xt77h41jjb1t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jjb1t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky Coleman, J. Winston (John Winston), 1898-1983 1806 directories English Lexington, Ky : Winburn Press Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Lexington City Directories Lexington's First City Directory Published by Joseph Charless for the Year 1806 text Lexington's First City Directory Published by Joseph Charless for the Year 1806 1806 2013 true xt77h41jjb1t section xt77h41jjb1t § *o/@ @7%% I % LEXINGTONB 4} To ·I Q FIRST CITY DIRI=.cT0IzY % I By I Q J. Winston Coleman, Jr. ` { I H % § I 5 g %% %% @@@ I K } ¥ { , $ I I} / I E J E I ! E 3 at 9 1 __4»· · E ` · lv 4* -_~ A -, A d_,_J‘ _ V iw \ . fr? . $4 A ki {$1 yé { . g; xA; i 4 g » `1 x ` il hh; _; nfs ° wif v 5% F » Y ip; 2 ·. `er -2%; L Ji ..‘· jig. X · aa !% P3,. i , » \;’ ny , K e x , z J" ‘ — 1 R ~ ~= "1 *1 { , .1 Z ` .4 1 X? l . q x ’ ‘ gf si J F xl :} V? / is e a cf ‘ ·V `$‘ L sy I1; > E <·` {H? =¤; xw V llr _.. 2 ‘ ~7 ·l' A , 5. s 1 ·: ~ 4; ;K- g . Q '2" » I [[2 ·‘s` ` { L1, l_» ,; g· 7r r. ,·\',< . 1 A . ° V " ‘‘‘ V·4·`L . L J · 1 1 1 - · 1 » 1 1 1 “ 1 [ 1 1 1 ~ J ( 1 E 1 11. X1 1 · 1 1 1 T } ` 1111 1 1 " "?\. _ _ . _ _ _ , _ .. ,1 4 -»` Q 1- ·_ · , · _ V — I ._ .._:,_·z · . - ~ . »U `ll · ' r U4m4.· {y_,r. ·_ ·i` . ·»- - Af'- r;, _{.r _ ` K" liv r`,;~· "‘·-‘ ` " . . _ - . . ` . I V ., _· . ?{ “ . JEL ii}? ‘ Maw gif I { V'? A { { { ·!*r { { EU se { Jv { KS3 { A { QQ {Qi, .`€' · { 3%; s ’ [ M iii 2% Q? { { i#» Y2 I`} Jl, I {$*1 {_ » ` L ..V.» _ _ ? .._, - V - ._:_ .. , A_, \ 1 * 1 5 l E -` V 1 ``’»_» ` J ‘—°` v; - 1f‘*°i A‘`A`—' ```.1'‘ iii E A V VV J Q ‘ E ii-- · E;4 _ _. - A». $*3*;- `. —· · L€XlDgiO1} UH {iCiC!I·},i’_V A»_ . TAKEN FOR CHARLESSYALMANACK,_i `_’`l i ron 1806. ‘ 1 1 cv fj 5 V1 isi -1‘A j ` V 3* l ( ·`1[;Lcxington contains V 10V1.B¤€ick.4`:·Q V l -1 f ‘ p ` l0 Ston¢,$g 4 —.’ Houscgggf l Vi 187 Fl'dD\»G{*3`Dd_`lOg_ V “ _». 1 T V ja.rCourtLhousc, Jail. l\·IarkcL-hou‘~§g,`imd fou1·'1pluc¢s`j_f61‘; _ ` _pul>lic worship; an hu11clson1c·Lo§lgc {qs1jFr¤¤ l\fIz1son$p E Q Insurance (>Fli<:c ; th: 'I`rar1sylv;ini';(V°U.nii;g1*$_ity.é.1l1iV3' _ 1 miqarylhus liv; l)l'0f*:5SQl'S,V and is gnveqpcq board of 1 p ltrnstocs'; a public _Lilb‘1‘€u·y‘L con1;1i11ii1g___s'*:vg;iigl"liunclvfedjvo? 1 lumcs‘0l` thc 1n*>s1.°v;1l11;1ble l)f1€$liLé;_iS{Ell'l(l_é on 13: co'1·nc1‘_ 0fV * lvthc public sqizufc. `M_·:ss1·s._·'l`o;lcl and J·1)D€S•_ [\V.Q`_`i_l]g`§·v .‘ nious muchnuics, hz1£‘c;Vqr;cgt_;;1p.machinery ‘fr')I`·CQ.l?F1l1lg·. x i roving ancl·‘spin:1ingv c¤j4_1_5i;+;K\{1_g. 'l`o<1dZs1 contains l2§8' y spinc1lcs——Mi1·. J¤11·;s·¢.·41. Ezifénsive wo1·ksTdi*c `-nony 1 “ crcctingiby mr; '1`6dd.1,_for_ carcling and ~‘spinning~ hpinfp, ; bypmachinery. M1-. }·hi m’s Duck ·’munufactory kééps \ 40 or 50 hands cmpIoy¢d.];V- · V ` ~ ; V 1 j` ‘ " .;" 1; '; Ji!. _ lg 1 - ‘ 11 · V »‘,· 1 1 1 I Il A ' ‘ » · V1 · { iVJ:`”ii i;’' l · g 1 1 V-Vi; 1 ZIAUCQSTREIJT. A. p ·ii_;;VV1¥11;; l—;i` · *1 4 NAME$· 1 V ·OCCUPATIQN_·Y · Y Anthony Blzst, V ‘ Innkeeper Q_ ~ 1V Ncria-}1 Bnrncg, .. p 1 Innlkccpgrc. V ~ . i —-—= Dawn, » - 'i`aYl¤¤" 1 1_'V.i VV?} i 1 ‘ 1Bcygjamiu Futhy, Blacksmith; — op_‘ ¤ i\Vm. Palmatccr, V v_ 1_ .,1 S\°“°'Q“°""°¥i l i lJ'i;.R* Sl‘““'· 1 V ‘ · . ‘ D**¥9=~` .-·o l LQ 11 . I · V- ···nV- y 1 1 · .V1. I ··,——-—¢——-—···•···‘·· """"`·’ 1 . V · t TITLE PAGE OF LEXINGTON’S FIRST DmEcTORY l 1 l l V V. VVVV V V V-- -·V———· -——-——-———»-·-»—-· -—··~··—·*·"_"""' " 1 1 ,~ { _ ·‘ ·;_, V (V V I · . N ~ 7 V . / · V, wl" » - I _] ' _ l l _ > ¤" ::~¤ ··.¤•¤` ' }·»—· ·‘ -‘‘, ' . ’ e . . - . ,, , · , . i V ,33 N ; L , a EXING TON S 4 bb 5 Fuzsw CITY DIRBCTGRY L Published by Joseph Charless for the Year 1806 1 By j WIHSYOH Coleman, Jr., Litt-D- Author of e Slavery Times in Kentucky, ` l. ; I FG/mO’Ll,S Kéntucky Duglg, gtC_ N W I Wmraunu Pmzss 1 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY * 1953 2} ha E V 1 ` il ? 5;* I ,.` s 1 N {‘ ; ·2 I * » e·~» e ··4 i J W *· r~ / I - 9 \ 1.dé W to C? [ » _ Q- 5 ; ’ $ s· 2» i I · J Cvpyriyht, 1953 by ‘ J Y` J. Winston Coleman, Jr. §`- Winbum Farm QQ Lexington, Kentucky ( L} E ` J i = 1 `, J i ‘ ` 7- 2 i g' 2 l A · l [ J { Q J LIBRARY UNYVF1l cry? rw $·i‘R‘>ET`UCI*IY LQ . s { I ? (‘ ‘ `·*\ J JJ o.o. J J J J_J__J___JJJJJJ_J_MJ V I "'YK. J. . _ A .» .J ~• J JJ .. » " ~· ~··’ ‘‘‘‘ "··· ·» • ··-_v'.;'{ r·‘· · ··""`··’ u-* " ` ' ' =·¤ :r:·- mq, * L.}--· ‘ " ' . - . . · . ` . . -. - ¢ I ’ P *” lim » _ »3 w ` · wi} MZ1 ; . L il V 1 Q, l T0 1 k ` { E V if a { HOLMAN HAMILTON » Friend, Author and Hzstcrian gpgi , ,\ ` \ . ` · K, is Lg g l `KY ` ag 1 ? ·» { ' ;— AF F? . g ` 1F xi? A mmm Q ·>- T' E-:;:x;? (JBL .‘ . — y T r I ` '“_ lr ° _ , ;=‘ 5* I V,. _, _._ ' I E > 5:, ?_4__, vg: ,___ l_A______ MA I I _ ‘__ __, . ,.,.. ‘._ \ ,,-;/1** M A N I _ _· V ` Q-, vs :.,;. . ~~ ._ I gi' z ? I I > ‘ 4. i w ! H T fi ‘ Fi a v % u 2 5 Q ‘ V * gi I s I @ ‘ N ? m ¢ > —4—¢ 5 V M_____________m”»___________________ W ` M `·`i\. · ' _ _ ._ > ·.._ . `— J rx V [ .· '~‘·- -,.,.,,. .·-~r ··~¢•·~ , .,V,"_gi· ;~,_. ,`·~-‘ · ~— ’ 4 yp . ' ;,,...· { _ . I I r __ _ _ _ ___ _____ ____ ___, _ — I I,. I I I I #5 I I I Lexington?. First City Directory I I Readers of the Kentucky Gazette, for January 11th, III, I 1803, noticed an announcement signed by Joseph Charless, '_’ _ "late of Philadelphia," which stated that he had recently Q I arrived in the Bluegrass Capital, and that he had "estab- I lished a new printing oflice and book-store on Main Street, I between Bradford’s printing oflice and Captain Marshall’s I Tavern," where he proposed "to sell books and print a I newspaper called The Independent Gazetteer." Francis I Peniston, a printer of books and an early newspaper, The Western American at Bardstown, moved to Lexington and I ` associated himself with Charless in the operation of his I book-store and publishing business. I From his printing establishment on West Main Street, I between Main Cross (Broadway) and Mill streets, came the If Hrst issue of his newspaper, The Independent Gazetteer, on I March 29th, 1803. His partnership with Peniston was dis- I solved on May 10th, and several months later the erstwhile , I Philadelphia printer took Robert Kay into his printing and I, publishing business. I During the summer of 1803, Charless published his I1; first book in Lexington, A Selection of Hymns and Spiritual QI I Songs, a volume of three hundred and thirty-one pages. I Other books came from his press during the years from IF ` I 1803 to 1808, among which was The American Preceptor, II I 1805, by Caleb Bingham, of which no copy is known to I have survived. I In addition to the books, pamphlets and religious tracts III I published, Charless turned out his now rare and famous If . I If I ; I I I I I I I I -- —» ev I ~ » I ‘ . . It ··-- . . ·. I ——I» I ~:-»I· ~-V" Q Qi" 1 F ! is l z l l 2 Lexington's First City Directory 1F l — Kentucky Almanac/cs for the years 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807 i 1 and 1808. Lexington’s first printed city directory was pub- 1 -. lished as a part of Charless’ Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio * Almanac, for the Year 1806. It bears the imprint of 1805, — and was a frail volume of twenty-six pages, seventeen centi- ._ » meters tall and stitched. This small directory (begins on . Q; page 18) of eight pages lists the pioneer inhabitants of I F aj this frontier metropolis, with their occupations, places of , ‘ business or residences. The astronomical calculations for l his almanac were made by Abraham Shoemaker. Only four copies of Charless’ 1806 Kentucky Almanack i 2 are known to exist, these rarities being in the libraries of the Kentucky Historical Society, the Louisville Public Q Library, the Henry E. Huntington Library and the Wis- consin Historical Society. T Early in the spring of 1808, Charless emigrated to the ?, growing frontier settlement of St. Louis, where on July { 12th, 1808, he ran off the first issue of the Missouri Gazette, g the first newspaper to be printed west of the Mississippi C 9 River. Later this paper was known as the Missouri Gazette \,; & Public Advertiser. With the issue of September 20th, i V 1820, Charless transferred the paper to James C. Cummings Q , who continued its operation for some years after that date. Char1ess’ 1806 City Directory of Lexington is a rare 1 and much-sought piece of early Americana, being even , Q rarer than John Fi1son’s Kentucke, the first history of the state, printed at Wilmington, Delaware, in the spring of } 1784. It is here published in full, retaining the quaint B phraseology of the times and the archaic spelling of the , V, names and occupations of Lexington’s early citizens. |_ 1 it l ; it ,·-» s »-. . . » ”` ‘ - · V/» ·s_ yl I ·- ·» ,· 'llh ‘ a, ._ I {_ .. I ·* vw wa. ·‘ .`·»-· · ~ ’ ‘ _ . · — , , . . I M j *·* i V 1 ’ 5 wi 1 5;Q€;‘ I . . he I LQXIIIEIIOII D1I'€CtO1"y, TAKEN FOR CHARLE.SS’ ALMANACK, 1. Foiz 18%. sift? Q Lexington contains 104 Brick, 10 Stone, & 187 Frame and log Houses, a Court-house, Jail, Market- _ house, and four places for public worship; an hand- some Lodge for Free Masons; an Insurance Oiiice; the Transylvania University—this seminary has five Professors, and is governed by a board of trustees; a public Library, containing several hundred vol- umes of the most valuable books, stands on a corner ( of the public square. Messrs. Todd and Jones, two iii; ingenious mechanics, have erected machinery for carding, roving and spinning cotton—Mr. Todd’s *g;`°c · , contains 288 spindles—Mr. J ones’ 144. Extensive * works are now erecting by Mr. Todd for carding and spinning hemp, by machinery. Mr. Hunt’s if Duck manufactory keeps 40 or 50 hands employed. it" g -7 ( -—<-·-·<»-j- Q; ~ MAIN - STREET { 2 ~“T> _ NAMES. OCCUPATIONS. lg Anthony Blest, Inn keeper Neriah Barnes, Inn-keeper jj? . ——— Dalton, Taylor i Benjamin Futhy, Blacksmith ` it 1 ill . yi f a i 1 ` IV I V gf " V ‘ ·' ’; '" ’:*`~·"" ·' “y H ` “ · `7 A r ·’ ` · V . ».· 3 rr.? V . . . ' ..., --· ··‘·" ' l pkt g . .. . _ · - ` ._ _ . ii ` · U 4 Lexingtorfs First City Directory Wm. Palmateer, Stone-Quarrier a` J. R[obert] Shaw, Ditto [Well-digger] i` James Loney, Stone—Mason l Thomas Loney, Post & rail maker ji Raney Bell, V [Laborer] y { Solomon Buzzard, Butcher Q {QI John Haggart, Post & rail maker , " George Coons, Brewer ,-ii Joseph Beatty, Stone—mason ~_Ap Wm. J. Duty, School-Master James Teage, Foreman tanner for Wm. Q ;V. Morton { John Morton, Sheriif — V: William Shellers, Shoe-maker Qi Samuel Calvert, Hatter Q'; Leaven Young, Shoe-maker $1 Mrs. Hargy, ;t John Cocke, Baker R[ichard]. W. Downing, Physician JZ Joseph Charless, Printer and Bookseller M, -, William Essex, Bookbinder ’ il J olm Adams, Hatter ‘ ;, George Adams, Hatter §’ Jacob Keiser, Butcher William Huston, Saddler ` George Norton, Nailer i` Christopher Smedley, Taylor , T Patterson Bain, I Hatter Thomas Anderson, Printer V · Isaac Holmes, Chair~maker Q i ‘ John M. Boggs, V Taylor T‘ ) ··l AI l I 5 l i _,, _ _ , _. _ _... , _ , _ _> .,_ _`, , _] " U 4 i _ · ’ : ·.. _A,_ `__ r_,._,..,. ,._ _ ‘ __ (-;;.5 .;,, N _ ,_, ..,.- .4. " -,` _ » ·—··` ‘ 1 '»A`- J ’=* ` ' " . e. §!_ _,2 Q at. Lexiiigtorfs First City Directory 5 iii? it fi A . Fishel & Gallatin, Copper and Tin-Smiths Michael Schaag, Physician D. White, Millener Mrs. Parker, ii p Lewis Saunders, Merchant , James Weir, Merchant E Mrs. Barton, Millener ( ,-’ Hart & Bartlet, Merchants % Samuel Downing, Merchant { J. M’Coun & Tilford, Merchants l George Anderson, Merchant E. Yeizer, Tanner & Currier Mrs. Clark, IJ} Henry Marshall, Inn-keeper Daniel Bradford, Printer ij? John Bradford, [Printer and newspaperman] S. D. J. Calais, Sr. Co. Tobacconist Christopher Coyle, Taylor J. Biddle, Grocer Wm. Leavy, Merchant ,3] Brown & Warfield, Physicians Samuel & George Trotter, Merchants it} Julia Logan, Millener g;§ E. W. Craig, Merchant C. Williams, Shoe-maker { R. Miller, ‘ Merchant , J G. Trotter, Merchant _§j John Cross, Baker ` · F. Hice, Toyman John Downing, Inn—keeper Thomas Wallace, Merchant is _ Ji at li W * , I l i wi _, ,,.. _ ···· . . .. .. c. _. . - .,.. _ __ _ _ - ___, ,_;J [i' _ .. , — · — .. ` ’- ¤·¤ ,.,..- ‘ P Q;] O * € I 6 Lexingtorfs First City Directory Joseph Hudson, Merchant Alexander Parker, Merchant ‘ . Charles Wilkins, Merchant A John Jordan, Jun. Shipping Merchant o_ Brooks & Crysdale, Merchants ; , Wm. Satterwhite, Inn—keeper VZ a Q Robert Frazer, Silversmith Il ( ` Wm. Morton, Director of the Kentucky W . Insurance Company it Alexander Frazer, Silversmith i f { Wm. Tyree, Taylor L. Lindle, Baker [ _” Wm. Edwards, Inn—keeper i A: James Boyd, D. Post-master L. L. Holmes, Taylor 7 Thomas Whitney, Cabinet-Maker f Isaac Reid, Shoe-maker 3 M. Rule, Stone-mason lv i — Tracy, Stocking—weaver Q f Wm. Patrick, Physician P. J. Roberts, Tobaconist Benjamin Stout, Saddler V i [ C. Keizer, Blacksmith · · J [oshua]. Wilson, Inn—keeper John Martin, [Laborer] John Postletwait [Postle— _ thwait], Cashier of the Bank { Jacob Laudaman [Lauder- I man], Tobacconist gl Mrs. Holmes, `~ X Mr. Beck, Portrait~painter ? it . il? —¥?T"`"`_. .. Q — .- ., ,. ,..,. ., · . ...- ~ ` T 1··` F ’ “ C » t’ w· A " ‘" ‘ · A ~ j \. i il . Lexingtorfs First City Directory 7 Z-{ it f John Anderson, Carpenter - Maddox Fisher, Brick-layer Benjamin Wexell, Taylor [Robt. H.] Bishop, Teacher ·i Benjamin Parish, Cabinet-maker ij ` V E Samuel Ayres, Silversmith ; Z Henry Marquit, Tanner & Currier ] Jl -————— Dunn, Plaisterer { .*, Ebenezer Sharp, Teacher 1 Rev. Adam Rankin, [Minister] { A Mrs. Lake, E Andrew Biggs, Shoe-maker ’ Wm. Dorsey, Cooper "§ Benj. Lloyd, Cooper V3 John Fisher, Brick-maker ——— Grant, Painter and glazier Samuel Vanpelt, Pump-maker jj; George Newman, Labourer John Wyatt, Coach-maker ji; John Hymer, Blacksmith EV T Mrs. M’Gowan, jj Wm. Fisher, Bricklayer Thomas Fisher, Bricklayer Qi Q _ i MAIN CROSS STREET [Broadway] NAMES. OCCUPATION. t] Thomas January, [Storekeeper] ._ John Arthur, [Clerk, town trustees] `Y. John Stout, Coach-maker I Thomas Ocheltree, [Night watchman] Q C li Ti i iz . I lz 2 l 2,} it W {ii _Q. ,..- _, "" · " - . > — cv? ' ' _» ·< V . , _ __. _ ,»· »~»'_· _____ ‘ _ ...i —···’( xl,/_ .-...—...i__ _' _, Vi ____ V V __ _,_ __ _ __r_ if __ ‘ A ·. ~ r » " `ir" ‘ V _ .. . ;' { l J , 8 Leayingtorfs First City Directory E · Y , i Z Joseph Day, Bricklayer ’Z! John Eades, Blacksmith _1 John Loman, A Rope—maker ni, Robert Chipley, Shoe-maker " George Doxen, Shoe-maker Li 1 f" Peter Crouse, Blacksmith l Matthew Elder, Bricklayer ' » A John Elder, Bricklayer Mrs. Starkes, il Richard Ashton, Coach-maker Mrs. Reynolds, Schoolmistress » A l li Matthias Schryock [Shry- 'J $ ock], House-carpenter Nathaniel Morrison, House-carpenter 34} Robert Holmes, Chair-maker l, Hugh Crawford, Shoemaker & blue dyer gi James Goodman, Stocking-weaver Y gg » Nathaniel Lowery, Hatter JI ; Hiram Shaw, Hatter M, {1 James Lemon, Tailor ul David Logan, Umbrella & chip bonnet ’ ,», manufacturer Aaron Woodruif, Shoe—maker _ tig James Rose, Shoe-maker ‘ y Wm. Porter, Tanner and Currier — §` e Francis Kriggle, Saddler ,` George Shindelbower, Barber l } Jacob Boshart, Skin-dresser ll , Cl Frederick Shevil, Cooper { —, g i George A. Weber, Baker ip g $1 F 2 i» .! [ . { xi , ‘ *= .. - — _ s . ., , _ .,,. is V J ~ .s i` Y·-» " ` `V I ; .47 ‘ ’‘ J ’ C i I . " ‘ i iv ·· I I ` if 1 e I ‘ Q .‘ L g Lexirigtorfs First City Directory 9 R ' ` Fl MILL STREET i NAMES. OCCUPATION. Thomas Hart, Jun. Merchant Henry Clay, Attorney at Law I _} Sam. Wilkinson, Whitesmith gg _ Thomas Hart, Sen. [Merchant; hemp mfgr.] li Mary Findley, Seamstress { { Porter Clay, Cabinet-maker , George Trotter, Jun. Merchant Q Mentelle & Downing, Painters . Mordecai Harris, Shop-keeper i e Jacob Clair, Saddler P Elijah Oliver, Shoe-maker WATER STREET 'i NAMES. OCCUPATION. J. Condon, Tailor John Jones, Cotton-spinner William Todd, Cotton—spinner I I John Williams, Cotton-spinner George Young, Shoe-maker -———- Fleming, Shoe-maker -1-— Hanson Carpenter hl I HIGH STREET { A- I NAMES. OCCUPATION. I Robert Price, Boarding house [keeper] ii Joseph Hostutter, Butcher Y ._ Robert Bell, ‘ Weaver I John Hamilton, Rope-maker I li: r mi » 1 " EEE. , li M 3 n li) t. W ei¤i . ......-..._.Lm------.-.--. W NUM _,A · "* ` " ‘> I V_:__i Flu. _ __¥‘_ ‘ ! • r s_"" "; v_ _4 v _ > 'I i J __ ?`__`__, i t _T,r4v..v`¥ `A NW-V . _ ` _, V Qu? ( xt _, __ ____r _ _ A _ ` . , __ , A_L_ V _ ` it if [ , Y} i [ 10 Lexirigtorfs First City Directory i Q John Hull, Butcher if Thomas Vaughan, Blacksmith Elisha Gordon, Tanner _ V l, Peter January, [Store keeper; hemp mfgr.] 2; Adam Wigart, Carpenter 1 if David Woodruff, Shoe-maker 4 } Charles Vigus, Shoe—maker V William Douds, Well-digger _} { David Herring, Breeches-maker [I Hezekiah Bradley, Blacksmith Adam Hutts, [Laborer] ‘ [ S Q: John Tompkins, Merchant , it, John Stilfield, Wagon-maker ° fl` George Weary, House-joiner Benedict Van Pradelles, [Attorney at Law] Q], Samuel Dewees [Deweese], Cooper = i, John Caldwell, Wheelwright ,[}_ Archibald M’Cullough, Blacksmith E jj. John Fisher, Shop-joiner Q Qi [ William T. Banton [Shop-keeper] j \i· i y George Brownlee, Reed-maker I"` Melchor Myers, Butcher ` . , George Young, Jun. Shoe-maker Q) ~ John Jones, Cotton-spinner gi Godfrey Bender, Tobacconist % [ Edward West, Silversmith 5 1 Elisha Allen, i Tailor T ‘ Lawson M’Cullough, Tailor ) David Dodge, Rope—maker H , H John Leiby, Brick-maker · Q , \ Q Robert Campbell, Potter li any ji A in t y 1 ? a' —i ati "`~` ~¤. _ , J i .,,, , _ _ _, A, as ,_ ,,, ,·_. i . ..., ; ,;; .·__ _ , ·.,, ·~ E ‘. · 4`’· » E ,. »·` E M . "‘ M ‘ B E A i ,2 ‘ is "§ 1 `\ Lexingtorfs First City Directory 11 LL V E \ it George Sowerbright, [Night watchman] David Williams, Schoolmaster Thomas Bodley, Circuit clerk A E Robert M’Cormack [McCor- f mick], Shoe-maker I 4 Archibald Campbell, [Boarding house-keeper] ’ gl Asa Farra, Post & rail maker { `, Ebenezer Farra, [Painter and paper-hanger] a Henry Lonkard, Carpenter · ? 2 M ULBERRY STREET [Limestone Street] NAMES. OCCUPATION. William Bobbs, Brickmaker Q George Adams, [Tavern-keeper] —-—— Hawkins, Labourer , David Stout, House-carpenter · Robert Grinstead, Bricklayer f ’ j ——— Monks, Nailer F John Sprinkle, Bricklayer 4 Fielding L. Turner, Attorney at Law Sam’l. Beel, Labourer ig] yi John Downing, House—carpenter 3 Simon Hicky [Hickey], Blacksmith { 3 Allen Davis, Bricklayer ` f ‘ James Wilson, Carpenter 3 James Shohoney, Carpenter ` Patrick Gullion, [Laborer] (ij . · g _ Martha Johnston, Schoolmistress I ii Mrs. Nicholas, _ .; T-? `,§ al ii 1 l ll *2 2 ll W rl [ [ [ [ [ [ [ _[_,_____________________[_____,,_1[_ lr i · ' I"} .4 V " n)v v· IA? s` I `I- T " -»— V , z ·. € " T ""'Z _; Z "T`_]*,¤'§ — ,.,,.., ` . · '* `U" ` ` "If { xi", . » V . . l i . ` »»» . _ __ * » . cz . 12 Lexingtords First City Directory ii iii ————— Wilson, Cabinet-maker Eg' ——— Ruths, Inn-keeper , {9 Jeremiah Murphy, Inn-keeper V Warner Hawkins, Stone-mason _;_,; William Smith, Hatter William Nash, Saddler f Thomas Reid, Tinner 1 ? 'I, Wm. Reid, Chair—make1· g Mrs. Kelly, T [tg. Mrs. Barr, ij, George Sowerbright, Labourer , SHORT STREET 5 NAMES. OCCUPATION. E James Eades, [Cattle drover] Y Mrs. Parker, `f §z4 , William Bartlow, [Laborer] T John T. Miller, Coppersmith Qt, { Oliver Keene, [Bricklayer] Y James Morrison, [Merchant] _‘ \i},' Chester Shaw, Inn-keeper i fl Mrs. Wilson, _ ‘ John Pope, Attorney at Law i EQ James Fishback, Physician » [gf John Kizer [Keiser], Inn-keeper Andrew M’Calla, Apothecary i . aiu Thomas Tibbatts, Baker ,t wi Robert Bradley, Inn-keeper 6 QT" George Staley, [Spinning wheel maker] John Jones, Inn-keeper John P. Wagnon, Irm-keeper `. ’ vn 3 ii! 2 it A 35;. 2 2 if ‘l Ai "~F:i\, _. rl, V , . , · .y , `_ . '§ ,~ ·‘.-i . ___ .... ,__ ; ,:.., .Q,_ _ .- ;·"* {V, A. ` . , r " Q, " ’*"*`*‘”"" OF , A i ii . . Lexingtorfs First City Directory 13 ` `H · ii 6. Nathaniel Prentiss, J ailor g James Blythe, Teacher ` Buckner Thruston, Attorney at Law [Elisha] Wariield, Physician Q5 Y j John Brown, Nailer A James January, Attorney at Law q 1_ Mrs. M’Daniel, Seamstress ¥ Henry Colehouse, Nailer { L Robert Russel, Stone-cutter é i Joseph Wingate Blacksmith William Emmens, [Laborer] 3 A John Sloan, Tallow chandler J? Peter Paul, Stone-cutter Q ( ——•-·•-—— e OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT. QQ ·, Governor or Chief Magistrate for the Commonwealth of j Kentucky, Christopher Greenup. y Lieutenant Governor, John Caldwell. J Secretary of State, John Rowan. ‘ 1 Attorney General, James Blair. a Auditor of Public Accounts, George Madison. · Treasurer of State, John Logan. T Register of the Land Oitice, John Adair. George Muter, Chief Justice of Kentucky. Benjamin Sebastian, Caleb Wallace, Thomas Todd, Judges i » of the Court of Appeals. ` I John Coburn, Benjamin Howard, Samuel McDowell, Ste- i, phen Ormsby, James G. Hunter, John Allen, Cary L. li Clarke, Circuit Judges. in Harry Innes, Judge of the Federal Court for the District I Y of Kentucky. ‘ ll . . ¤ e , j = j 3$@@i5 3} gf j l *--»~»--- ii} -,; _· g f.;] I _ ~_ ,, ` E p U, ],____ ks: _7_r ,. H? W _·,_ . .. ._,·*- V »· M ,... =’ _ in . ‘ — 25.** ·‘L E · ‘ xg _? * .:€* ·- - .. ° [ Ja; - . z· ¢·< — ~‘· . ·.5*.1»..; xi} 1 ` · ’»•~•¤. . fw. i , > 1 ..·f ' @:51 , is J` j .%— ` .7 .j * fix H: ` All ` E`.; , EZ! ` . vi Qi} · sggin ` \ ,,_~ ;v’ · U_ ‘ .i. .·{a1 ;1 1j§`, ¥ V .': ' _! I %¢‘ ` Q, — n W Cr: I A I A ; ¤~ , _ 2 i & 3 {F g*‘ I Q!_ i z 9 " gf} 5 > » G} J, ` * M. v·b— kg Q 1%*/, l 'zih g '.· xii 'N · rg Fmx O Y y` ji? *1: V A ,\_` J V V · wg: . S u A ’ ‘‘’· ‘~ .. [ _ "‘· ·’_;,._vi · ` U r" "’ ~Q rw ,2 '--_ ., · ` lr, " `V Ir-' V. ·= ··=·•·¤~ .» ‘ ¤·;;;,_;y" ,,_,___..........;;_,,, ,1,,,, ,,4__; A_A, _,_r_.;..._--N.,,7,*-.---h,, } '1 ` ‘ I s ;‘ ,‘ 6. v sz P E x Q 1 E § I A s { 1 § { K { \ 2 L 5 i i 5 a X E i Q · @ ·, · i ‘ =‘ x { ‘ 3 4 r ¤; ::‘“ · J gf 5 . -.·· -. ;T”i`"W " ' \ KI/ia A- ` ` ` A I , · I ` > ‘¢I yl" A li ·` _.( JX · · :3 . 1*55 ? 3 r A ¤L,· [ f ee? i ll; ll r` Q. M; 4( A ‘ “ `C; 1 II 252 s ‘ ' ` __;=x ` E °`1 ` { }· UI: ` 5 i` l ig 1% I , -. J; E , » ' ( ‘ rf Rmc@é¤>*»’ *5 A , r · r,;<{7 I J9 I- 3 A 5 fil {grit`? P x "q.. ‘ ’° l . " ·— · { ‘ * -;. gi U ` > Q`; ` Z= E —···—w•·•·••·¤· _ , an . " *&‘\._ . , __ 7, 4, ._ _ ,. . 1 -\ W . · ‘ .. r,»» ~»·=—- . ._ .._,j_,_~£ 7 - .- ~ ·-·-· " · ‘ n ( V zi 1 1 1 s2 2 F P l f ¤ w` if E if ;@ F K 4 é E i ¥ T 1% 1 1 Q 1