xt77m03xwg32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77m03xwg32/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-10-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 2003 2003 2003-10-02 2020 true xt77m03xwg32 section xt77m03xwg32 UK WOMEN'S GOLF TEAM TO HOST INVITATIONAL I PAGE 5

October 2, 2003


Celebrating 32 years of independence

Barfly takes
on Two
Keys Tavern
I no: 4

http: www.liyliernel.com

Bars hope to stay open later after smoking ban

Bar owners plan to push for bars to remain open
until 2 am. if the ban is upheld on Oct. 6



If the smoking ban goes
through as planned, local bars
may have extended hours, ac-
cording to talks within the
Lexington-Fayette Urban
County Council.

The talks suggest that to
compensate for possible eco-
nomic loss sustained by bars
from the smoking ban, estab-
lishments that serve alcohol
may extend their hours to
gain more revenue. Currently,
bars can stay open until 1 am.

According to Vicki Steel,

a staff member to the Coun-
cil, the talk is just that: talk.

“It is still under consider-
ation and has never moved
past the suggestion stage,"
she said.

Steel also added that for
this to go into effect, they
would have to see exactly how
the smoking ban afl‘ects bars.

“Bar owners may be
against the smoking ban. but
we want to appease them if at

all possible,” Steel said.

The talk is not on Mayor
Teresa Issac's agenda, said
Bruce Edwards, the mayor’s
press secretary.

Third District Council-
man Dick DeCamp, who rep
resents the campus area, said
he would likely support ex-
tending bar hours.

Both Edwards and De-
Camp, though, said they were
going to “see how the court

rules" before deciding on
making the talk an ordinance.

While a survey done by
the UK Survey Research Cen-
ter found that the smoking
ban would not heavily affect
businesses, many bar and
restaurant owners said they
would be in favor of lengthen-
ing hours to pad a possible
blow due to the ban.

See BARS on 2

A Day in carat


A downtown tradition
closes its doors for good

Closing up

Linda Gallagher,
owner of Linda's
Sandwich Shop,
cleans the
restaurant at
closing time.
Students, peo-
ple who work
downtown and
those who live
in the neighbor-
hood have been
frequenting the
sandwich shop
for years.
Mday will be
its final day of

mm surr


Linda's Sandwich Shop downtown prepares to close,
ending 23 years of warm pot roast and comfort

By Sarah Zopti

For 23 years, the down-
town location kept it acces—
sible. Home-cooked food
kept its patrons satisfied.

But the real secret be-
hind Linda‘s Sandwich
Shop was the comfort in
consistency it generated for
its customers, those who ate
there say.

“I am a country boy at
heart, and Linda‘s has al-

ways had that kind of food I
enjoy," said Michael Mat-
tingly, a regular patron.

Linda Gallagher, owner
of Linda‘s Sandwich Shop
on 214 S. Limestone, will be
closing her restaurant this
Friday. Gallagher wants to
spend more time with her
11-year-old daughter. Plus,
she says, she‘d enjoy the
free time.

Now, downtown work-
ers, students and locals
must say good-bye to one of

Lexington's unfailing hot

Gallagher said she's
sure her restaurant‘s suc-
cess has come from years of

concentrating on the quality

of food she serves and mak-
ing her customers feel at

“I have had the same
downtown lawyers come in
for 23 years.“ Gallagher
said. “Patrons like this
place because my food is
home cooked, and I keep
things consistent, making
people feel comfortable."

Gallagher never
“prepped" her food w cut-

ting, opening or preparing
food early Instead,
cooked to order each and
preparing meals to suit each
person’s taste.


meal, carefully

“I don't prepare my

foods early, “ said Gallagher.
“If I did, I’d end up wasting
it all, and I always liked to
cook to order anyway — I
prefer that."

Over the years, Linda‘s

Sandwich Shop has offered
a variety of weekly food spe-
cials, including pot roast,
fresh veggies and fish.

See LINDA'S on 2


UK and other schools lobbying
General Assembly for money

Coalition announces campaign to get more funding


UK has formed an alliance with Kentucky’s public
schools and universities, historically fierce competitors for
the public dollar. to lobby collectively for increased funding.

UK and the others are part of a coalition — Partners for
Kentucky’s Future — that on Wednesday announced a cam-
paign aimed at selling the public and the General Assembly
on increased funding of education at all levels.

“We started talking about instead of working against
each other in the General Assembly, we need to come togeth-
er and form an alliance," said Tom Harris, the associate vice
president of external affairs who has worked with President
Lee Todd on the partnership.

“UK has made great strides in putting people in place to
become top 20, but obviously we’ve been asked to do a lot.
Now is not the time to pull back funding,“ he said.

The partnership “stresses institutions of post-secondary
education are together on this," Harris said.

One of the “Partners" — the Council for Better Educa-
tion, made up of school superintendents and school board
members — has sued the General Assembly in an attempt to
get more money for elementary and secondary education.

Another partner. the influential trade organization As-
sociated Industries of Kentucky, this week issued a position
paper that says Kentucky needs less spending by govern-
ment, not higher taxes on business.

“We all agreed that we would have our own agendas.“
said Robert Sexton, representing a coalition member, the
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence. In any event,
the Council for Better Education lawsuit would not affect
short-term education funding, he said.

What the academic institutions have in common is that
their share of the state's General Fund has been decreasing.
Overall education funding accounted for 62.5 percent of the
budget in fiscal 1990 but is 57.9 percent of the budget this

A report issued by the Partners say Kentucky has made
“noteworthy progress in improving education at all levels,“
since passage of the Kentucky Education Reform Act in
1990. That law included a huge increase in public school
funding through a l-cent increase in the sales tax.

The report says Kentucky‘s current budget problems
“threaten to undo that progress and relegate the state once
again to educational mediocrity."

At current rates of revenue and spending, the state faces
a $274 million shortfall this fiscal year on top of a shortfall
of $225 million or more in the Medicaid program, according
to the administration. A panel of economists that makes the
state's official revenue forecasts concluded in a meeting ear’
lier Wednesday that the shortfall projection will change lit-
tle, if any, in a new forecast later this month.


UK mascot hopes to scratch



Some fans say the real
battle isn‘t necessarily on the

The head-to-head action
will be among UK mascot
Scratch and 11 other division
IA and [AA university mas-
cots for the second annual
CapitalOne All-American
Mascot 'Ileam.

“Scratch has a lot of en-
thusiasm," said Sarah Mc-
Daniel, a sophomore UK
cheerleader. “He knows just
how to get the crowd excit-

Matt Hogg, a marketing
senior. is better known to
many as UK mascot Scratch.

“When there is down

time on the field, it is our
turn to shine," Hogg said of
Scratch and himself. “We
have to get everyone excit-
ed ..

The winner will be
named at the CapitalOne
Bowl on Jan. 1. 2004.

Fifty percent of the scor-
ing is based on judges“ rank-
ings in areas including inter-
action with fans, sportsman-
ship and community service.

The other 50 percent is
online voting by students
and fans.

So far, Scratch is having
problems accumulating

As of Wednesday night,
Scratch commanded 2.2 per-
cent of the 872ml; votes.

‘ln 10th place, he is being

beaten by University of
South Carolina's Cocky, Ohio
State University‘s Brutus
Buckeye and Western Ken-
tucky University's Big Red,
among others.

University of Colorado‘s
Chip and University of
Washington's Harry the
Husky are behind Scratch.

Seth Eden. a UK gradu-
ate and former Scratch. got
the mascot involved in this

“I just sent in an applica-
tion and made a photo album
of all the different events I
attended as Scratch. and they
chose me,“ Eden said.

After being picked as
part of the team, Eden and
the 11 other mascots were
flown to New York City and

then sent to Miami, Fla. to
shoot a commercial for the

In their spare time, the

mascots had fun together.

“We were treated like

royalty." Eden said when
talking about the free plane
rides, expensive hotel rooms
and meals they were given.

Eden said it’s important

to make each appearance a
bit different than the last.

’00 do so, he always wore

a new outfit and had another
surprise for the fans.

UK cheerleading coach,

Jomo Thompson, believes it‘s
his famous C-A-TS cheer as
well as the skits he designs

See NASCOT on 3


out opponents in competition

.. ’ ~ .. Scratchshowsofthls
" ,, . - crowd-pleasing
antics. lie is current-
ly vying for the Nas-
cot of the Year
; .‘ awanh tobe
T announced at the
CapitalOne Bowl in
Orlando on Jan. 1.



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Continued from panel

Jimmy Meredith, the gen—
eral manager of Varsity Blue,
said he would definitely con-
sider extending the hours of
his business if the option be-
comes available.

“We will feel the heat if
the smoking ban goes
through." he said.

'Ibm Behr, owner of Paz-
zo‘s Pizza Pub. said that the
talk of extending hours was a
good idea even before the
smoking ban was implement-

“Most college kids don't
go out until 10 o'clock (pm)
or 11 pm. so of course. if you
are open later. that will create
more business." Behr said.

“As far as smokers, who
knows if they are going to be
the ones being out later or

Behr added that his estab
lishment serves more food
than alcohol. so time will tell
how it affects his business.

UK students have mixed
emotions about the proposal.

Michael Canfield. an un-
declared sophomore. said he
felt extended hours will help
compensate for possible eco-
nomic loss.

“I think that it is a good
idea." he said. “The smoking
ban could affect businesses.
and if that helps make up for
losses in revenue. then they
should be granted that oppor-

Others were less opti-

Tina Kinslow. a business
freshman. had mixed feelings

about the extended hours.

“Extended hours will de
pend on what people want to
do considering there may be
boycotts from smokers."
Kinslow said. “Personally it
wouldn t persuade me to go or
not go out."

Tara Brooks. a psycholo
gy sophomore said that the
extension of hours wouldn't
help at all.

“I don' t think that extend-
ing bar hours because of the
smoking ban will help busi-
nesses economically." Brooks
said. “Bars may lose some
business initially because of
the smoking ban. but people
will begin to realize that they
don’t have to smoke to have a
good time. After all. the alco-
hol will still be there to attract

E—mail kernels: ukyedu



Continued from paqel


For Mattingly. the owner
of nearby Michael's Hair
Studio. the Friday fish spe-
cial at Linda’s is just one of
the foods he came weekly for.

“I always looked forward
to eating that." Mattingly

Gallagher has always
been in the restaurant busi-
ness, working as a manager
at the Holiday Inn restau-
rant. among others.

Despite her experience.
Gallagher said she knew
nothing about cooking when
she started out. She had no
one to start the business
with and knew she‘d be
working from scratch. she

“I had always been in the
business. and when I came
down to this area. I saw this
business. formerly
Lawrence‘s Sandwich Shop.
was for sale.“ Gallagher said.
"So I bought it. and then I re-
‘llllé‘d I didn‘t even know
now to make bread."

Joyce Odean has worked

as a waitress for Gallagher
for over five years. She at-
tributes Linda‘s success to
the loyalty of customers.

“The customers are so
great here.“ Odean said.
“They are so loyal and kind
to this business.“

Within a few years. Gal-
lagher's restaurant was a
household name. She has ex-
perienced customers from all
walks of life. from business-
men to college students.

"I have had so many dif-
ferent people come in here."
she said. “We see a lot of reg-
ulars and people from down-
town. and sometimes stu-
dents will wander in.“

Two decades and three
years later. Gallagher is
ready to close up shop. She
said the store will be Han-
na's On Lime. a restaurant
much like hers. as of Mon—

The closing of the shop
is more about the beginning
of another part in Gal~
lagher‘s life. she said.

“My child has been in
day care since she was 6
weeks old. and I want to see
more of her. [Plus]. I am get-
ting tired of it now."

No matter who wan-

dered into Linda's. they were
sure to get a good meal and
probably a smile on their
face as they enjoyed a low-
key. comfortable atmosphere.
regular patrons say

Now. one day before the
close of her locally famous
shop. Gallagher sits at a table
with her daughter in the
middle of her restaurant and
stares out the window.

Slowly tapping her fin-
ger tips on the faded wood
table and shaking her head.
Gallagher sums up the past
23 years of hard work she‘s

“I‘ve met lots of people
over the years and made
some really great friends. but
I'd like to spend some more
time with my daughter now."

Email kernel/u ukyedu

One last bite

Linda‘s Sandwich
Shop. at 214 S. Lime-
stone. closes Friday

It‘s open 7 am. to 2
pm. today and Friday.





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Do-not-call list stirring confusion


national dosnot-call list went
into effect Wednesday. but a
complex legal fight has made
it impossible for the govern-
ment to judge its ability to
stop unwanted telemarketing.

Reacting to court deci-
sions that threatened to derail
the free service. the govern-
ment scrambled to rework the
system a day before it went
into effect. turning the public
away from a dedicated donot-
call Web site and phone num-
ber that had been promoted
for months. Instead, officials
directed people to file com-
plaints with the Federal Com-
munications Commission.

The FCC said it got about
250 complaints about telemar-
keters by Wednesday, most of
them from people registered
with the do-not-call list who

The Low-down

Pedestrian hit by car;
police find no victim

Police responded to a
call about a pedestrian get-
ting hit by a car yesterday af-
ternoon at Rose and South
Limestone streets. UK Police
said. But once officials ar-
rived on the scene. no one
could be found. said Lt. Joe
Monroe with UK Police. The
fire department. Lexington
Police and UK Police all re-
sponded. Monroe said. The
call came into the Lexington

said they were still being
called. The list contains more
than 50 million numbers.

The agency received
nearly five times as many in-
quiries from people who
wanted to sign up for the list
even though it is the Federal
Trade Commission, not the
FCC. that registers phone
numbers. And the FTC is
shutting down registration.

“The worst part is that
consumers don't understand
what on earth is going on,"
FCC Chairman Michael Pow-
ell said.

Telemarketers and gov-
ernment officials say it could
be days before it is known
how effective the list is at pre-
venting unwanted calls.

Companies could face
thousands in fines each time
they call a registered number.

The FTC was blocked
from operating and enforcing

the list last week by US. Dis-
trict Judge Edward W Not-
tingham in Denver. who said
the program violates the free
speech rights of telemar-
keters. The FTC asked the
Denver~based 10th US. Circuit
Court of Appeals on Tuesday
to suspend Nottingham's rul-
ing while the agency appeals.

Attorneys for several tele-
marketer groups on Wednes-
day asked the appeals coun to
reject that request. saying
that the court shouldn't allow
that agency to enforce the list.

Wednesday the court's
three-judge panel told the tele-
marketer groups and the FTC
to comment by the end of the
week on a proposal to com-
bine three appeals concern-
ing the donot-call list.

Many telemarketers are
confused. with many unsure
about which numbers can be
called and what actions will

result in penalties.

The do—not-call list re-
quires telemarketers to pay
for a copy of the list so they
can know whom to avoid call-
ing. Many telemarketers have
the list, but some do not and
cannot obtain it since the
FTC shut down that aspect of
the program on Sunday in re
sponse to the court ruling.

The FTC has been getting
calls from scores of confused
telemarketers unsure about
how to obtain and comply
with the list. agency spokes-
woman Jen Schwartzman
said. The trade commission is
directing telemarketers to the
FCC. which can only penalize
those who have the list.

The FCC‘s Powell sent a
letter to major telemarketers
asking for copies of their d0-
not-call lists since the courts
have blocked the FTC from
giving the information.



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mason-r "

Continued from page 1

Police department at 12:45
pm. and they called UK P0-
lice to assist. Monroe said.
Last Saturday, UK Police
started a campaign aimed at
educating motorists and
pedestrians on traffic safety
laws. The force said extra 0f-
ficers will patrol campus
streets and ticket or warn
Speeders. red-light runners
and reckless drivers. Under
the new campaign. officers
will also talk to pedestrians
who disobey traffic laws.

that get the crowd pumped up.

But becoming Scratch is
work. “I used references from
a previous job with the Lex-
ington Legends. went to a
camp and was hired to be
Scratch.“ Hogg said.

Hogg said he is excited
about the competition and is
trying hard to keep up the in»
tensity that Eden had.

If he wins. Scratch will
receive an additional $5000 to
the $5.000 he is already getting




This Fri. 8. Sat. at lllllnlulll
tile lexlnlllon Ice center
85 at the door

for UK's mascot program.

Hogg said he enjoys being
Scratch because this mascot
is directed towards youth. “It
feels good to make them hap-
py." Hogg said.

Both Eden and Hogg said
they are looking for support.

“The most important
thing now is getting people to
go online everyday to cast
their vote for Scratch," Hogg

E—mail kernelm ukjredu

To vote for a mascot, visit
pitalone/vote before Dec. 22.

TH IS WE EK;...,.,,










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Brittany Clark
Assistant Scene Editor
Phone: zsrms | [-mailzbclarkOkykernelcom


4 | THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2. 2003 I m m



Two Keys

Who knew Two Keys Tavern had so
much to offer? As if booty- shakin'
dance music and tasty but strong Long
Island iced teas weren't reason enough
to go. snacks and laughs can also be
found at the Keys.

I recently attended my first Tues-
day night Laugh Track Live. a comedy
showcase that has been held at the Keys

for 17 years. The
Comedy Caravan. a
company that brings
comedians to Indi-
ana. Ohio and Ken-
tucky. provides the

The Tuesday
night cover is only
$4. Two Keys owner
Greg “Mac" McFar-
land calls Laugh
Track Live the

"cheapest laugh in town.“

Unfortunately. I was less than en-
tertained by the comedians they hosted
on this particular night. Even though
most of the crowd seemed to love them.
I found their overuse of the F-word was
not an adequate substitute for their
lack of humor

But Ihadn‘t given up on Laugh
Track Live just yet. I knew a different
comedy line-up would be featured the
next time I went. so I didn‘t let my dis-
appointment bring the rest of my
evening down.

After Laugh Track Live was over.
the crowd size really started to pick up.
People started grinding on the dance
floor once the house DJ started spin-
ning popular hip-hop and top 40 hits.

As enjoyable as this scene was. I de-
cided to mingle around and see what
else draws so many UK students to Two

I walked into the pool room. which
is not a good place for the Barfly to
hang out. due to the fact that she is
sometimes overcome by the desire to
move the balls around on the table
when no one is looking. All the billiards
players seemed to be having such a
good time , I didn‘t want my mischie-
vous tendencies to ruin their evening. I
decided to move on to the patio.

Since the weather is getting cooler.
the patio crowd that's usually shoulder»
to~shoulder in the summer time is start
mg to wane Haltervtops and mini skirts
don‘t fare too well outdoors when the
mercury drops below 60. But during
basketball season. the Keys sets up
tents. heaters and televisions on the pa-
tio to cater to the huge crowd that
comes to watch the Cats.

I wandered back inside. and while

serves up SUI‘pI‘lSBS

anon Ill
tor Its mil-
stoeked bar
and lostlve
phere. but
did you
know the
liar also has

Joint mm: |
mm min


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soaking in the scenery. I noticed how
cool the ceiling is — it‘s paneled with
doors. I can‘t imagine many people have
noticed it unless they've found them-
selves lying flat on their backs after an
embarrassing trip-and-fall or perhaps
when being less-than-entertained by a
stand-up comedian.

That's the cool thing about Two
Keys Tavern. It‘s so big and there‘s so
much going on that unless you‘re a very
faithful regular, it‘s hard to catch it all.

Case and point: I've lived in Lexing-
ton all my life and have been to many a
restaurant and bar. but until recently, I
never knew that Two Keys served food!
From what I‘ve heard. it's good. but I
haven't tried it yet.

The Two Keys Tavern has been a
Lexington tradition since the 19208 — I
can see no reason why it won‘t be
around for at least another 80 years.

E-mail mbagleyvu li‘ykernelcom


I have taken various facets of the bar into
consideration and by using my Barfly super-
powers, I have devised a rating system that is
not only helpful, but easy to swallow.

Bathrooms ‘1 ‘1
Prepare for a line, but

don't worry about miss-

ing the game - the bath-

rooms have TVs

Bar Service

On a busy night, remem-
ber that patience is a
virtue. Be ready to wait

Drink Prices

Prices vary every night,
but there's always $10
buckets of Bud or Bud


Despite the sometimes

long wait for the bath-

room, there are tons of
things to like about this

The Low-Down

The Two Keys Tavern is located on South
Limestone near North Campus. It is open
Monday through Saturday from 11 am. to 1
am. and Sundays from 11:30 am. to 11 pm.

Its kitchen serves food Monday through . , . , . , . ,
Saturday from 11 am. to 10 pm, and on . .l. i
Sundays from 11:30 am. to 11 pm. Drink ‘ - ‘ - ' - ‘ i
specials vary nightly. '

The average cover ranges from $3 to $5
depending on the event scheduled for the
evening. The bar hosts a DJ Thursday
through Saturday nights, Laugh Track Live on
Tuesdays, and ladies’ night on Thursdays.

i Consider'me a regular
Is it 1 am. already?
Call It an early night

Homework Is more fun




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' iie a uncluttered tiatilioii









Jefl Patterson
Assistant Sports Editor

Phone: 257-1915 I Email: ipattersonOtyurneixoin


Cats anticipating a m

Iv Tin Wisennan

This weekend. UK senior
golfer Eva Gessner has a se-
cret weapon —— her bed.

Beginning Friday, the
UK women‘s golf team hosts
the Wildcat Fall Invitational
at the University Club, and it
hop$ the comforts of home
will equal success.

‘The days (of the tour-
nament) are going to be easi-
er cn us just because we
don‘: have to go back to hotel
rooms ~ we can go home,"
Gessner said. “There's defi-
nitey a comfort level for us
beiig at home."

As the team‘s only home
evert this season. the Invita-
tional is one of the year's

“We've had our warm-up
time, so I think we need to
play well starting now," 0955-
ner said.

Last season, the Cats
took full advantage of play-
ing at home as they recorded
a season-best third-place fin-
ish. That result provided a
fast start to the season. and
heat coach Stephanie Barker
hopes for the same this year.

“The tournament has a
great mix of teams and it
wodd be a good confidence
booster if we can play how

we think we can play.” she

So far this season, the
Cats have struggled. In last
week’s Mason Rudolph
Women’s Championship in
Nashville, Tenn. the team
placed 15th out of 17 teams.
And in their season opener,
the Cougar Fall Classic in
Charleston, 8.0, the Cats fin-
ished 12th out of 17 teams.

The highlight of these
tournaments has been the
play of UK‘s newcomers, es-
pecially sophomore transfer
Erin Faulkner and freshman
Marissa Muir. said Barker.

“Erin has really started
out well," Barker said. “I
know she didn‘t feel like she
hit the ball very well at all in
Nashville, but I think it was
a great learning experience
for her."

Faulkner notched a let
place finish in the Cougar
Fall Classic on the strength
of a three-over 75 in the final
round, while Muir finished
57th in the Mason Rudolph
with rounds o