xt77pv6b5g2v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77pv6b5g2v/data/mets.xml Tennessee Illinois Historical Records Survey 1942 Prepared From Material Furnished by the Historical Records Survey in All the States; xv, 285 pages; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14: Am3/2/no.32 books English Chicago, Illinois This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Checklist of Tennessee Imprints, 1793-1840 text Checklist of Tennessee Imprints, 1793-1840 1942 1942 2015 true xt77pv6b5g2v section xt77pv6b5g2v ‘ TIV`4 > lr; r{ M V-V if rr >"L4v., V, ..21,>‘.>:».a·»;.*‘;v." 1., —`i??>?:_5• _· ` V. `I ` — I ' ` iw-L" `_ I I Q rr V
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To bring together the records of the pest
and house them in buildings where they will be
preserved for the use of men living in the future,
a nation must believe in three things. It must
believe in the past. It must believe in the future.
It must, above ell, believe in the cepeeity of its
d people so to learn from the past that they can gain
in judgment for the creation of the future.
— Franklin Delano Roosevelt
A A y 1793 -1840 1 S ‘
/»1;gJr»a» · x’.................,,..,.....,...............,....................................A.., 1
Tennessee Imprints, 1793-l84O ..................................`......................................... . ...........4.. 15
Appendix ...............,... . .........,...... . .......4..o...A..........,A,..,_..,,....4.... . ,.,.....,A....,_.................. 4 ...».............,, mH.M 239
Index to Tennessee Printing Points .............................................................................. 245
, A Index to Printers, Presses and Publishers ............`....................4...........,........4.... 249
General Index .....,.......,.............................,.. , ............................,...r.......,..,·. . .A._..,,_.....,....,..,,,...,,...,r..,.,._,. 265
List of Publications - Illinois Historical
Records Survey ...................I...............<..,...,....,..4...`. . .....4..,...............................,,.........,.............. . ..... 285
\ \ A A I
_ vii
when the American Imprints Inventory was started in the S __ Q _
spring of 1937, two final results were anticipated. The first was
to be a file or union catalog of title slips which would represent
the holdings of American libraries to the limiting dates for each
state in the fields of books, pamphlets, and broadsides printed
in the United States. The second was to consist of published check
lists drawn from this material, covering the publications of the
various states and certain cities, within certain periods.
The master file of title slips has been built up until
it now contains more than 14,000,000 typed slips, representing
possibly 1,000,000 separate titles printed in the period of Ameri-
- can printing to 1877 in all states but Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Idaho,
Wyoming,AMontana and the Dakotas. In these states the limiting N
date is 1891, because of the later start that printing had in them.
‘ Work is continuing in several states in making additions to this V
S file, has been completed in some states, and has been discontinued °
in others. ‘
_ Under the direction of Mr. Douglas C. McMurtrie, Consult-
{ ant from the beginning of the Inventory until July 15, 1941, the _
second phase, that of publication of check lists, was chiefly
confined to the editing and issuance of them in the more complex
t Style A form in the central filing office in Chicago where the
editorial staff is located, The Style A lists, requiring title
as —
l _ page line endings and printers‘ devices and bibliographical notes, U
_ require an almost endless amount of research, both in the libraries
l where the books are located and in the huge file which complements
It ‘ them in the central office.
Wd It had become apparent, on the basis of possible publicar
tion of Style A lists by either the central office or the various
» states, that if the more than a million titles so far harvested l
from American libraries were to be made available to the public
some swifter method of issuing the check lists must be found. Two}
U solutions seemed possible: that of abandoning the complex Style A
lists and issuing simple Style B lists which would provide the user
A with all pertinent information on the title of the book and its loca?
tion, author and printer and date of publication, or the return of
l the title slips to the states themselves for issuance of Style A
lists of their own titles. The former solution would have speeded
V up publication to a considerable extent in the central editing office.
The latter would have provided twenty or thirty Style A lists at the
end of a year, some of which might have been of questionable quality
‘ because of the limitations involved in personnel and sources for
F _ necessary research.
A A study of the problem has convinced the central office
1 V-, _ of the Historical Records Survey Projects in Washington that the
answer may lie in combining the two solutions, that is, the issu- * U
A ance by the various states of their own titles in simplified Style
B check lists which can at a later time be refined by them or by "
interested scholars. To this end, a manual of editing has been
written and furnished the various states. In more than twenty
states the staffs have given assurance that such simplified edit-
ing is possible and have requested that their material be sent from
h the central files.
In March, 1942, title to the American Imprints Inventory
central files located in Chicago was transferred to the Library
of Congress, and the materials moved to the Wisconsin State Histor-
ical Society for the duration.
gf ‘A"`
S' ‘ j`
f ri
In 1941 the Tennessee Historical Records Survey published
a “List of Tennesseeflmprints, 1793-1840, in Tennessee Libraries“
which was issued as number 15 in the series of American Imprints ·>
Inventory publications. The present volume, herewith presented as I
number 32 in that same series, covers the years of the earlier r
publication and includes holdings of libraries all over the country
as well as those in Tennessee. In addition, many new titles have
been reported since the appearance of the earlier check list which
contained 505 titles in contrast to the 797 herein listed.
A very complete and exhaustive history of Tennessee news-
papers and printing is found in Ibuglas C. McMurtrie's “Early Print-
ing in Tennessee With a Bibliography of the Issues of the Tennessee
Press 1793-1830, Chicago Club of Printing House Craftsmen, Chicago,
l933." Although Mr. McMurtrie‘s book covers the same period, lack-
ing ten years, that this check list includes, many new titles and
» many new locations for old titles have been discovered and brought
forth in this list.
Printing in Tennessee began on November 5, 1791, when ,
George Roulstone, the first Tennessee printer, and Robert Ferguson
began the_§n2gville Gazette, a paper named in honor of the future
capital, which, at that time, existed only in the plans of Governor
Blount. The Knoxville Gazette was actually printed in the colony at
Hawkins Court House, now Rogersville, Tennessee, and it was the autumn
—· ‘. $’ *·"'
i· `
C `
/ xi
In 1941 the Tennessee Historical Records Survey published
a “List of Tennessee'Imprints, 1793-1840, in Tennessee Libraries“
which was issued as Dumber 15 in the series of American Imprints i‘»
Inventory publications. The present volume, herewith presented as I
number 32 in that same series, covers the years of the earlier I
publication and includes holdings of libraries all over the country
as well as those in Tennessee. In addition, many new titles have
been reported since the appearance of the earlier cheek list which
contained 505 titles in contrast to the 797 herein listed.
A very complete and exhaustive history of Tennessee news-
pa ers and printing is found in Ibuglas G. McMurtrie's “Early Print-
ing in Tennessee with a Bibliography of the Issues of the Tennessee
Press 1793-1830, Chicago Club of Printing House Craftsmen, Chicago,
I l933.“ Although Mr. MoMurtrie's book covers the same period, lack-
ing ten years, that this check list includes, many new titles and
. many new locations for old titles have been discovered and brought
forth in this list.
Printing in Tennessee began on November 5, 1791, when ,
George Roulstone, the first Tennessee printer, and Robert Ferguson
began the_§n2xville Gazette, a paper named in honor of the future I
capital. which, at that time, existed only in the plans of Governor
Blount. The Knoxville Gazette was actually printed in the colony at
Hawkins Court House, new Rogersville, Tennessee, and it was the autumn
¥§?. ‘`_~ t ddd
· xi i ·
{ QJ of 1792 before Roulstone and his paper could move to the new capital,
Q it Roulstone, a native of Boston, had probably learned his
; >j trade there as he had had wide experience before coming to Tenn» `
c i essee to aid in the functions of the governme t. Roulstone had
AFL C come at the request of William Blount, who had been appointed the
t {Q A first governor of the “Territory South of the River Ohio" in 1790,
V A when Congress provided a government for the Territory. At Salem,
g he had established the Salem Chronicle and Essex Advertiser and
A A in Fayetteville, North Carolina, he had helped with the Fayette-
ville Gazette (later the North Carolina Chronicle).
l In 1794, during the August session of the first Terri-
: torial Assembly, Roulstone was appointed public printer, and in
A 1796, when Tennessee was admitted to the Union, he became printer
' to the state. Thus, aside from publishing his paper, which was a
good example of the best of the liberal pioneer presses of the West,
Roulstone was concerned, for the most part, with public printing.
The earliest known example of Roulstone's official work is
, the first item in our list: “Acts and Ordinances of the Governor
; and Judges, of the Territory of the United States of America South
t _ of the River Ohio,“ which must have been printed by him at Knoxville
{ in 1793, though it bears no imprint. The first example of Tennessee
A printing bearing Roulstone's name in the imprint is the “Acts passed
at the First Session of the General Assembly of the Territory of the
United States of America South of the River Ohio ... Knoxville:
Printed by George Roulstone, Printer to the Territory, M,DCC,XCIV,“
and his first work of real importance was published in 1803, the
“Laws of the State of Tennessee. Knoxville, Printed and published
by George Roulstone, 1803“ which included all acts passed up to
that time. It is listed as item number 47 in this list.
Roulstone continued as a publisher and printer to the state
until his death in 1804, when his widow Elizabeth carried on his
newspaper. In 1806 she also served as public printer. However,
her printing was done by John B. Hood. A
Outside of Knoxville and Nashville, Jonesboro was the
earliest Tennessee town to have a printing press. It was here that
George Wilson conducted the Newspaper and Washington Advertiser from
1801 to 1804, when he returned to Knoxville. However, the early
press in Tennessee is important only in Knoxville and Nashville, and
from 1804 to 1808 printing in the state was confined to these two
cities. In 1808 William Moore, who had acquired his press by
marrying Elizabeth Roulstone, moved to Carthage where, in 1812, John
B. Hood came from Knoxville to become his partner. Clarksville and
Columbia became the next locations of the Tennessee press, both
about 1810. In 1814, Murfreesboro became important in the printing
world when G. A. & A. C. Sublett established their press there.
In 1819, the Subletts became public printers and their names appear
on imprints of public documents as late as 1824. Rogersville, the
site of the first actual Tennessee printing in 1791, did not enter
XIV · '
in the printing field againuntil ,1.81,4., lwhenf a twentypage sermon by _
» at Rev. Isaac Andersonand ,**1 Moral and»·Poli_tical Discourse on War
_ by D. T. Madox“ were published. Q
A it In 1816, Frederick S. Heiskell and Hugh Brown established
wi the Knoxville Register, and up to 1827 this firm of Heiskell & Brown
- contributed a notable proportion of Tennessee books and pamphlets--
particularly those oféa cultural character rather than official or
routine documents.
I Although this book is the most comprehensive of the three
I volumes dealing with Tennessee imprints, it will be noted that U
complete definitive description is lacking in the case of some
l titles. To have waited until full details could be supplied
would have delayed unduly the issue of the check list and thus
· haye defeated the purpose of such lists--namely, to supplement
I the existing record of American printed matter and reveal hereto-
fore unknown material.
The checklist was prepared for publication by the central
editorial staff. Detailed editing of the titles was done by
• Kathryn Price; the subject index was prepared by John Grotto and
T Minnie Mae Barry; Irene Browne and Beatrice Hughes compiled the
i key to symbols and index to printing points, and G. R. Wilson
i prepared the printers index. Other members of the Illinois Historical
Records Survey staff made important contributions in their in-
telligent,cooperamion_in checking, cutting stencils, proof—read»
i xv
ing and in general forwarding the completion of the publication.
we acknowledge with appreciation the contributions made by
libraries and private collectors whose holdings are represented
in this volume, and wish to express especial appreciation to the
Tennessee Historical Records Survey whose earlier list of Tennessee
Imprints 1793-1840 in Tennessee Libraries opened the way for, and
proved so helpful in, the compilation of this list.
This check list has been mimeographed by the Illinois
Historical Records Survey under the direction of Thomas R. Hall,
State Director. Criticisms, notes of additional titles and loca—
tions of Tennessee imprints may be addressed to Mr. Thomas R.
Hall, State Director, Illinois Historical Records Survey, 1400
W. Washington Boulevard,
Winifred Schlosser
American Imprints Inventory
Approved: Sargent B. Child, Director
Historical Records Survey Projects
Work Projects Administration
March 12, 1942.
Q ‘· .
The number preceding the name of the library indicates the
total number of titles recorded in this list held by that library
on collection, including (within parentheses) the number of those
which, according to present reports are unique copies.
ABBS l Birmingham—Southern College, M. Paul Philips
Library, Birmingham.
ABCC 13 Circuit Court Library, Birmingham.
AaGS 5 Geological Survey of Alabama Library University.
Az l5 Arizona State Library, Phoenix.
ArBaA (l) Arkansas College Library, Batesville.
ArCh 2 Public Library, Charleston.
ArC1C 1 College of the Ozarks Library, Clarksville.
IJCH 2 Hendrix College Library, Conway.
ArFs l Carnegie Public Library, Fort Smith.
A ` Ar—SC 9 (1) Arkansas Supreme Court Library, Little Rock.
ArSpr 1 Public Library, Springdale.
CBCDS 1 Church Divinity School of the Pacific Library,
CBPac 1 Pacific Unitarian School for the Ministry Library,
CU 2 University of California, General Library, Berkeley.
CU·Law 1 University of California Law Library, Berkeley.
CFTCL 1 Fresno County Law Library, Fresno.
COAL 1 Alameda County Law Library, Oakland.
C 1 California State Library, Sacramento.
C—L 11 California State Law Library, Sacramento.
CSansS 7 San Francisco Theological Seminary Library,
, San Anselmo.
CSdCL 18 San Diego County Law Library, San Diego.
CSf l Public Library, San Francisco.
-1- ~
§ f`?‘f°· P I
{ Q “
c CSfU 7 University of San Francisco Library, San
, Francisco,
A CSjoSCL 13 Santa Clara County Law Library, San Jose.
r CSmH 47 (21) Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery,
— CStrSL l5 Sonoma County Law Library. San Rosa.
y CSt 4 Stanford University Library, Stanford University.
Ct Bl Connecticut State Library, Hartford.
CtHT 5 Trinity College Library, Hartford.
CtHWatk l Watkinson Library, Hartford.
CtMW l Wesleyan University Library, Middletown.
CtY 9 (I) Yale University Library, New Haven.
CtY—L 42 Yale University Law School Library, New Haven.
CtSoP 5 Pequot Library, Southport.
DLC . l22 (27) Library of Congress.
A DNA l National Archives.
DSC lO Supreme Council of the 350.
DSI l Smithsonian Institution Library.
DE 3 U.S. Office of Education Library.
» OSG 9 U.S. Surgeon General's office.
F-SC 2 Supreme Court Library, Tallahassee.
GU l University of Georgia Library, Athens.
G 3 Georgia State Library, Atlanta.
‘ GCuAr l Andrew College Library, Cuthbert.
GEU 4 Emory University, Asa Griggs Candler Library,
A Emory.
_ . GEU—M l Emory University, A.W. Calhoun Medical Library,
Emory University Hospital, Emory University.
~ GMM l Mercer University Library, Macon.
I GMW l Wesley College Candler Memorial Library, Macon,
GHi l Georgia Historical Society Library, Savannah.
GS l Public Library, Savannah.
IAIS 2 Shurtleff College Library, Alton.
‘ 2 t
ICartC I Carthage College Library, Carthage.
ICBB l Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago.
ICHi l Chicago Historical Society, Gilpin Library,
ICJ 4 John Crerar Library, Chicago.
ICN l5 Newberry Library, Chicago.
ICP 8 Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Virginia
Library, Chicago.
ICU l6 The University of Chicago Library, Chicago.
IDecT 2 James Milliken University, Orville B. Gorin
Library, Decatur,
ING (I) Garrett Biblical Institute Library, Evanston.
IEN—M l Northwestern University Library, Archibald Church
Library, Evanston.
IGK l Knox College, Henry M. Seymour Library, Galesburg.
ILM l McHendree College, Benson Wood Library, Lebanon.
IHi 4 Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield.
IU 53 University of Illinois Library, Urbana.
InU 2 Indiana University Library, Bloomington,
InU>M l Indiana University Library School of Medicine
Library, Bloomington.
InHi 2 Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith
Memorial Library, Indianapolis.
In—SC 22 Indiana Law Library, (in Supreme Court Library)
In 5 Indiana State Library, Indianapolis.
Inl l Indianapolis Public Library, Indianapolis.
InPerM l Miami County Museum, Peru.
InUpT l Taylor University, Mooney Library, Upland.
FaCrM l6 Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids.
laDaGL lO Grant Law Library, Davenport.
IaDa l Public Library, Davenport.
Ia IB Iowa State Library (including General, Law, Medi-
cal, Economics, and Sociology Departments.)
IaHi l ‘ State Historical Society of Iowa Library,
Iowa City.
IaU—L I6 State University of Iowa Library, Law Library,
Iowa City.
- 5 -
_ KSalW 1 Kansas Wesleyan University Library, Salina.
» KHi l Kansas State Historical Society Library, Topeka.
` zcrnrugggg
KyBgW 3 (1) Western Kentucky State Teachers' College Li— ‘
”‘ I brary, Bowling Green.
KyDC 2 (1) Center College Library, Danville.
KyHi 1 Kentucky State Historical Library, Frankfort.
I Ky 21 Kentucky State Library, Frankfort.
KyHb 1 Public Library, Harrodsburg.
KyHe 1 Pub1ic_Library, Henderson.
KyLxFL 17 Fayette County Law Library, Lexington.
° KyLx 2 Public Library, Lexington.
‘ KYLXT 5 (I) Transylvania College Library, Lexington.
KyU 5 (1) University of Kentucky Library, Lexington.
KyU@L 13 University of Kentucky Law Library, Lexington.
KyLoF 4 Filson Club Library, Louisville.
KyLo 2 Free Public Library, Louisville.
KyLoJM l Jefferson County and University of Louisville
A Medical Library, Louisville.
KyLoP 2 Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, Lucy Stiles
Barrett Memorial Library, Louisville.
KyLoS 3 (3) Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville.
LU 3 Louisiana State University Library, Baton Rouge,
LULL l Louisiana State University Law Library,
Baton Rouge.
LNB 2 Baptist Bible Institute Library, New Orleans.
LNH 6 (1) Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans.
LNBA 7 Louisiana State Bar Association Library (defunct)
New Orleans.
I L 24 Louisiana State Library, New Orleans.
LNM¤s l Masonic Library, New Orleans.
) LN 1 Public Library, New Orleans.
. LNP l Bibliotbeca Parsoniana (collection of Edward
` Alexander Parsons) New Orleans.
» LNStM 1 Saint Mary Dominica College Library, New Orleans.
Me~LR lO Maine State Library Legislative Reference
‘ Bureau, Augusta.
2 - 4, ..
Md IO Maryland State Library, Annapolis.
MdBJ B The John Hopkins University Library, Baltimore.
MdBJ—W l The John Hopkins University, William H. Welch
Medical Library, Baltimore.
MdBB 49 Library Company of the Baltimore Bar Library,
MdBLC l (l) Loyola College Library, Baltimore.
MdBD 6 Maryland Diocesan Library, Baltimore.
MdHi 5 (l) Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore.
MdBP l Peabody Institute Library, Baltimore.
MdU-M l (l) University of Maryland, Medical Library,
MdU—L 15 University of Maryland School of Law Library,
MdU (l) University of Maryland Library (Formerly Maryland
State College) College Park.
MAnP l Phillips Academy (Oliver Wendell Holmes Library)
MBAt l5 (2) Boston Athenaeum, Boston.
MBC lO (l) Congregational Library, Boston.
MBD 4 Diocesan Library Episcopal Church, Boston.
MBFM 29 (3) Massachusetts Grand Lodge F and A.M. Library,
MHi 16 Massachusetts Historical Society Library, Boston.
M 8 Massachusetts State Library, Boston.
MBNULL 9 Northeastern University Law School Library,
MB 27 (2) Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston.
MBS 6 Social Law Library, Boston.
MBr l Public Library, Brookline.
MH 26 (I) Harvard University Library, Cambridge.
MH—And 13 Harvard University Andover-Harvard Theological
- _A Seminary Library, Cambridge. -
MH-BA l (l) Harvard University Business Administration,
Baker Library, Cambridge.
MH»L 69 Harvard University Law School Library, Cambridge.
MCM B Massachusetts Institute of Technology Library,
MDeeP l Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association Library,
MMedHi l Medfield Historical Society, Medfield.
MNBedf l Bree Public Library, New Bedford.
MSaE l Essex Institute Library, Salem.
- 5 -
43· ;
’ ié i
I I MWey 1 Tufts Library, Weymouth. A
Q MWiW—C 1 Chapin Library, Williams College, Williamstown.
~ Z MWA 49 (E5) American Antiquarian Society Library, W¤rCh€S¥€F·
I MWCL 12 Worcester County Law Library Association,
Q i Worcester.
W Ci ‘ MiU 1 University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor. ‘
MiUQC 2 University of Michigan, William L. Clements
Library, Ann Arbor.
,‘ MiD 1 Detroit Public Library, Detroit.
MiI>B 5 Burton Historical Collection, Detroit.
MiH 1 Michigan College of Mining and Technology
· Library, Houghton.
` Mi 2 Michigan State Library, Lansing.
Mi—L 24 Michigan State Law Library, Lansing.
I MnU 6 University of Minnesota Library, Minneapolis.
; . MnHi 8 Minnesota Historical Society Library, St. Paul.
MsC1iEHi 1 Mississippi Baptist Historical Society, Clinton.
MsC1iM 1 Mississippi College Library, Clinton.
· MsJMC 3 Millsaps College Library, Jadkson. .
Ms 15 Mississippi State Library, Jackson.
Ms-Ar 1 (1) State Department of Archives and History, Jackson.
MsU 14 University of Mississippi Library, University.
MsWJ 1 Jefferson College Library, Washington.
MoBolS 1 Southwest Baptist College Library, Bolivar.
, Moni 1 State Historical Society of Missouri Library,
, Columbian
MoU 15 University of Missouri Library, Columbia.
Q · Mo 14 Missouri State Library, Jefferson City.
MoKB 7 Bar Library Association, Kansas City.
_ i MoKCC 1 Catholic Cathedral, Kansas City.
MGKCM 1 Kansas City Museum, Kansas City.
MoKU 2 University of Kansas City Library, Kansas City.
MoMM 1 Missouri Valley College, Murrell Memorial Library,
MoSHi (1) Missouri Historical Society Library, Saint Louis,
MoS 18 (3) Public Library of the City of Saint Louis.
MoSMed 1 Saint Louis Medical Society Library, Saint Louis.
» MoSM 10 (1) Saint Louis Mercantile Library Association,
Saint Louis.
MoSpD 1 Drury College Library, Springfield.
` MoSp 1 Public Library, Springfield.
NbLH 1 Lincoln General Hospital, Winnett Memorial
- Library, Lincoln.
Nb 22 Nebraska State Library, Lincoln.
NbOCL B Creighton University School of Law Library,
Nv 28 Nevada State Library, Carson City.
NhHi l (1) New Hampshire Historical Society Library, Concord.
Nh 2 New Hampshire State Library, Concord.
NjR 4 Rutgers University Library, New Brunswick.
NjPT 8 Princxaon Theological Seminary Library, Princeton.
NjP 6 (1) Princeton University Library, Princeton.
Nj 25 New Jersey State Library, Trenton.
N 9 New York State Library, Albany.
NAuT 1 Auburn Theological Seminary Library, Auburn.
NBuDD 2 Delaney Divinity School Library, Buffalo.
NCH 15 (1) Hamilton College Library, Clinton.
NGH 1 Hobart College Library, Geneva.
NH 4 Public Library, Hamilton.
NHC~S 3 (16) Samuel Colgate Baptist Historical Collection,
NBMS 2 Medical Society of the County of Kings and
Academy of Medicine of Brooklyn Library,
NNA 1 American Geographical Society Library, New York
, City.
- 7 -
?— " ‘ 7 .
ii °
A OC 7 Public Library of Cincinnati, County Library, ‘
‘ ` OCUCA 2 U.S. Circuit of Appeals Sth District, Cincinnati.
OCY l Young Men's Mercantile Library Association,
; Cincinnati.
i OCl l Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland.
I OClWHi 5 (l) Western Reserve Historical Society Library,
lr Cleveland.
U S OClW 5 Western Reserve University Library, Cleveland.
O~Ar (3) Ohio State Archives, Columbus.
O Z ‘ Ohio State Library, Columbus.
A OU l Ohio State University Library, Columbus.
OFH l Hayes Memorial Library, Freemont.
OMC 2 Campus Martus State Memorial Museum, Marietta.
y OWLaw ll Trumbull County Law Library, Warren.
OkEnS l A Southern Bible College, Enid.
OkHi l Oklahoma Historical Society Library,
Oklahoma City.
Or-SC 13 Supreme Court Library, Salem.
Or-SaW>L 6 Williamette University Law Library, Salem.
PCA 2 (2) American Baptist Historical Society Library, V
Chester. n
P B Pennsylvania State Library, Harrisburg.
PPAmP l5 (1) American Philosophical Society Library,
PPA l Athenaeum of Philadelphia, Philadelphia.
PPCP _(B) College of Physicians of Philadelphia Library,
‘ Philadelphia.
\ PHi 7 (l) Historical Society of Pennsylvania Library,
· ' PPL lO Library Company of Philadelphia, Philadelphia.
, PPL~H 9 (l) Library Company of Philadelphia, Ridgway Branch,
— Philadelphia.
PPM 3 Mercantile Library, Philadelphia.
PPEM l (2) Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, F & A. M. Philadelphia.
PPPM l Pennsylvania Museum of Art Library, Philadelphia.
PPE 2l Philadelphia Bar Association Library,
NNM 1 American Museum of Natural History Library,
y New York City.
NNE 57 Association of the Bar of the City of New York
Library, New York City.
NNC 6 Columbia University Library, New York City.
NNC-L 2 Columbia University Law Library, New York City.
NNE 1 Engineering Societies Library, New York City.
NNG 5 General Theological Seminary Library, New York
NNFM 17 (B) Grand Lodge of New·York, F & A. M. New York City.
NNNAM B New York Academy of Medicine Library, New York
NHi 2 New York Historical Society Library, New York ·
City. ‘
NNLI B4 New York Law Institute Library, New York City.
NN 97 (3) New York Public Library, New York City.
NNS 3 New York Society Library, New York City.
NNY 5 Veterans' Administration Facility Library,
New York City.
, NNia 1 Public Library, Niagara Falls.
NRM l Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences Library,
NWM 1 U.S. Military Academy Library, West Point.
NcAS 9 (1) Sondley Reference Library, Asheville.
NcU 16 (3) University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill.
NcCJ 1 Johnson Smith University Carnegie Library,
» Charlotte,
NcD (11) Lmke University Library, Durham.
NcGHi 1 Greensboro Historical Society Library, Greensboro.
NcMHi 12 (4) Historical Foundation, Presbyterian and Reformed
Church, Montreal.
Nc 1 North Carolina State Law Library, Raleigh.
Nc—NB 1 Public Library, New Bern.
M»S 14 Sqnam &mrtLHmmy,Rdeign
NcWfC 1 Wake Forest College Library, Wake Forest.
OCGHM 2 Cincinnati General Hospital, Medical Library,
OCLaw 57 " Cincinnati Law Library Association, Cincinnati.
OCH 1 Hebrew Union College Library, Cincinnati.
OCHP 18 (5) Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio
Library, Cincinnati.
OCM‘ l Masonic Library Association, Cincinnati.
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PPPrHi 33 (4) Presbyterian Historical Society Library,
A Philadelphia.
PPTU-L 4 Temple University Law School Library, Philadelphia.
PU 4 University of Pennsylvania Library, Philadelphia.
y - PILL 19 University of Pennsylvania Biddle Law Library,
i _ Philadelphia. ,
PPiAL 3 Allegheny County Law Library, Pittsburg.
at PPiXT l (l) PittsburgeXenia Theological Seminary Library,
PPiU 4 University of Pittsburg, Pittsburg.
PPiW 2 Western Theological Seminary Library, Pittsburg.
PWW l Washington and Jefferson College, Memorial
Library, Washington.
Pvbybu 2 Waynesburg College Library, Waynesburg.
S RJa 2 Philomenian Library, Jamestown.
RPB 9 Brown University Library, Providence.
RPJCB l (2) John Carter Brown Library, Providence.
RP l Providence Public Library, Providence.
R 3 Rhode Isla