Vol. XCII No. 145 Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky Independent since 1971 Wednesday. April 12. 1989

Olson appears to be top candidate for post


Associated Press

Lute Olson appears to be the No.1 candi»
(late for UK's vacant coaching position it
the price is right.

()lson, head basketball coach at Arizona,
is expected to meet with UK athletics di-
rector (‘.M_ Newton this week to discuss
the details of the job.

“Hopefully, it'll work into that,“ Newton
said of ()lson becoming the school ~s prime
candidate to replace Eddie Sutton "(ib-
viously' we're interested and obviously he‘s
interested "

to lead paper

By MICHAEL L. .It ).\ ES
Stall Writer

(‘.A. Duane Boniter was selected as the
198990 Kernel editorinchiel by the Ken-
tucky Kernel Board of Directors last night.

The board also chose Tom Spalding as
the I989 summer Kernel editor-inchief.

Boniler. 21. is a 1986
graduate of Trinity
High School in Louis-
ville. Ky lie is a your-
nalism and political
science junior and has
been with the Kernel
since his treshman
year He has served
as editorial editor tor
the past two y cars
“It is qurte an honor BON'FEH
to be chosen the editorinchief ol~ the Ken«
tucky' Kernel.” said Boniter. “The Kernel
has a tradition of excellence and next year
I hope to maintain it "

Both ran unopposed

Spalding. 20. who is the current sports
editor will liegiii his liities alter llil‘ so
mester. Spalding. a JUUl‘llLlllSlll sophomore,
is a 1987 graduate of lickington (‘atholic
high school. He is a Lexmgton native

"This will be a chal
lenging summer tor
us because ot the
number ot people lost
oil the stafl,‘ Spald
mg said “The sumr
mer Kernel has al-
ways been a time tor
transition This year
is no exception. but it
will also be a learning
experience ”


Spalding praised ltoniler

"Having worked closely with Duane the
last two years. I know he is a solid writer.
reporter and editor." Spalding said “I
know he‘ll do a really good job "

The board consists ot David llick. l)irec
tor of the [K School ot .louriialisiii, Kakie
l'rch. Wltli‘lul’hl music director. Jay
Blanton. editoitinchiet ot the Kernel.
Mike Agni. student media adviser, John
Voskuhl, Louisville tTourierJournal stall
writer. Roy Moore. director ol graduate
studies. have ltogers, student ri.~presenta
tive. and Jeff Kuerzi. assistant advertising
director for the Kernel

Olson and Newton were expected to meet
in Lexington on Thursday.

Newton, however, said Monday night
that he had not offered the post to ()lson.

"We've still got some more things to talk
about." he said.

('edric Dempsey. University of Arizona
athletic director, said Monday night he had
given Kentucky ot't'icials permission to talk
with (ilson but didn't know ()lson's inten»

Dempsey said he has talked with ()lson
"to see what he's thinking and it" there‘s

anything here that needs to be done " He
declined to detail the conversation

“I would hope we could bring all these
rumors to a head and resolve what needs
to be resolved.” Dempsey said

Dempsey said that before the tilson Kenr
lucky liiikup, he had recommended that
()lson‘s contract be extended three years
and his base salary be increased and that
the Board ot Regents had approved the

The current contract has two years to
go, meaning tilson would have a live-year
contract at Arizona. The Arizona Republic

in Phoenix said Ulson s current base sata
ry is believed to be between around $81000
to $95,000 Wllh a total package reported to
be worth between $400,000 and $500,001)

The Republic also reported that one on
identitied source said the Kentucky pack
age tor tilson would be more than $000000
per season. The newspaper said another
unidentitied source had sultl the package
would be worth more than 5750.000 each

The Republic said the package would lllr
clude a five-year contract, plus revenue


t‘ontriliut ing Writer

Armed with laboratory coats hospital
beds and needles. the t'entral Kentucky
Blood t'entcr. in conjunction with
Lambda (‘hi Alpha fraternity and Delta
Zeta sorority, began the annual “Pint
Party ‘89” yesterday afternoon. in
hopes of collecting pints of donated
blood from {K students and Lexington

Nearly 200 people tilled the t‘ommons
t'omplex on the south side ol the [K
canipUs last night to give what many
termed “a little lile to someone who
may needit "

This year's goal. which has been set
at .300 pints. must be reached by 0 to
night. when the event comes to a close


BLOOD RELATED: CKBC Phebotomist Steve Netherly
prepares freshman Jennifer Hicks to give blood at the

“ltight now ‘At' ie iiiiiiiiiig pic'ty vH'li.
litil We‘re going to llt‘ z't'iilly lion .‘
l’aiil ltai'iiwala. \itt' ,iresidcnt o: Lanili
ila l'lii \lplia We
help '

WKQQ radio, oiit ii! We \ijtlli
sors ol the blood dim. st: .4) .i porta
blc broadcasting liooth t1! 'lii
and aired sporadii ll‘.t’ llllliilit' ilii spots
throughout the day in .ii. 1 mi 3i.

lton \lacc. the [)l'tlliltlidilm liieitoi
tor WKQQ. said the st.i‘;oi '.i‘i\i-,- piitiln
service seriously and ,ti\'.i:\\ happy

“We tie the blood dim ii:
'rock and roll has it heart

tithcr Lexington liiisii;c.-.sc.~~ that
sponsoring the event iiicliidc lilintasy

ltl‘t‘ti t yet \"llt‘ .s



with our





annual pint party: being conducted at the Coriaiiioiis the
blood drive continues today

Student groups hold blood drive

\i‘tiilii. \llli t t'lili'l l‘iiltlimlit \m‘i:

l.\\.llitlli: 'ltii stiiitiriiis ‘i.i.i

,.il'li'll.~ til :i.t'*s. t.i itiiili.L.

than; 'init an. *-i 'illfll’.

Hi. .lllt'l zlri' lilliinl -lliti

".ydtli .lllil tines liloiiil ' .

it. ill! ;i.i.. '

pint-s along with .i llt‘t
1.11m liiii.‘ tilled tii
Liltr. said Kii‘hlci't. tioi'
il lli‘llii Z(‘Ill


liciiuireizients in -H, _ _
'iii llltlt' flic inlSSllly, iit i';.i 4
1:1,; test or general ~i:iis‘.~ii.~
tlilllll weight. pulsi- ra‘i
«lilti ii‘oii leyi-l

'iliiiiii '.."-


SDC’S ‘UK Challenge Week’ gives seniors
chance to get blitzed about their school

Stall reports

The Student lievclopiiient ('ouncil kicked
oll' l'K (‘hallengc Week with a "(telling
Blil/ed About llK" party at Two Keys ‘l‘ay
ern Monday night

l‘agc Estes, a member ol the SIMS. said
the party is not intended to be alcohol
oriented. hill just an event tor students to
show their support for the l’niversity

“We want everybody to get excited
about l'K.” she said

l'K (‘hallenge Week, which runs lrom
April it 17. is a program designed to get
graduating students to donate money back
to the t’niversity atter they leave. Estes

According to Estes. the Sl)(' is already
contacting students by mail, and will be
conducting a phoiieathoii during the week

to try and get students to pli-itgi a dorm

Students can have do ii
uted to their tayoriti- l'K pi'ogi'aiii

donation .ittiil,

Alter students make a pledge to ,lonai‘e

money to the l'iiiyersity. they‘ll have until
January. liltltl betore the first payment is

State chief justice to speak at UK today

Stall reports

ltobert Stephens. chiel iiislicc ot the
Kentucky Supi'eiiie t‘ourt. is the keynote
speaker tor this al’ternoon‘s spring meeting
of the American Association ot l'niversitv
Professors l
Stephens will speak on the courts and

higher education at 3'30 pm in 200 Stu
dent (‘enter

As chiel‘ _)U.\ll(‘t‘. Stephens and the state
Supreme (‘ourt are now deliberating a dc»
cision by Franklin (‘ircuit (‘ourt Judge
Ray (‘orns calling for equity in funding the
state’s school systems

In the decision. ('orns ruled that 00 ot lllt'
state‘s poorer school districts were correct
iii their assertion that the state has done
done its Job. as mandated by the state (on
stitution. in providing equal tunding

The ruling on the ('orns decision by the
state Supreme Court is expected soon.

lly ll\l lll€|\l\ \llll
\\\Ilt lil't‘ti l‘icss

\t \\lll\t.l'il.\ l'lii



iit‘t tiled
'li.il Swath
or hit; Wright \.ol.iti-d lloiisi rules by
tailing to iepor' .is L‘Iil.\ tlic lit‘lli‘lll.‘ lli'
l't‘t‘t't\t‘tl from .i
soiirii lil'lllliill

this li :tlii'i‘yi'ij.

thcri- is lt‘.l>t|l, '.i lie in '.i‘

with the

partner. a

The source, who spoke on ioiidifioii ol
.iiiiviiyiioty. declined to say how many
instances ot li'llllll‘i‘ to report gills had
been identitied by the panel

lint the number could easily be Ill the
do/eiis licciinse scyeral benelits Wright
i'eceiii-d continued our a period ot
years and would have had to lie report
ed on each year's tinancial disclosure


troin television and radio programs. .i slltw
contrai t. .i camp and other beiiet its

Newton, howeyei'. said last week that the
l iiiyersily would iontrol revenue
sources outside basketball and
('tlclt'll it flat salary

li'. 'liiisoii. 'l'lie Ari/ona Daily Star ri-
porteii ’iiat student assistant coaih t raig
\lc\lillaii said he was ‘old Illson had 'oiii
players 'hi-rc was ii ‘00 percent ihaiicc he
would stay at \l'l/titlii \lt“1lll£lll\cllli’llllt‘l
team members ‘old nini :tlsoii .\ into not
.yilh \cwton llt't'iilht' he;

to celebrate
life’s diversity

lty ( ll \ltl Ila ‘iltt t I,
start ‘i\:itii

Illit‘l' i

\t‘lt Illi

\illlirtiLll i; vita-loo
\.riiii'~ ii ii‘

liiiii .i ii


iili t iiliiyiii
'l .

i tn iiiil inc-i

l‘esliyiii ' tl

' Ethics committee believes
' Wright wrong, source says

lt'lli \':w'.,.'
oi .i'c‘


\lllllllil'it't ‘. t "i'l'i. Ltt .llsi.i7tii'
:iiiiiliiitis lif. \\i.glit

We think it s .in .ilisuid ii-por'. s“
\lat‘k “tights
t.ii\. wi‘li “tight .ilioii' 'hi-
t'ltS «oiiimenting ‘iyi
li.i\c absolutely no lllitllliitltt‘lT

'l‘lic i'oiiiiiiittec. whit h ii'siittic-l tlt'lll|
oratioiis yesterday in what is expected
to lie its linal week lietorc issuing ii re
port. is engaged in .. process not unlike
that ot .i grand yinry



ltlt‘\\ st‘t'l t'


\t‘e “ RH." I. Page 1







50" ’55"

Today: Mostly cloudy
Tomprrow: Sunny, warmer









Lady Kat tennis team
continues to roll with
victory over LSU



‘Dead Calm’ not as
mellow as it may sound

See Page 2