xt77pv6b5k33 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77pv6b5k33/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-03-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 1972 1972 1972-03-02 2020 true xt77pv6b5k33 section xt77pv6b5k33 O 0
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'* ‘ d t bl" ’ h t h
. , Q? to e uca e pu lo a on cas ,
I: .... B." MIKEYWI‘F plan as “politically unrealistic." but he fairly criticized by many of the . . l '
" 4" , N .. Kt'l‘llt‘l Sta” “'1‘?" said any alternative to his four points Democrats who helped bring about the
' ' .M' if? . . . would mean "more taxes, more in- problems. And that despite Nixon‘s
$1 looms RukeyIser. ABC‘s economic t'lation. or both." phase two. inflation "will be around to .
editor. 8“" h_‘sj four pomt plan for plague us for a good many years to .
, _Q' 3 economic stability to a concert and Dur' g h‘ l t R k come“
' is . - - . in is ec are u eyser Q . . _ *
5:“ ’* “s: liclllljstsfitilelft audience m Memoriai examined three questions he said must MK 5 Economic hditor was acer-
.; . r" ' Va ' . , . - .. . .
't ”'6 .. g I . be settled before the economic picture bud”) ”mull 0f M30“ 5 1972 and 1973
k is; (In/ell the political motives 9f all can significantly be brightened. The budgets, In considering the two ‘
3% economic policies, Rukeyser said “0 questions dealt with the impact of the budgetsI Rum-"59" asked the audience
" _ American preSIdent IWl“ 9V9? be able to Vietnam War. Nixon‘s war on inflation. t9 imagine what a defeated Richard
§ -= solve the country‘s fiscal woes. But as and the near future of the American i\ixon would say if President Hum-
i a nonpartisan observer he offered a economy. phrey had"put together thetwo biggest
plan to stop the “dollar robbery". ’ , deficits since World War II," .
I . s . , The government must. he said. America is impatient Ruktyscr went on to say that the
in MW” _ s i. - “educate the public to the dangers of "grotesquely swollen budgets were .
I inflation, exercise restraint on A major characteristic of the politically safe because all the ‘
government spending.provideasteady American people is their impatience. democratic candidates would "make .
. money supply (through the Federal he said and that impatience is why ”the the deficit larger." And he called the '
RukyserI 13““ erth "I‘aIS‘" 0' Reserve Board), and reduce the power Johnson administration lied to the deficit spending a "monstrous threat of
:e'amonllfsf Rab‘bi twllllthan; ll of big unions." American public." a new round of inflation."
re. er eore isa.(ta ..
Ruke se an . ~ - .
photo by Ann Firesheets.) governnzentr off?:i:?38vgoulgaltab$ hi: “They were always telling us that In his prediction for the nations .
‘ victory was just around the corner.“he economic future. Rukeyser “€35 .
————-—-————-—-————-——-———-——-—-————— said. "The only trouble was that baSIcallonptimistic. He called the 1967-
thev kept moving the street," ()9 receSSion the mildest of the five the
Th‘ H‘fl'wkg . . . country has experienced since World
Viewmg PreSIderIit Nixon's attempts War n. and he said the country has
. at stopping inflation, Rukeyser em- been makingasteady recovery for over
PhaSIZed the 10118 term growth or the a year. And he said Nixon‘s policy
' problem. He said the inflation problem may have done more to retard the
started with byndon Johnson's failing country‘s economic progress than to , ' .
, to . recognize the economic advance it. calling the president‘s .
' , ramifications 0f the Vietnam War. economic shift "the most startling ,
. voL. LXlll N0. 99 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY Thursday. March 2. I972 RUkeyser 3‘50 said Nixon was “n' reversal since Christine Jorgensen."
. ‘ 1
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. B)‘ JERRY w_ LEWIS an independentstudy proiect that Channon Master s degree in communication. The basic concept behind (‘hannon's -
Associate Editor completed for his MQSICF'S degree in “‘lr" “‘“H‘VS “('(lllirt‘d model is that it' it is feasible there could be

Call Jim Channon a product of the communications. "Since “'0 been “91‘0- I‘Vt‘ 500” UK a student operatedstaff supervised closed
McLuhan age. Since the completion of the basic design. acquire multimillion dollar information circuit T\' operation which would utilize

Listen to what (‘hannon‘s talking about. (‘hannon has distributed copies of his ccntcrs all over the campus but none of it existing facilities to provide L'K with a '
find out where his head is at and you may project throughout the UK administration really gets to the students." (‘hannon daily look at itself and the world in which it

. soon begin believing the McLuhan maxim- and is now untangling bureaucratic red explained. "The t‘ampulse system is long “is”

-Students are taking a break from tape to have the system accepted. overdue. It's simply a delivery system to [loving cameras
education to go to college.” 'l‘o(‘liannon. whois presentlya Major in spread information throughout ”10 (‘ampulse in its cntirity would range
we the US. Army. his ideas are the product university community." from students using video tape rover
I‘IIHTUN'S NUTEI This is lht‘ “I'St 0' fl and possible solution to the “deper- cameras to record campus activities to a
two-part series examining (‘ampulscn a sonalization" on the UK campus since he The information centers (‘liannon talks “in. expression camera setup that by
communications student‘s proposal to first camc here in fall of 1958. about are thc libraries on the campus. the morcb‘ bushing a button and facing a
revolutioniu- l'K‘s cable 'l‘\'systcm. Medical Center. and all other classroom- permanent camera and microphone. you

. . . .. . research centers such as the ('bctflistr)‘ could record whatever you please.

Last summer. 32«year-o|d (‘hannon (hannongraduatedfromlkin 1962M”! l’hysic Building and the new White The return of free expression in its . .
researched and designed a television 4| liochclor's dcgrcc in Fine Arts. llc Hall (‘lassroom building. Information purcsl torm smut l'K's Great Wall of ‘
communications system speCIfIcally tor a l't‘llIlt‘IIHI‘tl to HN‘ Lexington campus as .u may be a misleading term but in than» (iral't'iti that surrounded the construction

. liniversity community. The system '. lttllt instructortor two ch:lr-\‘.Il\ow hes non's words. (‘ampulse would be ”an open "i the Ulticc 'l‘owcr was taken down,
. neatly titled ( ampulsc. was the result ol llt'l‘t' «'Itlilln llnIShmg up “Is studies for his t'lt(l(‘(l communication system " (‘ontinucd on Page 5. Col. 1
.._._- “A ...._.-_______._.___-_._4 A . c A A l h is”..- A I It to..- _.. 4,4,1
. v." l VV l]\ V “ll/v .

 2—TIII‘I KI‘INTl'CKY KERNI'II..'l'hursdaI\'. March 2. I972
H l h f f d. . 1 project
. When the medical students a eoiiterenee on oeetipitional Workplaee.” will be in .-\sh|and‘s the third year medieiIaIl the audience."I Mangat said
. I notieed the ldrge amount of health there as a medieial school l’ergrem Building Friday and students‘s study at the l l\ Health prolessionals. . inedieial
health hazards in \shland. KN hroteet Saturday \ledieial t'enter.I .\tter a two— students and law enforcement
' taetoi‘ies.the_\‘ deeided to sponsor The eonterenee. "Health in the “tine ot the purposes ot the week study to diagnose health officials truth the tri-staIte area
V J workshop is to make the worker problems in an asslgncd “H" “Ill also attend. he said. The
, . ' ' M aware of being exposed to health eounty area. a project was conference is open to anyone “It“,
' ‘ ' I2 Aug“ ’ ‘ ha/ards.” said l)e\'inder Mangat. required. The live medicial registers Friday at 3:30. ’
V ‘ v . ,_ 5% '\ \ \ WATCH THEM . one ot the third~year medieial students decided to eenter their The conference is also being
I - - \ students who originated the proieet around occupational sponsored by the Medieal
' _' a \; [II "1 OPERATE! project. For example. because of health. ('ominittee for Human Rights.
' i I . . "a 1.5‘ ‘ ' ‘2’ ‘3 laek of education many steel The workshopisaimed not only Ashland Area Labor (‘ouneil
" '2 . ‘ tr vi ' .. 2' " platit workers do not realize at Ashland. but at the tri-state Ashland chapter of the hated t,
' -~ ’ - . 2 l? \‘ -‘ t w 3’ ‘° asbestos floating in the air can region of Ulllt). W.\'a. and Ky.. Steelworkers of America. West I
. . - . " {if} -'.' I‘ \§;\ GEORGE 0 cause lung eaneer. said medical said medieial student Raymond Virginia l'niversity Labor '
- ' ' ' I‘ a," .2411 R I student Hob Young. (‘oheir Studies institute. and medic-ta]
. ’ , /L‘ I jg}; «1’0. ‘3‘“ ; Th" WWW! is an outgrowth 0" ”Workers in different in- schools from Ohio State and West
, . . ‘ "7‘, é I Ag “I the eomiiiunitv medicine phase of dustries will be the majority of Virginia University.
; . _~ é: . rt V 2- s . H l H 11 f bl .
' .2 . f 2 ,, 2:. “THE 0 11168 3 aces pI'O CHIS 9
1 . , , , '2 . 2-; - 9:. ~ . o t 5.15;;
.  . . - , ~ 4 2.; c. *3 HOSP" I." h' d 'd t takes office
» , " , , igé‘i-/ \t t 11‘ pI'eSl en - .
- . -- : , Afi . »
‘ . .r V.’ :" f}\ If" x ';,I\ CO-STARRING . . *9
' . . -' ' / ‘2?! .- ‘73 2'" QM A DIANA BIV'I‘IM BALL-UH) Hall. council president Steve resrgnation was the inability of
. . . I I '3’fir‘g‘“ , “I; I, “‘66 Feamre “mes Assistant Managing Editor Smith. Head Hesident Tom the council to function as a unit.
- . ' My"? .:- "7”. ._—.:~1 @fi 2 004 55 Nearly 100 students at Holmes Sturgis and AsSIStant Dean of tSkaggs is the third council
' I " 5 . ‘1 ' i felt»; ' l 4 I” U' I mmm" 7'159’45 Hall waited for Dean of Students Students Rosemary Pond. president this semester. The
‘_ I, . . ' IS? AREA SHOWING! ' I Jack Hall to appear at a special The talks were held concerning tirst. Henry Boswell, resigned in
I" I STARTS FRIDAY' meeting of the dorms house reports that the Student January under the threat of '
. I‘ ‘ ' ' m AREA snowmen n rURFLAND MALL council Wednesday night. They Government Legal Services impeachment).
I 7 . . ' . George c, Scott . 277-oioo . were disappointed-Hall failed to Office might ask Hall to charge Kernelarticle questioned
' . i lj‘I’m'm'ed '°' ”895' AU“, ON THE MALL appear. Hall couldnot be reached Sturgis with Student (‘ode Later during the meeting ;
I . , 4 . I BARGAINMATIN . Haanooswlononoumtdum for comment. violations. COUNCII member John R3W1m$
- 1‘ ' EE-MON'h'“SAT’T'L2“”"M 'M‘LSEATSMOO He wastoattendthe meeting to Smith resigned soon after brought up the question of the l 6
answer questions about the calling the meeting to order. article in yesterday's Kernel I T
', _ I, . .. ' (oqulmlof IHEAIRES’ INC. ‘ Student Code. Vice-president Roy Skaggs then concerning the Holmes situation. i
. _ ’. .'» ‘ ' . The meeting was called succeeded to the presidency. He wanted articles I and VI of the E
V l' ‘ . ' ' . KENTUCKY First I following afternoon talks among Smith said the reason for his Student Code read to find out
' ' ' 7 2" E MAlN ST 254mm Now RUI‘I I WhIat :turgis had allegedly
. . ' ‘I 'I i I ' ‘ “ vio ate .
. ‘I . I . I IIIIOM -“E'I"iur.,IIII“The best comedy of - g}; row“ *6“ r/caf“ JUST A SHORT DRIVE £007“ tSources in the Legal Services
'_ . , . ‘ , the year and ms ' :' 1““, we /... °"L'M‘“‘.’!£-4’- 4’ office said no decisions have
. - I II I sI best love story. - 1. ‘ on}. " "”311;ng Adm. $1.50 w... no 7230 I been made as to what course of
.~ , .. i f ‘ ' 1 W 'NEWSMRW'NE - ’ action. they will pursue in the
I. i , , .2 OPEN ‘W-‘SA‘T'SUN' - 2 matter 1
  ~ w MdF -i ci- -- '
. I . , . ‘s\ ‘ . _ a e or . 1 I isldaiE-AIs'rioWigc z Another representative. Tyson scre
I. I I, I I, .. Each Other I . a. ' ‘ Williams. explained that the mul
I II . . I , I I I w ' TganicoLORQ elections cancelled by Dean Pond fast
. ' I . . I . t i,» , f)» t GP 3;: I . 3,». Tuesday had been called after the Tl
.: , , . nonoooIuIIIIInIIIIIIIcInI‘IIonIUlI. . W" adjournment 0f the regular Lou.
: » . . ‘1“; ”“1 232:.- LOVE! FERVOR! ANGUtSH! meeting of Feb. 27. He said the polit
'1 1 " ~ i . I u S T R A N D NOW . I” . k ”a; .. ’ A SACRtFtCE! orssmrt members who had not left of h
' ‘I . l53 EAST mm at 255.5570 . é?” Run ' decided to suggest to Sturgis that. their
g ' ‘ - 6‘ I? . WWII? 4" - . w" ,4?" ""11“ since they believed the council anti
I‘ , . 'I g 200 w “‘ 3,4 1%)” - . fie. w ...2 was not representative. corridor norr
. - ' I ’ w W": ~.1: :79?! I it if ° ~ (' I ~.-...: meetings be held and decz
. I . . In a -A|_! .I‘fili . all; /,-""' 1;} . I [A representatives reSlgn or be mor
,- ~ . IRyze COLOR United Artists It 4 . - -,I , I,» “T
~I 2 . ,‘I " ' - ‘ , ' (:l Williams also said a quote from .
. . I . HE MOTHERS OF INVENTION I . it; I »~ “I II .. I Smith's affidavit as reported in :03?
. 2 - . . I BINGO STARR HEODORE BIKEL I .' ‘rII ; ‘3} . II yesterday's Kernel was taken out mm:
|' i. 1' . I . I o I o u o u u o a | I I I I i I I i I I I I I I a I I o u I I . ,v‘ 43 l?”- ’ f' I m C0rttext.I The afftdavrt reads fee(
i . f I . . . - If ”an? :5}. . I' . ' that Sturgis said open houses f rr
’ > 7 ' ' ’ . C I N E M A Now First _ .~:..-,:i:;,z= I = , would be affected if the council ‘1‘
. . I . 220 E. MAIN ST. 254+” Run . III II IIIIIIII. II 5} . ., ‘X, did not act as it should. hatci
‘I‘ i‘ I‘ I . COLUMBtA DiCTUQES Piesec's ‘ :‘I'a‘fi/‘f I “I ' K Smith then ointed out that r9851
’ -. . ABBSPRODUCTION - 1 gang ,‘s- _..,.I _ .\ II I P
.' ' .- i 2 .. Academy Award - , at??? ’ 115,-": %\ . \ I Williams was not present when
. ‘ .‘ . m . . jé , x elk. ' ': the quote was made and could not
' - ' " v. I . NOI'INI'NINOI‘IS . I I 73,355 N“ ' ' ' ‘ know if it were taken out of
I . m I incl. . Context.
, . , - ~ - mm -~ ' II I «so— . h
. . . '.—"‘ .—._ painted out that t 9
’I . r. t. " " - I if m BEST I cum mum“ 3% R PM* ‘ Kernel quote was not taken out of By.“
.. ‘ . II . W I I .~ PICTURE . “EflS‘flunun “MIDI“ . -' I o o a context because it came from
. . - . _ . ," . ;.., _ . 71;, . Emma" ‘E‘EEESA'N Revolutions Per Minute. I Smith s affidawt.) Hit
. , ' . m a ANTHONY QUINN ‘ The meeting was then ad- Age“
., . IOIIIIIIOIIIIIIIII \ journed. from
I , Syste
. '- ' freet
. I . _I direc
I. -I 2 . . Thi
., - Hiroshima Mon Amour inn
. . _ who
. . . m M n ' ' - , - -
. . _ HII'OShI 0 0 Amour is Alain Resnais first feature film. 9‘?"
. I I f . . , . . m.
;' . , ' M h 3 d & 4th It is an atomic horror mowe, a pacdist tract, 0 proustian “Ti
-' r r ' ' ° - - . 4
I , , I , I O C exerCiseIn recollection, a radioactive Romeo and Juliet. 3:3;
' .‘ Friday 8. Saturday Student Center Theater 6:30 8. 9:15 $5".
3 , I , 75‘ one of
a , . 'I hlond

 ’l'llli Kizs'ri‘t'iu' ki;ii.\i;i., Thursday. March 2. ism—3 ., "l .' ’ .
“The World of (Iarl Saiitlliurg‘ - '.‘l Day for Surprises' I' I "II '1-
V o o o . .JIH
. Repertory theatre is Innovatlve '
said i I ~ it ,‘
Liicial I .- .v I .
inent ‘ “5 (‘ARULYNGUIHIAN l'nder the direction of Barry The \H'tili'i lh'mhh‘h‘m- ~h’hh =1" ‘5 '
area . Kernel 511‘” “Fit” Hatighinan. the Theatre Arts “WW 5 '5“ “it.“ it" Surprises] ;-
The . The Theatre Arts Depart- liepartiiient‘s production offers is directed by graduate student ' "tr ,
'who ' ment‘s latest offering includes ,hhni action than the ugua] \Valkie May .\ \Yl‘tillL’ element of g," T
’ two productions on the same rhmhq‘h- theatre Both charac- the absurd runs through this ‘,’I " I ' t' "i
being . f a" 5 ’ wt ticket-»“The “Mid 0’ (‘aIrl tei‘ization and interpretive Shell ("Hilt‘hllml'irl‘fi Phi} 0‘ ‘ "I
(heat 5 = _I .IV3 I . 'II ’5 ”9% t Sandburg .. and "A Day for reading (,1 Saiidhurg's poetry and librarians \iho discover their . .‘ .' 'I
ights. } a ' - *‘S- Surprises. I prose is done by Harry (‘orum. hH‘S him‘ ht‘f'h gathering (iUSI ‘ €th :I-‘.
.ineil, , i , A .. A we“ I Originally put together for Roger Leaser. “ij JamoSI and along with the hooks, ‘- .' _ .
nited t N fit my ”k I. , actress Bette I)avis. Norman Anna S'nulo“‘i[ZI And their \ II I- I . t . I k ~'I ' .1‘ III. jI .
West . 4 W»; Corwin‘s “The World of (arl performances are accompanied at in on many ioo s II II I
abor t . 5 i x 5’; w ' Sandburg” pays tnbUte t0 the h." the pantomimic 'dCliOh 01 B y I’ . ., . . . . i '. V'
- “a , . g ,_ . ., - _, - . 5 o ) t i kins and Beckv - . ‘ .-
iicial III “M . . ii American poet. biographer. and Russell Henderson and .h“ ('onvers )lav tl I I. I _
vt‘psi f it ' h " iv balladeer. The winner 01 W0 Fotherghill. ‘t . ‘I '. . ..t . .. _Itt ,. two ', I _
_ _ “ Pulitzer Prizes. Sandburg is ”5t r t ht} p't‘h m” N ‘dhh- M’- L '. t,
. g? I .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I . considered an important voice in Barry (‘0 rum ‘5 COm’incing Ihdlaiizano and Miss Jepson. .h'hh II ‘. . .' I
we; §j§i age American literature for his “““ramr‘w‘lons ”end from a“ 3?: ti Shut: .thtih‘t'ht" ”a" tmm ‘ é = ‘ ' . :'
ht h” t ”g . 3!. places of American life. James gives her htISt per ' Ij‘t h- or U.) K Library. MISS 3 7 ti . ‘i
I I . .. .. III IIII g; tr ., II I The wide variety of selections Siggzrngirl from Northern In- he appran-hted/(iiih: illitrhugh 5:: .' - .
I? I a“ . U I: 3 »hi' gagged 1h (IIThe IWorld ht Carl - I . . I manuals and learned the painful .‘ ._ I. ‘
, "a: N‘ :y it. ‘3' II . » an urg istlay the vvisIdom._ Anna Smulowitrs personality lesson-~it you read too many : ; :~
ty of . I as; y a charm. and Wit that established and Roger Leaser s strong vOice hooks vou'll turn into one t Iv" '
unit, ' ' Photo by Dave Herman Sandburg as a popular writer. give command and distinction to “The World of ('arl Sandburg" " 1 ‘ 7 i“
unc1| Such well-known favorites as the entire program. and "A Dav for Surprises”will be ‘ 'l .5 . U . ’
The “Fog"and “Grass“are included ()ne of the highlights of the plaving March 36 in the Lab ' ' " -‘ 2
9d m , Two mimes. Russell Henderson and Jill Fotherghill. help the as well as excerpts from hiS program is Smulowitz's singing 'l‘heatre. Fine Arts Building. 'i 3'
t 0t ' listener to “see" the words read for “The World of Carl biography of Abraham Lincoln 0f 59"”81 0f the authentic Tickets will go on sale one hour Vii: ' '_ 5
I Sandburg." and his autobiography, “Always American folk songs Sandburg before curtain. Reserved seating ‘I I" t
iting I the \oung Strangers . £0 lected. WI“ not be available. I '1 g .
ivlins I i l ft
' the , . _ ~I ~ ' ~I .
3rnel . tThe Conformlst’ is a coward > a i
[ion i . . ._.__}" .7; t i ‘
ifthe i F 0 d d ‘ ;. 'I
83]”: asmsm an sex presente .
iices By PAT ELAM Success for Sandu predicted if 5‘, «1’ i , _ , .' - 5.
"3V" Kernel Sta” Writer We don‘t exactly hear trumpets heralding the W I . '. I i’ 2 x
;e of arrival of a new filmgoddess as Dominique Sanda h . 3t.- ’ ' ’ I f . » . fl; . I. _ .I
the A LeXihgton mOVie reVieW (the professor's wife) charges on screen and then 3. » V .. t , a . 2 . i .1
”The Conformist" is a stunning visual experience slinks her way into a movie career, but never mind. I- gig“ ' ' fat”. '5‘" ”ii; I ' . '
. of Technicolor decadence. The film.adapted for the She doesn‘t need accompaniment. Sanda is hep ‘ “z . . “ ‘ .5“)? '. .I'II‘.» ,' 5 _'
yson screen and directed by Bernardo Bertolucci, is a fection just as she is. If within the next five years V . air ' . ', ‘ 7 '
the multi-dimensional time bomb ready to explode 35 she doesn‘t become the most celebrated in- " i “lam“w” .5 we“ 2 .i V' t , t .
Pond fast (01‘ Fascist) as you can say MUSSOlihi- ternational film star in show business. the fault can ; .,y“’« :3 ' 7 , _V_ ' ,- .i' f
rthe ' The man who makes it tick i5 Marcello (Jean only rest with the film industry which was evidently ' -- av 7' :- '. -'
ular LOUiS Trintignant), an unlikely agent 0f the secret blinded by the razzle—dazzle of an exquisite actress. II‘ . I "‘22 ”r , ._ i .*' .
l the police who marries the middle class (in the person a: I {thfgse 1 .. . . 5. 4} . .‘ .-
lef't of his childish bride Stefania Sandrelli) and uses .. , 5 _ on . if h" g i: _. ’. ‘ 5 ~. *
that. their honeymoon in Paris to assassinate his former "0“ does one play ringaroundthePascist. ‘= i ‘t’ ' it t ' . ,. . 1‘ i ,
me” anti-Fascist philosophy professor. So much for the . . "’ , 5 . I '5. '2 5 '
'idor normality to which Marcello had dedicated his Although Trintignant and Sanda are definitely the \’ , - '. .' '.
and decadent life. Survival is the name of the game and stars Of "The Conformist". BertIoluCCi ‘5 the \“" . . HI -I . 5
' be morals and political alliances merely get in the superstar. He “'0st the him With many hh' ' . I~ j ‘1
way. forgettable scenes: the dance hall number in which I.I . . ' t . . fl” _ I; - i. , II
, “The Conformist" is a frighteningly brilliant Sanda does a superbly sensual tango with Sandrelli a - II - \ a . .' . I ,
goth achievement-a seeringly sensual look at pre war and then leads her comrades in a quick game of t ‘ Photo I“ Johnnie“: g" .. '«5II'_
ioiii Italy hhd the politics or sex and Fascism. Ber- “ring Emu”: hthe Fasc'SEh' [the Otlthshj :Intigs 0; Bob Perkins rests his head on the lap of a feilow - .I't. 9
eads tOIUCCI isamaster at capturing net only the 100k and marce ht: ah d i: gtigzmhf IS/Iarilhreasginssinaatioh 3f librarian. Becky (buyers. They will appear in "A , 5 5' ..
uses fee of the times but also incredible performances (i‘tr’lg'l -I dh . e S 0 “a, "(Surprisesu this Friday through Sunday in (h? , . . I, I .. I .
inch from his cast. p01 ‘Cd (hhmles' I l . d _- Lab Theatre. f I, ‘I . . ;
Jean Louis Trintignantisa French Bogart. Heis a . hertthhtc‘ has taShtOhed the h timate par ox a ' I . I' ,f
hatchet-man for all seasons and a coward for all thmk thOht dh .Sowlthtthy cohtormtit that '5 a v_ .-
. at , stri in y In M ua is ic mas erwor . 5 III I I .
ithen reasons. g EQUILY (INS I I_ . ‘. . . ,.
lnotI 'l‘hursday-.\lai‘ch 2 , i. j; 5'
t 0t 0 Student (‘enter Board Presents: “Dick ’. ' I '_:
Notes Of Interest Gregory.” Student (‘enter Ballroon‘i. 8 pm . . ' _
the - l'niversity of Kentucky Art Gallery» .-: . . f
utof m MARGARETWICKSTROM m_ Mb . I I_ Sinister deiicah~ . Sculpturv ”om hrgmm (.Ummmmmhh II I
rom . Kernel Staff Writer th- IsthtmhI smzed‘thhusthsto According to the “New \ork ( lilversny. through I\Ilarch l8.I\veekdays iti-S .‘ I I .I II
Hitchcock film freaks arise! :2 emf: alt! f: e f] mg - Times. “the sinister delicacy of p,liI‘l . Saturday and Sunday inIpm . I I
. this weekend our friends . roug 0" e I m are “The :29 Steps makes It one Of (hinese and Indones‘ian Art Show. Student I’ ~ I‘ ' - I ,
ad- Again ) . d t' scatteied touches 0f macabre makes it one of our best (‘enter Art Gallery, through March 13. 11-7 ' r‘ 'r -. - .
from the IUth. Broa cas mg comedy and romance. There is melodramas seem crude and pin. ' " _. ,- = ,. .
Systern (PBS). bhtng us :nother one amusing scene where Donat brawling." Friday-March it “I ' I .. -, *
32:22:21 ghaS/fifchedTitiitghckotCeIESt Shednfét;:t:2g:::e:°;::%(Itsffelfi’Z? "The :39 Steps” cIan be seen on IRecital by (‘arolyn Rankin Iand Naomi .‘ 'ItI . .. i
This 1935 thriller was based on the wrist closed c1rcu1t televisionIin Room .‘\l iIiIistroiig.IIMemorial Hall. 8:13 plinj I . - . . 5 I
John Buchan‘s novel about a man The plot is similar to all 110 Classroom Building this (Inieina: Hiroshima Mon Amour hit“ and ‘. I- . . II 5
who ukmw too much," the kind Hitchcock thrillers the hero is Friday. March 3. 19d. SIiI:t.-) p.in.IIlloIrr(I:rI Film' "Daddy 8 (.one A _ I‘ I - I ’
of plot llitchhcock does his best being chased by the police and — ,“lItI'ItIItItIhrg‘ 1“ ‘ttthhght' htttdt‘ht t hhtt‘r ' .~ , I
"" spies. and of course he escapes ‘tt'thttm's t0" ”hath-huh" a m Re ertorv The'itre' “The Wirld if ("li‘i .~ ‘ r '
"Th" 39 Steps" ts about an some horrible fatetat the last Department Of Theatre .-\rt's \“indhur ”i‘llld “‘A [in if ‘s‘ tr" st lib " ' i
innocent Canadian rancher. minute. presentation based on aplay by :l'the'itergtt‘iti )in' ‘« t ‘ hrp '59“ “t . ~ I . II
played by the .late Robert Donat, Euripides. will he conducted in ("iiitei‘burv tl’il rim [’11 ‘h II Prw nts ‘ ‘ 5v . .
whoislured into an international "The 39 Steps" was filmed in the Fine -\I'lS Building “INC "\li-de'i .. t‘qntefburv lliiiistiUStx-‘tti t‘Ihm‘ ‘ I‘ 5 ..
spy ring by Madeleine Carroll. (Ireat Britian in 1935. It was Infillllfll‘ Sllildilfi- Mill‘eh 5- 3" 33“" ”I. I; ‘\l' in _ ‘ ‘t‘ ' t' ' ‘ . '. I'
one, ofthe firstof Hitchcock‘s cool filmed in black and white. and is P-"I- imd r‘lflhdil.‘ 1" 72"" P-"I- mut‘t ‘ ‘m 't _ ' _'
hlonde heroines. 81 minutes long. » Any student is welcome. -5 I

 i—THI‘I KI'ZNTl't‘KY Kl-IRNI-II.. Thursday. March 2. I972 , . _ “ ’ .
...e- . So ' ‘ 'S A‘ 0 .
- " o ’ . J. 3 ,,. " ,
BEN SNYDER DE P’T STORES . z e; riff, SS2; 1,. ”A .0}
. _. ' . ' - . v; «t
. For Your Complete One Stop Shopping .. « S‘*--- 9.: 'fizgfligwfi I “five? col
. .. ' S" .4 o . .3"? we" . t . SWLZS-SS- -
In The Ben All Goro e . ' ' . ”'7 7'" - '»"S« I . . ' . "“3? “" ..-.., U"
'l—HOUR FREE PARKING , 9 .. - .. A, ‘,'_S ,, .“~W:“-f ".3 .S ~. ~ spa... , Be
. , . With 93 Purchase , . \ , . , #V- -. J ' . 3* ' t“ ”"1; bla
1' l .. , "2- “ "l . " ’ ‘ SS"S"’ a: .73" 2‘11 - Bo
. . ( . i . .. , fi 3; . _. I. _ .. ”m.-. ‘._ I” S llVl
Student . W. . § ._ ~.
S . Appreciation g y , j I
, . . '3" , ' _~. ~“ z, fl ’ .. S. . .« i- A"
V" I " I ‘ I V I ,‘ "1“..1‘V'1'I"SIZ=...,._ ,' 6'" ..~ v: Q... R .5 . pn
' ' wee I I . ‘ ’ . 5 N ‘ ‘ cm
I _ . v . ~ ,9" . . l ' 4... “of. ‘ , r0309.
. , , . w > I i“ .v . ' at Q: I ‘ ' : ‘ , ?:__} A .
. . March 1,2,3 , . ~ (
‘ S. 4 ‘~ , . . .
S S i 5 % DiSCOUDf Oi Perkins l'K's Blue Marlins. the . University's synchronized
. - - ‘ . ' swimming team. practice long arduous hours
' f . - Pancake House with coupon S lash ' ' proceeding their exibition this Thursday. Friday and
. S p O 0 Saturday. at 8:00 p.m.. in the Coliseum pool. (Staff
> ' ‘ ° )hoto by Joel C. Seidelman.)
Perkins means more than pancakes ! '
I- Department at Theatre Arts presents d d t
‘ Deluxe Hamburgers, Steaks, 1 0 ay an 0m0rr0w
. C
. _ : Chicken and Seafood A Day For Surprises '°°‘“ T°”‘°“°‘”
_ . . i - TECTURE SYMPOSIUM at us LABORATORY 1’ . . ~
, ,. . _ plu s m a ny m are N EW so ndw Iches d “we" by “’3'“ M” :ff'i'humay March 2.... room 245, Student Day tor surprisesi'En‘ZTfiiéswi'i‘I’X 13°C.:
,' ' 1'" w Id Center. ”Experiments in Public Theatre." :agdbgrg“ March 3, A, and Sin the Fine Arts
1 . or g. urtain Marcn 3, 4 is 8:30pm.; March
‘ ' S 7 729 s. llme near the campus e UK STUDENTS FOR MCGOVERN meeting 253,12? Z‘miAfim'ss'm “ ‘°’ S'Uden'sS ‘2 '0'
, f I db at 6:30 pm. in room 245, Student Center. each gerefgrxagilze'tsonsale one hour before
._' S ['—_—_—""""""'_S'| oCorSon urg
, . ' DICK GREGORY ill k I e . . ' comm" up
- . Perk'ns Pancake House directed by Barry T. Baugnman Student Center Ballroomspse:ons:red unsc'g DEADLINE ior Mortar Board applications
. . I. . I 150/ D. S d t I I and Kappa Alpha Psi. :Friday‘aAny gunior wornan utiyvith boio I00
. , .. , o Iscount to tu en 5. .3222; .305; 32505.;“33221‘7 A”
,. .S , I Includes any Item on the menu! Fine Arts Bui Ming TERMPAPER ARSENAL. Inc. 3.255.? .31??J.£3§”2£?f’l2.¢5:'3Em;
, ‘- . '55::~ Send $1_00 for your descriptive at 2336226 days and 2541200 evenings.
. .S _ I I Coupon Per Customer I March 3 and 4. 8:30 pm. Sf," catalog of 1,300 quality termpapers X ELLANEOUS
SS . Ex ireS 9 m March 3 I 972 ”M” W” ” “FOE“SEWS‘Z‘S 5%.?” M's"
' . . , . ,S A ELE . ALIF. 4 .
.. S .. r 'S L p P ' ' J N0 reserva'wns- T'Cke's 50'“ 3* °°°" (213) 477-8474 0 477-54923 f‘ VENEREAL DISEASE information and
. _. _ _ - — — _ — — — - betore periormances. “We need a Ioca| sa|egman” reterral. Call operation Venus at 255 8484
S _ M°""S‘SYS""°°9“ThSS'SdaVS'mm ‘ pm '0
‘ Horn and Fridaystromlto9p.m
j 2 ‘ ’ S . PROBLEM PREGNANCY and abortion
. \ ‘ reterral Call Kathy at 254 9855.
. . ' _ FOR ANY INFORMATION call the so
‘ . : . 8 Loc Tl ONS CH EVY CHASE iIQOegerjgalfgeervice at 25885:“ weekdays from
g a . . p.m.
‘ : LANSDOWNE :UNIOR WOMEN with a 3.0 GPS and
’. ‘ . _ avmg 60100h0 li ‘bl I -
. .. , ~» ~ . i v . . W'NCHEST“ “A” M... $5,521.52
. » onorary Ap H t' ‘l .
_ . . l} . l Ng HOUR NORTH LAND 0.5.“"
j - S . . SOUTH LAN D
-. . I , , DRY CLEANERS warm
, . , _ De I t t Th I A I
. l . S 4 ,i@ ‘ k».;c:)',Qw clothes rid/t m a row ' VERSAILLES ROAD par men 0 ea re rs ,
' ' , ' HI-ACRES
' ‘ . BACCHAE ]
, ‘ ec' a s or u en ’5 A presentation based on Euripides 0f
' '1 .. Directed by Charles Dickens ml
’ , .. as
, - an acu f . su
. . ‘ S March 5: 2 pm. Fine Arts Building.
. ' Music Lounge Cl‘t
' S . March 6: 7 pm. Fine Arts Building. SOI
g‘ . . 1 ‘ ' A1 1 students 3?
. S , ‘ f , welcome to audition. pr‘
.- . . _ ,v No preparation pr
. .- , ». is necessary '
,V . D . . wc
. V ' - . . RESSES TROUSERS for audition. Sp
' . O .
- . 2-Plece suns C SLACKs ( M. I n ,
, . . , . , .' R Al NCO ATS SWEATERS The Kentucky Kernel. University P0
? . ' c . Station. University of Kentucky. Lex- ex
. ' , . S SKIRTS lngton. Kentucky 40006. Second clans ch
_ ' each Donate paid at Lexington. Kentucky.
3/4 COATS P COCI'I Mailed nve times weekly durinl the
. . S RT ATS school year except holidays and exam
. . periods. and once during the summer gr
‘ .leuion.
S Published by The Kernel Press. Inc.. [13 53
\' Journalism Building. University of Ken- int
S , , tacky. Lexington. Ky. 405“. i
1' ’ ’ . Iegnn u The Cadet In it” and published 0
. czntinuously as The Kentucky Kernel since W(
I is.
. 4» Sh ' rt 5 La Advertising published herein is intended to
‘ . - u n ere help the render buy. Any lulu or misleading
" . advertising should he reported to the editors.
. S Editor. Edit rill Edit . . . 257-1755
. . I . Falded or on ”angel's for s 00 Managing an?! Among: Editzobr; 1.7.40
,_ . Never any limit on quantity ' rotating: stagnated...“
. ‘ 268-4646
. Newsroom . . . . . . . . . . . .2571800

 0 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. March 2. "72—5 7 , - ‘ i
I can lpus / - by dave Callahan . . . ..
; Why d0I students ChOOSC to important factor in making a college. (iood faculty was con- financial aid and 77 per centsaid per cent expect a doctoral or law -' I . . ‘i
i come to UK over all ItheIother college choice.“ The 581 sidered of importance by 69 per they didn't need help finding a degree. '_ i -. _'. r'
.1 colleges and univerSIties In the responses represented 24 percent cent of the students. Location. Job. In extracurricular activities . .: i ,'
’ country? Because 1‘ 5 cheap? of the UK freshmen participating however. received more votes. 72 The ACT findings reported that while attending college 61 per ’ '. i ‘ ‘ . .‘
. Because there aren‘t many in the survey. percent. Dykes said. 2.318 students were Kentucky . . - ' - - . V" W I. I 5
blacks here" Because it h . . . . . . . _ centshowed an Interest in Jaining , , x '. .
_ . - as an Larry Dykes. UK director of SOCial opportunities and reSIdents and 388 were out—of- a sorority or fraternity 3] per ~ , .
,- Entertalnlnfg Faslketba” team? admissions. said the second most special curriculum were listed staters. cent wantedto work on the school i' '4 ' ' ‘
. [(039530 d ”9 ong stream to important factor IChCCREd Iby overwhelmingly as major con- In the educational aspirations paperor yearbook. 41 per cent 7: l. .1
IV: "1 due'fst):Ha’17Lf h students was location. Ranking siderations by the students category. 44 percent of the were Interested in Student -i . -'
. showssurt’heey fnaine :zaéoge: "2:2 [Ih'rdI m the “St or important responding. 0t least importance students said they expected to Government. 30 percent want to _ - i
I curri l f conSIderations was the" ,'m' was ”‘9 SChOOI'S athletic graduate. Twenty-five percent affailiate with a religious group -, ' 'I’ -.-‘
. cu um o fered. preSSIon of the campus gained program. . . « . - .. ' . ‘ »
5 In a report com iled b the f' l , _ . . expect to complete one or two and 29 percent plan to be active . . I . I .-
‘ Ame . C ll Tp t' )ACT rom persona V‘S‘ts- I l" addition.68 per cent check