xt77pv6b5m70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77pv6b5m70/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-04-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 02, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 02, 1984 1984 1984-04-02 2020 true xt77pv6b5m70 section xt77pv6b5m70 K3Ffiel

Universny of Kentucky Leir :agt'm KPI‘liKt‘ ,1




Vol. LXXXVI, No. I42 Established l894 indepwmen. i).t"(if IQ]: MUM?“ AD“: 2' 19m


SGA presidential hopefuls address the issues

B) SAHIADEVRUUNIPK He and this ~‘~«t‘ "i-
SeniorstafHVriti-r oeiure ,o- mu .iul-tli-~\


Larry Bisig. 'I‘im Freudentx-rg and limit (lriiuni the Heudeutn'tg
three candidates tor president oi Student igoieriinier.‘ tea;
Assocnition. discussed student \et‘Hi‘es and representn “line“,g-[p’ 1.. 't ,. we.“
tion at a debate )esterda}

(‘andidates differed on their opinion «it thi
serVIces area which needs most intprmenieiit {My o;

Bistg said the most pressing prohien. t~ higher mtutti Einerueue;
tion "The Higher Education \e' i~ In t'\tlilt' -t‘itl he not» WWW-1‘
1985." Hisig said “Him Lllillllit'l} that at A to e\pire dui
ing the same session the} mli address the deiii'it l\\llt‘

"If the deficit ls going to llt‘ .iitdi’c-ssi-it til the mim-
time the Higher Education .\t! 1~ te he renew-d ‘izei. W. i red: I 3M
what needs to he done is int the ~'lllir't‘.l\ 'u \tnnu ittr Lid”. s’hdeiit» i.i.'. ;.t
and for student L’UH'i'iitiit'tz‘ h'Litit'i' to take the :i'li'lv: wt. 'llt'i! i nut
NW and let the .\en.ite kiiim we ch uo' \‘nnd tot din. 't‘u'ti 'tie!
cuts inhighermtiication N .v.» ‘1' t: we . it.

Private sector gives
record $9.3 million
in revenue for UK

H\ I’H \\ Vlf.“ \ltl
sum “File!


tllldlli‘t“ 'HA 'um‘ ;'r
fit‘ip\ltltf|‘l'\ if. .i :‘i'iillfl 1i. 1‘

r i

\liltifi'f.’ 34)," \o-‘,w!'.i.‘ [itiiL'tlitiis 31‘. .‘,i"

iiiirsi‘ tri‘uj.’

\tmiet,’ [or

\Ttdl'dils ii .1 t,;:.d my

l'tie \t't'tttitt ping: i:

iii)\ 3:.
ohm ‘1\'tt}
' it: ,t,’

\Uiet l‘h tee-I‘m ? .'
'he pl'i\.ite \ee‘ur ;. r r»
\ti'ordirig ‘e 'ier“.
Yiit‘ lit tic-\eliipi: t‘ti’
i‘etni'tf tur «tor
ing more viittii so :i:.;
Hil‘ .iutoiiii? I‘t‘t)t‘t‘\i‘.'l'~ .t.
ot 1H pereem

This is The mini


”Kt: tit

need llitllt‘5t'i1i1:.\
mg tor matter day.
”\\t' heed to .m'h fimr‘i
thepi'ixiitiweetur rut!

,\ record hut “in
Ht iliUlIHIi nihll‘iil
more that: $1 "Miler:
to the l r: nerd".

liltl> tron, ti.ui:.:.
’_’.’ percent rvt Yte W
[h t'oiiiortittorr .i:.t:
.33 pet‘i'etif ot the tofu. .itri

"l‘hii’s no' pledges

\ltltilm \ ii:


tit V'.\t".t.' .t


dollar‘s ' V , , . .
\loliiejt «teser'mt: l h .- U ' ' ,l ,5 ‘ ' _

(t\\i\lt‘tl :itt.‘.v?‘~ ‘. 't ' ' " ’ x , . ., _ > A ‘ . 1 , .

~ , . .. , » - est me it! in ~41 ace
.\'ll!rlllllfi to her ' -' :i' * . , > ~ , ,. .

«it llll‘ll'll].i"llli serum

lit the ltiixei'st': ~

this Lilli‘llllt' .\ Yt.tii! .r \

find-grunt Lilll‘xt‘ls '.t'\

li‘} liestitit

\lotdej. met during ‘

Director leaves his post
after 22 years of service

H) \I.H\(’I{t|l ( H
Features I‘Iititt it'

tt‘otti sti'i ..;v;


l e\.i;
For the past 3: }t‘.il'\ litres \\ Ham: mm, '.~
Brown has been sitting in h ~ Haste
Hall othce giving
to people across the suite .1
of credit class
Broun. who retirm: thto ‘lllt'.’
being director ot on mmpus k'lth‘
programs slllt't' ism: llt"tl‘1l)t‘(l its
job as a ctmritina'oi' of the pro
grams that the liiull‘. t'dllitiiir cot
leges sponsor ”h oitiee :~ one or
the oldest di\isions or the li\tet:s'ili
Ilttlt't’. he said
“This progra n
from determine the iiitirket~ and
needs to communiuiiing “Hit the
faciilt}. scheduling classes. .irranu continued ‘I ktiim .t to? or peotm
mg salary (ind traxel (’\lX‘l1.\t'\ tor I\l‘ di‘iu-it m
the tacult). registering students ill d .iud “ititbliirnt
making sure the grades he re Ulll}7\\ltitt'(1‘h'll\
ceived at the registrars Hroun ltrouu iirst tieeiime iiterested :t;
said He described the programs .l.\ adult education .is .in tidult student
a “kind of college &i\\éi) trom cam at {'K Because of ttt~ ttl"t‘;l(f_\v‘v\lih‘
pus " tixnel in the state. the dean ot the
He emphasized. however that adult education thought he might he
“we don‘t do antthing unless the good ior .i lllli he had. Bi‘tmn \iltf \
colleges want ll. we don‘t iiiiti.ite short time litter the detin called him
anything." although he said people in tor an interueii, and he got the
from across the state do call and in to!) he has held tor the past 3:
quire about the possibilities oi iir tears
ranging programs "I've never been sorr) he said
When Brown began. his ottice adding he has had oiil} if» s’lt'k leim-
mainly handled random classes daysinhistenure
upon request. he said. tor example.


it"‘»\iil‘il14'tr.'.i_. W'r. "

'.i 'iniit. at (lit\\
Mitt 71\i\ll.il'
I! \ tilt titttiin'lti'f. "

\i'ill‘i liti‘ti Hm!
\lnu: i-f 'r.e \.
lllll 'iliii‘ eittiluxei \ 1g,
dintsii’ nsgts‘

Nt‘ii't‘ [he

Et'l't'tl i't‘i-tti' i'lllif'\(‘\ 'i: . ..iINi Ht

, t . N
pie :u iintost end“. \i'( .. o: tw- e ra
Yiii'kj. tie mu _i'_e:. 1 . t1 . L,’
Undentx .i xi: Nit ‘ , ' -

(truer. illlpl'imillittll‘t} 3min. 'ut t.\
to \.il‘l0ll> regions oi 'he date t'e


it! l‘it'l'lk i\l'

.‘N‘Nt if

trtf. Here ",i '.i

lllK'S ('\t'l"\tilllifl
P!!‘ f l
‘ (I ’i{ ).> x

i ., , . ’ '. , .‘ t . ' , ~, ' . . .
lu’te/i t \ ~i/i met! 2e. ~ tun Ni ii Zn! of tin: (it unite/u it

fh \\\\H\l{l'\
\‘WH ‘ ' V. f“ 'i.\' ‘,
.iliil lit' lui.‘ '



\“hllllL’h the \\ ilth ats


He predicted. ‘This diusion ill the

“for faculty in a school system to
improve their competence. pa}
scale and professmnal standing “

Now the office arranges complete
programs. the first was offered in
1976 at Hazard a masters degree
program in social work The office
takes the programs to any part of
the state. unless the regional univer-
sity has a similar program

Among the current programs the
office offers are masters of social
work at Northern Kentucky l'niver-
sity, Ashland and Somerset and par-
tial programs in Library and Infor-

future “1“ do ii larger number of
work with uiidregraduaiis through
TV and the ‘candid classroom
courses taught by TV here and
taken out by Video tape " He also
said he believes there is a need for
more graduate programs trom dit
ferent colleges

Brown said he will now he work
ing part-time for the new director ot
the office. (‘onnie Mulligan He ton
tinued. “I'm a lover of my yard.
garden and home. ['11 be spending
lots of time domg that "


fihih'il lit .i’Te“
“Misti l

twee: “in
"i ‘tie \lt'il‘

lt‘l’t‘lli't‘ has \ .w

n”: H...“
"“‘itlt‘il.t‘\ t iii"
AEH‘l“ ultisis‘ s“ c I: rum

:list ii.\\ti\tts he \.i tit

stiiit}1:ii;' :, Newt;

lodi‘» \\.il L‘c c1.‘tl\!\ aw" ‘uuhs ill
"tc tied in loructir the huh ml!
drop ”to 'trc to“ 1m lnmoirow
“ins tot 'lhlt‘dm‘llx‘ \i«'lldlnC\\ “lit a
Janice e' 1 t‘iunitch'o'ni in the late
lhc high

“11} N; u. the ‘11le R(ix to In“ Hts

“mitotic. H! mm escni'uz








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out this











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YOU can make up
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See Cowse Listings

2 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Monday, April 2, 1984

Discussion addresses how to apply to professional schools

it. t l\ti\lti \l'l‘ili ks \‘.I' ssoz' coiiiiitittw repieseiita .inii iti.i.i!'..ii. oi the .idtiussions
\ ”A ’i us {Toll Iii.» emit-pus spoke to .i inimi'nllee lot the i'ollece ot lien
s'.i!:.t it; tiwt;oi:.\ t’ioxii‘. ot lw‘ fisfii

. v, i: e 'e' \i'...'«t.i\ , oi::1..; .i' 'he l l\ \lul \\e fake the «ti-.iinol the crop

‘ s ,s . s i re: to {hi sinigizai \\,i\ spoil ‘ii sa .1 it ~ \i'!\ illlllilil' to turn
‘ _ \ , \ I" e ”“4 3 ..( ”my? “Hm-gs ilppoi' iuax itlai‘t‘edstudents

t ; iss »: i \ l'TtigldI‘. .iziiiiheeofileges 'ir. ‘lll pat? .it the seiniiiai rep
t s s :s it \ ‘host l'lx' healfti iat'eei l('\l'lil.ll \es otteied .id\iee on hou

\s _ ’ ‘lt\\ ‘l 'i-,i...'e fhi 'tui: tri oi .ip .ippiztati's tat: lll.tr\t‘ ttii-i:.sel\es .il

. . -\ \‘s‘ i , t. is "ti xu‘ It‘ii'LH' (xiii. ':.ill'.i I. Tllt .iilllllss‘itls t'iltltlltll

- i i . sad l"!l \liaianm panels! fee .0 mm .is t1o.\ lo plat: undei



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graduate curriculum. hou to attain
non academic experience and ho“
tochimse what schools Ioappl) to

.\ll ineinhers stressed the inlet
\ie\\ as a \er} important part ot the
\\ hole applications process

“In the llllt‘l'Vlt'“. the uhole eiii
phasis is placed on yourselt \\i-
don‘t even look at )our grades din
ing the intervieu \le look at the
kind ot person )ou are. .\lul|.iiie_\

ltr [)axid \\ilson a pediatrician
and panelist said "l think the inter
\ie\\ is \'(‘l‘) important \ou should
act and look like .i protessioiial
This is not a time tor us to drill _\oo
it‘s a tune to get to ktiou W“ as an
:ndnidual '

\nothei' panelist iourth \e.ii
medical student .loiiathan \M'eks
said ”it \\t' don t touch oi. llllllLls i'
the iiiter\ie\\ ltl‘lllL‘. llll' suii'eits

.\ll ol lltt' spedkt‘t‘s stressed the
eai'etui‘ attention he paid to letters

l’.i_\ attention to
spelling l’lus cut out
that that he uritten on the applet



.it‘.\ ll‘tlllll'”

lltllt \\e kirou you cant \\.ilt\ oi
\\.llt‘l' \Vilsonsaid
“eeks Httetell These ltitils 'w'

titlineout theappiicatioi;
. tum .ippliuifioi’: should nan
0 Sell )ittll'v‘lt Til llii‘


nould do is to \‘tltllillllt' N; \ eiiipl..is.~
(ion \\e \\lll spent: \lllllt' a in: <-' 7.:n
Hitt‘t‘ottlai '.s

tiriniii; said he 'ianks llliJl'tt-l mi... .i'
Lint to all iii the students \.-s,:
Phil it in llillli\ lt‘. ht‘dtlkltit“


.\ii candidates .illreed on the fit
to ser\e as st. \ president
llii‘»t‘ leadership e\per:etice iiu'
.ien? goierniiieizf ‘l~2\pet.e'iii .~ '.-it

Exiwrienee .i. st.\ :s no:

I.t‘\ l'\~ i'»

oi::_\ N;\e\per'etiti»ioust prim ~-'i '."

Fretivleniwr; said e\pet‘.er.i> 1» 'i'


Rc‘stltllc’s ‘
257-6525 l




Hist». \..1w



“ll e don '1 even look
a! l‘UllI‘ grades during
the ill!(’l‘l‘i(’l\'. We look
at the kind ot'person
you are. "

'I‘om .Vullaney.
admissions chairman.
( 'ollege of Dentistry

l :sl all achie\etiient_s and hot)
lites l‘liis .illims the coiniiiittee to
tie? to kiiou \ou \ou ll.i\e to paint a
pittiiieot\oui'seit iii-said

iii pl‘t‘lidl‘lllg the .ip
.\\oid halt st.iteiiu-iits and

' lltk‘i‘ ('dt'i

l'lie illlplltill or. i‘4|ll.sl.\i\ ot lltt'ee
wn‘ipoiients biographical. personal
iillllllli‘lli\ and .i page toi l't‘t'lll'tllllL‘.


the ',n-i'sonal continents page is
the mist ill!il\llll things to
tin? .iiitil:«.iiits should \ieu this

it. lit


pace .is .it‘. oppot‘liit‘iiti to gtte Us a

According to Margie Jewell~ di-
rector of Financial Aid for the (‘ol
lege of Dentistry. "We look for peo-
ple who truly care for others. not
those that are in it Just for big
bucks ”

Since good grades are a deciding,
tactor in determining who gets into
medical school. all speakers touched
on this subject

"There is no substitute tor good
grades We look carefully at the
kinds ot‘ courses the applicant has
taken as “0“ as \\ hat institution he
has taken them at (‘ourses taken to
pad a person's grade point average
are not going to do much good. \l‘il»

“We look at how successlul the
applicant “1” he in completing denr
lal schoolf .leuell said

To the people in attendance. the
speakers did emphasize that the
medical protession “as not a kiln”)-
our protession

'\'ou should he tamiliar \iith a
doctor's lllt’sl)'lt* 'l‘lie coiiiniittment
that a doctor makes is great. so all

applicants should reai'i/e this'
‘\ou .ll\\.t_\\ \\ttl‘l'_\ it wu are

.itter graduation.
llt‘t'lilllllli.‘ a doctor
lt‘al‘lltlli; process
\nd )ou re
lllll e\p«'i let} in he pc't'let'l t‘lllit't

really prepared
lint ton are not

lllk'illl'\ are not perieet

l\ Ll

mpertence to st‘l'\ e on the Board or

he said The student liod) president .serws

' ‘he hoard as .i represeiitatn e oi student concerns

(il'llltllt said '\\e also

\\e need to e\p.ittd itt tit‘ilatli't hori-

:i. the student t'entei‘
'-\ Kw".

\ddition. \ias
hddoriat Board lll an

intit i't‘tttttfi flie i‘ttllllt

dis and statt ineintiers asked the partici
i.ii*s'.oi.eil tot'tttt‘ilaletl tn

la'es .dse arse ered question.s iron. The audit-raw

illt' l’llill'll 'l‘ltt' tillltll

reziei ':oi oi Thezi \ieus [nder no
» ll t‘Y Gallic-s ‘ll itiat ’ lie lt'll
"l .' n. It: leiie‘m lrlilt adiiiis
,.i s l' evil. it ".i l'olleue ot
\liiié- Ni ii ‘
. «'i teL- s 'iil li Takes
's i' t N " is'ees
" ratw‘ lf\peiieiiee is tiecessat'}
i. .w' .e‘ 't ‘llt'cl‘
. \Qw: t v l’a til-full: hell}
is h " I: .s ~;i'i'1\i-'eill\ 'lie kn-m
:l-wss. \. ' s'. i '. ceneiate
:' Mi ‘4 . fs't' s tilaltoi’itts and ll'llt‘ls
lli iiiv' ' i l
,i- i i-i1;'
c . .
;.i::.s .
.s' ‘.pv '



Thdisl’w‘u fl‘i l

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piano si‘li‘ls?

Hear him Pt'l‘llll'l‘t‘. Works I
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l"a-tir‘e-a his-tir'e-al

:. :l ilzuiiide: touiLd ii.aiiil\‘ illlltillL! students attend» l
:izizi- .liuis and u1i‘.ei‘sities who roiisutiie tiistitu» l
':iir;.i :iiiid da‘, .itt» l din llllstlls‘lll‘llt‘l isrliai‘at‘ter— l
./eii ll". il sudd-‘i: .izid instilled. aversion to tare ;
\i'l".t'rlll.l..'21‘,'l‘dl'iiillt‘it’l‘ii’tsl‘t‘SlllililLZllldiiillhhlll i
‘wt'll'fliitt‘diliii‘li and uiiiiiiiti‘ollalile bouts ol inaiiia- ‘

ial laughter ll}! with known ture is the us. lit .
Haidm s . tiizzpus \\ id» lll'll\i't‘_\‘ serx iii-
- - .



. 50¢ OFF, 4.



a \lt tin. of





University Book Store
April 2, 3, 8. 4

ii mum llll (llllLW \\\\l—-:, 3. Reg Roast Beef $1.29 Milk 42c
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Campus Wide Delivery Hours do in » 110 m
S", ()0 Minimum ()ider 35C Delivery Charge











Peace Corps continues its mission

Staff Writer

They treat malnourished children
bring water to (ii-set is, plant forests.
help butld schools and bridges
across rivers and hem een people

By living and Vtorking in local
communities. l’eace t'orps \oluti
teers promote hetter understanding
of Americans abroad and greater
knowledge of (lt‘Vt‘lUplilL! countries
at home “(Turtllim tn corps \Lork

"People are people t'H't‘yullt're
said Pat ltanrittee head ot the
Peace t‘nrps program at [K .tlltl tilt
the stnte "They hau- lhe mine coi
cerns and they aren t content rust to
gel h) It \H‘ knou something.) about
these people and WM know ttlH‘ll’
its hon could anyone ixkslhly \'.tl'l
a \Htl‘ "

President Reheat: sttitett ’lil .l
Pence t'oi‘ps innlit-lzi‘. l'heii 4-:
ltti'ls, dedicated to .Ut'ltf inattt'
through Illlt'l‘ll.171tti ti, moduli: haw
done so mncl. to replace tun .tiiti
mistrust mtli mntiit liltlt'l'\'ti’lii

The Peace torus 'N'LJ’. A. 't‘
speech try l’i't's.ttt-',' llrt'i l‘ .‘xorm
tly at the l'itgyciszti. tit ‘.l . t. a 1'
\nn »\rtuoi' on th‘ H :‘m l1.
speech. he dart-ti 'tic s'mtcri“ i'
a \i‘ti! int!" o: tilt-:1 titti7"'_ .' ILtY‘i
mole zyoi'ltl putt e

in the past Lt years 'he i‘etw'

('nt‘ps ll.t.\ sei‘yt-tt w I-n' ’:'.»~- l i'o"
i‘iii. Thi‘w- times t: 1,.

‘1‘!“‘Ll"V....rn‘:tlr>‘I;—. "-


Bell l't‘1‘vl'W'.’ _r- .w
Illlllml, ‘tllill'."\ ‘1' ‘lt"
'ltt'tw lt'm r; '. ,‘7 ~ .. .,;.,
"at" :eri: ‘th' ~.-
”"43? t 'v -
'l'lit‘W' t' m s
t.‘ rm: s
r L», ,s
he > t V
lit ' is ~
i I '. .-.
hilt t
l it’ts r - l
w ' i.it\t r
s r:.x-' 1' n .
\.lt:t t‘tt. .’.c
l? i t
i'i't-Q‘ ,
{fit-1'! \ t l
'F;tt"t'~ ~
unity l r :v -‘«w



‘ ‘People are people
everywhere. They have
the same concerns and
they aren ’t content just
to get by. If we know
something about these
people and they know
about us, how could
anyone possibly start a
war. ’ ’

Pat Danri'dge.
l 'Ii' Peace Corps program

'he Middle East to the Eastern Ca-
ribbean. over 100.000 Americans
have volunteered their services.

thirty-Six Kentuckians are cur-
rently overseas participating in the
program. as of June 1983, Danridge
‘tttll More than 700 have taken part
since the program’s beginning.

Volunteers live among the villag-
ers. tarmers and students of devel-
oping nations. working with them
slittttltlt’r [Orhl‘lttuldk'fl said Danridge,

”rte 'onghest athletic teats of [his
' T'J' lit‘ \(tld

l l\' llt-nvl (‘oach Joe B Hall
term-ti saying '1 think it‘s a much
‘ s'ci game and decismns have to
n 'iuitlc on a split-second baSis. and
'~ .t-t’y tiitticult
‘ilW‘I‘ s.nrl houever‘ that the
.rm- mun retereeing crevy helps out
the List hreak as opposed to two
:etertes The three—man crew is
- moldy the best thing that ever
t-prwnwt to basketball," he said

ital; 41>” preters three referees ot»
Ti JIJlE a game "I would preter
‘ne 'hreeriiaii crew but I think
':iiies their mechanics are not


13m reierees cover the floor in a
i" y' in y\hlt'h they makes calls
l their area, he said ”all
.wntt: prefer them to make any
,i 5 'he‘. see instead ot “hat hap
;. .i. their area ot the court

‘t 'crei'ee s ioh does not start Willi
':p on or end uith the final bun»
. r fie \ttlti »\ conterence is held he


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who taught math and chemistry to
about 300 children for tuo years in
Cameroon. West Africa

Volunteers FH‘t‘IH‘ a monthly hv
ing allowance and at the end of their
service usually tvyo years they
receive a readjustment payment of
$175 for each month oi \Pf‘Vlt't‘

To become a volunteer, an appli
cation form must he filled out and a
personal interview attended “an:
ridge said it is best to apply six to
eight months before desired depar
ture time

A person should tr \i-riow.
minded, have a sensitiyt'y to other
cultures. haw a degree and or ex
perience and he a' h-tis' 1.4. years
old There is no maximum age

"Emphasis ls plt’ttt'ti 'll. ttili'ege
students to become iisiiitw-r»
Danridge said How-yet f is \t
greater atlyaiitaue in he wide! I’
really is depeiuteii' aim, the spet itii

Danridge said the l't‘dtt' ltlrp\
would like to haye more minority
volunteers Unly it to perm-tit ot
the 100.01“ volunteers haze been
black students '4 lilit'l't'H‘s itiyytiys
are asking :yhere tire zoni‘ niack
students“ she said

'l‘helatel.nt.n1t.mei fur!" many
_\'t‘uF\ as a l’rttlt‘ t tirps .ttl m't-ei
The oruatn/ti'hiit mini-W: fie' rot
{nous quote .is "tn-2r s: ILti' 'l'fit-
Peace corps ls 'tzt- 'ttiiuliev mi
you it me:

titre exta'. Unfit»
nqflrwk L ,,,. '; , :ff. m f' i..,\
trons rim: s ‘ ms ~‘ ~ Yaw?

atter the at: " r

’rl'lte f"\' " '.,‘ ‘. t. i tht” ,.
game .s 4W " '3: ' w :3»: 1m ,
shoner inw- \: 1 ‘t wus‘ a nu-
(,‘ttlllt‘l‘t‘!,(~' » ' - ‘ .1.» tie
lllH'lbst't‘: ’r I

The in!» '- s x 1"
some rule» 1' l.“ ' , 1'3»
tiegnYIH'l. _i' .' nun”. w ch:
”The ties" 1; Z (Jit‘llt'l 't
t‘eterevs 1s ‘.' i' ' gu- :.- . .- '3.»
rules :r'w-r In s I It? Ems,
inasiititlt-r'~'.c it '4- .t 1 '- ,x
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Boll l‘ni. rm . '»:>-'
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Itti‘r‘etcrt-v'fl; ‘r‘

Ht cw ;I

It sii'mpit



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 4 THE KENTUCKY KENNEL M9963y,April2,1984



Mlckoy "Manon
Sports Editor


Wildcats lose the ‘Battle In Seattle,’

.lIII' H lliill \IllLl "This
t Ketitut'k} team I think
ll‘t'll some t'lt‘t'it‘o
sending out sound
the basket Maybe it

e\it.i «‘t'lt'siiul

“I \lllkl\l'\|tl‘2\1l\ ‘ ll\ innit.
\, . . ~ . . “as a :t‘iui

{mist haw
xlt'\ ‘I'I'
\I'l' i‘i

I\.i‘ \illiit'

tit-sag a; ’lii-:i
Wd‘ so void the} didn‘t score
three t‘.‘.;tttttes oi the iii‘st
to tiiiiiutes oi
mom ii! \\iiiit.its iii‘st
:i: ‘lii‘ \t‘i‘flllil ililli I.ti’llt' when
Bennett hit it ivtoot :tiniper
tht tight size

‘ I.l\:
I'lil ..', T ‘ iil\l
' ’ l'lie


" plan-1's \Iet'erii iniitiist but
lliili \.I.\‘: '\\i'
stai'tI-t get \I tield
i K s start

: ' .i tt‘llti'lf‘t‘tl o ioi‘ :i .ii the
‘1 in: \\:iistoit, Bennett

" si\ \llUi.\ to

\i'i'KL f‘..\ .\A\
't.i\i its
iiai \I-I'iiiiit ti.i.f

xmzng bad shots
{he iiiill


ten :stn with

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We did get some follow shots. but
the) wouldn't go in "

lt Hall seemed baffled. George
tow ii (‘oaeh John Thompson offered
an explanation for the Wildcats de~

"Basically it was a combimition
oi us playing good defense and Ken?
tuck} not being as sharp as they
usuall) are." Thompson said

Thompson. however. was not
read} to lavish praise on his team's
infamous defense

“I'll have to look the film
iirst.“ Thompson said "i thought
\\ e did a pretty good job defensive-
l) ‘

\o doubt (Ieorgetown‘s defense
had something to do with i'K‘s tro-
.'eii-i'iiigered shooting The lliwas
were just as relentless and intense
as the) have been all season long
't‘hoinpson used the same reIolViiig
door running his players in and out
oi tiie game like a track meet lint
the simple fact was the ball tust
wouldn't roll in for the Wildcats

Following the game. there were
ttitttiei'oiis theories as to \Alt)‘ it ap
peared ("K couldn't have shot them
selves with a howitzer at point-blank
range These theories ranged iroiii
plausible to outrageous

"What happened toda} was une\
plainable.“ Bennett said "Not
something that happens e\er_\ da)
Uni-e we lost the lead with 17 min
iites ieit iii the game , it seemed to
inagnii} inside It became a ps) eho
l4)_i:ZlC;ll problem We couldn‘t put the
ball in the basket We got the ieeiing
that ¢‘\'I‘r)thing we tried wouldnt
go \\e missed seeond shots. re
hounds exerytiung It was i-mbai'

i didn't
that bad.'
aid 1 was
It issetl thi m


think an} one could \hiiot
L'K guard Jini Master
\\ltlt‘ open and not


\iiiei uni.

“lute the L’..Illlt‘ was
inatt-hup tit-town t K s
and Georgi-towns
Ewing the \\itdt-.its set-iiiiiigti ii:
t‘\[)lilllltililt‘ itiiibititI 'o
gated an} and .ill llilll\ltlllitl oi train

’I it. .i~ going ti‘_\ it
about it I'eiitei \iI-i‘Iizi
'Hiitside shots \Ioiitiiti'
our inside shots “outdo? gm .1.
was main; I diliit iIZK
L‘Ullltl iose it the l“::‘i.ii hour We .\._1~.



\I Iti'r t'it‘

go it:





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sii.othI-i“iig \‘ilt'\' totiiI-s‘
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”11> 1‘ 'lii
item. tissw’tii'i‘u



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tilt” il.

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1K “(pom



eight shmiing game and SIX turn-

"Georgetown is probably one of
the better defensive teams we‘ve
play-d all year.” Heal said “We
were getting good shots. but they
III-rent dropping But you can‘t
take anything away from the way
the} played us "

I~Iwn though [K was at a 1055 to
e\pl.Iiii their shooting. they never
unit or began to panic

' I didn’t sense any panic."
(letit‘L‘t'ithl guard Michael Jackson.
\Iho lead the Hows with 12 points
and to rebounds. said “We just kept
on ti‘iiiig to keep pressure on the
ball and ioi‘ee their big men to shoot
the bail out on the perimeter a little
bit more, and lUk‘kll)‘ it worked "

.lllt'kMill and his teammates didn't
t‘\i'l'i know the} were limiting UK to
\Ut'li ii dismal shooting perfor-

'\\iiI-ii ~\‘oii'i‘e playing in the
_\oii don‘t realize how many
goals the) re storing. or if
i'e storing, _\ou Just look up at
and see if you‘re
ahead or not Jackson said “We
that kind oi defense all the
hi piiit'tiee sometimes it gets
and in the games

'hr scoreboard
' itiI‘
i iit'ie iiz' rough.
'et-ts rough
the 'lt'lt‘tli times out the season
.I'tlt i '2‘! 7» record Five se-
lioult', Turpin. Master.
. tirii t'esei'\e 'l‘om Hettz
em i.t:istieii their t'areers at ['K in
i'v_i:'tiiie.ikiiig and unusual way
\\. hit: .i good year and accom-
s’iI-If ‘ttllit‘ Eit‘I‘ai things." Hall
. ' \t. .iiiiw the s‘l-jt' outright and
'i \tuimu itegioiiat All of our se-
iiaxi {tattle lasting L‘Ullit’tbu-
x w 'iit t 'it\-‘l'>ll} and the prof
".:t' l' s .t siiaiiii- we had to lose
s.» iiit but m- haIe nothing

'»'rI I".tl.:Il“l'll


Olajuwon meets Ewing in Seattle
for the 1984 NCAA championship


\‘l‘llt’lvl‘liE The "Beast
East Versus i’hi Slamma JaniniH

Known b) their proper names it s
iieorgetooii against Houston tor the
national championship


\o doubt the game will be met
shadowed b} Akeeni \etsLLs l’atiitk
These too are the most dominating
big met: in college basketball sinee



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