xt77m03xwc0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77m03xwc0n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-04-70 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 70, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 70, 1973 1973 1973-04-70 2020 true xt77m03xwc0n section xt77m03xwc0n Kentucky



LXIV No. 125

Tuesday, April l0, I973


tqht pages

Singletary announces probe
into charges by UK coed

Ih Hlll St“ \I It
ket net Stall \\ rtter
tl\ t'tesah tt' ‘l'v \ \zttutr'tatw took the
tl.t'irtt stt ps \tondax tt': an ll‘t\|‘Stt)l.ttlttll ol
\lat \
t'trtttlt's 'tlat stlt' ttr'ltlllt'tt‘rt trrttlst' \Utl’h

\l..tltt\ t~\ l“ttL'.l|slt

'ot \\‘tdtat rtuarlettrar k .latttes

\ll hat


lat\ ttt a \Hl'lt‘tl slatetttettt satd
rlr-att ttt statetttertt

llt‘ lltll

't:at there \U‘l't' two areas ot

'tatr :s tlltlt'ttll\ tto


. tottter'ttnt; the that'ues
.t'. llr;\\l'\l'l
'ttrtadtah attaersttx illlttl‘llt

‘.ll|l \tllt.\lltl\ at a

‘. lr'ta' "tt



.‘ the ad
trantsttalton ol the tutor tat tittrtltattl Ill ttte

\'ltlr "t-

.rtlegatron ol tntpropet

\ssan I‘llttttt

llll\l‘l\ll\ s
the l.ltls

Stature 'hat tt ts ttte

t\t .tttetttre

trrsturnstltlltt'. tn tltstu'u'l
orator” as standards


puttttwl t’testdent tor

\itatt~ l.t'\\ls ('mhran to pt'oeeed
dttlttt‘tlldtt‘l'» 'o estahltsh the lat ts as the\
51» tltt

and to tl'rtltl tlt approprrate at trort urtder

It la't alleged .ll'.ltll'ttltt \rolattott
t\t\llllL‘ t t~.:'.. rstt\ proeedures
t m hrat. “as named ltl the .‘thsenee ol

\. .tllt‘lttt tt::.t»lltlstttatt In John Madden

Major LKD changes
include two concerts

Ih Im\ \ \I \It I l\
kernel Stall \\!tter
tzztr: l'ttl.

t'rt to fret‘attt \lottda\



'!.t h'»
titt‘iet setmtt .H t UllttllttL' trtator
‘he .\t'l'h lr'ltt‘ tr stl\.rl sllotlltl to

'92: best one art llt t K s lltstttt‘.

ltr teasott ’his should he the
tws' one It that \u- \e added sott‘a
Illttt'lt'tl' 'hat
tht' appeattnt;


:at'u leatlttt's .Ktll

tt..tl\r' ll)
rt: t Rune satd

Student tenter Hoard sponsored

Sortre neo dttlerenees ttt
testnal to .ltsttnuttrsh tt trorn past
tkll s are tvto top natned ttttl

tttstead ot

Reorganization plan

tet'ts one a

the llttlll t oneert
I”! k
the \at‘stt)

torttr-ttietato tot

ta'het 'ltatt a sttrall thatrtl

addttron ot
llhte “tau-

and the

Ml H t' It S\ll)tt\ addrnt: these
t\t1ltltt‘_ and
beeptng the old tatortle e\‘ertts
I.Kt) it

next teatutes

'tn \ :trrln‘tt to tttake
attrat tt\e to e\et'\one
l.l\lt ltt‘L'all \esterda) at noon
.I. w'l. a turtle rave on the Student
“ltttlt'l' ol the rave


‘tlllt‘l patto
«as tr\e \ear' old
tnter'ed h)‘

I‘lLIltt other turtles to rapture the


Hardtsot. tlttdle} to

\Hl\\llt'lltlltlltll tt‘oph}

tontinned on Page 1, ('ol, t

\\ll(l ls rrrtt Ht 'Ir\\lt ttepeated attt'tttl’h ‘“

tontat t I ”4 htan last HL‘ht pr'nxed tttlrle

\tatthe“ s to ttlst‘ou'r

llll l'ltl'Sllll \I tan
rhooltteall l'l \\ I.
\tatthexxs ts thet t\ '.rI tlll‘. tt'ttl’est'lttatnt'
'hr SHl~
‘he \tttlettt

.\ssot tat ton


tatt- ttltlll'ttlzt.tl \tolattons trt

\ssm :tttattm 'ttlrrr lat


\t \ \
Matthews “as eontaeted hut satd tte -lltl
rtot want to an)
eerntng the rrtatter “The only thrng l lta\ e
l‘ontlnued on Page 8. (‘ol. 4

tot (untetente

and lolleutale

answer questtons (trtt

t»\n enthusiastic audlence jolns in
the inn 0! the Little Kentucky
herb) turtle race Monday
tKernel photo b) Kathi Mtllimetl

Senate reiects two maior proposals

lh RH\ “”1 ”till
\tght \ems liditor
\lter too hours ot dehate. the t'nt\et‘srt_\
Senate .\londa\ \oted on ahout Tit pereent
ot tts t‘eot‘uattI/alron platt “htlt‘ retet'ttnt:
mo trtatot proposals
the reorganrlatton plant \threh ts the
prodttet ol .t Senate ad hoe eontnttltee
report, “as suhtttttted to the hod) h) the
Senate t'ounett
'l'he (tttlllt‘ll renew-d the pt‘t'llltllttat‘}
report lrottt .‘r eonrttttttee headed h) In
\tateohn .leuelt. potttleal
setenee and took the
\tarr'h l.’ nteetrnt: \Allt‘ll ttte plart “as
openh tllst‘ttssetl 't'he eounerl then stth

prtrlessor ol

rnto eonsrderatron

rtttlted .r standat’dr/ed report uhteh “as
tonslderett \llrtrda\

IIII‘ \|\4IHI{ tlte
reot Liam/alum nlan ts to pro\tde lot more

purpose ot

Track stars
and work

aett\e patttt‘tpatlott h_\ senators and to
strengthen the role ol ttte \artous torn

the Senate testerda} hegan h)‘ \otrng
down a reeotrtrttendatron \Ahreh world
haw redtteed ttte nttnthet‘ ot senators trottt
ltt Hr;

lit-hate eettter'ed arottttd the argument
that I! apptmed. the reduetton would



tt'eate ’a serious ttnhalanee” tn
tltlltltwt ol l.tt ult_\ tttt'ttth't‘S eontpared to
the student
||\|) 'IIII'
representatton would he deereased lrottt
Inn to I!” artd stttdettt senators trottt 13 to

:2 The rtutnher ol e\pollteto nternhers

nttnther ol e\otltero and

proposal passed. laeult)

\Utltlll r‘entarn the same at ‘3‘.’
lttahle to ltttd a “'L‘ of r utttng all tttree

representatn e lmdtes protmrttonatel)e tlte

Sports enlhttstasts t'an lrrtd ottt “hat
reall) makes a traek and lteld star trek h)
t'eadrng ‘tt s ont) a game on page l'. (ltd
('alVrn ('ooltdge realh knew Vthat he “as
tatkrrtu about when rt route to ttnern
ptmrttenl See page '3, our edtlorrat page

senator's ttttalh deerded to tnatntatn tlte
present sue the seeotrd ntator deleated
ptoposat “outd ha\e attrmed nott senators

to set\e on stdlltlllli; Senate eottttntttees

llll- I'lttll'tbsu. “as ttot part ol the
Ht'ttlttlal ad hoe eorrtnttttee report, t'eter'red
toas the .lt “ell Report. hut eartte tt'ottt the
Senate 1 'ottnt‘tt as a result ot the drsettsstott
at the \ltlt't’lt l‘J Senate nteettnu

\\ \‘II \Il‘ll- VI «as passed tr\ ltte Ttt

senators present to keep eontnttttees
ll‘Slllt'll‘tl tII st‘llatlll'S

\ot allot ttte proposals “ere reteeled as
passed reeorrtrnenttattons

the st‘tltllt'

tont'etntnp.V trttnor ehattges tn attthortt)

and appotnttnenl ot senators to Senate
the t‘ernatntnt: reeorttrrtendattons \\ ttl he

tlttlSltlt'tl'tl at ttte ne\l Senate nter ttng

Very cold

and windy

out} tttore se\ere
lrrgh tn the to“ 40‘s and the to“ tettt
perature It] the upper 20‘s t‘reetpttatton
prohahltttttes are To percent today and Vttlt
dtrrtrrttstt to yo pereent tontght tltgh wrnds
\\lll add to the tntser}

an tndependent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506

56 candidates
relate platforms

lh |'\'l' Ill‘.\>ll\

Kernel Stall “riter
\ttttd the hassttllu and teerrnt.’ lrottt the
rtrmd the
ptestrtenltat tattdtdates spoke to a St;
tor'rtnt tn llaL‘L‘ltt Lounge Honda) ntght

St; prestttenttal artd \l(‘('

the ten randtdates generalt)
that St. needs thanges. changes that ran
he hr'ought al.ottt rt the) are eteeted
'l‘ltl'; \l \Jttlt Issues drseussed \Kr‘re
student apath) on t'ampus. open t-rsttttnort
tn the dorms, pass tad. eredrt or nonreredtt
(Hurst's and tnxesttgattons 0f the ttnancral
ttll othve
ttax ntont. [tron t'_ pr‘esrdenttat ('andtdate
'th satd he would
.tltt'lt’ the Ulltl t- utthottt salat‘) ltrtHA'n
rttate Lott
other thtttfis a
Student t'etttet‘

ttl‘ttl ’-.tttatl.t l'artt

and tap ltltttltllL’ t'oletttan.

\ttlttrtrlt atrtottL'
tlelttm tattt .rlt\ r'tet tell
’Mtrrl d \‘Illltltlt‘lt' open houses trt the dorms
artd the leastnt: ot Mentortat ('ottseunt to

t’egg} t’earson speaktnu tor het‘selt and
her prestdenttat r‘ttrtttrng tttatr- .ltrn t-‘lepte.
alto rs altendtng a dehale trt ll‘ttllttt‘ra‘ satd
that ttat k

'tn‘.at4ls lrtttlt

Stt needs a ’reetttpttasts

student allatr‘s and tt\\.t_\
utttttrzunth eentered allatts'

\l \ltlx \t \\\l\t. .rt.d ttennts t'at'ntan
tvtestdett'tat and \Itt’lll't‘Sltlt‘ttttdl
ttwta'es ttll‘ttltlt‘ on the Student t-‘aeulh
slate, support

not petty re»


l-Zrttploztr l‘otttrol
‘tt\.»lttttottar’} «hange,

lornts satdt'arman

ltlatlt' \asert presrdenttat candtdate.
.HlHteatt's reaching out tnto the com»
tlttlltlt) She sees 56 as a vocal lobbyrng
“th downtown organtzattons to
prmtde Internships mth Metro Govern»
ntent. soetal work opporlttrttttes and other
ml» experrenee tor students

\ \Sl-tR'S‘ Rl',\\l\(. rnatet Mark lta_\.
supports the eonttnuatton of Student
Sentees. lne. stattnt.‘ that tl has eorne
‘trortt near ltnanetat toltapse to ttnanetal
stahttrt) tn the past He rs the
presrdent ot the Student Set'\ tees hoard ol


)ear ”


.lohn l’troltr. the out) eartdtdate \ttthout
a runnrng ntate. “ants a St; (‘oneert Board
to break the monopol) the Student
Hoard permanent
totteehouse on weekends at the Student
1 enter


lenler artd “ants a

H) ItlltiY's‘ ptatlorttt re\ot\'es‘ around
the ereatton ol a Faeult)’ and Ad»
tntntsttatton ltmteu Hoard \FARBJ The
hoard ‘aoutd he ereated h) an amendment
tlu- st; and vsould be a
tterteral eornposed of elected

to eonslrtuttott

ltrte} s t'lllttllttL‘ rttate Steve Long. stated
'ltat then plattoran ts one ol "getting the
Long ts a member at

lltr'ta tttt ttaternrtx and Htte)‘ IS an m,

‘l'ltlt'ltls together


'l‘oda_\'s \H‘atltt‘t‘ “I” he ttke Mondays
It “I” he eold. vtrth a






ts'aii \t‘i'x’ tau

Mike Wines Editor .ri Chm-t
Mil-u YIUV'H') Managing Editor
Larry Kiethopt Assmvah- Editor


Joel lahem Avis Editor

mute M((4N"1y Run Miuhpii Steve Sm" Night News Editors

Dan Rhea Day News Editor
John Nicks Photography Editor
Charlie Dinunson Sports Editor


Editor all; i i-pi i-u-nl "tr uptniutn ot the Udl'Ol ial board not "w URIVQI‘AIV

G constitution: a good rewrite Nix°"'5

St'iitt 'l' \M‘ttdi‘lsdttt'i I.s [inning
tittit'i' iii a ttla/i‘ tit gliii'i The
proposed Studi‘iit tiiiwi‘iiiiii'iit i-iiii
.stitutiiiii. \\hii'h ht- .iuthiii't'd. appears
to he a much iiiipi‘m‘t‘d dtii'uiiii'iit
met the twisting: unit

It is ms} to see that the he“ \‘UH
>tlilltttttit \\ hlL‘h has placed hctui‘c the
Student St‘llilit‘ last \\l‘dti(‘$ti.t} night
h) Iht‘ St; president, tightens the
L‘i‘iii‘i‘alitii's and t'lusvs up man) Hi the
litiiphtili's iii the present i'iiiistitutiim

hi this tittL‘UttH‘lit. \Ki‘iidvtsdiii‘t
iiiaki‘s pt‘m isiiiiis titi~ his
i‘i-iii'gaiii/atiiiii plans tiii‘ Student
(ith‘t’ttttlt‘ttI 'l‘hi‘ i‘apat'itii‘s tit Iht‘
pt't'Mtit‘ttI .ii‘i' i'litat‘l} dt‘ltttt‘d h} tht‘
constitution and the l't‘(il>tt‘ti)uttt)tt iit
t)tt\\t‘l‘ through the cahiiiot posts are
spi‘Hi'd out

The \ai'iiius t'tiiiiiiiissiuns. such as
thiist‘ mniii‘iiiiig >Iltdt‘ttt rights,
tiihhyiiig. and i-i'tiiiiiuiit' M’t‘\l('\‘.\ In
it!!!) ttami’ .t i<‘\\ \ktttt‘it “HUM he tttddt‘
iii'i‘iiiaiii'iit it this t‘iiiistitutiitii \kt‘t‘t‘
itk'k't‘pit‘d ai‘v di-tiiii'd iii terms at
tht-ii‘ I't‘5ptttbthtlltlt‘s

This is iii t‘tttttt‘dfit tii iht‘ i-\istiiit1

'Do you think
it's still hungry?’

i‘iiiistitiitiiiii, \\hit'h iiiil_\ pi‘m'idi's ”it“
t'i'i'sidi'iit \Htil thi- "inmi'i' to appoint
\[H‘k'ldl t‘\(‘t'lltl\t' i'iiiiiiiiitti'i's aiid
thi-ii' i'hiiii‘pt-i‘stiiisf' thus allim iiii: titi‘
imssihli' [l'iltt.\lt'ttk'} «rt

Him m ii, iii .idditiiiii tn the standing
i'iiiiiiiiittttits tiii‘ \\hii'h HH‘ ti('\\ t'iiii

('ttHHHH ti‘i's

stitiitiuii \iiiuld pi'u\idt'_ pmwi‘ is also
di'ii'giiti‘d In ”W t‘\('\'lltl\(' iittti'i't‘ Ht
"i'ai'h lti'pai'tiiii'iit. t‘iiiiiiiiissiiiii.
St‘IWlt't' t'iiiiiiiiittw, and t‘ituiii'il” tit
i-statilish t'itiiiiiiittm-s tni' reasons he
iil‘ shi‘
i'iii‘daiii-i- \Hih thi- t‘niistitutiiiii

Hiii' tit thv tttgtth i'haiiili's \w di-om
pi'itxisiitiis tiii‘ tilliiig a \.it'aiii'} iii the
5ttttit‘ttt Si-iiatv \Ut‘h as ”M' iiin- li‘tt h}
\lai‘k Pasti‘i' \ihi-ii he “as made 5t;
\it't‘ pl't‘sith‘ttt Iiistt-ad Hi si‘hi-duliiig
the election lit a nu“

\(‘(‘.\ its ttt‘t‘i'ssat') in .M‘

to iK' good ill't' thi‘

si‘tii‘iliit‘ tit
I‘i‘pt‘i'si'tit thi' t’ttlit'gt‘ \Htiist' suit is
\ai'ati-d h} the t‘it‘t‘lllttl iii ”iv iit-\\
\Ik't‘ iii‘t'sidi'iit.” Yht‘ Ilt'\\ t'iiiistitutiiiii
\Mttitd .itlim thi‘ ’i'huihli' [wi's'iiii
ii-t'i-ixiiii_V iiit' tt(‘\t hiuhvst iiiiiiihi-i' tit
\Hit‘\ iii the titttttt'tildtt‘i} pt‘t‘t't‘tiltlfl

('tIHt‘L‘t‘ lit“ st'hitiil (‘lt‘k'iltlHH ti) .si‘l‘Vi‘

nut ”lt‘ ti-i‘iii Hlmniish this \iiiutd

s.i\i' iiiiiiii‘) aiid \ll” .Hnlt‘l't‘ tn

lit‘llttK'lktttt' iihilnsiipiix

l iidi-i' thi' si-i'tiiiii iii'tnidiiii: iiIt' thi-
.it'i'niiiit.ihilit_\ tit .idiiiiiiisti'.iti\i-
tittii'i'i's tiit‘ [tl'tK't‘tiHI't‘\ ittl' iiii
M‘dt‘httii'ttt itt‘t' tit‘tlnl'ti 'I'Iii' til‘iitnist'ti
stati's that '\it all
iiiiiiisti'atiu' t tttit'i-i' iii.i_\ hi- t'l'ttltt\t‘ti
ti‘iiiii nttit'i' iii ”iv t’i‘vsidi-nt uith thi-
the \‘tudi-iit

Hl' h) a l\\it thirds \«iti' nit thv


.lthlt‘t' aiid \‘tdht'lit iit
i'i'uulai‘l} si'hwtuti-d iiim‘tiiius 'l‘hil

N'iiati- .it tun t‘tHlM'ttHHt'

iii‘i'sidi'iit and \]\'t‘ ttt‘t‘\|tit'ttt at'i‘
itit\\i'\i’t‘ tit'tittwt‘s tit thi‘ t’\t'\'H[I\t'
tii'aik'h thus Ittithltiil iiu iii'm isiiiiis tni'

thi‘ iiiipvat'hiiii-iit HI i-ithi-r

It has tn-i-ii hi'oitght tit nut .itti-iitiim
that this tfl‘tiidt‘ttt HM} tii- iiii'i‘wtvd
tilt'lttlLIit aii .tltlt'tltitltt‘ttl tn tu'
iii'iipiisi'd at “intuit! s Studi'iit .\i-ii.iti-
\tiih this

itassaui- aniitd tttaht‘ \\t't1tit‘i\tiitt'i\

iiii-i-tiiii; i‘iii‘i‘i-i‘tiuii thv
di't'atii titt’ t't'tii’il.ittix.i!ttttz Ii.’ \tiidi‘ti!
(iii\t‘t'tttttt‘tt! a Ithtlii} and a \H‘li'ltttit‘
at that






What price
a losing team?

Kudos tti rIiIi-i’ii Ht‘t‘t‘tt} tttr di-liH-riiig
’ht‘ttttlp'it‘fll‘iu't‘t1)‘t,"‘t“}t‘£tt\ tit .tudMi
thi'istian i-thii's ti'iiiii thisda} titrth an}
iwr'sriri t‘tttttttllti'dtgl .i ti‘arisijri-ssiitii
against ii.aiikiiid Ht (ind tor that iiiatti-r
iiiiist siitti-i’ i'tvi'iiai itaiiiiiatitiii

tittiti'ssinii [N‘Iilti‘ttt‘l‘_ iiii'igiimiiiiss .itiii
laiiiguatlr \iid shaiiiv Iiii \Iai". ”ititL‘I"

ii-ti‘ihii‘irtii .iii» it'ttttl thi-
xxhii shniiid il.t\I i'ttit‘il‘ hii iii-isiirial iJIitt’
iii \tlt'tit’l‘ iiis' as ltltth\ \ii K.i\ and t 'it
Attlllti hau- tittttlt‘ thvii dittirult tiiii‘rtvri

.t as ta'i‘i‘th s.i_\s thi-\ aii- L‘lttt".

Mint) is .iithniit siii iii‘riiii-rlx shi- has

«as! ih!‘ tlt‘s' stiiiii'

Ms tit-iiih

riiii-stiittis ti» 'Itit' iii 6.1)“ h .it lvast a ti~ii

[Hth .t iiiimtu-r ut

tatiw i‘i‘spotisi' is iii ltttit‘t' Shh asks. .r\t't‘
\\t' supposed “til"? ll{i\t'i \\ ith .tithri Ha) ttii'

tititiL' tit hi~tii a Na t-r hi- (’tltt\|tit‘t‘t'ti tit tu-

\u t‘.!lt'¢'tt xiv at‘i- tint stiptmst'd tn gi't
iiiisi-t \ki- shutild ria'ii't‘. ask tttirst'l\i~s it
"has .s Yin [Itltt"~\t .it‘l’KHHHIthHPiI) 101.1

iiislti' fittittmil tt'ittt'i

It nuii air ( titlit'tit iii thv kiiimli-dgt- that
.i imi'twti tit 'sttltt' tiiititiri alli'izi-dli is HHIHL’,
tn itt'i‘i i-istuhilv. inuiii.’

\tttttt‘ iii-i‘ii

H‘J‘tltltttl‘ thitsu tii‘i‘sniiiv

twit'tlt't‘s tn ~t.it'ti1tni ”11‘“ t applaud iiiiir'
iiiiv.itlit:ttitit'titl“\\ It ”It thi- titht‘l‘ hand,

.mi ‘titiik
Hint. tall: that \killt'il

itvi‘h.ips that titl'diltlLl.
siiiiii- i'tiiiti-iid is
saw 'tht‘"! and [it'ltttttttt‘li tn .i iiiviiitwi' Hi
'ta |t=".risit\ statt is tiiiidaiiii-iitatli
'mi s; 't‘tt' with 'hii .iiiiis «ii .iii at .t'it‘ltltt
it "‘titinii thi-ri l siiugvst >\ttlt tilt't't'i \iiiii’
ttl‘.\rllti ttit'

iatiiidii'wi ixi- iiistitiitiuii s


\i- tit-i’iitx .I~h\’.\it.tttitl't't‘lt‘hlttlt'l‘Ht
‘his'~\imsi- 'Hiiitaxinnri‘sii! this \tdil‘dtt'
mini iniisti'iii'tiiiil a uri'at
‘.\i|l'til1‘l‘ thi- hiizh


shiiiildiit thm kiiim

ittii'sts ilit\t‘ uhsi‘tU'ii thi'ii' \im\ at

("ll'h’tl \'
llaiid ll \Hiltv
:iit Mariam

Retires to
favor Flegle

I h.i\i‘ xiithdi'aixii tiniii thi- litt‘t' tiii
\tiidi-iit tilIU‘tlHttI'HY iii’vsidviit tni 1”"
~|ti1.i] It'.i\ttil\
v-iittni'siiiil .liiii

liii ittl l'li-plt- iiii

Iti't’\ltit'tl' tii'ialisi' I it‘t’] hr is ”it iiiili
naiirtidatv aim has thi- .itiilitx tlt
t1']tl\l'titlt| iaiiiiiiis \iidr littt‘l't'\t ,iiiii
[titt'tl iiiativiti til \tiidi-iit HINO'HHIH‘IH

I it‘t‘l .lttil I‘lt'ult- “I”! iil\ iii'iiiiti' tr-.iiii
i‘\_tlt‘t mm 1' «.iii .iitii tiliO‘i‘ Judi tit It latmt
«'tti‘i tl\1'i\

t\\|“.\ i_.,'.‘

tit'ttiti- tiiir

tiiiii~isit\ .idiiiiiiistiatinti and {Haiti

wt It’llstt't"s lli‘ is .tl\4| HIHILIHlt'ttLIlh
iiiiiiit iii his imsitiritis iii thi- .iii-.i i.i
,iiado-iiiii .tihlll‘ arid tiidi-iit \t‘l'\|i’i's
xihii h l ti-i-l xiill tit-i HHH‘ i-tiiii-iit xihi-ii ’tit-
[tlil'iltltll is l't‘ltvt‘t’tt

ltd-ii\ I'li'ti'hi-i

lst \ war I a“


lesson in
U.S. history

\ sttIttiLi littli‘ii Matt‘s Is Hill a

third! tn innii'i- l'htits ati iii
\tdtt'tllt'llt in

Litilti I\

ii‘t't'\ilttL‘ t’i‘i'sidi-iit

\1\I|tt iii his \pt't't‘it last


I-tiit «has it hutd up lhstM‘it'alh it


14-! s tn-uiii “at hai'k iii ti‘tt‘J l'hi-

\ t‘\\t‘|\ Ht

tiiitish L‘JHI‘l‘HHH'tH \\.is

iltttt’st' 'ti..t t'illllthl t in-

.iilnis tiniii
iustitimt hut
t tttti‘d .\l.iti-s

had it ‘.\.itli*ti

,in Atli‘ilit‘l \\tl\ thi-
7tt\itt‘ti ttitit \\.H' ‘.\i|t‘it
with a ti-\\ ti.t_\\ littml't' it \Uttllti han-
iiuii'iivd thr British I'ai’liaiiii-iit had
stiimwd 1hr lt\i't’ .’ ill

\iiii-tit'aiis tilt‘ti iii that “at

innit"! ii'i-

Iii 1::tii \It'\l\'t) Vi as ii.l\.tHL‘
iii‘iitttviiis xitth tt‘iN'HIltlh .\iiii-i‘ii'.iiis
:i: ll’\il\ thi-ii a \ii-\ii.iii ti-i'i’ituix
\ttti \ivvi'u .iisu (tuttt‘ti ttiht'l iaiids

l'ii-siitviit .l.itttt'\ t\ t'ntk
‘lititltillltl '.t]tt|ltttt.l \ii

ii\i't' ttii‘
ttiiinisafiiiii «it t'iiiiui’issiiiaii \tti'ahaiii
lztiiittri .ii' \KO‘tlt tlt\\.ti‘.tL1-|H] \Ki-
.wi: 3' at thi- i'iist wt 1 \iiii‘i'ii'aii

Ii: ttfi'it' thi- l iiiti-d \tati-s \\.t\ iii
tutu-d iii a dispiiti' \iith .\iiaiii I'\t'l
tittia '1 hr ttattIi-shiii \iaiiii' t'\pltttit‘ti
ii: .i tiihaii hai‘tmi‘ thr

iii i~ss \K as iiiiti'axi-d

and no \Kt‘i't‘ .it
'.\.lt'.tL'.ttt1 lt \\.t\ ttittt't’ t'\p(’(ilt‘nl ti»
Huh: \iiaiii that: talk
lhi'i-i- iilttttit‘l‘ti i'iizhti ti\i- \iiii-i‘ii‘aiis
tho-d but [with li‘iuisi-H-lt \\.i.\.i hi't‘ti

tillttflss nut

\ttti thi-ii iii Nut \tiith \ ii-tiiaiiii-si-
t"! tunits .illi'iai'dl‘» titi-d .it \tiii‘t‘it'att
tit'\tt'tt_\t'l\ iltttlttLl Iltlt' iii thi-
siiix-i’sti'iit-tui‘i- 1 hi- iiiitiii-diati' i'i~siitt
«as Ilttt'HMilt'ti \Ittt‘t lt‘fltt iii
\ntii-iiii~iit iii the Vii-triaiii VHH‘

\iid ttt|\\ {Hut \iiii‘t‘it‘aiis .‘iiid
iiiiHiiiiis «it \ivttiaiiii-si' .‘ii‘i' di'ad
iiiiiti- a t'l'i.tll.’tttt)tt ittt' a itllHt‘t hiilt' iii
thi- siiiwi'sti‘ix'tui'i- lti tht'l Sh 'l‘iii‘iii-i‘


Ihi- intuit Hi this histiii‘) li-ssiiii is iiiit
ti. tit‘ihtit' “ht‘litt‘t‘ thi- l iiiti-d Stati-s
shittitd hi- sti‘iiiiu It Is In (ititt'klt
disi‘lciiiii, as \w iiiiist him do, an)
~t.ttt'tllt'ttt\ liki- thi- l’i'i-sidviit's that
\iiii-i‘ii'aii ttll’t‘lL'Jl pttllt'} is a VH‘L'IH
Uttt‘ 'tt‘ niii- that it iiiiim-i-iit iii th‘i'i‘d.
si-lt Mitt-rust and ”units (ti \iiili'iti'i'


"’I'hi- t‘i\il \\ai‘ is titti i-iidi'il. I
'tltt"\tltttt \ihi'thi-i‘ .iiii si-i‘iiiiis t'1\tt
2“.” i*\i't‘ «hit-s i'titi

IN Iliii!

\\itt‘tt ”NW!“ and iiiiii‘i- pmtpli- .it'I'
thinmi niit iii \wi'k‘ uiit‘iiiiilitiiiii'iit

i'iight HI' \\i'iiiiu' is a
thiiitl that lltt patriot \\nitld lhiiik tit
-.ixiiii' t‘\t'(‘pi iii a iii-spi-i'ati- i'asi' H
t llixt' NI) iimthi-ig ili‘iiiik ut‘




(; K (Wld'h'fl'l'ftttt










opinion from inside and outside the iiiiiy'erstty (‘mtttttunltv

Doctors—e ven

are human too

By I)U\ llil)\l.l.\~

\Ulltltlfl has so recently gotten out ol hand iii
the l\einel as the cry against male dominance
\leii liaye tieen assaulted although somewhat
deser\ii\gly with a list ot horrors doctors ill
Heating women although women neyei' haye
rupture checks by stuhhy tingered doctors who
hit weights as a hobby .yili discrimination «both
oi my grandtathers are dead troin oyerwork In
l‘eiiiisyhaiiias coal tields , and many other
assorted erimes

\\oiiieii regardless ol l'.l('t‘ creed, color or ll
iiip ili'setH' equal pay and ioti opportunity. but
ilIIt: 'desei \e it simply liei ause they are women
which appears is what some women un
«oiisioiisl'» ilt‘ltl.itlll .i i'itttlt'dtlltlltlll since this
'\[iti'\st‘\ tenialedominance. which is also

Hui dot-tots policemen military personnel
and most ottiei niale appearing prolessioiials
.lll' lieuii.‘ whipped like piddliiig puppies 'l'liey
.lll' lw'l outing so punchy they are almost
apologixing toi lltt‘ll se\ and protession. a gross

l‘iIt esaiiiple these doctors especially oli
sti'tiiiiaiis are iiiales lia\ing access to the
ll‘llidll' tiod\ itselt .i doiilile otteiise .\ccordiiig
'Itll‘it'lilI‘tlltlllt'l1l\lll tliispapi'i‘ women want

it all Iltlt hits to be none gentle and respei'ttiil

and when they are not. they are only asserting
their penises

l iitortuiiately. hy the tone ol these comments.
satistaction is impossible it the doc is nice. he is
patroniung. it he is rough. lie is domineering.
and no middle ground eXists. since revenge is
what is really sought

Iii partial delense ot such a doctor. could it he
that he has been awake all night treating
patients, had an otherwise trying (lay. or is
niiaw are ot certain actions" Let him know it he is
completely ignorant oi your pain threshold or
personal pride

I once spared a doctor's lite when I was given
an unexpected. unusual inspection At that time.
though, it wasn't \ague to tind an outward
personal trait ‘l)la(’k. lcmale, long haired. etc i
and express the reason tor the unlaroratile
treatment in terms of it The doctor was Just
plain incompetent and ahoy e all. question your
doctor it his treatment leaves you liattled Also.
doesn t a doctor hau- a right to make a moral
iiidgement. it he so desires"

i don't seek conyerts. since a head lull of steam
iloiids the brain I want to state. though. that
women must tight hard to get what they deserye
while training that men. in general. want to
help but without apologizing tor heing men. and
when a woman doesnt get what she wants.
iiiaylie she doesn‘t desei'\e it This is in the same
iontesl as men who don‘t get what they want
troin other men

l"iiially, a new more equalizing twist to an old
insult lin-ryone needs a good screw

hon /ed(ilis is u jlltlltlr in pro


Page I I l]



'l‘lll‘l Kl‘IN'l'l ( KY KENNEL. Tuesday. April Ill. 1973—3

Remember to Vote for LKD Queen

Wednesday and


Slater and Complex
Cateterias—ll-t, 4e
Classroom Bldg. 10-4
Chem-Physics Bldg. 104
Student Center 10-7


Hormones and seasonal
travel can cure hay fever

liy I|t\\f\ .\ l \M It)

\ludent Ilealth \eryiee

\ei otid pail «it a two part series

on ha\ in t'l

Question \\hat is the treat
lltt'lll tor liay te\er"

\nswei \xoidiiig the siih
stance 'liat causes a \ictiiiis
lt'.l(ltttll\ is the liest way to
iontiol hay te\ei llowe\ei'. this
iiiay lie dittiiiilt or e\en iin
possilile “onto: to a ditterent
part ot the country is sometimes
suggested. liiit this may pt'me
useless it the sutterei' has or
I~:I; ‘.I:ll


IIIII‘IIiIIIII'I w‘ [ ItItiiI it.


\IIItlIiIHI‘ 'I‘ l‘ui'lt‘i
pin-MW wt 'tu Mm Ittxtln:
{I I' III! 9n ii!;'_|\{>1‘H‘\iI 'I- mix
VIII-II; t~ !IIII ‘tu \I‘iltli' "l\.|'_l\t

'tII-II ~\ .| tmIr :va 'w ark .I' WIN“

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\ItIII .\‘t. n .II‘HII‘ImrIt Mi:
‘NIIIHIRJ ll}w.\

h.” In I.I.I~~

\.I' HILI‘» 'i.I i

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J: Wu i‘tizn" I'It I IIIIIiIx

I II . III' I t; 7!
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\IIII-It M NIH-iv I'It isi‘l‘t‘i\"»

litt‘l:.:.’tl'h.IlUII.k :‘Ing‘

It! “in! v.1! !:I.\ "I ‘ I'I'I

tIIItItIlv- L'ltiil t-IIMIII --'.w' .I:i
tw hI‘iIi AI? IIIIIII‘I III. “with “Ln .II

”I“ \Imtrn' I ILIII {urn

\l t-I'\l U\ \\||)\t.\l|\\
tiII- h.IIIII III.I~ II HUM !I'~',‘..IL
\H”) I.ll'ii|\‘ti ‘x,>« tmnttn .I:.It

lil\pi.l\\ mil Hiltil‘t \‘IIII

Is tvwnt) ilH' Il'Hi\


\IiIIII\>IIIII min IIII~ rm:

i'hIIeriIIx \I‘\t'iti~ IIII lmtI‘ I hit

\IIIIIILx Iliiti harm HI ‘I\ .Itm t: u :i‘I

It'illlll‘l' .I sperm] mu! 'tm'

“It \pI-I‘Ini mun! .It hm'tt:
than 1\ the (IUJI‘YO‘I’[It‘litititi


"‘(Idr t . " ,It ’ Mn,
‘ tm' .IM Ti I if I'

dInI’, Hui?
Whii" .Ind yb“,~ y'mf
paIr trrm» mi “.Itv ,I n


115 E‘ Main

.I \I.,.Ii



IAIN”: I nnlvxt. \ulh Mm‘lmnnld s
.-\ I-III i\ \t’thllII‘d tIIr to [I III MI-II

IIIIII.IIIIII; 1hr xunItuII-hm

IIIIl \IIIIIII-II III.I\ pdl'ilt‘lpdh‘ III
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tI'III.IlI' \ht'
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\.I‘,t..x .IttI-IIIIIIIII ‘HIHIHW Itilti

~~MTIII1 ~II.I!«~I .II-tmm I.I\iI Al“
(WITHIN, ‘I'. IHHII'Ii .I‘ 3pm. .I

\1. mm, 1.1] ‘4||1\I'|IT?I


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