xt77m03xtp88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77m03xtp88/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1970 journals kaes_bulletins_209 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.209. text Bulletin n.209. 1970 2014 true xt77m03xtp88 section xt77m03xtp88 » K; E
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Regulatory Bulletin 209
University of Kentucky
College of Agriculture
Agricultural Experiment Station
Regulatory Services
Lexington .
Bruce Poundstone, Director
Dr. Paul R. Caudill, Assistant Director
Glynn E. Williamson, Feed Registrar
Neville Hulette, Auditor
_ Wilson M. Routt Ellis Hugh Ray
‘ Joe B. Brown Claude E. Hensley William K. Robertson
Elmer Cottongim Wallace L. King Eugene G. Vanderpool
Ben W. Cox Samuel D. Whitehead
Valva C. Midkiff, Chief Chemist
and Coordinator Chemical Laboratories
l John T. Adair Oscar McNew
Barbara Anderson* Carolyn Sue Herald Ellen Perry
Elizabeth Brown Norma Holbrook Robert N. Price
Judy Dombroski J. A. Shrader
Introduction & Fced Monitoring Program .......................... A
Estimated Tonnage of Feed Sold in 1970 ........................... 5
Companies with Feed Registered in 1970 ...... . .................... 6
Average Composition of more Common Feedstuffs .................... 15
Miscellaneous Samples Analyzed l9b7-70 ....... . ............... ....17
Urea in Feeds ...................... . ................ . ..........., 18
Changes in Product Names ......................................... 19
The Medicated Feed Label ....................... . ................. ZO
MTable l - Report of Official Samples Analyzed 1970 ..... . ......... 22
Table 2 — Samples Classified as "Not Passed" ..................... 28
This bulletin compiled and prepared by Bruce Poundstonc and Glynn E. Williamson
Analytical data by Laboratory Staff
* Resigned October 1970
This bulletin contains the results of inspection and analysis of commercial
feeds sold in Kentucky during the calendar year of 1970, and other information
helpful to those interested in this field.
During 1970, 2,803 official samples of feed were secured by inspectors.
2,555 or 91% of these passed inspection and analysis satisfactorily. During 1969,
3,0&3 official samples were secured and 90.5% of these were passed.
The total estimated tonnage of commercial feeds distributed in Kentucky for 1970 —
was 715,026 tons. In 1969, the tonnage was 651,787 tons.
The feed control section of the Division of Regulatory Services handles all
matters concerning feed inspection, registration, analysis, and compliance.
All feeds sold in Kentucky must be registered with the Feed Control Section.
Registration forms are available upon request. There is no charge for registration.
Once registered, it continues in effect until re-registration is called for. Most I
companies keep all registrations current by cancelling feeds no longer manufactured
and by adding new feeds. Inspectors are constantly in the field checking with
dealers to assist them with their records and feed manufacturing practices. Inspec-
tors examine labeling and sample feed. Samples are analyzed in the chemical
laboratory. Samples that do not come up to the guaranteed analysis are listed in
an annual feed bulletin published by the Section. Those companies having seriously
deficient feed samples are advised by telephone or letter regarding the deficiency
and on occasions when the situation is serious, stop sale notices may be issued
until the deflclency can be corrected. Feed inspection and analysis is becoming morea
and more complicated. The Feed Control Program protects the feeder by requiring
proper labeling, adequate purpose statements, precautions and warnings where
necessary and checklng contents of feeds with the guarantees. Manufacturers and
dealers are thus enabled to do business on an orderly and equitable basis. `
During the year inspectors brought in 103 samples of feeds that were not i
registered. Feed manufacturers have been most cooperative in registering such
feeds. 49 stop sales were issued during the year on feeds. 16 of these were
for record only as the feeds that were sampled had been sold before the results
of analysis were available.
Mixed Feed Tons
Beef 34,268
Broiler 26,667
Calf 7,529
Dairy 175,804
· Dog & Cat Foods 32,198
Horse & Mule Feed 24,396
Layer-Breeder 71,862
Mineral 9,426
~· Scratch Feed 5,279
Sheep 712
Starter-Grower 16,819 .
Swine 168,350
Turkey 2,081
Miscellaneous Mixed Feeds 15,581
Straight Materials
Alfalfa Products 3,520
Animal Products 4,261
Barley Products 101
Beet Products 127
Brewery Products 915
Citrus Products 12
Corn Products 25,052
Cottonseed Products 6,334
Distillers Products 8,123
Drugs 10
Fats & Oils 10
Linseed 6 Flax 276
Marine Products 94
Milk Products 104
Molasses 16,378
Oat Products 2,791
Peanut Products 25
Rice Products 124
Soybean Products 29,336
Urea 794
Vitamins 407
Wheat Products 17,131
Miscellaneous Products 7,129
* GRAND TOTAL 1}4,026
Acme—Evans C0·, 1¤C·. 1¤di¤“3P°lis» I“C· Arkansas Rice Growers Coop., Stuttgart,
56222 Ark. 72160
Adams Packing Assn., Inc., Auburndale, Armour Creameries, Springfield, Ky. 50069
Fla. 33823 _ Armour-Dial, Inc., Chicago, Ill. 60606
Ade Farm Chemical Co., Inc., Tiskilwa, Armour & go_, Chicago, I11_ 60609
Ill. 61368 Ashland Milling Co., Ashland, Ky. 51101
Agricultural Supply Co., Inc., Owensboro, Astor Products, Inc., Jacksonville, Fla.
Ky. 52301 32202
Ag Services, Inc., Bowling Green, Ky. 52101 The Attala Co., Kosciusko, Miss. 39090
Agway, Inc., Country Best Feeds, Syracuse, Aubrey Feed Mills, Inc., Louisville, Ky.
N.Y. 13201 50205
Albany Mills, Albany, Ky. 52602 Auburn Mills, Inc., Auburn, Ky. 52206
Albers Milling Co., Los Angeles, Ca. 90036 Aylor & Meyer Co., Aurora, Ind. 57001
Allegre Milling Co., Allegre, Ky. 52203 Bagdad Roller Mills, Bagdad, Ky. 50003
Allen Canning Co., Siloam Springs, Ar. Balfour, Maclaine, Inc., New York, N.Y.
72761 10005
Allen County Seed Service, Scottsville, Baltz Bros. Packing Co., Nashville, Tenn.
Ky. 52165 37210
Allen Products Co., Inc., Allentown, Pa. Barton Brands, Inc., Bardstown, Ky. 50005
18105 Baughman Milling Co., Stanford, Ky. 50585
Allen Products Co., Inc., Crete, Nb. 68333 Bay State Milling Co., Leavenworth, Ks.
Allied Chemical Corp., Hopewell, Va. 23860 66058
Allied Chemical Corp., Omaha, Nb. 68125 Bay State Milling Co., Winona, Mn. 55987
Allied Chemical Corp. Ag. Div., Morristown, James B. Beam Distilling Co., Clearmont,
N.J. 07960 Ky. 50110
Allied Foods Inc., Atlanta, Ga. 30318 Best Feeds B Farm Supplies, Oakdale, Pa.
Allied Mills, Inc., Libertyville, Ill. 15071
60058 Bi-County Farm Bureau Co-op., Florence,
Allison Mills, Inc., Little Rock, Ark.72205 Ky. 51052
Alver Brothers Co., Milford, Ill. 60053 Big Four Feed 6 Implement Co., Scottsville,
American Crystal Sugar Co., Denver, Co. Ky. 52165
80202 Big Star Products C0., Atlanta, Ga. 30302
American Cyanamid Co., Princeton, N.J. Birmingham Milling Co., Benton, Ky. 52025
08550 Bisset Farm Supply, Harrodsburg, Ky. 50330
American Kennel Foods, Russellville, Ky. Blenda Life, Inc., Green Isle, Mn. 55338
52276 Blue Barn Dog Food Co., New Albany, Ind.
American Pet Food Co., Birmingham, Ala. 57150
35223 Blue River Feed Mills, Inc., Edinburg, Ind.
American Rice Growers Coop. Assn., Lake 56125
Charles, La. 70601 Bobb Brothers, Leesburg, 0. 55135
Amerivan Salt Corp., Des Plaines, lll. Boone Co. Farm Supply, Walton, Ky. 51095
60018 Boones Feed Store, Stanford, Ky. 50585
American Salt Corp., Kansas City, Mo. Boone Valley Coop. Proc. Assn., Eagle
65111 Grove, Ia. 50533
Amory Cotton Oil Co., Inc., Amory, Miss. Borden Chemical Co., Norfolk, Va. 23501
l88i1 Boswell Company, Atlanta, Ga. 30305
Anderson Farm Service, Lawrenceburg, Ky. Bow Wow Co., Inc., Rolla, Mo. 65501
JOAAZ Bremco Mills, New Bremen, 0. 55869 a
Anderson 6 Spilman, Danville, Ky. 50522 Brode Corp., Memphis, Tenn. 38101
Anglo Sweet Feed Mill, inc., Owensboro, Browder Milling Co., Inc., Fulton, Ky.
Ky. $2301 52051
\nheusur—Busch, Inc., St. Louis, Mo. 63118 Brown—Forman Distillers Corp., Louisville,
Animal Nutrition, Inc., Belleville, lll. KY• *0201
61223 Brown Molasses Co., Inc., Bremen, Ind.
Anvil Mineral Prod. Corp., Bay Springs, 56506
Miss. 19JZ; Bryant & Crume Milling Co., Caneyville,
Apex Feed S Supply, lnc., Marietta, 0. KY- 52721
3}7$0 Buckeye Cellulose Corp., Cincinnati, O. 4
Arthur Uiniels Midland Co., Minneapolis, 55201
Mn. 55Qao Buckeye Cellulose Corp., Memphis, Tenn.
Arkansas Grain Corp., Stuttgart, Ark.7Z160 38108
Buckeye Cellulose Corp., Corinth, Miss. Grafton-Duncan, Inc., Henderson, Ky. 42420
38834 Crescent Roller Mills, Inc., Taylorsville,
Buhler Mills, Inc., Buhler, Ks. 67522 Ky. 40071
Burrows Feed Mill, Pendleton, Ky. 40055 Crestwood Farmers Supply Center, Crestwood,
Bush Brothers & Co., Clinton, Tenn. 37716 Ky. 40014
A. C. Butts & Sons, Fulton, Ky. 42041 Cudahy Co., Harrodsburg, Ky. 60330
CPC International Inc., Englewood Cliffs, Cumberland Milling Co., Clarksville, Tenn.
N.J. 07632 37040
Cadiz Milling Company, Cadiz, Ky. 42211 Custom Feed Mills, Morganfield, Ky. 42437
Calhoun Feed Service, Madisonville, Ky. Dairymen, Inc., Louisville, Ky. 40202
, 42431 Darling & Co., Chicago, Ill. 60609
Campbellsville Milling Co., Campbellsville, Darling & Co., Cincinnati, 0. 45215
Ky. 42718 Darling 6 Co., Reading, 0. 45215
Caneyville Roller Mill Co., Caneyville, Wm. Davies Co., Inc., Danville, Ill. 61834
Ky. 42721 Davis Feed 8 Farm Supply, Greensburg, Ky.
Cardinal Food Products, Inc., St. Louis, 42743
Mo. 63103 Dawes Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, Ill.
Carey Salt Company, Hutchinson, Ks. 67501 60632
Cargill, Inc., Cincinnati, 0. 45204 Dearborn Mills, Aurora, Ind. 47001
Cargill, Inc., Minneapolis, Mn. 55402 Delta Oil Mill, Inc., Jonestown, Miss.
Cargill Nutrena Feed Div., Minneapolis, 38639
' Mn. 55402 Delta Rice, Inc., Hollandale, Miss. 38748
Carnation Co., Los Angeles, Ca. 90036 Diamond Crystal Salt Co., St. Clair, Mi.
Carroll Co. Farm Bureau Coop., 48079
. Carrollton, Ky. 41008 Diamond Laboratories, Des Moines, Ia.
Catz American Co., Inc., New York, N.Y. 50303
10016 Diamond V. Mills, Inc., Cedar Rapids, la.
Central Soya Co., Inc., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 52AQY
46802 Diamond Shamrock Chemical Co., Newark,
Central Soya of Clinton, Inc., Clinton, N.J. 07101
Ky. 42031 Dicken Mill, Mentor, Ky. 41060
Central Soya of Ky., Louisville, Ky. 40204 Dixie Mills, Co., E. St. Louis, Ill. 62202
Champion Valley Farms, Inc., Camden, N.J. Dixie Portland Flour Mills, Arkansas City,
08101 Ks. 67005
Chef Pet Foods, Inc., Delavan, Wis. 53115 Dixie Portland Flour Mills, Chattanooga,
City Roller Mills, Vevay, Ind. 47043 Tenn. 37401
Clarkson Feed Store, Clarkson, Ky. 42726 Dixie Portland Flour Mills, Memphis, Tenn.
Cleveland Milling Co., Cleveland, Tenn. 38101
37311 Doane Products Co., Joplin, Mo. 64801
Climax Mills, Shelbyville, Ky. 40065 Docktors Laboratories, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Clinton Corn Processing Co., Clinton, Ia. 19154
62233 The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mi. 48640
H.C. Cole Milling Co., Chester, Ill. 62233 Duncan—McFarland Farm Service, Lawrence-
Colonial Stores, Inc., Atlanta, Ga. 30302 burg, Ky. 40342
Columbian Hog & Cattle Powder, Kansas City, Dunnington Milling Co., Monticello, Ky.
‘ Mo. 64129 42633 *
Comet Rice Mills, Houston, Texas 77001 Edges Feed Store, Fordville, Ky. 42345
Commercial Solvents Corp., Terre Haute, E. I. Dupont DeNemours 5 Co., Wilmington,
Ind. 47808 De. 1989B
Community Milling Co., Irvington, Ky. 40146 Emge Packing Co., Inc., Ft. Branch, Ind.
Community Feed Mill, Belton, Ky. 42324 47533
Consolidated Mills, Inc., Blissfield, Mi. F. L. Emmert Co., Inc., CincinnaLi» O·
49228 45214
Cooperative Mills, Inc., Cincinnati, O. John W. Eshelman A Sons, Lancaster, Pa.
45215 17604
Cosby-Hodges Milling Co., Birmingham, Ala. Evans Milling Co., Indianapolis, Ind. 46206
g 35201 John Ewing Co., LaSalle, Co. 80645
Craft Feed 6 Grain, Catlettsburg, Ky. Falstaff Brewing Corp., St. Louis, Mo.
41129 63110
Famous Feed Mills, Nashville, Tenn. 37201 Fuhrer-Ford Mill Co., Inc., Mt. Vernon,
Farm Bureau Milling C0., Hammond, Ind. Ind. 47620
46320 Gallatin Co. Farm Supply, Warsaw, Ky.
Farm Service Center, Inc., Beaver Dam, Ky. 41095
42320 Gallia Roller Mills, Gallipolis, 0. 45613
Farm Services. Inc-. Glesgew. 1<. M-
Overland Park, Ks. 62202 85002
National Biscuit Co., New York, N.Y. 10022 Pearl Packing Co., Inc., Madison, Ind.
National Biscuit Co., Toledo, O. 43603 47250
National Distillers Products, Cincinnati, Peavy Co. Flour Mills, Minneapolis, Mn.
Ohio 45246 55415
National Molasses Co., Cincinnati, 0. 45201 Pedrick Laboratories, Sand Springs, Okl.
National Molasses Co., Willow Grove, Pa. 74063
19090 Pendleton County Mills, Falmouth, Ky.
National Oats Co., E. St. Louis, Ill. 62205 41040
National Oats Co., Cedar Rapids, Ia. 52402 Penick 6 Ford Limited, Inc., Cedar Rapids,
National Packing Co., Greenville, Miss. Ia. 52406
38701 Stanley Penn 6 Sons, Lexington, Ky.
National Starch & Chemical Corp., Indianapo- 40508
lis, Ind. 46221 Perk Foods Co., Div. Vets, Chicago, I11.
Neumond, Inc., St. Louis, Mo. 63110 60610
The New Century Co., Chicago, Ill. Peter Hand Foundation, Waukegan, Ill.
' 60609 60085
Chas. Pfizer G Co., Inc., New York, N.Y. W. M. Rudy 8 Son, Bandana, Ky. 42022
10017 Russell Springs Milling Co., Russell
Philips Roxane Div., Kansas City, Ks. Springs, Ky. 42642
66106 Sandusky Mill, Harrodsburg, Ky. 40330
Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okl. Charles H. Schenck & Sons, Vincennes, Ind.
74004 47591
Pierce 6 Williams, Hopkinsville, Ky. 42240 Schenley Distillers, Inc., Frankfort, Ky.
Pillsbury Co., Minneapolis, Mn. 55403 40601
Pioneer Farm Service, Owensboro, Ky. 42301 Schenley Distillers, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Red Wing, Mn. 10019
55066 John Schlemmer, Harrison, O. 45030
Plains Coop. Oil Mill, Lubbock, Tx. 79408 Jos. Schiltz Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
Planters Manufacturing Co., Clarksdale, 53201
Ms. 38614 J. F. Schneider & Son, Middlesboro, Ky.
Planters Oil Mill, Tunica, MB. 38676 40965
Price-Wllhoite Co., Frederick, Md. 21701 Scioto Farm Bureau Co-op. Assn., Lucasville,
Princeton Mills, Princeton, Ky. 42445 O. 45648
Producers Farm Center, Clinton, Ky. 42031 Scott County Milling Co., Sikeston, Mo.
Provlco Feeds 6 Concentrates, Botkins, O. 63801
45306 Sea-Born Corp. Div., Winter Haven, Fla. ·
Proviml, Inc., Saddle Brook, N.J. 07662 33880
Pup Corn Brands, Inc., New Britain, Ct. Seaboard Allied Milling Corp., Kansas City,
06053 Mo. 64108
Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, Ill. 60654 Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., New York,
Quaker Oats Co., Castleton, Ind. 47025 N.Y. 10022
Quincy Soybean Co., Quincy, Ill. 62301 Security Mills, Inc., Knoxville, Tenn.
Quinn Menhaden Fisheries, of La., 37901
Empire, La. 70050 Shafer Formula Co., Inc., Cleghorn, Ia.
Ragland Mills, Inc., Neosho, Mo. 64850 51014
Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, Mo. 63199 Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland, 0. 44101
Raymondville Cotton Oil Co., Raymondville, J. R. Short Milling Co., Mt. Vernon, Ind.
Tx. 78580 47620
Red Star Yeast 6 Products Co., Milwaukee, Siemer Milling Co., Teutopolis, Ill.
Wis. 53202 62467
Reelfoot Alfalfa Mill, Tiptonville, Tenn. Sikeston Cotton Oil Mill, Sikeston, Mo.
38079 63801
Reelfoot Packing Co., Union City, Tenn. Simpson Milling Co., Waynesburg, Ky. 40489 .
38261 Smith Sweet Feed Mill Inc., Bowling Green,
Reliance Chemicals Corp., Houston, Tx. 77024 Ky. 42101
Rhodes Sweet Feed Mill, Mayfield, Ky. 42066 Smithfield Milling Co., Smithfield, Ky.
Rico Liquids, Inc., Alicevillc, Ala. 35442 40068
Ringgold Milling Co., Clarksville, Tenn. Snyder Molasses Co., Chicago, Ill. 60626
3704i Southern Canning Div.SMS Inc., Highlands,
Rival Pet Foods, Chicago, Ill. 60632 Tx. 77562
Riverside Industries, Marks, Miss. 38646 Southern Cotton Oil Co., Decatur, Ala.
Rlviana Foods, Inc., Abbyvillc, 1.a. 70510 35601
Robbins Bros., Auburn. Ky. 42206 Southern Cotton Oil Co., Huntsville, Ala.
The Robertson Corp., Seymour, Ind. 47274 35804
Allen Robertson & Co., Louisville, Ry. Southern Cotton Oil Co., Montgomery, Ala.
40202 36101
Robinson Grain Co., Hickman, Ky. 42050 Southern Cotton Oil Co., New Orleans, La.
Robinson Milling Co., Somerset, Ky. 42501 70124
Oroche Chemical Division, Nutley, N.J. Southern Cotton Oil Co., Memphis, Tenn.
07110 38104
Rogers Feed Store, Corinth, Ky. 41010 Southern Cotton Oil Co., Greenville, Miss.
Rome Oil Mill Div., Rome, Ga. 30162 38701
G. P. Rose & Co., Inc., Nashville, Tenn. Southern Cotton Oil Co., Harlingen, Tx.
37211 78550
Southern Proteins, Inc-. M¤rge¤ City. Le. summer Shade Roller mus, summer Shade,
70380 Ky. 42166
$¤· States Bardstown Coop., B8fdSf0W¤. KY· Sunshine Feed Mills, Inc., Red Bay, Ala.
40004 35582
So. States Glasgow Coop., Glasgow, Ky. Sunshine Molasses Co., Somerset, Ky.
42141 42501
So. States Hardin Coop., Elizabethtown, Super—Mol Div. Natl. Molasses Co., Tampa,
Ky. 42701 Fla. 33619
S0. States Hopkinsville Coop., Hopkinsville, Supersweet Feeds Div. International, _
I Ky. 42240 Kansas City, Mo. 64116
S¤· States LaGrange C¤¤p-. Lefitanee. Ky- Supreme Mills, Glasgow, Ky. 42141
40031 D. B. Sutherland & Sons, Bloomfield, Ky. .
So. States Lebanon Coop., Lebanon, Ky. 40008
40033 Swift Grocery Products, Chicago, Ill.
So. States Leitchfield Coop., Leithcfield, 60604
Ky. 42754 Swift 6 Co., Animal Protein Plant,
So. States London Coop., London, Ky. 40741 EvanSVi1le,_]“d_ A7710
So. States Owenton Coop., Owenton, Ky- T L H Feed Service, Lebanon, Ky. 40033
40359 Taylor County Feed Co., Campbellsville,
So. States Richmond Coop., Richmond, Ky. Ky. 42718
40475 Teater & Cassity, Nicholasville, Ky.
So. States Somerset Coop., Somerset, Ky. 40356
42501 Tennessee Farmers Cooperative, LaVergne,
So. States Coop., Baltimore, Md. 21203 Tenn. 37086
So. States Coop., Richmond, Va. 23213 Tennessee Valley Cotton Oil Mill, Decatur,
Southern Rendering Co., Shelbyville, Tenn. Ala. 35601
37160 Thompson & Nash, Inc., Shelbyville, Ky.
Sowell Bros. Feed Mill, Cerulean, Ky. 42215 40065
Woodford Spears & Sons, Paris, Ky. 40361 Thorobred Co., Inc., Waynesville, O. 45068
Spears-Kiser Co., Inc., Paris, Ky. 40361 Thrifty Supplements, Rockford, 0, 45882
Specialty Feeds Inc., Horn Lake, Ms. 38637 Thurmonds Coal 6 Feed Co., Murray, Ky.
Spencer Farm Services, Taylorsville, Ky. 42071
40071 Topeka Molasses C0., Ligonier, Ind. 46767
Spencer Kellogg, Buffalo, N.Y. 14240 Mr. Toymaker Enterprises, Atlanta, Ga.
Sphar & Co., Mt. Carmel, Ill. 62863 30318
Square Deal Fortification Co., Kouts, Ind. Tree City Specialists, Greensburg, Ind.
46347 47240
A. E. Staley Manufacturing, Decatur, Ill. Trenton Oil Mill Co., Trenton, Tenn. 38385
62525 Tri-Associates, Inc., Minneapolis, Mn.
Standard Brands, Inc., New York, N.Y. 10022 55403
Standard Brands, Inc., Chicago, Ill. 60613 Tri-County Farm Supply, Corbin, Ky. 40701
Standard Products, Inc., Kilmarnock, Va. Triple "F" Feeds, Des Moines, Ia. 50322
22482 Tupelo Oil Mill, Inc., Tupelo, Miss. 38801
Stanford Creamery, Stanford, Ky. 40484 Ultra-Life Laboratories, E. St. Louis, ll].
Star-Kist Foods, Inc., Terminal Island, 62201
Cal. 90730 Union County Grain Co., Sturgis, Ky. 42459
Stauffer Chemical Co., New York, N.Y. Union Div. Miles Laboratories, Inc.,
10017 Granite City, Ill. 62040
Stewarts Fee