xt77h41jm627 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jm627/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1986 1986 1986-11-03 2020 true xt77h41jm627 section xt77h41jm627 | q .
s i
n ‘ Vol. XCI, No. 49 Established1894 University in Kt‘titutky LexingiOn Kentucky independent Since t97t Monday, November 3, 1986 l ' '
Debate surrounds Sunday lq f d I I!
3 _————————————'—_—-—'——-———————— ———-————-- I I
IiIinIthx‘itIiIs‘iNiiIIiiIiIlthR ‘ Zflf—M—i no: sales only larger establish ' ' = . x f ‘ " ‘.
. 4 o ,,\ lg . ‘I 5" -'
65 percent of students asked say yes to Sunday llquor "it g:'22.;:::.:::~.:;:l.. ., . .I I .~
| . , . x -, , t‘lub .itio asked not to be identitied ‘ ' - I >
8 tefiggrlfi‘: its: :IEI‘I‘IEQXSHHL‘tES _ nIt: (dthItII) :‘wet your whistle“ dav because it is the day or the charm " ~I Daniel Kirk. political have w Tim Lauhenthal. it thinks the current proposal nould ‘ - ' . II .II ' I
as Lexington residents are learning. 0 .un 83 i you want That s the Lord a daoni rest and not think sciencesenior nance Junior ' t pii' l.e\;iii;ioi~. Ittlt‘ \lt'lt i tttst‘t’ to i; I . I -I . - . ‘
I II I II , , _ consensus among UK students, mg. - him \alentme, tinder iiioi \ili‘sftll exertniii- . -. ‘ ~ .' ' “
so (an a proposal toallou the sale oi according to an informal survey cided sophomore "I'm really not attected m it .. l .1 old to 4-.- I, acttaa; ii.:o -. .I -I _I . . ;,
this substance onaSunday conducted by a SFOUP 0f UK jOUF- Marsha ('rtme accounting “I don‘t want Lexmgton ‘0 get izaia-ii restaurants a i'ltorts .illtl cor H‘ . "-1“ 17 1
[i the aiiIiendment is passed by the nalism students. "People m“ drink on Sunday sophomore ' any more cosmopolitan than it‘s “any.” Wm.“ HM ,I I. I“ 1M“ i ,. ‘ ': " .- .t
lllclis “f.[llul’vffliuil(‘2".“inyltmi.iSHIP m or the 21i peome potted, 65 per- whether it is allowed or not mi WW“ ”tel-“7' “"01 “3“- ed” 2‘1?" ~tw will 1‘ Iwm't We Met l, " /
til:alld“l‘esljnll‘dllt‘st(ultitlhuilusT-allllg cent said yes, certain establish- current law stiiles more com en 'It not only hampers the C()n~ cation graduate student. lass l'tiiiik ' met"It‘lli'tttttNl-
capacity oi III least loo 'ind th-it re» merits should beallowed to sell li- tions and athletic t'H’llls iroin ieiitioiis being held here. but it I \ :z..ii~..igei- at one l.t'\illfllt)ll t'es 'I .' I» -' .
. I- . I‘ _ ‘ ‘ ‘I I I quor on Sundays. Those saying coming to Lexmgtoii Lexington deters others irom being held .. ‘ Tamar: \iiiii \ui‘qu' \ "It“. “my MI .‘ -.I-:. I . .' . :.
teiye at least .io percent oi theii ie\ no. predominantly for religious needs to grow -- Mari. Whitlet‘. here - Sean Staples commu- "Vtitthout a Sunday liquor li predictable tia'. W. ”km.“ l .‘I ._i I
muclmm“Whale” reasons. totaled 31 percent. And advertismg senior V iiitI;ru'reatioiisenior . (‘ense‘ What's the use Of gm“ ‘0 . «an! mi tii.- i Jami... “mini 5' ‘ 5 {47 A, ‘.
. ILexmgton. hItIIiiig the only .\;‘t‘t)llItl tour percent had nopreference. » , a restaurant on Sunday” I could i ‘ll'lillliiltall' .iffei' liltrdd‘ss \h(‘ _I~.II .- I: .‘I.-II‘..
linl? lilllmlil-l};lliigtllillgtlll-‘(lnin)" lll: I Here are some student re~ . “This place is pretty boring on I“ .WU can't drink I)“ Sunday. J53!uillejilifilllgghnimm‘9 \is- \Im .II- - -'-"lll‘. .I,,.II..I u ,I i IIII. I.
lair . » sponses: 23?}; It wouIld idirobaIbly bring lIItI is no hip, deal ‘ Dorothea ‘ ‘ ‘ ' “'I’I'I‘I‘“ .“”I“" ‘l' i lid-.2?
- Slut-‘55 0 0“” tmn. -- arris. u ) ic re 2 t o s ' lull.a> .iliies assistant Llwilld ter .. ~ ‘ - ‘ -' ‘ - '- ' I.
l” ”1" Sunday “(WW “I" ‘l"l“‘l"~ a “it people are responsible David Gibbsadyertising senior p I! l n Junior H . ‘ . ._ (,1 tummy”. \ H..\t‘li‘;'d;;' emit, ”to ‘~l ' H l- 4‘ l 1', '3 ‘I .
question oi basic human rights is at , _. . Sunday is (10d s day .loel . . - ’ ..
. enough to be allowed to drink It peophI cant get enough to . ‘ _. ' . ““‘-‘ *‘Il-tld} > 'ttI»~I'1t‘l'~Iti=‘~ ‘ - I ' ~
issue ls denying people the decision Monda' thro h Sat da' 'h' .. I . I I I , . Heardbusmess sophomore ; I ,I I I , . I .I .’
to drink alcohol on Sunday \‘lt)liillllL’. 3. . “I? Iur .3‘ vi ‘V The Lexmgton dWI‘ ‘5 “““im‘ dunk during ml “99'“ I dont 1W” ll‘lr’l’mllhu ”A” ’ 3 " 't ‘, " I.
theirireedom oi choice" - Elgdnhitllritlihg jugigIIalene H'Ck‘ in several diii’erent uays itlle is 'hlnlfIN‘llda} is tht' day to start: I ”I? h. IrthlI'Kt‘tI‘I it: I'HIt ”II! .II' ' '. .‘II'r‘I ,2
l’rohihiting Sunday alcohol mi” ' ' by keeping bunday the sabbath I hammie 5“”15- mathematics "Let the people drink it they ,IUNH“ I‘ I'm" “’"H “ “ '1‘” z. ‘, . -- .V; 2
is denying citizens the right to __ , , - v - Th“ u“Kill?“05$ ”l ll‘t' W”! sophomore Want. especially it it is going to N “f“ RPM W \mm‘fl‘ . "m “1:" ' I335}; _ ..
choose: saltl 'l‘ilttolln ('onc. chair I don t. think anyone should munity needs to he Pl‘t‘sct‘yed be that limited .. I Lynne (ha 1 hutttiaxs Irit‘lt‘ ac” uracil :iilsli-r . .III II :f III , ‘
man oi the Let‘s Be lloiiest coiimiit drink on Sunday or sell on Sun That's where [M'ngl‘m 92"" ”-‘ 'll 5 “ “hm people should ham,undeCided sophomore : Milli-1‘ ”Willem”: . i . I U- : . "J
tee. the proposal s iiiaIior adyocate ______________________.__——— ~_~___ l ”I 1 K ;‘ h 'W‘HI; l.“ ”u '1“ ‘lIYIIhIlh‘I .. .I '~ '
_ “It‘s a ireedoiii oi choice issue." A“ ll?“ ‘ MIMI)” " ‘I‘I'h w "l " 2| . ' '7 t; l .
' (one said “It's a matter oi lllill\ltl “1” *"mt‘ l’t’llt'H’ ”W gleL’ “P ‘d ”l ('t’lmtttal otieiisi-s are .iiioho: i‘c Hottett‘t‘. local husii‘csses seen: to rocks "In big cities like \eit York 7”“ ”:11” x lllll‘l(i'\,.\1d} ”l. a ”ml: - “a" {who
ual opportunity and (‘hnu'QI and H certain amount oi rights is for the lated. \t'iggmton said Lexington take a iliiieieiit \it‘.\ oi the conse 'I‘allahassee or tirlaniio its no lid; by! ‘lkarl‘ilklj‘l‘z‘r INN" '\ h -, . . ' . '
_ t'l‘}0llt‘\h0ttltlll.i\t‘lllul " L'oodoi all noxx doesnt haic that high iiiiiiibei (pit-tires deal Prohibiting liquor sales 1. h, ”Ht Nil“ . . , \“ " -' ‘ 5‘
Thi- mnpmtnwm it passed. “[1] ‘li “t' \Hilll some sense oi securr oi alcohol related I)llt‘l.\t‘s on sin; ‘lia i‘IIasi-d '.i\ riI- i-nut- through it makes lA‘\tllgtitll look it... _1 iron lid-ill: ‘ “11:1 w, {ilmtml “(Milt ‘m " II, " .7 "'5- >7:
dim gm. ”k. hpmiydvmre a mm“. M tIi, \\(‘ hilt e to relinquish a certam day illlttl sales can will} help l.e\iiigioii ’ town },LII'1U',K' , lid” .3“ ‘1 Jim": \ .‘ -- 'If, ".
bringing in more ltiismess on Sun (lt‘is’l't‘t‘ ttt rights'Said John \\'iggiii “emu“. (-0m.(.l.m.‘i . amine I‘ a said l‘l't'tlt‘l‘lt stil'x assistant gem-r “ii“,‘lfin .. ”;, hI‘IW\”I;' . I‘m _ l " " l . » 3". I‘;
daystonesaid ton. the leader oi opposition to the group may supports Imp ”mm I‘m a] manager It! ltart'xl s that Restaii “lammm .hmb my“, .\ my,“ :CIWI, Jinn!“ '4‘.“ II.II';I‘IM :[ ' 3,7’
"It’s also a matter oi economic l)Ir"P”~‘«"l and chairman “l (‘oncerned anti-drug ahuse approxai oi simiili. ls‘l‘l iiiN-om-ppiii,“ cum-”imilmLVN; ”Hm 'r H. W.‘ :h 1I,\,n:);l;,. . i " ~7. ‘ 1" ; '1.
bctieiit,” he said "It \\lll attract (Ill/"ll‘l‘lrd Betterliextngton alcohol sales would so :iniIlh' this lmtttor miles .Ioiiii! help lit-\iiig tittuor sales small lttlsitlt'sstlslltlltl- i‘i-s'aiii‘i' '. h V. l I I l I l". l "
more tourism and comentiotts lt llis uioilps reasons for banning belici. \tiggmtoii siilll ‘ ‘ioii tart Mi: iiiiaiii-ially ain iiiiiinieiciallj. min. i. m. hem-mm; ”vim; o].- Wnl Vat/hivw 21o 1m. . a“, .,i .H-imw ‘- I l t l
. will create iobs in the littll-lsltl'l't‘ sunday liquor sales stem from sta be st'l‘liius .‘ibtiut that It“: \HMHW ”M Hum H) W ”I die hm“ ,. I‘m it‘l‘Itl m. ”MI M“ ”mum. I}, re \z.t's III IIIIIIII iooii sales -IIIi.I\ IIIII. . ., I . . ""’.‘-2
, lated business tistics that suggest that the majority Sunday liquor sales siisan \tetili iiiiiiiaeei oi Bash Rip quiremeiits regard'ng seating and aiming, \I‘f‘it'1‘1\sKistirfittnvt'i‘ui\s ' V '5 , -. l, . i "
> I 2' .I =5, I.'I_ "I _
" ‘_“_ _i . ,- . . .II. I . t
i , I .35": 5“ g, i... ’. h IIII. , Li” fl . I V4 I .l x ,_.I 4" .5 , 1‘ I ‘" .q 1e ler Sus ended ~_ II II :II‘M .
I... . . «s .., s ... .. ii . ~~~~ a: Z i » v-
‘ . a an ‘au ,, _ I , "i" . .,. x. ' '3‘. I’ II .v“ :4 r 'I./I.#’ I .I II I . I _ I
1:: - l ‘7 s .- . “9'42”. / I’: I W \i(’ . . . - “ .’ ‘s'; ' I
"zh 5.: . ' ’ ‘ ‘l’t .\ T It . ,I’. --/:!"1*: I‘ I..I‘ II I '.,I
»~ ~ {u - w» - COl‘lSl erin 0 ions -~ «
a ii , . ‘ ”fie-’- ‘i .2- ~' .. ix :
as. '45: fps”! " , g , , ’ 3"/'- a a .-
.. $ t .. . - on sho liftin l -
.1. ‘~I'- I- :9 v N a . - "3;, l .t, r - g p ea ', III.
' ‘ l I 1.: i .~ I l‘. ‘ " -,- fI: ' ' hi. I ,. II . := . I' -’l.¢
I l’I ‘ ...,._ - IV ' ’ I 'f : "4;" , I f I ' I I I; ““ “CI ”‘1““IlHI "‘he detentiant is not l‘t‘tllilf't‘I‘ to be I . I, l 'I l ' . -
O *' ‘ ii, ”15,. - o ." I’ - - i: ‘ ' *< I { I“. ‘ hhllllwm" present at his .ii‘i'.iig:iiizeiit .is long I ‘ -' .I I
\ ‘i‘ ‘ l s‘ ‘ u’. ‘ fg " ‘i s “ ‘ .. as He .s represented tix .ii. attor , . '; . I‘
~‘. 2.3' ‘ i ~ a w (I I ~ ‘“ g ‘ .lumor toi'ward lodd Ziegler has Ili‘I\ ,- .
t‘ I‘ . yI _ 5” been suspended irolii tliel h liasket lumpy ‘1’”. “NM.“ a“. mum in“: . . II. 1 .
Q a." - X f» : I I ‘ I I N. -. § ball team. iolloumg his arrest on a Ziegler w. Hitt‘l‘t'tl “no opt oi; oi vi: ' i. “.I -
It" 5 I. . I -I .I ’§ t I . i: - I, - ‘ I K ' l I. shoplittmgcharge ’eiliig the hatesllt‘ i'oiiiity attorney s '5 'I ' . ‘ I. . '_ .‘1
"s .5 a .. ‘ ‘- \ I " ‘3‘3" ' It‘oach Eddie Sutton announced sittlci‘ \ minnow; piogmn; “high ‘ C .'_ ;
2' I~ (. . , .' I ,. I / l‘t‘l'l‘d) that I/aegler would lie Isus .\ is recently t’s'liltlhlit‘il to: 331‘s! ,I ,II.‘I ‘1
’1‘ .‘ 7; . j" ~ 4 $\ ; _ < t'f ‘ n pt'ItItdedII'ttntit the matter is resolved 'inippplty' theit affinity-rs ., .’ I,III '. I
.. . . . g h Iltl icia _\ The rogran. requires 'he tie " ;‘ . . 7. l
‘ '3‘ \‘ V '. ,/” ‘ \ ‘ ' . , ' “”0 Is it part til our basketball iiIridatti fit dllQ‘l‘lki‘ l‘t‘ltaliilitalliir: . I (."MWJ’, — . :1
i K A. , A ' . - ' ‘ IQ . ' , ' z . {limit} and i am treating hm. izke l classes and pill :2. a il-rtaa. iiiiiiiiwr . .- .. '. ,' " 'l ‘f
1. i “I I b \._‘ ~ . ‘ , tiouldiiIinoitiison. Sutton said .i fiiitll'sitj t'tilllllllllllH st'l‘Xlt't' ; . . If;
v" 2: ,Q t 7 \I N “- I i 4'th . The lt‘lthtl'l [,iegler \tas charged an II N NIIIMII‘ I... ,II .- s ,5 'J f, ,I
. f" . u. I §. . ""s : . ’ r ’ . Wt I‘g \tith thcit by uttlauiul taking atte" F,/;I,L,:‘Ih;,rl Il-I‘I‘Iilf.‘},~,w cam.” -' ~. ' . e."
. ' , " r ' I a , \\ I! r- . , I . ”WWW“ I'dsig, ..,_ being arrested Thursday eyeiiing ti :* 'iell' II ‘ ‘ b M” ' ‘ l :3 -I ' I-
far?“ I I " .* ~ . \l.‘ ' ' - ”-‘I-‘v-x s IIIIIIIfi‘tI ’ taking a \oretco razor charger ir-I- . ‘ I I I -/.I3 .' . i, 1'. ’,
'*‘& "J ,V' l I /' s I ’ Sears. Roebuck & t'o at rate". ll / 'slt‘l' ““l‘t‘ “' l'llI'lifit‘ l‘ ‘Il’lm [ ' ’_ 7'2.) ,a
. ‘z- A. .«’w f‘ I I *‘Is‘; I Mall tie cot. I‘ hate the optioi. tit c' it't‘llli; I‘ II 1', :I , ,. I .I I‘
C , -’ ‘ J ' ‘ . . x "We are not placing ourselyes r .i W NWT-t”: dll‘l ”l" l‘Ill“l"l'lt'-t“”l T. .3 . . _I"/‘I 9:“)
‘ . 4" " ’ , place oi judgment." Sutton s.: d hargt ‘slltl '3‘” t1" ‘2‘“ h” ”Tm“ , .p ’r ",'I-".' ".I
. . I ‘V v "That's for the court to (l(‘t'iilt' llt' 'It‘l‘l PW”- TW‘W‘l A I", l- 1‘ ' ‘. ': " '71,
I‘ _ t it" has my support and \theii the ma: up IN. “or (-xpliyrsnfi ,II. in, “l’ ‘II ‘Iz-I' I ': : (LI. ”2“
a .. II -‘3 ter is resolved. \ie \Hll take at .i'i-x , We tor '1‘...” right mm Hm,” I I‘ ‘i , "I, I ...
I er disciplinary action ‘~\t' tt‘t'l ~ .zp “t who change my, PM.“ ‘i-I I I‘, " ("ii ..
i ’ (A " . ~ _ Prllpl'ldlt‘ll that 1> “Lil‘t‘dltlt‘tl Io? guilty at any time and it so. he ’ ' "'fo -
. “’"W-VANNOOSI Keir-'5'“ Ziegler. represented in his .l'tiii‘ ~“I‘1l‘lt‘lllt'l‘ ”lt' ll‘t‘l“l"“ l'l‘ull'd”? It I ' I t". his,
Homeward bound ”9}. \nd} llillilt’l‘. t‘l‘ilt‘l‘t‘il ii III,“ Ht \\t- slltlplI\ tlii littt kill)“ all lht‘ tiit‘ls I .' . II..I II‘ ‘ I... .' I'I
not guilty lit his arraignment liziiay Him W“ . ! . ‘ '.' .'
I aiternoon . .i . . . -.' “i ' l V": H‘.‘ J"
A Contederate reenactment unit leads a funeral proCession m the CIVIl War. A descendant John Wells 0t Paintsville Ky Yugltr "t “I m in I . I lllt IlIItIitii/.Ii 'lIt‘tIlsi:tlItI ls :‘Q'Id('lltItIl in IItie i.,. .‘ I. II Ii,II III III, II.
. ,‘ ‘,._. int: '>’I'it ‘i'i ', ,‘l'.iti -_‘itI_‘i ,"‘ ‘ '
Saturday in Lexrngton Cemetery for Simon Hayman who fought found Hoyman 5 remains in Leutsiano n‘ter 015 your search arraignment \mum glmwm 3“. id I)“: ”I lint”: Simlimi.‘\:‘1:(\hrt - i' .' 2". 'l-‘. l '
_.__———‘——————-___________________———-—-———————,._______M ,,,_.,,-_,,,____a___.e_____ not \uiiit to appear t ”Hit 2 said squad . f, i . . t.‘ 3 ' '-.
l O o - In I, ‘74-," 'l'
Grambling leader gives ‘ ' ' Cosmopolitan Club helps UNICEF ‘ ‘ *' ‘
views on Proposition 48 1 ' by sponsoring Chr' tma d l
B‘.‘ H‘AN lenttUH said The) were not sensitive to the A t , B.‘ REIT" “HI-EV ple in the t‘tlltittllltlll\ arc .mat‘c lit Holmes said people interested iii . . . - l .l' ';. ,-‘ -‘
l‘4dll0r'ln‘( hlt'i tcst scoresoitiilnoritte's‘. . . " ' , I 3’3; Statt \\ritt‘i' the sale and look toruarri to " c\ct‘\ donating their time toward the sale . ~ " . ; l
. ”l lh'nk ”lo "105‘ 35mm? thing ‘5 ”3357-; year" should contact her In the lnterna " l , ' 4'
Proposition 48 isnIt about acadeiii that these p‘inpie did not think w‘ ‘ ’SZI . ‘\\hat \tould you like to be \iheii l The club s onl\ other tiind raising tioiial Student and Scholar Ulllt’t' :. ' ' ~
“'5 and athletics. ll 5 about ”PP‘WH’ enough of the black college presir ‘s 1‘". A 3‘ _\'itllIL';l‘it\\ up" .-\li\e' actiiity ,5 the. l-iuropcan “NH ltradlcy Hall , " "
x ml."- 531d Joseph B Johnson. 9““ dents to sit doun arid talk With them .21: ,0. j ‘ \ question that most ,\iiicricans (‘aie~ ithit‘h is run by lhc t'osniopoli ‘ ' ' , ' ' : ‘
dent oi(;rambling Statel “““V‘llF to iiiid out what their thoughts x . l l .. imd hard to relate to. this is l‘Nl tan t'luh members during the shrine .' I .‘ .-
Th" new NCAA rule ‘5 about den) were," he said f 1“ (‘lIIlI‘ s poster sloganior tutti; 5elm-pier ”r ” ' 3“ * " ““235: ' ‘ : ' .
ing many people especially hlacks‘ Black college presidents aren‘t on ....--. ' ‘ 'l‘hc l'Nlt'rir‘ campaign tor child puma Pat puhlii-ity chairman to 5' l ._ I. g.- ‘ ’
lh“ ”PP‘WUH'U l” a WNW-’2“ “ll‘ posed to establishing minimum stair ' . stiriiyal is an attempt to \.|\(' the tor the club. said 'the goal this Hull *4“ c .35"??? ., r , ' V ‘ It ‘
cation because ”l increased ‘l‘l‘ll‘ll' dards~ Johnson said. They‘re op Il\t‘s oi sltlllt‘ oi the 13 million chit .5 to \i‘ll at least $2.8th worth at ' ’ l .' _'
cation requirements ior college ath- posed to any standards that /‘ dren \ilio die each year trom inaliiu pin-d, last year [hp (lull tam-ii ‘
““953 .lohnsoii “ml ”1 1‘ SPlW'h discriminate against athletes or tritioii and illness lli deielopmg $3 «tutorthel';\lt'l‘2l‘iii-iigi~giiii ""0 Wildcats' last~second - ' ’ ‘ ‘
l‘r'hi‘éh} “(“0”le “1 ”‘9 Student (“"1 treat athletes differently than other . countries The cards are reproductions o! loss to the Hokies pots UK " .
er eacr I‘ .p ' . 41, ”m t; . u ~~ . , -. , ,. , . ‘I _ -
The rule. which “ka efi'ect this ll¥::‘;t;dv me ACT and SAT I“! IIIIltIiIIII ItIi:IiII:IIlII:IIiiiIIt lilIlI;\\Il)ilo:I nth: illilll-llrkl: lItIitltlndll out Ithi \milii at 3-4-1 for the season. See . i
. . . . ,. . _ . . ‘ ‘ . . _ ‘ . t an ui donattd to [\l SPOITS,PogeA. . I \
past school year. reqmrts *lUdt‘ms‘ scores are being used is discrimina» JOSEPH 9- .l()H\H()\ ttt‘\' titt'tllh lht‘ t'ltllt ltt'tittb' selling (‘l-Il-‘by artistsnnd museums . .
l" "‘0‘“ niinimunr 59"“‘5 "'l ”‘9 tory, Johnson said i \lt 'H’ t'hristiiias cards iii the stu Holmes and mi hoih noted that lll _
American (‘OHS‘RO “‘5‘ or the 59m)" Johnson said he served on the raising the leiel oi .ic.idi-iii.i » tlt‘ltl‘ t‘tt't't““tlIi.\ tcriiational members oi the t'osmo Dlrocfor ’°”Ph tony ’ ‘
85‘1“ Apl'llld“ “‘5‘ '” “'lt'll'ml tothe Nt‘AA eligibility committee. where among student athletes ”in net-ii to lllt‘ cards mll he sold iroin in palm,“ t‘luh have I‘m.” l‘\lt'l~2r‘ ended his career with the .
students grade paint averages {mm a “Udy “its conducted that found explore other options..lohiisonsaiil «t "l l“ l l‘ ”‘2 “t‘t‘ktléd‘ ”tl‘tmflh cards being Soldinothcrixirts oi the boring ”Steaming." See DI-
haSic curriculum subjects that test scores shouldn‘t be used “mm“ he suggested III lttlil‘ lti-i- 3 ill iroiit oi the student t‘.o\ “orld. as min a, wimp my fund5 VERSIONS Page 8.
William Parker. yice chancellor the “it? ”‘0 NCAA and PmW-‘ltl‘ln son‘s theory oi hou~ to. '(“l t th‘I ”mum" "\‘ssmll‘ltmn ”Hm" 0" the put touse fl" aldmgth“ pm" I
for minority affairs. said Johnson. “supporters are using them, prohlem _ included t'llllll‘L: dolor ItI gt‘otltttllltliritt theStudeiitt’i-iitcr Holmes said the iixltIi-Zi—I tiliids
Who ‘5 president 0‘ the Pr(‘d‘)tntttitttt- Th" ACT and SAT should be used the number oi tooth ill ’ hit-s ho'll ll h“ mewml'l-m ”tilt. \thlch .IH‘ not restricted '0 itll.‘ particular
I). black college m loutmana. l'(‘p~ for (hugnmtlc purpoges [0 determine ening th‘ lt'iskt‘tlt'lll 3:.“III ’ \‘lltt'l‘ tiitlstsls tit lnlt‘l‘ltiltlttllill lllltl .-\lti(‘rl COUNT) but uni gn-(In in ruining .ill
resents the views of most black (\du. the weaknesses of a student. John- nating g rm‘r t"it“ll(‘(“ lfl‘tl ‘lll‘ til- can students. has been selling l'Nl oVer the world. wherever the funds ‘
cators concerning Proposition-i8 son said They shouldn‘t be used to nummzpnf“h(p,\;1 if _ m Lk H. t'rir‘ t‘hiistnias cards annual”) for lireneeded Cl 0d .
- . determine a student's athletic eligi- . “m” m" ”1" almost 2o \t'ats said t‘arolyn , OUdY ' ay with ° 30 P." '
Parker said at!) to hilt athletes hm“, {KISQIHOH mt'lltltl‘lt‘ and t‘ltttttttitttng ”Him“ the club s.id\iser ' The l NH‘EF organization is not a cent chanc. of rain, High
2:? rtfin relfifi‘dfigfiflsffifigr: “Schools like Harvard and Johns t ( AA Tfmnldmlm l‘hi- (‘lllll recencs to percent oi the 33:31;[Litrergqszqassms gmern around 60 and a low tonight
black Hopkins are getting Iaway from h if you icI ieally Iserioiis .ll‘itttll ”WNW. ”um ”N. sale. but Imp pr. ‘ ‘ around 40. Cloudy tomorrow
usmgtestIscorcs. hesald. l lS- ”It?“ ll-‘li‘n l“ M'mt‘ ”t lht‘M‘ mar) "litin‘ullim for selling these The organization was created In with a 30 parcont Chane. at
The Wpl“ “h“ deyised PTOpOSI ll "‘9 M AA and the college presr things. h“ “"‘l cards is the cause that it rep 1946 to prtivide relief to the destitute rain nd hi h 55
tion 48 were misguided. Johnson dents are sincerely interested "1 \(‘i‘\|l\\\l'itgt“ resents] Holmes said "Many pen rictims of World Warll a a 9 "‘0' '

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1333‘. 1.3.1“;- Intormation on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
if}: 5-\.’{;‘\'§ the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-
v\\t\“ ruck). The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with
.i‘ -i ' ‘ 's . . . . . .
."~??.;I‘. editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
k..‘.,"..-' ‘ _ . . i
in xN‘sit“*t‘ nizaiions or UniverSity departments to make entries on the calendar. 3 Campus
gibtiéisfig‘; Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
.-..‘.:l...\ ' ' ‘
"3’5; (T‘sfifi‘ Deadline: Forms Will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
..§£5r2',§¥it‘il; publication date.
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3} if": {KKK . . , mp Vet .v \ :page 09 5 5E ' Meetings Democratic Socialists of America Free ITS ' ‘\‘ " .-"'. ‘7:
y‘::‘¥r'-X,§{g:“{$ \ r. . e. V. _ Managing 5 3o sc on m Cal|254 am i J
;;~I§§i&‘§ 3‘ . c, 0 Workshops Learning Skills Program Reading tor n u ‘ I u‘ ‘ ~11?“
it}. ‘finih‘é‘ . . ». _ -- X. a ‘ii ea 5, no ; go rgp Jevs‘oqc Speed STD UK stud S25~non stud 201 Frazee Hall IT- a .I. A L. 1‘
J§y1§§§¢§ J ‘ ' - an. 7' .e Ska-es Semnai Cl" 'he 30er " 50 o m Call 7-8701 “‘8 t t ‘
s"! FEW." ~33. . , y. , up .‘. ht. . or.“ 3,09 ‘ 30 p m (OH 3 0 Workshops Learning Skills Program Reading 1 e.
i’fi'fiug‘fi" : Cr tically 2OT Frazee Hall 3 30-4 T5p.m. Coll 7-87OT
Iv‘flé.) ' less", 3 . U _ _ ., ' > :5. ACS ‘7‘ee'J‘g my,“ .ie Ca] 0 Academ«cs Mechanisms ot Viral Pathogenesis Free
‘. .. . 1 . ....-W .p..
"7"“ ‘s: 3“ 3‘» . g . -. i - .pi 35w bc' U 904 ed up Q. ~an 9 3 IIV‘TEETIT‘ga Aiiieiicaii Advertising Federation Free
‘S Q. .~‘\ . . . .U ,c. n ,. v " .y m Jo rrnoltsm Bid 7 30 m . . .
$5,331“; ii“ ‘ . . (_ S de F Me V k a \ K 59“ :Meetrngs Jgapan Kgrate Association JKA-UK‘- ll 5 Movies. Cocoon: ST .95. Worsham Theatre: 7:45 pm. TT 3. Workshops Mock lntervrews- register in TOG-C
.Ng, \.;.Ti -. 7 r . ‘ ‘ Call 7-8867 Mathews Bldg. tor a 30 min time slot' Free: Room 35 POT;
0%?“ f - .. - . ,. 'z‘ . ems ’egister !‘ 35 c smotokan class 530 semester AlumniGym \lolti 68 ll
fifikfififfl} mt. -- -- - r - nut. e w rte? pm..- is pct p 'n Coll 7 11.95 IT 5' Movies: The Gods Must Be Crazy: ST .95: Worsham T00.m -TOp.m, Ca 7-2746
WM: 2%}: 1: r , V :1: ‘ ‘ , Meetings Numng Students Association- NSA Free Theatre; T0p.m.. Call 7-8867 TT 4: Meetings Democratic Socialists otAmerica: Free-
3‘? ' ' ‘s: ’1" ‘ CON Room SCI 6 p m Call 266-4606 TT 6 Movies: Cocoon: $T.95: Worsham Theatre 7:45 pm. ”5 SC' 6pm.. CO” 25““73
15%“? ' - Other ELECTION DAY Call 7-8867 ' ” 4‘ W°'k5h°PS' leommg Skills Program Reodingtor
~ at -‘ .7- i ’ . . . g .
”4'3‘%“9 0 Reiigious Tuesday Night Together Worship Serwce II 6- Mowes- The Gods Must Be Crazy: ST .95' Worsham :19:de 5‘0 gKIr;Ug7g?5 non stud 20T Frazee Hall, IT-
~&fr§t".'flg Baptist Student Union Free 429 Columbia Ave 7 30p m Theatre. T0p.m.: Call 7-8867 TT 4 evmrk ha I Sk’II P :
*5» “” ,fi "- It) C01” 3°8° ‘ | IT 7 Movies' Cocoon ST .95- Worsham Theatre; 7:45 pm. Critically) 23112226.:223793 36 4s. T;°::mC:fia7d;3r17%i
‘3 .' "- ' - Seminars Dept 0 Chem Sandeep Ku karni Call7-8867 ‘ '
N' ‘_ K ‘ . . r > .
é‘fififlg B‘UdEQTOdGble PO'Y'T‘EFS Free Rm ‘37 Chem -Phys 4 TI 7' Movies. The Gods Must Be Craly ST .95' Worsham jgutfix::|;?;q AmgéizagAdvertismg Federation. Free.
w p... Cail73484 . . . , .-
g§$%;fi' ‘3 0 S orts Football ticket distribution tor Vonderb It ame Theatre. 1900 p.m., Call 7 8867 H 4' Meetings: Nursing Students Association NSA' Free:
"&(4.’.;’§$3\ ‘ .. 89 M TC. I 9 4 C III 7 31‘519 IT 8 Movies: Cocoon: SI .95: Worsham Theatre: 7:45 pm CON Room 50] 6 p m Call 266-4606
‘ :1 ' _’ e ‘3 .. emoria o lseum a m.‘ p.m. a - C II 7-8867 _ ‘
«:3 ass. .i - - ° 1 - t t ' '
‘ “xi-305} 14;. f1 (g ' sem'gms Single hrs S'Udem Szméncé' UNI?" II 8: Movies: The Gods Must Be Crazy. ST .95: Worsham £362‘xjfofirl? igdjmccsrgcéggjr Exceptional Children,
f ‘- 5? ampus inistry reec i care provi e ) ree - Theatre, 1000 'm" Call7-8867 ‘ ' ‘
«ti-(SQ: ‘9‘: Hause 4i? Rose Street 7 30p m. Call254-TBBT p H 6‘ Workshops Special lnterestWorkshOp-Marketing
}'{2?({":::‘* I N Seminars Psychology looks at Religion and vice versa- Your “berm Arts deQree Free Room ‘03 Mathews Bldg.
Emlg" 1223‘ -' United Campus Ministry (ft-weeks) Free K-House 4T2 12'12'509-"1- C0” 7‘27“)

I Ig'ki‘lj-ffii {$1. Rose Street 7 30 p m Call 254-T88T H 6‘ Meetings. PSI Ch, meeting» Speaker Lynn Warner 0‘
Jill's?!“ . 33:3. . Seminars Biochem. Dr. Baruch Blumberg- Scientific the Psychological Services Center Free Room 203 Kastle
git-7g} Q! s : Process n Biochem Research Free HS TOT 20T 8 p rn Hall 5 am CO“ 2764490
.é’sgh‘il; I Cali 3 5540 TT 8, Seminars Educational Planning tor Careers in
:3.ka c. g Robotics and Other Flexible Automation Free, Rm. 349

\ :P‘iugm‘i‘qgi , White Hall TO-Noon Call7-2622
I€!5§§2%:§ 5 TT 8 Seminars The Graduate School - Aging in Kentucky:
gal-,5 5‘5: g - Free Sanders-Brown Bldg TO-Noon Call7-2622
23“».33 {2 IT a Seminars Child Abuse Detection Intervention and
:3 aflfiflgfi‘ - ' -- c .._ ' ‘ ' E-rep' era C" are" ' Academics Last day for doctoral candidates to submit Prevention Free T8th Floor POT TT-Noon Call 7-2622
3’43? jig-vol , : ‘ 4544 a N titration of Intent to schedule a final examination «n It TO Workshops Learning Skills Program. Reading ,0
4&2: '1 1“”- - . .r w-w g c K 3.. N; C . c The Graduate School for a December degree Remember )0] Frozee Hall TI 50 p m : Call 7-8701
~ 157‘ "F . . _ . - --, :- -. \m " ’c - 1‘ Co"; t : h h | t
5393.325 :33} ' H 1 9‘ 5‘ "C 5‘ S ‘ , . ’ erts Fayet 9 County Junior H g C are Conner IT TO Seminars Integrative Studies Seminar on God 5
l .d‘ 33.5%" 35 . . : r’ee Center tor the Arts 7 pm. Call 7-4900
L§~inésfcél' ' - - S 3" rsbam. Theatre ' 45 r 'v ' Concerts Guest Recital John Seidel trombone Free World Free '37 Chem PhY Bldg. 7 309'“ CO“ 3-5563
‘g‘tfiw’é [miter tor the Arts 8 p m Call 7-4900 H 10' Seminars Chemistry Prof Guarr ‘ Tunnel 0' the
gigs-3&4? ' - -. ‘.‘_ -' Be Can 5' 05 .‘v ”snow ' Meetings UK Table Tennis Club Free Seaton Cti 7 Sggff the Light Free ’2'“ ‘37 Chem Phys N00": Call 7'
1.1”“ .a‘ _" I, 77 8‘
‘3’} ‘1'. ’5? 55s c to Ca. 25. O i
,{J~§‘%,g;1 - ' .4 '* .o" pvepat no .4, Ajvd'xp ° Meetings Japan Karate Association ,JKA UK
:Si‘lggw‘iif‘a; '9? ‘ ' _ - .. a VCR” Requirements Free Rc: . Q S‘hotckar‘ Class 530 semester AlumniGym jlolt, Cail7- c
gifts: .2; ’ ff‘ '» - " 7%
fig} g! ' -- -., -- : _ : . pec- Studies Summer Probs ' Mowes Cocoon ST 95 Worsham Theatre 7 45 pm m a)
nit}? Pal? ‘ K . _ , . ( "a‘ior‘a programs 205 3: {oh 7 8867' ‘ ‘ M, _ ., r3
’é‘iggif’ if“ . , - ,. :e I Mccies The Gods MustBe Crazy ST 95 Worsham 1 \ i/CTQ.‘ Y
:7 3:126? 1 l! 0 . ~ . ‘f - ~ i-e‘ 1 butioc tor Vanderb ' 12ml: Thectie 1;)p m Call 7-8867 l M l’ 511/“. ~ .
)4 F155! 3:". . ', ... .- «'uae" D Memoriai C u w 3 ' Re‘igious Fellowship of Christian Athletes Free -\‘ ; ’ :’ ,1},
“2‘. féfls‘él’fi . : ‘ . ‘ Vu’rdjl‘ T basement 9 p m Call 8-6822 . g . C“
. .‘g‘ftlwl j" ' , ~‘« - 1 n: 7 ese Martia- Art Beginne’ I asses ' Religious D 8 L Grill Baptist Student Union ST 42‘? M /
Igfijéafiizfi - . y » u. _ .. fl rip-mew 83¢ :: Ca Cr‘lurYibiO Ave Noon CaIl7-3989 :dfl
girjf‘j?’) . 0 ”Workshops Special Interest Workshop- Marketing [we‘3“ t ~- . - -‘.“vsj;ty : «en r‘g Fei-owship u“ 'oa ire-iv Liberal Arts degree Free Room T03 Mathews Bldg
:‘flfifiéfiii . ‘ . ‘ t 'c 'el-C‘WSFTTK; Free K ~.’ 12 5-.) p m Call 7-2746 ARTS SPORTS
‘ figflfifr’éfl‘l‘, -- - -. , '- -- ‘ N" r : " Co‘ 254 l88' ' Meetings Ps: Chi meeting Speaker Lynn Warner at
3.1%}? ‘2? S ' - . N pm- We R-bczitrnn; Ac‘ . ‘y '2‘ the P-yrhological Services Center Free Room 203 Kastle
- gig—5%“) " ‘ "z 9 " . V? '3' ‘ W 9' a ['95 Mb. 453 1 He‘ , 5 p m CO” 2764490 . . TT 6. Concerts. Fayette County Junior High Choral TT 3 Sports Football ticket distribution tor Vanderbilt
"g‘aig’ilf 9' , ’4 ' were“! 2" Pfi'e' 3U”: 5’2“er g ReggTSthpn Of Concert- Free: Center for the Arts: 7 p.m.: Call 7-4900 game in El Free W lull "m9 S’Udeml D Memorial
‘ileltgikgl'i; : A,” ’ 8m 9H0 “rotseén‘s? on we ex a fee organ 11/6: Concerts: Guest Recital: John Seidel. trombone: Coliseum: 8 am -8 p m :Call 7-3I51 ;
‘gfri‘gi: £7 - f; p m COD 3-8 A h Bl mb r Sc em t C Process m Free Center for the Arts: 8 p.m.' Call 7-4900 TI 4: Meetings: Japan Karate Association (JKA UK)-
. 3" 4p". . . § - I
r15? 5:53;." em nm' r or“ U e g I . I I 11 7 Concerts. Dione Warwick- Porents' Weekend Smotokan class 530 semester Alumni CW“ “0“) 6'8
or. ? B .i'nedicol Research Testing Hypotheses Free HS ’ > C ”7 ”95
I 72:" {aft ‘ 2”. A C II 3 5549 Concert' $12.508Sl0. Memorial Coliseum; 8 p.m., Call 7- pm. 0 ‘ _
"1}s"2’(( ,‘y‘ . ' W p m o - 8867 TT 4 Sports Football ticket distribution tor Vanderbilt
.5l5'afi; ' §_ ‘ TT 7: Concerts Central Kentucky Music Educators game ”1 8‘ Memorial Coliseum 9 0 m '4 P m C0“ 7'
;.&1i?f> ."g‘e _ Association Elementary Choral Festival: Free. Center for 315T , l b
i3"; *3, 26‘s; the Arts. 7 30me _ co“ 7,4900 TT 5 Meetings Cycling Club meeting UK Cycltng C u
g‘xfirflis T"; 7 FRIDAY 8 SA I U RDAY TT 7 Concerts: Lex. Talent Education Association Honors lR°""9 USCF 3 Ime'ml'eg'mel Free Room 106 SC' 8 30
‘éff’x; £382; Recital Free: Center tor the Arts, 7.30 p.m.: Call 7-4900 fl"; 3"”?517765 ll
4" , ~ . . - -
.fzufi - 6’? TI 9 Concerts: Center Sundays Series: ‘By Arrangement ame ‘3”; ngébo t lite,:‘jrliwfl’nolorkxondeffi'h
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5" "" . t a :. --.-. a“ . an _ ’~.nt >~r“.~rr\ ”i i ' . ”7- l4 ‘ V ' -
§£§,5(£§;~Nt .. . 3 SC :4 AF- 5'19: 9’9 ,v P" f“; 222:" USFA Free. Clitton Comm C" 9 30 90”" p m Co 3 5 TT 5' Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner
at. 3*},- 3‘0 ' : ": “:9 JW" 9 5 W9 (A r ‘ ‘. Classes» UK Aikido Club Free Lott ot Alumni Gym. 830
yy~y§lfqg ( . 1 ._ f, .r- notify cafe-«c. ne’ek‘enaagize-t COME-8:; Cocoon SI 95 Worsham Theatre 7 45pm, p.m. Call266-0102
$234923 tht ' ‘ S ' :9 " “ fa '58” ‘ F , :‘O C . ‘ TT 6 Meetings UK Table Tennis Club Free, Seaton Ctr.
Fiigéfaéét} - . ~- “r: Kentu(kv v.- r :1. caters MOVleS The Gods Must Be Crazy SI 95 Worsham 7-T0p m '0!“ 252-708T
in”: flu " "3 ~‘«- .‘ Er" r‘m‘w ’hora ;9.,- Yo Free Cen‘er t .. Theatre IO OOD.m. Call7-8867 ' ' .
“31%;: 3} .‘t‘ ~ . A . 4‘ : .9 ” w k 40in ° Seminars Educational Plannin tar Careers in Robotics H 6 Meetings Japan Korate Association UKAAUK)
if}; :1. h'.‘ ‘ V' ’ ,d' tt~ Fl ' 9 _ Smolokan Class 530 semester AlumniGym {lottl Call7-
:ng {5‘ r: ' - AM o en‘ Ed. '2: or Assn“ c. 3r‘ Hrv-orx a n 0 er exible Automation Free Rm. 349 White Hall ”95
~' , ii 1 ~.. - - .. ~,. ~ in-p Aim .. a .. r . :i‘ a 7
if?!" "E ' , ‘ j ' ‘ ”l’ * y :0 Ni ' ND P CO“ 2622 _ TT 7. Meetings UK Badminton Club Free Seaton Center
I, ‘3‘ . 9‘ .1. . V . V. -.. . “mug. -..:..5 5, D: we; “a. 9i ' Seminars The Graduate School - Aging in Kentucky 8'30p m Call 3.5is7
is. is? ' w ' 4- I ' . ‘i r” ‘1. : Cc ‘ 5895 Free Sanders-Brown Bldg. TO-Noon Call 7-2622 ' ‘ : r . .
$1"; fir is ' ' ; ’ Bat" ' f _r i we 393'” Center ' Semmars Child Abuse Detection Intervention and H 8' Other ln'ermlleg'o'e Fencing UK O'C'm‘ ‘ Queen
i§g§§§fl #{ ’ ~ , ; : ;'- Prevention Free TBth Floor POT ll-Noon Call 7-2622 City Open iUSFA Free Clitton Comm Ctr. 930 9am
l??fr?‘gzgé a i,‘ ,. - i, .. 5 .: ,-....ehoy. 'nectrp ‘ .15 p m 0 Sports UK Football vs Vanderbilt Commonwealth 252-5929
lié‘g'sgé‘é’h‘u . ~ as, Siam“... TT 8' Sports UK Football vs Vanderbilt Commonwealth
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“5'; «nag. : - , w- o r ports i do Japanese Martio Ar Beginner
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fingf‘l’fi' ' ' A " 7'9," f‘p’iw't: "W Co|l266 OT02
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,{)§¢}’/‘ - i» m, ‘ ';}Cv‘~ Se: es 8. Arror‘qer‘r‘or“ H I Workshops Learning Skills Program Reading to , '
ngafg 31‘? ‘5. - ‘ S: v .c“ t' ": t: , We A‘s F Y‘ c ": Remett‘ber 29‘ “0299 H0“ l l 50 D l'" COIN-B701 ”/3: 0"“? Come Jain the Party- College Of B 8E TT TT . Workshops learning Skills Program: 20T Frazee
%§&fi gt 4, . Modem.“ Integrative Cl:nicopatho|ogical Conference Phonaéhtp'n7 8766,52me. Ml'tg. Ctr. Commerce Bldg. 6.3040 Hall T-T '50 p in Call 7370‘
'r ' .. . r - . .m.‘ a - ‘ ' . .
' ' 33" ”It ' it‘“ 4 “ a" l" " ' “-1? "P“ 993’“ -" I 5‘ F"‘0"<"‘9l"d'9€""'""‘Pd'c‘ilco'e "99' MN363 N00" p ' . TT TT S orts UK WomensVolle ballvs Lo isVille' Free
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.. i_;_"J’.€i£”"."' ‘ . . . at 3 5563 : . idlciigcfdemics.