xt77h41jm50h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jm50h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-07-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 11, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 11, 1975 1975 1975-07-11 2020 true xt77h41jm50h section xt77h41jm50h Friday. July 11, 1975


Vol. LXVII No. 6‘ ' 2|


an independent student newspaper

2] University of Kentucky

Lexington. Ky. 40506

Small towns and big shovels


Kernel Staff Writer
Western Kentucky

munities like

Powderly. and Central City are
not much different from any
other small towns in America.
Thehouses in the towns are not
large, but they look comfortable
enough behind their modern red-
brick facades. The yards are
neatly trimmed and complete
with statuary. Bird baths and
black jockeys have grown like
weeds on lawns all over town.
Coin laundromats, Baptist

churches and used car dealer-
ships line the streets of the towns,

com- making life tolerable for the

people of Muhlenberg County just
as life is tolerable in thousands of
American communities.




There is something a little
unusual about Muhlenberg
County, however, something that
sets it apart from most other
places. Muhlenberg County is the
heart of an area known as the

SG loses about $1,000
from 1974-75 budget

Managing Editor

Student Government iSGt President
Jim llarralson in effect lost 10 per cent of
SOS 1974-75 budget by not spending all of
its annually apportioned state monies.

80 receives $10,000 yearly in state funds
from the l'niversity. The UK General
Fund automatically receives any money
8G hasn‘t spent by the end of the fiscal
year. June 30. This year SG lost ap—
proximately $1,000.

llarralson said the loss was partially a
result of being “new to the office.“
llarralson took office in May.

Former 86 President David Mucci said
he told llarralson to make arrangements
to spend the money about a month before
the end of the fiscal year.

llarralson said he was under the im-

pression he could order office supplies and
spend remaining funds until the end of the
fiscal year. “But the office got a fairly bad
run around and they kept moving
deadlines when we called." he said.

SG began looking intolthe problem six or
seven days before the deadline. llarralsor

'l‘aylor House, L'K pre-audit manager,
said ordering $1,000 worth of supplies is
“about a 45 to 60-day process."

llarralson said he didn‘t think the
l’niversity would reduce SG's funding
because all of last year's funds weren’t

“i don't think we'll have the problem
this year." llarralson said. ”i think I’m
well enough informed now. but it's un-
fortunate we don't have the money to
stockpile supplies."

Western Coal Field, an area
containing some of the richest
deposits of bituminous coal in the

The United States is relying
heavily on coal to relieve the
nation‘s vast energy needs.
Relying on coal means relying on
Muhlenberg County to produce
much of that mineral.

This means strip mining in
Muhlenberg County.

Strip mining is a method of
extracting coal from the ground
by employing gigantic earth-
moving machinery to tear away



'I‘il'eil uf standing. ('heryl llalelwoocl decides to take it easy while she

trees, topsoil and rocks in order
to expose a vein of coal. The coal
is scooped into huge trucks.
carried aWay and' used to help
heat the homes and fry the bacon

of an energyvstarved nation.
Periodically a few people are
motivated to ask what happens to
the coal fields after the coal is
gone and the bacon is fried.
These people, called con—
servationists or ecology nuts,
depending on who you talk to, are
concerned thatstrip mining is not
in the best interests of the land or
('oiitinued on page 12

e“; 3 '31, J"


l I\ has on lime Street in front of thet‘hemistri -l’h_\ sics building.




“ aits for a









Economics 260
makes students

capitalist slaves


Mark Manning’s worldview of
American capitalism and the havoc
it wreaks is certainly a correct view,
but I criticize it as being too world-
wide in that there are local events
which demonstrate the con-
tradictory nature of the ruling
capitalist class and the working
class. Once we recognize that
capitalists view the American
working class as they view the
Communists in toto, we see the
kinship between the working classes
everywhere and the alien nature of
the capitalist class wherever it

In Economics 260, "Principles of



Economics,” the material is so
presented to place economics in the
realm of academics. There are lists,
charts and tables which define the
workings of capitalism, but do not
actually mirror the real world. We
are told by Jim Sharp, our teacher,
they approach the actuality. I
maintain there is a reason (probably
unknown to Jim Sharp, a competent
teacher in the context of the fixed

content of his subject matter) the
models only approach reality: the
reality of capitalism is much worse
than its models.

Those who control the economic
infrastructure of society in fact
control the institutional
suprastructure of that society. This
is power. Power in a capitalist
society is dominated by the
capitalist class, and this class seeks
to stabilize a value system or
ideology which iustifies the class’
position and serves as a guide to

Any thought or action outside this
value system is outside the ”reality
of American capitalism." Jim tells
us questioning capitalism must be
done within the methodology of
capitalism, that is, within the value
system which is set up to support
capitalist class power and position.
Criticism is meaningless within this
context. The prevalence within and
the institutional acceptance of the
capitalist ideology not only assures
common action by the capitalist
class members, but it means others
(the students in this case) will
cooperate to serve capitalist in-
terests above their own. Economics
260, at this University, is doing no
less than forcing the students (who
are in the maiority members of the
working class) to serve capitalist
interests alien to their own. The
nature of the class organization,
material presentation, testing and
grading are all supportive factors to
this conclusion. Each, however,
would require its own analysis.
Another time, perhaps.






Harralson blOws
a cool $1,000

For someonewhocampaigned on
a platform of “efficiency“ in
Student Government (SG),
President Jim Harralson really
blew it by letting 10 per cent of 8G
state funds slip back into the
University General Fund.

Harralson, who took over as SG
president in May, lost about $1,000
of SG’saIlocation from the state by
not spending the money before
June 30, the end of the University‘s
fiscal year. Therefore the General
Fund, in which SG accounts are
maintained, automatically
received money which otherwise
would have been spent for students
by students.

SG presidents have traditionally
invested the money left over from
the previous administration in
staple office supplies. Harralson’s
failure to stockpile supplies in
effect will reduce SG spending
capability next year.

Harralson chalked up this
episode asa mistake caused by his
inexperience as president. But
former President David Mucci
says he specifically told Harralson
to make sure all the money was
spent before the deadline. And

Harralson, who gained the
reputation of a “fiscal con—
servative" during his year and a
half in the Student Senate, was
usually the first to question even
the most trivial administrative

Harralson and SG Vice President
Glen Stith pledged during their
campaign no member of their
administration would accept the

salaries predecessors received.
But this blunder makes their
promise appear to have been a

'pious play for votes. It casts

serious doubt on the credibility of
an administration ostensibly dedi-
cated to fiscal responsibility.

But beyond any damage
Harralson's mistake may have
done to him politically, the student
body has the most to lose. Any
justification for reducing SG's
budget would be welcomed by
University administrators should
they ever need to resort to drastic
cuts in expenditures.

Harralson may not miss the
$1,000 he let slip by, but some
future president with the creativity
to spend money wisely just might.






r Keri)

Editor -in-Chiet
Nancy Daly

Managing Editor
Susan Jones

Associate Editor
Jack Koeneman

Arts Editor
Dona Rains


Mike Greene

Sports Editor

Barry Forbis Linda Carroll
. Mary Pat Schumer
PhotOEdltU Gail Cohee

Chuck Corn bes

Assistant Managing

Walter Hixson

Production Staff

J udy Demery

Advertising Production
Editor; Steve Ellyson

Advertising Manager
Byron West _ John Ellis

The Kentucky Kernel, 114 Journalism reader buy and any false or misleading

Building, University of Kentucky, Lexingr advertising should be reported and will be
ton, Keitucky, 40506, is mailed five times investigated by the editors. Advertising

weekly during the year except during found to be false or misleading will be

holidays and exam periods and twice reported to the Better Business Bureau.

weekly during the summer session. Third Letters and Spectrum articles should be
class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky, addresed to the Editorial Page Editor,
415". Sinscription rates are $12 per full RoomilA Journalism Building. Theyshould

semester. Rblished by the Kernel Hess, be Wed: dwblespaced and signed. Classi

incaidfounded in 1971, the Kernel beganas flcatim, phone number and address should
the Cadet in 13% The paper has m beincluded.LetterscannotexceedZ‘i0mds

Kernel 'sinoe i915.

published oontimwsly as the Kentucky and SDeCtrum articles should be no larger

than 75) words. Editors reserve the rig'lt to

Adve'tising is intended only to help the edit letters and Spectrum articles.


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call us—

call you


By Richard J. Wolton

New York Times News Service


The Central Intelligence Agency is so
much in the news these days that I thought
it might be interesting to tell how it
recruited me more than twenty years ago
when it, and I, were still in the formative
years. I imagine my experience was not
unique, and many of those who are now in
the CIA's upper echelons must have been
recruited the same way.

One day in I952, I think, I gota phone call
from a man who identifed himself as
having gone to my university, Brown, a
few years before me. He asked if I was
interested in working for the CIA. I was 24,
with a young man’s thirst for adventure. I
was also formidably ignorant about world
affairs and totally unquestioning about the
then current cold war consensus ~— that we
were good and the Communists were evil.
So of course I said yes.

I had no idea then, and still don't, why he
called me, but I guess it’s like working for
The New Yorker. They call you; you don’t
call them. I suppose he had had access to
my college record. It certainly couldn’t
have been my grades. Maybe it was
because I had been sort of a Big Man on

Anyway, hetold me I'd have to go down
to Washington for an interview but that I
couldn’t tell my employers anything. I was
instructed to say something vague about a
Government iob. So off I went to
Washington. This was before the CIA had
its bureaucratic country club office in
Langley, Va. The offices I went to were in
a cluster of wooden “temporaries” near

the Potomac, enclosed, I think, by a chain-
link fence. They were expecting me, so
there was no difficulty getting in. Inside, it
was like walking across the Brown
University campus of a couple of years
before. I kept seeing guys l knew. I chatted
briefly with some of them and they
assured me there‘d be no strain, getting in.

. ' Evidently the Old Boy Network could take

care of me.

So that's what had happened to _a_ll_th95_e .




0’ 2

I {iii/”1n" I,





guys after graduation! I soon learned that
three administrators I had known at
Brown were C IA executives and that any
number of recent graduates were there
too. The CIA was then, as everyone came
to know later, an Ivy League club. Indeed,
it has been a source of recurrent
amusement to me that the most famous
(infamous?) CIA operative of recent
years, E. Howard Hunt, wasa Brown man,
along with his White House benefactor
Charles Colson.

I was put through a series of interviews
~ no, they were more interrogations, the
kind to which suspects of particularly vile
crimes are subjected. I was put in a little
room and teams of interrogators fired
questions at me, oneteam of two men for a
half hour or so, and then another team.
The questions came so fast and were often
so weird that there wasn't time to for-
mulatetheanswers I thought they wanted.
I iust had to answer them as straigh-
forwardly as I could and hope I said the
right things.

I can’t remember the answers I
mumbled. I do remember that they were
very confused and anything but im-
pressive. No cool, crisp operative was I.
But if I don’t remember much of those
chaotic interrogations, I do remember a

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time or another whether I would parachute
from a plane, whether I would intervene in
the domestic affairs of another country
and whether I could kill someone. I don’t
remember exactly what I said but it was
something along these lines: I wasn’t keen
on parachuting but maybe I could; I
suppose I could if it were necessary to
American security, and I iusf didn’t know.

When the interrogators were finished
with me, I, in something of a daze, moved
outside, convinced I had made a batch of
the whole thing. But again I bumped into
some people I knew and they assured me
that my inept performance was entirely
normal and that I didn’t have a thing to
worry about.

So I went home to await the word that I
had been told would soon be forthcoming.
When it didn’t come after weeks and then
months, I figured I had indeed blown it and
that was that. Gradually, I stopped
thinking about it, until about a year later
when, to my complete surprise, I got a
letter from the CIA personnel office,
signed by a man I knew from college,
asking if I was still interested. I promptly
wrote back something to the effect that I
was'interested to know what‘they had in
mind. I never heard from them again.
For awhile lwas disappointed, for l was

.1..- ...,.,.. ._ _.‘

a Stevenson liberal then, the kind who
despised Joe McCarthy but thought the
Soviet Communists were out to conquer
the world. In short, I was except for some
flaw, whatever it was, the perfect CIA
type, ready to make the world safe for
democracy. If they had invited me to join,
I almost certainly would have accepted.

And soon I might have been busily
of Iran and Guatemala and later, because
I had studied Spanish, I might have been
had studied Spanish, I might have been
working with my fellow Brown man, E.
Howard Hunt,on the Bay of Pigs fiasco. So
by sheer chance, or maybe by virtue of
some lovely failing (cowardice? skep
ticism?), I am now a mildly radical
revisionist writer instead of a middle-aged
agent muttering about their mucking up
the finest intelligence apparatus ever
devised or, more likely, a cynical agent toc
afraid to come in out of the cold.


Richard J. Walton is author of ”Cold War
and Counterrevolution: The Foreign
Policy of John F.,Kennedy."




 l—TIIE KEN'l‘l'(‘KY KERNEL Friday. July II. I975



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Senate Council reacts
to accreditation loss

Kernel Staff Writer

The loss of accreditation in the
journalism department has
prompted action from the Senate

The journalism department
was denied re-accreditation of its
news-editoral sequence late last

“We‘re thinking what can we
do (about accreditation),” said
Joseph Krislov, Senate Council
chairman. “A university like this
shouldn’t have any schools losing
their accreditation. We want to
establish a verbal understanding
that all the units shall seek ac-
credita tion. “

Dr. Lewis Cochran, vice
president for academic affairs,
after conferring with Krislov, has
adopted measures to prepare the
University for accrediting teams.
“The strategy we’ve decided to
propose is to add a change to the
present committees that review
and evaluate the educational
units," Cochran said.

This addition will make the
committee periodically review
the basic requirements

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demanded by the accrediting
agencies. The committee will
report their findings to the dean
if it’s a department or to the vice
president if it’s a college, added

The evaluating teams are
usually composed of two
University faculty members, two
community college professors
and two students.

In order to better prepare for
the specialized accrediting
teams, Krislov said the
University committee would
follow their guidelines for

Furthermore, “they will make
recommendations for policy
changes if the educational unit
appears weak,” Krislov said.

“This will serve as a pre-
warning for the educational unit
before the accrediting agency
arrives and takes away its ac-
creditation," Krislov said. “This
is to avoid the disastrous
situation that has occured at the
journalism department.“

Every college or department
eligible for accreditation at the
University under one of the

programmatic agencies, is now
accredited except for the
department of journalism, said
Dr. John Barrows, director of
institutional studies.

Dean Anthony Eardley of the
College of Architecture com-
mented on the importance of his
college being accredited. “It is
extremely important to be ac-
credited by the National Ar-
chitectural Accrediting Board. A
student cannot receive his license
unless we are accredited.”

Assistant Dean of Engineering
W.W. Walton said that if his
college was not accredited it
would “indicate to the
prospective employer that there
is a question about the
educational experience.“

Major goals of accreditation
are to protect the public against
professional incompetence and to
validate specialized programs in
an institution. Some of the
criteria the agencies use in
evaluation are faculty-studenti
ratio. competence of faculty,
student morale and scholastic
work of students.

CIA sued by family
of scientist fed LSD

FREDERICK. Md. (AP) —— A former Army scientist, fed LSD
without his knowledge at a Central Intelligence Agency research
meeting 22 years ago, became “an entirely different person" after
the incident. his widow said Thursday. .

Several days after the LSD was administered, her husband told
her he needed to seea psychiatrist and feared he might harm her,

Alice Olson said Thursday.

“At that point I had to sit down, my legs wouldn’t support me,"
Mrs. Olson recalled at a news conference called by her and her
children to tell what they know of the incident and to announce they
are filing a multimillion dollar lawsuit against the CIA.

“I feel pretty confident there are many things we don't know,"
said Eric W. Olson. the eldest son of Frank R. Olson, who died Nov.
28, 1953, when he jumped from the 10th floor of a New York hotel.

In its report on CIA domestic activities, the Rockefeller Com-
mission said that an unidentifed Army employe had comited
suicidea few days after being given a dose of the hallucinogen LSD

without his knowledge.

Soviet Union may permit

nuclear site inspections

GENEVA. Switzerland (AP) -— The Soviet Union may be
prepared for the first time to permit on-site inspectors to determine
whether it is living up to an agreement with the United States
limiting underground nuclear weapons tests, a senior US. official

said Thursday.

Up to now, the Soviets have refused to admit inspectors inside
their borders. The American official said that now, however, such
an understanding could well occur.

This is one of the subjects Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger

current meeting in Geneva.

.. is taking up with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko at their

Tony Boyle denied new trial

MEDIA.Pa. (AP) — W.A. “Tony" Boyle, the former United Mine
Workers president convicted of ordering the 1969 assassination of a
union rival, was denied a new trial Thursday.


Boyle, 73, was convicted April 11, 1974,0fthree counts of murder
in the 1969 slaying of Joseph “Jock” Yablonski, his wife and

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The conviction carries a mandatory sentence of life im-

Boyle currently is serving a three-year federal sentence for
misuse of $49,250 union funds for political purposes. He also was
fined $130,000 and still owes that.


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Judicial reform

State's iudicial system could be restructured

Kernel Staff Writer

In the November general
election, Kentucky voters will
have the opportunity to consider
a constitutional amendment that
would restructure the state’s
judicial system.

The primary supporters of the
amendment -— the Kentucky
(‘itizens for Judicial lm-
provement, Inc, the League of
Women Voters and some local
bar associations w believe the
state’s current judicial system, a
product of 19th century
legislation. is inadequate for
present legal demands.

new to Kentucky. The state
operated under a similar system
in the 1880's and was able to
reduce the number of backlog

if the bi-level system were re—
established, the new Supreme
Court would automatically
handle all cases involving prison
sentences of more than 20 years,
as well as determining con-
stitutional questions unsettled by
the lower courts.

Ratification of the judicial
amendment would have a
significant impact on functions of
circuit and lower level state


Constitutional amendment for judicial

reform seen by supporters as way

to speed judicial process


Since 1891. Kentucky has
operated under a judicial system
composed of a ('ourt of Appeals.
circuit courts and various local
level courts - including county.
police and magistrate courts.

Presently. the (‘ourt of Ap-
peals. “the court of last resort."
hears appeals from all 121) circuit
courts. But there is evidence that
the seveiHnember appellate
court is having difficulty in
hearing an cver~increasing case
load. -

The Legislative Research
t‘ommission reports that during a
12—yearperiod trom 1961 through
1972., appellate cases nearly
doubled. 'l‘he docket was 666
cases in 1961 but the case load
rose to 1.267 by 1972.

(‘onsequently. there has been
an average yearly backlog with
case delays ot up to three or four

The proposed judicial system,
seen byits supporters as a way of
speeding up the judicial process.
would establish a Supreme Court
and would expand the Court of
Appeals doubling its number of
judges from seven to 14.

According to a Kentucky
(‘itizens for Judicial Im-
provement report, this bi—level
appellate structure would not be

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Currently. the (‘ircuit (‘ourt
has both appellate and original
jurisdiction combining for a
system with 55 districts and 86

Although existing circuit court
districts would remain intact
under the proposed amendment.
the General Assembly would be
empowered to alter their
structure if necessary.

The local level courts would be
more directly affected by the
amendment by being relieved of
criminal judicial burdens.

In accordance with the present
constitution. county judges and
magistrates would continue to be
elected. but they would serve as
fiscal administrators instead of
trial officers.

These local courts frequently
have overlapping jurisdictions,
which complicates and hinders
judicial process.

Under the judicial amendment,
the jurisdictions of county. police
and magistrates‘ courts would be
unified into a single district
court, with each county com-
prising a single district.

The proposed court system
would require that all judges
within the system be licensed
attorneys with varying degrees of
experience, depending upon the

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level of the court over which they
are presiding.

Under the present Kentucky
system, local level judges, in
other than first and second class
cities, are not required to be

Some authorities feel the fact
that many lower court judges do
not have legal backgrounds has,
in some cases, been detrimental
to the judicial process in the

The U.S. Supreme Court
recently agreed to review a case
from a Lynch, Ky., police court,
in which a defendant was con—
victed for drunken driving and
was subsequently sentenced to 30
days in the county jail.

The presiding judge denied the
defendant’s request for a jury
trial and failed to advise him of
his right to have an attorney.

The primary question that the
defendant‘s counsel will argue
before the Supreme Court is
whether or nor a system that

allows nonlawyer judges
deprives citizens of a fair trial.
James Amato, executive

director of Kentucky Citizens for
Judicial Improvement, Inc., and
a former Lexington police court
judge. said that in light of
Supreme Court review. “we have
to assume that it (the Lynch. Ky..
caset is typical“ of situations

that develop in some lower
Amato added that the

(‘alifornia State Supreme Court
recently ruled that cases in which
jail sentences can be handed
down must be heard by judges
who are lawyers.

Another vital provision of the
judicial reform plan would
require that all justices of the
proposed Supreme Court, and all
judges of the remaining courts
within the system. be elected
from within their respective
districts on a nonpartisan basis.

While such a plan could not
totally guarantee the elimination
of the political aspect of such
elections, Amato said. “It is the
hope of the drafters (of the
amendment) that the people of
the future would vote for can-
didates based upon their
qualifications,“ rather than upon
known party affiliations.



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“The Romans created a
desert and called it
peace. We create a des-
ert and call it progress.

—John Seiberling
Ohio Congressman

Strip mining

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Earlier this week some state leg

visited the Western Kentucky Coa“


What they saw were men and ma


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slato rs


extracting coal from this mineral-rich“ region

and the barren aftérmath.






”Mzrmg techniques
_ it has
becomea Simpie matte:
to reach and iemove a
seam of coal with a
dozen men—instead of
hundreds. Automation
has made the miner
jobless. And as the
mines rejected him, so
did his union. for which
he had picketed. fought
and even died. So the
mountaineer became
another paradox: and
unemployed and unem-
ployabie industrial
worker in a wilderness

—John Fetterman
Kentucky author






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Walt Alston strikes out
in selection of pitchers

Sports Editor

There has been a lot of con-
troversy in recent weeks over
whether the Major League All-
Star selection should be taken
from the fans.

Most opponents of the fan vote
have sail the balloting has
become merely a popularity
contest; only the favorite
pla yers, not necessarily the best,
are chosen to participate in the

annual summer classic.
But if Los Angeles Manager

Walter Alston’s selection of
pitchers is any indication of how
the players and coaches would
vote, perhaps we‘re better off
with the fans‘ selections.

At least the fans chose a for-
midable National League lineup
in Steve Garvey, Joe Morgan,
Dave Concepcion, Ron Cey,
Johnny Bench, Pete Rose, Lou
Brock and Jimmy Wynn.

The same could not be said of
Alston's picks.

The National League’s mound
crew will consist of Andy
Messersmith, Don Sutton and
Mike Marshall of the Dodgers,
Tom Seaver and Jon Matlack of
the Mets, Tug McGraw of the
Phillies. Randy Jones of the
Padres, Jerry Reuss of the
Pirates and Phil Niekro of the

Based on their past per-
formances, these hurlers form an


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impressive staff. The problem is
that All-Star selections are
supptsed to be based on current

Seaver, Messersmith and
Jones arehavirg banner seasons.
Seaver has the top winning
percentage among NI. All~Star
pitchers with a 12-4 record and a
1.85 ERA. Messersmith is 12-5
with a 2.08 average, and Jones
has an 11-5 mark with ERA of


Reuss, Sutton, Niekro and
McGraw are having respectable
seasons, abo. All four hurlers are
around the 2.50 ERA mark, and
all sport winning records.

Matlack and Marshall,
however. are not having good
years. Matlack does have a 10-5
record. but his ER