xt77d795b05x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77d795b05x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-07-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 19, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 19, 1990 1990 1990-07-19 2020 true xt77d795b05x section xt77d795b05x Vol. XCH. No.8 ' Established 1894 - Unwersny of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky - Independent smce 1971 ~ July 19, 1990 -NE WS Child care important step in fulfilling education reform... STORY,PAGE3 ~AF? TS Audience participation makes 'Rocky Horror’ SUCCESS”. REWEWLPAGEB "SPOR TS Shakespeare festival gives W’” 5 ”9" ”M a" UK students chance ‘to be II- t , Safieav'v, mes or not to be actors... SEEWW‘GESGII7 2 - Summer Kentucky Ksmal, Thursday, July 19, 1990 NEWS Keeneland gives $1 million equine gift By JO LYNN MATl'INGLY Contributing Writer The Keeneland Association do- nated $1 million to establish the Keeneland Professorship at UK’s Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Re- search Center. Keeneland Association Presi- dent William C. Greely presented a $200,000 check to UK interim President Charles Wethington Jr. July 12, with the remaining con- tribution to be paid over the next four years. “It gives me great pleasure to announce today Keeneland’s commitment of a $1 million gift to the University of Kentucky. The Gluck Center is the leader in its field, internationally known for its research, and we all intend to see this continued,” Greely said. “Today’s gift will strengthen the center’s ongoing efforts to attract and retain top scientists who are devoting their careers to research aimed at preserving and improv- “The Gluck Center is the leader in its field, internationally known for its research ...” William C. Greely — ing the equine species.” Keeneland's contribution, along with other private donations help improve not only the horse indus- try, but the state’s economy as well. “It is through private gifts such as these that the University of Kentucky is able to continue working to develop the research which leads to a healthier horse industry, which leads to a healthi- er economy in Kentucky,” Weth- ington said. Equine research on horse dis- eases is vital to Keeneland horse racing and benefits the industry worldwide, Greely said. “How many potentially great horses either never had the armor- tunity to race or had their racing careers cut short because funds were not available to conduct the research necessary to help these thoroughbreds race to their fullest capacity," Greely asked. The Gluck Center will begin an international search immediately to fill the professorship position, said Deborah Taylor, administra- tor of the UK Equine Research Foundation. “The position will be a tenured faculty position as a senior re- searcher in microbiology,” Taylor said. “The professor will receive the interest income from the $1 million as a supplement to his or her salary and as funding for per- sonnel or equipment needs.” Wethington said someone out- side UK likely will be appointed to the position. “It is my understanding that we have been able to remit a re- nowned biologist for the equine research program and that our in- terest now is turning toward a mi- crobiologist for a person to fill this position,” Wethington said. “We’d like to have the same class of renown in terms of microbiolo- gytoassistwiththeresearch in the Equine Research Center.” Keeneland has supported UK in the past, and the Keenehnd As- sociation was one of the first sig- nificant donors to the UK Equine Research Foundation when UK broke ground in 1985 for the Gluck Center. “The Keeneland Association continues to be a strong supporter of worthwhile efforts throughout Kentucky, particularly throughout Central Kentucky that do benefit a variety of worthwhile causes,” Wethington said. Funding for the $1 million con- tribution was derived from profits Keeneland acquires through rac- ing and sales and is directed through a charitable contributions program, Greely said. 335mm lllillll Ilrrwl ll Ilrlrilirl m . gill JML 11‘:>vv1‘;<53;j.‘;iyjir: I Hmi irirl iiillHIltliiiiitilririiirliirrriri 1/2 OFF All Summer Shorts and T-Shirls!!! . Umbro . Quicksilver . Gotcha . Nike . Sideout . G 8: S i ‘ I TI‘ i .l. L j: , ‘ I: IIliiilillIllllillllllillililllll unumuuu i .1; :i (ii iii: . i 255-5 I 25 Editor in Chief Tonia Wilt Executive Editor Gregory A. Hall Associate Editor Brian Jent Arts Editor Rhona Bowles Editorial Cartoonist Jerry Volgt Design Editor Ellzabeth C. Moore Photography Editor Andy Colllgno ‘~ $1M“ ask-are»... General Manager Mike Agln Production Manager Robin Jones Advertising Director Jeri Kuerzl Display Advertising (606) 257-2872 Classified Advertising (606) 257-2871 The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the acn‘lemic year and weekly during the summer session. Third-class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky 40511. Mailed subscription rates are $30 per year. Readers are encouraged to sulxnit letters and guest opinions to the Kentucky Kernel in person or by mail. Writers should address their comments to: Editorial Editor. Kentucky Kernel. 035 Journalism Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 405064012. Letters should be 350 words or less, while guest opm' ions' should be 850 words or less. We prefer all material to be type written and double-spaced. but other: are welcome if they are legible. Writer: must include their me, adrkesa. teleflione number and major clarification or correction with UK on all submitted material. ............. Cover Photo by Andy Collignon. — Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 19, 1990 - 3 Child care first step in fulfilling education reform By MYRNA MARCA Staff Writer A dedication ceremony Tues- day for the first Kentucky child- care research facility signaled an- other step toward fulfilling the state’s childhood education re- form. The Research and Development Center for School-Age Child Care and Early Childhood. which opened in January, fulfills a re- quirement of the state’s 1990 edu- cation reform bill calling for a family resource center. The center will train people to organize school-age child care programs throughout the state and will be used for in-depth research of child development. Chancellor for the Lexington Campus Robert Hemenway said the center is “a good example of the way that a university can actu- ally have a meaningful impact on real people.” “It demonstrates the way the University can share its expertise and its resources with the people of the commonwealth,” Hemen- way said. “Any university should be in a Program to make people By REBECCA MULLINS Contributing Writer Need a lift? Forget drugs like alcohol and smoking. To feel truly stimulated a healthy routine will dictate “whether a person is healthy or happy,” said Tim Dunnagan. di- rector of the UK Wellness Pro- gram. The UK Wellness Program helps people create an exercise and nutritional routine by offering life improvement classes to UK employees and the community. “People look at things through a McDonald's coffee cup. (The Wellness Program) will help them look at things thorough a larger dimension," Dunnagan said. The program. which is open to all employees, was founded at UK four months ago because the Uni- versity. Dunnagan said. wanted an equal opportunity social program on campus. The Hilary 1. Boone faculty club on the corner of Rose Street and Columbia Avenue raised questions about discrimination among employees in campus fa- cilities in 1988. “UK began the program as an employee benefit to offer (qmli- ty)programsatlittletonocostto employees." Dunnagan said. All position where it’s sharing its ex- pertise, it’s utilizing its knowl- edge to make a difference in soci- ety, and I think that’s the impulse behind this kind of program I think we should be proud of it.” The center also will be the fo- cus of research and development activities in Kentucky, said Kim Townley, director of the Early Childhood Laboratory. “We do training for students, as well as people who are already working in the field, for them to receive additional training," Townley said. The program also will help working parents, said Dean of the College of Home Economics Peg- gy Meszaros. “What with the increasing mothers and fathers working out~ side of home, the child is unsuper- vised,” Meszaros said. “A school- age child care program would be able to fill this gap.” A day care center only provides custodial care. but a school-age child care program provides a “se- cure environment where children can continue their education in- stead of staying at home unsuper- vised,” Meszaros said. other participants pay $15 a se- mester to be involved in the pro- gram. Aquatic and aerobic classes, which are taught on North and South campus, are some of the programs offered. “(The program is) a quality op- eration with quality people, with nutritional programs offered by an R.D.. (registered dietician)." Dun- nagan said. If a person smokes or drinks. a Lifestyle Assessment Question- naire is offered which shows someone’s risk of dying of a heart attack, lung cancer and cirrhosis of the liver while giving future health hints such as bringing blood pressure under control. quitting smoking and avoiding large doses of Vitamin A, nicotin- amide (a B vitamin) and iron. The questionnaire is a confiden- tial health risk appraisal reviewed by the National Wellness Institute Inc.. headquarters for the UK pro- gram and several other similar programs in the public and private sectors of the United States in the last 10 years. The institute predicts life expec- tancies as well. The UK Wellness Program is defined as “testing and evalua- tion. coordination and develop- ment. cross fertilization. market- ing and quality,” said Dunnagan. who has organized different The program will be open to children before and after school. Townley said she wants the center to coordinate programs that meet the three major issues of child care: affordability, availabil- ity and quality. The center is funded by the Kentucky Department of Educa- tion and the Cabinet for Human Resources. UK furnishes the fa- culty and the building. Members of the Department of Education, the Cabinet for Human Resources and University faculty and officials helped build the cen- ter. The center will work with the Department of Education to train teachers and help school districrs develop quality programs for 4- year-olds. The center also will work with the Cabinet for Human Resources to help the state and school dis- tricts establish family resource centers. “It has been doing very well and it kind of coordinates the school-age child care efforts through the University, the De- partment of Education and the Cabinet for Human Resources," , / , x / \ K . s j. / a ANDY COLUGMWKUW Staff The Research and Development Center for School-Age Child Care and Early Childhood is a model institution for all parts of Kentucky. Townley said. “Everything is working together." The center provides statewide training in several workshops throughout the year in nrral and urban areas. About 250 people are trained each year. No research has been done be- cause the center opened in Janu- ary. But Townley said she looks for- ward to researching the compari- son between children who have been in a school-age child care program and children who have stayed home alone. Grades, retention, social skills and child development will be major factors considered in the re- search. feel good by exercise, proper diet branches of the program. Fitness. nutrition, medical care. substance abuse, safety, health benefits and life management are all eligible classes open to those involved in next semester’s activi- ties. At the end of July. the program will begin testing for fitness class- es. There will be 12 exercise classes offered in the fall with heavy enrollment expected this winter. The program will be pro- vided to all sectors of the Univer- sity, including the Albert E. Chandler Medical. 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A press release from Rep. Larry Hopkins, R-Sixth District, which includes UK, said that about half of the appropriation for higher ed— ucation this year covers student loan defaults. Students lobby against cuts “There are bad apples who are tarnishing a good program,” Hop- kins said in the release. John Elder, the governmental affairs coordinator for the board of Kentucky student body presi- dents, said the meeting with Hop- kins was encouraging because it showed “that students can make a difference.” Although Congress will not re- consider the act until early 1991, Lohrnan said the act already has generated discussion on Capitol Hill. “They said it was of great con- cern for them,” Lohman said. “ (The Kentucky congressional) delegation is very education- oriented." Lohman said that students plan to lobby are the House Education and Appropriations committees. Rep. Chris Perkins, D-Sevemh, is a member of the Education Store Hours Sun-Thurs 10 am -10 pm Fri—IO am - Midnight Sat. 9 am - Midnight OOOOOOOOOOO Movre Warehouse Chevy Chase 722 Euclid Ave. Imington, K\ 40502 (606) 269-6605 Sunday, Monday, 8: Tuesday... Two day rentals for one days price. We hold films until 7:30 pm ’Rcservations-Call ahead and have your favorite film heldl‘ Look at all we offer! We are much more than a video rental store. OOOOOOOOOOO IRLL \‘ILMBLRSIIII’- mum. .. is . OOOQOOOOOOOQUUOOOUOO‘ ( FRIDAY and SATURDAY \ ONLY Rent 2 N intendos and keep them for 2 days. 3 i Must present coupon J O . . . 0 Senior Citizen discount of 10%. O O 8 Receive Free Rental 9 o On Your Birthday!!! 0 O O 0 All films are due back the next day by 7 pm. 8 Please bring your membership card with you 0 when renting. it makes renting your favorite film 0 faster and easier for you. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Committee and Rep. William Natcher, D-Second, chairs the Ap- propriations Committee. Lohman said that students hope to testify at those committees with the help of the Kentucky delega- tion. Mike Alexander of Murray State University also attended. The students met with Hopkins. Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers. R- Fifth, and Carroll Hubbard, D- First. “We have some really good contacts,” Lohman said. “We’re going to take any lead we can get right now." One option being discussed for improving the default rate is link- ing the loans to military service, which Lohman opposes. Another possibility is tying the loans to taxes, which Lohman said he has not decided on yet. CINEMARK THEATRES Adults \) (it) fi'?‘ ( hildvi u ll and undt'r g and Senior ( Ilizt na \ 5 ()I) MOVIES 8 LtXINblONf GREEN PRETTYWMN mm- new . g. 12100-2220- 4:40—7:10—9135 THX 2 MAW sEALs mm...» E 1215-225500—725-t55-1255 11:45 2:15 4501:2001» 12:10 Ul'a SDI-o <22; : ARACHNOPHOBM In Ulla Shoo P043 ': 1 no pasta. no «Qua-van : 1220:3046-70642o11s5 ' GRE'J'B! mm . 52091012315 anlraStarso : JUNOLEBOOKmm-Mmum G ' l11501130-32457t40 humane-j: oar ' I l:35—2zl0—4145-7tm-10205-l2z35 HARD 2 DE HARDER TNX _ I l:30—2:00«4:80—7215—9:50- I2230 n ham-now- i JUNGLEIOOKMM'wwv 0 ’ n:so-t:so-s:so—am lam-$.00 Mfiw r «owes. 2:“) 2: ‘5 5157‘! 10:” MM mun "to “Remain-nun unw- l2: I0—2: 25-4: 35-7. 05-9z25- ll: 45. . .42 ,momnwmx- ‘3' mosroao n ‘ INN-SNSHOJIOOIO-Hzlo ”m“ ' I 10:10 LIATINEES DAiLY EARLY BIRD SPECIAL EXTRA LARGE EFFICIENCY CENTRAL AIR EAT-IN KITCHEN . SPACIOUS BATH 1 BLOCK FROM UK $260. - 276-1024 FACT: Today abortion is a safe, simple procedure. At EMW Women's Clinic we know that one of your primary concerns with having an abortion is safety. That's why we wanted you to know that a first trimata abortion is one of the safest surgical procedures performed in America today. As safe as a penicillin shot. Safer than a tonsillectomy. And four times safer than childbirth. And because the decision to have an abortion is never an easy one, EMW has specially trained counselors to discuss alternatives and offer support and reassurance without pressure. Abortion and otha women’s services are performed by physidans in EMW’s safe and private clinic. WW Women's Clinic 161 Burt Road moan — Phone answered 24 hours a day. The facts on abortion from EMW because you have a right to know. Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 19, 1990 - 5 Professor first at UK named MacArthur Fellow By JO LYNN MATTINGLY Contributing Writer English professor Guy Mattison Davenpat, Jr. became the first UK imtructor to be named one of 36 MacArthur Fellows, Tuesday. Davenport received the $365,0(X) grant with no strings at- tached from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Founda- tron. The professor. who has been honored numerous times through- out his career, was surprised when he heard the news. In order to re- ceive a MacArthur Fellowship, a person must be nominated to the Foundation by one of 100 desig- nated nominators. “Wednesday or Thursday, I was reading a lecture. The phone rang and they told me I had won a MacArthur Foundation,” said Davenport, who has authored over 30 books. "There was absolutely silence from my end of the Davenport said that he did not know how he was going to use the grant, which will be distribut- ed over a five-year period, but he will consult Chancellor for the Lexington Campus Robert He- menway. “I haven’t made up my mind," Davenport said. “My understand- ing from the the department peo- ple is that I’ve been given ulti- mate responsibility.” The MacArthur Foundation named Fellows in the fields of the arts, human rights, media studies, population studies, rural and ur- ban community development, lit- erature, dance, film, illustration, computer programming, astrono- my, mathematics. biological sci- ence and teacher education. “By supporting these fellows, highly talented individuals work— ing in a wide range of fields, the foundation means to honor crea— tive persons everywhere,” said MacArthur Foundation President Adele Simmons in a release. Davenport has written 15 books of short stories, essays and trans— lations of Greek poetry since the mid—1970s. His works include The Geography of the Imagina- tion, a book of essays, and A Bal- thus Notebook. a work of art criti- cism. He also received the Rhodes Scholar award in 1948, A&S Dis- tinguished Professor in 1977-78 and the William B. Sturgill Award for Graduate Teaching in 1989. Information for (his story also was gathered by Associate Editor Brian Jeni. Johnson Continued from page 4 writing,” Johnson said. Although he has opinions. about his works, Johnson said that his writing must be balanced. “I respect and value the need for being able to look at some- thing as objectively as possible," Johnson said. Balanced writing can make a project frustrating, Johnson said. “It depends on what day you ask me,” Johnson said. Occasion- ally he asks, “Does it really matter if I say ‘an‘ or ‘the’? There are days when it is really tedious.” But Johnson said that the paper is also “exciting.” “You're writing at sort of a dif- ferent level of creativity." John- son said. He is the first author and pri- mary researcher of the paper, while Taub, who now is at South- ern Illinois University, checks the sociological points of the paper. The paper calls for serious stud- ies of satanism and provides some preliminary definitions of the de- viant behavior. The two also as- sert that the mass media looks at satanism in a sensational manner, while academia has yet to serious- ly look at it. "The media has gone beyond ’ include’ “assisdng faculty in .- :Swirt's'mdaie job also will helping One another.” He cited a math program de veloped' at UK that provides a different way to teach calculus. The reetmmendatiort will be votedonbytheBoardomes~ the things that are proven," John- son said. But at the same time academia has yet to do responsible research on the subject, he said. The paper sociologically defines some types of satanism in order to help future research of the subject. The paper defines the satanic establishment as organizations “that receive a degree of social ac- ceptance." CHEVY CHASE COIN LAUNDRY A Whiteway Laundry (UK‘s favorite Coin Laundry) Open 8 am. to 10 pm. Daily Conveniently Located in Chevy Chase Make your Advertising Cost-Efficient Advertise with The Kernel Fazgiaft Monday 9 pm - Close Tuesday Wednesday 10pm -Close 10pm ~1 am Thursday 8 pm - Close Friday 4 pm — 7 pm Saturday 8 pm - Close FINE FOOD & SPIRITS $1. Longnccks & $2.75 Big Kahunas TRIVIA Late night Happy Hour Ladies Night 2 for 1 W011 Drinks Happy Hour $1.5(15hotsul lagcrineistcr Rumplt‘minl/ r---- Large ' Pepperoni 919 S. Limestone 252-8822 Any way you want it... we’ve got it! All- You-Can- Eat Buffet - Drop on Service - Clean Modem Facilities - Change Available $499 I I Dine-in or Carry-out. I Monday& Tuesday only I I Exp 8—31-90 @J - Soap and Vending Supplies - Clean Modern Equipment l - Attendant Always on Duty I . Air Conditioned tor Your Comfort I $299 Open- Close L.Exp 8 31- 90 315 S. Ashland Ave. 266-5721 6 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 19, 1990 By RHONA BOWLES Arts Editor After last season's Shakespeare in the Park Festival production. many believed that Woodland Park would be dark this summer’s evenings. The festival closed last year with a $13,000 deficit, according to Ex- ecutive Director Richard Valen- tine, who retnmed to Lexington a year ago as full-time executive di- rector of the Lexington Musical Theatre. But the retum of Valentine and financial help from Lexington Mayor Scotty Baesler’s office has re-invigorated the festival — even if its actors are starving a little bit this summer. Earlier this season, Valentine met with the budget committee of the Shakespeare Festival Commis~ sion and “came up with a worka~ ble budget for this year." “The good news is the mayor identified it (the festival) as a parks program," Valentine said. In the past the festival had prob lems with funding because it was not under the city’s parks budget nor was it eligible for Lexington Arts and Cultural Council funds. “Now the mayor will match a “With Shakespeare in the Park, (audiences) get good shows and good actors for free.” — Bill Caise, a UK theater and psychology senior and director of Love’s Labor's Lost dollar for nightly sponsors and a $1.50 for fund-raising" the festival completes on their own, Valentine said. The Shakespeare Festival Com- mission held fund-raising events this year such as a showing of the film version of “Henry V" at Lex- ington Green and an evening at Comedy on Broadway. The commission will begin rais- ing money for the 1991 season im- mediately after this year‘s festival, “while it is still on everyone’s mind,” Valentine said. With a budget reduction, howev- er, has come lower salaries for fes- tival participants. Actors and direc- tors have mixed thoughts on the decrease in pay. Clay Watkins, director of King Henry V and an actor in two of last year's productions, said “a lot of my friends didn‘t audition because of (low salaries).” But Watkins said that he sees the cuts as positive in the long run be- cause the commission is “trying to get into a position where they can pay actors more money" in the fu- ture. Leading actors were paid $500 for the summer last year. This year all actors are paid $100. Some professional actors refused to audition because of salary cuts, but Watkins said he was “glad to see some (less-experienced) actors get a chance to get some experience and show they ’re good.” “There‘s all kinds of talent in Lexington," he said. “And not just in the core" of experienced actors. Andrea Polites, director of God- spell, one of the productions, said she has seen “no problem” with the salary cuts. “I‘ve had an enthusiastic group,” she said. “It hasn’t affected us mo- rale-wise.” Ron Coldwell, a UK music jun- ior who plays a disciple in God- spell, said that he would “do it for free, just for the chance to perform in front of a crowd. " Despite being paid less money, several participants said that they enjoy experiences with Shake- speare in the Park. “We have good energy, people working together and they're hav- ing fun," said Watkins. who gradu- ated from the American Academy of Dramatic Ans in New York City. It’s the community spirit that matters, Watkins said. “I worked for several years at New York Shakespeare Festival and we will never be as good as New York,” he said. New York Shakespeare directors have the financial resources to cast big-name actors like Al Pacino, Watkins said, “but we can get ac- tors from the community and for the community." Bill Caise, a UK theater and psy- chology senior and director of Love’s Labor’s Lost, said that the community involvement is impor- tant. “With Shakespeare in the Park, (audiences) get good shows and good actors for free," he said. a The actors in Shakespeare's lam Henry V look at their ecrbts one last time during the dress rehearsal. King Henry Vcan be seen July 20, 25. 28, Aug. 2 and 5 at Woodland Park. By RHONA BOWLES Arts Editor Ron Coldwell did not plan to au- dition for Shakespeare in the Park this year. Coldwell, a UK music junior from Lexington, was cast for Godspell by chance. “I went to auditions with a friend. A guy was singing, and I said, ‘I can do that,” he said. So that day he auditioned. Coldwell is one of many stu- dents who are involved in Lexing- ton’s annual Shakespeare in the Park Festival at Woodland Park. From directors to technicians to actors. UK students benefit from the experience. “It will help me in the future job market," Coldwell said. “Helps me communicate with people 1 don’t know.” Bill Caise, a UK theater and psy- chology senior and director of Love’s Labor’s Lost, said that he enjoys the challenges of working with actors. “If, as a director, I can get actors to get in touch with real emotions, I’ve done my job," he said. Caise, who has acted with Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 19, 1990 -7 ‘Summer of our discontent made glorious’ by Shakespeare Budget cuts give actors chance at stardom ' Student making plays successful i s VAKESPEARE IN THE PARK ”Gadspeilfdireetedjby Andrea Polites, is a musical inlets apretatidrtiotf the Gospel According to St. Matthew. The Fes~ " f’zivalfsonlyj5nort28hakespeare production. it was first pro» "dissectgeithaurmeezsetestn the early 1970s. July 18. 21. zwmma Lave‘evtebofieieetdirected by Bill Caise, is a story at to" menwho‘attertaklnganoath sweanngott women. meet aI-b‘eautitulprinoess and her three ladies. They try to 991};¢ut;§l~.ll'i€:oattn'July.:19,.22, 27, Aug. 1 and 4. g - w rang Henry the Fifth. directed by Clay Watkins. is a war .2 story about the land disputes between the English king and {3, jiheeotmtryot France- July 20, 25, 28. Aug. 2 and 5. Shakespeare in the Park, said he hopes the experiences will help him with film school. Some students participate just because they enjoy summer thea- i l H070. IV NOV Warhol a TOP: Hope Hartman, who plays Jamenetta, and Alan Nickell, who plays Costard. rehearse their lines together during dress rehearsal tor Love's Labor's Lost. Lea: Baseline, one oi the Princess ot France's attendants, is played by Lauren Lovelace in Love 's La- bor's Lost. mommartotKIngHenryV's oompanymmthrouohaeeenemmgdressrehearsal. “Acting is something i enjoy do— ing, especially outdoors," said Kip Bowmar, a UK senior and cast member of Love ‘5 Labor's Lost. Bowmar also said that Shake- speare in the Park is a valuable ex- perience for local actors because “you don’t find much Shakespeare in other Lexington theater groups.“ “The students have been fortu- nate to do this during summer“ when they aren't in school, said Andrea Polites, director of God- spell. “To get out into the commu— nity and work will be beneficial." Rehearsals are hard work, and Godspell is a musical that requires all 10 cast members to be on stage atall times. “It‘s good having just to people work good together, and as soon as they‘re on stage, they stay on the same time," Politcs said. “They (the cast) have become a close-knit group." Bowmar said that meeting and working with new people also is something that attracts him to the Shakespeare Festival. “The casts are big. and you make a lot of new friends during summer rehearsals," he said. The Shakespeare in the Park Fes- tival opened last night at Woodland Park. It runs Wednesdays through Sundays for the next three weeks in this order: Godspell. Love's La- bor's Lost and Henry V. Pre-show entertainment is at 8:15 pm. show- tirncis at 8:45 pm. Many bring a blanket or chair to sit on during the performance. 8 - Summer Kentucky Kamal, Thursday, July 19, 1990 IIVERSIONS ‘Rocky’ pleasurable for audience as well as actors By RHONA BOWLES Arts Editor “There is nothing wrong with giving yourself a little pleasure," said Dr. Frank N. Furter during the Actor Guild of Lexington’s opening of “The Rocky Horror Show” last week. “There is in Kentucky," shout- ed Jeff Fighatrnaster from the au- dience. Fighatmaster, surprisingly not a member of the cast, has seen the movie 50 times and threw in well-timed remarks dur- ing the performance. Audience repartees always have been part of “The Rocky Horror Show,” a 1974 English play. Despite his clever quips, Fig- hatrnaster was not the star attrac- tion of Thursday night's perfor- mance at ArtsPlace and produced by Actor's Guild. It is difficult. GRADUATE SCHOOL DOCTORAL DISSERTATION DEFENSES NAME: Charles C. Yeomans PROGRAM: Mathematits Finite and Local Fields" DATE: July 25, 1990 TIME: 1:00 P. M. TITLE OF DISSERTATION: "Quintic Forms over MAJOR PROFESSOR Dr. David Leep PLACE: 845 Patterson Office Tower TIME: 91X) A. M. NAME: Sharon L. Sheahan PROGRAM: Sociology TITLE OF DISSERTATION: ”Stras, Coping, and Smoking Among College Studaits" MAJOR PROFBSOR: Dr. Thomas Garrity DATE: July 25, 1990 PLAG: 1545 Patterson Office Tower PROGRAM: Sociology Administration" DATE: July 20,1990 TIME: 10:00 AM. NAME: Constance L. Hardesty TITLE OF DISSERTATION: "Rates of Career Mobility Among Women and Men in University MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. Janet L Bokemeier PLACE: 1545 Patterson Office Tower Horton Foote" NAME" Rebecca L. Briley ‘ PROGRAM: English ‘ TITLE OF DISSERTATION: "You Can Go Home ’ Again: The Focus on Family in the Works of MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. Joseph Bryant DATE: July 27, 1990 PLACE: 1345 Patterson Office Tower TIME: 1000 A. M. of