xt77m03xwd8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77m03xwd8w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-02-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1989 1989 1989-02-03 2020 true xt77m03xwd8w section xt77m03xwd8w  




Today: Occasional rain
Tomorrow: Cloudy. freezing rain







UK’s Opera offers
3 admirable performance.




Lady Kats relieved
to be home.

See Page 2




Kentucky Kernel


Vol. XCll. No. 102


Established 1 894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Friday. February 3. i 989



By .I \Y Bl..\\'T().\'
Editor in (‘hiel

t'K president
David Roselle said
yesterday that the
l'niversity is com—
milled to “holding all
.statt members fully
accountable" for any
wrongdoing connected
to their duties with
the basketball pro
"We will in tact take disciplinary actions
it necessary and at the appropriate time.”
Roselle said "All such programs will be
held lully‘ accountable for how well those
programs were in tact administered "

may restrict


special session

State education leaders
meet with governor
\ssociated l’ress

FRANKFURT. Ky‘ titl'icials ot two edr
iii-ation groups said they think (iov Wal-
lace Wilkinson is receptive to other school
initiatives but wants to limit the agenda
till a spit-ml legislative seSs'ion to his perr
 pmst ,
are at Bid—OBlarnev

7mm "Mateo


Federal judge will rule on legality
of Kentucky’s drunken-driving law

\ssocialed Press

HHWLIM; GREEN. Ky \ federal
iudge is to decide whether to accept a i s
magistrates report that contends a key
provision ot Kentucky's drunkenrdrniiig
law is unconstitutional

In a Jan 10 report to l‘ 5, District Judge
Ronald I“. Meredith, Magistrate W David
King ol l’aducah said the presumption tliai
a motorist with a blood-alcohol level ot o ltl
percent is IIIltIXlCult’d violates the constitu
lional right to due process

Assistant Attorney (iencral .Iohn tiillig
said the state probably would appeal a rut-
ing by Meredith to accept the magistrate s

The issue is the basis ol a Barren county
man's appeal ot his second drunkenrdrivr
iiig conviction April 24. 1987. in Barren Dis
trict (‘ourt According to court records.
Mark Alan \lorgan was sentenced to seven
days in tall and lined Sitfvo‘ the minimum

Morgan‘s appeal was denied by Barren
(‘Ircuit (‘ourt and Kentucky's ('ourt ot Ap-
peals and Supreme t‘ourt In April be ap
pealed to the t' S. District t‘ourt iii Bowl;
ing Green Barren t‘ounty .Iailer Fred

Nllll‘lt')‘. who as 'lilllt'l‘ had custody oi \Ioi
gan, was named as the detendant

In November. Meredith ruled that ttie ”I,
Iorney general was a defendant in the ap
peal and ordered his otlice to respond tiil
lig said the attorney general had asked
\leredith to reconsider that ruling

It the attorney general is tell out ot the
case. it would be up to Barren t‘ounty .\t
torney‘ Danny Basil to appeal an tlllli'lUiI‘il
ble ruling in lederal court. tiillig said

Morgan's appeal said he was arrested at
his home more than an hour alter an auto
mobile accident in Barren (‘ounty A state
trooper gave him a breath test that indi
cated his bloiklalcohol level was o H pei
cent Kentucky law says a driver ”shall be
presumed under the iiilltieiice ol lIIltl\l
eating beverages” when a blood-alcohol
test shows a level ot illti percent or above

Morgan and his Glasgow attorney.
Thomas Davis. said that presumption
shitts the burden ot broot to the defendant.
relieving the prosecution ot having to
prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt

Assistant Attorney General I’aul Rich
walsky would not comment six-cilically on
Morgans case but said the presumption
factor is "critical to proseciitioiis,'

.\i‘t‘K l);i\is ~aiii ".ttii’
Iiie tlt’lt‘lltldllt to

‘iitlmtl‘t'tl tronidriiikiiig

ltl[('t'\ Idiiui
the :-\tem ol impairment

itltl|\lillltll to llltll\ idual. it- set;

\loi‘gai: argued that as
--lioiiiilii’t liave ‘o prove l21\
stead be said ‘lic pi'oseilitoi

Ii'It‘lttlille‘ t
'iliiiii‘ili' ‘

li‘llll‘i .i.

ii,i\is said the presumption ~ :i-ri
Ell getting Ill l ‘tlll\li'llllll\. 1.1.ili ct ails:
liiiiidi‘eils oi iieople plead i’ltiii‘y
They «an i mention the pi'csiiiiiptmi


\lost states ti.ivt laws 'tiaé .o . vt‘l. "
Ytici i‘alled pct ~c
:lli-gal to «him .i ai
level ot a certain anioiiiii

i‘t'lll oi lower

iiv\s_ ”lit lint

vi-‘a “l1|tii‘. ,..ii,..

i\ii.iii'\ ’,vi.



\cioiiiing to fllt' \atioiiai ll.Iliit
.\ay \atety \dniiiastiatioii at
the District oi toliiiiibia
the remaining states. iii l-adziit. m:
have presumption laws

l‘iavi 'iitl .l.\s
ill h“.

Steve Halos. .iii alloriiiy
analyst Hit the I‘rattii \aii-Tv
lion. said per se laws tiaii
iessiiilly challenged i.


87 AIDS cases were reported in Kentucky
last year, according to a report released

Associated Press

FRANKFURT. Ky Fewer than 100
new cases of AIDS were reported in Kerr
lucky during 1988 and most of them fit the
statistical pattern of the other instances of
the disease in the state. according to a re-
port yesterday

(if the 87 new cases of AIDS in Kentucky
last year. there were 29 deaths Through
the end of the year. a total of 212 cases of
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
had been reported in Kentucky There
were 126 deaths in those cases. about 59

According to statistics compiled by the
Department for Health Services since 1982.
Kentuckians diagnosed with the disease
are likely to be homosexual or bisexual
white males in their 2th or :ttxs‘ Two'thirds
of all cases involve homosexual or bisexual
males with intravenous drug users the sec»
ond largest group at 9 percent

According to Dr Reginald Finger. who
tracks communicable diseases for the
state. minorities make up an inordinately
large share of AIDS Victims in Keiitticky

Although 83 percent of the patients have
been white. 16 percent were black. "Keir
tucky's population contains 7 percent
blacks. yet 16 percent of the cases have
been diagnosed in blacks." Finger said
"This supports the national concern about
higher incidences of AIDS in minorities
when compared to the total population.
and Kentucky has a minority AIDS educa
tion effort under way. “

The figures from 1988 reflect the hlsl()rl~
cal profile of an AIDS Victim in Kentucky
in terms of risk groups. age and race.

"We don‘t foresee big changes in the sta
tistical profile." Finger said.

(inc troubling area where Kentucky is

ahead ot national statistiis ~ 'li~ tat” ‘tia‘
MUS victims here ll\t‘ .l slioi lei titiii .llltl
diagnosis Finger said that may be .i iesiiit
ot later medical intervention oi thi pics
enceot inteclioiis that are liaidci to iieal

Finger said the earlier iiioi'tality may
also be part ot the aggressive piocess ill
tracking the cases

Almost no area ol the state has csiapcd
the disease. though cases are concentrated
in the urban areas ot .Iellerson and
Fayette counties and the northern Ken
lucky area

Area development districts reported the
following cases KIPDA. tilt. Bluegrass.
44, Northern Kentucky. 211. l’ennyrile. Lt.
Purchase, 9. Lincoln Trail. 7 Barren
River. ti, (‘umberland Valley .iiid riv'co. v
each. Buffalo Trace. .t. Kentucky River.
Big Sandy and Green River. 2 each. Lake
Cumberland. 1 ; Gateway. none


Hint-lie lii'.l4i;.ii' \ git! lfl'lt-Itrl't}’t t-,

:11; .'ltlt‘~ iio' t‘it‘at‘. ll.'l‘!:,> ti‘tizz‘ ‘ta ""
When people .isl-t 1:

=..- .tiiirfigctir~

.,.,.(imp 3...,

.nv' rt

'i'I‘IIil"‘i‘ '1 it‘ll‘.i‘

itll~'i"' 'iie'i ,oi;


iI.’Ll""‘.'l'*. .y.

w.“ I‘l'liil'd'“

,-ii{,;1r'ili/v- “at

‘ 'r‘.i"‘."lt‘i-L‘.

RH‘I I ll

SGA sends
med students
to conference

I‘vy l l l/\lil"lll\t \lil

Kit ~luj 1


IFC hope to
unite greeks

\IIH I‘Hiti\l‘
1: tiling i\!'ilt'l




l'lleltt'aueitidx . ' .‘ i‘l

acct; .
‘t.i"' "It
\‘lll.ll its l'll.\ full


ill t‘tisili‘.i ’Hlll‘fltl‘

t .Iit.i« 't =tl‘ ‘1'.tll.i[.ll.|tli.

'iit‘iLli‘tK iiiitttliis ’iil l.l-\w

Witt ts ‘riiv l“' 'it‘i‘aiiui'
tilid,’ t.‘


‘lttn'iv ii


\tiii iziliip .\.111 '.i ll.11.iii..t'...i

l‘t citiiy . iei fed lit"v\ .‘a mm 1 .

lit :o'vciiiiiig «oily ill 'Eii ‘:a?i'.i-.'.os
l'be lH :~ 'llt‘
'i‘ateiiiity ~ysleiii.
Itatittie day 'oday
growth of ‘ltc illi‘i‘lv sysieili as unit "ii
iaiiipiisasa whole
IH' \ii'c l‘i'esideiit \lark l’ictii'iiot sat
:. addition to have .i aziiied gieck iltiiil .i.
'iit\. ”‘1‘ should strive to iltiiii' all .ispi-i‘
oi thccainpus
\\e shouldn't alienate
ilt nts. "l‘icbenoi said
The I’aiibelletiic t'ouniii s 'oic .s
'ii ills,“ ll‘ltns
Kim hallis. president oi the l'aiiheileiiii
i'oiiiiiil. said he! orgaiii/ation develops
and maintains traiei'iiity and iiiteitraleriii
ty relations at a high level oi accomplish
'l‘be I’antiellenic t'ouncii
improve relations between
and reduce competition
My biggest goal tor the I’anheileni
i'ouncili is to work on l’anhelleiiic spirit.
said Failis
‘I want to promote a united greek sys
tem. emphasizmg a more interwoven as
peel of sorority life." said Emily Wood
head. a representative to the l’anhellenii
(‘ouncil from Alpha Gamma Delta.

titllllilll>ilill \( iitiil\
.lillilisilli n‘lil -\t

'Jshs Vi int ‘ii


llit‘ iidepi I.


wants ‘~
stit'til‘illt ~~





2 — Kentucky Kernel, Friday.Fobruary 3.1989



UK sports programs
to be put to the test

They meet t’K’again Sunday at-
tei‘noon at «t 111 Athens. Ga


\I.~'! ti‘i'ltl l\


\Zeizirt-rs -1t lixs present past
‘ 111‘ :1‘1- “111 s1e action 111 some
~1~. lf'.s weekend ranging tron

1*ht"ll.i 1 1.1. 1"L".l ‘11 1111\111: ..


Van Horn fights for title


liari‘in \an ilorii. this resident
prolessional boxer and part-time
. student. will take his undefeated
l 1‘ basketball 193"” record into 'l‘rump t‘astle 111 Allan
"NH" “RI“ Lls‘ den lit‘ 1‘1t1. N .I . Sunday to light in an
llllt‘t‘il.:ti11ll.ll Boxing Federation

1 Him"
‘1 .1 ”‘1'“ I “ h 1111 H‘ \.111 Horn. 11 211y1-11r-oid Junior
A h 1“” H" 11“ .1... :1'11111 Lexington, has a record (11
11:11 \Hlll ‘14 knockouts 111s oppo~




“W1 "‘1 '11-1T111ttis1'1s't‘1t'l '1‘


.. .1,..1 .131 m“; 1‘ _. ‘
1 ‘ ‘ H “ 1 ‘ ”I" H ' 1 iii-11‘ 1.1111 be 1B1- champion Robert
‘1 1. 11'11 .1. 31- . 1,... _
.11 “ " M \ ”1“} .1111 11111 ”I "1 if...» ;.1111 ttinesot Philadelphia.
‘v'oiiges '1 1:: ~ 't‘1e Solitlieasn
1.11.. 3 . it _ eieiit. scheduled between
1. .1.1s 1,. ‘11:” .1 "point 1‘... ‘1 :1' and 4 p 111 . will be televised on
». 1_ rem ..; touis. 11.. 1‘21' \131 ~ Sportsworld'
“1"“ 1- ‘7“ ‘5'”? \.111 Mom is ranked ,\11 l 111 his


11111s111n by the \\orld Bovng Asso-
.t by the \korld Box-


1‘11‘1‘3" “”"'1‘14‘.\l’lt1 “’ “t 1‘ «1.1111111 .11111 \11


t".t !. .1 ..1\oi‘1te ‘ 1111111 -1.._\11,.,,;..-;.
1 t\ soa k1 111111111111111
‘.'\ 11-114: in lttL‘L‘lt 11.1“


l’K hockey play off bound


" stilts 1 11 be played 5'11
='lt‘.:flli' 1nd thi stionrt


1:11 il',{i\ll\ll\l \ 1:.“ oi posznon. 111111111; because 111
. - ‘ fi‘ie turrkish iniiir'ws 1., km per


“"1"“ Ext-ti though


:mnia-s wrjxiimt‘ 1 1-\'pc1“ to win the meet 'lllt'\
1th Georgie \Vunderhcb said

\ 'l‘ ';.11‘ . \\e zzis' need to do what we do 111
muziv' Haiti” 1’.".1"1 ‘1‘. 11".11 1111' 11111' iwrlormances don‘t
' \\1- Mayan: 111111: 11:11.1 111 111- (iti_\llliilL’ spectacular tor


with too 11111111 games against the
t niieisit \ of ienncs‘see next week-

lél"'~5”l.\”ttt’ t'utild be the hero "
[K has been 1111—

compared to teams 111 the SEC.
Georgia ('ollege
below l'K~s normal opponents D1»
spite its less than spectacular re



netrzis {11112111 'i11 14:11‘
'v1._s i 1.. \1 1 war» 1..” 1,111.11 .
. .. . - 11:11 1 1\ Hockey team continues
1 y is :11‘11- :111 .i ttt's't‘Vt‘i‘ Southern
i 1 \ t» .\H \ ‘ >
'1 1' . I 1 ' "llt‘L'ltxlt‘ lltti'kt‘\ Association
‘ .5 \ .1..l ‘ t 1 u\ , ~ '
L 1 . ‘ 1‘ 1 1 ti'.1n:it‘1'1ship this weekend at the a
. ,, , , '. , 11\ int 111' t'enter against
1 .‘t. 1" 19:11.11". 1 niyersitx
l ' ‘ ‘ ‘ DAVtD MULLINS Kernel Sta."
s \1' - .e :- 1: . Ante . .
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1’“ ‘ “1 “1‘ "1”“ “ ‘1‘ 3" Keith Kocan plays Wing for the Cool Cats. UK plays Emory Univer-
1 1- 1 ':‘.1v-.‘:t..11k I. W. \ 1,.1'1x1'111seuhenlxtnot‘k .
. " “ . . , , . ,1 suty th:s weekend at the Lexmgton ice Center
““' ' ““‘ lt‘ltii'fl 1 l'\ i~i_ \lttlt 11\1'st‘1ltt.i1>
' — ’ ,- 1 .1 _ .:,!li1 game Wm“ “"11 1’“ 511”"1'.‘ morning 1'” end and iii order to ensure a play-
,, . , ‘1' , oft" spot. the ('ats must win three ot
1 ;~ 11.11 1 A'ti' 3:!‘s .111111-- 1.1 'lns crucial 1h linishes its regular season theirlasttourgames

y car at Roanoke.\

Gym Kats search for consistency, win in meet

us to hate a chance at wmning. in cord ol 1-3. Georgia is a sound
team that could give the Kats some
trouble if the intensity isn't there

' 1.1".3\t’tl ‘ 'i\ one W we: ‘1. 1:..21- exeryone make proving it. 1-\1-1‘_\ meet. it can‘t al- "They‘ve had solid
“11‘ ""11'1 1‘1“”. me. .1 :3 "it; ~'11t‘.\‘."vtl t.” .ill eutttts " 111' liii‘iiliii'es' iiiiilsp;1s‘tsii(-(-(\ss Wunderlich sittil
"1““ M“): “'1 1"""1‘111 this meet we need to keep
’1‘” "" b1” “‘-‘ 1' . t: "‘11 team sticks to its usual correcting the little mistakes that have big skills (‘ompared
‘ " 4:111111111111. “lili(lt‘i‘ll('ll leels that a new bet-:1 making." he said 01h?" "Pp”n9’115 it”
131111... s T 111 " j‘lttilsllth'llL'l>l)()\,