdqfifi: wmbm mummwm
bun, ’ve .
undo-amine!” the-emu.” mkm&.~wtllhewm ”.mwahepllmtowrltea ,
hail-."anttliaeld fie eatd aha wee act enly em WNMW. manhuntaibjeet.

 2-KMTUCKYKHWEL My, Jinan 1‘5
W . ard Of W all Street
a e o e ' . 1 k . '
UK student f1n1shes 1n elghth place in nationa sto c 3 competition
By CYNTHIA A. PALORMO . ‘~ . _. p w m ,, ‘N R ‘ as l The winner of the stocks-only division
Managing Editor m g ‘ . I ’ » . & ~ : was a student from Brooklyn College in
. , QQ -’-"' E .4... H .. i‘ Q ‘ New York. A four-man team from Mem-

How long does it take to earn $11,000? . 4 . , , 3- _ w: u . phis State University won the stocks-and.
It took Harland Stanley just two days. “Q ' . Q * I. 2- . ~ , options division.

Stanley, a political science junior, was .54; _ .. ' 3.; Q i - ‘ _ § The only prize that the top 25 finishers
taking a history class in the Business and ' ‘-r=- ' :4 4.... 5 x“ ‘ ‘ received was a mention in Barron‘s Fi-
Economics building when he came . 4 V '; m... .. ‘_ fi nancial Weekly. The Wall Street Journal
across a brochure advertising a nation- Q mg Ni i ran a story, which referred to Stanley
wide competition in stocks and commodi- f > _ a, \- . " -~ 3’ ~ . . Q i i; ‘ . Q and other contestants, about the competi-
ties. Because he has been investing in t W, M- \l l 9‘4 tion.
stocks and commodities for the past Six Q “,5“... f Q i . *"‘ M; ' “I was interviewed because of my in-
years. Stanley decided to give the Na- 7 st. W‘ N Q 2 ‘ » terest in commodities and because I am
tional Collegiate Stock '1‘”!de ; x... . 4:.“ M W41 registered in the CFI‘C (Commodities
Championshipatry. ; b " «F ~ . -~ Riture Trading Commission) as a com-

The contest, which began Feb. 18 and ' ' p ‘ ' - Q 1- .‘ modity trading adviser,"hesaid.
ended May 17, was the brain-child 01' » Q _ Q ' He has been speculating in commodi-
Ethan F. Reed, a former finance student .\ ‘ .3,ng é. ‘ , ties for 212 years, and an adviser for
at Western Kentucky University. It was " ’ ' " eight months, he said. “I think it‘s easier
divided into two categories: stocks-and- W ., W1" ; to make money in commodities than in
options and stocks-only. Stanley, and 335 If]! . ‘ ‘ - ' _. stocks, but probably 90 percent of the in-
other college-level stock market wizs, ' " '~ ,_ vestors would disagree with me," he
competed in the latter. There was a total 3 ’ - said. “Commodity prices change much
of 528 contestants ', m.‘ quicker whereas stocks increase at a

Stanley said each contestant in his di- ‘- slower rate.“
vision was given 550.000 in a simulated " .. Q Stanley said his friend. Johnny “T. L."
account and had to make as much money ’» .3 Jones 111, told him he should study, re-
as possible in three months. m search and read the commodities busi-

But just because they had $50,000 in l u ' ness. “That set me on the right track,“ .
theory only. doesn‘t mean the contes- aavowu/xmnsm hesaid.

:35 \iietXianeliZlZ piaeiiéxiigvzlian;:fi 03:11.5. Harland Stanley, 0 political science junior, holds a copy of the Wall Strut ”Taugght "agtlwhxmfiualfighxugl:
pe . ‘ Journal that mentioned the national financial competition in which he par- mess. . s 15 g ‘
Stanley said. tic' a ted Stanley named his company — Yale

The contestants had to follow the actu- '9 ' Commodity Advisers ._ after Jom'
al StOCk market in 0rd?” ‘0‘"va . . but actually, this profit was made in just hadtogoon,"hesaid. alrna mater Yale UfliVCFSlW
. A“ Of Stanleys tr ading gas For: m (:1)- two days. In the hopes of making some of this As an adviser, Stanley publishes a
issues. I made "13'3” hail Eze'ng or With two weeks left in the contest. money back, Stanley used a ”personal market newsletter on commodity trends.
under-value $ka t n over- Stanley was in first place with a 26-per- trading technique." Essentially, that He also does on-the—phone advising.
looked. he said. cent profit. But instead of playing it safe meant he watched such market-specifics “Even so, I don't profess to be an ex-

_He determined what stocks we.” worth with the investments he had already as dow indicators, advance and decline pert,"hesaid.
his investment by researching 1°“ made, he decided to take a gamble. “I issuesandtheopen-interest volumes. Stanley hopes to pursue a career as a
dgbtl strong cash ”mo." 9091‘s that know you should never place all your With the help of some sound invest- general trial lawyer, so why does he in-
d'dn thave heavy penSionliabilities. money on one commodity, but I did it ments, he made back almost every vest in commodities as well as manage

. When the competition came to a (31:19 anyway," he said. His first imtincts penny he'd lost. $11,000 in two days —— not his own business? “I do it as a hobby,"
Stanley found himself with “51,000- 15 were right, he lost all his profits. bad. he said. “I think 111 always do it because
21~percent profit put him m eighth place. It looked as if three months (I watch- Stanley said corsidering what original- lenjoyit."

Now a $10.000-profit over a three- ing the stock market and investing at 1y happened to his investments, he was As he put it, it‘s an “on—the—side profit-
month period may not sound like much, just the right time had run dry. “I just pleased withhiseiflith-plaoe finish. able venture."

- Elhlblhofil Joe Downing Exhlbl' Adminion Charged - Exhibitions Invitational Exhibit Lexington Art Loogue; 0 Conhmncos- Social Security Law Courtroom. College 0‘ ' Other: Midsouth 'WWHG‘ Pony C105 I°"Y “V “of"

Headley wrmm Museum Old Fromm mi no.5 WrSun Loudan House Costlowood Poni- Fr” ‘04 l-F’I-l s s Sun: Law Cour—2922 Pork "0" Work" AdmvChorevd: film-669'

Call 255-6653 Call 25411714 0 Conform”: Automated Portimotry ‘ Lat-r 5."er 04 ' Othor. Shah-r Songs tram Ohio. Shokor Village at Float»

0 EKthlliOV‘S Shapes 8 Patterns Elhlbd Ans Place Gol- e Contoroncas Sorrel mumy Law Courtroom College or the Anterior Segmont Hyattlegoncy£ollms5161 onttlill: Coll734»5ul
lery iol N MiIISi Col|755 795i low (curmj 0 Other Midmth logional Pony Club Rally KY Horse ° OM" 09." Horse Form Tour - Start; at Fang i-mon.

' Other lhe Legend ol Dome! Boone Outdoor Drama Old 0 Contoroncos Automated Pertimotry ‘ Laser 50,9." 0' Park tron WorluPlL Adm. Charged Call 233-6691 Nowtown Pk $17»Advance I SIS-Day at Your 9 IS a m I
Fr Harrod St Park Amphitheatre M W F I S 8 30 p m Call m. Anterior 5.9mm" Hyatt “agency Call 733-5l61 ' Other Shaker Songs from Ohio Shaker Village of Pleas- every ”1 hr. alter Call 776-3109
731 3316 . om" Mayan”, wanoj Pony Club lolly. Ky Horse ant Hill Coll734—54H ' Contoroncu Commonwoolth institute tor Yearhors‘ UK

0 Other tinrolv Outdoot Drama Old Fv Honod St Park Park ”0,, Works pk Adm 0,me Coll255-6691 0 Other Open Horse Form Your . Starts at Fauig lipton, Campu|,Coll 7-1187
Amphitheatre Admrssioo Charged T I YH 8 30 p m Call a Concorts Summer Sounds JUNO, 5"."9 Orchostra Corr Newtown Pk: SIT-Advance I SIS-Day of Your 9:!5 a.m. I ‘ Madonna. Summer Advising Cantor-nee; lor lruhmon
“9'60” cart Fr" cm... lor m. Am. 7,009,," (on 7.:“45 every U. hr. after; Coll 7763109 enrollingin the was Fall semester

. Exhibitions American Soddlobred Museum rm.“ Ex~ . onion W Amuoieagww Dorby wonwrod byt ' Amt-mm. Summer Advising Cont-mic” for Comm.
hibit Museum Gallery KY Horse Park tron Works Pli Call boat at 'arhllx YurtlondMall. Coll‘bs-WS Colloge Tronlloru enrolling in the '35 Fall somolfor
233 3535 0 Academics Summer Advising Contarencos tor Advanrod

0 Othar Polo Matches oi the KY Horse Park Iron Works Standing (l’ramter) Student: enrolling in tho WIS Fall m-
Pl: lo M Sundays (MINING? '0'

0 lethal: Summer Sound! Ananarm McDermort ' kodemks: Summer Advising Cont-rent" tor auditors.
Mono Simon-Stu. Contor lor the Ar". 0-0) p m , Call 7‘ nondegree and readmitted stud-rm enrolling in the is Fall
3929 Demo-tor

0 Othor Downtown Lunch with the Artl . Bruce Lewis ' knoll: W m: lvtlon M, m: Fr“: Con-
(ocovstkol guitar/ion): Free: Fir" Sammy Plano: Noon-I tortorttuMI:J:Np.m,:Cdl7-3MI

00M.F|axWarkingot9ndieertlagoothlellz 'CommrAflAMCAflt-MVMWHH-z om:Ww~/mm;mn.m-
Cdlmvull Ans-Plaza: Noon-l pm: Cdl 155-35! an (W)fla§flm Sen-rt" Plan; Free; Neon-l p.m.; Cd!

' C - PIA Guam ; M Ma .
aq;im.sp.m.;smmc~nu;m.m worm t'thzmmi-iWe-M-Arhde'

- Sports: W w leagu- begin; Sector! Comer; quedy:300mll~.: Imam.


r V r V V v r V V
W .SPMJA I. r. m rs W
on.) . or” “MN,“ ,0. W inhibit. ‘dmiulon 0'0"“: II It _ UN » 0/31 Other 'he legend 00 Dmbl loan. What Drona. Old Ft. Nor-

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, .3 Elhlbtttonl “WW Exhibit, luln'an Art l...” I I00 ~ N” Othor (Mn Outdoor Drona. 0“ Ft. W St. Port: Amphl- “NI":Cdl‘nl-Sl"
m.:?mmrm.rm iurr/usumcuaum. m'fimhmwfl‘mtngfifm Q w“ M mo- m on. or turn, had M: army he 0..."; 1:»
we (digs-Mt ' . ' rm, ' “h" m " don cut-1.4m ‘ °" ' ' ’ [Wham
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“can.“ mm.mm-n :cwmu 'mlzm:mmmwlpn calm u‘";",'/31 "3'0" , I c , M 1:“

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a 25 comm an A LA CA"! ‘Ilach vum land hotlod- Ammo:- 13mlmxx‘mmmym“ H M.“ Q ain't-0171'!

\ m4.” (dim-”SI "mmmmmmmuroumm I

12 h f 'l ff '
- our power an are a ects south-campus occupants
By DAVID 8011(le ‘ ‘ Scott Mobley, a desk clerk for confer- burned in half and shorted out at UK .
Reporter I came up here for the encethous‘iing, said that around 9:40 pm. substation No. 1. The wire was replaced
gues resi cuts were leaving the building early Tuesday morning at a cost Reesor
Residents and visitors from various or- UK BaSketball camp, to take advantage of the last few mo estimatedtobeabout $10,000.
gamzations on south campus were in the spent $225 and can’t even merit-50f daylight Groups occupying the complex resi- ’
dark for about 12 hours Monday when t l. ht ,, People staying in the buildings ex- dence halls included members of the +H
one of the longest power outages 5m go any 1g . pressed inconvenience with the outage. club, a minority affairs group, and par- ' -
1974affectedthearea. . Brent Hoffmeier’ “I came up here for the UK Basketball ticipants in journalism workshops and .
_'I‘he outage resulted in a loss or reduc- basketball cam artici ant Camp, spent $225 and can’t even get any basketball camps. Patrick said. Guests
tion of we, to Krrwan/Blandmg com- 1’ P p light," said Brent Hoffmeier, a sopho- were scattered throughout Blanding Tow-
plex, Cooperstown, Shively Sports Center "_ '— more at Louisville Male High School, er's 22 floors and were staying up to the
and the Seaton Center. . Normally three elevators operate in each who was staying in Kirwan III. 8th floor in Kirwan Tower . she said. '
The complex was operating on emer- ofthetowers. Dan Brenyo, an emergency medical Bob Clay, assistant dean of students.
gency generators during the outage There was one light in the lobby and a care junior said, “I was left in the dark said that in 1974. power was out in some
which began about 4 pm, said Dee Pat- few lights in the halls in each of the com- about the whole thing. My dorm room locations at UK for 15 hours after torna-
nck. residence. manager for summer plex residence halls. No lights were on in got pretty hot since the air conditioning (10% killed Power in nearby counties
conference housrng. The generators sup— therooms. wentoff." He said the reason for the shortcut
plied power for limrted lighting in the About 10 pm, one of the emergency Bill Reesor, manager of utilities for the can‘t be pinpointed. but that factors such
complex and the .operationof one eleva- generators went out, leaving Kirwan III Physrcal Plant Division, said the outage as lightning and the age of the wire could
tor in both Blanding and Kirwan towers. andIV completely without light. was caused by a faulty wire which had have contributed.
0Committee '
C°mi““°d from page °“° :1: “$352" 1:51;: percent {:33}. [43559; As of right now, there are no plans to while everything may not have been I
sat va 5 agreed c ra ' - - .. . - -
William Sturgill and David Drake. Las- with the co 'ttee The meetichope 'th meet With offrcrals from U ofHL. We re done perfectly. the administrators felt a
t 'd he eed 'th _ rnrru - 8 WI not on any type of Witch-hunt. Lassetter satisfactory job had been done through-
5" ter 53‘ t Y, n to meet “" the Evanswill 11.501.1me 3- . said “We merely want to understand out the course of the contract-holding.
former secretaries because UK has held ”1 thlm‘ It IS extremely appropriate what. if any, mistakes were made by
the contract for 10years. that we meet with him," Jones said. “It UK.“ “Obviously UK doesn't want to lose
059'“? the fact that the current state is important to put all the facts on the In his conversations with Singletary, these types of contracts. In fact. they‘d
Energy 59"“an George Evans, 531d table. Lassetter said the president told him that like to regain this one.“ Lassetter said. . ‘
.=:=:=.2:2::.2:5:5::-5:5:::::2'::::2:s:s;=s:3::. 2: ”So-\vtt-o‘
1'" R Fl AND M All“ ff}: A -
m—mi “pronouns an. i iiuuiuu I I .
5' . g memo TCIk [j l
Mom 13mm. I e E I
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"\ "1‘ *LEAEMTflQEEfi : me [E I
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STAINS “In" now snowmo I . | .
\, FAYETTE "All 11111]: ,:,,..;,K,:,.,,:,: Egg). I .
3W rnAvonA x I
am- JAMIE LEE , ‘3 ‘ ‘ _,* I
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E;.-:;s;;.;:;:;i-.~._l..‘>;.:.-»:.y.~:-:t:3:15;:5353‘ «f __";:3-:.:;;ig;:::;§;:;g‘g:g§ I |
§s§ a? 3;. g: NOW SHOWING : :
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 l-KENTUCKYKM Million no:
smitten / ‘ '
Kernel as
/ . *'
emulated tees mum int ‘ i.
Editor-in-Chiot . ._ \t
Cynthia A. "loan m ‘. 3.." 3:: ' . ‘~
Managing Editor Editorial Editor '1 / / °fi :
‘ /
i»:‘_ j,. /
Change of shoes
is a ver bi deal _
y g '1’ ‘1 I ITION
in Wildcat (mum-((5
t ‘ ' (1 ’Id h
001111 ry Bugs mowmg own a o crops

After 55 years, the Kentucky Wildcats are chang- ______— _
ing their shoes. Now that their superstars’ feet will This,friends,iswar. . Idaho faces a conSIderable plague
be adorned with Nike instead of Converse, the hal- “ ,, m the urchins mass of bugs. and
lowed hordes at Rupp Arena will be able to look .. N°t a man vs. in” war, nor a James A. GOV. John Evam has come forward
downuponthewonderofitall. . .andwonder. man VS- “M war $599 3’0“!" 31-0“ to acknowledge the war, nobly stat-

‘ Is new Coach Eddie Sutton aware of just how im- Ensllsh fad” ‘0' “filfiml ingthat“Wewillwinthisbattle."
portant traditionisthrmighmlttheBluegi-assstate? ““5153 manvs. nature war ' _ _

Eddie, do you know how many years Kentucky Andit’sabeaut. Maybe so. But neither Evans,
fans have been watching those Converse shoes race , , Super-problem? You got it. Or, Idaho nor “will! human race can
up and down the floor, crashing the boards and If you’ha‘veemoyed David Atten- rather,ldahohasit. win the V”- Despite our fantastic
smellingupthelockerrooms?Fifty-fivebigones. ms “‘9 0“ Earth serm- _ _ _ technolosml advamunents. wecan

Whatotherclasheswithtraditionareforthcoming? you will be glad to know that all the Idaho Agriculture Director Dick never htpe to completely dominate

It was badenoughthat you let Wildcat fanssee little creatures and whatnots he Rush has acknowledged that the naturgEvenaswesefitotameme

- you vacillate between Converse and Nike shoes 59°,” of were Just “5 real as he de~ need for dusting far WWW the violence 0‘ hurricanes, volcanoes
(around here, folks don’t like coaches who can’t scnbedthem. available contractors. Bush said the and earthquake, we find ourselves
make quick decisions). If you can't choose a brand of And, when the occasion suits federal government ‘has agreed to thwarted by a swarm of lomy grass-
shoes, how can we count on you to jerk a player from them, justasnasty. add a WP]? 0‘ ““11““? planes ‘0 homes.
the gamewhenhecan’thitthebroadsitieofl—75? , _ , the effort this W. bl“ the grass-

And what about Roger Harden? Did you mean it 9095'“? the Plight 0‘ farmers In hoppersaren’twaiting. ”There’s nothing left," rang the
when you said he could still wear Converse shoes? Boise, Idaho, “0‘” faced With," wall The , , , ominom words of potato and beet

. His father — the Converse representative — might 0‘ W that are hterally _ yre eating. They ’9 “”0"" farmer Steve Young. “The ground is
be pretty ticked ott if you didn’t. or course, he might “mowms ’ down fiekk . of prom- ms- And they have rotten table mn- bare. This will be the straw that
be ticked off anyway, but amid all the clamor it is Sources m“)? a'two-mile-Wide ar- ners. breaks the camel’s back for a num—
good to see there is still some taith in the “one man, made of the chirping little was . _ , berot'famers."
one shoe"systemofjustice. marching along at about 30 to 50 feet This kind of eruption of nature 8 . .

_ Fifty-five years is a long time, Eddie. Adolph Dada! my seem 3" We h": mod. '21: “g'u’duced “mm' m‘
Bupp, God rest his brown-suited soul, won four na- And these critters aren’t singing 323$; sztliled “WW ed To be driven out of business by a
tional championships while his teams wore the noble “MarchingtoPretoria.” the Chi ' Cubs could 1 bunch of grasshoppers With imatla-

. Converse. Even Joe Hall knew better than to mess . 93° nd filial: .59?!" ble munchies seems terribly cruel,
with the master plan for Wildcat footwear. Through _ The meets are even now 5.“? 3““ Toff”? a ,s ’“s a yetsomehow tragically majestic
thick and thin, victory and defeat. broken laces and "is acmss vegetation. cleaning it We“ "3 ”1““- Warsarelike that.
acrid odors,_Hallhungontothel3aron‘s contract. nmwmemd- After all, DIEM and miracles _ ' '

Maybe tlungs are different in Razorback country, “You can drive down the road and can happen even to the non-reli- Editorial Editor James A. Stoll is
but around here folks take their traditions pretty se- that in is just black covered gious. It's just that then they are a theater arts senior and a Kernel
riously. And disloyalty, whether to the boys in blue with 3“; I ,, fan'ner J ck “Hedrmmn columntrt.
or their traditional tennies, borders dangerously on . ' a

. . Harman said of the ravenous horde.
beingashootingoffense. “it looks like black ocean wave

We‘ll let it gothistime. lmfeetintothef‘ield ,,

But you've got people worried, Eddie. They’re ‘ I Y
thinking that if you have the gall to switch shoe com- Crop dusting is extremely fashion- The Ken” Wants ou
was. mfihbe yotu’re thinking of eggommrllatcal able in Idaho rigit now, so fashiona- '

nges. nex thing' you lmow, ts ' 8 ble in fact that the civilian lanes in
run-and-gun team like all those other college clubs, service cannot handle the i'iequegts, nekmwyxwé’mmfwff‘r'mm' .

- . Ifyoumaummwfiungedumlmlumforthkmldlhum,
insteadofusingahalf-cmn'tset—up-and-shoototfeme Andasfastasthefarmassprayw m Mine A (I dedlatdlothr don
likeGodintended. replanttheir' crops.thebugsrem "'7'” " fifwfl' "Mfm’ u M
This would at least generate some excitement. But andattack. of M" "be"! “M “m" of “but” _ o" W" y! W _
a basketball coach who refuses to mm!“ himself should bring a and: mlumn to II! Joumlbn binding and join a tradition
at . - . . “w ",9 ed three times our. thatrengesfmmgmmmmynflty.
before the altar of tradition for its own sake might e spray . , m m mm
easily go on to much greater trangressions. It’s not $30138, and they Just keep coming Seefm. 9:07,"
that UK has good reason to fear that it will soon “‘v Harmansaid. ”Hum" " .
have an “Eddie Sutton Wildcat Lodge." Those who Sllperbllgs"
are worried are wondering when they will be attend- ‘ Maybe.
inggamesinSuttonArena. I m mm W
By the way, we hear you‘re thinking of having 3 by m
midst" tar-smsfiwam ““y ‘wnff‘t‘iem' mm, WWW" 0...,
ins me y. ex - awn warm 7,
ready did that for Georgetown University. Around WJ ””96..me 5WUI7IR, mnégr
here. folks don‘t appreciatecominginsecond. M ...— mm '1 ”V- M new arm
As if that weren’t bad enough, you’re evai going to 1a m, ‘ , ummam will“; in“ ”My mat-o.
sharethemoney you get from Nike withsomeaca- I I ‘1 MWAMMW. ' g /
demic program. Good gracious. Eddie. are you try- w 1/, -,.. / 3’7 ; \ '- ‘ I
Whitey that leerningendathletiesansheiedtis " 'g :7 g -. . [,4 . . . E
University? For real? I‘ ,7 l 'g . ' v . ' . ' ‘ I. .7
Come on,now. Offtherecord. What'sthecatch? r-s ng 5.3“ %{ "v that R .' ’ 53‘ ' ‘ ' . fil
Don't forget, you said it yourself. UK is the No. l c: , L I ‘ 5 "r." " " .3" ,,-“. __- W (.9 :
coaching job in the country. You're in charge of the ! '-- g I i» ” ., . 6- w "'51":
winningestcollegebasketbnllprogreminthehiatmy . ' . g :. ' 1‘: . V
«new . ‘2 ' .‘a t .2 M
Alter all, if the UCLA Bruins hadn't stumbled into ‘ '
all those accidental champiomhips, the Cats \votild .
even have more NCAA trophies than any other x;% W _
acheol.Notth-t it "kneltmmtlnhflt my]. "ml." MM. WWW”
, Kentucky playerswereeervlngtheircotmtryln m5 mm, Mir! Wm ' p. "a” n,”
m~h,nflk¢mulifmgoldmboyl W' "M” m- MM-f M new.
You got itgood. Don'tblowit. m. \ w” / I no; | / _
lt'shardtofigure,Eddie.Hereyouareinthemid~ & \ / V /\
dleottheeportaeontrovenyottheyearendellyw \ "‘£ A I )/ ’V ’51.
eennyis“ltl'iinkitheabeenblownoutdpiwor- -/ ,x.’ "_ . Mia—T; f - (a - .. . o‘.‘ '
tlonabit." \\ ‘ V“ ".11 ”fr; . M _ ”if?“ ”it"; ..‘6
Say what? Whltklndofmcklatlllt7Whenit Mi / .j hat” 1‘ ' fife ~ 1‘ “affiliati- E
conteetotheKentiickybeeketbell.proportion—like .. . » 'av’ n. . .,..
puapective—iaefow-letterword. ““1" ’ ‘. . Sift-‘u‘. e $3.‘L‘u‘ . SWA‘II‘. ¢

 KENTUCKYKERNEL My, ””20, 1986-5 .
e e
ONurses School of J ournallsm receives grant

Continued from page one . . ‘
Hasley said these gifts represented the community‘s t t bl h w t .. p t g l

a m in
May to attend a nursing conference in Harrogate, En- Staftreports will enable the school to otter a Times Co. WHAS. Inc. and Stan- '
gland where Cataldo presented a paper. After the con- breadth of upper-level study that is dard Gravure Corp.. said “We are
ference, the roommates left W and went to Eu- The School of Journalism recently “kind of unusual" in a journalism especially pleased that the UK ~
rope, visiting Belgium, Antstu'danL Paris, Switzerland received a $50,000 endowment from school. School of Journalism recognizes the .
and were on a connecting flight from Athem, Greece to the Bingham Enterprises Founda- Lambeth said the arts and busi- need for a course that will train stu~
Rome when their plane was hijacked with more than tion which will be used to establish a ness courses will benefit students, dent journalists in coverage of the
100 Americans on board. There were a total of 145 pas- new course in arts criticism and re- the School of Journalism. the Uni- arts. We are happy to make that de-
sengers and eight crew members on the plane when it porting. versity. other UK departments and sireareality." '
was hijacked last Friday. Edmund Lambeth, director of the thecommunity. Lambeth said that over the past -

The two nurses were part of the third 81'0“? of hos— school, said the money will be in- He said one of the growing needs two years, the school has received
tages freed bythehijackers. vested and the interest will be used in the United States is the “need to about 5185.000 in private donations.

Both women said they had been advised not to speak to pay for a part-time instructor to have people interpret the arts." He He said this money. which has gone
about their hijackers or eonditjom on the plane until the teach thecan'seoncea year. said this need has come from the in- to fund courses. scholarships and
rest of the hostages had been released. And “The pas- “We‘re really trying to diversify creasing number of cities with their writing awards. represents “a
sengers all agree its best we don't talk about any of the and broaden the School of Journa- own acting groups. “The time has major new private source of money
events that happened on the plane until all the others lism," Lambeth said. He added that gone when New York. Chicago and for the first time.“
are free," Cataldo said. But she added that after the the Bingham endowment. coupled San Francisco controlled the nation-
hostage situation is over she