xt77m03xwj35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77m03xwj35/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1952-02-11  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 11, 1952 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 11, 1952 1952 1952-02-11 2020 true xt77m03xwj35 section xt77m03xwj35    



Minutes of the University Faculty, February 11, 1952

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall,
Monday, February 11, at 4:00 p.m. President Donovan was delayed in 1
attending the meeting and Vice President Chamberlain presided. Members K




absent were Charles Barkenbus. A. J. Brown. W. P. Garrigus, Paul Oberst.
Frank D. Peterson, Edward Rannells‘. D. M. Seath, E. P. Slone.Lawrence
Thompson‘, Lee H. Townsend and Frank J. Welch. ; 1


The minutes of January 14 were approved as corrected. g :w ‘uh


The Secretary of the Faculty read letters from Mrs. D. H. Peak and
Mrs. E. J. Wilford expressing appreciation of the resolutions adopted by A
the University Faculty January 14 relating to Mr. Peak and Professor Wil- ;y
ford. The letters are as follows: g'hngv


336 Linden Walk i fit
Lexington. Kentucky it?”
January 26, 1952 i


Mr. R. L. Tuthill I
University of Kentucky !_

Lexington. Kentucky l 3:;

Dear Mr. Tuthillz ‘}


The copy of the resolution on the death of my husband, 3;
D. E. Peak, passed by the University Faculty has been re- 4
ceived and is deeply appreciated. The expression of esteem 4H
and friendship will continue to be a comfort to me. itgw gf


His many years of association with the University of
Kentucky faculty were rich ones to him and are greatly
cherished by me.

Sincerely yours,
/5/ Kate I. Peak

Mrs. D. H. Peak ‘57; t


February 5, 1952 jhjp g
University Faculty ,flafi
University of Kentucky 1 ft


Lexington, Kentucky I=w:fӤ


Attention: Dr. R. L. Tuthill. Secretary t‘


Dear Friends:


In behalf of my family and myself, I want to thank you for
the resolutions adopted by the Faculty, January 14, concerning

You who worked with him could know even better than


my husband.


































following recommendations which were approved by the University


Minutes 3: the University Faculty, February ll! 1352


his family of his actual achievements and your complete summary
of them is a real treasure to us.


We appreciate your expression of sympathy. We are finds
ing that the sympathetic understanding of his many friends is
one of our greatest helps and richest blessings during these
days of readjustment.

/s/ Mrs. E. J. Wilford

Dean White presented for the College of Arts and Sciences the



Physical Education 175 Field Work in_Rehabilitation (3)


Clinical practice in therapeutic exercise under medical 9g“
supervision; designed to qualify students as Exercise 3‘“
Therapists and to prepare those entering allied fields r
of rehabilitation. One hour lecture and four hours i
laboratory. 1

Physical Education 195 Folk Dance Leadership for School and
Community (2)
Philosophy, background and methods of folk dance for schools
and communities. leadership, participation and program plan-
ning with emphasis upon field work with community groups.
One hour lecture and two hours laboratory.

1 '—‘..—.' “

Psychology 127 Introduction 22 Industrial ngchology (3)
Review of the functions and findings of psychology ap~
plicable to business and industry. Topics covered are:
employment procedures, personnel testing. attitude analysis,
motivation, and morale. Prereq. Psy. la, lb.


Psychology 128 Psychology 2: Industrial Personnel Procedures (3)
A practical course for those preparing for personnel ad»
ministration and for psychology in industry and business.

A study is made of the theory and methods of position ,
classification, job analysis. job evaluation. merit rating. ’
supervisor selection and training, and collective bargaining.


Preres. Psy. la, lb.
Political Science 144a Traffic Regulation (2)
An introduction to the principles of traffic regulation. ,
Major topics: importance of traffic regulation: organization 1

and functions of the police traffic division; the policeman 1
and traffic regulation; analysis of traffic problems: methods
of traffic regulation: safety education programs. Prereq. fa

Consent of Department.
Political Science 144b Traffic Rggulation (2)

Tra fic accident investigation; accident statistics, parking
control. and city planning; planning and organization of





fi, —— .l-



Minutes of the University Faculty. February ll, 1252

traffic control pregrams. Prereq. Consent of Department.

Physical Education 32 (1)
Physical Education 7 (1)
Physical Education 290 (3)
Psychology 105 (3)
Psychology 106 (3)
Political Science 144 (3)


Sociology 128 Human Resources 2: the South to The Sociology
of the South

I move that students taking Air Science be excused from
classes on March 24 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. to engage in drill,
and that they also be excused on April 16 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
to stand the annual inspection.

Dean Terrell presented, for the College of Engineering, a recom—
mendation that that College be permitted to set up a cooperative plan.
After discussion, the recommendation of the College was approved as

Cooperative Plan in Engineering

In addition to the regular four year course in Engineering,
the cooperative plan is offered to those students in Engineering
who have satisfactorily completed the freshman year in the College
of Engineering or to those who present the equivalent as transfer


Students who can meet the requirements and so desire, may
enter the program and be placed on suitable jobs in industry.
They will be permitted to alternate on the semester basis between
school and work. The summers will be used to the best advantage
of the student for either school or work. The student must main-
tain a satisfactory standing to be continued in the program.

Those completing the Cooperative Plan will receive the bachelor's
degree and will also gain valuable experience. The time required
will depend upon the extent of the work program.

The University does not guarantee employment to cooperative
students. However, facilities are provided for locating suitable
jobs. All jobs must be approved by the coordinator of the Coopera—
tive Program. Each student is required to submit to the coordinator
a written report at the end of each work period.

In the absence of Dean Slone, Dr. Slesser presented the following
recommendations from the College of Pharmacy which were approved as








































Minutes 2: the University Faculty, February 11, 1352

The faculty of the College of Pharmacy reocmmends the

approval of course changes as follows:







Materia Medica 131a.b Bacteriology changed to
Materia Medica Bla,b Microbiology

Materia Medica 133 Hygiene and Public Health changed to

Materia MediCa 33 Hygiene and Public Health



fiw— ‘ -

Pharmacy l25a,b Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence changed to

Pharmacy 35a,b

Materia Medica 27a,b Laboratory changed from two to three

Pharmacy Law

hours a week with no change in credit.

Pharmacy 30

Pharmacy 130

Manufacturing PharmaCy changed to

Manufacturing Pharmacy.

PHARMACY, Effective September 1, 1952


















lst Semester 2nd Semester 3
Chem 1a General Chemistry 5 Chem 1b General Chemistry 5 '
Engl la English Composition 3 Engl lb English Composition 3 ,‘
Physics 51a Intro. to PhysiCs 3 Physics 51b Intro. to Physics 3
Math 5 College Algebra 5 Botany 1 General Botany 4 ‘
Military Science 2 Math 18 Trigonometry 3 6
Physical Education _11_ or or N
18 Zoology l Prin.of Animal Biol. 4
Military Science 2 [
Physical Education 0
21 or 21 n
lst Semester 2nd Semester \Hmn
Chem 31a Organic Pharm.Cheme 5 Chem 31b Organic Pharm. 5 ;
istry Chemistry
M M 27a Pharmacognosy 3 M M 27b Pharmacognosy 3
Phar 21 Theoretical Phar- Chem 32 Inorganic Pharm.
macy 4 Chem. 2 '
Phar 26 Pharm.Ca1culations ._2_ Phar 24a Pharm.Preparations 4 r
15 Elective 2 or 3 f
l or 17 F
lst Semester 2nd Semester ‘
Chem 33 Quant.Pharm. Chem 102 Biochemistry 4 [
Analysis 4 M M 111) Anatomy & Physiology 3 i
M M lla Anatomy & Physiology 3 M M 31b Microbiology 3
M M 31a Microbiology 3 Phar 27 Intro. Dispensing 4 f“
Phar 24b Pharm.Preparations 4 Phar 31b Drug Store Manage- »~ l "
Phar 31a Drug Store Managea ment 2
ment 2 I3— ‘






Minutes g£_the University Faculty, February 1;,

let Semester




2nd Semester

Chem 103a Adv. Quant.Pharm. 3 Chem 103b Adv.Quant.Pharm.Chem.3
Chem. M M 138b Pharmacology &
M M 138a Pharmacology & Toxicology 5
Toxicology 5 Phar 35b Pharmacy Law 3
Phar 35a Pharmacy Law 3 Phar lllb Dispensing Pharmacy 4
Phar 111a Dispensing Pharmacy 4 Phar 123 Modern Drugs _3_
Phar 122 U.S.P. & N.F. Drugs 3 ' 18
Freshman: Math 18 a Plane Trigonometry - 3
Zoology l - Prin. of Animal Biology - 4
Sophomore, Junior, Senior:

M M 33 a Hygiene & Public Health — 2
Phar 25 5 Pharmaceutical Economics - 2
Phar 130 - Manufacturing Pharmacy - 3

Freshmen and Sophomores cannot take any courses numbered 100 to 199 inclusive.

President Donovan announced to the Faculty that the State Senate had un-
animously approved the Bill making the University an independent agency of
the state and that it was expected that the House would also pass the Bill
He also announced the Founders Day program on February 22,

very quickly.
at 9:45 a.m., the principal speaker to be Dr. W. S. Webb.

President Donovan

urged the Faculty to attend the Founders Day program and to ask their students

to be present.

Dean Holmes announced Religious Emphasis Week February 24 - 28 and stated
that all members of'the faculty and staff were invited to attend the meetings
and the luncheon.

The Faculty adjourned.


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