xt77h41jm34r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jm34r/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1961 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1961 Vol.27 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, January 1961 Vol.27 No.4 1961 2019 true xt77h41jm34r section xt77h41jm34r '1 . ‘w " ., ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ’~ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' , ' - W ‘ 3 ‘1 ”155‘, ““5"“ ~ ‘1‘"? , ‘ , 3, . ~ f‘”:"vir:'.'»’i14/v::'- ‘1 . '. 1! ' 3mg , 3 3/1 #133,,” , W' 3,333,515.] , 3: 3:33;. 3 1 1 3 £37151: ,.:; , . “ 31;:3‘ , , 2:1 1 ’ ' ’ 4.4771 1 a f; " " , 3f :.:Li1,:7‘ ' * ‘ 11‘: 7* N 7” m 1 11:333.; 3. 3 1 ‘3 « 3 '3 1 ‘ . ”.3531; - 1.1'3}; 1 - 1 ,r ’ 1 1 . (7!. v ‘11 «V/ ,r , ml . / , , . 1 3' »- , . . '1 .. « ,./ ‘, a: ..-' 12.11:... 1 ‘ 1 ‘ - 1 . 1 5.1 , :v’ . :13 a! . . / ~ ‘1 11 ." x“ ‘ ’ .: X 1' if??? 1 1 '1 1 ' :1 " 1 "3H? ’51 1 1' ‘1 '3 1 3- f!" 1 ‘1 1 i T. I 1‘, "‘2"3‘_‘~'51*’:31*;v”13§%. 1 ' ‘3 1 . I ,. 1 :1 W1 .» 1 3 ' 1 ’ V , 1 ‘5 .3151 .15 f’ I: '1 e! we~ _ ~ ~ 35 1 1 ‘ ' ” ‘ ‘ ,» , . 1 1 11 " v ' ——-—-«—~~~4-~-~~-Je~- nww-W’WAhum-"fi-A—m>“A‘r-rL—--:~-~~~-~——-~~~w“:- ~~=~—---»'-«r---~~r4~4~~4~m¢mummnmw4xwmw“3M...“L...”-.““3.me 1 ‘31 3 1 1 1 11L11 1 = Januafiy ;; ~W i 9 I I»; /)\ 1 1 1 1 1 ' I‘l9/il? Y A 1 I 1 1 ' 1 Com/67117071 WW 8 ' 1 1 1 Hi: 796/ 1 . \Q 05/: 1; :1 1 Published in the Interest of Community Journalism . _ ,1 {111.23% and FQKKEZUCky NEW/5961;716:473; 3; 3 1 ‘2 ‘ 1 ; ‘ . ”(4’ «if; ‘ 1 , 1 1 7 :53” /W<$§111fi11511fl1fl1111 " . ' > ‘ ' 11' 1 11$? MN " . ‘ . . 3-’ 1 1. i ' J: "' w * . 3? f 1:"? “ ' 3,; H: 1‘ 1 1 ‘ ‘ f; .- , $339; " ‘ g" 3 151211 V 11;” é : t . . . “ . r" . * pew?»1.5531314» . 1 .3 '1 1 ' 1 , 1' ' ' 3E. inmz gay/ft ”K : ' i’:- 1 fir; 11 3 1 Publlcahon Office: L '1 1 f '1“ s ’ a 1 ., - ' 311 1:1 ’ 1 - .5 . . v . : 9:; »15§§4‘£’~£§?é ’Qtéy‘h‘va . ’1 . »‘ .v~ww. 1;; ;- .1 , 11: 3 ‘1 5 1 Dr. Kelly Thompson, Kentuckian Of The Year, receives his silver cup from 11 ' 1 President Westpheling as President-elect Adams approves i3 3 ' ‘1 1 11 ~. 1‘; if «'13: A- /l ,4 T T, , >1 7 ,9/ w fl‘ 2‘3» g" .'/1 717/ r*,' ,v’ I 1’ r" T 1’ '1: K 1’ f; r" f if" ' ' 1’ f" / ’ , / 1’7 ," ’3 [7, K,,/1 1 1 . ; 3-,») » ' 1 " , 3 - _ ”5.3;? JANUAR W‘ n' Kelly 7 hompSOll MIHW I: 1 I k Press Wester S . . uBO I 1 1 ‘ ' 1 I l 1.11 . e Kentuc Y (Zitlzen 11 ‘ I ‘II ' 1 1 ~- Th ”t tan mg I‘ I IIIIH II'IIHII - | me 27 Number 4 Name 5 1 £01 West ArequeSt f1 1 ‘ 1 u I . z.‘t 21118 ' ‘ i I III , I 1 V0 . P blicafion d. for been involved 111 the V 1:11}: boy 01' girluI 1'11American ( I; ‘ I i I officnalss :ssociationr Inc. .- lent Enos Swain, preSI 1nIg the he has never forgotten ‘ “ age from the II I a I l . Keatucfizckgrf’ress Service, InC- PaSt Plelsrlied B VV'JChS’ presente(f the needS a helping bulldl 5 been ‘1 lender Ilelivel'ed by ?I l I II 1 1 en . I-irnlkln ‘ ' . 1 Close 0 “ . . I -{-f'1iI‘S )6 1:1‘ ‘ ‘ t- ., 1 1 EdltOl' CM ‘kl‘ln at tie ll] clvlc d c . . l heon ga. .vI . wt . R. Pol-[mannI’ . . . ding Kentuc < I . d as CovemOlo mm .51 1 . .: Vlctor t8 Edltor Outhtdll - 1- . . f1) has selVe . I . . m . .J , . la .. . . f . L, . . 1 tel 1 1 .; . hley, Assoc 1 -heon, saymt» . .9 1115 h e -. ~ t of KIWanlS mid-“111 . II i ll I I: Perry J' AS b r Q-1tul‘dfl" uIIL e'll‘ 1961: VV‘I‘ T finessee Dlstllc . . 12 II I II 1 l“ Allen] e C CC L( ’ r Iklru‘l 0f the y ( a 1 .. KentUCkY' e . ' Served: oclatlon 11 1 1 I1 ommer « . kentuc 1‘ , ems . I . leD tWICe Ass I . I: 1 NH 1x1ewspflPer "’1“ A ‘ - .llege “’35 "I ' 1‘ tenant-governo - -. '1) me 61‘ 1‘ . 1 I ”II I ‘ . . Member . . I new httle CO I“. grad- leu h‘ , served on innumeml Tn u , 1I I . ~ I ‘ sustammEI iation nttel ‘1 . Creen- H6 W“ . No. gI He as . Ill Prime 1‘ .. 2 1 1: I I . ' 1a! ASSOC , .1 Bowling . 928 1011 .- -. comlmttees. from 1 I ‘1 1‘ =H . al Edltor R ntuCkV J . H] 0] 111 1 .- 'll‘ld ClVlC : . h 11 1 11 1 mi ; Nation . mber . e I- banon high sc 10 “true eduCallOll c . 1 1.5 11113111 Peru m w II I II I I“: . . Assoclate Me - Associatlml uqted from Le ‘ . I th‘lt £111] at the t ‘ l l in‘m)’ civlC enC eavO ’ was I _1_ ‘Il ‘1 _ , er Promotion « . III. :1 freshman ( . . has heat e( 1 . . II (1611101151111. stated he . II II I M I ‘ National Nevlcylspszhe Kernel Press and enmlfid tlnckv College, “Ihwh byllthaLt ing Green and 1” 6‘7er use pl'ess of hls .1 " 3‘? Prime Western 8“ . ‘ . 111ittle c0 ege. . I’l‘ship- C0 . 1 ‘II. . {a ‘ . ~72- zeal-0 C ~ . . . 1 ssful ledCL ‘ . A ' s of IEIII g1 .‘ g; l , W “me had become ‘1 ‘ )5 61. Since, except “’1 ”nice I)“ served as pl'es‘dLnt 0f the k hanId IIl j‘I l l‘ I I The Se'lt‘e‘ICII‘II/I [771170rtrznce 0; (fifenllngfiml “He has been this? avg] 11] in World War I\HCA:soci'1ti0n of Colleges antIl SECIOIII 61%: lecol'd' -*1 ‘ W1 am ' . ., nL '- ' .. . .. 'vv a . .r s . . z e‘ - , 1 . 1 1.1 the fun [08,”,ng (1 . I fall- . 10d as a J . _ 1 111 tut ,V . . -t1ve memJel MI 1 1 ‘1 l" “1 I . - '111208961 0" "6 tmds f0" hut 1’ - 21 bl'lef 196‘ - ~ .1 mm to P‘esme ‘ 1 ]s H6 15 ‘1" ac . ~ sentm ll 1 ‘ ll ll Ig: l i must “l’ Information It 3 ‘. the presentdm” 1 1 41s risen from fies i . . . an Sc 100 - . ,. tion and oltl of a pie . 1 1 1 ,I _ - ) . . . _ . t. . - , tl] veal, - .. no“ A550CIJ . b I 1. I I III I ()f1211b1‘I’ . '1 and decency m s- of journal IL 1““ l '-h now 111 its 54 . tuckV Educd , . He BIS had ee . I I. _ ‘I 1 ' mess, [IcLIINICJa .] -, the Canon . . . 'ts I . “e yeI whlc , ,. l ’ Ken , . . AsSOCI'JthH' 0 v 1 . In . . , um I” . . lmds m 1 of .1 c0 5 . .15 11tt e. , . Elucdtlon 1 dq , I I ‘ III ‘ new-S, (’5 Set I“ .- 't etthdl stunt .I - 1 . l-eferled t0 ‘ Natlonfll C finch C11 Wednes (Y I ‘ I ll ‘ I iIl i I'lfm. It advocates 51"]: Opposes the publmfitlgt can no longe‘ be this man, 'JImOSt ‘ ‘ qq a member 0f the K61 ' h newspape I‘:IH I' I: tlé I I - twin" column. ‘ , ise 0f "ewS' ' I u > . ~ .11 tribute to _ seivlng “ . fission. te . 1 ‘ . e) z: . I 5 _ ( y . * 7 11 , -. ll l ‘ ll El :Ighezlohagz“‘l" mid tfhea (,Ilewsptlpe’ to fitme- It 19 1 gIe‘rithout parallel, that he pm War Centenn ll Cémnl field of athlEIl bers 0f KPA I ll I I III Ill firm-8‘ the ObligaltfOglzvefliiorifll “Wagons? etuerl'll singular un( “- ' . 10 rise from freshmah’ “His activities “I He. 1 A led in thee“ newspaperme I I II I I Ill honest andIf::h;hl7mi0n ""‘lIllegfigtgutmmfl sessed the (Imam-1:5 to director 0f pubhc have been outstandmg asvlfiev Confel'eml Western Hex I z 1 III - 'ts 60“” ' . in. NB ‘ - - 0111 613 . ~ ‘ r ‘ Ohio 21 . ‘ ' I. II 1» SP“. wtzupatlon . . It believes t student ‘6 .1 1 to actmé . - of the , ~ed dlplo I I“ III 1 “I ' indiv’dmd to I I m 0f the PM)” . “pic 0 . ”131.11“ preSIC 911 a . ganlz‘dtlon . . f r sane and 501m we 1 1 1. .;.I 0 . [c of Free“) I gdium fol 0’ ’ ”1.5mm to «155 ‘ . 1 . mg and - .1117 strives 0 ‘ ,1 ber h ; 1 v. 1 21 mun" ‘3 ,- a may "7 . de- chl ’ .- mthout €th . 1 continud . . _ . .n athleh Decem > II“ II I II ‘ I?” the {lewsgcl'liltfir (:12ch cultural Community president to presidentl \ce for 21 time to be' dnhcies in the adininistiflftlon Ofl (Ivide 15 Spending $2( I 1 1 I21 1". Camomw’ S ’~ res-Y. - ‘ ‘ me 0t 161. p 21‘ pa ' H own an" ant . K i III II II II II II uclopmcnt (Ind 77mg ——‘___ golng OH (:fpel‘t- 1 program He I13 :11] is Constantly invltedI pl'O-gommlsi; III; I II I II I mfiaflon’ Inc‘ come (m ‘ '1'9 whiCh this mill] has bee} publiC $136111?” {11 . qnizatIODSv not 0111” In hIS meI l II I I II = Kentuck)I P “Idem 1 “The fiVe ye“; 1 1ir have been the 1110“ vlddreSS “1110115 018" 1d his mtive state I-Iemisphele .I 1 . -.' . I '1. II”, '02 r" . “E 1 . C . 4~ 7! . K . . ' II I! . II ~ I: W. Foster Adams, " Berea Cltu-efl: Be‘ in the Inewlcn-ts table histol‘)I 0f thls $113201. Kentucky but flu be}O ‘ commumSt.“ 31 1 .“ III . .,.' ars In I I . as .. . ' -I DuBoiS, 1n: 1 I " II ,- w VLCG—PICSIdEflt . Green eventful ,Ve .. , ~ le of chdflges . burden. . . m educatlomI I III II II II I John B. G‘umblgwk City Nelm\]13(z)zl:711;:§ An 11117005t endleSIS Itfllilcsmte The 81mm «Alwuvs u populai figuredes thl‘OllghOI IMOf South :111II‘ W: E‘ I wtary-t" " , . . \Aes 81‘1 ‘ ' . . ‘ rts 011‘ . ' 'II III ' I III I I V' tor R. Portm'dnn’ sec”. ,.et(,r1,-MunUgG" take“ place at 1 l—curricula, facultYa Iounmhstlc, and 5p0 . 't gives me grea of the Unlted lI lI Ill El: H l Pm) J Ashley, A's-Sim!“ scil’j‘reusurer structure of the 50100 1 siC'll Plant—has Kentuckv and the nation, 1 ommittee I the program 1 I II III?1 I I e”, ‘ . Assisto‘n ‘ ,- ‘ . - .- )uS, PW ‘ I ' . ‘ f Vour c ’ . .. I I I. I I III I I Florida R. QuilIbOI‘I’IIt of Kentucky, Lexlngton organlzatlon, (‘UmlI . ed overhauled, (111d pleasure, on behalf 0 'Kentuckia“ 0“th AmencanS, III] I I I I ‘II I umwm yt've Committee been SUI‘Veyed’ en .ngI {001’s reSponsibilitY )resent for the axvzll‘t}: gOI] President counter the I l l I I II! I“ District Execu 1k] rd Casey 00‘th reghqped to meet theI 1“} told” [Yen 1961 Dr. Kelly rhomp- ’ I by the Com ‘13 I iI III II , . Bur 121 ’,I 7' '( 1 T. ‘ ( - 701'( 0 ‘4' l‘ ’ ‘ ’ a.” . ' ' Ill I l l llil Chummljlbcft;“l(gt'Large); Fclélsit’xilllt‘lnslzgond in the changlflg “ to it tlnt Western \Vestern State CollegeS he prefers tobé mane condlttr 1" 1‘ 1" ".3 ~ ‘ . 4 ' J: . 5 , . v ‘ , v a I I I ll Ill [Wu/'83 LzIon County Heml‘lidlfw ycBntral CltY; “This man has seen -t.t1-‘dditl0n with— Kelly Thompsell: l of 11911751191pr gested the I‘ II II I: I 1 _ I Eurvrl; Stone) MessenIger-A'CeDIIIIiie,‘_]0urnul alllld I g continued 10 develob 15 'bilitV 01. the k]O\Vn among 1118 th’"1c ber of KPA- the mistakes I; 1 1 I : l I .I aI . .1 CaunnnlS’J-r, Bell Trim 8 m. . . . of responsl . 1 ctiVe mem d (rive' 1‘ I 1‘ I . 1 1 " Thn'd, BaSI , - I Frank C- ’ , _ .' ItS hen-Se , - .. 11nd _- I.__]Ong £11] (I I “151)“?L ple an o 1 ‘ 1': i1. 1 ' 1116; Fifth . . Trotter 13" out 105mg I -endllneSS ‘ fuencs , ~n {111C V‘ . . IIIIj Ell: l lll lljlmiej’crltjfugzdfmd; Slxflgiz Cf§rl§rcen R‘ Fighllgl, distinctive features of -f1(1301‘por-1ted into “as called to tl)e II1th(g):11v6d Silver PM DUBOIS pl“ 1‘ 51 II ‘II . e . ’ .Seuen > ‘. , ' I 7 I. I Vere 111 ‘ “ ., " a en '2 ' ~ I I l; . . I III . ,mmse, LebaIIIlglgz Eighth: Ceplgb 110.5323 T. wholesomene” th’lt \ f under, Dr. H. H. sented the t1 aditlon P-esidellt Westphelml I and his Cul III I I1 1 III“ Merwrzitvgilhl‘ somerset]lNl'rItllf‘enth Maur— its structure by the tonestem a COllege er "111d certificate by 1 eech he Su-esseIIIflI and was only I I« II wI It,“ Commo ’ ) dent ASMHU ' i State- ‘ ‘ 1‘s kep ‘ ‘ - . u tmce 5P ’ ’ t\\' fh' trol 1: II 1; .: I II :1 f '5, Jr., “Clem." ’ .. Middleslmm: . herrV. He m _ . women £01 In 1118 accep ‘ . dents thfl 0 IS 0011 If I E. II I III}? 5.2? Heany, DSIIIIN$ZI13pIin, HEIIIZ‘Z'LCESIZI’ Sedjcited to premium? me“ .JIngdwofld with- strongly the rising tlde of SIllfor q long—URI assertion mm 1'1 w . .pw ,t-Lm'ge> E‘W‘lr b L r re 51 C- ‘m ~ '- . ' If in 21 swl t-mOV“ ' . ts 11 re and the nee 11'5ch have helped :III: I I I I'I'm ‘ ,. . state—at- a is > I' w Past PzeSI Nice 111 1 e - nnble asse .1tend c0 6i: the p) .I 11;. x" . I I ,I I chlngton? . kf rt" Immetla .3 Se . . _- those lllta Ea . , J . Of them: C 519-: 11 I 1 .. ‘ ul Fran 0 ’ c unty New , - ~1c1‘1flcmg -.1 take Cale . 1bl6a“ Cuba by not 111 . m 101”" ’ - Fulton 0 1t evel 5‘ ‘ tern SPHI‘ Ian t0 - ' tons 311‘ I11 I I II- St“ 1 Westphclmg» or f mous Wes p ,1 ' her Instltu 1 ’ ur . b ' . ‘3 =1 : I . a ,1 ; dent, Pa“ 7 ' . make the ‘1 'e , 1 of 0111 11$ enteilC 1 In the eglnl H I II I II Flam” ky Press Service: InC- “hf: 1111s m'lpped a plan fol-05166 fighlée plihfetent faculty, and an a1ufgllillul'e explnl 2‘" orderly C] i‘I- III I I Kenluc ‘ e 2. ‘ .‘1 500, SC co oclel'h 2111C II I III . 5 II .I I“ M \Villis, Presiallentenger Brandb‘nburg which Calls for the new Esgl'uction' a new riculllm to meet I“ I \IIouIId l11:IiVe 1'1 1 1 - Z I ': = an ‘- ' SS 1 ' (:01 7 . . ( ' lllll l I llll H J 7 1 Film: Vice-Freddy; sburg building now 111'Klelnedtlc'ti.*i011 buildmg t0 Sion. te ’10 mi; ""1 1:I,.v‘ I ) n ‘1 ‘ --——-‘-‘ 1 iIIII I 1 III z George M. \\1 son He,-aId-Nezus,l Har 1 $2,500,000 phtylilchevu- future; and a new _. I I II of Mr. mIGI DAfil-abm: IIII‘ tmziif 1 ._)_ . Sent . . '1 e ‘ . . - -— 4 .111-1‘17 ,1 11018 COD “II II I W! I 1 Wills, Second V1“ P’eszléews Calhoun be Stalted n These blllldlngs wlll p10 Julian Goodman, 50". .5 of the LIODI ' f1 VIII .1 l‘IlII 3 L;m(0n McLean. County >I . twining schOOL to take care quis publishel 111W stmction 0 II1II II! II ‘ R Portm’lnn Secretary-Treasmel Ier the necessary classl-(I)I()1n5t which has Mrs. W}? lcl EdeYVflle’ has his'IIIIOIIIII measures, be IiIIIII II I III; I Victor . ‘ ’ I r1—TreaSUrer v1( . “1.0 men 1tV era 1 f the 1 _ . . II), ;.5 1 I11. I l 1. Asst. Secletfl J _- ton kvl'OCketll‘lg e e’ll‘S. COUI , . . gident 0 III 1511311011) ShC I I!” If;I IE Perry I Asuy’ . K ntucky, Lemng 0f the S ' ' the past five “y ‘ 1 t0 Vlce‘ple‘ 1111 be I I 1.1 1.: 11 '9 7 ‘uerSlw 0f G 1 ubled In - - 1 motec He V‘ 1C Kennedy grc "'1‘ II . I 1. L m . tors more than (0 11 for addltiona . Company. I {01.11}. I‘III III III; I Board of DerC . , . his plan Ca 5 . . d 131'0‘vldcastlng bliC afl-‘zul's the Cuban 6 wiliéié ‘v'Ilii ‘ . .. ,1 County He)- In additlom . the libraly 3“ . news and P“ . . I I III I I‘ll / innan William T: Dal/”1313f;I Daily N91” (1 mitorieS, an extensmn t0 ding of the charge 0f mtulations- . Russm w1l Iva‘ If; I IE1“. C 7" ’41,. Maurice K- I , I’ ProgreSS: 01 . - - for the fee IevjleI]. Gong ‘ 1h - 1 ; III I: ‘lw; ald, Eddyu c’VilCS O. Dlllinglmm,I , Hick- expanded faCIhtles While he has te I e coxrespo. IIII: =31 I I Middlesbomi qu ‘Ro Gardner, CotnIe’fi) ville; . owing student bOCIY- I HI: 5‘. . I ,, Dawson Epilnfig‘uin Shelby News: Sue y ever-g1 I :j-tlIEIj' III. I ; R0 er .‘ a- . E “II i:I lI ; a I Iggfiher-S' e-V'Offiw)' I [II i II ' I ‘ II III I: - :IwI 3 . , “II E I "I1 I :I‘l li'I II | 1; Illlll - . II I II .II: I , .Il'l‘. #77 i IIfII g; I 1 =1 = , mm: 11‘ fii¥\\ » 111111 3j::. I J» \ . 1h“ l ‘ I l I ‘7 El JANUARY, 1961 THE KENTUCKY PRESS PAGE ONE J n DUBOIS A ress ng lg ts Mid-Wlnter Convenh on J ' J .3111113t01'Westt Arequest for more cooperation with Lat- of causing a war. Organized resistance is These young ladies would be brought in J rt boy or girlut in American Countries and a personal mes- increasing and is in a state of mobilization from each county in the state for the con- J been ‘1 leqd sage from the Prime Munster of Peru were at the present. he sald. \Yhen the counter- test and would serve as guides and junior J * re» delivered by Jules DuBOIS to the Friday revolution begins, all Latin America should hostesses for the events around the fair r1 Governorof luncheon gathering of the 92nd annual be mobilized to occupy Cuba and put an area. J lCt of Kiwanisi mid.winter meeting of the Kentucky Press end to Castro. Otherwise, Dubois pointed Browitt also said more of the entertain- thce 'served' Association in Louisville. DuBois, Latin out, there will be the greatest blood bath ment aspects of the occasion would be 1 21521119131] 3J1 Atherican correspondent for. the Chicago this country has ever known as Castro tries moved to the front of the area with an in- J a Tribune, delivered a tape recorded plea to hold on to ma e1. crease of hippodrome type actrvrties. He committees. PJ from Prime Minister Pedro C. Beltran of DuBois, who has covered Latin America told the group that efforts have been suc- Jdeavors infltt Peru, in which the government official for 14 years, said US. prestige is “under- cessful in bringing rodeo activities to the V ase demonstm; stated he was determined to keep the free going a moment of great expectancy. Latin fair with permanent enshrinement of the ‘ press of his nation from falling into the America is looking to Kennedy for leader- world’s Champion rodeo trophies to be in It dent of the Kr hands of Communist controlled elements ship. There is great hope that Kennedy will Freedom Hall. He also speculated on the J ages and Sen; there. ‘ provide the impetus to development proj- possibility of the national finals in rodeo JJJJ we member thJ The recording, delivered as a summation ets in Latin America.” activities and contests being held at the ;JJJ JJ nation and ON“ of a presentation on Latin America by Du- DuBois covered the Castro revolution Fair grounds in the future. 3 JJJ J ’Cltttlolt He Bois, had been placed on tape the previous that ended successfully in 1959. He wrote Press day at the fair will be held on open— 1‘ J it e KenkaYCil Wednesday. Beltran, former publisher of a book sympathetic to Castro, but later be ing day, he said, with the hope of gaining J )h- the newspaper La Presna, urged the mem— fell into disfavor with Castro. the backing and sponsorship of the small J 691d 0f fithlfih bers of KPA to close ranks with other free In other activities of the Association, press of the state. In addition to this, Brow- he led in then-J newspapermen to preserve freedom in the Thursday night resulted in a buEet dinner itt promised special features written about J ’ alley Confefeflt Western Hemisphere. Noting that Peru with 140 persons attending. During and the happenings of the fair and more direct J J J sane and sour severed diplomatic relations with Cuba in after the meal there was hospitality and work with the smaller newspapers and radio J JJJ’ El 0“ 0t 3“ athlft December, he reported Cuba had been general socializing with the enjoyment of stations. J. 1' and widens spending $20,000 a month to provide a all. The unexpected bad weather neither Commissioner William Scent, State Reve— J J JV ‘ tttthth’ illVitth pro-Communist revolution in that country. discouraged the “first-nighters” nor the nue Department, was next on the program J J1; J 01.15: “0t ODJJ’JJ In his message Beltran said the Western lively rounds of professional talk which 211- with general comments regarding the re- J J hlS “athe 5W?“ Hemisphere faces a great fight to combat ways accompanies the meetings. porting being done by the press of the state 'J i . . J Communist inroads in Latin America. Friday morning witnessed the return of in relation to the sales tax program. ‘ J, J1 .- 9 1“ education DuBois, just returning from a week—long the group to business with President Paul William J. Oertel, executive director and JJ JJ f V1016? throughorJ tour of South America, reported the actions \Vestpheling Presiding. Dr. Herbert S. VVal- secretary 0f the Ohio Newspaper Associa— ' it hJ . it glVBS The grer of the United States in that area is good but 191-, Rabbi of the Congregation Adath 15- tion, then related the experiences of his J J J 1r committeetJ the program needs to be stepped up. Latin rael, pronounced the invocation which was group in obtaining a “right to advertise” "J‘J '3 entucklml OJJJJJ Americans, he said, need a program to followed by a lively and warm welcome by law in Ohio. He pointed out that such JJJ‘; J npson, PreSldfflt counter the “smoke screen” which is sent up Louisville’s mayor, Bruce Hoblitzell. The legislation in his state has worked success- HJ . J by the Communist bloc when some diplo— mayor emphasized the need for close work- fully and has resulted in a decrease in un- ' J‘J JJJ prefers to be matic conditions favor their side. He sug- ing relationship of both the press and gov- acceptable advertising due to greater vigi- JJJ JJJ . of newspapfl gested the US. should take advantage of ernment and encouraged more cooperation lance by responsible advertisers and media J JJJ JJ amber of KPA' the mistakes made by the Communist peo- between the two groups. Vice—president of advertising. JJ ’ ‘ n and W215i]: ple and give the other side of the argument. Foster Adams responded for the association. Friday afternoon contained the meeting 1 J Ned srlverplltt': DuBois predicted the downfall of Castro This was followed by the president’s re- Of the SChOOI 0t Journalism Foundation, J ant WCStPhtdeJ and his Cuban followers was a certainty port and the appointment of convention eleventh annual meeting 0f the Kentucky Eh} ht: $31.“ and was only a matter of time until the end committees. Press Service, and a presentation Of a new ‘ J m, the physiti have hel mcll e ear 11611, that the Us COUJd tor, outlined for those present the plans 0f Ibsen}; to ex lain the workin if ,WNR ’J V ions, an able mrJ CUbab Pe Shh-t1?) t1: CfmlnmumSt'bloC 1n the fan" officrals for the coming year. He I23nd what canp be ex ected frgm the na- IJ . augmented our, in the bygno .ac 111%.t e a len Batista unit emphasrzed the need of creating a warmer tioml O elation in thg future ‘JJ 2 1d future expaan an ordeflglnllung. T 11s Tit/OHM have allowed feehng for the falr from the rural areas of A‘ 'p ' ‘ l 5 . ' . , j JJ i Would ha); CtahgeWeCll 1n governments and Kentucky and asked the full support of the f . Piloélmate Y 32' perdsons Wille on hand J J : J the bud:- e prevente Castro from getting states newspapers in this program. Movmg '01 t e anquet on Fri ay nlg t and en- ‘1 J J { —— ‘ mg of all the anti-Batista forces. of more activities of the week, he continued, joyed the meal along With the followrng , M , law of Mr. and An absolute economic boycott of Cuba, to Freedom Hall would serve the purpose entertainment WhtCh was furnished by the . JJ I ers of the Lyon“ DuBois continued, would help in the de- of centralizing the activities into one area Courier-journal and Times. The dancing ‘ JJJ a has been prfl‘, structioH of the Castro government. Strong and get people better acquainted with the which followed was a pleasant change of J J; 3f the Nation“ measures, began by the Eisenhower admin- building. The purpose for this is to displace pace from the httSiheSS SCSStOhS and reports JJ He will be "ll lstration, should be continued by the new the idea that it was a cold building and to 0f the day. ‘ . J affairs for NBC Kennedy group in an effort to freeze out get more Warmth into it. Guy Easterly, LaFollette, Tenn, vice ‘ J J the Cuban economy. The fair director then outlined a plan for president of National Editorial Association, , J ‘ Russia will give full support to Castro, a Kentucky Daisy Mae Contest which, he related the growth of the parent organiza- . ‘ , :' the correspondent said, but will stop short hoped, would become an annual event. tion and asked for the continued support of ' J . ‘1 , . J 2 "1"L1-1‘1'1’ 1‘ 11 11 L 11 LL LLLLLL LL, 1'. PAGE Two 1 11111 11111 THE KENTUCKY P ‘ LL L LLLIL 1 L 1 R555 JANUARY, ‘96] JANUAR 1L1 L L1; 1 '1 Good Atte d P 'l ' n a I S l Of L L 1 L nce reval s n pi e a WeatheL1A an L1 1 1 L L 1 L 1; 1 11 1 41 KPA 1n ever growing functions f h * 11 1 1 1 L 11L . 0 t e 1151- Whereas, ma 1' l " ; n 1- 111 . LL L L L LLLL L tlonal weekly newspaper Organization. .“1 ] L LL ny egltnnitc expenses ex- Larry Stone, second; Basil C . 1, L L" L L L LLL A anl Hi . . ecu tic upendlture of sums over $1001 third- Fm k C B 11 flumman ' LLL-L 1 L LL-1 the printeinonbo Lce supplies as a adlunct to and ’ sixth: “72:11.6 'R 6F? fifth; CeOrge TmmL L ‘ ' ' LL. 1 1 L1 1 LaMgrr Bf dlusmelsi's WLZS dlscussed byL]. Whereas, the Constitution, in Article V. Ioplih Ill 1'1 hth~ lsher, Seventh; GeorgeL - 1 ' 1'5 1 L L LLLLLL a 6}” FOVI ence; Jane B1rd Section 3, provides that “He the v 1 - l' ’ e1g 2 James T' Norris, T '1 LL 1 11 LL LLLLLL Hutton, Harrodsburg, and Cecil Wilson treasurer) g1.“ . b . 1 secretary ninth; Maurlce K. Henry tenth- St I" ' I11L1L ‘ L 11 Barbour-ville. 1" F' Smith, President of the; Committee fd11 'lp:ll‘or\:1'illt ltd; File E-:XeCIUtlve large, S. C. Van Curon and Edwarzdie-LL ' ‘1 ~- , ‘ 1 (1,1611111’17 ~' ' . . L . 'LL LL 1‘ LIL L Call Publishlng Company, DuQuom, 111,, expenditure in excess of $100”. Lnd‘Ovmg femphn, and immediate past PreSident L :. L L LLL LL LLLL L L told the group the possibilities of the cen- Where-ts the strict inter31et1t' f h Paul Westpheling. , V . 1 1‘ 1 ‘ ' - . . , " ’ I I 't . - . ’ t 1' ' L ‘11 LL ,LLLL L tral prmtmg plant are unllm1ted. Hls firm provision would render a lhqrdshcin (1)11 tthls LAnnouncmg the contmuance of the new: ,. 1L LL 1‘ 1111 ~ regullll'rly pmhhShed kOne daily and eight conduct of the ordinary business- 31d 6 hadmon’ PL'GSldent VVestpheljng presentedL ’ 1 - 1 111 1 , wee leS eac wee . This is he said 7 . . ‘ ’ ‘ an engraved jule cu t B ' 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 1111 111 = ’ i V1 helcas b 1 actr f 1 - ' p p O RSI] Caummjs 1' 7 " L L L _ h . . L 3 1 on 0 a pievmus Execu- ‘ “ . 31 '1 L L L LL L LLL aradled on 3 contract basrs and charg es are tlve Committee, a motion had been )qssed '11.: the LKPA membel, who as chairman of ; '1 . , LLLLL LLL LLL L ma. 6 accor mg to the amount of work re- to the died that the Secret . MLIM . t e mld-wmter convention committee ‘ LLLL L L LLL qurred by the several news papers. Usually exercising due (lilligence find a] y- (finagil, helped me the most during 1960” 11 1 > ,. ~ 1 1 11 1' . .1 " ‘ ‘ x Ga . _ , ' 'r' ':. LLLLL L LLL LL the charges we1e from $20 to $40 per page. benefit of the Association sh 11161;” t .e . John Courtney, state director, US. 3111.1 .17. 1LL L L LLLL‘LL . The executlve committee recommending, mitted to abridge said C" (tDLuCL e pei- mgs Bonds Division, presented PresidentL ‘L 1 L 111 L 111L211 under constltutional requirements, the sec- ( -, . ‘ ions ltLuLtlonal re— VVestpheling with a handsomel 1 LL LL L LLLL retary resented th . . lunemcnt 1n payment of legltrmate ex- ce't'fi . . y Engraved 2 L ‘L ' -1‘I L;3 1 'd p , e names 0f three mdr- penses in excess of a $100 item- d 1 1 cate to the Assocration for meritorious ,1 ,‘j “ 1 31‘ 111 1 V1 uals for assocrate membership in the as- Wl - . . ’ an serv1ce of its members in the sal fb ' j; 11; ‘1 1 11 1 sociation. On motion duly seconded and th' 161?? 0111 alldltors recommended that He also presented .1 silver “Mi 6: 0M ogds' " 2 2111 1 L 1 1. . __ ’ 1s ver a permission sho 1d - c nue an L0 - 2 ""1“ L L1 LLL iLL L unammously carried, they were elected. and CODfiI‘med in writ' u .1 be extended Secretary Portmann who has served a“ LL‘LLLL 1L; L 11 , 01H new members are: Morris W. Rice, action can am d h mg untl . . . formal member of the State Advisory Committee‘ 2;L. .. LL :1 1'1 11 ' Cmcrnnati, representing the Ludlow Typo- Stitutiow en t at sect1on of the Con- since 1942. L 22;, L111 3: ‘1 111 1 graphy Company' Charles M MCI L , ' ' " "' L 1L ‘1‘ . i1L ; 7 - ntosh, ~ . ‘ L| LILLLEL.‘ Lexington, editor of the IBM Lexington 8613181620161 B613; Resolved, that Article V. * * ’L‘ ‘ f“ 11111 111129.3- . . . C1011 , ' '1 " L; 11 LL, 11,1 11 L News, and M135 Cattie Lou Miller, Com- t' f h SiouL be amended so that por- Annual PreSIdent’s Report . ,. " LE 1' ; 1 11 11,1 1 1 1 missioner of Public Relations State Capitol 1cm 0 t e section shall read, He shall SUb' 1 . ' ' ~ 1L 1 L - 1: 11L LLL ‘11 1 Frankfort. ’ 7 mLit ti) the Executive Committee for ap- b"Aft thls time, I would like to make afew ”3% ‘L LI1L LLLL L Although the Executive Committee 1‘e- fizz; (3;);538? 1nxéolv1ng expenditure in Sllliimigmrgflfif to you that will serve asa ,W 111’ 2111L1 11 : 1 1 ported no action” on the application of the T1 I , an ’ yo 1' It"y Y ‘pELSt yeal as presnlent 0L ‘ “€122 11 .1 11 L 1 L 1 Louisville Defender, which had written ev- 16. amendment shall be SLIbmitted to ' 11 less Assocmtlon. L fig} H 1L 1 LL LLL L ery newspaper in the state apprising them the M1d_\V1§te1- convention for ratification, . We have had a busy year. This associa- ”' 1 , L L LL ‘1 that such a . . and, accordmgly to the Constitution if tlon now handles more than $200 000 in LLL 11 . 1 . n applicanon would be sub— ’Issed t th fl. . 1 funds h~ , KENTUCK 'LL11 1111 L L 1 L L m1tted, R0 Gardner brought the application P‘Lu a e 1Lst readlng, to be re-sub— a y ear t Iough KPA’ KPS’ and other L Park Cit L1 11 L11L: 1 0n the floor at the meeting. Mrs. Martha Iflinttled to. the Mld-Sllmmer convention for 901131;)131101157 SO you can realize that our Presidenty~ 1 ‘ ’1 1111 " 1 Comer, MaYSviIle Independent moved Cna approval, and thus made a part Of the :ma ' Offic-e force 0f four people—only ML KentUCle' 11 LL LLL seconded by Mrs. Francele Armstrong Hen: onstrtutron, . ull—t1me—1s Often hard pressed to keep up I 111 1. 1111 L1‘ 1 derson Cleaner and Journal that 2i vote The convention ratified the P1'0P05a1 and WM] (165,12 work, reportS, checks, and gen-1 ———-——— 'L‘LLL. L1 L11L LLL L shoul d be taken by the attending member— ordered that the amendment should be sub- eral bLuSlness. W. Foster 111 11 L 11111 1 ship, one vote for each active member news- lmtted .agflm f0r_fina_1 approval at the mid- ”While Your PreSident doesn’t do these Citizen and {1111 EL 11 112' ; Paper in attendance. The motion was passed Summel COnventlon 1n June. t Digs personally, he is concerned over College Press L11 11111 L1. '1 1 1 by voice vote. Past President William L _ Reports of standing committees and elec— then operations inasmuch as you charge dent of the K L11111 111 1 1 Dawson, Oldham Era, La Grange moved t1011 of Officers concluded the regular busi- 111m Wlth a certain amount 0f responsibility 1 ing the Mid-‘ 1111 11 1 L111 2 that the vote be taken by writteh secret ness meetmg 0f the ASSOCia’EiOn. The noon m.the operation Of your central office. IL LS better km“ 11 1 ~11 11L1 ; 1 L ballOt, seconded by Mrs. Armstrong and thheon was the IaSt Official function of the thmk you should. I think every Prefidem state, follows LLLLLLL 111 1L 1 i , duly carried. , 31:11:11 gathering. During this time the should consider it a matter of his personal He has sew“ 1L11? 1 1 1311 j . . u s an in Kentuck' concern. 111 1 111111 " Presrdent VVestphehng appointed Mrs. introducedg Ian 0f the Year was If 0 ‘ ' d ’ ' ' 0f the execut 111111 11 1 111,1 - Comer, Fred Burkhard, and Frank C Bell . ' 111 Income oesnt seem to ]ust1fy ex- and unofficial 1LLLL 11‘ L as tellers. The ballot was Spread and the Followmg nominations by past presidents, gense for more full-time people in our OLL Ofyears, LLLL 1 11. secretary reported that the vote for mem- members of the traditional nominating com_ 063 We haVe nevertheless studied the s1t- L A native 0 11111111L1‘ bership stood, Yes—12, and No—27. West— mlttg’ W' Foster (Pap) Adams was elected ulitlon at some length and have tried to (10 ' up along the L 111 11L :‘.~'L1L pheling announced that the applicatioIl was Pl'esldent to succeed Paul Westpheling, t e best we COULd’ L WharfmaStel' ' 1 11 ‘ denied at this time. John .B- Gaines was advanced to the office . Back last Winter, before we COUId getL Lion Of his h L 111 1'3 11 ' An amendment to the KPA Constituti O]f Vlce_Pre.Sident, FIBd I. Burkhard was Into this problem 0f improving our intemall Workedin the 1LL L 1 was introduced by the following resoluti:n e ected Chiflrman of the Executive Commit- operational effidency, we had tWO items for a tour 01 1 1L '1 ‘ ‘L as passed by the Executive Committee- 11 tee’ and VICtor R- I’Ol'tmann was re—elected mum on the agenda that required priOTiW- 1 World War I 1 LL L L 1 Whereas, the Kentucky Press Ass 5 t' SBCretary—manager to begin his 20th term Following last Winter’s convention at the 1 try into the - 1 111 1 1 =‘ is a growing institution, and the 80:53:]:th1; Of GEO?“ Brown, the new Board and I met and LL 1 type Operator 1111 its regular business affairs is increasin e: b Premdent Adams nanied his district mem- resolution signed by 10 past presidents was Crete, on th L L 11 11 1' 1 1‘11. I cry daY; and g - Via? if E: Executive Committee to assist adopted calling for an audit Of our oflicetfl 1 there he wen 11 "3 I L" ‘ - ur 31‘ as Willia , - _ and,‘ L LL 1,11L L LLLL” I m T Dav“, first (Please Turn To Page F0111 “11926’ '- 11 ‘2‘ 1 : ‘1 11 L 1 - 1:15 ' L » 12111-1L1'L": 1L ' i I l I l RY JANUARY, l96l THE KENTUCKY PRESS PAGE THREE I . l l96l ~ 4 ‘ l .th , Adams, G aines, Bur/(hard Will Lead KPA In 796] I ' er .. 11 Caum , I . ~ '4: . ff 2 ' ‘ Dailies' Friday Session , I ‘ mml \ . - ' . ' ; ' » iii ‘ D' cusses Disco nt PI n reorge Trough 2. ' . " ’7 ' 2'51: " ' f‘f ' ' lS u a yenth; GWEGI . 2 , ‘2 1' J 7:2 1 ‘, fig," 2 ‘ 33;; The daily newspapers met Friday after- ,3, . Norris, in; II ' 2 “5g? ‘. ' a; _ 7 , g . . noon to discuss the OLD. plan with an ac- I enth; State-MI ,2 i. 2' 3‘ x; ‘ ' ' tive, informed panel of John Gaines, Bowl- , 1 Edwards MI 2, 2 '. - 1 I ’ -Z. 5,