
' - 5 GOV’T. PUB. DEPT.












19 1979
















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APRIL 1979

Roadrunner Joycees
Elect New Officers

April 9 was election night
for the Roadrunner Jaycees at
the Kentucky State Penitenti-
ary. '

Jaycees members voted for
the persons they felt were best
qualified to serve on .the
group’s Board of Directors.

-a. .



1 Michael _
' .1nd1v1dual . Vice president;
William SIOan,' ,; commumty

development vice president;

1' Steve Fuller, secretary; Ben

1 Spencer, . treasurer and

' .‘ Warren Caldwell state direc-

James Fountaine and '

Jimmy Dennison were also
.elected- to serve :“as' Individual
Directors while Maurice
Slaughter and Roger. Crawley

L were elected to the positions of '

Community Development Di-

Thomas Millender,

Tinsley, i

' derstanding


By Maurice Slaughter
Kentucky State Penitentiary

Other candidates included
who ran
for president. and Michael
Standard, who tried for the
post of Individual Vice-Presi-

The two presidential candi-
dates addressed the member-
shi concerning their candi-


Candidate Joe Tolle

' “1 want to be nominated.

president because my promise
to the Roadrunner member-

“ ship wasn't fulfilled 'as- plan'-

ned. and. because of a misun-
between the
Chapter and the Administra-

I came through with one of
my promises .andflost one. If
I'm elected- president; .I’ll do
my best to make the Road-
runner Jaycees go a lot fast-



Candidate Thomas Millender

“I feel I can do the job as
being president of the Road-
runner J aycees. I also feel that
President Joe Tolle could’Ve
done his job as" president
better than he "did. So all I’m
asking is a chance to become a

good president If I’m elected ‘



Roadrunner members,'1nstead"'
.of the Board of- Directors,

because Roadrunner members

is what keeps the Roadrunner


‘ so keep an eye and ear open
because we are coming your
way. ”

The newly- elected Board of

.1 Directors have already plan-

ned their yearly program and
will be working to bring the
chapter to number one status
in the state.

Sentencmg Commissmn

Hears FUrther Testimony

Alterations in; Kentucky’s
existing parole and Criminal
classificatiOn systems were re-

viewed in the second meeting

Of the Special Commission on
Sentencing and the Release of
Criminal Offenders held May
~8_-' 1n Frankfort.

A California College profes-
sor who specializes in parole
‘, matters feelsdeterminate sen-
tencing only serves to further
crowd already packed prisons.

“You can follow California’s
lead and fill your prisons to
overflowing, ” Marc
Neithercutt of California State
University told members of
the commission.

Neithercutt. a consultant to
several states, said the male
felon pfiSon population in

California has increased by

more than 2,000 in the first 18-

months of determinate sen-

He said this folIOWS a sharp
decline in the prison popula-
tion. _

Neithercutt contended that

"‘determinate sentencing is

not going to stop crime. We
are not going to use it and it
'won’t work if we did.” ‘ _

Neithercutt said he rejects
the premise behind ,determin-
ate sentencing that pumsn-
ment stops crime.

“Society has moved beyond
such primitive ' methods as
locking a person away for 50
years without review, he said,
although conceding that some
people have to be locked away
to protect society.

, determinations

But he feels parole boards
are still the best way to make
about such

“We need to retain in our
criminal justice system the
acknowledgement that people
are different and give confi-
dence to our ability to grapple
with those differences,” he

“Parole is not a foolproof‘

method " he said in referring
to returning former criminals
to society. He discussed many

'misconceptions about parole

systems in the nation.
“The goal,” Neithercutt
told the committee, “is to

' insure that society has proper

protection and that the parole
has the appropriate chance to
make it in society.”


Subcommittee: o ' " '
studying the Com-
System ‘ ‘
' said their proposal is primarily .


Jails Subcommittee
Proposes New
Th ree-Tiered System
For Kentucky

A comprehensive proposal

for a three-level district jail

system for Kentucky has been
approved by a special sub-
, Mu . thermon-

monwealth' 5 Legal
a recommendation which can
be used as a. starting'point .in‘

dealing with the problem of ~

jails and jailers throughout the

The proposal calls for a
three-tier system including 36

district jails to be used for '

long-term detention in large
population centers; 40 “feeder
jails" which will be used for
short-term confinement; and
44 short-term facilities to be
used for temporary detention
of offenders in the counties.

Fred James. Director of the
Division of Regional Jails, said
the‘program could be imple-
mented in three phases. one
phase each biennium. begin-
ning with the 1982 biennium
budget..Ten existing. relative-
ly new jail facilities in the state
have been identified as poss-
ible sites for district jails. This
tranformation would consti-
tute phase one. Phase three
will involve construction of
new jails to replace outdated,

unsafe or otherwise substan- -

dard facilities.

With the three-tier system.
James explained. up-to-stan-
dard jails will be “best utilized
according to location size and
staff. "

Hc outlined ten goals of the

Mpfimoram for__
Ifite "Siva fififi m‘mo, ‘

project. including im‘p’roved'

jiwenile confinement areas.
treatment facilities for felons.
expansion of a gradual release
more _

1‘ O
11.9%?! {121+ “‘15 ners,

personnel and physmal imi

to state guidelines.


""Nv‘~..~m-A we...
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g.;pr0vements of jails according": .

The responsibility of flind- »
ing“ the‘ jail renovation and 1:
construction projects—wheth- :7

county or the state—was quesr
tioned ' by Senator John
Rogers. chairman of the sub-

“The key thing to the entire:

document . . . is that there’s

got to .be a partnership be;

tween the state and county,”

'er it falls on the individual-=


David Bland said. He sug-;.
gested a leasing agreement,

between the state and county]
fiscal courts when jails are}
being replaced or renovated as:

a possible solution .

of Mason County, former
president of Kentucky Jailers
Association. both questioned
the planfs provisions for plac-
ing elected county jailers and
phasing out the county-by-
county jail system presently in

Senator Rogers concluded
'the meeting. “This draft an-
swers a lot of questions. but it

. creates a lot. too. I think we

have done well in addressing
theproblem. . . if we shelve
this thing at this time those
questions will be shelved
along with it."

Judge James Chenault Mad-1
ison County, and Lloyd Berry