xt77pv6b5g66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77pv6b5g66/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 200309 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 2003 text GLSO News, September 2003 2003 2019 true xt77pv6b5g66 section xt77pv6b5g66 5.11.3: GAY and r m e t. s o us ws mm ORGANIZA‘I'ION WM Km“, September 2003 A publication OF the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service OrganiZatlon Volume 18 Number98 Closet Ball Fairness Fundraising Dinner . By Jim Dickinson and Cindy Downey The Imperial Court of Kentucky pres- Co-Chairs ents one of its most popular annual events, the Julie Vaughn Memorial Closet Ball on Fairness, Bluegrass Chapter invites Wednesday, September 24 at Club 141. everyone to their annual fall fundraiser. A The Ball is named in honor of Empress l of dinner and auction Will be held at Kentucky, Julie Vaughn. Last year's win- Portofinos, East Main St- on Sunday, ner, Amaya Masters will be stepping down. Sept. 28, starting with cocktails and silent Contestants cannot have appeared ina auction at 6330 pm. Tickets are $50- drag show, talent night, Pageant, or Reservations are strongly recommended accepted tips for a performance while and can be made by calling 8064114- dressed in the attire of the opposite sex. A5 a special treat for this year's event, Contestants are first presented in the attire the Bluegrass Chapter Wi” be auctioning of their biological gender and are given theoriginalfrontdoorsign from the Bungalow. one hour to prepare for their performance We know a l°t 0f you have fond memories Of dressed in the attire of the opposite sex. this well known watering hole, and this Contestants may have one dressing room item will make a great conversation piece assistant. for your abode. So be sure to bring your individuals interested in entering the checkbook and put in a bid- This item was Closet Ball should contact Empress 22 JD donated to us courtesy Of Allan Barger, Vaughn. Greg Scott and John Barker Gray. Minimum opening bid is $175.00. We look fonrvard King's Jsland ¢rlde \NIQh‘l to seeing you on the 28th. GLSO is now selling tickets to Pride BIUSZZSpligifnesss:rwgrfrunnflllogorig:tllc: Night at King’s island which will be Friday, Partner Benefits for city workers September 26. The cost through us is $37 ' which is less expensive than tickets on line or at the door. The Gay Lesbian Community Sponsor of the Month Center of Cincinnati is sponsoring this event and will financially benifit from the evening. ' ° GLSO will also make a small amount on {/ZVN Unltanan each ticket so drop by the Pride Center at { % UHIVCI'SEIISt 389 Waller Ave. We’re open from 10 am to ik / 3 pm, Mon through Fri. You can also call \\ I Church Mon - Sat. to reserve your tickets. 253- 3233. (Volunteers on Sat will not have see page 4-5 access to tickets. _ l __ Thomas Collins - New GLSO President , ,7 ’5 p -1'.»:"’ “Yam I would like to thank The GLSO and its Board of LESBIAN Directors for having the faith and confidence in me to C SERVICE help lead and guide the GLSO into the future. | particu— " ORGANIZATION larly thank Terry Mullins for mentoring me and for his con- tinuing service on The GLSO board. anwn' KeDtUCKY Many great strides have been made by the GLBTQ community this year..The time for change is ripe in our TGLSO MEWS nation, in our state and in our own back yard. As presi- Volume 13 Issue 9 dent of The GLSO, my number one goal is to make our organization more visible and more accessible to the published monthly by broader Central and Eastern Kentucky area. It is time to The Lexington Gay LGSbian let all people know that we are here, we offer great serv- Service Organization ices and our voice does count! 339 Waller Ave. The GLSO has many successful programs that we plan to continue and expand. The Pride Center has Editors become a focal point in our community by offering a wel- Mary Crone coming, safe environment for many organizations to Clayton Dobson, Jackie Cobern meet. The Center is also a great place to stop by to just say hello and have a cup of coffee. We offer our wall Board Members space for artists desiring a venue to display and/or sell Thomas Colllns, PreSIdent their works. We have had several successful shows and Joan Branon, Vlce-Pres. are always looking for artists. Clayton Dobson, Treasurer The Pride Library has become one of the most utilized Mary Crone, Editor resources we have to offer. It is the largest public GLBTQ Tom Collins library in Ky with over 1500 volumes of audio/video, refer- Sarah Martin ence and fiction materials all available free by simply filling Ginger Moore out an application for a library card. It is used by individ- Ben Saylers uals looking for GLBT videos and books, by parents wanting to understand their children, and by local stu— GLSO Annual Dues 8‘ dents who are writing a paper, thesis or dissertation on Newsletter. GLBTQ issues. Thank you for your donations that have Indlvidual ' $15 made this the Pride L:library a huge success. (30“!)'6 ' $25 During my term I would like to see The Pride Centers . . . hours of operation extended. Currently,.we are open 10 333:2; 7:2;25271hénafllfiorgl'ig am to 3 pm Mon through Sat. We need volunteers to staff don’t necessarily represent those of the office Saturdays and early evenings. the GLSO B°a’d' Smeissms .are We sponsor a Gay Straight Alliance for youth which welcome and staff reserves the rlght . . . to edit submissions and advertise has had members from most local high schools lncludlng . ments as well as the right to reject Lexington Christian Academy. Our goal is now to reach Smeissmns °radVemsemems~ the more isolated teens in greatest need of our services. I would also like to see the continuing success of our social gatherings: 50+ Lesbians, Men's Social Club, Andrew's Young Adult Club, Lesbian Film Night, Games Night and the ' weekly Discussion group. You are invited to start another group at any time. l I would a like to hear from you, our supporters. You remain our biggest asset. We are l in need of more board members and volunteers. Call the Center with any questions. l Please feel free to contact me if there is a program you would like to see started, one you l think could be improved, or if you have other suggestions. Reach me at 859-225-0094 or e— , mail thomasa859@cs.com. GLSO Page 2 l . l C ’t N 3f ommum y ews :o J- 114:: LEXINGTON MEN'S CHORUS SisterSound Benlns New Season 1‘ Cabaret/Embraim SisterSound is a non-audition chorus Q The Lexington Men's Chorus begins its and welcomes any woman who enjoys Jr 14th Concert Season with a Cabaret music and singing. Our rehearsals are on i- Fundraiser on Friday, Sept. 5th at The Sundays at 6 pm at the Landsdowne lr Downtown Arts Center (across from The Cumberland Presbyterian Church. If you e Main Street Public Library). Cocktail recep- are interested, come join us any sunday. 1° tion with hors d'oevres will begin at 7 pm For those whose talents are not vocal, " and showtime is at 8 pm. helping with our auxiliary could be the per- ‘e Individual members of the Chorus will fect way to showcase your talents! For lS demonstrate their talents in entertaining more info contact Patti at 2680113, email |_ cabaret-style performances. Tickets are sistersound@hotmail.com or check web 0 $15. Call (859)269-9739 (credit cards site at www.geocities.com/sistersound. 5t accepted.) Admission will also be available . - I“ at the door until we are sold out. Table People for [Indy and meess i” seating is limited so get there early. People for Unity and Fairness is a new d The Chorus will by returning to weekly group to serve the needs of gay and les- Sunday rehearsals beginning Sept 7th, at bians in rural Central Kentucky. Our mis- S St. Michael's Episcopal Church, 2025 sion is community building; we will work to r- Bellefonte Drive. Take note of the new time unite gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgen- g - 7 to 9:15pm. LMC is gay and gay-sup- der people. We welcome the support and l- portive and is non-audition. The Chorus membership of any indivuals. We meet :5 welcomes singing members (male,) and weekly for business and discussion. For l— non-singing members, (male and female,) information, contact Adam Tubbs at (859) n as part of the Chorus‘ auxiliary "Sostenuto". 803-1130 or email CUFCKY@ao|.com. e For info: Call Kenneth (859)255-1974, visit him at The Bar or email info@lmcky.org. BOYS BY DECEPTION ‘5 To be on the mailing list, send us your In the mood for something new?A new 0 address. drag king cast is premiering at Club 141 on ff LMC's Holiday Concert will be pre- Wednesday, Sept. 10th. Boys By h formed at St. Michael's on Saturday, Deception will be featuring local and g December 6th. Mark your calendars! regional drag king entertainers as well as local drag queens. I: lEX ‘70”: lEATHERILEV’ Cl”. Our show will begin promptly at 9 pm. ;, The Lexington Lyons is a social club There is no cover charge for the opening a for those interested in the leather/levi night. The Club will be having drink Spe- lifestyle. We meet at the Pride Center cials running all night 50 come on OUt and 3 on the second Monday at 7:30. By sup- JOll'l US for this fun event. 3- porting the Center financially we have More Communty News and events hap- ‘J become Pride Patrons. For information pending at the Pride Center can be found ” call Thomas at 272-0408. on pages 4, 6, and 14. - Wm SPIRITUAL RESOURCES Unitarian Universalist Church Looking for a church community? WW Consider the Unitarian Universalist Church , of Lexington. We are a growing communit integrity, 3 group . k.” GLBT of friends and members who acknowledge, Episcopalians and friends, anItes you to all sincere paths as valid and who define iom In a dISCUSS'On W'th Episcopal B'ShOP spirituality in terms that are inclusive, not Stacy Sauls on Sunday, September 14th exclusive. We areachurch without Dogma, from 45:30 pm at St' Michaels Episcopal without mandated morality, or obligatory Church at 2025 Bellefonte St. ‘ ' laws. B'ShOP Sauls WI“. report on hls. experl- The cohesive conscience that holds this ence at the 74th National Convention. As church community together is the belief in you may know, B'ShOp. Gene Robinson, every one’s inherent right to search fortruth from. the New Hampshire Diocese, was in their own way. You will find a variety of confirmed as the firs" openly gay-Bishop Of beliefs, activities and ways of worship with- the Episcopal Church at th'S national con- in these walls. You may attend the Humanist vention. There will be discussion of the Forum Women’s Spirituality Group Simple Resolution on Blessing Unions and time for Living, Pot Luck Buddhist Meditation A questions. For additional information call Course in Miracles, or Cuups (pagans) ' Rev. sandy Stone at 277-7511 or email This church is a conduit for positive stmlntegrity@yahoo.com change and individual fulfillment, in whatev- AVOL Interfaith Task Force er form it manifests itself, regardless of your sexual preference, gender expressmn, polit- AIDS Volunteers, lnc. is looking for rep- ical affiliation, racial or cultural background, resentatives from local faith communities or social standing. We are proud to spon- to form an Interfaith Task Force. This sor the GLSO News this month. group Wi” explore ways that religious If you find yourself wanting to work or organizations can get involved in the fight fight for social justice as you travel down against AiDS and how to improve the qual- your spiritual path, (whatever your definition ity of life for those living with the disease. of spiritual may be), this church can be an We will seek avenues to educate the pub- oasis along the way. lic about prevention, to raise awareness in The Unitarian Universalist Church wel- our local community. and to overcome comes visitors any time. our worship serv- obstacles in our own congregations. ices on Sunday are at 9:15 and 11_ it you are interested in social action Interweave, for GLBT people and friends, this is a wonderful Opportunity for you to will be having lunch together after church on . make a difference in your community, and Sept. 21. For more info see www.uucl.org. in the lives of others. With your help, we can contribute to an improved quality of life JubiIee Fellowship Egrihfjvjaizlfgijtfr:flaiijmlfllzési”: The Jubilee Fellowship is a Christian group that gets together for Bible Study es are not necessary. Contact AVOL for and Worship every Thursday night. information, AlDSvolunteers@aol.com, Contact Beverly or Corina at see wwwaidsvolunteerS-org. or call (859) CWBM121893@aol.com or call 264-7006 225-3000 for information or directions. GLSO page 4 t ‘75". it?" “‘.“‘{V‘ “of ‘ ‘ "'7', "" ‘3" -.‘\’¢,' ;:.-‘],3,«._2. - . , _. ,.., m .,.,.,. . . . . _. , .1,- r . a .‘ 7‘] 2.."_ ' .2‘ _ ,-,]._,.::[;[][.[.[,:;,2,[ 2:, , I .2922 222.32%? . 2. ESMfififififlmfis ‘ "229. '. . 2- 2- ' - 9 itwwfi‘fim _. 2 - U I l .— . 2 22222 3222.2222222. 222 -' . . . - - ' n . . 22.22fii‘5321222.2*«2¢3-&9;"f:;- : 2 2 2 l 2 ' 'Mti2fifiigi°“’°3”{¥l’fi‘vu .2‘ .' :2“; ' ' ,. ’ ty g~tit°£éo fijaésfigvay‘g’i .2_.';:]'_,’.;[].,]',. .14“ C;]' [ 4].. . [ 2 . [. , :3. as... . 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As ‘ ¢\‘,2'.‘2‘?Ar.’i.' 2. .2, 2 ' 2‘222 351'. . . ., -. 2 2 22212253» ‘2 . . ' 32.11.22. 2 2 - .. ‘ . ' ,:~ '. iét’ 2 . 2 ”aflmafifi , 2 -. _. .2 m . y.“ :2 .'“$95.23,72.g.:.§§;;:;}.,,~z.§.iwze,....u . ,, 2;. ;. 2 9.2.; 7* , .v_.~...'2.:;_2.2.‘,.-.1.2 . ‘2‘». "27’2"???““123222225333?”"72" 7732:. ~ f ' ,. , -. 2:.'.~2 . ,-~, , . 2.723.; e 22 - .\\‘2v 2 {’51: 2' ' i’gi-:~f:3x,k?§gf‘§}gg;?tg52§fié _» 7355‘}: . ~ . ' '2’ ‘.vi~', -. -.'t«2 34227.3 -' I- 6‘ I o 0 Jr Not everyone 15 Ozzie and Hamel, you know? We wanted a _ o o t church commumt where we would eel welcomed as a lesbian j . i 99 couple. 1- ‘6 o o o a We also wanted to explore a vanety of sptntual beliefs and )r o 0 b I I d O I l 0 l k ,9 'n opportumtles to ecome mvo mm m socza Justice wor . in ‘6 d o o n a n 9, n We foun all of thus at the Umtanan Unwersalzst Church. " Unitarian Universalist Church I... ' 3 6 C ° . 5 4 lays MIII lzd. 3’ - ° C ° . Dev. Cynthia am 0 ‘ Sunda WOI‘ShI 9'15 and II '00 I I I t A ' l S k’ D ' C ' 5 ctwe y ee mg a werse ongregatlon - .7._7.77s.__._, "w-.. . an” . .. . .._, . e..»:.».:...=;:can::“aw'umunfl-muxwLW GLSO Page 5 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3 fl ’L' h ”it: _ _ . - “ i McGeorge Exhlblt noon, so bring a friend, and a snack to riff; The work of local artist Vira share. For more information or to be added .{j . :._ McGeorge will be on display to an email reminder list, call the Pride ‘) , at the Pride Centerthroughout Center at 859-253-3233 or contact Jane at _' jar: September. Ms. McGeorge ladyjaneky@yahoo.com. . ' grew up in the Ky mountains and a love for the natural world is reflected . . . . . in her art. Come by and see her work. Prlde Center lerary ngllllghts. Transgendered Issues On Friday, Sept. 12, we will be watch- We recently received a generous donation ing Switch, a satiric comedy staring Ellen of books on transgendered issues. The Barkin as a man reborn in a woman’s classic novel Stone Butch Blues had long body. The man mistreated women in his been one of the favorite books in the library previous life so God gives him another but we had little else on "trans" subjects. chance this time asawoman S/he is still Now the collection includes materials on ’d d it I b' family relationships, medical care, and work- attracte to women an mee S a es ian place issues as well as fiction, biographies played. by Lorraine Bracco (who plays a and videos. The collection is already in high therapist on The Sopranos.) The PlOt demand. Here isjustasampling: tthkefls_:9;neCSt'r the pgt and laigh1v2vgh Body Alchemy: Transsexual Portraits by ”5 a“ e ” e enterat pm or” e ' Cameron, Loren (HQ 77.95.036 B668) Xena Bloopens Different for Girls (VIDEO Diff) Our monthly Xena-fest at the pride Gender Blending: Confronting the Limits of Center takes a turn toward comedy. Join Duality by Holly Devor (HQ 1075048 G325) us on Saturday, September 20th at 1pm for Self-Made Man: The Diary of a Man Born in our usual helping of Xena: Warrior aWoman's BOdY by Paul Hertt (HQ Princess episodes from Season 1 and, as 77'8'H49 8465) a special treat, an X;WP blooper ree|_ Suits Me: The Double Life Of Billy Tipton by giggles, and miss their marks. lt's sure to AUDIO BOOK sun) “cont/”“9" 0” page 14 be a fun way to spend a Saturday after— i 7231.17,:.LZ.’..I.‘.;".'_"ijiiiifi‘ylIf'.,".‘.i".:'.__.’.’.1f.'.‘.'..".;f”;‘;"','-, ' . . I we] Vol tcer , Meetings at the Pride Center 3 211‘ A1411 W" _ . Awarbs Banquet DISCUSSlon Group, open to all.....every Wed, 7 pm Swabs Oct ‘2 info Jane ladyjaneky@yahoo.com. H" ‘ Andrew’s Young Adult Club....2nd & 4th Sat, 7 pm 5WD "5 NOm‘"At'°"5 f” Sisthas in the Life, black lesbians...1st Tues, 7 pm WASfiO" AWN? A"? Men’s Social Club, .. 3rd Friday at 6 pm Rainbow Communitu info lggie 492-9904 Service Aware - I I r, ' , l= No Gaymes Night in Sept ( 4th Friday at 7 pm) see page 10 GLSO Page 6 *‘k‘k‘k‘ki'ic'kf‘k‘ki‘k‘k‘k‘k‘k 1k 2 ‘3. I. ,3" :_ - 1k ,0 * TUE IMPERIAL (W U? KENTUCKY it 0' * presents * e V . . The 2005 Julie Vaughn Memorial * ‘:, eigtétic,z;;.iee _ , * cc< N" " 7 ll” * Wednesdag, September 241, 2005 ‘k e * 9.30pm, Oars w * .V * 33 5 ’Dona’tron” < * 2 *’ One oi: Lexington’s’mtost Popular" anal most ‘A’ E *7 entertaining Pageants eacla gear, “Closet Ejall” is * * alwatjs a tiarilling evening, as new-3r‘—-lje:l:ot'e---5e:elt Clt‘ag * * queens battle: it unit tor" the: coveted title: at “Closet. *7 * (Queen 200,5.” Many oi: yoltrilravorlte local Periormers * i * got. their” start wit—l1 tl'ris night air i'un anal competition. 1* n * Scheduled entertainment also includes: * * MED. Vmng-m Nicole, ljiamonol * * Natalie: (loge l V3ClL) lx/larmalarn‘c * ll " " » let it n a. l ive. Tova I and mam} more... it ~ * ‘k . . , * Net: Proceeds to benefit the charities oi: the: lCK. * * * «v-lnterestecl in cumpetingw * * $626 Empiress JD izor‘ a Pageant application * * l‘tttpy’I/‘Ilslcntuclc‘tj.ll‘l‘lPCOlJl’torg * t ***************** BLUEGRASS FAIRNESS woRKs F0“ supporting Domestic Partners. Likewise, ”0MESTIC pARTNER BENEFITS Steering Committee members held con- F0“ CITY EMPMWEES versations with individual members of the BYALLAN BARGER council to answer questions and address their concerns. While the Council voted for While the JUIY 4th Parade float was our a moratorium on DP benefits, due to con- most visible summer activity, Bluegrass cerns about financial costs to the city, Fairness has been working behind the those currently enrolled were allowed to scenes to help bring Domestic Partner ben- continue coverage, due largely to efits to Lexington/Fayette Urban County Fairness' work. Again, we applaud the Government employees. Shortly after members of the council who voted to con- Teresa Isaac took office as Mayor, tinue protections for those already Bluegrass co—chair Jim Dickinson and other enrolled. members of the Steering Committee met When the Mayor vetoed the moratori- With her and urged her to take the step of um, stating that it violated Lexington's extending benefits to committed same—sex Fairness Ordinance, Bluegrass Fairness partners. committed to working with both sides to Mayor Isaac willingly responded by ensure that the benefits and those they investigating her legal status to enact such covered were not forgotten in a struggle a policy and assuring the Steering between the Mayor and the Council. Committee that she would take action, For now, Bluegrass Fairness is work— including opposite-sex partners as well. ing to help the members of the Urban During the open enrollment period, several County Council move past their unfounded gay and lesbian couples were able to obtain fears of costs, and ultimately provide for insurance fortheir partners for the first time. the well-being of the city's employees and We applaud Mayor Isaac for being progres— their families. The next vote will be in sive in bringing Lexington in step with many October, and Bluegrass Fairness is other cities and businesses in the US. already working to keep DP benefits in When the Urban County Council learned place. If you would like to work on this Of the policy change, some were supportive exciting project please feel free to call us and some had questions. Homophobic at 859—806-4114 and leave us a message. comments were quickly addressed. The sessions were monitored by Steering . Committee members, especially Charlotte Wood, with reports going out to the Steering Committee members several times daily. W rigtg’tg‘t I “Keep the love you find, . David Cupps and other members of the of??? " 3% Get the love you want. ” Fairness Domestic Partner sub-committee rag _ _ . ., _ . prepared in-depth information packets for JeSSica Bollinger LCSW each member of the Council to answer their _ , , _ _ concerns about the issue. Other Steering Certified Imago Relationship Therap'St Committee members made themselves couples, family, individual available for media interviews, including co- chair Cindy Downey, to educate the citizens imagoconnectioncom 859'552'6533 of Lexington about the overall benefits of GLSO Page 8 I- . e KENTUCKY FAIRNESS S )f' ,_ l, O O . i ALLIANCE y BLUEGRASS CHAPTER : cordially invites you to an evening of fine dining 0 for our fall fundraiser Z. Sunday, September 28, 2003 _ at _ (' l' n portofino )i' '4' in 249 East Main Street, Lexington IS in 6:30 pm — Cocktail Reception :: 7:30 pm — Dinner with invited guests a. Sso/person — Cash Bar Proceeds benefit the ongoing work of Kentucky Fairness Alliamce and its Bluegrass Chapter Silent Art Auction Reservations ‘ featuring ‘ — strongly— the window sign from the front door of 5" ested ' The Bungalow 99 Donated by: _ _ Allan Barger, Greg Scott, and 859 806 4114 John Baker Gray , —0r— , (Minimum bid—$175.00) fundraiser@bluegrassfaIrnessprg "' GLSO Page 9 continued from page 6 Trans Forming Families: Real Stories About Transgendered Loved Ones edited ; GLSO CAREER by Mary Boenke (HQ 77.7.3671 T772) Saturday October 4 Transition to Completion by Lynn ; Wa|mart parking [0t Montgomery (HQ 77.9.M788 T772) _ 10 t0 3 Transsexuals: Candid Answers to Private . . Questions by Gerald Ramsey (HQ 77.9.R36 T772) : Walmart WI” matCh . . , all $$ we make Transsexuals: Life From Both Sides by t $1 000 Lynn Hubschman(HQ77.9.H881T772) , UP 0 1 Tme Selves: Understanding Transsexualism for . ' Families, Friends, Coworkers, & Helping Pm sionalsby Mildred L. Brown (HQ77.9.B76T871) Men Of A” C°|ors Togefher. These and many other books and videos KY Men Of all Colors Together on a wide variety of subjects can be (MACT) . '5 fr" local chapter Of? national checked out at the Pride Center Library, 389 gay multnracnal organization Wthh fosters Waller Avenue, open Mon-Sat, 10.3_ a supportive environment where friend- ships and partnerships can be celebrated Older man looking for house mate to free of racual and cultural barriers. . assist with driving and other tasks in F_°r meetm date or '“format'onv exchange for free rent. South end of ema” maceth@a°"°°mi ca” J0” 359 town. Ca” Al at 260-7703 351-4453 or check Web site: www.mac- tky.com MW are my bang- Wfir 1113 The Twelfth Annual Volunteer Awards Banquet will be held on Sunday October 12. Mayor Teresa Isaac will be our keynote speaker. All community organiza- . tions are invited to present their volunteer of the year awards to an individual they select. Each group is responsible to choose what they present to their chosen volunteer. We will also be honoring the individual (Wasson Award) and the community group (Rainbow Award) that through volunteerism has done the most for the GLBT Community in the Bluegrass Area in the previous year or years. Anyone can nominate a person or a group for these awards. Write a paragraph or two giving the reasons for your choice and email it to lexing- tonglso@yahoo.com, mail it to GLSO, PO. Box 1172, Lexington, 40588, or drop it by the office by Oct. 1. We will set up a time for voting in early October. GLSO page 10 i; m cm ”Momma... 2524014 A Charity Organization 2003 Pride Manta Sponsors '35 Scott Ackerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055 For all your real estate needs (mobile) 338-8483 r TheBarCompIex ..........................255-1551 I 224 East Main Street Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . 859-806-4114 1 Promoting equality for all people 5 Pride Potion - Lexington Lyons Levi/Leather Club. . . . . . . . . . 272-0408 GLSO News Sponsors 2002 SisterSound..................................243-0243 Diverse music for all women Richardson Vision Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278-4201 _ 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside TeresaWagoner...............................494-1831 Russ Dunn Real Estate Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448 Seeking a Diverse Congregation . Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244 1513 Nicholasville Road WindyKnoIIFarm .............................299-7410 ‘ Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding LexingtonMen’sChorus ........................255-1974 , Rehearsal every Sunday "_ GLSO page 11 Ca|| number "in. PC = Pride Center . . e e m e r Call = Call for place Directory for Location. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday . 5 . 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7pm Sistahs in the Life 7 pm Discussion Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA pride Center Open 10 —3pm 8 Pm AA Step Study Pr'de center Pride Center (Call for place) 8 pm LDGA meeting (Call for place) 8 m Rainbow Bowlin ' p L g The Lex Men’s Chorus for info coma“ . SPUth'and anes . kelllndel@hotmall.com 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA .’ . 1 I Cabaret Fundraiser (Call for place) has been postponed until Oct. 7 » 8 9 1 0 12 13 7:30pm P WP" . Pride Center . Ni 1!. Pride Center ' 6 pm SlsterSound rehearsal 3 pm AA Step Study (Call for place) 8 Pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7.30 geé /Lesbian AA Pride Center Landsdowne. Cumberland (Call for place) (Call for place) ‘ p y Pres. Church 9 pm Rainbow Bowling (Call for place) 7 pm Men’s Chorus Sputltland Lanes , rehearsal St. Michaels, 9 pm Boys Ely Deception 2025 Bllefonte Drag King Show Club 141 14 15 16 17 19 , . . 20, 9:15 & 11 am uu Church 7 Pm GLSO Board 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 2:25“ icflethrMovre Night Pride Center Open 10-3pm 2 50+ P 'd C t . . ' Pride Center I e e .4 m WA - pm -” e 9" er Meeting, Pride Center 8 m Ga nesbran AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 1 p P c 6 pm Imperial Court PC 8 AA St St at P Y 6 pm SisterSound rehearsal pm ep u y (Call for place) (Call for place) 7 pm Men’s Chorus (Call for place) 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 7 pm Dignity (Call for Place) Sputhiand Lanes 7:30 Soulforce call Jamie for place230-5625 21 22 24 26 27 9:15 & 11 am uu Church 7 pm GSA (can for mace) 7 pm Discussion Group 6 pm Pride Night- Pride Center OPen 10-3Pm Interweave Potluck after Pride Center Kings Island tickets at 7pm Andrew s Club- service around 12:15 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center ’ Pride Center 6 pm SisterSound rehearsal (Call for place) 7.30 Ga /Lesbian AA 7 pm Men’s Chorus 9 pm Rainbow Bowling ‘ ()Call for lace) Sputhland Lanes p 9:30 Closet Ball Club 141 28 29 9:15 & 11 am UU Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) V a McGeorse ‘ 1 Exhibit 6 pm Imperial Court PC 8 pm AA Step Study 6 pm Sister Sound (Call for place) ' .; ' 7Men,sm on dlspl y throughout eptember at 6:30 Falmess Fundraislng - Dinner, Portofinos the PHde C9 ter Reservatlons 806-4114 7:30 Soulforce call Jamie _ for place 230-5625 , ____________________________________ ________________________________.—____ GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13 RAINBOW WWI/NS The new season for the Rainbow “‘ sat Bowling League begins on Wednesday, Sept. 3 with an organizational meeting at 8 pm. You can sign up for three person New season teams, bring your own team or we can 859‘ S "SCI”- rd! place you on a team. 0 ani , -fional 82le If you can not attend on the 3rd, 55 n , L . l .5 m please call the League Secretary and let 9 f‘ . . ' ' P them know you want to bowl. Secretary it Bow ”#5 1;,» (Ci-“'3 can be reached at 859—351—4650. 80 ma BéWl ”,gfian Bowling wrll begin on Sept. 10 at 9 pm 0’ _ ill a3 fie 2:? . 2222:2312“ " at the Southland Bowling Lanes, 205 lama" 5253a 21