xt77h41jm77q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jm77q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-10-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 1999 1999 1999-10-05 2020 true xt77h41jm77q section xt77h41jm77q "\ J 99 -’9"—n‘«fili*"'- w.w...fi ‘ How easy would it be to extend fall break a day or two? Starting classes earlier would ; be a small price for a l break comparable to Spring Break. In honor of a desired change. here are a couple of reasons why Fall Break should be like Spring Break. The water is still warm enough to take a dip as far up as Myrtle i Beach. Hotel rates are so cheap it makes driving there look expensive. So what if the beds are more used then T the Lincoln bedroom. ‘ Few will have a very hard time passing out in them. For that matter, everything is cheap. How 'bout 75% off sales at the iunky tourist traps? Can you say 80 and sunny. No really, say it right now, out loud. Now doesn't that sound like a good idea? l More time could be T spent studying for l the LSAT. ‘ Aloe and Sunscreen . sales are so low at i this point; maybe I Panama Jack could T sponsor UK. Just f think, everyone would be walking around with golden tans, in nice Nike : apparel smelling like l the tropics. We could be the best looking i campus in the Mid i South states between I Tennessee and T lndiana - oh wait, we l already are! I Everyone needs a break once in awhile. Dream with me for a second. A UK- sponsored tall break l complete with 20 l buses to Panama City. Florida would love us so much for increased sales that they would probably give us free orange juice and tacky souvenirs. Hey, if we choose, we would be drinking off campus. No harm, no loul! Maybe Wethington would float the security deposits! How are we doing? Do you like "Left of T Center?” Are we i domg a good job at entertaining you for 20 seconds a day? Any and all responses should go to rail_editor@hotmail.c om. It is very easy to do, we know that you e-mail at least once a l day. It would take all of a minute. % @449 April showers bring May wait a second. it's not April yet. Sunny early next week. Kazfizicts w Km not VOL. $8105 ISSUE 3329 ESTABLISHED IN 1892 INDEPENDENT SINCE I97I Nets trite. ’ ACADEMJA Integrated entertaining ‘Desegregation’ teaches actors, audience | STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Pushing retention rates mup Their By Nita Jo Brewer Mn N else but \\l have no w ly CONTRIBUTING nylrER lli llltt kill" [ill‘lll .-\dlninistlatols say they have a definite plan to continue 'I‘ITUUXIT ”(3 Sll'iill‘s’ll‘ ”it“ increasing the number of stu Rl‘ITUT‘l SITOWNI Silldt‘m N‘Tl‘ll‘ dents returning to their studies lit)” in ihk‘ liiiiverbity i5 Slt'ildi’ (‘iik'h 5'91”" St‘Vt’l'ili pi‘UL’J‘ilinS IV TTTTDT‘OVTTTEJ- “£11115 are ell” have been implemented to eli- 10W.” UTTIWT‘SIU'”filth” 511“ courage students to continue at- HWTT though Th“ TTUTTTht'T‘S tending classes and pursuing show a slow but steatly im- (him-pig provemelit in retention and The ()muiTTT‘irTqTTT-TT] Advis- graduation T‘iW‘S- ”1“ gap b‘“ ing.comprisedoffullrtiliieadvi tWN‘n STUdOTTTS WITH begin IITPIT‘ sors who deal with only those education and students who re “whims who have vet to (19. N‘IW‘ 11 degree IS fill” hovering clare a maior. is the maior force around the SII‘H. range. said m {hp up,” said \'ickv PhilIll) Kl‘r‘it‘llll‘ll dean “i llTTllt‘I“ Schankula. an advisor tor unde .L’T‘IHIH' ill NTUTIIW clared students. Someti'iculty members are Within tlils office. pro- ('(lllH‘lliUi with the low gr llllia- grams in ppm. TT, Tug-T51 5m, tlon rules. delits include a peer mentoring “It seems to be that one half program and the Early Alert of the students who start here. Student Intervention program don't finish here." said James she said. Aiilist‘lil. it professor in tilt‘ Iii» AllViSOI‘S in the office (list) {(er department. make a point to keep iii close “’T‘her may finish some contact with lilt'it‘ ail-t isees by Series Matchups By John Dobson ASST. SPORTSDAILY EDITOR Records: - New York. ”PPM. Atlanta: l03-59 Susan Sorta: Record: Atlanta won 9 '1 Comparison: Category Advantage Pitching Atlanta Braer Batting New York Mets Defense New my. Ming, Experience Atlanta Braves Series Winner Aitdli'g amp». Arizona vs. Houston A Arizona mo 62 10mg? BIA/VON 0 Houston 97 65 ‘4 I’ll.” Season Series Iocord: Arizona won. 5-4 Comparison: ““90” “Vim”. Pitching Ltoustou Astios Batting Arizona Diamondbacks Defense Housta TT‘ASi 0s Experience Houston Astros Series Winner Huston ASITCTS Houston will have to overcome Randy Johnson’s presence in the Arizona rotation to advance — the Big Unit could see action in two of the series’ five games.” making ptriodit phone “(ills and setting up meetlli s to ‘ ““9? WI th‘g‘y" "I “h" “55* Overall retention rates for the . llils personal attention alid past three graduating stlppolt is designed to help classes: freshman stay active and [lost tive. Schankula said. 132i f I: j "A very important factor 90l l T T on student retention is whether SST ' t ' t or not a student makes a con- 75L : '7 iii lie ( tioli with a 'significant otli g: ' 1' ._, *r er during their tirst or Miollii 60i ' : ti' semeste l. Sc hankul l s lid. 23: < — ‘ «-~+ 'l‘hat ”significant other" 452i: : ffi‘i‘ ’ ’ may be an advisor. counselor. figi T t instructor. or upperclassmen, ggf’ . 7 T j Support. stress manage fji . T . l ment. and resolution of coliillct ‘5‘ t t ‘ can all be attained through ad 18; I T T visorsl Schankula said. . 0‘ ,9; ”JV-— T958 ‘tlood advising is a key in gredieiit in students' success Class “1:995:47 percent fully attaining their college de Class of1997; 50 percent gree." she said. “I think it’s re- _ ally important that students Class Of 1998‘ 52 percent make use of their academic ad visors." Derek Jeter will help try and lead New York back to the World Series as he and the Yankees will try to defend their world title. ASSOCIA‘E" PRESS .............. Playo f time "a New York: 98-64 "t Texas 95-57 0 “may“ the majors Category Advantage "Mi“ New York iankees By John Dobson last night‘s wild-card win over the (‘incin W New York Yankees Issifsefiis‘o—Altmiiion nati Reds and focus their attention oti the “M” 7W“ “”0““ Atlanta Braves. baseball's most successful N" Wk ”“995 NOW. “'9 autumn officially. franchise over the past dec ide “d" "M" N” W“ ”“9“ With the regular season complete. Atlanta hag moth ill .\' be. .t we old anti baseball is N‘ETTI)’ 10 show offtlie brilliance has had little dittic ulty in the til st round of 0f "5 VCT'SIOTT ”i()(‘l0b(‘l’ color. the playoffs since the lily ision Ser ies‘ iti- Bostonvs. Cleveland Eight teams have stayed oil" elimina- ception‘ iii 1995. New York hasn't seen the tion thT‘OU‘Jh tht‘ VIEWS 0TH“? 152%“an 593' playoffs since 1988. and was systematically loo-t son. with the Mets surviving 11 WWI game. dismantled by Bobby (‘ox‘s team iii Sep- Bostonz94-68 By the end of the month. one will stand tember. ‘ ‘ Cleveland;97~65 alone as champion ofthe final World Series Don't expect a fr”. my“ to the secund ofthe 19005- round for Atlanta. however. The Mets are mmmaoston man Which teams have the best (‘hflm‘e to an exceptionally talented ball club; any W W‘iihstand ()Ctober‘s initial test? “1‘! analy' team that can lav Claim to nannyg Such as SIS TOHOWS- Piazza. Ventura and ()lerud should have a m “VII... New York vs. Atlanta decent shot. Pitching BostonPedSox Bobby Valentine has finally reached It won't be enough. though.as Maddox. "‘“" C'M‘W'ndlans the postseason unfortunately for him. (‘ilavine and Smoltz won't allow their team lmmeL. 8:32:23: i333: Th0 team standing in their WHY IS the. best to be eliminated so early Braves in four. 5"." mm" BMW W W team in baseball the Atlanta Braves: The. Mets must cast aSide the thrill of 599 00350" on 5 own ad agency at UK Jessica Story {Jillkiliiii‘hti WRITE it (me year after separating from the 3le ('Iull. (irehan :\>.\I‘t‘l(tll‘.\. I'It‘s stti» tlelitrun advertising and public reiar trons agency. has experienced a burst of new life, "The separation has allowed us to become a stronger. more functional agency." said (‘Iiris Rogers. a political science anti integrated strategic coniniu nlcations lunior who is vice president of Tito agency. Integrated strategic communlca tlons' iunlor liddie (limes, president of the agency. said that iletot'l- the separa» tlon. their 'idvlsor_ Rick Roth. would an nolince during Ad (‘Iuli meetings that he needed volunteers to wot k on all adverr tlslng protect tor a client The student members would then plan a tiiile to meet and w irk on do pro ~iect in their spare time. .n :ul.Iltlon to the other activities that till .»\t.I l‘lub See GREHAN on 2 Making change By Brian Granger ‘i‘i'rlr‘ii‘ ’t‘} “F "P line .\Illlion I’ennies. 'I‘Iial's what the l'nlted Way is trying to raise at I'K iii the coming months. The Million I‘en nies I’l‘oiect. which kicked ol‘l‘today. is all atteltipt to raise Slitllllll for the orga nixatiolt. and is sponsored by the Stu dent Ileyelopliient l‘oulicil. “We're trying to encourage students to donate to charities at a young age so that it'll become second nature to them when they're older." said Tyler I’owell. council cochair of the campaign. I'K is one ot'six schools in Kentucky to participate in this project. liastern Kentucky. Georgetown. and 'l‘ransylva out are all trying to raise $1ll.l)llll each. while smaller colleges Asbury and llerea will attempt to raise 825(k) *ach Papa .Iohn‘s donated pizza and soda for yesterday‘s kickoff. While it wasn't necessary to donate money to receive pizza. Powell said students should try to give whateyer they can. “I don‘t have a lot of mont v. but ill did I'd give more money to charities. asi have in the past." said junior. \llcllael McKay. a history malor. Nickels. dimes. quarters. and bills will also be collected. despite the pro yiet‘t's name. "We ask that people give whatever they can. There is no minimum to do nate. but we d l Iii-.l' to see tllvilii‘\ that folds." Powell said Students aren‘ti to only on i s who are allowod to donatw I .12 ill ty Ind staff are also encouraged How the money will he used has yet to be determined. “The donations will be turned over to the l'nited Way. and they wlII dis perse the money iitlweyc" they so»: tit." said l’owell. Money collld go towards de vell‘lpmeiit of a YMCA or to a It lttcl'ed women‘s shelter." The project will be an or, going event running through mul.\o\embei'. with collection jugs being spread throughout buildings on campus. and at various events that take place, Many students are strong support ers of charity organizations. although they might not necessarily be the l‘nlted Way "(‘hai‘ities are a great tliilig because they raise money to help find solutions to problems." said Kristen (Queen. an ac counting sophomore. “I give money an» nually to the Jerry Lewis teletlioii. which raises money to fight muscular dystrophy." While the overall goal is to raise $10.0“). Powell said that [‘K is in a com petition to get the entire million pen nies "We‘d like to beat the other schools participating in this event. and the only way we can do this is with support from everybody on campus." Powell said. Call: 257-1915 or write: kernel@pop.uky.edu 2 7| TUESDAY.CCTOBER 5.1999 twitciirucitv KERMEI. ALL THE NEWS THAI FITS The Low-down Illegal drug use is wrong. The district govern- ment and the United States govern- ment should never condone it, regardless ofthe professed purpose." Republican Sen. George Voinovich, who introduced legislature on Monday to over turn a referen- dum in which District of Columbia voters overwhelmingly approved legalization of marijuana for medical uses. Russian plane shot down in Chechnya tiRl )ZNY. Russia As Russian tanks and in t'aiiiry thrust deeper itito (‘liechnya yesterday. ('lieclien forces sltot down a Russian warplanc. killing the pilot. the Iiitert'ax news agency report ed At least four regions iii eastern (‘hechiiya were hit by rocket tire. atid two areas ofcentral l'lti-clinya were bombed. the territory‘s Deputy Prime Minister Ka/bek Alzikltasltev said. Russian forces have been advancing steadily to establish 1 security zone along the borders of the repub he s mountainous borders. lliit the military buildup has raised fears that there could be a re twill of the Mil-lib" civil war in the republic. Clinton: Uninsured rise expected \\'.’\Slll.\l(}'l'tl.\l President (‘linton said yesterday that ito one should be surprised by the increase in the number of Americans who lack health insurance. "What has happened is exactly what we said would happen.” the president said. reterring to (‘ongress‘ refusal in that to enact the universal health insurance plan written by his w ile. Apartheid doctor goes on trial l’ltlfl’l’thlA. South Africa (‘onllicting pic titres emerged yesterday when Ilr. Woiiter Ilas- son. a brigadier who headed Sotitli Africa‘s chemical :iiid biological warfare program under apartheid. went on trial for murder and other charges Prosecutors depicted a titan who com~ initted monstrous acts against opponents of ‘\ll|li‘ rule . ‘.‘.llllt' colleagues described a caring doctor they maintain is being made itito a scape iiixtt Voucher supporters hail court ruling \I'ASIIINH'I‘UN Supporters of school vouchers yesterday landed a Supreme (‘ourt de- cision to allow Arizona to give tax breaks to peo- ple who donate money for scholarships at reli- gious schools (lpponents called the Arizona pro» grant a tlagr‘int violation of the constitutionally required separation ofchurch atid state. The ac- tioti comes at a tiitie when the political debate over tuition vouchers is heating up. sparked by Florida‘s adoption of the nation‘s first statewide voucher program State Farm ordered to pay $456M .‘yIARIth. III. In a lawsuit accusing the na Chemical Engineers: BS, MS, Phil Mechanical Engineers: BS, MS Organic Chemists: Phil Chemists: Phil Analytical Chemists: Phil Scientists: Phil Process Engineers: BS, MS Electrical Engineers: 83, MS Accountants: 83, MBA, CPA PLAYBOY VEMTURA: MINNEAPOLIS - Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura's state popularity dropped sharply from 73 points to 54 following his Playboy Magazine inter- view in which he belittled those in orga- nized religion plus a variety of others, a poll released by the Minneapolis Star Tribune on yesterday showed. TERMINATOR: Arnold Schwarzenegger is quieting on rumors that he plans to run Ior governor of California. "I have thought about it many times, but I'm in show busi- ness," said Schwarzenegger . 52. "I am in the middle of my career. Why would I go away from that and jump into some- thing else?" The perfect chemistry for career success. 'lakc yoiir hardscarncd engineering skills and talent to a company that will use them to their fullest. At Union (Lirliidc. you‘ll apply your innovative thinking to challenging projects from the moment you join us. were .i l‘ortunc 300 company that produces the essential chemical and polymers for products that makc our lives s.tlci and more convenient. \Ve do this by putting your winning credentials to work in an atmosphere that tion's largest car itisurer of using inferior parts for auto body repairs. a jury yesterday ordered State Farm to pay $456 million to 4.7 million cu.s. tomers. The case dealt with State Farm‘s use of “aftertnarket” parts. whiclt are modeled on the original door panels. fenders or other parts but are not tnade to factory specifications. West Bank-Gaza Strip accord near .IICRl'SAIJfiM Terms for the first-ever safe route between the West Bank and (laza Strip were agreed on by Palestinian and Israeli nego- tiators yesterday. leaving final approval of the deal \\IIll Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Prime Minister Iiliud Rarak has approved the terms. cliiet Israeli negotiator Shlotno B(.‘II~AIIII said. Ben Anti. who is also Public Security Minis: tei'. said the agreement brougltt a “new atmos- phere“ to the talks. which were revived last tnonth. Study: kids may smoke to lose weight (‘Illl‘AUtl Youngsters who want to lose weight are tnore likely to experiment with ciga- rettes. researchers reported iii the October issue ot‘theiouriial Pediatrics. "(lirls who were unhap- py with their :nipearance were twice as likely to think about using tobacco." said Dr. Alison Field ofllarvai'd Medical School. one of the study's au— thors. (‘hiltlren were asked questions about their weight. including what. if anything. they were doing to lose weight. The study looked at itiore than 16,000 children. ages 9 to H. IBM, AT&T to offer businesses web NEW YORK IBM and AT&T (‘oi‘p are pooling their considerable market heft to offer small and mid-sized businesses a combined package of products and services to help thent set up Web sites for handling transactions. sales and communications. IBM plans to sell comput- ers and software for running the Web sites while A'I'&'f will provide Internet connections to cus tomers. The price for the package starts at SZISJIIIII. said a source familiar with the alliance. speaking on condition of anonyitiity. Stocks end 128.23 higher NEW YORK Stocks rose sharply yester- day. led by financial and telecommunication is- sues. The Dow .Iones industrial average rose 128.23 to close at 10.40123. ()n the NYSE. gainers led losers 1529-1263. The Nasdaq was up 59.14 at 2.79399. Broncos' Davis out for season DENVER Denver running back Terrell Davis. the NI’I.‘s MVP. will miss the rest of the season because ofa knee injury. a crushing blow to the 0-4 defending champion Broncos. Davis tore ligaments and cartilage in his right knee while making a tackle Sunday. lostcts unlimited atliicvcmciit. W’c ottcr .i divcrsc. tcam—oricntcd cnvironmcnt. as well as programs that arc designed to help you develop personally and prolcssionally. So come cnginccr your success with us. 'l‘hcrc’ll he no limit to where your outstanding abilities Mill l.ll\v' )1)”. \Xi are an equal tipliirltniily citiplowi www.unioncarbide.com UNION CARBIDE smart people. GREHAN Continued from page I held. such as resume work shops. agency tours and secure ing public speakers. By separating from the Ad (‘lub. the agency is free to coit- centrate solely on maintaining clients and performing ser- vices l‘oi' them on a regular lltl' sis. Rogers said. Also. the Ad (‘lub typically itiet only once a month. while the (irehan As sociates now meet weekly llue to such changes. membership iii the agency has Jumped immensely. “When I joined three years ago. tltere were only three ttiettibet's." (ii‘oves said. "now attetidaiice has in creased quite a bit. depending on people‘s schedule." At the agency's first Illt‘t‘l' ing. the officers announced that the current client list now includes the [K (‘areer t‘en tei‘. Lexington (‘Iiildren's Mu seutti. I'K (‘enti‘al Advising and Student ’I‘ransfer (‘entei'. and other nonprofit organiza— tions. “('lients are generated through Integrated Strategic (‘oinmunications faculty refer rals. as well as member's prospecting." Rogers said. Goofs?" i Corrections The agency is working on llyers. newspaper advertise- ments. questionnaires. and press releases for a project for UK Advising Week in October. "The agency can handle a variety of services for clients, ranging from creative design to press releases." Rogers said. (il‘t‘llllll Associates is a non-profit organization. so ser- vices are performed at no charge to the client, excluding the cost of supplies. she adtled. It is a win-win situation for both clients and members of the agency, Rogers said. "Students profit by gain- ing an impressive credential to adil to their resume. in addi» tion to accumulating pieces to enhance their portfolio and clients greatly benefit from having all publications pro- duced at no cost." she said. (lreban Associates contin~ Lies to raise its membership. through flyers and announce ments at Ad (‘lub meetings. and more arid more students are discovering the benefits the agency has to offer. When first-year member .lane Ashley Pace found out about the organization this year. she joined up. “Since I have not had the opportunity to perform an in- ternship yet. this is a perfect way for me to gain advertising and public relations experi once." she said. An item in Friday‘s “Left of Center" should have said Oct. 2:; is the last day to withdraw frotn a course. Sept. 21% is the last day to withdraw from a course and still get a refund. To report (III error call The Kentucky Kernel at 2574.915. achieve- smart chOioes. coming to your campus: SWE Career Fair Day Wednesday. October 6 Stop by and talk wit/1 us.’ L‘V""‘"“" _.- ._ _ . ,,,___.__,_,, -—1.,_(__.~ inc RF z—Ts.-.__,_ .. _.. ‘ l.- .___.:u_ .n- )l ANDREW FEIGHT I HERNE‘. "fill Todd Burriss, psychology major at UK, surveys El Horrendo, the toughest section of the Russell Fork River. Many whitewater enthusiasts say the Russ" sell Fork is one of the toughest runs to navigate when tall damn releases unleash a torrent of water into the river. the Russell Fork -GQDD IiMES Helping ByiAndrew Feight Sher wears, This past neekenii i'ix' stuiients tented iiunrirerls oi other outdoor i'lllillhi'iSls from throughout the nation at the Ravi” it‘urks Rirer Rt‘iifit'/\illi.\ ”it’s all about Illlltsi“ and no reps." sairt Aaron Lasiey ti i'ls' arr-inteeture \itItilH llltil‘t'. “'i‘he l‘iL’itl people~ liLjiti enerux. and right iiii'zitiiiti." (it‘gatii/eii In Hrent Austin. :i ['is' [an Sehriei alumnus. the river :lliti nius‘ie testi val was really more than inst an oppertunr t_\' to part3. 'i‘he i‘estn‘ai raises llltlilt‘_\ ier nen-prut‘it etuain/atinns that help the pen pie .‘illtl em ireinnent ot':\ppai.teiiia. .\ustin .s‘aiti. ;\ number of [it students took athan tage ni‘their l’ail Break anti shinreii up ear 13' on i‘titill) ai‘ternunn at Kinanas Park. which sits above the ('(llti'lllllllilil tim'n oi Haysi. Virginia. Some stuilents eaine to paddle the rirer. others to relax Zillii enjoy the t\\'ei\'e hands that played throughout the weekend on the park's stage. Seine CAMPUS REPS WANTED EARN FREE mm 6? CASH CALI, t‘Ui} 'FP'? “fit? ”:43. .( COLLEGE SKI & BEACH WEEK fiéfléfifi $050 23. JAN 2 & JAN. 2.7, 2000 CANCUN 8t MAZATLAN $499s I SKI - CRESTED BUTTE $329 1 -800-SURFS-UP wwwstudentexpress. COW i Students! Experience the thrill of indoor rock climbing! Wednesda Night is College Night wrth dlS- counts for UK Climbing Club members. Huge New Bouldering Wall! RHtl tvr iiii’i Hi i Av titAININt; st S SION WltH tlliS At)’ iA Sf) value) Ask about our guide servrce to Red River Gorge 253-3673 2416 Over [)1 ‘< In“ 'r- Md", it“, \",i ts L ," w”. ti" Read the paper, don’t eat it A. ../~ V’N POISON Donors Rewarded Generously New Donor Payment Plan iii'2iit4iit tiieir nun iirinues anti ieineii the :irunnnin; t ireies that surietnnleii the i'es ti\ ii's three heltiit'es 'i'ite ititsseii i’nrk Hiker is one eithe tnp tinee Mntenater rtxer‘s in the eastern i'nueii States (‘hris iiip.:i'.'i\e. .i natiunaiit rennuneii partriier. men the annual rner l‘.n'i-. tile inuiilicin ni'Saturiias's Lll'l|\ tiles The itenile/trvius raiseil niune\ ier three nun Iiroiit nt'uatii/atinns‘ ;\III).‘li\ilttIl. the .\inei lean \‘lintenatei‘ Ali'iiiation. (lllli the iieaiinaters ;\s\it('l.’tiiitll, .\ppaishep. nineii iii-gun as a War on l’overtt prnieet in the ifliius. is a inetlia arts and euitui'ai renter ilesigneii to eelein'ate the eulture .‘iliti \inee tiie runeerns iii' pelt pie ii\ iii}; in the .-\ppaiaeinan Mountains. ;\lllt‘i‘it‘tlli “intent-tier. through eiiuea tionai Ill'iliil‘llllls anti iiihin ins ei‘iorts. seeks to ‘eonserre (lllti l'l‘slill't‘ .-\ineriea'_s white water reseurees anti to enitanee itI)I)itt'iiiill ties to enjoy them safely.” saitl [tarry (irnnes. a hoartl member at the uruanixa liiillt (lruani/eil as a result ni‘ i’resiilent (‘iin ton's .-\nierieaii Heritage Rirer iitillzlii‘x'i‘. iieaiiuaters maintains and improves. the quaint iii"enririininentai. ilisitll'ii'. eeononi» tst Visit $30 2nd Visit $40 3rd Visit $25 4th Visit $25 5th Visit $50 CENTEON te :uitl ruitin'ai reseurees \tithin iii" iili’ .S‘anriV \\:i'~-rsheri oi is'entueiax 'nai \'ti Silliti. stiiii .ierrt iiiktns. a iiiirirti i'ieinin'r anti inuntter ANDREW FEIGHT KFRNf‘ S‘A’i Brent Austin, the Rendezvous organizer - attorney by day, kayaker by weekends. at keeps ' alive? Bio-Servrces. inc. 606-254-8047 2043 Oxford Circle KENTUCKY KERNEL l TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1999' i3" LEARN BARTENDING "( ‘i'.| .i:lil<;\ i [Nti ()l 'R 7'” leARY" ‘ i ill 3 \\tt'i\ ( iIlllst' St" . ~ - i).i\ Hi i \t'iliilL‘( itisst's nsfiu/ E9 Lexington 0t )xei WW". i‘i.iteinenl Sut‘tess 269-6060 64!! «aw find: an WM BARTENDING SCHOOL i.e\ingtiin Barn-titling School ?‘il'.1ltinit iliixsii’altiieit \iiittyt CAMPUS CALENDAR the Campus (alonilnr is produteit weekly by the Offite of Student Activities Postings In the (dit‘nddr are tree to all registered student organizations and UK Departments Information run he submitted in Rm. 203, Student (enter or by (ompleting d request term on line at tittp..: r’www.uky.etiu/StudentCenter. Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information is to appear in the mlentliir, For more information (all 257'8867. TUESDAY 10/5 ' 0950 hit lvlirti‘ inti. A: Iiil‘rllii lit. Mull: Ii)‘;.iliil s}; tritium; Hm ‘ ‘HS iii. it, i. mm sign it; in Attsiinti‘ (ill Itlti'l umi r l l time Winn... win its" til» n ii, mini km itltlA m the (orwmms. H'ui HI-s r tti‘ iiilurirlu rm; it“ ii iii ‘/ mime-s stint, I‘lullql‘ .mutummtms mats Mes i ile liitiiririq Spanish '1 .pm tlrsinu-s t Iassrniim and "dug”! immut- ties im- iiiliirlnu ir-i-m It 1 'pm u tuiiltl (littlnuti'l' iiili Hr'xii'r tiit-irinq \ialh l» Hipe- iwtll'V‘IlilS MFA R. We ‘utiiiltlg Nisim . the 'im n in iillittltiilvltnlitts it)!» lt'l'lttillllili tut inn-instep» 1mm ’illl. t ‘tililln'illtlt1lltl$lliltlttwltlu 2 1pm Rm l i l siiiiti m Q Meeiimis b ' l N I M. t tInq . ltiinn Millllht \'rlilt or (enter mini I'lll unit-.1” Muir-lint; tow. Rm h‘i siiiiimri (elite! min. i: I i minimal miner s MIJ‘I tl’ .tmi N‘s-i'tlltt) ,[mi awn liltillltl iii-i st iii-i, Merl ., i Men-u... ‘ mpni ltm )Pt' Sliirlenl (trt‘h‘l Kilt ‘itiiili tit (l‘tltl‘l ll't‘l!‘ Mm loo Sluitem 'tllll‘t Arts Mvisws Mmii- liti- is mammal lupin Wiil*-lt.iri"|w an. $1 slltltlslttt'l‘ m Sat-i imam A Lin iii twi ruin-s. em in Museum lxltiint liti‘ ruiiirs ill i him [)l‘slql‘ it Aer \‘lisl inn txnvtiii ilivAll am: i lliill’l’s l,’ .ipm i a Art Museum hmmr Matti-iii in that amt Art I; -tpm its Arr Mi, wul'l tiK lhmrw Dem ]Ill .. ur. l)tSl(,Rl' Atl'lN kiwi Hiram ”VI in!“ mu 2s ‘19,“: l'll i It i min intritlttultlls Ri-tlt-dlliitr lillimtite "isht'l‘ (liili i‘riit In I' 5 Mint flitiiil 'll'lli lfllrmntltiii Shim Mi-n‘t {liti's Drunllltli liir ltll‘l‘l rill ill l ' t'il't'i lll H|Hil'l 5 ‘5 Si ittiirv l i‘tlll't’ in 4pm spit. r-. rtie hiillltu ’ltmin. dilllll‘tl simii in email nit itinim vim me o epm llilh wine ii..i.: (ll‘i mt imm U5 ‘s‘itlillv timid Hum ‘Slt‘iilt tilts lirlli‘l Hilt’ tall 3 8910“” tliki-l i't'll WEDNESDAY 10/6 Hiwtitiv tumrmti int) :0! h it) 1, mnrmu. r “ism-mun innit murmm NIH) it. s l it.» ‘litilllllq ("I'ltltslts 's tillitll ruminant ink: Ki‘slilit liltiifirlt} ’ri'ltrh x 10pm Ki't-ttn-iisnil at s litt illlltr‘lilt) simmsii r, l[l(irl‘ at i iiivrr‘virv too It. st-il Iiiiiitit't] smut Fr Iiipm Natiuw il‘iiltJr Ht ~ lili iitiilitlii Nistiii , l-IP, it“) h 9 illiii'i Nisliit“. iii-t itl‘) t) it) i4 iiillll\,Nt)HtH's Studs ltl‘li‘qi \Ali illliliiii Ar rmttru i iniimniir \‘I‘i‘llll-J mm t‘ti l student 4 enter Alpha lpoinu [it'ilrl Mm niiu tl'tittili’H) sin aim iiir titlf‘llSSllilli Intiit tilt Melt s. himl ' ltipn w: \mimi llh'd's Aiitirtnruini Iik mun. Atlwllutstt-t'tlllq «1pm tan «(in (in ili’lrtlls tin inset-rum ritdlttm: mm N‘t'iV'W‘I; 1pm ltnv tit; siiiiiwu t. "'1'! (I , I Illlrrtllitlldis‘pfl‘tll‘il'lilll r ..-. ., rlt”\lll(li('\ iitlll’llanH-rrt Mitestt‘i't'h autumn: rm mm- i.) x p_ .._'. Q: t}. » (litt‘l t. A at Mt- return )[r'v minim srviii. l" l ltitrtt a! "I Avis Milsli \ llk er tiiimimi Hpemuu ( rim. i'l emu simneims tt'lltl-l rim int limitre lli m Ittl‘SI‘lil lltStttilt trials tiprr‘ Hl'llu‘s till-dil- ttiii 3w twain: rut-m min Spet It” tsents 591ml) Men Are Sluts. Milli erlSlldln theatre. SJ silnltsiin'tl ns SAB isetl flunk Stile spousmd its (,I‘vee thumb and Appalmnidn Slut] (uunril. l0 4 tree sin-er it are” Student UernIIdUUIIS (enlei Open House 4. 5 30pm Rm too Student (enter THURSDAY 10/7 tii-i- Mall! '0‘! unit it" Illillt'i'lq HM itu Siiirierit ti-nii r sum up in .iitsam i: It,“ ‘ 69‘1'Ilri‘ "Iliri' mi“ ltet lite iiiltirlnu 4h. llllsth 5 mp": Naqqin immin- ties t m- ltiiiirlflu in run 1 (spin. 1 ominous 106 km iiie tiirurmq simmm i s town .ii Nitims-S Slutty li‘llllut s s 5pm in Hoqqln (nmputi-r lab Restile tutoring Math 6 mm“ Holmes (lassrrmni Resilti- iiititrmii leftll'\ 10-1 IO‘.‘ 6 it) 8 30pm (ommiin. (Oh Mi-eliiius IiK Srir-wslil Siiiiwtindrtl Uuh Meeting F300!" Rm 215 \tiiilelll (enter thiii'sittis Night live Bf)!“ (bristidr‘. Student fellowship hillltllnq (50] I ulumhid As.» i Ut'vllllllll dait l untli 12pm Baptist Student (enter it rn-snnmu ruins 6pm. Baptist sinus-m (enter UK ldmlnlit llw (my dml letshldn Student Org Ml'l'llnu ' ltlpm Hm I” Student renter Wliil th'O‘T (.ils Meeting. 5 30pm, Rm l2} Sr‘atrm (i-lilrr UK titres Ailsiti all". Meeting I 9pm (MI r' 871“ liir tit-Idils Allpdiitt llldll Stiiilent (tiurit ii Meeting 4 30pm (iinler'enr e Hm i" App-alt" bran (enter Arts Musies UK Hit-«IrQ Dem liri‘senls urstoktmrum. anni. Bttutrs 'ht’ntrl‘ tall zsr 493mm mm min liitrdmumls 'Ftetri-miun “ liltimiitr lrisher- (Iuh Priii llt e 6 Burn. Bdntl lielil brill Slnqlvs ltiul’ndlltvrlt~ idtt’s ll’t't‘k (roll ( llllr‘l‘ li‘i' time s i" .' ’P Sports litt' (iii-nu; l iiipm imptisv stiiiii-nr t "ill" tik Ruuiu l’r i~ lite It ‘iiini uni .pme 'll lit iwi I.Il lsi ills Miran.“ Ut-ilr'l'ssiiin sin-t 'tillil ntit w l iriiinuiiiinrs msnlr‘l‘nly om. lntrdnte lflam 1pm (all251‘ arm rm "Mir: 'll'li FRIDAY 10/8 imit rim iteua ham Nomi r .u. in .i A Al's w UK lill'rltrtlni‘fli [Iii .i l. l-l\.i’1|t-\IIHN “fl" “Hulls ”Hill/I IV)“ 4920 HIV 'ltll‘l IH'll pintx \ til Minssmiiv t- int.“ it Minn lust-tuiiwnpiu ’ [it W‘tltlh'll\\ iii- i iv- -"hl i» ["" \‘iKlilvtili(tlil\l'|l"l g ‘ lifli'l'Nliii-s -- . . u \Iitvwi- ll mun . limit SJMIUIHH \ [m \itsl‘ll- - Mt-llt , Mourns spew sit-malt n w 'i hl't\ ruin ,' ~' iris new” mi in sin tantrum \lussiit l'u kit-um n it nu 5pm piirts Ik Fiititildlt‘ smith 1 Jilil‘tlir I'vl" tik Rtluhs ss Wabash l|lm (um simiis In at Met" lik iii «in hes ss Demure K4Itiithii ivn'tqli'n ll e 1 enter $4 at door mm Mitstiw ltlueqrdss (hilrili Mitsii textual 1 “7pm Sinulvtnn (tint i'r1 Nail 'l‘t‘t' I! theatre [N‘Dt [Vl'sr‘nts DISH "ItiAlillN 80m Brtqus theatre i all 75" 49N tor “the! Intt‘ SUNDAY 10/10 It‘s lite lutminu lnu Int 6 li‘ Q Nismws studs lounge and tummom 106 Insiite liiim-mq \anlsh s 'piu anmestiassrnom Resllte tutoring Math 5 litnm l immrms in“ Irs lite tutoring Nistnrs lflfl too 6 0pm at (ommons 3030 A “Mun NH lab. I Iipm at ( ommuns mo It‘s titr- liitimnq (hemisrrs ‘1 Rpm ltosit Study lnunue Meetlnqs Sunday Morning worship llam tnmtmn Student lellrissship i502 (nlumhm AvPl [alholit Mass at the Newmanlentm 90m ll Mam Sam 8 Kim" Arts Movies [Ihlhll ”N "H BIINK ”w Milli'r‘ium Nl‘itl‘. ilk Art Museum '4' 50m Sports l! Women s Volleyball vs lSU. .‘pm Memorial {Museum Friday. October 8 8:00pm Memorial Hall \Vr‘ll‘ wronq Plea-:0 note rhanqes thank vim 4I :TUESDAY' OCTOBER 5.1999 I KENTUCKY KENNEL LCC Fund created as memorial By Jaquelene Bradley CONTRIBU‘INC WR'ltR l.11\111u111n (‘111111111111111 (‘111 111g11‘5 .»\111111111 (‘11111 11511111115111111 11111 S111nle1' 11111111111 .\l1111111'1111 ll S1'l1111111'5hip 19111111 111 11 11111111 1111111111115 1111111111111 3111111111111. .1 1111.1111'1111111111'. 1111111 111 .\1;11‘1‘h 1111111 1111111‘1115