xt77h41jm54v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jm54v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1980 1980 1980-09-26 2020 true xt77h41jm54v section xt77h41jm54v Vol. LXXIII. No. 31 Ker 2 1 University 0, Kentucky
Friday, September 26. I980 In Independent student new Lexington. Kentucky
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Iraq captures 011 port Iranians say hostages safe
——————— . . . . information on the size and dis osi- ~ . . ,
BY STEVE K- "INDY At the United Nations in New V Tankers carrying oil to western the communique. sald hat-ll IOFCCS tion of the opposing forces engapged. {5:11:35 2:63:35: Sgtvrcariiliflfldfniflicc
AWN!“ P'm WW" York. Islamic diplomatic sources worldsteadily "IOWdOW ““9”!" seized the railway that.llnk.5 Abadan Iran had armed forces of 240,000 The islands Abu Mousa and the
. said Iran was resisting efforts ‘0 5“" GuJyesterday. S" story page and KIhorramshahr wrth Tehran A, before the Islamic revolution of Feb‘ Greater andi‘Lesser Tuhbs w
BAGHDAD. Iraq lraq claimed mediate the conflict that exploded I0. . 340 miles tothe northeast w inaday ruary I979. but Western sources seized b . Iran in 197] . ere
its forces captured a key Iranian otl four days ago and refusing to accept ,1 Iranian militants {ay 52 Amerl- Of 3” ahdI 593 battles. believe that strength has been ‘ In Pain; Rome Vienna and \‘ew
port Thursday and cut Tehran‘s rail a ceasefire unicss Iraqi troops thn_ can hos-mg“ are “ya gee sto’ypage The lighting centeredIon the bhatt drained by purges of officers, deser— Delhi ”3‘ I dI Ihmats eChoed. the
link Whh IWO SOUlhcrh 0” cm“ draw from captured territory. fl—_—_ al~Arab waterway that {Slhe border tions and lack of spare part for condiiionstlran a'ould havetoa 'e t
Iraqi diplomats in several capitals US. officials disclosed that the The Carter administration. “in between the two countries. Main OII American-supplied equipment. to end the fi htin CL P
' announced Baghdad‘s COhdthhS for United States and aboutahalf-dozen light ofdeepening hostilities.“ halted ports andrefinertes 0‘ both nations Iraq's standing army totals 242000 There wasgno is onse f 0 th
an end to the fighting but Iran ofitsallieswerediscussingformation shipment of gas turbine engines for are 0“ ”5 banks and Iraq,I WhICh men and equipment is supplied by revolutionar' re mg of Ar'inll'fi
"Bl-Sled 0" hi” Iraqi withdrawal of a naval task force in the Persian the Iraqi navy. the State Department “”98”“ ”3 bOFdeT treaty W" Iran the Soviet Union. Ruhollah Kyhomgeini to th): (I).d -
‘ I from its territory. Gulf to protect Western oil ship~ announced.The United States said it a week 380v claims the entire '20' Iraqi Officials and diplomats demands but th‘ attem t‘ [Thl‘
Tehran carried out air raid exer~ ments. was maintaining strict neutrality in mile-loftg estuary: , launched their own offensive yester- United Nations t; end tgebczm‘lic:
cises. with sirens wailing in the Iran- The war has halted oil shipments the ConfllCl- I I . IraqifgunIhoatIsfand hflicopter gun-I day, spelling out Iraq‘s war aims and were met by Iranian insistence that
ian capital. A spokesman for the from Iran andlraq.butthat poses no Iraq's military command said "5 Sh'pb oug I 0 .an. ranian navy conditions for ending the fighting. Iraq withdraw its troo h
Revolutionary Guards in Tehran immediate threat to Western supp- troops captured the oil port othorI- attack I0" the Iraqi Oil I’IOFIIIOIf Khor Theaims wereoutlined by Defense Nearly all reports 0: the fi htin
said Iraqi attacks have not endan- lies. Should the war spread to the ramshahr. IO miles north of the oil Abdulla. Baghdad Rad“) 541d~ and Minister Adnan Khairallahy and came from Iraq which also clgimeg
gered the lives of 52 American hos- Strait of Hormur. an international refinery at Abadan. and that the City three Iranian {$83165 and [W0 gun— included redefinition ofthedisputed to have reached the approaches of
tages held since Nov. 4. “Theyare all naval force could be called into play “became a graveyard for enemy boats were 5”" ‘ .. 620-mile border between Iran and D f l I . . I . .
. . _ ~ .. . - ,- . Reporters had no accesstothewar , . . 61 “v an ranian Ch) I50 miles
right. Theyarern safe places. he said to keep OII flowing from such coun- troops. . , .. h I . h . . Iraq. protection of ethnic Arab . ,
when telephoned from Beirut. tries as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Baghdad Radio. Wthh broadcast 70““ andt ere “35 no aut oritative minorities in southern Iran, and (ontinued 0" back P339
“Mm ' V I, -> . h, c; ’h 1‘ A hA
' I-$11333553235i=ias§;5g.:.;z:5._;;;' ‘31“; ' 77;": .1 *3 '*._ ”x if ';Z.' i;
y tare u g et cuts =23;I:::;s::.;:..a..:; .. . . '. x . 5353:?{WYJEE":i"~:i§;:f&.s,.~i;§fi
By RON HALL One of the younger faculty .. » h ' ' I 3 ~e252$°
Senior Staff Writer members expressed concern that the ., ' ' ‘ ’ .‘ ' it ”if”.
gurdelines would be morethanjusta I ‘ ~ ’, , . ~
Lewis Cochran. vice president of temporarytightening ofthefinancial .
academic affairs. told a group of belt. - ’
faculty members yesterday that the “I did not spend l5 years ofmy life ‘
mission of the l'nixcrsity' “as a leader in training to come to a teaching col— ’
in research and graduate studies" lege." he said. “If this is permanent I ‘
would not be affected by cuts in the want to know now" ’ ’ ‘
academic affairs budget. Cochran said the idea that a per-
Cochran. speaking at a meeting of manent change in the mission of the
the American Association oflIniver- llniyer'sity' resulting from the sug- . '
sity Professors in the President‘s gestcd guidelines is an“unwarranted '
' Room of the Student Center. told extrapolation“. .
about 50—75 faculty members that The bulk of the questions and
"there is no earthly expectation of comments from faculty members ' web work '
any change in the mission of the centered around itemsthreeand four
l‘niversity." on a list of l2 guidelines distributed _ .
()n Augugt ng Cochran an.“ a 1m to faculty. \Iorning fog and cobwi'bs merlook ..-,. ..-
of suggested gurdelines to prepare for Item three reads: “Tenured faculty two horses and a rider during a prac- _
the expected deficit in the l98l~82 who have not published a scholarly “"9 “"‘h’h 3‘ 'h“ Rt‘d ““9 Raft“
academic affairs budget. He said the book or refered journal article since ”“I‘ yesterday """hihg- Rating Ht
gurdelincs were designed to stimulate January I977 will have minimum 12- the Red “ll“ started “ “lhe‘dilk
discussion among the various credit teaching load each semester
departments and colleges and were l98l-82."
‘ I . not final policy decisions. Item four reads; "Faculty whose
' “lherc is no committment to research is supported by University
change the mission, functions and paid released time will have a maxi—
priorities of this l'niversity." he said. Continued on page 3
By DAVID COYLE/Kemel Staff
J b t f f t h 't t b I'
By BILL STEIDEN "total disaster" because a new rule tucky'architecture firm. while gradu- members OI the PTCWhl senior class and Mill” Halls. . . .
shin “IIIL‘I recently enacted b\ the Kentucky ates ofaccrcditcd fiye—year Bachelor wishingto pursue careersinthis state When the accreditation committee WW hU'ldlhg Wlll be funded hIhhh
State Board of Architecture. of of Architecture programs such as would be able to fulfill their inicrn- of the National Architecture Board and If 1h? ”CC/C ‘5 eventually lifted,
Job prospects for some studentsin which he isamcmbcr.saysthaigrad- ”(3 must her“: ahOUt [“0 ycars. “hip requirements before the I985 last renewed the Who‘ll lh I977» 'l and dccltnedwto speculate on what
[hc School of Architecture WIII prob— iiatcs from unaccrediicd archiicciurc Eardly said graduates of unaccre- deadline. _ said .n its report. ‘I‘the strongest point WW“) II” ton-“WWW “mild h“
ably be threatened by a possible schools would not be eligible for dited schools are presently eligible “Most of our best graduates lea\e this visiting committee can make is assigned dmongtht‘ numerous other
accreditation loss when that school licensing in this state after I985. for licensing aftcrseryinginternships KChlUCh) anyway." he 531d~ but the inadequacy ofthe physical faC‘h' L K construction projects also
comes due for renew in the spring of He said the present rules do not of roughly four years. depending on added that students wIth lower ties." and urged the L'ni‘.ersity plannedI . _~ I _ I
l98l. according to Dean ofArchitec- require any higher education of the nature of their employment. (iI’A‘s usually cannot hhd W011 administration to request a new The I “"6””? "1 Kentucky Bleh'
‘ iure Anthony Eardly. applicants for the state arChlICCful’C Howeyer, if the Iinl\8f5II}‘s archii else“ heft building “as soon as possible." ”I“ Budget Resin?“ l0" l978-80Iand
Family said that a loss of accredita- licensing exam as long asthcysenca lecture program were to lose its Eardly said that CW" though some According to Eardly. planning for I‘M Year Plan for '977'82- says the
mm by ‘Ihc ,chool would not be a 13-year internship In a licensed Kcn— accreditation. be estimated that only students may be £1th to beat the a new $6.6 million building began in "105‘ ”mu” need m the academic .
r . deadlinethcy would probablysuffcr I978. but construction was delayed affairs sector is a new facrlity to
z ' ' l I ' ° . limited career choices. indefinitely after about six months h‘IUM‘ A” and Architecture."
AShland OI] Ives 1 ml [0” "For example. a graduate wishing because of disagreement between the Eardly Bald hc hi” "h“ “19?" ht)“
’ to serve his internship in a civil cngi— architecture faculty‘s building com— aCCTCd'lahhh for the architecture
. . . , . nccring firm can only count each mittee and the state-appointed con~ school “II“ hC “IIC‘C‘Cd h)‘ the lack "t
l‘ l l' h l h [ vearofwork for halfofwhatitwould tract architect as well as the the a new bh'ldlhg‘ . _ I
arges Slng e 81 In SC 00 S [S 0] h be worth in an architecture firm." he eventual failure of the state legisla— He said the main difficultyin Ir)"
said. turc to finance the proposed ing ‘0 PFCd'Cl whether accreditation
By KIRBY STEPHENS A? , -- = ': suishcd indiiidual 0t Cstablishcd Th“ “0‘”? mean'hailh” “9““ Struc‘urc- , . . :1” begun“? '5 Em, fan. that lit":
Managing idirm t , II g reputation whether m hmmcw the beforccdiofind work With architects ILITK Vice-President for Business . AB hd-S “Q 5” rthSIkIthflrh'hgl I‘
a sciences. the humanities. m the Pm‘ who have already seycrcly' cut back Affairs Jack Blanton said the future amount of “00' 5N“ 39‘“er I“r
“ » i fessions.“ ”0‘“.er the corporation expenses because of astate-w‘ide can of any plans for a new architecture student.“tinlike 01h" lh”“‘”“°”” "I
Athh‘hd 0” “‘9 ahhmthCd )‘35‘ , will have nocontrolovcrwhoor how ital construction free/e. building are “uncertain" because of I“ kind _ _
tcrday that it is giving a SI million thc professorship is deCIdcd he said lhe School of Architectures the capital construction free/e by the Ath” importantfactor. he shld‘
grant to It'K the largest single cor~ I-w- i 12"” . Beginning with iihc 198li—87 hm; accreditation is endangered by 2i state legislature. l5 the composition ”t ”19'9“ Hm-
porate gift in thc l'niicrsity‘s history. 1m .5. demic year a \isiting professor “E“ space shortage that has caused a di\— He maintained it would be ing committee will be “entirelydiffer-
lht‘ compum Uh“ dh'mUhCCd the \g’ g i. be a hintii byithc B iard hit I . ision of the program between Pence “impossible“ to say if the architec- Chl" than the I977 Emuh-
- establishment of a Sl0().000 visiting g) it Q ~35? ‘ pFIh I?“ d7 Ii b‘ i 'd rus
professorship grant, » I: tees. S ”III [Inngl ‘ u“ for
lhc announccmciiis were made at .Ihg . salary. set retarial assistance. gradu
’ a noon luncheon at Spindletop Hall i . ateAassistIanisIanp “Phil‘s . I d . . g
is iIK mire”. om angles". = ' * __ I °§‘1{.”.‘.g “ .”—‘ h “ :h, on the IDSIdG
Robert I \Ic( owuii. cxccutiyc yicc Iiiiféiff: . . .-:‘;.‘;.Z or oI L.“ Opium" t n gl t “"35
3-=:-.~.Ԥ-2-:..:w;;: ~:> .. _ the l niyersity s combined private
President of Ashland Oil Inc. and - ' . so . ' -
‘ wants . s=- and corporate donations to SI ,2 mil»
president of Ashland I’ctroleuni( o. .§° J { ,, ' . lion ahead of last 'e' . d ._
I and ()iiri I' Atkins. lhc company's ' H ., H I . , i ) drs sum ona . . a .
Chatmhm ”t the board and chief TIS SINCI l-‘TARY “({th 54.050000 Today 5 editorial shows how Gov. John Y. Brown s budget cuts are affecting the state
executiic 0 ‘ ‘ ' ’ ‘ ( "rm” ”X '3‘“ make ” universities and how it could affect the quality of education in the state itself. See page 2.
('ulmin'iiin t . _ . if II I . hI . h f" 'l d h h extremely easy for corporations to
. g on yearsi ntIgoiia d\L t e ina wor on ow t e donate up to5 percent 0t theircorpo- . . . .
tions between I’rcsident ()tis Singlc- money is used. rate profits to institutions such as A Lexmgton police officer was hit at the Intersection of EUCIld Avenue and Rose
tary and company officials, the SI “We see the acquisition overa five- 0h“ .. he hm, i i i ‘ Street yesterday while he was riding his motorcycle. See I picture and story on page 5.
million grant will be implemented year period ofthe$l million gift. on a W i
over a fiye~ycar period to “assist II‘It‘ schedule set up by Ashland. to be Other corporations and local bus" . . ,
l‘nncrsiiy In the Cnrlchnu‘nl. used rm [hm particular miicgcysm. ncsses are being approached by lini- Sports editor John Clay Views “Pistol” Pete Mnrnvieh s retirement. See page 7.
improyement and expansion of the gletary' said "It could have been for WWII) (‘Hluals for Possible
('ollcge of Business and Economics. some other colle es...hut this is what donations to Particular colleges or . .
thereby “1mg the college In mm“ {mad hm ingmms ht. our needs tht, entire tvmmhty Led leppelins s drummer John Bonhnm dies at the age of 32. see the details in Diver-
ing its responsivensess to the busi- and their interests and needs. “(‘urrently we have a proposition Sions on p.39 8‘
ness needs of the Commonwealth." “In addition to that.“ be con- In to ”10 IBM corporation and there
Atkins said tinucd. “Ashland‘s chision to fund are others being considered locally." t .d
Singlctary called the grant “the the professorship for us is visualized sa'd MOhle)’- . 0“ 5' e
most significant cor oratc ifi inthc as a rotating thin and we do not IBM" Contribution would he
history of this inpstituiitiln." and inicnd to fill it oh any permanent geared toward the (”“989 “I thli' . Le.ve your umbre“.s It home tad." We c." expect sunny Skieszlld.ytwt“h:the:::|:s
added that u” mum not hawmmm. mm mdowc ncccxsarilywunt [oput nccrinii. according m Mobley "we in the 601i. It will be fair and chilly tonight with the lows dropping own it ot e . t
a "mu. tmhmhmt “mt. ~~ It m a hamwlar whet“. .. should hau- come UPC 0i mpnmc looks like a nice day for Saturday’s football game. We will have sunny skies with highs
Although gtttttltitaht revealed ,0 [he ”clung professorship. said withinthc nextmonthor sofromthe near 70. . .
definite plans for the grant, he will \ilrins, will be filled by “.i drum» IBM people." he said
. Q 9 o
I ‘ °

Steve Massey
KENTUCKY hiriomrpthld midis?!" inn. 2;: I (.m Willis John my my“ Mum” .
DebbielMet'Dnniel Rzrflnll r “ Entertainment hill/u! Spam ILL/”or Diler'lur u/ Phul()gral)h|- ‘
Kirby Stephens (‘indy McGee John Little
Managing [Zillltfl 4M"! NH" ’“”““ Vicki Poo“ Steve Lowthcr
. Senior Staff Writers SJ". Robinson . Donnie “V"d David (‘“"'
Jacki Rudd Pnul Mann Aunmm tmcrlammem [-.duor Assn/am Spout Edi/on Phult‘l Editor '
o 0 [Mr [-.‘drmr Erluurial Editor Tina "my
editorials 8: comments Wm
State can pay now, or pay later MW _/
‘ DNIHMOODyLA limosSynduo-to _ “ .- 'r __ —:_. ’-
L‘sing inflation as an excuse. the administration And UK faculty members are facing possible ‘““fi, V .
of Gov. Brown has managed to place UK and other research and teaching guidelines which may alter /\ fifiék v” ‘ ,
' institutions in the state at the foot of the academic the quality and direction of education at this Uni- \ ’ jg c"~$’§3’}.§w 5?»;-
' . hill. versity. The guidelines have been proposed because i H ;;§‘§§%\t"%’i¢ r. .. ,
. A! l'K alone. no less than four colleges and of . you guessed it . the lack of state funds. ‘ / /¢_ 77(be //,l l _ (I 4 §1Q_,\:§§s;x
' departments are facing the possible loss of accredi- State funds seem to be in high demand, yet Gov. I ‘ Q‘VR ‘ t. a .. ' i ‘ ' “"- ‘ i
, tation in the next two years because of the lack of Brown has implemented a program for economic _ . \ «Xi it lie YOU NOTICEP
‘ ' proper facilities facilities which can only come development allowing large discount stores to be \\ “s r, Jj\ HA . ‘
, g _ from statc funds. butlt in areas throughout the state. 1 I 3'35; {'2 W“ HOW MWH CARTeRS
' . ‘ The College of Architecture is facing problems It seems discount stores have received a higher / i , / r {i ? sf," ‘s‘i 3. AG C6 6
. ‘ because of lack of space to accommodate students priority than education. This is a sad case. . I _;";,:.’_"Z-.-.: - “ f“ _ ED 9iN H
' . and equipment The College of Pharmacy is facing The short~term underlying effect is a decrease in l ’ , $3.1? 5k)( { 11.3% 86% PECSHBNTTD
‘ problems because programs are spread among four the quality ofeducation. The long-run effect maybe ‘ ii .4, a E Iii 'Y\ "3‘ 3 .
’ ' buildings and not consolidated under one roof. the eliminationofprogramsand collegesatfhisand . :wfig ’.tJ / ‘\ ‘ "7,7 ‘“”“?”
» Among other things. the College of Business and other state universities. 1,, ft - I In f, a“- I”; if ‘
‘ V Economics needs more classroom and office space. :5" ._. 2:1 ' I ‘3‘;- . g‘wfis‘fi.
I‘ The mining engineering department must base a If education is allowed to deteriorate tothe point -» "_c 1 . - g '“""""7 {3333 ”fig: \“;'
. g new lab and equipment where programs are terminated or allowed to lose 3 ,_‘\s'1 _ _ i’yl—z-f‘f : (fl/ . A)? 1; v
I Funds for these protects can only come through accreditation, thcn bright. inquisitive students are '5‘, ‘ 7 “=1 3-4,} l,} ,2:
. ' the statc going to scorn state schools. 1 hey are going to go 3.; m “7” i: , (it. y‘tx‘t‘ a .
‘i lhen there are the [K handicapped students out of state. a“ .‘_-_ r __.:,_, . . (“\\I.s in, r? 5,.) _—.
i which are in dire need ofcontinucd renoyation pro- The state will be losing doctors. lawyers. pliarma- f l; J ‘ 73% pl} \‘x 12-: ‘7 §_ ‘ -.°.:
' _iects to increase access to buildings and classes. The cists. architects. engineers and more jObS andjob ,, 4 ,. f V _.\- .- “I“ I“! I; I, :\ :55? / -
. i 4 ., maiority of these protects can otily be realized appeal. Few people are going to want to come toa ' 3 9/" A .4 fl (7b‘ “)
. g , through cums tundg. state which offers little more than good roads. dis— (5,?) , ijlc’lqr “/46!
i. 'l he College of Medtcrne needs a primary care count stores and fast food establishments. Q ‘ I
’ _ f'aCility to increase both ambulatory care and The state must recognize it's responsibility to
. ' :. patient space [he facility can only be built through higher education. [K and itself. And it must recog—
.' . state financing. nile this responsibility now. ‘
I M L tt r th Ed°t0r
I , ,‘ Th tacleorzif likesomaiiy ofthepersons instead what I found was quite man! Hallelujah? particular case. we would like to _
, . ' Hunter ompson he has critici/ed dur ing his career. be different, As Mr. Masgcy gzaicd m his article clarify the crisis center's approach to A: “my“ advoiates fVW lprotyliclle
" , _ _ _. ' ,- inormaion,maere r..
,_ ‘ I am writing to comment on the 1“ only In H for m mom“ for one thing, the water is clear 0" SC?" 21‘ these are not the most helping \flcngS of‘scxual'as‘sault . victims clarify their feelifirg: swig:
t, I, . ~ __ . . uppwmmc A, ‘1“,er(“mum of ( larence R. “ya" and has no smell lf that 15".! rational times. But. when have the ne 0 ‘_ k ‘15ch” 0‘ rapt trauma theiralternatiy .. d 'k h .
. - s . . . 't is the feelin that oncs life is ) csan ma 6‘ ‘”””"
. 3‘. Hunter \ lhompson on the e\eriing - , unhealthy, I don't know what is And “mt? U” hm? raional. . , l v _ i‘ H . m personal decisions.
' . of Sept lb l would first like to Indlana S band the food here is so terrible that l .. Why 5m? “uh the climiiiation’of 3:1}th Jun. er . 0:“ il control: While we would like to see more .
_. , . applaud the efforts ofthose who con» spent a week in bed suflering from a L‘ip'ldl punishment, Who needs ‘5‘” ”e ‘ r“ (.15 ”I,” Ci “n“ ors. “‘ U" prosecutions 1m sexual assault WC ‘
5 - ‘3.de ml. idea of hungmg lhomp~ I would like to thank Indiana‘s bad am, 0,7 (ieronimo‘s revenge. play? “hypayan cquuable pricefor 110‘ 10_ 81W “hm? hm Y” M will activelv support whatever
:' g Mm u, the [K campus While y“. ,5 ba nd for a n outstanding . . g . anything? ’ ‘ SUPPOFUW and informatiyc and decision the iictim makes
‘ .‘ .‘ not the political guru pundit some performance hcrc IagI Saturday Also. political prisoners in this Yes, rise up-brothers and Sisters in allow yictims to make their own hi this pamwlar case [hie 01m I
‘ . ' “Tm to mm! on making him. be H a lheir prc—game show was a nice country £th treated llks‘ Js’W-S ”1 Nan righteous indignation and contend dCClSI‘mSI _ “as followed We did Sing)” 1".
, _ cultural phenomenon of wmc mm. selection of beautiful music and tone (iermany. who had to wear stars on for anarchy wherein we shall create lhe one exception to this policy is ‘ t th't th 3 ‘ g_ .
g . y . c“ lhe comments 0, someone who quality their backs, Only in America. they l'topia. the strong recommendation‘rnadeto ”ugng' ‘j _ 15b “0:32" lac”:
I ' . has obscrycd the national political How do 1 know this',’ lridiana‘s are forced to wear small emblems \ictims to seek somcform of medical :‘Tk';"”:turl"l?ny u‘ht)‘ ecision I"
' . 7' ' - “st-ms of the past seyeral .Wiir‘ front band marched onto the field and resembling alligators on theirchests. care to check _for internal injuries. d ‘ po 1“ “a” U 0“"-
' ' his unique \tcwptsmt would hase faced the student body for their pie» lhe shirts they must “u” with Michael Slusher \ 1,). and possible pregnancy
. , ,, made for an interesting cyt-nirig game perfoitiiat‘icc these emblems are made of special Business Administration senior \ ictims are informed n the} do go Mary C Warfield
' , l \ Hccdtlsc of this it is more unfor'tii- "Win“ “b““l l kl“ band‘.“ )0“ fluorescent day-glo material to an cmeigancy room for a rape Stacie Meyers
:i i . riatc that this opportunity degericr— ”“is’hl ”5k WCHWWH.‘Uu'h‘l‘mth‘I (probablvfor casy'spottingat night). exam the police “I” be contacted. i ' i '
. ‘ ' ated into the uircc whitlitook Plate ”(mil “‘”“' l haycn't heard ‘ Ki‘ in a yaricty of colors. Imagine the 5h)x“fi:CL[;h:thum h not required
. I ‘1 Besides the trictctechnicai ioblcms band play lh" .W'dl- i» in ; - - i .I ’ ‘ R U a , m 1. cm '
‘. - ‘ , of the my chm of ti“. mug-[rim] (hm. li has always atria/ed rm how a htt'clleginrlwl: bLIrjénltiwchJHEZ ape counselors l1 a \ictim is undecided about correctlon
.’ .. hait hiytil to be precise) to lllt'llhtimtI band s'Uan“‘-L‘d “l ‘lUdml‘ “”1 “Cd, one (.f these pink“gatoi"shtits , . “hm“ reportingtothc policc.wc may ln Tuesday's column on capital
' _ . .‘ nahlc sound \“l‘s'm my entire 1”,. ignore their fellow students to play Therefore tonight. I urge all those Vic are writing in response to an suggest she consider hayingthccxam punishment, n was incorrectly .
; .3 .7 .. mat of titc “Hung “M ridiculous rt-r the prcss bo\. alumni and other concerned to soak these \th m gas. article “lllChv appeared in the done so the cyidcnce can be stated that Kentucky currently has ‘
3 ‘.. l'\ct‘i .r short period of comments “It! WW ‘“”‘ “'h.‘ *“L‘ “V ”mg light them, and use them in a (“film A" kernel 1hur5da.)‘ WHCHM H shelaterdecidestowork ‘0 people 0" Death Row-,1 hereare ‘
.' I' . l‘.‘ mepwn would mu. been bei— ‘Jmflmmdtcd lili'dm‘i i Don't we also ca mpaign m (H C” h I U“ the September 9. lhis articlediscusseu a with the police, the eyidctice has been four people on Death Row at this
. _ ~ . . m than mt ludicrous \hw“ which Pay 1“,. “CM.“ through our Mm”) gmunmcm recent rape reported on‘campus and presersed. .. time. pending the outcome of the
. “wk place >\ tcw puwm made it.“ Shouldn‘t we '“““. equal its the was.doesansone Um there mentioned that the yictim had been “ecanals‘ofilcthird party reports lodd lcc case,
. ‘y _‘ attempts “I ask wrmu‘ qucstmn‘ “mi wan-t m buyia I968 (mud convinced by l.exrngton Rape with the police keeping the identity In that case. the Jury recom—
. j - '-. and, h, hh dud”. lhompsori gum! ii .tm om .ickctt me how the band ' ' ( risis ( enter ernployecsto report the of the victim confidential. g mended the death sentence. How- . '
’ ' .illy made an effort “‘““““ [hum m Wind“; {hit year [ would be forced assault to police. 1 R ( C cou nsclt) rs offe n ever, thejudge is freeto set sentenCc
. ' . y. H.“ manner v. damn. "I don‘t know “ l)ocs David Baker As the l R (. t \ olunteer accompany victims tothe cmergziricy regardless of the jury‘s recommen _
.' But when WW”) $1“!me J] .,;,\.,m-' [indecided freshman counselors inyoly ed with this room. police station and courtroom. dation.
, ‘ ' __. an apparent attempt to “out gun/o" Eugene E. (iloss . .
f '1 lltitttmwn pint-.edcd to ask his Mechanical Engineering senior ,'
. . . . Friends like these not needed
. ' 23:11: ":.;:.;:;;r'. r . . leferem VIEW Rational man '
i r l f lhorrit‘sori‘s tigc. stature and di‘Pitl' \\ heri I first came to this coiintr\ l scryoiic on their knces’ lo hell '5 there anything worse than had decided to go With (artcr again him ‘he felt Anderson cam-e the
3’ . , ‘ ,~: ~' :tit .iitciiigcrict .ittti.il!\ L‘Illl‘\\ bci'ic T' in" Nicsico lwas L‘\pct‘tiiig a land with .1” thin \ .. ”Rpm“. .. “c have a haying someone on your “dc you [his year. . ‘ _y . closest to, fefle‘ftmg his 9w" HfWS‘
. . ' 5 . the total point tit sucli /oo~likc \r‘Cs~ of freedom lllsl llood food but six-tint tn ighc :nli iht - ~i . '1 dont “kc on your “dc-'7 ”“5 sort of thing happens ineyery PLAINS Gd' 7 Billy (after.
; 3 . ‘ - s - is “l“ “‘““““ 1 remember thatasa kid.when we election year. of course, and I currently under congressional 3
' _K .‘ ; .- . were choosing up teams. 1 always suppose there‘ll be more of it lwas scrutiny oyer his involvement with
V, f ,- ’ ® hoped I wasn‘t on the same “dc with trying to think of news stories the the government of Libya, said today
- ‘ “ 1' ‘ DU '8 at”) Crowdcr Now. may once ina candidates would least like to read that he planned to vote for Ronald i
' , while I‘m at a partyand I make some The Pope said that while R9383" in November. V
'f‘ifv i remark iust toket‘pthc conversation Anderson‘s stand in favor of “Jimmy's 5“" my brother and I I
t ' g Wfi‘z “0mg . / W . . I. love him." Billy said. “but I think .
. .l ' V I. (42% ,’ Reagan will be better for the oil
, _ ,. ’ , ,_ . _ .__; “ ,.I:.;‘:I;-. I: , The only real kiss of death for any
s t . . ' , . . . (3 ea, thanks for Andy ' be
. .i . a. . . _ C ‘ ' iii" 3-”;- w.’ ’ , {5% :emkent ”pp; lihmtn :lhaht :ehhad the
i I‘ 1 x " . ' . a ' 86 ms 0 s‘ . ya 0 a 0mm
_ ‘I i . /_ . talklng , puggle! - - Rooney 15"3i:....*:; “é’f% Andy Rooney is a nationally
.4 ‘ W i :1», '51?" V" I l — ,- . “It .3 iéf“ syndicated columnist. His column
. , y- a .. . . t ' -- e will appear every Friday-
. . : .i . ‘ ' . a ways maKeS lust thing I know some guy l'ie a; .'?§-’- é? ._....._-.~._;;__%_;.;_.,;___
. . . ‘ -L ‘ v , . always disliked speaks up and says. . a? . Xi" ' i '
3 . v 4 9* me feel better to “Boy. l couldn‘t agree With you : Mt; . ' ‘ i The Kentucky Kernel Wel- ~ .
" r.“ ,' l more You're absolutely rtght.‘ ‘2 ‘ .‘ comes all contributions
'. ‘ "' ' g l crawl back into the woodwork := i. " , from the l'K communit .{ ‘
. talk to somone and wonderwherelwentwrongwith ‘ . bl. . . y .Or c
.I ‘. mm ”mush! l “N had. I. . pu ica‘tion on the editorial l
i '- ‘. 4 h ’ ff Ronald Reagan must have had the about people who decided to support l and Opinion pages. i '
‘ ' W O S worse 0 “‘"“‘ feeling ”10 0th" d3)“ thn h“ them. Imagine how‘ they'd feel ifthey Th? Kernel may condense
. , ' ' , , s? nl read the‘following news item about a ever read anything like these: or We“ contributions, and
'. , . ‘ “v than I am I fellow(alifornian, . ‘ SAN FRANCISCO Timothy frequent writers may be ‘
. . - “( l‘l’FR l l.\(). ( al. UPI leary. former Harvard professor limited-
' 1 _ .. ,r’ FldridgcCleacha former leader "f who popularized the use of [SD Contributions Should be
.. 'v t" the radical Black Panther Party. among college students in the 19608. delivered to Room ll4Jour- l
i l 2.3: ' .. endorsed Ronald Reagan for said today he hopes Jimmy Carter nalism. University of Ken- l
‘ . *‘ ... F -- - _ , .. resident todav " . .
I . 4 3:7 ‘ i": 1-:5} " , ' 5: '- .- i: I: ' I P The storv went on to say that Wiilczcrie el'cdcmdi . . ' (Inky. Lexmgton, Ky'
. '_ ._I . _ _ . ‘ . . .:.:£‘:.-*.* .. , . . y sai that while he didnt 40506.
. I ' d "" I y : ' ' :’ g 7 " l."ri§f§*’§2" '- ,1. ““3"" endorsed Carter "1 I976 but have much confidence in (’artcr For le al reaso
' _— (a; “,5 . '. I . -_ 3; . 3:353:15 thought he hadn‘t lived up to himself, he thought he had ' t 'b g ' ns, con-
, ‘ .y " r :I . . " ' 1 ' '3"; expectations. so he was switching to surrounded himself With good rt utors must present a UK
, . . . _ . .V _ _ ., , Reagan pcoplc. ll) before the [term/Will be
_ ,' . . , 1 , . ' . .. Clcaycr was one of the brightest ROME. Sept. 25 .. In a special able '0 accept the material.
' / " / i ' . . -' . g V i .. ' and most militant of the black bulliten released by the Vatican this Letters:
. ' ’ ' .' ‘ 'j ' leaders of the l960s. but he served morning, pope John Paul II Should be 30 lines or less
I ., . _ ,- .. _.j , ; ' , .;. ”me years '" Pr'm" after he “’33 announced that he was abandoning and no more than 200
- .' ' . ». . ,» i i , _‘ _ ": " .. 5:5... ‘: C(lnHCIt‘d Ul trying [0 klll a man. hlS ugua] neutral “ance in regard to words. They Should Concern
' l .. . ;, . .. ” ._ ' E ,. "5:453, , i V "i: 3.231;,3.52:3. is: . ‘ A” 'n a" he 'W “‘“"" ‘“"‘ "k" the “cum" 0f 8" American particular issues. concerns
, ‘ . > 1,33}; ;:.-,.'s' _ 3 ' I I. ' . ‘ . 31:1: g Rcagflnk kind Of a guy.and whllcli‘b president by suppurnng _Iohn or events relevant to the UK i
,. . . ,. ,. . .. »- ~ ,_ - . r' 3 '1' (' always hard to hate someone who Anderson . ‘-
® % likes you. Reagan probably would abortion and the Fqual Righ'g l community.
have MT" N“ as happy If “53"" Amendment were troublesome to -——*————-———————————-——-— g
Q 9‘ O i ' ’ i

 , .
TH]: KENTI (’KY ' . .
News round“ KLRNLL hula). September 26. 1980-3 I
CO ' p“ I:
mptled from AP Dispatches L
r . the bang; w“ . I
a - meteted late W ~11 . I. . ,' »
e “£21m: :3; set at $2500 each. "the men are “aging t nuud) u. .tuthtuum m M.“ MN“ I i I ,
u 9 or arraignment next m e burp ~ . , . I _\ miller m-t t entt...‘ .1.th r .. ’. ' - .-
. onth tn 5t Luntalned 749 000 . n“nth t.) mu- ,- \. . - dt .1 ltrt.t\\]‘1(‘ hm m. ., 1' _ .
poser?" wmted bySalt Lake City Utah Knox County Dtstnct Court, mc‘hunol “hen a tile ”Upted Sgdlllona ut returned m lh; :h :3! ”1:: drugehargcx hm tut-9} “hwy.“ m WWW-d \Ly.:. anj . 1‘ 1 ,
. ' ~ . ' _ . ' - t ' . ‘ , ~ ‘ mt. , ,
sniper SI:riqu‘esttomng tn the August 20 hTwo men werearrested tn BCHCoum, (m bur’ned unttl M“”da\_ up . b that \pt‘nl the lat! ml” “:1?“ Istandx~ “mu- m- ”Hildllnus m“. “\lcndm I“ \ M. hula“; . _ _ ‘
arrested irzlzghtoufctkwo your? b|aCk men Was 33:68:; M25"?lklng Preperauom to mint 1 lmpvtum ”0m tut) ttmbuatx wax uwdt ) Dm‘r‘tl that tune 'tllfrrt: t l B V1”an t‘ “undem- Repuhnmn "‘4" P'“" 1’ "V 'f I
. - . Y ester a - . an tonsuf . . - . _- , Orcc “a\ -, . . _ t .. . ’ Hmwt .1” trmm .; . . , , , , ,
satd Salt Lake Pol'y C .y‘bUIescdped, '90 on the Wh'l Luatatasrte near Ky gum] u 01 water m” the but“. cm” Mutt ht thug,” "’1 «Hm (m \ ,\ ‘ .h“ ttdm (umgt mm. “M: \miu :1 . . ,
Willou hb tce href E.L. “Bud“ F , ‘ll ey-Bell (ounty line. - mg the last '1dn1"\ nccn pm” “mm,“ IhrSt t' P ”I t tlgl mu t rmmmg man km.” | in” ,. . ' , .
\Villg y. . our Pike County men “CW also arrested Ball“) ““d that all but 50 r II 1“ “mm mm Mn . ‘m tenu- hunt“) . , " .“ "'1
am I gughby said Florence. Ky police arftd charged with mining nearly 1500mm methanol had either burg“, 5“ ”n; "' Huttmm mad *I ( A “def-I judge titati Wm“. ,m, ,n ‘ 1.’
s e a man fittingadc, . . _- 0 coal on a .- , , . rem) 'd . - or Cc” . t c m wmmemt I“ . um” Hm‘ . , .~ .. .. . t- '1, .