xt77h41jm36x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jm36x/data/mets.xml United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/21 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing January 2, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing January 2, 1940 1940 2019 true xt77h41jm36x section xt77h41jm36x Fw ‘/ r 1/9» I , J 7 /. ifgjgftgugtmtg’afiwwé‘rfi:igwhzé%%7w§%Qua/’53”f ij/gtfii i :W ,«(t‘ig 4/} 5/1 ' 2.3» ~1E£?:;:;3.‘;/" ‘i'. . e“ fa t a ,e m1 - . agararaaflarea/eewefl”a emf/eaéériree mm January 2, 1940 a deS'W'd -- FllSd' ' tan ar ize m 0W3 “Housmg in Our Time Great 3 3 tu les . 5 0 Cut Construction Cost Gets Large Audience Housing and Tax Rate . . . . and Hi l1 Praise 7 _ During 1940 public housmg pl‘OJ- g Although it is generally acknowl- ects “.111 save about $80900 m con- Although final returns have not edged that slum clearance and low— Stl'ectlen COStS resulting from stand- yet been received from all agencies rent housing profit the local taxpayer ardization 0f steel Window casements. through which “Housing in Our in the long run, it is frequently AbOUt 13.5’000 easements, It IS esti— Time,” USHA movie short, has been charged that the immediate effect of mated, W111 be used m the construc— presented to the public, it is conserva- building a project is to increase the tion Of USHA—aided slum clear- tively estimated here that over a mil- local tax rate. To settle this ques- ance and low-rent housmg prOJECtS lion persons throughout the country tion for his city, Chairman Flig’man throughwt the country neXt yeah will have seen the film by January 1. of the Great Falls (Mont) Housing Installation and material costs will This estimate is based on reports Authority engaged William B. Find- . be reduced through elimination of by 48 local authorities who have pur- lay, well-known Montana accountant, odd sizes in favor of standards. The chased the film for showing before to study “the probable increase in number 0f operations in the process Clubs, schools, labor unions, conven- taxes” that might result from the . of installation also can be cut to a tions, etc. (13 of which have arranged proposed “Parkdale” project. ' minimum. for its release in local theaters), and Mr. Findlay, after thorough exami- Instead of some 50 sizes being used, also takes account of persons seeing nation of all financial factors in— as now, five standard casement sizes the film as distributed by Warner and volved, concluded that the maximum have been accepted by manufacturers Century circuit theaters. tax rate increase that could theoreti- and USHA technicians. They will Thus far, the film has been shown cally result from the construction of be recommended to local housing au- before management and housing au— the project would be 11 cents on thorities, and it is expected that they thority conventions in Atlanta, Ga; $1,000 of assessed valuation. The will be used in about 90 percent of the Dallas, Tex.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hunt- owner of property valued at $5,000 1940 construction under the USHA ington, W. Va.; Baltimore, Md; (taxable value in Great Falls—$1,500 program. Washington, D. 0.; Cincinnati, Ohio; or 30 percent) would never be called The standardized casements are CoVington, Ky.; and Cities in Cali-for- upon to pay more than 17 cents. in designed to admit sufficient light nia. Audiences .for these showmgs extra taxes on account of the housmg without excessive glass area and, have ranged in Size from 50 to 1,000. prOJect. - . ' About 900 realtors at the 1939 Con— Furthermore, Mr. Findlay ponits therefore, to prevent unnecessary loss . . T . . . ._ . V, p of heat in cold weather. Vention of the I\at10nal Ass0c1ation outthat anticipated benefits 01 the . _ . of Real Estate Boards saw the pic- proiect (cutting of crime, delin- The standardization applies par- ture, which, according to all reports, quency, and health costs, for exam- ticularly t0 the ventilator 01' movable was “very well received.” Many re- ple) might well offset extra expendi- section of the Windows. When win- quests are now on file for the film, tures. dOWS wider than the standard hhtt both with the USHA and with the Other members of the Great Falls are required, they Wth be flanked With United States Film Service. Housing Authority are: Fred J. Main fixed lights, 01" two standard sections There is no charge for the use of tin, Vice-Chairman; J. George Gra- . “'lh be installed. _ PQgifiiQfii‘izh is available for 85 and ham, L. E. Taylor, and Frank E. The standard easements WIEID- 16 "mm. sound projection. The film Wilcocks. The Executive Director is clude fixed attachments for any of should be secured by every local au— R. H. Willcomb. John L. Slattery is several common types of curtain rods thority as an integral part of a Attorney, and A. V. Mclver is the , and window shades. U K L‘BRAREEQ educational program. Authority’s Architect. 1 I O O C Current Housmg Literature Community Relations in Low-Rent Housmg By RUTH T. MORRELL, Assistant Manager METROPOLITAN’S PARKCHESTER, Architec- Cedar Springs Place, Dallas, Texas . . tural Forum, December 1939, pp. 412—426. Tht~fP-kh't~,thl-th'r"- 5r _ - .- . . . . '. ect 0*; ih‘giiwgtmgéngagbflfe 1:53:13): Cofigéfgtgéoiln (.\ OTE. The followmg a7 ttcle has been ShO’I tened to meet space ieqzm ements) 1the Bronx, New York (llity. Iltlulstzations, 3001‘ IlltunS. ayout, map, statistica I‘ecapi ua ion, an cons ruc- . _ tion outline. One of Management’s greatest SOCIAL PROGRAM including Mothers CONSTRUCTION OF PARKCHESTER ADVANCING, needs 15 happy. tenant. and community 0111b, monthly Game nght sponsored Real Estate ReCOTd, Dec. 16, 1939, pp. 5—6- relations. This relationship is three— by leaders of the Pre-School group, . B'fl.-’t' fthlz tfthP~kht- - . . pi'oidgt,(ifgclie1;\:ioc: iacnit‘iesfygr‘id ihe pemgféssco‘isietls Slded: tenant-tO-tenant, tenant-man- prOJect dances sponsored by various .' ' t" t (l t . . . ”“5““ ‘°“ ° 8 e agement, and both of these With the tenant leaders, and the celebration of A PROPOSED ROLE FOR ARCHITECTS IN CITY surrounding neighborhOOd. In the the first and second anniversaries of fnggN§;N%,6fi£clmtectuml Record’ December neighborhood around Cedar Springs the opening of the project. Disdnsses ideal city planning and indicatites that the Place there Was almost no Opportu- VARIOUS OTHER ACTIVITIES include: t‘h'tt‘ l'td‘-tth 'tb'l'r~ .« . . .. . , , . (1&3,‘afiujn‘f§,.e‘§te°fil,,§e§mes.e 313,322,011? 51:53:53 nity for community actIVIty prior to Health Center maintained by City t 9 “mm“ ° “w p ”mm: m was 1“" °“ the opening of the prOJ ect. Health Library; “Nip ’n’ Tuck” boys’ fiRCHITECTS’PFEES, UNéTE%VST:TE%H&UiING The City of Dallas, therefore, built group, and “The Projector,” publica— i UTHORITY ROGRAM, y a er . c ‘or— . . . - u n t nack, The Octagon, November 1939, pp_ 7_8_ a small park adjacent to the Pi OJect. 131011 0f, by, and for the tenants. I Sgitetmeng 3i tili'et ptositioightaken HytThe l:Xgielrica? The PI‘OJeCt and the Park Were The tenant—management—Commu— naiueo l'CleCSWl regar 05091100 . . _ . architects' fees in'onosed by the USHA. opened in September 1937, and imme- nity relations may best be shown HOUSING 4ND ARCHITECTS: A CRITICISM, by diately young people of the neighbor- by giving details of a few of these A. C. Shire; A. REPLY, by Frederick L. hood were attracted by recreational actIVIties. ficgel‘gflgfififgétecmml Forum December and community opportunities. From Tenant—to-Tenant—Through studv ., . . . _ . maintainermat:i::;::::::32:12: :5::: the first’ the Fromm Of. “law‘s Wlth courses, group organizations such as ibnpeared in the Sexlitembei" and October issues, of the the OUtSIde community has been the CTGdlt Union, and the many ctagon, respective y. m _ piesent. games and SOCIal programs, tenants all???“ ACgOIEdANDdAMTEIRlch HOZUSf- To show the means by which happy come to know other tenants and a y Ol‘Wln . War S Le ou’rna 0 w - a - - . . . . Land and Public Utility Ecdnomics, Novem- lelatlons ale fOStered: 1t ls necessary nelghborly Spll‘lt 15 fOStered- Per' . . bell; 1939, pp. 456—463. h to name the channels through Which haps the outstanding means of (great- . "b th h .' g "t (t'on ‘n t U 'tdStat n w - . . . . . . toda?,mtlheespu§los:u:1fnShZIhZZEji—trukt afumiillfhe gag: they aie expi essed. In Cedar Springs mg this friendly attitude is the little t ~ 'r‘zt -f"t t .. . i)nves]t(iirlli)tli%cne.e 1““ m e we 01 ”S“ 3 0 9 Place the prinCIpal acthities are: newspaper, “The Progector,” all done THIS Low COST HOUSING PROJECT PLEASES FULL RECREATION PROGRAM for both by tenants, from securing ads, to cut- . TENANTS AND PAYS ATTRACTIVE DIVIDENDS, young people and adults, including ting stencils. ' a ' ' 1 ‘ ( Cbiilfiififliiliiié Xi???’pififi’lyl’inlgcedcon baseball, volleyball, basketball, soft- Tenant—Management. _ For the crate low-cost housing project in Fredericksburg, Va- ball, tennis, and supervised play for whole operation period, tenant-man- MAss PRODUCTION METHODS FOR LOW-COST children. agement relations have been good, gfilbsgsylggtwnuéggl Estate Journal, De- EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM including and varied actiVitles have been en- ' PP- — - . d Delscription (if West-SideI Villalge. a low-cost lliouse adu“: StUdy classes, klndergarten, couraged. Please nOte “encouraged.” t'L‘A ,‘d'db'tb . - - LEI-v.9 $L§§"B.mBm-§:_ it? isng‘e’lisniiau‘é'l 11%,th pre-school groups, Bible story hour We think the demand for any particu— tions and floor plans. for children 3 ~ (Continued on page 3) HAS DETROIT SLUMS? by Susanne Stoddard, The American City, December 1939: P- 61- at“an"mmeV‘MMaaamaaiwszvau £1”’”*’“vw« . How a camera contest for amateurs Sponsored by 3&5?“ :11; 7‘7”, h». it”; “"g‘vb“. ,‘ , ,,. I; I. ;..' _4W:73«“ih the Citizens' Housing and Planning Council of Detroit “U"! a??? f'if'f'frvfliiifligmf‘FLr 54,1750 1" . )3»? ‘l it”I ‘ ' ll ' Lnawmw‘flg -........-., drew the public's attention to the need for slum clear- 5 , "=_. . ' r“, h, 1 ”Lu/”'57 . j.,"'=?*”"’€("21§:,fi;‘?"‘1"1. {331%} £¢v€"',.',i,“’;fl~. fm‘rl"‘xri $5,, . an“ ““1 better 1‘0“”; ~ " . :V - 1;... ‘1 7‘ afifiwfifi—Pfiz “a :19» KL ’»Ti.fl‘m.,r: ‘ . 1‘ .9 ”:2“ :fl- :.;’~ h V V, I, . _ z; Wfil_ '.. ”‘1'.“2‘4»: .2" 3 V a... 'i‘ffié,kj, La}?! 7“ .- , _..: . A STUDY OF Low—RENTALVACANT DWELLING Wfl -. .4" f “r . .' j : ‘ ”m” UNITS IN THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, ‘* - * T _ T p a , ' "'1 "-{3' Vacancy and Rehousing Bureau sponsored ‘1‘ ' ' .. ‘v I; w ."T‘: ;:,;;‘.“r"”.'2- a I i > ~ - hip? _ by New York City Housing Authority, .3 ”a ,; ' ~ “If“; . ‘2. .. ’Ti".:'t“:'3‘;w. 2..." ’ Work Projects Administration Project 665— 7. 5-- . 1...; ' * > _,'f.'..*" ~ ' '. i'“ '* ’_\.-"‘-:-'{-.;y«~f::~ ' 4,5331 4.13:1, '32:“, . 97—3-20. New York, 1939. Variously .’ _: :4 ~ '~ . ”L ‘**A‘*"V»~. 3;, ”ff M"; v if; .l,~;_ ‘ paged. Mimeogi‘aphEd. 2M ‘riifi; ~ .1 .' ..; m trim-IVA; :- -..w.. “7'3 ',- y 3. . - 2.1..- 7;:- f“ , “é;_ 2%.“. -',‘ ‘.l A survey of desirable vacancies available in the lmw ",2." “ X, ‘5‘ I] "I .1 -“unfi’fi-fi-n __ H. ‘ ' “l . ' ‘ ”SM: 'J .. rental range. Tabulations, analyses, and brief his- L’MJ‘ “in";h .e“ a???” aj‘tm’.’3”7‘"‘M'£2‘-;14Gj .1; " ‘ ,, ”F ' tories of each of 10 areas in Manhattan are included, :14" 'T’; , ,53:1;7‘\;_ "35”,“ -4“ ‘ *vya‘wgi' .1, . h 1'». I' ’ ‘ 3"» -.. C" ,. I , __ _ , ‘ . as well as descriptions of conditions and classifications ,5: »“' . ‘33,; 3‘ '3‘ ‘ 31‘ ‘ 53".. . . ‘,\ m , . ‘ .,: B; . “"va (I. 36.43:“ . . of vacant dwelling, units. Tables and map. “.31, a” 3... _. $11“;- _.' 2L '1' ; “-r.,;’,.x.‘w‘*"{.’ 3:23;. W/iizvi‘étfi 9.9.; the?” ' - ' :fim-‘ 53.2afl.iinx-m'"3.«,'i~..jl' H . "MT, , " i " I,“ HOUSING PROJECTS MAKE RAPID PROGRESS, A "-~ 12%.“; if???” ‘f—fzgg—m: We...” by Roy Kerr, The Dixie Contractor, Dec. ' ' -—- .,..,i......-«u :3ng muss—{w ' ..—-......’a.:.~., ‘ 14.41;.» 7W. \ ~ ‘ .. ..,. .y ._ ‘6?“ ywa, “v , _.. ,, 20, 1939, pp. 5, 11, 20. . ~> . ' “tfl‘ag‘ , g ' . P- ‘ f USHA': h r y at ' . th - ‘ ' ' ’ $335!"?!qu O H ousmg D OJ“ 5 m be“ em Cedar Springs Place, PWA Housing Division project in Dallas, Tex., opened in 1937. 2 The most convincing o 0 represented in the project. evidence that the USHA K e e p l n g U p W] t h Following regulations es- is clearing slums and pro- tablished by the local hous- viding homes for the low— ing authority, not more . . est income groups must USHA ResearCh than 10 percent of the ten- come from a check—up of ants were taken from re- projects. B r e n t W o o d . . lief or WPA. Park in Jacksonville, Fla., First Data on Family Income 0f Tenants USHA—41 cards will be one of the first projects ' kept up to date by all . to be constructed with Reported From Jacksonvflle, Fla' project managers, and be USHA assistance, has just submitted to Washington released a summary of facts concern- merchants who supply other necessi- periodically from all projects. ing the first 187 families to be ac— ties of life. cepted as tenants. Second, slum clearance: “Almost u - - - USHA—41, the card report from without exception these families were Community Relations m which these facts were compiled, is a overcrowded (as many as five persons LOW'COSt Housmg record of each tenant from the time living in one room) and were without _ ‘ i he enters until he leaves a project. private baths and toilets.” One hun- (contmued from page Z) "’ One set of the cards is kept in dred and twenty-one of the 187 for- 1&1. activity should come from the USHA headquarters in Washington. merly shared baths and toilets, often tenants, then Management should Under this system USHA’s Research with as many as six families; 52 of lend hearty endorsement and every and Statistics Division will have in them were without adequate heating possible assistance. its possession detailed information on facilities. For every unit in the Tenant _ Management _ Commu— tenants in each project. Tabulations Brentwood project, one substandard m'ty ¥While playground activities and analyses will be a regular service dwelling offering no better, or worse, and other things are highly valuable to the local management offices. accommodations than those vacated I would mention two more unusual The average weekly family income by the Brentwood tenants, has been things' One is the Toy Loan Library of the 187 Brentwood Park fam- demolished. sponsored and operated by the Juniof ilies is only $13.85. The highest The Brentwood tenants now have College Club This “Library” was . . weekly income is $19.03 for a family 31 percent more room, with the con- furnished with quite a collection of of six;the lowest is $5.54. The aver- veniences of electric lights, electric toys for all ages from baby rattles age family size is 3.4 persons. Obvi- ranges, electric refrigerators, space and stuffed bunnies to baseball bats ously the project houses none but low- heaters, and hot water, at 86 percent and bikes. Children from the proj- : income families. But before becom- lower rent. . ect and community at large borrow ing Brentwood tenants they paid an Tenant occupations: The two trades toys just as they do books from the average of $20.55 per month for shel- with the largest representation in the public library ' ter and utilities in slum dwellings. project are those of cab driver (23) ‘, , u . For the same kind, but much better, and clerk (21). Truck drivers are ’ ’The second illustration IS th? N 1p facilities at Brentwood they pay an next, with 19; and bakers and sales- 11 TUCk boys club, .an organization average of $18.22 per month. The men are fourth, with 9 each. Al- gigggjrwglgcgeiiglgg noafmfifilfgeii ‘ ‘D m ,. . a ,. a ' a savmgs, $1,070.74 pei yeai, go to local togethei, theie me 48 occupations hurled at them by irate citizens. They participate in project games and - , other activities, but their greatest 1 interest is their own soccer team. Their weekly meetings are attended by the whole group, and they elect .. , , presiding ofiicers, study their adopted 5 ' Y W p 1;: “.714"? rules, and plan their activities. :1: ; . J.‘ 5. “7‘ 7W5" .. “‘26:; 4’7“?” ‘ And what has been Management’s 17"- 7'i‘33: “71315.7...7“ ‘ .. ,‘fift‘it’ffifil «am: '7‘ '~ . part in all this? Lending every en- it fit“ . s, , :- M. .. w gmggw“ wm,fl“': . $193!?“ 93“ An'wwM-zm‘: courageinent to each group and tak— j ' ,, Jay ' ‘ We! "34”“; ing time always to discuss group .I -l 7 « c ”f,” .‘ as” ', W. 4 problems or plans. When a “Nip ’n’ ‘ I y 4 ngmw‘w W- :f71"77" - Tuck” boywill brave the Management . . ,W MM“‘“‘“‘ ”a j.‘.~ ,7 office to make personal apology for . ., - .,.. “A“,KV; ag'P't . :3 X ‘ - e: 1. agement-tenant-community relations The average Income 02:12:31: gaggliesiSigllgrggxiwszgkl’ark, Jacksonvxlle, Fla. are mutually wholesome and helpful. 3 Construction Bids Chattanooga Board Plans The Times—Pic(mime, New Or— . . . . leans newspaper, recently pre- . Equnialent Elimination sented Col. L. Kemper Williams, 'Bid Openings Definitely Scheduled former President of the National . ' At a recent meeting of the Chatta- Association of Housing Officials, ._ 1m]...n1.0.n1-.....1 1 mm. WWW... nooga Condemnation Board plans and now Chairman of the New 1 '1» ' . l 'q . ‘ a . . . . . ~ V .' ””1“ “”“me‘ i 0““1” i “Wm” were discussed for eliminating some Orleans housnlg authorlty, “11th l l 0 . . - ' . ‘ the Tl'n'lcs-Picm mzc lovin ' cup for Allegheny 0L (133.4572): 288 142710 o00 substandald houses in connection 1.. ' _ J_ . . h' g t (‘alllden (N. .I.~1071‘).._.i 27.3 1712-40 w1th the Housmg Authorlty’s two outstanClng ClVlC £10 levemen S- 11. ~:1 7.72 9 7 of. - ~ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ .I:iiilii