xt77h41jhp7b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jhp7b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19631024 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-10-aug24. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-10-aug24. 1963 2011 true xt77h41jhp7b section xt77h41jhp7b Minutes of the Recessed Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, August 24, 963. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the President's Office on the campus of the Unive rsitV of Kentucky at 10:55 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, on Saturday, August 24, 1963: pursuant to recess and adjourn- ment from the statutory meeting held pursuant to KRS 164. 170 on June 4, 1963. The following members were present: Governor Bert T. Combs, Chairman, Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Vice Chairman, Judge James A. Sutherland, Secretary, Dr. R. W. Bushart, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr, Sam Ezelle, Mr. Robert Hillen- meyer, Dr. H. B. Murray, Mr. Gilbert Kingsbury, Mr. Clifford E. Smith, Mr. Floyd Wright, and Dr. Lewis Cochran and Professor Paul Oberst, non- voting faculty representatives. Absent were: Mr. Emerson Beauchamp, Mr. Wendell P. Butle r, M r. Smith B roadbent, and Mr . W. F. Foste r. Dr. A, D. Albright, Interim President, was also present. A, Meeting Opened It having been determined that a quorum was present, Governor Combs called the meeting to order and asked Judge James A. Sutherland to pronounce the invocation, B. Minutes Corrected and Approved Mr. Smith indicated that he had reviewed the Minutes of the June 4, 1963 meeting of the Board of Trustees and in order that it might be shown clearly what action was taken, he made a motion that the Minute.s of the June 4, 1963 meeting be approved with the clarification that since the motion to adjourn which had been made prior to the presentation by the campus planners did not have a second, the motion that the meeting be recessed to reconvene on the call of the Governor represented the official action taken at that time. On second, Mr. Smith's motion that the Minutes of the June 4, 1963 meeting be approved with the above clarification was passed. C. Professor Oberst Sworn in Governor Ccmbs welcomed Professor Paul Oberst, the newly elected faculty representative on the Board, and administered the oath of office. D, Report on Investments Dr. Albright reported u investments and indicated that funds from a number of small accounts had been consolidated and placed in short term invest- ments, included as follows: 2 Schedule of Securities Coupon Income, Securities Removed and Securities Added Safety Deposit Box University of Kentucky Schedule of Security Coupon Income Amount General fund income Restricted fund income Endowment fund income Student Loan fund income Agency fund income $ 1,475.00 33, 590. 02 840.00 662. 50 Z87. 50 Totai Investment Income Kentucky Research Foundation General fund income Restricted fund income Endowment fund income $ 36,855.02 $ 462.50 162. 50 818. 75 Total Investment Income Athletic Association Total Investment Income $ 1, 443.75 $, 1,875.00 University of Kentucky Schedule of Securities Removed Numbers U. of Ky. Dorm. Revenue Bonds U. of Ky. Library & Service Bldg. Bonds U. of Ky. Auditorium Field House Bonds U. of Ky. Certificate of Investment in Owensboro- Daviess County Industrial Foundation Savings & Loan Certificates: New Union Bldg. Ass ociation Louisville Home Federal Savings Schedule of Securities Added University of Kentuky Issuin Company Ashland Oil Company Lexington Water Company Kentucky Utilities Company - Preferred Great Northern Railway Company 70-74 313-317 526 -530 252 2043 20552 Numbe r 58 16 6 16 $ 5, 00000 5, 000.00 5, 000. 0u 1, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 10, 000.00 Par Value .P 3 Issuing Company Number. Par Value General Motors Corporation 6 AmericanrWater Works Company 30 Pennsylvania Gas and 'Water Company (Formerly Scranton Spring Brook Water Service Co.) 12 Ohio Water Service Company 8 Sperry Rand Corporation 100 Sperry Rand Corporation 100 Sperry Rand Corporation 20 Southern Gas and Water Company (Formerly W. Va. Water Ser. Co.) 22 Southern Gas and Water Company (Formerly W. Va. Water Company) 5 Louisville Gas and Electric Company 56 American Tobacco Company 100 American Tobacco Company 80 Bethlehem Steel Corporation 18 Kentucky Utilities - Preferred 79 Liggett and Meyers Tobacco Company 18 Louisville Gas and. Electric Company-Preferred 100 Louisville Gas and Electric Company-Preferred 73 McKesson and Robbins 93 Standard Oil of California 90 Standard Oil of California 36 Standard Oil Company - New Jersey 36 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company 100 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company 50 Texas Gas Transmission Corporation 93 Bonds: Houston Corporation 1 $ 6, 000.00 Houston Corporation 8 100.00 Pas sbook: Farmers Bank and Capital Trust Company 1, 000, 000.00 Kentucky Research Foundation Notes of L. Marion Oliver for Battlefield Stock Farm 3 25, 000.00 Standard Oil of New Jersey 4 100.00 Kentucky Utilities 4 100.00 Thomas Poe Cooper Agricultural Foundation Standard Oil of New Jersey a' I 100. 00 a , Schedule of Investments Made by the University of Kentucky Restricted Funds Amount Group Investment - G. M.A. C. Notes Farmers Bank and Capital Trust Medical Fund Athletic Association $ 100, 000.00 1, 000,000.00 175, 000.00 100, 000. 00 Schedule of Investments Made by Trustee Farmers Bank and Capital Trust Company U. of Ky. Housing Bonds of 1960 Haggin Hall Bonds -Shawneetown Apts. Holmes Hall Keeneland Hall Donovan Hall Blazer Hall Total First Security National Bank and Trust Company Community Colleges Educational Bldg. Consolidated Educational Bldgs. -Series B Total 18, 80, 129, 51, 35, 61, 80, 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 $ 454,000.00 $ 57, 000.00 403,4:31. 15 $ 460,431.15 Investment to be Made August 26, 1963 Bank. of Commerce Restricted Funds $ 100, 000. 00 The above investments for the most part carry 4% return, with the GMAC notes carrying 3 5/8%. Dr. Albright recommended ratification of the investments made and authorization for a $100, 000 investment to be made on August 26, 1963, and on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, his recom- mendation was approved. 4 5 E. Agreement with the Methodist Hospital in Henderson, Inc. Dr. Albright presented an agreement with the Methodist Hospital in Henderson, Inc., relative to their cooperation in the implementation of education for nursing. The hospital will serve as the clinical laboratory for College of Nursing students and the College of Nursing faculty will provide the necessary instruction and supervision of its students. The agreement is the same which has been executed with all affiliated hospitals and no financial transactions are involved. On motion by Dr. Denham, duly seconded and carried, approval was given to the agreement with the Methodist Hospital in Henderson, Inc. F. Basic Agreement with United States Air Force The United States Air Force has requested the University of Kentucky to enter into a Basic Agreement which is a written instrument of understanding executed between a procuring activity and a contractor which sets forth the negotiated contract clauses which will be applicable to future negotiated pro- curements entered into between the parties during the term of the Basic Agtee- ment. It is not a contract in the legal sense but is a memorandum setting forth the general provisions which have been agreed upon by the parties for applica- tion in future contracts. The execution of the Basic Agreement will not affect contracts already in force, On the recommendation of Dr. Albright, motion was made, seconded, and carried that the University of Kentucky enter into a Basic Agreement with the United States Air Force. G. Easement with General Telephone Company The General Telephone Company has requested an easement involving a 10-foot strip of land adjacent and parallel to Ramp "B" at intersection of Newtown Road and I-64 and I-75 on Coldstream Farm for buried cable and pedestals. The grantee has agreed to use all reasonable precautions to protect any trees flat may be encountered on said easement, Dr. Albright indicated that since the usual clause "for the use and benefit of the University of Kentucky" does not appear in the title to Coldstream Farm, granting of the easement must be made by state officials but it was felt desirable to have the approval of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky prior to approval. On motion by Dr. Murray, duly seconded and carried, University adminis- trative officials were authorized to recommend approval of the easement requested by the General Telephone Company to the proper state officials. 6 H. Easement with Russell Cave Road Water District The Russell Ca-ve Road Water District has requested an easement on Coldstream Farm covering a 10-fcot strip of land in order to lay, maintain, operate, remove, repair and replace a pipe line or lines. The grantee agrees that the line shall be constructed and maintained below cultivation and will pay for all damages to crops, buildings, livestock, fences and private roadways resulting from its construction. On motion by Dr. Angelucci, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and carried, University officials were authorized to recommend to the proper state officials the approval of this easement with the Russell Cave Road Water District. I. Fee Change Authorized for Engineering Cooperative Work Assignment Program On April 1, 1952, the Board of Trustees approved a registration fee of $5. 00 per semester for students carrying out their Engineering Cooperative work assignment away from the campus. Dean Shaver has requested that this fee be changed to an amount equivalent to that charged for one credit of academic work effective with the fall semester 1963-64. On motion and second, approval was given to the change in fee for the Engineering Cooperative work assignment program. J. Part-time Fee for Nursery School Approved Nursery School participation for 4-year olds is particularly heavy this year arid, since the maximum capacity at present is fourteen children in a session, it is felt desirable that a plan be worked out whereby some of the children could attend on a half-time basis. Such an arrangement would permit handling seven- teen children rather than fourteen. The recommended fee for the half-time students is $15. 00 for the semester, such fee to become effective with the fall semester 1963b64. On motion duly made. seconded and carried, approval was given to a fee of $15. 00 a semester for children enrolling in the Nursery School on[a half- time basis. K. Approval of Budget Adjustments Dr. Albright requested approval of the transfer of $2, 304.38 from unap- propriated funds to Account 740, Cc1lege of Commerce Instruction, tolcover fees for the College Business Management Institute which were collected and credited to Realized Income. The amount was not included ialL the budget estimated income. 7 Dr. Albright alsc requested that the $7 5, 000 which the University had agreed to allocate to the construction of the Alumni Building on Euclid Avenue and Rose Street be transferred from Account 3410, Capital Outlay, to the Alumni Building Acccunt. On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded, and carried, the transfers of $2, 304. 38 to College of Commerce Instruction Account and $75, 000 to Alumni Association Building Account were approved. L. Memberships in Graduate Faculty Approved Upon the nomination of the Graduate Council, the Board of Trustees on motion by Dr. Angelucci, seconded by Judge Sutherland, and carried approved membership in the Graduate Faculty for the following persons: John Ja rnefelt - Associate Professor of Pharmacology S. Sidney Ulmer - Professor and Head, Department of Political Science Melvin De Fleur - Professor of Sociology James F. Thorpe - Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering M. Approval of Consultative Services Dr. Mark M. Luckens, College of Pharmacy, has requested permission to become a consultant to the Division of Pediatrics of the Children's Hospital in Louisville. This will involve an appointment to the Medical School of the University of Louisville but no salary or fees will be paid. Travel and telephone expense will be borne by the D`ivision of Pediatrics. On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded, and carried approval for Dr. Mark Luckens to become a consultant to the Division of Pediatrics of the Children's Hospital in Louisville with the understanding that his consultative services would in no way interfere with his regularly scheduled University duties was granted. N. Approval of Temporary Appointment of Mrs. Mary Alice Kraehe Dr. Lawrence Thompscn has recommended the appointment on a temporary basis of Mrs. Mary Alice Kraehe as a part-time assistant in the Acquisitions Department of the University Library. Since Dr. Kraehe is a professor in the Department of History, approval of the Board of Trustees is necessary under the nepotism clause of the Gcverning Regulations. Dr. Albright recommended approval of the appointment of Mrs. Kraehe and on motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded and carried, Mrs. Kraehe's appointment was confirmed, 8 0. Approval of Agreement with Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity Since Zeta Beta Tau withdrew from the loan agreement with HHFA for the financing of four small dormitories, Phi'Kappa Tau has requested that they be permitted to enter into an agreement with the University for the construction of a fraternity house. They have also requested that the loan agreement be in the amount of $160, 000 rather than the $150, 000 specified for Zeta Beta Tau and that the firm of Meriwether, Marye, and Bond be approved as the architects since prior planning has already been done with this firm. Upon the recommendation of Dr. Albright, Dr. Angelucci moved that the administrative officers of the University work out the modifications to the loan agreement with HHFA to cover the additional $10, 000 requested and that Meri- wether, Marye, and Bond be approved as the architects for the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity house, and that the usual agreements be worked out with the Phi Kappa Tau House Corporation. The motion was seconded and carried. P. Organization of Pathology in the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry Approved. Dr. Alhright presented the following recommendations from Dr-Killard relative to the organization of Pathology in the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry: 1. That the Department of Pathology in the College of Medicine be recognized officially as the Department of Pathology in the College of Dentistry; 2. That the Division of Legal Med-icine and Toxicology within the Depart- ment of Pathology be recognized in the College of Dentistry as a divi- sion of the Department of Pathology under the title, Division of Legal Dentistry and Toxicology. Dr. Albright indicated his concurrence in Dr. Willard's recommendations and on motion by Dr. Angelucci, seconded and carried, approval was given. Q. President Oswald Named Professor of Plant Pathology With the concurrence of Dr. Richard A. Chapman and Dean Stanley Wall, Dr. Albright recommended to the Board of Trustees that President John W. Oswald's appointment as President cf the University of Kentucky alivo include his appointment as Professor of Plant Pathology. On motion by Mr. Ezelle, seconded and carried, Dr. John W. Oswald was approved as Professor of Plant Pathology. 9 R. Gifts and Grants Dr. Albright presented the following list of gifts for acceptarne by the Board of Trustees, calling particular attention tothe gifts from Mrs. Frank G. Dickey and from the Fischer Packing Company: Donor An Mrs. Frank G. Dickey $ Hinkle Contracting Corp. Ralston Purina Company Mrs. Emma R. Duncan International Nickel Company Williamson Piggly Wiggly, Inc. Commercial Solvents Corp. The Babcock & Wilcox Co. Ladies Auxiliary, BPOE 206., Henderson Methodist Hospital Auxiliary, Henderson Henderson County Lions Club Foundry Educational Foundation Moorman Manufacturing Co. Eli Lilly and Company Dr. Herbert Sorenson The Sperry and Hutchinson Co. The Carrier Foundation, Inc. Anonymous Klarer of Kentucky $1 Other Gifts *Fischer Packing Ccmpany .nount or Value 2, 000. O0 200. 00 500. 00 1, 500,00 1, 003. 00 500. 00 500. 00 700. 00 500. 00 250.00 800. 00 500. 00 1, 500. 00 3, 000, 00 100. 00 500. 00 1, O0 00 113. 75 3, 000. 00 68, .6b 75 Purpose To establish Ira Drymon Memorial Scholar ship In support of their scholarship for i963-64 Ralston Purina Scholarship In support of W. G. Duncan, Jr. Scholarships $500 for use of Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering; $503 for scholarship purposes In support of a scholarship for fall semester Grant to Dr. R. F. Wiseman for research For use in the area of engineering and technical education Nursing scholarship (2 years) at Northwest Center Nursing or lab technician for one year Freshman scholarships (4) at Northwest Center Discretionary fund for use by Professor Duncan in the College of Engineering Scholarships in agriculture Research in Department of Animal Science Taylor Education Fund for scholar- ship purposes Unrestricted grant In support of J.Irvine Lyle Memorial Scholar ships Fo- the Hobart Ryland Memorial Library Fund In support of research in Animal Science Department Dldsrmobile 98 with all appurtenances for use of the President of the University *Gift not accepted but referred to Executive Committee for further study and action. Governor Combs questioned the advisability of the acceptance of an automobile from the Fischer Packing Company. Mr. Smith explained that -this company had made large contributions in the past to the University, mainly in the form of cash contributions for the promotion of research in the College of Agriculture. One of the terms of employment of President Oswald was the provision of an automobile for his and his family's use. When the Fischer Packing Company learned of this, they offered to provide the automobile so that University funds would not need to be expended for such a purchase. In the discussion that followed, it was felt that perhaps further study should be given to the matter before acceptance of such a gift. Dr. Angelucci then made the motion that the list of gifts, with the excep- tion of the Fischer Packing Company's gift of an automobile, be accepted with the usual letter of thanks sent to the donors on behalf of the Board of Trustees, and that the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees be empowered to study the matter and to take the appropriate action relative to the gift from he Fischer Packing Company. The motion was seconded and carried. S. Appointments and Other Staff Changes Dr. Albright then presented the list of appointments and other staff changes, as follows: COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Appointments Jack N. Baldwin, Professor, Microbiology, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 John D. Boller, Music Director, Radio, Television & Films, beginning July 25, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 R. B. Clay, Field Archaeologist, Anthropology, for the month of July 1963, only Rosemary R. Hartman, Project Assistant, Psychology, beginning July 15, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 Anne A. Hendricks, Project Assistant, Psychology, beginning July 15, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 George H. Johnson, Piano Technician, Music, for ten months beginning September 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 11 Edna Mae Lottes, Secretary, Social Work, beginning August 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 Reappointments Marion M. Worth, Senior Secretary, Microbiology, beginning July 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 James M. Kline, p-t Instructor, Physics, beginning September 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 Re signations Wolfgang Fischer, Associate Professor, Modern Foreign Languages, effective September L, 1963 'unable to accept position) Beverley Joan Wilson, Secretary, Social Woik, effective July 31, 1963 Leave of Absence Betty Jo Timberlake, Secretary; Physics, leave for August, 1963 Changes in Status S. C. Eaves, Professor, Mathematics & Astronomy, 1963-64 appointment to include July and August as NASA Research Mathematician (KRF), adjustment in salary Bobby E. Perraut, Electronics Technician, Physics, correct 196Z-63 ap- pointment which should have included July and August as leave instead of resig- nation effective July 1, 1962 Saeed Salehi, Instruc to r, Mathematics & Astronomy, to be p-t Instructor for ten months beginning September 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 , adjustment in salary Douglas W. Schwartz, Professor, Anthropology, 1963-64 appointment to include July and Autust (beginning Jtne 15) as Research Director (KRF), adjustment in salary Charles B. Traux, Associate Professor, Psycholoigy, 1963-64 appointment to include July and August as Project Director, adjustment in salarly COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS pintments Deanna Craddock, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training, Hick- man County, beginning July 15, 1963 Anna Lou Fleener, Extension Clerk, Grayson County, beginning July 1, 1963 12 Norma Valoise Ives, Extension Clerk, Allen County, beginning July 1, 1963 Cozette Wilson, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training, Johnson County, beginning September 16, 1963 Reappointment Glenda G. Wallace, Home Demonstration Agent, Jackson County, beginning July 1, 1963 Re signationa Norma Jo Boggs, Home Demonstration Agent, Hancock County, effective July 27, 1963 Hazel P. Chatten, Extension Clerk, Larue County, effective July 1, 1963 George F. Lacy, Field Enumerator, Experiment Station, effective July 19, 1963 Raymona D. Radford, Extension Clerk, Todd and Christian Counties, effective July 1, 1963 Joyce C. Terry, Clerk-Stenographer, Extension, effective July 8, 1963 Howard C. Wilson, Artist-Draftsman, Experiment Station, effective August 6, 1963 Merle Jean Wilson, Home Demonstration Agent, Monroe County, effective July 31, 1963 Deceased Margaret Morris, Special Assignment, Experiment Station, died July 23, 1962 Leaves of Absence Harold D. Collins, County Agent, leave beginning July 14, 1963, ending August 31, 1963 Thomas H. Johnson, Assistant in Poultry Science, sabbatical leave beginning July 1, 1963, ending October 31, 1963 Clyde Russell Hopkins, County Agent, continue leave beginning July 1, 1963, ending September 10, l964 William H. McCollum, Professor, Animal Pathology, return from leave (Indonesian Assignment), effective August 10, 1963 13 Changes in Status James K. Stacey, Area Agent .n Hcrticuiture, Pulaski County, to be Ex- tension Specialist in Horticulture, Camnp-us effective July 1, 1963 Paul Mills, Acting Ccounty Agent, Rockcastle County, transferring to Whitley County, effective August 1, i963 Patrona F. Dixon, Extension Clerk, Todd County, adjustment in salary, beginning July I. 1963 Gordon Hensha-wv Ccuinty Agent, Carlisle County, adjustment in salary, beginning July 1, 1963 Shirley Russell Lamb., Greenhcuse Technical Aide, Horticulture, to be Technician, beginning Jitly 1, 1963 Asa I. Overal, County Agent, continue leave for August, 1963 Bobbie Gail Pullen. Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, Ohio County, transfer to Hancock Ccunty as Home Demonstration Agent, beginning . August 1, 1963 Cleabern Wells, Draft'sman, adjustment in salary, beginning July 1, 1963 Reappointments of County Secretarial Staff for Fiscal Year 1963-64: Ruth M. Tuck, Phyllis Jean Tucker, Shirley Tucker, Allene F. Wallis, Kathy Wheeler, Frieda J. Williams, Betty A, Yates, Carrol J. Pendley, Myrna M. Phelps, Reta D. Pickett, Brenda F. Pope. Phyllis W. Powders, Ann Poynter, Betty Purcell, Sibyl Radford, Li.W'e D, Richards., Mabel C. Rosel, Darla J. Schulze, Doris S. Scillian, Christine Sue Smi-t'h.I, Jewell A. Smith, Anita Jenkins, Christine A, Jones, Eunice E. Kinner, Myrtle Mclntosh, Aylene F. McKee, Florence L. Martin, Sand-ra. H. Murphy Jerima P. Gee, Shirley H. Grider, Mary R. Gridley, Nana T, GrcimS, Rebecca Ann Guinn, Glenda K. Hancock, Virginia Y. Alsop, Suzanne G. Be-l Hazel Bewley, Peggy R. Blacketer, Maggie H. Blanton, Mary E. Bcswe'l , Beatrice Bcwman, Helen Bowling, Wanda R. Brank, Florence M, Bulrnette. Mary B, Cannoy, Julia Ann Cash, Bonnie W. Couch COLLEGE OF LAW Chang.n Status James R. Richardson, Professcr, to have additional appointment as Legal Consultant tc the Medical Center, beginning July 1, 1963, ending December 31, 1963 COLLEGE OF COMMERCE Appointment Floyd C, Graham, Assistant Professor for ten months, beginning September 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 14 Leave of Absence Robert H. Stroup, Associate Professor, leave beginning September 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Appointment Harry Edward Gilkey, Jr., Assistant Professor, Engineering Mechanics, p-t, beginning August 15, 1963, ending May 15, 1964 Re signations Patricia L. Leistner, Senior Secretary, Aero Laboratory, effective September 30, 1963 Charles E. Strawn, Laboratory Technician, effective May 31, 1963 Change in Status Peggy J. Fuller, Tnvoice Clerk, Purchasing, Medical Center, transferring to Aero Laboratory, Engineering, as Senior Secretary, beginning August 19, 1963, ending June 30. 1964, adjustment in salary COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Reappointment Charles D. Auvenshine, Assistant Professor, beginning July 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 Resignation Primitiva Perez, Instructor, Summer Term, cancel lump sum payment The following people are summer term instructors for the second half: David Aspy, Olive E. Barrett, Vivian Burke, Grace Champion, Jack M. Conner, Jess L. Gardner, Eugene M, Huff, F, Sue Monson, Curtis Phipp, Margaret E, Roser, Salome Souder, The following persons employed to serve as supervising teachers in off- campus teaching program during summer school session of the school year 1962-63: Fayette County Public Schools: Jane Anderson, Eloise Dietz, Henry Grehan, Anna Neal, Clarice Ramey, Adele Rice, Florence Martin. Lexington City Public Schools: Mildred Arens, 1;Fern Cassity, Jessie Fugett, Robert Shaw, Helen Vander Veer, Zaner Zerkel 15 Frankfort State Hospital & School: Christine Coleman Woodford & Grant Counties Elizabeth Parker The following persons served as General Supervisors: Fayette County Schools: james D. Ishmael, General Supervisor Lexington Public Schools: Clyde Lassiter, General Supervisor EXTENDED PROGRAMS Appointments Stanley Alvin Larson, instructor, English, Southeast Centers for ten months, beginning September 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 The following persons to be paid for instruction during the Executive Housekeepers Institute the week of July 22, 1963: W. H. Ennis, J. T. Flint, A.P. Nestor The following persons to be paid for Evening Class Instruction, Summer 1963: Wilford E. Fridy, Edith F. Mongan, Martin A. Oordt, George Curtis O-s~en, John F. Weir The following persons to be paid for extension instruction from June 14 to August 8, 1963. Fees in excess of total amount requested have been collected and turned over to the Comptroller' s Office i the purpose of meeting this obligation: Joyce Ann Bryan, Gerald Daubek, C. Perry Martin, Edna C. Miller, James R. Ogletree, Wallace Ramsey Roy Leon Jaggers, Operating Engineer, Elizabethtown, beginning July 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 MEDICAL CENTER College of Medicine Appointments Carol B. Currier, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, beginning August 28, 1963 ending June 30, 1964 Patricia Ann Donovan, Clerk-Stenographer, Community Medicine, beginning July 15, 1963 Donald Edward Edger, p-t Instructor, Obstetrics & Gynecology, beginning July 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 16 Gail Robert Houck, Laboratory Technician, Surgery, beginning July 22, 1963 Pauline Quire Meadors, Assistant to Radiation Officer, Radiation Therapy, beginning July 22, 1963 Charles L. Preston, Instructor of Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology, beginning July 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 Dixie Hill Reber, Technician, Obstetrics & Gynecology, beginning August 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 Catherine Whitney Scott, Clerk-Typist, Community Medicine, beginning July 1, 1963, ending August 31, 1963 Jerome Thomas Taylor, Laboratory Aid, Community Medicine, beginning September 1, 1963 J. Kent Trinkle, Resident-Second Year, Surgery, beginning July 1, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 Nan S. Wells, Research Assistant, Surgery, beginning July 11, 1963, ending June 30, 1964 Gerald L. Points, Histological Technician, Anatomy (KRF), for June, July and August, 1963 Re signations Catherine R. Boyd, Laboratory Technician, Surgery, effective August 14, 1963 Cornelius D. Caudill, Laboratory Assistant, Medicine, effective August 16, 1963 Marta N. Flanary, Research Assistant, Physiology & Biophysics, effective July 17, 1963 V. Venona Graham, Research Assistant, Surgery, effective August 23, 1963 Charles G. Grigsby, Postdoctoral Fellow, Physiology &Biophysics, effective July 15, 1963 Maria A. Stojkewycz, Technician, Obstetrics & Gynecology, effective August 23, 1963 Harris W. Terrell, Jr. , Research Assistant, Surgery, effective August 29, 1963 Billie Anne Walker, Glass Washer, Surgery, effective July 31, 1963 17 Changes in Status Joan Angelone, Administrative Assistant, Anesthesiology, to be Adminis- trative Secretary, beginning July 1, 1963p with adjustment in salary Willa Amenta Duke, Laboratory, Assistant, Biochemistry, adjustment in salary, beginning July 1, 1963 (KRF) John Q. Gallagher, Fourth Year Resident, Surgery, to be paid by VA beginning July. 1, 1963 David Klein, Second Year Resident, Surgery, to be paid by VA beginning July 1, 1963 Edward H. Ray, Sr. , Professor & Chief, Division of Urology, Surger