xt77m03xsz2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77m03xsz2n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19271007  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  7, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  7, 1927 1927 2012 true xt77m03xsz2n section xt77m03xsz2n THE KENTUCKY KERNEL








KY.. OCTOBER 7, 1927




T. C.

Annual Election of Class Presidents and Vice- Presidents to Be Held Tuesday, October 1 1

IN Students Must Call

at Gym for Mail


Students who have not called at
the university postoffice and secured the, number of their mail box
are urged to di so at once. These
J. J. Richardson, Jr., to Be Cadet boxes have already "been assigned
and many students have several
Colonel; Caldwell 1$ Lieutenpieces of mall awaiting them there.
Miles and
'Since both outside and university
Simpson Are Majors
mail comes .through the university
postoffice, delayed
is causing
IS EFFECTIVE AT ONCE some confusion at mail office. '


Centre Student Body
Adopts Resolutions
About Recent Trouble

Freshman Candidates Are

Military Department
Supports Grid Team
in Splendid Manner


opposed; Keenest Rivalry Is
Shown in Senior Race With
Four Men Nominated

In response to a resolution sent by URGE STUDENTS TO VOTE
the Men's Student Council of the UniNominations for president and vice
versity of Kentucky to the student
Unkings of Cadet Officers Are
body of Centre College, the student president of the various classes of the
Contained in Official
body of Centre College has adopted a university closed Wednesday, and the
resolution expressing regret for the election will be held next Tuesday,
Ballot boxes will be
trouble between certain Centre and October 11.
y placed
J. J. Richardson. Jr., senior in the
Kentucky stutents at the
in front of buildings of the
College of Arts and Sciences, will be
Various colleges on the campus. 'The
game, September 24.
cadet colonel of the University R. O.
Immediately after the Maryville men and women' nominated were:
year, according to an
T. C. unit this
game the University Men s Student
announcement made by the military Dorothy
President, Pat Alberts, College of
Council met and drafted resolutions
Sellers, Editor of
department yesterday. L. M. Caldexpressing regret for the occurrence Engineering; vice president, Ruth
Announces Dates
well will me lieutenant colonel and
and assuring Centre College students Bonmin, College of Arts and Sciences.
on Which Students Are to
Leroy Miles and W. D. Simpson will
that the council would do its utmost
Have Pictures Taken
be batalion majors.
President, O'Harlan Wilson, Colto avoid any such trouble in the fuThe lists of promotions, Including
lege of Engineering; W. Ed Covingture.
commissioned officer's, sergeants, and TROPHY
The resolution adopted by the Cen ton, College of Arts College Sciences;
corporals, who are section guides, as
of Arts
Sara Lynn
tre student body and sent to the Men's and Sciences.Tucker,
Students who want their pictures
contained In the order issued yesterStudent Council was written in much
day by the military department, is to appear in the 1928 Kentuckian
the same tone, condemning the action
as follows:
President, W. D. Simpson, College
must have their pictures taken be- of its students and pledging the supO. T. C-- REGIMENTAL STAFF
Gilb, College
fore October 14, according to an an- port of Centre students in preventing of Engineering; Elmer vice president,
Colonel J. J. Richardson, Jr.
of Arts and Sciences;
nouncement made this week by Doro- any such trouble in the future.
Lieutenant Colonel L. M. Caldwell.
Lucille Short, College of Arts and
thy Sellers, editor of the annual.
Captain, R. 1 J. W.Ottley. ,
In order to facilitate the work of
Captain, R. 3 W. L. Crutcher.
, Senior
C. W. Jones the photographer and! make it more
Second Lieutenant
President, W. R. King, College o'f
convenient for the student body also,
(band leader).
Engineering; J. R. Bullock, College of
TRY-OUTColor Sergeants E. Gilb and E. M. the Keatuckian staff asks that stuS
Arts and Sciences; Gayle MohneyJ
follow schedules
College of .Arts and Sciences; Ray
vice president,
Bryant, Commerce;
being made ni the trophy room Prof. Carl A. Lampert States Ann Carvill.
Major L. M. Miles.
in the men's gymnasium, and students
That Material Is PromisThe committee appointed by Robert
First Lieutenant W. R. Ferguson. are requested to report there on the
ing; Rehearsals Are
McGary, president of the Men's Stu- Company A
day scheduled for their organization.
dent Council, is composed of :Leroy
Captain H. C Moody.
Students not in organizations may
Miles, chairman; Bill Durbeck and W.
First Lieutenant W. P. Crouch.
report to the trophy room any time. GIRLS' BAND PRACTICES E. Ranney. The voting will continue
3. B. Rex,
Second .Lieutenants
The cost of the initial sitting is
all day, and the committee will have
W. E. Durbeck.
$1.50. This includes one print. AdFirst semester tryouts for the ballot boxes on the campus in which
First Sergeant V. Proctor.
A. M. Ed- ditional prints may be procured for Girls' Glee Clubhand the Men's Glee the votes may be cast. Members of
Platoon Sergeants
council will officiate.
fifty cents each. One print is necces-sar- y
wards, E. C. May, A K. Latham
Wednesday and the
for each time the student's pic Club were held
In former years the percentage of
K. B. Baker,
Sergeants, guides
week. Approximately students who have voted in the class
Thursday, this
J. W. Chapman, L. Cox, W. S. Focht, ture is to appear in the annual
Young and Carl, Cincinnati, are 45 students tried out for each club. elections has been very small. This
J. R. Hester, C. Jagoe.
L. R. taking pictures for the annual and Professor Lampert stated that he has year the student council is making a
Corporals, section guides
Kavasaugh, B. G. King, J. M. Laugh-li- they have arranged with the Ken- found promising material among determined effort to get every student
to vote.
tuckian staff to supply enlarged phoA. Rudd, J. Shropshire, R. H.
tographs of all students desiring them those trying out. Those sleected as
members of the clubs will be anvery reasonable price.
for a
' Company B
nounced, in the. next issue of The
Proofs of the pictures will be back Kernel.
Captain W. C. Wilson.
one week after the sitting. Student;
First Lieutenant 0. F. Terrell.
A practice, started last year, by
Tho have already had their pictures
Second Lieutenants
wA. S. Henglee clubs
taken are requested to call at tne which all members, of the is being
dricks, W. H. Glanz. received real vocal training,
First Sergeant G. S. Anderson. trophy room and select the picture continued this year on an extensive
Platoon Sergeants H. S.Herg6tt, they wish to appear in the year book. scale. Every' member will have a SuKy Circle to Give First Hop
J. TD. Slaughter, R. H. Warren.
of Year; Proceeds Go to
definite idea of how to improve the
A, B., Combs,
Sergeants, guides
SenVI Band on Grid
tone quality of his voice. This class
J. E. Gates, W. L. Heizer, E. Knadler,
will be conducted by Professor
J. Turner, A. L. Pigman.
who has recently been added to
Corporals, section guides
-the faculty of the department.
Allen, J. R. Groves, B. T. Inman, B.
Regular practice of the glee clubs
H. S. Scott,. W. T. Stith
G. King,
gridiron dance of the fall
university to help began last week, for those trying out.
Efforts of the
The first
Company C
point the way to the full development Professor Lampert stated, though, semester will be given by the Suky
Captain C W. Daniel.
of farm landsiwere explained at the that anyone who has been unable to circle Saturday night, October 22, folFirst Lieutenant H. V. Fried.
annual harvest and fair ,of the Robin try out during the regular time will lowing the football game with WashSecond Lieutenants J. W. Dundon,
ington and Lee. The dance will be
son Experiment Station at Quicksand be given a special tryout.
M. M. Benton.
last week, when President McVey and
The Girls' Band held their initial held in the men's gymnasium from
First Sergeant R. C. Harris.
9 to il:45 o'clock.
o'Dean Cooper, accompanied by a numPlatoon Sergeants r R. M. Fox, ber of others, visited the experiment meeting, Tuesday afternoon at 4 enFred Conn, chairman of the dance
clock. Out of the 40 members
W. P. Burks, E. F. Stigall.
rolled, Miss Jennie Williams, of Ar- committee, said tha't the proceeds
Sergeants R. N. White, J. H. Grif- station.
The main farm, composed of 15,000 kansas, was elected president. Miss from the dance will be used to send
fith, H. Carrier, B. F. Sandefur, W. S.
acres of barren land, was donated to Williams is a sophomore in the Col- the band with the football team when
Warnock, R. O. Cropper.
L. B, the state by E. O. Robinson, of Fort lege of Arts and Sciences, and a they leave home
Corporals, Section guides
Alpha Delta1 Theta for the dance has not yet been promember
and it was
Ballard, J. D. Williamson, J. G. Mar- Thomas, university this tract of land sorority. of the
cured but the name of the orchestra
succeeded, through
tin, R. M. Alverson, R. Laufer, Jr., that.ihe
will be announced in a later issue.
scientific methods, in making one of.
G. Betts.
Subscription will be one dollar, and
tne most beautitm spots in tne Apon
it is expected that large number will
palachian valley. Through the coMajor W. D. Simpson.
attend as it is the first .university
operation of the officials of the unidance of the season. Plans are being
First Lieutenant A.H.Stephenson. versity, modern methods have taken
Company E
the place of crude farming once1 em
Rehersals were begun! this week made to make it the best hop ever
Captain W. L. Maschmeyer.
ployed there, and the exhibits from on "The Visiting Lady," the new given by the Suky circle.
Suky circle hopes to help finance
First Lieutenant S. M. Stagg.
the farm this year have ranked 'with Romany play, and it is thought that
Second Lieutenants J. L. Salmon, the best in Kentucky.
by the end of October, Romany audi three trips for the band this season.
President McVey and Dean Cooper ences may have the pleasure of en- Nashville, Charleston and Birming
(Continued on Page Eight)
were among the speakers and both joying Mr. Perkins' hilarious comedy. ham are the cities to be visited. It
emphasized the value of education The play will be portrayed by a local will' cost at least $2,800 to send the
and cooperation among the farmers cast and the patrons of the Romany band withhoped team and for this rea
Campus Club
there will be a record
since its establishment are looking son it is
New Officers
forward to the Romany productions attendance at the dance.
for this season with the same anticiMiss Muriel Hopkins Is New The Catholic Club of the university pation for presentations as formerly.
President of Wpnten's
has become affiliated with the Feder
The parts for "The Visiting Lady"
Receives New Books
ation of College Catholic Clubs as a have been carefully cast and most of
Newman Club. The first meeting of the players selected have had prevMiss Muriel Hopkins was elected the Newman Club will be held Sun ious experience in Romany produc- Number of Popular Works on
Variety of Subjects Rest
president of the Campus CJub, at day, October 9 after the 9 o'clock tions. The date on which seats may
on Shelves
the banquet and business" meeting, mass in thepalm room of the Phoenix be reserved will be anounced in a
later edition of The Kernel.
held by the members of the .club in hotel.
The University of Kentucky Librathe faculty dining room of the univerry has recently received a number of
sity cafeteria Tuesday evening.
new books relating to fiction, travel,
Miss Ethel Caswell was elected secliterature and biography.
retary of the club and Miss Minnie
Of the best, of fiction received is
Pherigo was made chairman of the
of"Love Is Enough," by Young; "Misprogram committee. The retiijng
M. Server, presitress Nell Gwyn," by,Bowen; "Galaficers are, Mrs. J.
had," by Erskine; "Wild Honey," by
dent, and Miss Maple Moores, secreNiven; "The Old Countess," by Sedgtary.
wick; "Twilight Sleep," by Wharton;
The Campus Club was organized
and "The Royal Road to Romance,"
several years ago by Mrs. Frank L.
by Halliburton.
McVey, in order to bring together the
(By Alfred P. Roberston
enough to own their own transpor..
The popular "We" by Charles Lindwomen of the university. The pur
space on the bergh is one of the latest biographies
The parkiig
pose of the club is to promote a bet
The parking situation, is getting, tation.
campus is necessarily limited and the at the library. Some of the others
ter social spirit and understanding acute. Please do not misunderstand number of cars is great. Not all can
among the women, and to bring them me. I mean the parking of cars on
are "Trader Horn," by Lewis; "The
Someone must be
into closer relationship with the uni the campus during the day, not on be accommodated.
Life and Times of Thomas Jefferson,"
left out. Take care that it is not by Watson; "Washington Irving's
the country roads at night. The latyou. The Kernel offers these suggest Diary," and "The Diary of James
ter does not concern us except individually.
Let the county patrol tions:
1. Get up at 4 o'clock in the mornworry about that. But the other is
There is also a group of art books
drive your car to school, pick out on the different phases of Spanish
a. campus problem. At least so the ing,
a good parking place, and walk back art in America in the collection of
deans tell us.
Being one of the great majority to breakfast. If you find the campus the Hispanic Society of America at
Approximately four hundred and
fifty students have not obtained their that walks, I am nob greatly worried. already crowded, try 3 o'clock the the library.
For those interested in antiques
"K" handbooks. Through the gener- To us the chief problem is to watch next morning.
2. Go somewhere on Rose street there are "Old Glass, Eurqpean and
osity of the Y. M. C. A., enough both ways at all the campus road
books were published for every stu crossings to prevent our individuality and send a fire alarm in to all sta- Modern," by Moore; "Furniture of
dent on the campus to have one. To from being separated from our anat- tions. The students will see the en- the Olden Time," by Morse, and
date only sixteen hundred have omy. At that it is sometimes a toss-u- gines, jump into their cars and go "Early American Pottery and China,"
whether one shall be hit by "Leap to the fire. You can pick out the by Spargo.
availed themselves of this opportun
The new books of travel include,
space you want.
ity. The four hundred and fifty who ing Lena" or "Jennie Chrysler."
3. Sprinkle tacks copiously on all "A Chinese Mirror," by Ayscough;
But as it is a civic, problem, so to
have not obtained books are urged to
call at the office of the Y. M. C. A. speak, we of The Kernel staff have streets leading to the school, leaving "Present Day Japan," by Tsurumi;
at once. The books are valuable to studied the problem and have formu a small lane for your own car. You "The Revolt of Asia," by Upton
Close, and "Ten Weeks With Chinese
anyone connected with the university, lated several suggestions for the as- will then be able to park in peace.
4. Leave your car at home,
Bandits," by Howard.
and particularly so, to new students. sistance of those who are fortunate

The R. O. T. C. regiment pf the
university will turn out in full force
and uniform at the game tomorrow in
loyal support to the team. The soldiers, 900 strong, will root for the
team until the last whistle is blown.
The unit marching down the field
in military formation, accompanied
by the sponsors and led by the band,
will take their places in the stands
that will be reserved for them.
One of the most outstanding feay
tures of the
was the fact that the entire R. O. T.
C. regiment remained in their cheering sections until the football team
had left the field. After the team
had departed, the unit sang the school
This feature will be carried
out at all the remaining home games
according to the student officers who
are backing the movement.
The names .of the mliitary students
who do not attend this formation will
be published in The Kernel.
No other students will be allowed
in the stands that are set aside for
the R. O. T. C.




Ken-tuckia- n

U. K.






W. & L. GRID

Robinson Experiment
of Modern Farming

Jar-ma- n,

Rehearsals Begin
Romany Play

f Year

University Library

Kernel Featurist Discusses





Campus Parking Situation and
Suggests Four Possible Remedies

K' Handbooks Are Still
Available to Students






Strong Opposition in Meth-

odists Who Have Won Two
Consecutive Games


No one will be considered who
has not made application.


Visitors Fear Wildcat Passing
Attack; Kentucky to Watch
Winchester Line Planges



(By Kenneth Gregory)
Coach Carnage and his Wildcat nro- teges, crippled and lame, will do bat-


State Interests;
"Petting," a Problem


Is at

University of Toronto


Series of





Leroy Smith Returns to Ranfe of
Kernel Writers and Promises to

Aid the Paperand Wastebaskd
've mentioned

(By Leroy Smith)

I could write a better story than
this is goin' to be only if I did, they'd
be expectin' me to write one just as
good, or maybe better, next week andj
so I m goin to leave, room for improvement plenty of room. Johnny
looked over the last yarn I wrote and
says he had read a sorrier one somewhere he couldn't 'remember just
where but it didn't make much difference I-- probably wrote it, anyway.
So he threw it in the waste basket,
and just before press" time last week,
he told me he lost it, so that's how
come I didn't blossom forth on the
front page last week. But I figure
that when he reads this one, hell
wish he'd run the other one and
henceforth and hereafter, IH have
him over a barrel because there never
was a yarn turned out that I couldn't
write worse than the original.
English department
"Amen" on this point. In fact, they



to make application for degrees at
the office of the registrar, during
the week beginning October 7.
lists are made
from these cards, therefore it is
important that applications be
made at this time.









given out by the registrar's office:
Seniors who expect to complete
their work at the end of the first
semester or in June, are requested

tle with the Panthers of Kentucky
Wesleyan tomorrow afternoon at 2:M
o'clock on Stoll field. The game with
the Methodists has a bearing on the
state title and the chamnion mav be
after this contestEight Men Will Be Taken into named Panthers have won- two
Organization Tonight to
and have not been scored on. KenTake Places of Those
tucky has tied one eame and lost one
Who Graduated
and a win tomorrow will just about
even things up as far as percentage
START YELLS AT 7 O'CLOCK is concerned.
The Blue and White will have a
Eight men students will be pledged new representation on the field when
to Suky circle, official pep organiza- tney tie up with the Panthers and it
tion of the university, at the pep may take fans and students a litte
meeting to be held in the men's gym while to figure out Gamage's battle
tonight at 7 o'clock . Cheers and
In the backfield there remain only
songs will be practiced at the meeting and Suky circle has asked every two of the "midget backfield," these
student to bo on Viand at 7 o'clock in question being Al Portwood and
Elmer Gilb. The other men in tomorwhen the opening cheer is given
row's backfield will more than likely
Membership in the Suky circle is be Covington
and Dees. Dees will
limited to thirty members, of whom play
twenty are men and ten girls. There tackle. offensive half and defensive
Ray Ellis will shift to the
Council Is Introduced at First are no vacancies among girls this
backfield on
to end
Meeting of Year Held Tuesyear so no girls will be taken in offense. Gilbdefense andsignals on
.will call
day, October 4, in Women's
until next year. Suky circle pledges Portwood and Covington will do and
each year and members remain active ground gaining.
in the organization until they grad- Gayle Mohney
will be missing from
TO DISTRIBUTE YEAR BOOK uate, vacancies caused by graduation the line, as will Phipps.
being filled early each fall.
Wert will play offensive guard and
Suky circle elects new members on defensive halfback., There is so much
luaigarci onus was viecieu vice
president, Daisy Weems secretary. a basis of service to the university. shifting when the ball changes direcand Ann Pensock, assistant treasurer The purpose of the organization is tion that a good staff is needed to
of the Woman's Athletic Association, to sponsor athletics at the institu take them down. Try and pick there
at a meeting held Tuesday afternoon tion. Accordingly it .holds pep meet out in the game. ;
in the women's gymnasium.
ings, selects cheer ledaers, raises
Delving into the dope bucket we
The council was introduced and money to send the university band on find that Wesleyan has a very strong
trips with the football team, and in line and it will take some
each member gave a brief summary
hard plungof th2 sport- - she sponsored. They other ways supports the teams. The ing for the Wildcat backs to get
stated the purpose, andaim of the! eight men who will be pledged to- - through. The Panthers are also good
w. a. a., and encouraged tne new fnight were3 selected, after careful con on the offense and have an exceedinggirls to come out for athletics. It sideration of their past work and ly good punter. Reports have it that
was also announced that the W. A. A. interest.
the Methodists' fear the. Wildcats
year book would soon be distributed.
Expect Large Crowd
passing attack and this phase of the
The following schedule of sports for
It is expected that practically every game may determine the outcome.
girls was posted:
student of the university will attend Who will punt for Kentucky tomor- Hockey October
practice 4 the pep meeting in the gym tonight.
(Contimied ok Page Eight)
o'clock daily Women's Athletic field. Last week there was a large crowd on
Soccer November
1, hand for the rally, and in view of the
practice 4 o'clbck daily W. A. Fj
excellent showing put up by the Blue Co-E- ds
practice 3 and White team against Indiana SatOctober
urday it is 'thought that the student
to 4. daily women's' gymnasium.
body will give the team the same
October 17 to end of semesRifle
ter rifle range in basement of wo- enthusiastic support this week that My Attitude Toward Beys Is
men's gymnasium.
it did at the pep meeting last Friday
One Subject Girls Will
Basketball December 12 to end of night and at the game Saturday.
semester, 4 o'clock daily women's
Various interests, as expressed by
the new girls on the campus, lead the
Will Show
Y. W. C. A. to promote seven interDoctor McVey
ested groups at a meeting held last
Wednesday night at Patterson Hall.
Two weeks ago, the freshmen girls
The College of Engineering will
Pres. Frank L. McVey left Monday show a series of industrial moving stated their interests and these have
morning to motor to Toronto, Canabeen classified under seven heads. All
pictures on Thursday evening of each
da, where he will attend the centennial week
at 7 o'clock in Mechanical Hall. of the groups fall under the dominate
celebration of the University of Tor- Everyone is invited to attend these questions of "What Is Life?" The
onto October 6, 7 and 8, as the repto which is free. first group, "The art of being physiresentative of the University of Ken- pictures, admission
Thursday night the picture shown cally fit," includes athetics; the sectucky.
Mrs. McVey accompanied
ond, "What is my attitude toward
Doctor McVey on the trip. They plan was the "Ohio Falls Development" boys?" including petting, dancing,
which depicted the building; of a dam
to return home about October 12.
Louisville, Ky., and love; the third, "Am I a Personpower plant
Doctor McVey spent part of his and using the falls at the Ohio river ality?" includes overcoming timidity,
summer vacation in Canada this year, as a source of power.
acquiring charm, and living an abunwhen as a representative of the Nadant life; the fourth, "Can I Have a
On October 13, "The Carbureter" Real Friendship?"
Universitional Association of State
includes getting
Conference of will be shown. This picture will be acquainted and knowing people; the
ties, he attended the
Canadian Universities, held at the furnished by the Ford Company. It fifth, "Can I Find Beauty in Life?"
will explain the functions of the carUniversity of Saskatchewan.
includes dramatic art,
bureter and the process of manufac- and poetry; the sixth, music, College
What?" includes vocations, teachFormerly the motion pictures given ing, and homes; and seventh, "How
Society will meet by the College of Engineering were Can I Serve the University.?" includes
in Room 203 of the Science building, on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock studies, religion, usefulness and cothis, afternoon at 4 o'clock. A good but the date is now permanently operation.
speaker has been procured and all changed, to Thursday evening at 7
The groups will meet as often Nand
are expected to be present. o'clock.
as long as their members desire.
Many interesting discussions of these
various problems will grow out of
the groups. They are open to all new
girls, and anyone wishing to join a
group may see Miss Margaret Lewis,
Room 179, Patterson Hall, and sign
up for it. A schedule of the time and
meeting places of the groups will be
posted as soon as possible.


Ask All Seniors to
Apply for Degrees
The following notice has been



it at

odd times, without

Secretary Elected by A.
& S. Faculty Members

bein' asked. They was goin' to. circulate a petition over there to preThe faculty of the College of Arts
vent anybody who butchered the
King's English so completely as I and Sciences held its first meeting of
did from breakin' into print because the year Monday afternoon.
the freshmen was still small and sus- G. C. Jones was elected secretary of
ceptible to bad habits and they didn't the faculty for the coming session to
want them quotin' me but I figured fill the vacancy made by the resigna- -.
tion of Prof. L. L. Dantzler, head of
that there ought to be come
publication to offset the literary alti- the English department, who served
tude of Dave Alexander's seventeen-syllabl- e two terms.
The meeting was devoted chiefly to
astonishers in the literary
introducing to the body the new prosection.
We don't want the freshmen pack-i- fessors and instructors in the College
thirty-poun- d
volumes of Webster, of Arts and Sciences and to a considaround in their paws so they can go eration of the new courses offered
after The Kernel at noon and then this session in the departments of
spend the afternoon tryin' to figure chemistry, English, political science,
out what Dave's talkin' about. Dave journalism and extension courses in
says he don't know half the time, but anthropology and archaeology given
he won t quit and I won t either. by Doctor Funkhouser, head of the
Don't worry about it, though. Well Graduate School, and Professor Webb,
probably both get fired before long. head of the physics department. This
was the first monthly meeting of the
(Continued on Page Eight)
low-bro- w





* 11















Subscribe for

Edited by

Published By And For University Alumni

And Help the Association


Secy.-Trea- s.

burning the

Alumni Assn.

midnight oil





James Park,


Cornelius Anderson, graduated from
the university in 1924 with the degree
of A. B., was instantly killed July 13,
when an airplane in which he was an
observer crashed on Langley Field,
Va. Lieut. Frank B. McConnell, of
Nashville, Tennessee, who was pilot
of the plane also was instantly killed.
Anderson, who was a second lieutenant in the U. S. air service with
his pilot was participating in machine
gun and bombing matches at the flying field, He was a member of the
105th Observation Squadron, 30th
Division Air Corps, Tennessee National Guard.
Lieutenant Anderson entered the
University of Kentucky in September,
1920, and was graduated with honors
in 1924 with a degree of bachelor of
arts. He majored in chemistry and
course. During
took, the
one semester he made all A's.
For four years while, at the univer-- .
sity Lieutenant Anderson was a member of the University of Kentucky
football squad and several campus
organizations. He was at one time
a student member of the athletic

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Wm. H. Townsend, 12

Walter Hillenmeyer, '11
Wayland Rhodes, '15
W. C. Wilson, '13

Those who have been consistent followers of the University
of Kentucky football team for the past few years have looked on
this year's team with a mixture of feeling, not untinged with
doubt. The two opening performances, played on the home
field, have caused a great deal of comment pro and con from
the supporters. However to our poor way of looking at the
showing made there is nothing but praise to be said. The team
this ear, hampered by a scarcity of good backfield material,
alng with a squad that is by far too. light for conference football, has to our minds displayed the makings of the best working,
hardest fighting and most loyal squad of football players ever
to wear the blue and white of Kentucky. Beginning this year
the whole squad underwent a period of the most inftnse training
ever given to a Kentucky team. There also came an entirely
Now they face the toughest scheddifferentTsystcm of coaching.
ule for several years. How many games will be won this season
is a matter that we cannot predict. But there is one thing that
we cafa say for sure no matter what the score or what the odds,
the wearers, of the blue and white will be in the game from
the kickoff until the final gun, fighting and trying to the utmost
of their ability to bring honor to their school. They are hard
and well trained and from this point in the season give promise
;of turning into a team that will make itself felt in the race for
There is not a quitter in the
Southern Conference honors.
bunch and they stop, giving every every ounce of strength that
The team will
they have, only when the final whistle blows.
meet Tennessee here Thanksgiving day. The game has been


After being graduated from the
university he entered the" Vanderbilt
University medical school where he
stayed two years. He was a member
of the Beta Theta Pi social fraternity
there and was an excellent student.
Upon leaving Vanderbilt he enrolled as a flying cadet in the army
air service and for a year was stationed at Brooks Field in Texas. He
as second
received his commission
lieutenant on March 16 of this year.
On June 5 Lieutenant Anderson
came through Lexington en route to
Langley Field at Hampton, Va. His
brother, W. A. .Anderson, Jr., of 152
North Mill street, a member of the
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment
Station, saw him at that time for a
few minutes. It was the first time
the brothers had met for two years.
Lieutenant 'Anderson waif born at
Wickliffe, Ballard county, Ky.
?e f Vio crm nf Mr
nnrl Mrs. W A
Anderson, Sr., who are now living at
LaCenter, Ballard county. He was
a graduate of Wickliffe High school.
Besides hisparents and his brother,
W. A. Anderson, Jr., Lieutenant Anderson is survived by two brothers,
Robert T. Anderson, a student at the
University of.Kentuky and Wendell
Holmes Anderson, of LaCenter