xt77h41jhp8x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jhp8x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19340629 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1934-06-may29. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1934-06-may29. 1934 2011 true xt77h41jhp8x section xt77h41jhp8x 

     ',inutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the University of Kentucky, May 29, 1934.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
President McVey s office at the University of Kentucky May 29,
1934, at 10:30 a. m.   The members of the Committee present were
Judge R. C. Stoll, Chairman of the Executive Committee; Miller Hol-
land, Louis Hillermeyer, Dr. George Wilson, J. B. Andrews, James
'Rash, R, G. Gordon and James Park.

     1. Minutes Approved.

     The minutes of the regular .-.ieeting of the-Board of Trustees
of April 3, 1934, were approved ae published, and the minutes of
the -meeting of the Executive Committee of May 8, 1934, were approved
as published.

     2. Financial Report.

     The Business Agent stated that the financial report for April
was filed at the Meeting of the Executive Committee May 8, 1934,
and was recorded in the minutes of that .meeting.

     3. Income and Expenditures,

     The Business Agent submit-ted the following estimate of income
and expenditures for June:

     Estimated Excess of Income over Expenditures,
        May 31     -                                    $14   - 00
    Estimated Miscellaneous Collections in June ---    11,000.00
    Estimated State Tax Transfers for May ----------   17,000.00
          The average expenditure per month is $85,000.00.
    We may be able to keep June expenditures below $80,000.00.
    That means that State Tax transfers for June must be
    ti35, 000.00 to $40 000.00 in order that we meet all obli_

    4. President ' s Quarterly Report.

    The following report was made by President McVey;


                      May 29, 1934

          In making a report for the present quarter of the yen
     I am bringing to your attention first the deaths that have
     occurred in the staff during the year.   Seven persons have
     died who were directly connected with the University staff,



They are: Professor James B. Holloway, who died in August, 1933;
John B. Dicker, who died in October, 1933; W. A. Newnan, who died
in November, 1933; Reid P. Meacham, who died in February, 1934;
L. D. Moore, who died in March, 1934; F. Paul Anderson, who died
in April, 1934; and Lyman Chalkley, who died in April, 1934.   In
addition to these deaths, there were those of two housemothers
and two students.   It is the purpose to hold a memorial service
for there persons on Thursday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock in Memorial
Hall.   It is hoped the members of the Board can be present.

     Those who come under the change of occupation rules of the
Board of Trustees this year are Professor J. Morton Davis, who
began his-uservice in the Department of Mathematics in 1891; Pro-
fessor J. T. C. Noe, Professor of Educations who began his service
in 1906; Professor F. E. Tuttle of the Department of Chemistry, and
Professor A. C. Zembrod, of the Department of Romance Languages,
who began their services the same year, 1906.   I may say in con-
nection with these deaths and changes in occupation provisions no
recommendations are made to fill their places.   The staffs of the
various colleges will continue as they have in the past year with-
out additional appointments.   This means there will be a saving
in salaries of approximately $20,000.

     When it comes to the matter of the budget, I find myself in
the same uncertainty as in April,   The usual provisions are that
the budget shall be presented at the April meeting of the Board of
Trustees and the Board then shall formulate A budget that may be
used as a basis of expenditure for the coming year.   This year you
know the situation at Frankfort and the uncertainty that exists
makes it imp.ssible to formulate a budget for next year.   I am
-therefore recommending that the Board of Trustees authorize the
Executive Committee to pass upon a budget formulated upon the ex-
penditures of last year, with such modifications as may be necessary.
The Courier-Journal indicated that the appropriations recommended by
the Interim Committee aggregated $946,000.   The amount which was
asked for by the University was $1,015,500.   This would seem to
indicate that the request for back salaries had not been included
in the budget.   We have not had an opportunity to find out def-
initely, but the amount of back salaries $79, 000, added to $946,000,
recommended, gives $1,015,500, the amount asked,    Therefoxe, it
would appear that the Interim Committee left out of the budget the
amount for back salaries.   Whether anything can be done about the
matter, I do not know.   Certainly nothing can be paid out of the
revenue for the coming year.   You hear rumors that something will
be done, and we hear rumors that we shall continue as in the past
with the reductions made by the legislature.    All we can do is to
wait until we know more about the possible income for next year.
If no appropriation is made the University will receive about
$250,000, as compared with $683,000 received this year.    I hope,
however, that the legislature will not leave the matter in that

     Turning to the question of enrollment; during the year the en-
rollment has been slightly below what it was last year, about 50


fewer this year.   The applications for help, for remission of
fees and for assistance in the way of jobs and scholarships, have
been greater than I have ever known.   The basis on which help
has been given this year has been thru the C. W. A. and the
F.E. R. A.   The C. 17. A. made it possible to provide jobs here on
the cam.lpus. These jobs were paid for out of federal funds. We
had 255 students on that list.   They received in the aggregate
from. $2,500 to $3,000 a month depending on weather and working
conditions.   Congressman Gregory is recommending that loans shall
be made to students to the extent of $300.    The students are to
be recuired to pay this back over a period of five years, begin-
ning a year after graduation.   Personally, I do not approve of
this plan.   Paying for work actually done is a much more satis-
factory plan.   I have assurances from the United States Office
of Education and also from Mr. Hopkins the same plan of work will
be continued this coming year that has been in effect this past
year.   There is very great need for money among students.    We
could use loans and scholarships with great effectiveness and
give a good deal of help to the students.    I have wondered if
an arpeal could be made to wealthy men of the community to set
up a scholarship fund,   The number of jobs available in town
and on the campus is limited, and consequently a good many stu-
dents will have to forego their education on account of inabili-
ty to get funds.

     I turn to another phase of the situation in our relation to
the state.   As you know, the regular session of the legislature
repealed the inheritance tax law as far as its present distribu-
tion is concerned, and also repealed the mill tax appropriation
to the University, so that the University is on a special appro-
priation basis, and does not receive any regular sum of money
and therefore faces a biennial legislature.    There is some ad-
vantage in case the receits have declined and it is impossible
to foresee what they will be, as was the case in 1931-32, and
also this year.   The State has set up a new accounting and
budget system under a finance officer who will have the power
to review budgets and direct expenditures.    One of the diffi-
culties that will arise is a question of interpretation and the
right of this Board to spend money as it sees fit.    And there
may be a difference of opinion between the Board of Trustees and
the finance officer.    The t endency of finance officers is to
meet the situation and cooperate over a period of years, but the
difficulties usually come in the first two years.

     I now turn to comment on the relationship of the Universi-
ty with the federal government in connection with the Agricultur-
al Adjustment Act,   The Agricultural Extension Division of the
University of Kentucky has practically carried through the work
of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration in this State and
has made surveys, made contracts and distributed the funds. On-
ly thru the county agents and extension workers could this have
been done and to them great credit is due, and to the College of
Agriculture, especially to Dean Cooper.



        Its success rests upon !its knowledge of the legislation
   and set-up in Washington and what is wanted in Tashington.

        pith the needs of the University for purposes of instruction
   are needs associated with repairs, maintenance of roads and walks
   and care of property.   Roads are going down very badly,   The
   same is true of w alks, and buildings are in need of repairs.
   This has been unavoidable in the last two years, but a continu-
   ance of a policy of this kind should not go on.   I hope there
   will be some provision that will give us money to meet some of
   these needs and keep the property up to a fair degree of effec-

        In concluding, I may say it has been a very anxious year,
   but I think in many ways a successful one.   There has been
   greater seriousness on the part of students and loyalty on the
   part of the staff.   The last Pew months have been anxious ones
   and the morale of the staff has fallen, and will fall more if
   something is not done.   My. hope for the next five or six years
   is to maintain what we now have.   This may not seem very am-
   bitious, but if we can hold the plant, the student body and the
   staff to the place where it now is, we shall have done the best
   we cam under the circumstances.

     5. Election of Executive Committee and Officers of the Board.

     This being the regular meeting for election of the Executive
Committee and officers of the Board of Trustees, on motion, duly
seconded, the following were put in nomination for members of the
Executive Committee: R. C. Stoll, R. G. Gordon, J. B. Andrews,
James Park, and Miller Holland.   The election was by unanimous

     Mr. Holland suggested that it is difficult for him to make
trips to Lexington, owing to the distance of his home, Owensboro,
but he was further urged to accept the appointment on account of
the desi:7ability of having the western part of the state represent-
ed on the Committee.

     On motion, duly seconded, the following were put in nomination
for officers of the Board of Trustees: R. C. Stoll, Chairman of the
Executive Committee; John Skain, Treasurer of the University of
Kentucky; and D. H. Peak, Secretary of the Board of Trustees. The
salary of the Treasurer was fixed at $100.00 and that of the Secre-
tary of the Board of Trustees, at $140.00, no change being made
in amounts of salaries from those of the previous year0    The motion
was carried by unanimous vote.



     6. Contract with Campus Book Store.

     Report of the Campus Book Store for the six months ending
December 31, 1934, was published in the minutes of the meeting of
the Executive Committee of May 8, 1934.  This report was filed with
the Secretary of the Board of Trustees by James B. Kelly, Secretary
of Campus Book Store Committee, in connection with the following let-

                                     May 11, 1934
     Mr. D. H. Peak, Secretary
     Board of Trustees
     University of Ientucky

     Dear Mr. Peak:

                    At the meeting of the Campus Book Store
     Committee on May 9, Mr. Morris, the Manager of the Store,
     gave his semi-annual financial report.   Immediately after
     receiving the report, the committee instructed me, as secre-
     tary, to send a copy to the Board of Trustees for their in-
     formation,   I was also instructed to send you a copy of
     the following motioniegarding the renewal of the present
     contract with Mr. Morris:

     r"After some discussion, Dean Jones moved that the Campus
     Book Store Committee recommend to the Board of Trustees
     of the University of Kentucky that they renew the present
     contract with Mr. Morris for a period of three more years,
     and that the secretary be instructed to send a copy of
     this motion to Mr. D. H. Peak, Secretary of the Board of
     Trustees.   The motion was seconded by Professor Haun,
     and Passed by the Committee."

                                   Respect fully submit ted,

                               (Signed)   James B. Kelley, Secretary
                                          Campus Book Store Com-

     On motion, duly seconded, it was ordered that the Campus Book
Store Committee be authorized to renew the contract with Mr, Morris
for a period of three years from the expiration December 31, 1934.
The contrract may be renewed by endorsement thereon in substance as
follows:   "This contract is hereby renewed and extended for a
period of three years from the expiration thereof December 31, 1934,
on the same terms and conditions stated therein."   This extension
agreement shall be signed by the s ame parties signing the original



     7, Budget Action.

     President McVey suggested that, owing to the fact that an ap-
propriation bill has not yet been passed by the Legislature, action
on the budget should probably be delegated to the Executive Con-

     The following resolution was passed:

          The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees is
     hereby authorized and empowered to adopt a budget, the ex-
     penditures to be based on the estimated receipts and the
     employment of the staff named therein and the salary of
     each as suggested therein to be conditioned on the abili'
     Gy of the University to obtain the funds estimated in the
     budget as receipts, and such employment and salaries to
     be subject to changes, corrections and cancellation of
     employment as the financial condition of the University
     of Kentucky may make such action necessary.

     In this connection there was discussion of legislation and ap-
propriations to the University.   Mr. Gordon suggested that the
Budget Committee of the Legislature be requested to make appropria-
tion for unpaid 1932 salaries, stating that staff members had shown
up well in accepting the situation, that recognition of this is due
them, and that such an appropriation will increase the morale of
the University staff,   The members of the Board concurred in his

     8. Commencement Announced,

     President MCVey announced the commencement programs, memorial
exercises and the unveiling of the Patterson Statue,   The menbexs
of the Board were requested to attend these exercises, if possible,

     9. Sewer Right.of Wa - Conveyance,

     At the meeting of the Executive Committee May 8, 1934, a reso-
lutionw as Passed directing the chairman of the Executive Committee
of the University of Kentucky for and in its behalf to convey to
the City of Lexington an easement or right of way for sewer pur-
poses on the property of the University of Kentucky,   Complying
with the order aforesaid, the University of Kentucky by Richard 0.
Stoll, Chairman of the Executive Committee attested by D. H. Peak,
Secretary of the Board of Trustees, executed and delivered to the
City of Lexington the following conveyance:



     WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, held
on the 8th day of May, 1934, a Resolution was duly adopted
directing the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
University of Kentucky, for and on its behalf, to convey
to the City of Lexington, Kentucky, a deed for an ease-
ment or right of way for sewer purposes across the prop-
erty of the University of Kentucky, hereinafter described:

     NOW, THEREFORE, THE DEED, made and entered into
this the 15th day of May, 1934, by and between the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, party of the first part, and the
CITY OF LEXINGTON, a municipal corporation of the second
class of the State of Kentucky, party of the second part;

     WITIESSETH:  That for and in consideration of $1.00,
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the further
consideration of the benefit to be derived by party of
the first part from the construction of the storm and san-
itary sewers hereinafter mentioned, and the further consid-
eration that the said party of the second part, its suc-
cessors and assigns, shall comply with the covenants, agree-
ments and conditions hereinafter set out, the party of the
first part hereby gives, grants and. conveys unto the party
of the second part, its successors and assigns forever,
the right, power and privilege to lay, construct, in-
spect, maintain, operate, repair, rebuild and remove a
storm and sanitary sewer and appurtenances, to be a
part of the sewer system of the City of Lexington, Ken-
bucky, which sewer or sewers shall be of such dimensions,
character, position, construction and to be used in such
manner as the party of the second part may determine,
along, through, under, across and upon the following
described property:

     First Tract: A strip of land twenty feet wide,
     being 10 feet on each side of a center line
     beginning at a point in the East property line
     of Limestone Street, said point being 127 feet
     from the South property line of Euclid Avenue;
     thence running in an Easterly direction, as
     shown on right-of-way plat, 1795 feet to a point
     in the West property line of Rose Street' said
     point being 604 feet from the South property
     line of Euclid Avenue,

          Being a part of the property conveyed to
     the Commonwealth of Kentucky by the City of
     Lexington by deed dated July 1st, 1880, of record
     in Fayette County Court Clerk's office in Deed
     Book 61, page 336; and a part of the same proper-
     ty conveyed to the party of the first part by
     Phoenix National Bank & Trust Company by deed
     dated October 8th, 1923, of record in the Fayette
     County Court Clerk's office in Deed Book 221,
     page 487.



     Second Tract: A strip of land twenty feet wide,
     being 10 feet on each side of a center line, which
     center line begins at a. point in the right-of-way
     line of the Southern Railway Company, said point
     being about 98 feet from the stone monument corner
     to said Southern Railway Company and Central Dis-
     trict Warehousing Corporation right-of-way; thence
     in an Easterly direction about 396 feet to a point
     in the Central District Warehousing Corporation
     right-of-way, said point being about 410 feet from
     said stone monuinnt.

          Being a part of the property conveyed to the
     party of the first part by the City of Lexington
     by deed dated June 29th, 1928, of record in Fayette
     County Court Clerk's office in Deed Book 250, page

     TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said easements herein granted
unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns

     The said conveyance to be made upon condition that the
City of Lexington, Kentucky, agrees to the following condi-
tion:    (The word, City, as used in these conditions -means
the City of Lexington, Kentucky; the word, Contractor, means
the individual or company with which the City of Lexington,
Kentucky, contracts to build the sewers; the word, Universi-
ty, means the University of Kentucky).

     l. Campus roadways and sidewalks may be used by con-
tractor during progress of the work, but at no time shall
they be blocked so as to interfere with University traffic
or ingress or egress of Fire Department apparatus. Said
roadways and sidewalks shall be properly maintained and
kept in repair.   When the work is completed, all side-
walks and roadways used by the contractor in doing said
work shall be out in as good condition by the contractor,
or by the City, as they were in just prior to the beginning
of said work.   Where necessary, temporary bridges and cul-
verts shall be erected, or other means provided to accommo-
date the University traffic.

     2. All excess dirt shall be deposited and graded along
the site of the sewer or moved to other parts of the campus,
not over 3,000 feet from the point of excavation, as direct-
ed by the University,,  When work is completed, adjacent
lawns which have been injured or molested by the work shall
be graded, sodded or seeded so that same will be in as good
condition as before the work commenced.



    3. All bridges shall b e replaced in as good c~ndi-
tion as they are now in, and in the event any bridges or
culverts are removed, the contractor of the City must make
proper provision to accommodate pedestrians, trucks and
Fire Department.

     4. The City will be allowed to use a reasonable amount
of working space on one or both sides of the sewer line.
This area, where necessary, shall be enclosed by fence or
suitable barricade to prevent encroachment or damage to
adjacent lot or trees.

     5. If it is impracticable or unnecessary to remove or
transplant certain trees falling within the working area.,
all trees and shrubs thus left standing shall be securely
boxed and protected against damage. In the event trees
or shrubs are seriously damaged from any cause, they shall
be replaced by others by the contractor or by the City free
of any cost to the University. Trees to be cut down and
destroyed shall be cut into cord wood lengths and removed
to the service building by the contractor or by the City.

     6. The contractor or the City shall move excavated
rock to the service building or deposit them on Universi-
ty campus as directed, within a limit of 3,000 feet from
point of excavation,

     7. The City shall see that contractor keeps premises
clean at all times and that no unnecessary rubbish be al-
lowed to accumulate.   All lunch papers and debris thrown
around by workmen are to be. removed -of burned daily.
Special toilet facilities must be provided by the contractor
in accordance with sanitary regulations.   Workmen will
not be permitted to use the toilet facilities of the Uni-
versity buildings.

     8. The contractor and the City shall be liable for
all damage to University property, whether.or not such
liability is specifically set out herein, and the con-
tractor and the City shall be liable to the University
for all claims for which the University may become liable
for injury to persons or property, arising out of injury
or loss that may occur in the course of construction of
said sewer.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the University of Kentucky has
caused its name to be signed hereunto by Richard C. Stoll,
Chairman of tte Executive Committee, and has caused his
act to be attested and its corporate seal to be affixed
by D. H. Peak, Secretary of its Board of Trustees, at
Lexington, Kentucky, this the day and yea   first above
                            UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
Attest:                (Signed ) By RICHARD C. STOLL
(Signed) D, H, Peak              Chairman of Executive Committee
          Secretary, Board of Trustees




         I, Ethel Duncan, a Notary Public within and for the
    State and County aforesaid, do hereby certify that the
    foregoing deed from the University of Kentucky to the
    City of Lexington was this day produced to me in my of-
    fice in said County, and was acknowledged by the Univer-
    sity of Kentucky by Richard C. Stoll, Chairman of its Ex-
    ecutive Committee, to be the act and deed of the Univer-
    sity of Kentucky, and by D. H. Peak, Secretary of the
    Board of Trustees, to be the act and deed of said Uni-
    versity of Kentucky, and in my presence the corporate
    seal of the University of Kentucky was attached to said
    deed by 'D. H. Peak, Secretary of the University of Ken-

          Whereupon, the said deed and this my certificate
     are certified to thepronor office for record.

          Given under any hand and seal this the 15th day of
    May, 1934,

                                (SGD) ETH1L DUNCAN
                                      Notary Public Fayette County,
                                      My Cown. expires 2/25/36.

     On May 21, 1934, the Board of Commerce of the City of Lexing-
ton made and published the following ordinance accepting said con-

                      RESOLUTION NO. 80

     A Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Mayor for and
     on Behalf of the City, to Accept Deeds Conveying Ease-
     ments or Rights-of-Way for Sewer Purposes from J. F.
     Bailey and Malta B. Bailey; Board of Education of Lexing-
     ton, Kentucky; Helen Bleidt and E. P. Bleidt; Elizabeth
     C. Thompson and R. S. Thompson; Cora L. Wilkirson, etc,;
     Exenutive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
     versity of Kentucky.

          BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the
     City of Lexington:

          Section 1. That the Mayor be, and he hereby is, au-
     thorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City, to
     accept, according to the terms thereof, and have recorded
     in the office of the Clerk of the Fayette County Court,


    the following deeds conveying easements or rights-of-
    way for sewer purposes from

         J. F. Bailey and wife, dated May 19, 1934.
         Board of Education of Lexington, Kentucky,
            dated May 14, 1934.
          Helen Bleidt and husband, dated May 16, 1934I
          Elizabeth C. Thompson and husband, to May 16, 1934.
          Cora L. Wilkirson, et al., dated May 1, 1934.
          Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of
             the University of Kentucky, dated May 8, 1934.

          Section 2,   This Resolution shall take effect when
     signed, recorded and published as required by law,

          Passed, Board of Commissioners, May 21, 1934.

                              W. T. CONGLETON

       BEN HERR, City Clerk
         Published May 22, 1934.

     On motion, duly seconded, the action of the Executive Com-
mittee at its meeting of May 8, 1934, in directing the Chairman
of the Executive Committee to make the conveyance of the sewer
rights to the City of Lexington, the act of the Chairman of the
Executive Committee and Secretary of the Board in executing and
delivering the said conveyance on May 15, 1934, and the convey-
ance itself were each and all approved and ratified.

     10. Continuance of Agreement as to German Professor,

     Dean Paul P. Boyd submitted the following letter:

                                 May 28, 1934

     President Frank L. McVey
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President McVey:

     I enclose a letter from Professor Oswald Veblen of
     Princeton in which he asks whether, if the Emergency
     Committee in New York were able to place another of
     the displaced German Scholars with us for two years,
     it would be possible for us to make a permanent place
     for him after the Comnmittee's support was withdrawn.



Dr. Brauer has been of great help and inspiration to
us this year, and his presence has increased our repu-
tation among mathematicians.   Another such man would
materially strengthen us in our appeal for recognition
by the Association of American Universities.

I recommend therefore that the agreement suggested by
Dr. Veblen be undertaken by us.    I think that we are
perfectly safe in doing so, since it is to be understood
that we keep the man only "in case he turned out to be a
satisfactory colleague."
                                      If enrollment in-
 creases as we expect, we will need his services, I
 enrollment does not increase, then we can release one of
 our instructors.

                        Sincerely yours,

                                   (Signed) Paul P. Boyd

 Letter of Doctor Veblen:


                School of Mathematics
                      Fine Hall
                Princeton, New Jersey

                                 May 26, 1934

Dear Dean Boyd:

           I am taking the liberty of sending your letter
 concerning Dr. Brauer on to the Secretary of the Emergency

           Do you think that in case the Emergency Committee
were able to place another man with you for a couple of
years, it might be possible for you to make a permanent
place for him after taie OommitUtee's support was withdrawn
-- I mean in case he +-rned out to be a satisfactory col-
league.   I imagine that this question is a difficult one
to answer, but I think it is one which is bound to arise
whenever a man is placed by the Committee.

                     Yours sincerely,

                                      (Signed)  Oswald Veblen
Dean Paul P. Boyd
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky



     President McVey was directed to answer the letter of Doctor
Veblen and. to take such steps to continue and extend the agreement
with the Emnergency Committee of :Tew York as 'le deems proper and
expedient, the interests of the University to be guarded and pro-
tected in agreement as to current and future employment.

     11. Phoenix Hotel - Light Standards.

     President MoVey presented the following letter:

                    T1E PHOENIX HOTEL COMPANY

                                              May 26th, 1934

     Dr. Frank L. 4cVey, President
     The University of Kentucky
     Lexington, icy.

     Dear Doctor McVey:-
                           We have on the front of the hotel,
     two very fine wrought iron light standards with five
     cluster light globes and bulbs each, and I am writing
     you this letter to offer these light standards to the
     University as a gift of the Phoenix Hotel.

                           It has been suggested that an ap-
    propriate place for them might be in front of Mechanical
    Hall and that they might be in the nature of a memorial
    to Dean Anderson,   This may not be practicable and is
    offered as a suggestion only.

                           I have shown these standards to
    Mr. Crutcher and he thinks they will make quite an addi-
    tion to the campus.

                           If you see fit to accept them as a
    token of the appreciation of the Phoenix for the many
    kindnesses shown us by the University and of our esteem
    for those who have so wonderfully guided the destinies
    of the University during these troublous times, we shall
    be most happy.

                         With all good wishes, I am

                             Very sincerely yours,

                                  (Signed) Frank B. Jones



    President MlcVey was directed to write Mr. Jones accepting
the gift of the standards and to express the appreciation of the
Board of Trustees therefor.

     12. Salary of Judge Ohalkley.

     The Business Agent Presented a letter from Brs. Lyman Chalkley
in which she requested oayment of the salary of Judge Ohalkley to
July 1, 1934, and asked about the nrobable Dayment of salary re-
serve ard back salary.   He was directed to write Mrs. Chalkley,
stating that the Board of Trustees has heretofore ordered that sal_
aries of deceased members of the staff continue only to the end of
the month in which the death occurs, and that, therefore, it is
impossible to grant her request, and to state further that. no
funds being available for that -ourpose, no action may be taken as
to salary reserves and back salary.

     13. Bureau of Mineral and Topographic Survey   ay Roll
