xt77h41jm45w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jm45w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1971 1971 1971-11-19 2020 true xt77h41jm45w section xt77h41jm45w {1'
earring u re. ations 1p sans marriaue for)? to th .
. :— ~ . g go or

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18 ea ed t e natural thingr to do . - .-

By GRETA GIBSON “We have several couple fnends that live M ., * “M"M .

. Kernel Staff Writer together." and Bob. “Most of them, like us. don‘t .33 “if ’fiir»gflg -
I don t thmk ”1‘11 1t 15 ‘00 uniq 110-" have a husband-wife relationship. but actually it‘s -. gt 1* " ' ‘ “1"“ , ' ‘

The young UK coved explained her present living a roommate-companionship thing." ‘ ' ” “ if
CQnSIIEO’: Poi H months now She ”‘15 been Ill/mg “I don’t necessarily cook or clean up." she said. {ti ' ' I, , - ' ,
WI” 0 wrt tout the sanctions ‘11 ‘1 marriage “It just depends on who has the time and who gets «it? i V 1 » . . . .
“fig/”(”213 '1 , l . I I . in from classes first. In fact, Bob usually picks up a ””5 i - ~- " '4'. _ _ t 1‘.
b t I“ dt ”11“ Y have 1 meanmgtul Ts‘lUUIOEIShW‘ lot more than I do. Except for shedding his shoes is “ r ' ' ,

u ‘3 oIes “OI ”W‘Wldte mdmi’gc ' - - n 5 the in the middle of the floor. he‘s a great roommate." . > _ is - - 1
natural thing to do. . . if you can rid yourself of she laughed I ' III N ; , ‘I ,
the tears," said Bob. I . 1. "; ' . j ' g? i 1. . ~ . ,' ' .l

“I could never see myself married." mused the BOb “1d 1‘01““? who enjoy ”hem-10111“ Of ”1611 I ' . ;; 331:1? '
WNW sociology Student, “not even when l was a relationship, have had little real ”011M? Wllh 3 J '1 “A 326% I, l 5 1"...3" ‘2' ' .
little girl when we used to play house. I've always parents and relatives r eactions. gift: ' ,1 6‘?» “ :3 ' ‘ . . ‘ .
had real hang-ups about marriage.” Continued on page 5, Col. 1 WNW «f ' 'ii " g , ‘ I . j

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an independent newspaper published by students at the univerSIty of kentucky 95:”-a..\‘*r~:::~.x\ ~ 35*“; N , ' I .1 '
. v — v , V V v . ‘ ‘ v y r V . ‘1‘ .t .. t I "QR 0“ 57“ t . . y "-sz ”TN “7.1M“ ‘ ”I. III -. , .I

Friday, l\ov. 19, 19/] LEXINGTON BENT” 1M 40001) Vol. LXI”, No. 57 k ~ muses - “was estates» -.\ -*

Staff photo by Ken Weaver ~ ’ ’

Few show for forum ' " ’ ' '

a . _ _ l .'

Administrators agree on d l' 1 ’

BBONNIBR KMN 1 - a . ,. . . . . .'

yKemel StaffOTSriterA Whmh manages records to Black said. We couldn hum? Servrce, explained James Alcorn. counselling sessrons, We do not

. develop a written policy of its less about your ”assocrates, The records include a to my knowledge ever release .

UK should not have a written own. politics, or morality, he added. registration form (name. address. this informal-mt" ; . ,

. policy for the disclosure of Sponsored by 50 Student Records are used purely to phone. etc.), recommendations. However he said if a student .- . .
student records, representatives Affairs Committee and UK CiVil adVise a student what he should grade transcripts. and a paper _ , I ~I . t. . d I» .. . . I

from nine major administrative Liberties Union (UKCLU). the or shouldn‘t take. or to give a with written authority from the :lgns,d its“; 0I5:n test stortIs . 2 .

offices agreed in an open forum forum was a follow-up to a grade list to an organization like student to release the other Co aIIIIIcr ar the; . or scIiIoiIi .

Thursday. questionnaire on record-keeping Phi Beta Kappa, he said. three tvpes of data. thoitmsc ing an esting wi L o . , .

Durin the course of the olicies distributed b' SC ' ' ' “ .. ' - .

g I I . p . , I 3 . ’ Grade transcripts INCIUded Robert Harman of Counselling Probably “10W “105 11” kCPI .- ‘ . 1 .
forum. it became eVident that Presrdent Scott Wendelsdorf last F , I f . f . . . . . . 1. . .

5 I . I ,- t . . . our typcs o in ormation and Testing 531d me” files are by the Teacher l:ducation and . _.
although ”1"“ ‘5 “Gt 3 semester to major LniverSity files are kept at the Placement 1 ‘ » - ‘ i '
campus-wide policy governing administrators. ‘ “J51 lmllrm‘lon“ and ”or” from ('ontinued 0" Parr“ 3- (‘01- l ' '
record-keeping. individual Although a General Assembly r'. . 1 ‘
OffiCeS seem to haVC more meeting was scheduled to follow . . - _. ,
stringent guidelines than the law the forum. it was cancelled. e rne n0 “7 e d e l. l , ‘
now requires. said SG Student "Quite honestly. there wasn‘t ' .
Affairs Committee Chairwoman any interest in having one ‘ ' '
Susan Tomasky. because the turn-out was so r 1 o o o o I . o o , . 5 .'

I“The University is more strict small." Tomasky said. About 20 l erlalSlS WIII 1 St 31] n “a (.Ollll)(‘l ltl()l] L .
Wltll disclosing its SWdL‘m attended the forum. “There
records than the law now wasn‘t 3;.)- desire to put up any By GREG HARTMANN largest tIIruckiiig company (by reyenuet 1' . . . .
indicates." Ben Black. Arts and rcgotun..t;3“ Assistant Managing Editor AmL‘UW 1’ . _ I ‘
Sciences Deans‘ Ur‘fice.said. (This was to be the first Shades of Howdy Doodvl _ A ”W q“”““”“ later MUM the kernel mm} .1 V'

. . ' ' s . , ' . ‘ . i t . . . i _ .
The law gets records (“metal .\ssembl_v ot the Year. Three weeks of studying old movie stars and hit lEW‘Lt” ‘” El" Pom“ Illhm H“ MHHHH‘” m“ ‘f ‘ I 1 -.

Under a statute passed m 1970 All students are voting members 45's paid off in a 220-150 wrn for the Kernel "3”“ ll“ “”3 ”Ill ”1; ,1"13“I\I ““1”“Il1‘1ITH1'1- _ .
by the state legislature “all of the Assembly, which can pass Knowledge Trivia Bowl team last night. (“Um (LInItralLIt M It (t) hut “It; ‘mtlgd H“. ‘
1, ‘ ‘ ‘ - - . ... . " ‘c . ‘ i“' .' W ‘ar‘r. '1 -'
student records shall be made general resolutions on any toPlc Yes. lovers of ”ma. it was a hard-fought battle ‘WFTEHI dutl Into: if] .t 1‘ tItr‘Ikiwt ((1: l l)“ l '
available upon request to any of University concern). indeed. The original 32 teams were whittled down IL]; ‘3‘”? k {kw lit I' ”til“? (ItLI ftrf‘fnt t nilb” '1 t .
federal. state. or local law Informative Purpose to two by questions like “What was the Shadows invcntldu n‘ M k ‘ ‘L m “ 1 m“ \‘h '

‘ ‘ “ ts V ‘ W C . ~

forc merit a cue , and an , ~. ,- secret identity? and Where is the largest . 1
on e. . .. g y y The forumsmain purpose was u t , ,1 h , Id?” The score was 60—130 when the kernel team ' .
9011” Of law. to provrde students With cemetery rnt e wor ‘ . d‘ 't‘ d ., it ,~ it 't t» , t , , a)

“This does not say upon information on the record If ye stlll be befuddled as to the worth ot such ma ‘ l S rm ‘0“ .5 “1 ‘l “_ Sl “”53 ““1" ’ .

.. .- _ . _ . . , .. - . .. O - . . ‘h l . They snarled up points by naming the longest "
subpoena, explained 13th policies of major administrative questions. rtlax. ne wms a ”Bid rnatc iy w Id III I ‘1' It 1 I , l . J I I -. , .
diStTiCt senator—elect Mike offices said UKCLU President answering questions on such totally useless bits of or L iampionsiip YUM.) ‘} .‘1 mxcrt Qt LUMH‘ ‘ l I '

' ‘ - ~ , ~ . . ,. g , d‘ , ,. the goddess named by Frankie Avalon in a song -
Moloney after the forum_ Harry Jacobson. information such as l 43 Aca crny Award I I . 1 I k I
“However. UK says this is not “We are really working with runners~up and the number of children borne by a (\enust. and “Cd 1‘ “I? 1-0430 l‘} Nth-1M1 lllk‘ . .
enough. UK says. ‘You come up confidential material .. said single woman. chIarattc-r played by ererr \ aughan in a TV series - " 1 ,
with a subpoena and then we‘ll Bobby Halsey Financial Aid The teams that went to last night’s finals were (M‘lmlc‘m 80"” . ' ‘ »
give it (the record) to you.’ " Office walking L‘ltt‘}Llitt‘C(lltl.\‘ of worthless data. Kernel “IN" ””“I l‘ll‘w‘I‘VhI” ”11”“ (h‘l‘l ”1 lIlIl" ”14“” , fl ‘ I.

"UK IS better “ll leaving ”5 individual folders include the KW'WINS‘ “A“ Rd (I'll b) cartoonist lton l" h [ll‘ll‘~‘»l|l\'tl.ll :h‘llillmi‘; Kt] “’3?”th ”my .. " V
policy unwritten." he continued. Ptlfcnfg‘ Confidential Statement notorious hit the daily l’ertwillaby Papers any I “I ‘ N" v““““ ~1I"*“lI “”1 “11‘ 111”?” "T \ - ..
“lt'sinuch tighter now than it it which reveals t, family's income. Vntii him wt re Kernel hacks Ralph Long. (‘onrad twill; 1"I:‘I‘I\I‘II I'I'It llIIriI‘I‘terlIFvIt‘nI I It Illu‘tH IT‘nithIt IIl hey I . . I'
were written." These folders are released only ll“.”“" "”‘l lid/"II (”IMIHW'. . l If. 9" t l . \i. l. U 1'1}. \l 1'.” “I '1 M. “I?“ ‘

'I'omaslxv said that although to state and federal (”“1”“th l'actng then. was the l‘I‘lt‘ (ampbell Memorial I’I1‘tII l I-“.\I I~'-111\*I\‘I| ’ 1Il\ I \ "‘~‘11I1-11 §"' it‘s , ‘. ‘.
she is aware of the complications Halsey s‘iid Tr“l*‘ ””5 '9'1'131 :\1\ s‘dt‘litllt Bill Straul‘ “‘ l“ ‘ " “I H” J k mm l f N H ”N“ "

a [7 niyersity-w ide Policy ("ist‘io or the l‘niyersity ""l‘li'lm‘l l “1 ( 11111l‘l‘t‘ll “ 11‘ lllk‘ ”NF ‘4” 3111} “h“ H” “M: “A IN) N“. it'd”: ”1" ”11‘tlr‘zator .
‘ ‘ — ‘ - . . u . ' ‘ t ' 'W ‘ ' u l ti iv ,‘ I
concerning records might Health Serwice gald mental used to beat Ht‘ on (liarlie (haphn. “3th him "A“? "l" 7"” "“”“ l" l"‘ H ll" ”ll" \ - ll
broduce “l have an ultimate ltC‘lllll surgical and medical “-‘k‘re Roy Skaiuzs. Terry [igon and Kasl‘er Al‘ney. “‘3‘; l “2“” MW: ll “"‘ 1’1“?“ l ”'Ill‘~11‘1l\‘1 - . . ‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ . 'er‘. tic tr e i1 "c ,it tee ' 1. h~ v. w '
desire for students to ltilVC health records are not released Blazing start it \\ rs “0 lbtltfltlu 1* ‘(c' t'nln lirilynti.’ Irkywlmt l "
l l ’ “ 1 ‘ H “ ‘ "‘ 1 \i 1 ‘-' ‘H'ci 1 .
control over where their records Without a student s written The 20-minute contest got off to a bla/ing start knew lots about nothing 'I'ttt. re “h; Iltmh t.” : .
go. I’m not going to drop the p e r m is s i o n o r unlc SS as the Kernel‘s bur/ers failed to function. touching trophies (is a big K“It.” tut. betrcv thht ilittle' ‘volh - .
idea Of dCVC‘lOng some kmd 0f subpoenaed. Their present off a barrage of boos from the audience and one?) and vowed a rematch ne\t ve'ir E t .'
COdC 0f ethics.“ POUCY is to notify a student if ShCCPiSh 100k5 by the Student Center Board “In the meantime we're lookingvtor the guv ~

Supports Cascio's suggestion hl§ records are subpoenaed, be people runningthe TriVia Bowl.I .. who wrote all those old song questions,“ said a - c .

She said at this point she said. The Kernel team scored first, nailing Omar Memorial team member. ,
supports a suggestion by Dr. Only recoLds t 0t: 128m??? Shanf as the tlead (11“!) 05:8?“ Kth‘an- tine" “We owe it all to the massive amount of garbage , .

Frank Cascio. University Health przgregsIare epD yI sffr s exeryone was stIumpef hy w ta muIsIWhaveI can that ca." go through our minds and stick," said a
Service. to have each department an crences eans ice, t e triVia ques ion 0 t e cen ury. at is e Kernehst.

 ' ‘ _’ WTIII' kl~‘\ [‘1 (1K\ I‘l‘iRNi'Ju l‘litld}. \U\. “l. I‘ll-l WW
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i FINANCIAL .un ;; N0 ’5 The Time I .t . I ( IHH ( ( 0|] \ II] In J \( to II] . . .
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\, Part-time Jobs. uholnrshlps. 10.1“? To Reserve You!
. (I l k Siiidtnl Finamial ’ Spring Textbooks o 9 ‘
- n ~\id Office—"386606 I l n (I s u u ra P ”v (} u to n
. t - I . , ,.
. ,. $3 WALLACES Book Store . / q- , , , , -/
. f \ \\\)¢e\\\\\\xx so. \six x >6.
, ‘ ’ By TIM BALLARI) cm]... 01‘ 11.5w leaders mi.- m h hid the intir. 'l‘omplxins
1 ‘ . BEN SNY D E R DEP T STORES Kernel Stall Writer 1.43. .l ‘.\ta: eliiiigt e.lf,l\ .llltl decided to In t': .iiound iiurope
_I . 3__ . 3 i i . ‘ - . :wtilhei lllttl!\\ ratiout.
. . -. ‘ - lhe\ \iei‘t".ei\_\ei\ ~\..;.::i-_‘ dtwfwlwll ‘1?!” 5‘“ "“l "- ‘
For Your Complete One Stop Shopping I .. '. ' J ,4 ., i l. .,i-, .i p... w...
, 1. \ \ l \1\ \lll‘i lt‘lil"l\ili‘\ \l.l_t.il\ .il kl [toil Lt .. J. . ,
- . _ k “3‘ ~ J“ - - t . . I . . .. .. Asked to be admitted
, ‘A. 1 ”OUR FREE PARKING In The Bell Al' Gatoge 0i lllk‘ lllllk‘ \lIC \Pt'lll ill RVKl Hi“ tll'Ulgl‘Uh \UHHH‘L \ ll \\ i ll l l\ l 1, l ‘
. ~ ‘ " 4 . (‘l’ 4 l . v1 . (‘Uliui'ql the.» and corrected the ll‘l\l.ll\t' ”W 1” H ”1” '~ mm“ m
. . . . With $3 Purchase 1““ ‘ “”“P ‘ “ ‘ . Mn s i - l'ill\‘(l to (‘h‘n‘s
" R’ “l ‘ l l -li)’()“ o‘. Y._‘\l-.‘\\lli‘..'. t‘.l‘».ll tun-t . -* ~ “t“ ‘ ‘ ‘Vk
. utiuliotiti tit (i s. . ~ 1M. II 1' I W ll 1)....
- Tompkins. an American \xho llllehl‘JJlli- :f'lif‘nw Ml) TH} 1;)” I Ill“
. " , ' _ . . . 3 ‘ l .. » i »' Ull Clk‘ll ‘k‘ ‘k’lll" lk‘( 10 1‘. . 1C
. V t ‘ AM'LY " 'N FIRS I Starts taught l‘nglish to ( huh)” [UHWMIW ‘MN \Hd ml lI'd‘ l leLl it \in it flit would ht oi
. . a 3 . ~ , t x t ~v v H ' ‘ ' Y ;\ I 11C ‘ h
. .~ . - _ «, DRNE‘RE , 7.30 students at the Peking language 9“ “‘5 \‘-l‘”‘*”~1‘l‘r “"‘l‘l'lm‘r II (hit I
" .' '_;"ri'w‘?§‘-‘:,4£"fi‘ . ‘ ' - - '| it , ' i . ~- ~ i I ‘ i H [1 lV Us l l ‘I;-
' i - ‘ =’ ,2 ’ '4 .' THEA ‘ RUN' Adm $1 50 Institute m WM». {impelled nt .\ an int utllL (it l_istt,rI\. 1. k
' _ ' "" no. 3 ' l o o . . . d . I _ ., .- . 3 t.
‘ . " ' _:.< ' llllSL‘OllCCpIIOIIS about the lull‘kkl ”1le “All Pm“h and She \KLIS retiist-d the tirst time. .
* ' ‘ ‘i , (‘ultural Revolution whilt ,lt‘lm‘tl f—‘ik‘l’l‘fi ”Wild l“ ""“m but when her monc)’ ran out.
. . I . . c . .4 ; ‘ l . I .l ‘ . ~ -
'- JEFWL ' “’ speaking 10 MW!” 150 l‘k‘t‘l‘ll‘ “”ll‘“ “1 l‘“ ““m" l” m" she went to the nearest (hinese -
3 I V ‘ f 1 PUBLIC NOT] last night in the (‘lassroom prolet ”"i‘l- embassy to ilxlx Ltglilll- T” her
' ' . ‘0"th M CE: Building She said man} stmies Exciting days surprise. the answer this time
i ' i ' I“ - macabre nzztuyréntiifllzlsm ”mummy m l ‘5' ”Ulw‘m‘r” “It \\;i\ ;i struggle that ‘t’tilllt‘ was yes. .
-. , . , s t _ I . _ . I l I . , l I__ .pk . .- . u
' V 3 ‘ ' mmm'lheproducerMSists “PAH“ (”ill l“ ”INN” :i‘tim .‘it‘I‘. \t‘UllUll .il 'w‘w‘h'iin "l Han? l at i» tun llleV.
' s ' . . . t . mm. tip . I 4,1,» ' I -, ,7. , ‘ .I' ’_
,3 —. ll“! spinn|uc A C°WIDeisonally Signed ”Nd“ ‘imi ‘1?" ““5“ m“ ”I“ ‘illtl lii‘lilimiix til .ht (l‘llzllJl \Jlt,l lti': mm x idiliiig that it it
I 1 I "I ' 'I n. E GRAVE! legiir’fiimthm‘ssurance “WV “1'“ V‘WJVYL‘l ll ‘ " i{._-\.=?2ifiiin had lidnvt-rutl later \llt‘ “(mid
I . . ,. e ' ‘l . .- t h . i .. " l .‘ r . . ‘
. - . I'Gn' '“ 'fl . and badgaie:::n:nzllnd (”ll‘I’I“‘- . . I I ' lzit' t ‘..‘ll‘:’:l§£ t'nft \ «it iilhY1 man.” ll i\i‘ ‘7,"ll't‘ll 1n Hggittlfit‘ [he ,
. I.: I. ... I. . \ \y . \\ ,li'il li,t,' ( tIl.lili.li RM 04.11% slit‘ i:’..il ghii'r'li-V ETI“"WIII1\){‘{ (111111”; lx‘.".i‘:'i.lltr?! “Hum lithe ,
’. I . II . . . /r\.. , 9".“ ‘ started. I.\]I;I5:~\lll\ :liitl it) iIxie‘tt K31 ‘.\‘l\l‘: \IHmIIt liniillllUUU .illt’.itl\ \itlliL‘ti. I
« w , '{ ~‘ Bo;~"?°”,‘ )" I \\. ‘V' ’V together what '.\;:\ lllij‘I‘t'iilllt' .,, . H i \ ..1 mi N .1 l‘ t..~. ’~ll ii. 8' . ’
. _ ,. . . I T V635,..ng . at,“ 'l . II» I I . , I _ tilnlem Nitlkiklll tttiitu s _. 3% “ti... .t. ..:L .Lilt
. l. t I“, I Ta 19”? (/1 I l m g" . "- min“ “1“] . “rim: mdwmh Mb l'k‘hilié' 1" NU WWW“. ”Wilt“? Di'narttnent she \ias timing,
- U i P ”rm . - ‘ I ' “ i. “mu” m lnglisii 5”“ “it“ ’1” the eit‘.'~ i‘tinizlation whieii \xas attains! the law,
. .‘ .. . ‘ ' 7 . ‘ 1. t . .I, .‘t ‘>;' it": . ' . .. . . ~ . 3
' I, .- A; . ' "t 5, JyN’ “Elm“ ‘mId “h ” \hl Mimi. I Fransimrlation iaeilii tea lumrltim graduated trom Ban
.v - ' . i ' ot ier peop e to trims ate or let. [I _ . . ,- . i ~ ~ . ..
_- v . . . - . — ee.ime so trawler! WWW-C l‘ratit‘iseu Stine (tillege and
. . ' . l I .Turns Bones And FleshOi Young LOVE"?! ‘ .,< I ‘. IN COLOR . . ~ . , t... , i . y . - “. . . ,. . _‘ . . '
, . , . y r .htoAS. ”H.503 t'tL INC-Tilt pp. Phone I
I . II '2' I . FOUI’l’i: lint-r: iequippttii mo: >littl’l 258-3332 ”an. 8—5. Mondabdpridny, E
t 'I .'-- . ‘.. .' ' ' \\.'i\(‘l'iitll')lt"_'1'.\'t’l $7.7. 27.14789 .iitti 18N22 I
-;'-. i i . ' f I. ,. I.- :; p.i:‘ lTNflli
‘ 3 "~ iI '4 . . ‘ .' I 5 ———~—-——_’— ________._..___..___._ ”-'~W'Wu ;
. .- z I' I ‘. ' _ . 2» "$7 DHDGI‘. (‘iri‘r’ttit‘t ~HU. Do\\t'i‘ >ttI‘cr— WANTED .
I . . . _, , _ 5 trig, ttu) (itioi‘; ‘.lli\i top. excellent “Wivom’mm 2
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, I . ‘. ~ 1 .I ‘ . ' ~ fl;:‘_l-_’__i.ig__3 m __f____3 CAMPUS SALES Representative *4 7
.‘ . -‘ 1 3" ‘ ~ , WATERBFDS 5'23 Killi“~ Qlit‘t!i\ D.i(i\ 3‘1"" Patented line of quality hi-fi .,
II '_‘ I ‘ ; ~ U“ . ' ‘ ' 97' 1mm; 52, ‘ HIM.” 3‘5?” U". GUI”; iind (itldl(i;'l'lllt‘ speaker systems. This 7
‘ '.' “j , 1‘ ' 7 ' ' illllvl(‘('d.v2T-l'"ilg4li ‘ i 13x33 produce has exr'rllent sound repro— 3.
I i . ’ _____________q____,__,_____e *A__, 7‘ 'lllk'llOn and new. progressive styling. .
- - ' .' ‘- ~ 7 ' 1964 CORVAIH. l'iltlltl. man-r ~i-siwwl 1‘ L" DUNK offered for exclusive rep-
'I '. I . “ ' ~ himmmlkq‘m Excellent “NAHUM. resentrition on the University of Kcn— ,.
'. -. ‘. . ‘ ~ - iiezisoiitihie Iu‘lcc 2tif'4—llli‘ lax-49 tuck) murmur. HM: system for dem- '
'. : ,' ' r .‘ ,___'_7.___ fin“ ML“, .,. ,__A,____,_ ouqratioii is desirable. Please send
I . II ,I . _’ .’ II .1 ‘ 19m; FALCON, 4—(lr «Alan. 4mm)” ml” r('.\\iti:(‘ tIiI 1‘.().IBo.\' 26052. Indirin~
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I . 'i' . ‘ best offer, Mu‘t sell. taunt: home ”—_—_—‘——_———_——.-
.- ' i ‘ ' ‘ » , . — — r - - .— .. “ . \ .. (.HEMICAL Engineer-Consultant need-
. . . .. " r- .i-Ji‘ i .~ ’.i . . n22 . .
I 1,. a , .‘ _. 'l- “-Efl Lb , “3;, \fr “7 H ,3” . “(1 Interested in trzit'tionnl distillation
.I‘ i ' ' _ » HONDA 3ii5 (irmiin, 53:34.. <,:.-..i 2315-1983 ‘1’“ “”3““? ”“Wms- “Cpl? “‘ CO“?
I l} ‘i l. ‘4‘” UNI "E AND I DE RI I or come See ill, Bili—A Transcript Ave. “((163109 to BOX 431. New Ctistlci7§gé
“ S . . oif Limestone l‘t’dl Seliu's Bar. 183329 4,450“
: f , h ' I I . ‘~ . ___—_,¥__*‘__..>._~. M ..vrn._‘____..——__.*
‘ ‘ ’, . I- x, OLD Giiisox l.e:s l’.‘\il guttar. FUC- m¢ww¢-~’
'. . A I‘. SEE IT YOUR . ' torjv refinished; new neck; “hum- FOR RENT
' 2' 5'4 "1'. .' — - buckling," pick-ups. Fender Coronado MW“
. - - .‘ I' . '. "- _ ll()ll0\.\ —l)od§' guitar. Cull Jeff Carr THRFF b , , , ,
,J . I .I I 3 , ., , . . odroom garden apartments at
, '. .' . a 1’. at 232-903, 19“” 240i» Woodhill Orivo off New Circle at
. I ‘. .I _ . , . W--o~’m~¢o~" “H‘hmtnid Road. 8160 plus utilities.
, ‘ . . . I . ,I , I I - ‘
. ‘. .‘ .I . , I. . ‘A/ LOST Range. refrigerator, washer-dryer
. i . . . j I; . II SUSAN IVES U PS N DO NS FAYETTE MALL WO’OMW’mv furnished in each kitchen.IBalcony on
I - -, , ‘ _ ; .j . GREY :ind BLACK striped kitten. {Eif'hfggméfi 0,3333: figqtg'ggnag‘qlfij
I‘ - '- . l I“: ' . Lost last Saturday morning, Maxwell 'iblc Students ‘u'elcom Cdlkl 266-6556
' ‘ . ‘ I ' . V and Arlington (eril. Please return. or 25411191 ‘ ' e. 1!).sz
- _, ' , ‘ (Hill 255-5827 19N23 _ " --,;-i.A‘__ ..
3 ' ‘ ' l ’7 W ‘ '
I,” . ~. . , ; I EFFICIENCY apt. accommodates two
. .. . '. . . persons Within walking distance oi
-, _i .I; ~ -‘I .. h P II b P b Don R S n mmpus. Only $120 month. Call
. , .. , l e erl'WI a y apers Y 0 a a 0' Ron Weinberg m... D... 1. mm.
.' . ‘ i. '4 . ‘ ‘ ' ’ ' ./ > »‘ , ' ‘r~ ' " . /‘ Y ' V ‘ 'N
i " ..-, '. .- . ' ' .I ”*3 3:'~‘, . "flwfiifQ My Goon/V5.3 g Hf V9.5 ,F’LE «#55.th S U/f F5 SEEM 723 Bf 2 _—__—__——-
t I- ." I o . j. . I. ; ‘ , .~ II ’_ _ /_ . i ‘n
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.. *I '. . _ *I .I. "I . or; W; 'n ~41 z” 124% Mi 1:; ... MT W/s APEA‘ ,.. VOW SEE -' PAS TA) PEROL 04, ‘i 9
. . 1 i .t .~ . II 'I -- . (I ~ I II I I g I III I . I . , ,- I, 1‘, , i The Kentucky Kernel. University
. .‘h' ‘. . .‘ 4. , . , . T: ,>., 3;. “4 f. i’ ,5 T ‘A ‘ Vt w. z“. M/ ,F 1 '» A‘v v.1 f PERT/”MN. . . //1/ ALL q Station. University of Kentucky. Lex-
.. ‘.‘ . i ’ v I? ( , ' .’/.~r z." ,"( 7. "r V i ’ "rr‘ 7 V t ' I‘ l' ‘
‘I ‘ ;_ " ‘, " ' Y i f .135" . V .. 3 (f Ff .7 I 7. “’7' ) if .or“/‘,'/«“4’ F019. 7346.55 7'///$ /5 A5007 345 M 13:23? v23: Jim; ‘iiglildgwdxhngxgfi
' . .. ' " , i ,V I. , ' , g. ;... . . ‘ § w t 7 ow w; 7W; W5 .5 794 NM ((055 45 1 OM/ ' ° ”“3"“: and 0““? during the summer
. . ‘. . - . I , ~ ' A .~ . . . , A ,__ ’ I V .. . sessmn.
; I . .' i .I I.I , . . . ‘ ’p 35 4 r. .I ,L. v, 7 ,r 113'; , £44, 3 ”R / I) , i. 65f 70 7715 PROPER II p Pbtiblished by the Board of Student
I . , . . ’. . ‘. .4 I I . . :. . I , , II 3 , I u icati’ons. UK Post Office Box 4986.
. . I ,I I} ~ -. , . Q’T Nit/A Mei/{Mu 5W 7043 [004 r/OM. l7 Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
, , . l [I . . fl , . ’ 10¢; I ’ published continuously as the Kernel
. ,- . . 2‘ .‘, ‘ (fl. since 1915.
.‘ . , ~. . . .. . I“ - SFROcT ~_J 2 Advertising published herein is in—
. . I. . '. . II ~. .. . I . :2: . _ ~'« I( \ tended to help the reader buy. Any
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L I .I . Q 1 :.‘ . f. ‘ I , § ,// . r KERNEL TELEPHONES
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, . . U T7 ‘éPi:%3{:;;\ . st. i «.J" (L M (H, II“ (L (Li: now ‘3 tion 258-4646
mi“. -" ..- .

 ____________________________________ Tllli kliNTl ( Id lxI‘.R\I-‘l. l'iiilax. \m. M. l‘tTl -— ES ' '
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Certification office than any anecdotal or temporary records destroyed, he “id 55 NWDEP l8 ,5 PQOOF OF AGE tQEQUlli/"J" I; '5 .‘
other office. laugene llutt said. on indmdual students. Permanent mum“ )ermanent 5, MM*;J‘L .. '5
Students in liduc’ition ‘0‘ , i I '5 ARE LIBER .-_ ‘l . -
. ‘ 'l f ll I ' 1."! . I” " H" ““5 l‘L'lilm’lV‘” ”0'1"“ However. permanent records -.‘55 TlNES NORM/5‘5 55 . -
$05“? it, ”95355! .W .m. 1,.lmIllid‘ mdl‘d“ dlSK‘llei‘W “E’WL‘YWMS are just that. The) are 5' - - - Of What are they 9 ”A ‘ '
ill“ 0 ”Oz-5*?) UNI Shh"? “55””; between a student and the p 5. r m anent because the\ i 55 SEE TH ' 5i
1 r “r; ‘L‘ ‘L ~ i I~ l II I ‘. .v. I . I ‘ . . . . I. - a I ' t
— i1: trait: .. a i 5 E FANTASTIC roan l . .
Vthmg is iii-the tile that the $533. killing.“ .5135 M“ ”W“- "n’ “MC” “”‘l‘o"””“d- “9 “”d “" l 55 IN A0,, I 55 *
student doesn‘t put in" Huff ‘ 0“ “NS UlW’l‘lng “W records are released Without a 5i! . n i 55 .. . .
I I. t‘l t ‘ student, and confidential student‘s consent. 555 “"I’ . cot 55 . ' .
”5: ‘I‘ I0” ' I . material not relegated to the 55 i ; 7’ 50 5 '- i i
a) (luImbcrlcdge, Admissions anecdotal 5'5ch HAVE YOU , , . 55 -’ ii> fl 3.i5 5'5
and Registrar. said his office , . I I ”4 . . » ‘5 . \} ~ ~ " ‘ ‘ , 5: - .'
keeps a record of 2': students IaniiiIxi Icoritltcentlal . "TRUMP” Reserved YOU! 55 _,.,'-i' i , .' a; * i H 53 til I ' f A
application for admission. and L i f 5 .1 ems ,Su‘ 5 "S S "'n Textbooks at ' 5' - ~- . ‘ ' . ;,. if»; .’ '5 I, 55' f . ~ _' _~
I some permanent records such as non—medical information related P g I 5 III . k e3 IfI, %. - is 555 ’ ' .'
. ACT test scores, out-of—state 50 Imental “With Brandenburgli WALLACE S BOOk Store 5 :M 5: any" I :5 /. I I‘ 555 . 5 '
student affidavits. and class SdX' , ‘d ,1 II d‘ . .5 d’ 5 _;§ié‘~»‘3 ‘f'fi. '5'; 3‘ ,5 i i . 5 I ‘ 555 . - i ‘
transcripts of transfer students. m? 05a. ”9m 5 .mL u .L. 5 o .937- t‘f’éi‘“ " . a" ‘ 5'95 '. ' - I‘
d l d notes from mtervrews With staff Ever TUESdCI Evenin . ¥.,.3";}..-i:‘?fi“ "i’fNIJ-T , 5 .’.~ .35" 555 i. . .I I I
' K Anec ota recor 5 members of the Dean‘s office. he Y Y 9 5 ’ 6."; iii“ ,ri’,‘<,flj; 5' "H 5 55‘" ' '
'enneth Brandenburgh. Dean continued If {19 entries are - . l 35-32,; l 9"" “ 2‘. - , ‘- i
. . . . . ' ‘ . ,5 a“ , *1 .5 -. , . .
of Students Office, said his made in a student’s file within a Begmmng November 23 5 “em,m '..\ a...“ 45?": 55 ' '
s at i ’ at, l i . ’ '
II "..‘ "<33 3, "fiifiw' «2:9:- ‘--'-'-‘-'»-. """'"-."5'33‘-:5=- ':E:-‘=:3:'.‘§E7E=E=:3~i‘3§:. , . _ i .
' 3W student files 11136] Slllt : s» g; tweeter?» eww . .~ , -. -
TO C H R I ST ...;:§;-"I.€:‘IZE§E§:§§IEI:§- WWIIRMII» I I M-f..-;4t-.:s:o:w- ,. .r...u o . ; i
Brenda Hanier. a second-year Hamer has charged that wif’y“)‘2~s a2“, 5 . 5 . ~
- x . . ' ' $52“ -' wag-fl. & .5 $~z§$¢4§k "~$'-:-,‘:-.'v:?-I::5.t:3-2:v:-'I:~:+£-::::;;§’f6.’-f‘?:.:::=:z>'z:-:=--'-:
I law student in the UK Law Dennis “falsely, maliciously and Stud I65 I" the GOSPGIS a} firm" gag 3‘ III § j? IN, :1? "3+3":"*"i‘fst-fi't=*9:.?':§§§;:=:ét?=f:€=3::¢=‘*“r:2"'5=I: _
School has filed a $5,000 libel wrongfully” told other students . . R ‘iwi figwwfi W II” iii-.3153: . «I ‘ .‘ ‘2 '
SUit against another law student. that Hamer had revealed the . 7‘00‘9'00 p.m. >05 M .Msnstass: a -' i '5 5.
Bradford Dennis. grades of the Moot Court " I --- " “""'- ’ i l I.
competition in the College of I. II‘
UKFU wins Law. CANTERBU RY IMooo .x ~><~>O< KW - WWWWW>MV}N> I '5 I“ i '.
. . . . The remarks, she said. have H 8 REFERRAL SERVICE —(for ANY information) ’/ , . -
. Skilltul oratory on the topic (1 , "d h t t' . th - j I
' f information gathering by amagc er repu a ton m e ' Tele )hone "58-855” 2' H ’ '
. O t . th eyes of “good-minded students, 472 ROSE STREET _ ‘ l m .. ,jj _ ‘- I
. I governmen agencies won I6 faculty and administration. as WWWQ‘CWK' -
UK debate team srx awards in . -
- . . . well as in the eyes of the Moot , . I
. the Universny of South Carolina . H 5
Court Board. ‘ . . -. «
_ Debate Tournament last 0 o m '. . -
' weekend, In Moot Court law students - .I 1 I
' UK took first place in the prepare briefs and reenact a 0 O I . I
Junior Varsity divison with a court proceeding that has taken I I I ,.
team composed of Jim Flegle place sometime in the past. A . . . '
and Karl Merchant. Flegle also volunteer jury is selected and J7 ' - , II 5
received the top speaker award makes a decision based on the o , . I :I
V and Merchant the second-place students’ handling of the I. I . . I
< speaker award in the division. procedure. in — - on f . '. I ‘,
-~ A team composed of Carl The students’ also receive : . ‘_
' Brown and Jeff Lankford took grades on the basis of their briefs I,I.I-- II
.1 second place in the Varsity and performance. (0 .\ II II . .- I
‘1 division. Brown received the Hamer declined to comment cm I . I -.
-- i second~place trophy and on the suit and Dennis was 5 ‘ / \ Q , _
2 , Lankford the eighth-place unavailable for comment last W ‘ . I I
N I speaker trophy in that division. night. .\ / 1 V ’ ' I
’i : .1 (OIIIIRYWIDE mums, INC. .1 24 {X L A J g .
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Li 5 214 E. MAIN sr 254.on . , V .- ’ '-
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' Ar; us are really a vain out of Vietnam? Will it be the first Congress that after years of apathy cdgc. tllC story says. 15 due (‘ont
. PW} . - . have to be first in country to end poverty? racisni‘.’ has finally begun to question primanly to the developImenIt I(I)t

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