xt77h41jjf5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jjf5t/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1938 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XIII, No. 3, Winter 1938 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XIII, No. 3, Winter 1938 1938 2014 true xt77h41jjf5t section xt77h41jjf5t Th Q t l B ll t` f Th F ’ N ' S ’ I B I‘0Ilt1€I‘ l1I'S1Ilg €I‘V1C€, IIC. VOL. XIII VVINTER, 1938 NO. 3 [· - ~ .;Vl.. ’,., JT'7 Q . ..,,, ` ...--{IlimV5?I.`j7C'7°;"V‘?‘V?"”£*VV V V;;g·< ~ ·· / ». »» . ·‘'· J; `?'Y¤ 6L`y sw am" ` '?‘H$€???:" W VM'? V ii-V¥"*V"V?$4%;¥{»¤i?€;VY’¥£-y`$*$ V V . ·..;.- ·h·. . $.-.§.- .·_ .. - . < .. 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Copyright 1938 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. I I THE WHITE HORSE n 1 From \ THE LIFE OF SAINT COLUMBA (COLUMB-KILLE) A. D. 521-597 _ A by Adamnan (A. D. 679-704) r ’ Translated from the Latin by Wentworth Huyshe After this the Saint goes out of the granary, and, return- ~ ing to the monastery, sits down half-way at the place where ` afterwards a cross, fixed in a millstone, and standing to this ‘ day, is to be seen at the roadside. And while the Saint, weary with age as I have said, rested there, sitting for a little while, behold the white horse, a faithful servant, runs up to him, the one which used to carry the milk pails to and fro between the byre and the monastery. He, coming up to the Saint, wonderful to tell, lays his head against his breast—inspired, as I believe, by God, by whose dispensation every animal has sense to per- I ceive things according as its Creator Himself has ordained- knowing that his master was soon about to leave him, and that , he would see him no more, began to whinny and to shed copious H tears into the lap of the Saint as though he had been a man, I and weeping and foaming at the mouth. And the attendant, seeing , this, began to drive away the weeping mourner, but the Saint I forbade him, saying: "Let him alone, let him alone, for he loves 5* me. Let him pour out the tears of his bitter lamentation into A ’ this my bosom. Lo! now, thou, man as thou art, and possessing a rational soul, couldst in no Wise know anything about my departure hence save what I myself have just now told thee: I but to this brute beast, devoid of reason, the Creator Himself . has clearly in some way revealed that his master is about to i _ go away from him." And so saying, he blessed his servant the } horse as it sadly turned to go away from him. 2 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN A We were the friendly beasts-- We knew this Jesus well. Full forty days and nights *7, The Lord with us did dwell. i Lean limb and padded paw, We followed in His track- ° And not a claw unsheathed, And not a lip writhed back! We watched with gentle eyes When down He laid Him; HI No jackal in the land · A Would have betrayed Him. Our tongues had licked the dust Q From His worn sandal— " We brought our round-eyed young ' For Him to fondle. Lion and leopard and wolf- We would have ministered to Him. We were the friendly beasts- ‘ His own kind slew Him! ‘l Sara Henderson Hay The Christian Science Publishing Society . ` Boston . `{ i { is r·RoN·1·1ER NURSING snavrcn 2 WINTER IN THE MOUNTAINS "‘Keep thou my heart, till summer comes again, ` O little cabin, folded in God’s hills." - This Bulletin goes to press in early January. I am taking the copy down with me as I leave the mountains for a string of Eastern engagements which will not be written up until ,7, the Spring Bulletin. We have put a lot about animals in this . issue. At some time during the year—but I don’t remember when—we Americans have a ‘“Be Kind to Animals Week." It = is one of those many irritating weeks that are thrust at us in the midst of our diurnal rounds. Fortunately, most of us appre- ciate our animals; and we here in the hills find that we draw I particularly close to them when the rough weather sets in. The I horse or mule that struggles on through a blinding snow storm, j' . with icy water under foot, or deep mud and mire—-such an ' animal has shared the day’s toil and peril with you; and how · could he be less than a friend? The dog that follows after, · ' swimming the river in your wake, just for the fun of it,—such a dog has his honored place on the rug before the fire when the day is done. ‘ To get out of the mountains now from Wendover is easier than it was in the early years. I have to ride only some three ` or four miles before reaching the new motor road. I remember `I one January, in the days when it was twenty-three horseback I » miles to Hazard, when I had to go out at the tag-end of one . of our worst blizzards. I started of alone, on that loved horse I of mine called Teddy Bear, on whom I rode thousands of miles alone, and who fell off a clif and killed himself a little later. , We had the trail to ourselves for the iirst six or seven miles; and then we heard an immense jingling and clanging of harness, and met the U. S. mail—iirst class only—coming in by mule · pack. The mail carrier rode the leading mule, and three others _ followed, laden with sacks. I After that we rode for miles without meeting a living soul, i until by arrangement we met up with a reluctant plumber, who 4 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN was coming in to mend frozen pipes, and who brought a friend P with him because he dared not make the trip alone. We swapped . horses, so that Teddy Bear could get back to his own barn for the night, and I rode one Roddy Mac, a much less exhilarating . 1 companion, during the rest of the long day. The skies cleared, and the sun came out over a snow-white I and desolate looking world. The travel under foot was abomi- nable. The horse kept breaking through the ice of the creeks. Q V Finally, I decided to take a short cut of which I knew, and _ 1 get out of the beds of the creeks by crossing a lonely mountain, which would cut oif three miles. We toiled up to the summit of J the mountain, Roddy Mac and I, and just as we reached the top the sun set, with a panorama of color such as I have rarely Z seen. Night descended fast. We were pushed for time, to get Roddy Mac to a stable and me to an evening train. It was im- possible to ride down the mountain. We both slid on our l haunches, and I reflected that if one of us broke a leg, we could Q lie there until a thaw before any one came that way. t At last, in pitch blackness, we got to the foot of the mountain, and hit the main trail again just above the mining town. Suddenly I saw in the darkness ahead the flares from i the lights on miners’ caps. It gave me such a friendly feeling l to know there were human beings near at hand. As I pushed toward them, they all dispersed and ran away. In a moment I i knew why. There came a thundering blast, and rocks and earth fell all about us. There was nothing to do but keep going, Q which we did. Roddy Mac was stabled, and I got my train- but only just! In the New York papers, at the time of the blizzards two U years ago, written up with big headlines, was the story of a young woman, seriously injured, who had to be carried more ; than a mile on a stretcher through the snow, because her ambu- *` lance was unable to reach the hospital. "Nearly two feet of E snow," shouted the papers, "Cars stalled all along the road". . . ` "The Ambulance surgeon and his driver walked with the ` stretcher." { At the close of an article by Dr. Kooser in this issue, there t is a vivid description of a common experience in the mountains “ FRONTIER NURSING smzvicn 5 —that of transporting a woman in childbirth some eight or ten miles by stretcher through a winter storm. Such is winter _ in America’s lingering frontiers—the sort of thing that Gals- I worthy calls "Nature with a small ‘n’." But to most of us who live here, the winter has a charm that a smiling, summer I country never brings. i MARY BRECKINRIDGE. ll iii The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations Presents the Case tor China Note: We had the high privilege of listening on November fifth to ~ this address—a most statesmanlike speech on foreign relations. The point i of view of the statesman and of the Christian are reconciled in the con- cluding lines, which we quote. The italics are ours. a "The second issue comes home to us, as Chinese, caught in g an international struggle. When you have an international j struggle on your hands, you naturally feel you want to defend g your country and go on hating the enemy. I have seen it here. , I have met it on every hand, expressions of sympathy for China. i At the same time, I have seen alongside the rising sympathy with { China also a growing sense of resentment toward Japan and the l Japanese people. Do not let us do that; because, if we do that, we commit the same mistake that we did in the European war, because by hating, we made ourselves unyit for peace. · Therefore, in this particular situation that I find myself U caught, I have been helped through this experience to see very clearly the one essential qualification of a peacemaker and ,| that is the attitude that I see in Christ when he fought the wrong i in people—he never hated the wrongdoer. . "If you can catch some of this spirit of hating the wrong but . not hating the people in which the wrong seems to be, you will make yourselves the true peacemakers whom Christ preached of in his Sermon on the Mount." l i Lecture Reporting Service, sent us through the _ courtesy of Mrs. Charles W. Dempster of Chicago. i 6 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN ` An Epitaph to a Dog To the memory of Pincher his lamented dog this monument was raised by his master, Montague Gore, as a last pledge of I p their long and reciprocal attachment, and as a mark of his deep regret for one who had been through many years his hearty i companion by day, his watchful guard by night, in whom were » displayed all the noblest qualities of his race, friendship without { flattery, fidelity untainted by interest, gratitude abiding, unerr- ing sagacity, love of his master undivided, intense, which age l could not chill, nor lingering disease enfeeble, the passion that ruled his life and was extinguished only by death. (July, 1850.) I Contributed from England. G Characteristics ot Intelligence What are the characteristics of an intelligent person? Are l there any general qualities common to the intelligentsia as a group? Prof. Walter B. Pitkin, of Columbia University, in The Psychology of Achievement, points out ten of the "strongest ' general characteristics of a highly intelligent person." Here is his list: "Lively curiosity toward many matters. . l "A desire to investigate some of these matters for oneself. "Str0ng trend to analyze whatever one thinks about and, as a result, to perceive the factors of the matter in their inter- relations. "Fairly active imagination, at least in some subjects. ‘ "Unusually even performance over long periods; little ten- 3 dency to deviate much from one’s usual level of skill. O "Clear understanding of one’s chief desires and aspirations; hence concentration on dominant interest. l "Memory somewhat better than average and decidedly , ` selective. ' i "Patience with details, based on a grasp of their importance. l "Interest in reflection and observation much stronger than l interest in handling things or managing people. i "Distinctly modest self-appraisal, often even to the point of belittling oneself." —From The Churchman. { z rnoivrinn NURSING smavicn 7 MOUNTAIN OBSTETRICS g (Condensed) I l (Presented to Members of the Eastern Division of the Kentucky State _ Association of Registered Nurses.) l By E John H. Kooser, M. D., Medical Director of the l Frontier Nursing Service. [ It is quite an unusual experience for me to speak to a group J of nurses. I consider it a privilege and trust that my remarks l will be as profitable to you as the experience will be to me. The relation of nurse to physician, and physician to nurse, has been I and is a very close one, exemplified particularly well by the it motto of the State of Kentucky, "United we stand. Divided we l fall." Such a basic concept is necessary for an organization such as the Frontier Nursing Service, where the viewpoint of the nurse-midwife and the doctor is necessarily one of co- ' operation in a program for prevention and conservatism. Not only a rural viewpoint, but an ultra rural one is our ~ p immediate consideration. As most of you know, this organiza- tion emphasizes mother and baby. Within our territory any expectant mother who wants the nurse-midwife is cared for by the Service. Needless to say, we cannot care for all cases outside our territory, but within our elastic geographic boun- daries we do the best we can. It is a business-much like set- I ting our house in order. We arrange to the best of our capacities l and abilities, then accept what comes. We are fully aware of ’ our limitations; we attempt to alter our shortcomings. If we { can improve coming generations by our work, we shall have ' served our purpose. _ PRENATAL Pemoo Practically, our system works as follows. Mrs. X is "ex- pectin’." She usually comes to the clinic to be registered by ‘ i the nurse-midwife, or if this is not feasible, she may be taken up at home. Registration includes a brief family legend, name of creek, and number of miles from center. The latter is quite s THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN _ ` important, not only for the nurse, but also for me—if the patient lives Hve miles from Bowlington Center, if the month I is January, and if the nurse calls me at Hyden—23 horseback miles away. History taking includes brief notes as to past illnesses—rheumatism, acute contagions, and recurrent upper respiratory infections. Special note is made of menstrual cycle, ‘ diet, and general habits. Physical examination is of two parts, general and specific .... Other items include weight, height of , fundus, temperature, pulse rate, position, blood pressure, foetal x. heart sounds, foetal movements and urine examination. The l items just enumerated are part of each subsequent examination, the scale of visits for normal cases being monthly for the first ` six months, every two weeks for months seven and eight, and_ weekly for the last month. A registration is not complete without an arrangement in regard to the five dollar fee, and the way in which it is to be paid. The more aHluent pay in cash, the others in kind. Many babies are paid for in kind, chiefly labor and produce. At this point I wish to state that the nurse-midwives are completely responsible for the normal obstetrical patient. At first thought, this is fine; but I should remind you that they p must know the abnormal as well, and for two very good reasons. In the first place, only by knowing "what is not," will they know what is normal. In the second place, they must be able to cope . with an eme1·gency until medical aid arrives. This sounds l simple; but it takes courage to do a manual removal of the placenta, or bimanual uterine compression for hemorrhage, , knowing the doctor is four to six horseback hours away. . H Further, I should add that the responsibility of the nurse is immediately shared when she reports any irregularity to the · midwifery supervisor, or to myself. It is then our problem to institute correction within our limitations. A complete list A of do’s and don’ts is supplied each nurse. This is called our I ~ Medical Routine, and is authorized by our Medical Advisory I A Committee. TOXEMIA 2 Every patient with albumin or an elevation in blood pressure 1 is a potential toxemia until proven otherwise. Due to our lack . ' I · FRONTIER Nnnsmo smrzvxcm 9 . , of adequate laboratory facilities, which prevents an accurate grouping of such cases, we have adopted a clinical classification on the basis of the response of the patient. In our mild group are those who respond to a given course, prescribed at home. Our mid-group includes those who must be hospitalized for special procedure. The severe group includes those who are active until after the termination of the pregnancy. 1 The subject of toxemia of pregnancy is one of our most l difficult problems. Our guides, of course, are the blood pressure, urine, and general state of the patient. We are aware of ‘ chronic nephritis with pregnancy, hypertension with pregnancy, as well as the acute fulminating eclamptic, who may literally flare up over night. We view any early sign or symptom with alarm; we attempt to explain every change, however mild. This, I grant you, is a task, with our limited facilities. . Nursing ingenuity is often taxed severely. Some patients see the necessity and do everything requested. Others must be cajoled, and literally "sold the idea" of therapeutic restriction. We have a few extremes, including a toxemia with B. P. % . who refused treatment in a very positive manner. She said she would call when she was "fixin’ to get down." She was true to her word, and fortunately her course was uneventful. _ HEMoRRHAoEs Every bleeding patient is a placenta previa, until proven I ·' _ otherwise. Such a condition is always an emergency. We have l had benign cases, such as cervical bleeding and cervical polypi. · We have had our share of premature separations, and several very active cases of placenta previa centralis. y HEARTS I The mountain cardiac is a special problem. The first clue to her detection is often found in the registration history. She · Q may have had acute rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, chorea, or é severe tonsilar infections. Again, she may show an accelerated 1 pulse, irregularity, dyspnea, or oedema. Points such as these I lead to a thorough investigation. An occasional patient is de- I . 10 THE QUARTERLY Bunnmin I tected in one of my routine examinations. Such examinations ~ are made at specially arranged prenatal clinics, which I hold y periodically at Hyden and at the outpost centers. Patients who are compensating are watched carefully for adverse signs. The patient with decompensation is the real problem. It is some- times difficult to convince her of the rationale of rest and proper medication, for mountain women usually carry on at a full rate until they drop. Hence, in such cases, after the successful termination of pregnancy, we advise and carry through steril- I ization. II I ` HosP1TAL Our hospital plays a unique part in our obstetrical set-up. We have a small room which is used exclusively for deliveries, and a small ward, which is reserved primarily for postpartums. Accessories include a spacious porch, available during the warm weather, and a separate unit for infectious obstetrical patients , only. Hospital obstetrics are complicated, chiefly due to limited quarters. Should Brutus send in a premature separation, or Bowlington a pneumonia, the strain is evident. If an infectious postpartum appears, that is a hospital emergency, insofar as it means special duty nurses and quarters for them, in a build- ing where even the trunk room shares a bed. But whatever difficulties are involved, once we register a case we assume full responsibility. ~ . EMERGENCIES IN CABINS . The problem of the emergency case can be very difficult. A We prefer to hospitalize such a patient when possible. If neces- I sary, the case is managed in the cabin or in the nearest nursing l center. If the patient cannot come to the hospital, the hospital e goes to the cabin. I have done several internal versions by I flash light. I once extracted a placenta manually in a cabin · so cold that with the order for "Pituitrin, please, Miss X," Miss X picked up the charged syringe in four pieces. Some I strength to that pituitrin! On several occasions, every necessary item for a transfusion, including centrifuge and microscope, l was transported to a center by horses. Once the transfusion I ' I I I ' Faoivrma Nonsim; smavrciz 11 _ was done by iiash and lamp light. Once I found a postpartum extremely dehydrated, due to acute dysentery. An intravenous l was imperative. She was given one, using saline tablets, boiled water, and can with tubing whose original use was intended for vaginal irrigation. And so, I could continue; for to each of us there falls a due share of the unusual. It is said, "Necessity is the mother of invention." It is perhaps our lot to have a good share of necessity. A nurse in I a cabin must be the mistress of the emergency. It is her lot i to decide when to call for help. She knows what is required of her. The children must be disposed of—a willing neighbor will see to that. The agitation from the patient’s mother, aunts, sisters, and visiting granny must be kept well in hand. The fire must be prosperous; plenty of hot water. The husband is on his way to the phone. Will he remember to give her horse a full rein at the ford? I hope he can get the message relayed . through the exchange. What shall I do if the doctor is out? And, · now for the several hours until he arrives. And so, you see, the emergency is not mine alone, but the nurse’s as well. She may face the above after being out thirty-six hours. Providence - enters into such situations, dog-tired as one may be. There is always that emergency energy in reserve; and it appears as it is needed. I am sure mountain obstetrics has no text book; but with experience we evolve our routines and procedures. “ORGANIZATION” . Organization usually means records, ledgers, time sheets, 3 office desks; but to me it will always mean Molly Jones. I answered a knock at the clinic door one wintry afternoon, to , iind Stanley. "Yes, I’ve come for the nurse. Molly’s bad off i as she can be." , "Poor nurse," I thought, when I saw her and Stanley go through the barn; for I knew Sally Sizemore Branch, seven hard miles away—two mountains, five branches, and one main i creek. I felt snug in my warm room, but I wasn’t peaceful long. ; Several hours later—Dry Hill on the phone. Report from the i nurse about Molly: "Come at once. Bleeding, possible central I placenta previa." I hurried in my preparations. My horse was 1 I ( I . 12 THE QUARTERLY Bunnmrxn roughshod; and I squeezed into my bags several specimen tubes, i one containing normal saline. The mare was excited as usual, l but my dinner was disturbed also, so we were even. We made the trip without mishap. { Our gloom dispelled as we neared the cabin, as it meant a fire for me, and possibly a stall for the mare, if she could be easy with her heels for a while. As I heard the report from the nurse, I thawed externally and chilled internally-—multi- . para; 37 weeks gestation; moderate, painless bleeding; pulse "` quick, but of fair volume. After opening my bags, we assembled ix packing, instruments for packing, and gloves. I examined. A { brisk hemorrhage verified my Endings. We packed and watched. The hemorrhage was of short duration. The general condition of the patient responded to an opiate. We decided to chance it. Yes, hospital. Well, in short, four people went up and down the creek, and finally, sixteen volunteer stretcher-bearers. The stretcher