xt77m03xsw9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77m03xsw9n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1960102 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-10-nov2-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-10-nov2-ec. 1960 2011 true xt77m03xsw9n section xt77m03xsw9n 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the University
of Kentucky, November 2, 1960.

        The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in the
President' s Office on the campus of the University at 12:00 noon, CST, Wed-
nesday, November 2, 1960, with the following members present. R. P.
Hobson, Chairman; Robert Hillenmeyer and J. Stephen Watkins. Absent:
Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci and Harper Gatton.  President Frank G. Dickey and
Secretary Frank D. Peterson were present.

        A. Meeting Called to Order.

        Chairman Hobson called the meeting to order and advised that this
was a continuation meeting pursuant to adjournment of the meeting of October
21, 1960, that bids for the purchase of Series A Consolidated Educational
Buildings Revenue Bonds might be received and acted upon.

        B. Sale of $8, 000, 000 Series A Bonds Approved.

        The hour for opening bids received for the purchase of Series A, Con-
solidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds having arrived, and the public
having been invited to the meeting, the bids we.-e opened and read aloud.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the follow-
ing Resolution was adopted and authorized put to record.

            FOR PURCHASING ITS $8, 000, 000. 00 "CONSOLIDATED

        WHEREAS, at a meeting held on September 20, 1960, the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky adopted a certain Resolution in sub-
stance establishing a "Consolidated Educational Buildings Project" of the
University of Kentucky and creating and establishing an issue of "Consolidated
Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds" of the Board of Trustees of said Uni-
versity; and also a "9Series A Resolution" authorizing the issuance and public
sale of $8, 000, 000. 00 'Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds,
Series A," to be dated November 1, 1960, and to mature as to principal,
serially, in various amounts on May I in each of the years 1962 to 1986, in-
clusive; and

        WHEREAS, it was determined that said "Series A'l Bonds be adver-
tised for public sale on the basis of sealed competitive bids, the same to be
received in the office of the President of the University, Administration


Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, until the hour of 1:00
P. M., Eastern Standard Time, on November 2, 1960, at which time and place
said Board of Trustees, or the Executive Committee of said Board, in session
duly convened, would publicly open, consider and act upon the same; and

        WHEREAS, the public offering of said "Series A"l Bonds was duly
advertised by the publication of the approved form of "Notice of Sale of Bonds"
on October 19, 1960, in The Courier-Journal, a legal, bona fide newspaper
of general circulation throughout Kentucky and in The Bond Buyer, a financial
newspaper or journal published in New York, N. Y. , and having nation-wide
circulation among bond buyers; and the approved and authorized "Official
Statement" of the Board of Trustees relating to said Bonds was duly furnished
by the President of the University and by the Fiscal Agents to all bidders upon
request; and

        WHEREAS, the hour so fiked and publicized for the opening of pur-
chase bids has arrived and the purchase bids received at the appointed place
prior to 1:00 P.M., Eastern Standard Time, on November 2, 1960, have been
presented to the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees and each bid
has been publicly opened and read and comparison thereof has been duly


        Section 1. It is hereby found and declared that the best bid received
prior to 1:00 P M., Eastern Standard Time, on November 2, 1960, for the pur-
chasing oi $8, 000, 000. 00 "Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds,
Series A: as authorized by the aforesaid Resolution and the aforesaid Series A
Resolution adopted on September 20, 1960, was and is the bid of

                     Bear, Stearns & Company and Associates

offering to purchase the entire $8, 000, 000. 00 thereof and to pay therefor the
sLIm of   Seven Million Eight Hundred Forty Thousand No/100

Dollars ($7,840,000. 00)  with accrued interest fromn November 1, 1960, to
delivery, conditioned upon the establishment of the following respective interest
coupon rates:

All bonds maturing May 1 in each of the
   years 1962 to 19 63  , inclusive

All bonds maturing May 1 in each of the
   years 1964   to 1970 , inclusive

All bonds maturing May 1 in each of the
   years 1971  to 1978 , inclusive

All bonds maturing May 1 in each of the
   years 1979  to 1984, inclusive

All bonds maturing May 1 in each of the
   years 1985 to 1986, inclusive


3-1/2         '

3-3/4         l





        Section 2. Said bid is found to conform in all respects with the terms
and conditions of the sale offering and is found and declared to be advantageous
and acceptable as to both price and interest coupon rates.  The said bid which
is identified with particularity in Section 1 hereof is now accepted by the Execu-
tive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, the
Chairman and Secretary of the Executive Committee hereby are authorized to
sign the endorsement of acceptance as provided at the end of the "Official
Bid.Form" upon which said bid is submitted, and the Secretary is authorized
to deliver an endorsed copy of the bid to the said purchasers of the Bonds.

        Section 3. The said "Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue
Bonds, Series Al shall bear interest at the respective coupon rates which are
set forth with particularity in Section I hereof and the printer shall be instructed
to prepare the bonds and interest coupons accordingly.

        Section 4. The certified or cashier' s check of the above identified
purchasers, payable to the order of the Treasurer of the University of Kentucky
in the sum of $160,000.00 shall be retained  uncashedbythe Treasurer subject
to the conditions set forth in the "Notice of Sale of Bonds. " The checks of all
other bidders shall immediately be returned to them.

        Section 5. The Secretary is ordered to preserve as a part of the
official records of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees affidavits
which have been tendered by employees of The Courier-Journal, Louisville,
Kentucky, and The Bond Buyer, New York, N. Y., respectively, showing pub-
lication of the "Notice of Sale of Bonds" on October 19, 1960, together with a
copy of the printed brochure or document designated "Official Statement of
The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky" relating to said Bonds
and the public offering thereof.

        Section 6. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and
after its adoption.

TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY at an adjourned session of a
duly convened meeting held on November 2, 1960, and declared to be in full
force and effect.

        C. Easement, City of Lexington. Approved.

        M, Peterson submitted Easement to the City of Lexington for a storm
sewer off of Rose Lane Street in a southerly direction with 220 feet more or
less to a point in the northerly line of an existing 16Hfoot easement where exists
a city storm sewer.  The Easement was considered, amended and authorized
approved and executed.



         D. Fort Knox Center Contract Approved.

         Mr. Peterson submitted contract for off-duty academic instruction
with the Department of tli Army, Fort Knox, Kentucky, for the operation of a
center offering a two-year college program and offering other types of instruc-
tion to government personnel. He stated that this was really a supplemental
agreement to the one in operation for the year 1959-60 and this agreement
would carry the program through the fiscal year 1960-61.  The contract sets
forth conditions to be complied with by the Fort Knox reservation and condi-
tions to be complied with by the University of Kentucky. He read the con-
ditions to the Executive Committee, and upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the contract for services as stated was approved and authorized

        E. Budget Adjustment.

        President Dickey recommended the appropriation of $4, 7Z2. 00 to take
care of salary for the research consultant for the University until money is
transferred from the Kentucky2 Department of Finance.in accordance with
agreement with Lt. Gov. Wilson Wyatt.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in and the budget adjustment authorized.

        F. Gifts.

                          From: Atmn4rican Dairy Association of Kentucky,
                                    Louisville, Ky. --$500. 00.

        President Dickey presented check for $500. 00 from the American Dairy
Association of Kentucky to be placed in the Experiment Station' s Dairy Education
and Scholarship Fund. He recommended that the check be accepted, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Committee concurred
in the recommendation of the President and requested him to write a letter of
appreciation to the donors.

                          From: Junior League of Lexington--$Z,500. 00.

        President Dickey reported that once again the Junior League of Lexington
had given to the Uiiversity $2, 500. 00 to be used by the Art Department in con-
ducting its art school for high school students during the surhmer. He recom-
mended that the gift be accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the check was ordered accepted, and the President was requested to
write a letter of appreciation to officials of the Junior League of Lexington.



                          From: General Motors Corporation, Detroit,
                                    Michigan- -$6, 130. 00.

        President Dickey reported that he was in receipt of check for $6, 130. 00,
made payable to the Kentucky Research Foundation, to cover 1960-61 scholar-
ship awards in the University. He expressed his appreciation for this support
of the University' s scholarship program, and upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the check was ordered accepted, and the President was requested
to thank officials of the Corporation.

                          From: American Society for Metals- -$500. 00.

        President Dickey stated that the American Society for Metals had
given to the Kentucky Research Foundation its check for $500. 00, in support
of one scholarship for the year 1960-61. He recommended that this be accepted,
and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee authorized
acceptance of the .check and requested the President to write a letter of apprecia-
tion to the American Society for Metals.

                          From: Nut Grove Products Company, Inc. --$1,000. 00.

        President Dickey reported that the Nut Grove Products Company of At-
lantic, Iowa, had given to the University check for $1, 000. 00 to furnish a grant-
in-aid for swine nutrition research in the Department of Animal Husbandry. He
recommended that this be accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the check was ordered accepted, and the President was requested
to thank the donors.

                          From: National Plant Food Institute, Chicago,
                                    Illinois--$200. 00.

        President Dickey reported that the National Plant Food Institute had
given to the University check for $200. 00 to be presented to the next winner of
the National Plant Food Institute Agronomy Achievement Award at the Uni-
versity of Illinois. He expressed his appreciation of the interest shown in
the University by the Institute and recommended that the check be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift was authorized
accepted, and the President was requested to write a letter of appreciation to
the donors.

                          From: Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation, St.
                                    Matthews, Ky. --$125. 00.

        President Dickey stated that the Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation I-d
given to the University their check for $125. 00 in support of the Ben Kilgore
Scholarship in the College of Agriculture. He recommended acceptance of the
gift and, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee cori-
curred in the recommendation of the President and requested him to write a
letter thanking members of the Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation.



                           From: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. --$1,000.00.

         President Dickey reported that Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., had
delivered to the University their check for $1, 000. 00, representing a scholar-
ship awarded to a student for his sales record last surnmer. He recommend-
ed that the check be accepted and handled in accordance with the wishes of
the donors, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was
ordered accepted and the President was requested to cqdvey to Encyclopaedia
Britannica, Inc., the appreciation of the Executive Committee and the Uni-

                           From: International Harvester Company-_Qne Gas

         The President reported that International Harvester Company had given
to the University one gas engine for use in research and teaching in the Agri-
cultural Engineering Department. He recommended that this gas engine be
accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee
authorized acceptance, and requested the President to thank officials of the

                           From: Yoder Brothers, Inc. , na.rberton, Ohio--
                                    Chrysanthemum Cuttings.

        President Dickey reported that Yoder Brothers, Inc. , had given to
the College of Agriculture and Home Economics chrysanthemum cuttings which
will be of great benefit to the Department of Horticulture. He recommended
that these be accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the
gift was ordered accepted and the President was requested to thank officials
of Yoder Brothers, Inc.

                          From: Naugatuck Chemical, Naugatuck, Conn. --
                                    $1, 000. 00.

        President Dickey stated that Naugatuck Chemical had given the Uni-
versity its check for $1, 000. 00 covering the second payment of the grant-in-
aid for field tests of maleic hydrazide for use in controlling suckers on burley
tobacco. He stated that the continued interest of this organization in the welfare
of the University had been of great benefit to the institution and recommended
that the gift be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was authorized
accepted, and the President was requested to thank Naugatuck Chemical.



        G. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

        PresidentDickey submitted staff appointments, reappointments, salary
adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and other staff changes
requested by deans and heads of departments.



        Logan E. Gragg, Practicum Supervisor, Department of Psychology,
beginning October 1, 1960, ending May 31, 1961.

        John E. Davis, Jr., Practicum Supervisor, Department of Psychology,
beginning October 1, 1960, ending May 31, 1961.

        Jack J. Monroe, Practicum Supervisor, Department of Psychology,
beginning October 1, 1960, ending May 31, 1961.

        Dean C. Finney, Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, be-
ginning October 15, 1960, ending January 31, 1961.

Changes in Status

        George W. Rogers, Practicum Supervi sor, Department of Psychology,
adjustment in salary for directing graduate student work, beginning September
1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

        Roger W. Barbour, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology,
adjustment irn salary (KRF Grant), beginning October 1, 1960, ending June
30, 1961.

        Douglas W. Schwartz, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology,
adjustment in salary for duties as director, NSF Institute in Kentucky Archaeology,
beginning October 1, 1960, ending December 31, 1960.

Leaife of Absence

        Jean P. Chapman, Research Associate, Department of Psychology, leave
beginning October 15, 1960, ending December 14, 1960.



       Henry H. Pope, Jr., Area Extension Agent, Laurel, Whitley, Knox
Counties, London, beginning December 1, 1960.



Leave of Absence

         Mary Frances Wade, Home Demonstration Agent, Russell County,
 Jamestown, leave beginning October 1, 1960, ending October 31, 1960.

 Chanlgen in Status

         Wanda Ware, Clerk, Hopkins County, Madisonville, adjustment in
 salary, beginning November 1, 1960.

        Jennie Bell Arvin, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Lincoln County, Stanford, to Campbell County, Alexandria, beginning November
1, 9iq0._

        Laura Virginia Peed, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Pike County, Pikeville, to Bath County, Owingsville, adjustment in salary,
beginning November 1, 1960.

        0. D. Hawkins, Farm Manager, Eden Shale Farm, beginning November
1, 1960, adjustment in salary.

        Frederick D. Watson, Assistant County Agent, Lewis County, Vance-
burg, to Associate County Agent, Mason County, Maysville, beginning October
1, 1960.

        Paul D. Morris, Assistant County Agent in Training, Letcher County,
Whitesburg, to Lewis County, -Nanceburg, beginning November 1, 1960.



        Myrna Dixon, Secretary, beginning October 10, 1960, ending June
30, 1961.


        Barbara Tussey, Secretary, effective October 22, 1960.



       Gail Hatfield, part-time typist, Bureau of Business Research, beginning
October Z5, 1960, ending January 31, 1961.





        J. Quintifi Biagi, Visiting Lecturer, Architectural Engineering, be-
ginning October 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.


Change in Status

        Lyle R. Dawson, Professor and Acting Dean, Chemistry and Graduate
School, adjustment in salary, beginning October 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.



        Jack Neale, Instructor, beginning September 26, 1960, ending December
31, 1960.

        Robert A. Brooks, Instructor, Northwest Center,
1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

        Norma Ann Sothard, Secretary, Northern Center,
3, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

beginning October

beginning October


        Ralph L. Preston, Instructor, Northwest Center, effective October 1, 1960.



        Helen M. Sparks, Administrative Assistant, College of Nursing, begin-
ning October 17, 1960.

        Donna Dunn, Hematologic Technician, Department of Medicine, begin-
ning October 24, 1960.

Change in Status

        Sue Howard Lencke, Secretary, Maintenance and Operations, Medical
Center, adjustment in salary, beginning November 1, 1960.



        Lowell Thomas Casebolt, Assistant, Circulation, Library, beginning
October 16, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.



        Katherine de Dory, Assistant, Acquisitions, Library, beginning
October 1, 1960.

        Mary Bernice Beard, Assistant, Acquisitions, Library, beginning
October 1, 1960.

        Sue Howe Gilvin, Assistant, Periodicals, Library, beginning October
1, 1960, ending December 31, 1960.

Leaves of Absence

        Jane Ward Kehrt, Assistant, Serials. Library, leave, beginning October
1, 1960, ending December 31, 1960.

        Marion Jean Robinson, Typist, Catalog Department, return from leave,
beginning October 1, 1960.


Change in Status

        Katherine L. Nicholson, Machine Operator, Stenographic Bureau,
adjustment in salary, beginning October 1, 1960.

        On motion duly made, seconded and carried, on President Dickey? s
recommendation, the Executive Committee concurred in the above appoint-
ments, reappointments, szl4axy adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations,
promotions and other staff changes, and record was ordered made in the

        H. Adjournment.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting of the
Executive Committee was adjourned at 1:35 p. m. CST.

                                      Frank D. Peterson, Secretary
                                      Board of Trustees and Executive