xt77pv6b5n84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77pv6b5n84/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-10-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 16, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 16, 1992 1992 1992-10-16 2020 true xt77pv6b5n84 section xt77pv6b5n84  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCV No. 37

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent Since 1971

Friday. October 16. 1992





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‘lmfitr'y'vofw‘s r

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Candidates make their cases in free-flowing second debate


By Tom Raum
Associated Press

RIt‘IIMthI). \‘a President
Btrsh. Bill (‘linton and Ross Perot
fielded questions from uneomrrrrt-
ted voters yesterday in a civilized.
issue-rich debate that rturged from
taxes to crime and character ('ltti-
ton said he wanted the wealthy to


pay their "lair share" in hrglrer ta\-
es. while the presrdertt said lie was
opposed to any tas hikes

\I’tcr a brret' clash trt which
Iitrsh renewed his attack on t‘liit-
ton‘s anti-war activities iii the
\'ictrr:un era. the three men were
brought tip short by .t questrouei‘s
demand that they "locus on the is-
sues and the programs "

Gore accuses Bush
of lying to Saddam


By Nicole Haumphreus
Staff Writer


Democratic vice presidential
candidate Al (iore used a tight day
on the campaign trail yesterday to
say that the Bush adttiiiristration’s
withholding ot‘ “lraqgate” doctr-
ments is a larger cover-up than the
Watergate scandal

lhe lennessee senator used the
address to the National (‘ont'ereirce
ot Iiditon'al Writers at the Ilyatt
Regency-I c\ington to repeat
claims tltat l’r'esident limit is lying
about his role in Irim-(‘orrtra arid is
Iyrrig by sayitrg that lie did not
mislead Saddam Hussein bcl'ore
the I’ersian ( iult' War.

“But let me assert to you that l
belieye what we are seeing right
tiow is (ieorge Bush presiding
oser a cover up that is sigrrit'icanr
Iy larger than the Watergate coyei
up." (iore said. "Watergate was
described as a two-hit burglary It»
at gate. by contrast. includes the
largest bank fraud in the history ot
the t'nited States ot Airrerica "

"Iraqgate" is not only the sale ot’

I'.S. arms to Iraq up until ll\ e days
before Iraq itiyaded Kuwait btrt
also Saddam Hussein‘s receiyitig
$5 billion iii ['8 backed loans.

(iore said,

ot Agriculture corrrmodrty


Saddam was able to quality tot
these loans through a Ilepill‘lllle‘lll




loans w er e made

through the ‘\II;llltir branch ot Hair
ca Valiottalc del I a\oro


llc tlt'~
l‘IIlIt‘II t‘l

almost \3

tatrltcd ou
IIIL‘\L' Itlitlls.

"Iraqgate also includes the tasr
payer’s ot the I'rrilcd \tates being
sttrck with the bill tor \I 0 billion
to bail out Saddam Hussein " ( tore

(iore also said that the i’eisiarr

(null \\;ir‘ should not hate trap
petttd attd should h.r\ c been .l\ttltl'

"Iraqgate also includes .t war
that treter should haxc taken

Place.” (tore said. "and would not
llrl‘.e taken place c\ccpt tor the
tcry serious llIlslrlIsts ot indet-
merit arid Iatltries ot tarittor ou the
part oi (reorge Bush as he
Saddam to urrscalcrrlatc
and decide that lit could tlt‘..ttIt‘
the neighboring ir itiort or Kuwait
with impunity ”

.-\Itcr (tote dcltucrl "Iraqgalc."
he said that lie has asked Iiiish to
release tour docrtrrttnts that would
prone or disptou t..



tip \

See GORE Back Page

they swrt'tly' took his ad\rcc.
arid proceeded to dissect their disa—
greerrrerrts otei education. health
care. the detrcrt. trade policy .trtd
tri‘barr “He‘s

there were tew surprises and
surely no kriockorrt punches. arid
little to suggest that the session
wotrld boost I'itrsh lll his cttoit to
otet’take (‘ltritorr by Not 1

the 90-minute debate at the
I’niyei’sity' ot Is’ichiirorrd was held
utrder unprecedented grotrtrd rules
in which iiidetx'rtdeut \oters asked
questions hour the audience

Bush used his closing staterrierrt
to make a swipe at t‘litrtoii's pro
posed tas hike. and to ask tlte \ot-
L‘t‘s to decide who Il;l\ the ”petser
serancc. the character thc


integrity. the irtattrrrtx' :r- ll.rlltIIL' a than littllslil" 'tittt tht . itrttta Ilc
t'l'l\l\llllllell\,rll'lltcc (IIlItI/t'tl the reparv l~ ‘trickle

I'elttl stuck to ,1“ \‘Xl,‘\x\p.l~\ -‘I‘ down t’ct‘II titras' !::t it little
Iteal. \.t\lll:‘ that it thc \itrt'ttcart tlrcrr ““‘l ”V“ "W“ ”It"
‘\‘(ipl\' on”): to c. I.“ gym, phat etotrour. by 1' ti: :~ etc trtst

lettls ‘artd llt~l talk .tluvur lI. I‘ru int loll I‘U ttl» Ill
t‘llt’ lk‘lwfll lllt‘}


tttf'lrl to totrsttl~
; i I. It;tlltl\

“l lteltct‘ It‘

Ilia" Ihrcc it. dry

and rnoycd El‘r'
\lt‘\\'\l {Vs

the \oters tn the

st‘t'dlsllt‘,’ to

audience rather

See DEBATE Hack Page



Tennessee Sen. Al Gore. the Democratic vice presidential nominee. speaks yesterday at the National Conference of Editorial
Writers at Hyatt Regency-Lexington. He accused President Bush of lying about his role in Iran-Contra.

II it “URL 1 w . A : n.4,,



SI looking
at Wildcats
for preview

By John Kelly
Sports Editor



Sophomore I'orward .larnal Mash-
bui'ri and the I'K men's basketball
team may be the locus ot a rumor
l’eature itr Sports llltti‘tt‘ttted's annu-
al college basketball pi'e\iew

'l here's a chance that one or both
cottld appear on the tioirt cotcr btrt
a rrraga/iire spokesman would not
corit'irm the possibility

'I he last tinte I'K graced the mag-
a/rrre‘s coyer was May 2‘). 103‘). iii
the now irit‘amoris “Kentucky‘s
Slizune" story that documented an
NCAA and [K investigation into
wrongdoing within the program.
and the team‘s resulting probation.

l'K sports itit'oriiiatioii director
(‘liris (‘ameron cotrt'inned yester—
day that Sporty Illustrated has ar»
ranged a two-day photo session and
that staff writer Alexander Wolt't’
has contacted him to arreurge art tlI-
terview with Mashbum.

“t’l'he photograpliersl will be
here tor two days. not exclusively
with him." (‘ameron said. “they‘ll
be trying to get several shots ot
him. though.

"It‘s for their college basketball
presiew. It‘s pretty standard listial»
ty. when they do their Top 20. they
rtrri pictures from all the teams,"

(‘amerotr said I‘inal dates haven't
been set for either the photo session
or the interview. but that both
would occur sometime this month.

Ile added that he was unsure ot'
whether Wolff‘s interview would
be with Mashbum exclusively. or
with the entire tetun.

The dates are ”really. really tentav
live." (‘aineron said. “tWoltt't is
inst going to get back wrth me."

( ‘arneron cont'imied that SI is do-
iiig a inator feature on Mashburrr. at
the very least. The question is how

After finding that
the Wildcats sent one




A... s ..We'


JAMES CRISP Ketrel 7"» "‘[u' W'

The last time the UK basketball program was featured on the
cover of Sports Illustrated was at its lowest point.

the Kentucky Kernel learned
Wednesday that SI photographers

arid \V'ollt had contacted l‘ls'. btrt

no one at the iriaga/irre was willing
to corrimetit on the poterrtral tor
Mashbtrrir as a cover story that day

(‘amcrori would not go as tar as
to say that Maslrbirr'rt would be on
the irirtgir/ittc"s cover. btit said he

otrly knows that the o-loot“. 1-W-

P‘ttrrid New York name is at least .t


“Yes. he rs a potential coyer."
(‘aitiei'on said.

Sporty IIItti‘truml spokesman
Roger Jackson said it is maga/iiie


policy not to comment on “stories
or trpcorrrrtig issues."

“It is too early. tor e\cn those
who might speculate. to speculate."
Jackson said "Ihc bottom line is
that it I knew arid I don't tlrttik
that it‘s been decided yet I
wouldn't tell you "

Iackson said that decisions at the
trraga/iire change troitt week to
week and that, men it .\I chose to
do a coyci’ story on Mashbutrt. a lot
ot things cotrld stop that lrottt hap-

See SPORTS Back Page

United Way festival ‘succcssful’


By Li-Chang Su
Staff Writer


I'K‘s I'alI I'esttsal IIIt"s~ a \II . «I
ot rirore than Wt to the stud to
(enter patio yesterday toi tmd
music and the chance I\‘ llt Ip a tl
thy cause.

Ilre .trrrrual testixal iarsr s IIIttllt '-
toi' thc ltrrxersttyK l'nitcd \\a


Football redshtrt freshman
Antonio O'Ferral IS confident his
bench-warming days are over
and looks to make a big
impressron tomorrow night at
tSU Story. Page 3.


When UK students tire of boring

lectures, many spend their sunny
autumn days at Keeneland Race
Course Story. Page 4,


After the IIISl presrdentia! debate.
there IS no doubt that ROss Perot
should give it up Column

Page 6


Because of an editor‘s error.
photographs of Mike Hopkrnson
and Mahyar Goodarz were
reversed in yesterday‘s Kentucky


Showers and thunderstorms
likely today; high between 65 and
70. Clearing and colder tonight.
low between 35 and 40. Partly
sunny and cool tomorrow. high
around 55.


Sports ., ,. ........................... 2
Dwersrons ............................. 4
Viewpoint ............................ 6
Classifieds ......................... 7



tatrtoait‘ii mllult tlx . I' has I 'as t in: tw'l.‘ . Il.‘ last year."
.‘Joal .tl \l'vt‘r” tr .lot' tIL- I: that r' it ‘1‘ . r .oIIL‘L’letI

“my r3 ll" H l'-.r ,1, RV} I, ilrt r :r w' a two hour
still tltstitts d . at I : tum: IlIt \‘ Ittsi’ '3 ‘ '1“"l I’ICK'U“
ls ”\~'l\ watts 'tt ' .|IIIItI|I“I: lie ‘Mll‘l‘i ‘ M“ "I“ \‘m' atalIIe
Iid not It.“ t;'t t? It s on it ““‘I ll" 1

IIIlIt h rrritnt . | raisc tt

noise was
the highest

UNITED Hack Page

\ Ilrlllllt .r’l,t‘. ‘‘r it‘.’

tlIlIl‘II‘ ' .t;»: . .tt.”
IIc sail hr-z'a tit tht trrrottut

vItlt Ilt:.' i..rs


ratstd Icslrxal

's t'.tI -




‘ mtt ‘DU'OV

Lyle Lovett performs Wednesday at Memorial Coliseum.
More arts events abound this weekend. Story. Page 5.




‘ t 7



Razorback 's
upset of UT
puts Wildcats
back in hunt

‘ By Ty Halpin
Kernel Columnist



i‘Vrtt'ertt/ier .‘ll. 197‘: l'ls' at lett-
nessee. l‘K edges l'l 7-H and ties
for the slit title this Is the last
tittie l'K was in the race tor the ti~

.Vt/tetttlter ll. [WV l'K at \‘an-
dcrbilt. l'K triumphs li-ll its first
road witi in the Slit since early itt
Ronald Reagan‘s second tentt. l'K
went oti to win the Hall ol lame

October 1. [WI l’lorida at Mis-
stssippi State. l'he (iators tlounder
tti Starkvtlle. Miss. as tlte Bulldogs
step over the defending Sl;(‘ cham-
pions. 306 They tall to [-3 in tlte

Sl{(‘. including a loss to lt‘litiessee.
all but killtttg the Wildcats title

()ctolter .i’. I‘M: l'K loses to 1 lie
.\ltss III llylord. a gain; tti
which l'K played horribly. tlteti tn»
credibly ~ and theti returned to
horrible. l'K scored l-l thiid-
quarter points. had clttuices to score
more. but eventually bowed to tlte

l'K hills to l—Z iii the Slt‘ :utd
with the way lcnnessec's playing.
l'K taillituls only catt hope to play
otit the rest oi tlte season without
tailing out ot fourth place III the
Sla(‘ lias‘t.

l‘ennessee at lst' l'he \olutt-
teers show their dctensiye abilities
as they swamp the ligers le~lt
l'ennessee seems poised to win the
Sli(“s liasteni division in what was
to be a rebuilding year

The Vols ha\e an i'elatiyely easy






Whatever we can do to get in
the hunt, we can do on our
schedule, and that‘s really all
that you ask for.

——Bill Curry,
UK football coach


schedule left. with tlte only real
threat being Alabama in Knoxville.
l'cntt. tomorrow.

(lt'tolter III. I‘ll/3, l‘cnnessee
welcomes Arkzutsas to Knoxville
lllc new Slit‘ member Arkansas.
l'he teatn that lost its home opener
to l)t\iston l-.t\.-\ lhe (‘itadeL You

know. enrollment ot Eliot). The
(‘ttadel llu' ('ttttt/t'l
Arkansas obliges and. iii the li—

nal minutes. returns a punt tor a
touchdown and then kicks the
winning field goal with no time
left. [he \'ols tall to the Ra/or-
backs 25-24. 'lhey drop to 3-1 in
the Slit‘ and into a tie with Licor-
gia {or first place in the East.

lI)2unon llood watched the game
that gaye l'K its new position.

"Yeah. we all watched it. ’(‘aUse
we all know now we have a
chance." he said

l'K tfi-It has more than a
clitutce. lhc players and coaches
know what they lime to do l‘K
will play as well .is tltey can. l'K
coach litl|(‘tirty satd

"\Vltatmet we can do to get it]
the hunt. we can do on our sched—
ule. and that's tcally all that you
ask tor." (‘ttt't'y said

it l'K wins tlte test ot its SH‘
games, w ltich would include wins
o\er both (ieoigia and lennessee.
tt czm win or he tor the \l:(‘ lzast
title l'K would. at worst. be tied
with l-londa. (ieorgia and lennes-
see at (i-Z With some ot its tough-
est tcmatning games at ('omtttotr
wealth Stadium. the Wildcats
should teel positive about their sit—

(‘ut'ty wattts ltis playcts to take it
otte game at a little

“ l he ottly thing that l watit them


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to think about is winning the LSl'
game." he said. “it we should be
fortunate to do that and tnaybe go
on aitd to continue to improve. then
were nght iii the hunt,"

lSl' ll-F. 13 SH‘) has lost its
last tour games. including losses to
(‘olotado State at Baton Rouge attd
last week to Honda at (iatnesy'tlle
l..\'l’ leads the meta“ series be~
tween the two schools RI-Ill-l,
which includes a l8-‘s-l at Baton

[K has to hate this gtune to
tnake a serious attempt at winning
the Sl-‘t‘ title. looking past 1.817
would be a mistake for the players.
but. lust for the sake oi looking.
let‘s look ahead

Alter tomorrow's
the l'tgers. l'K comes home for
three games against (ieorgia. Mis-
sissippi State :utd Vanderbilt. These
will be tough gatttes. but they are
home games winch is were l'K
plays its best games

l'ls' ietut'ns to the toad lot the last
two g at ('incin~
nan and at lcnnessee l‘K looks to
be much improved by these games
and ltopes to close otit the seasott
w tth \ l\ tot‘tes

l he on week ttiay turn otit to be a
blessing tn disguise Ior ('ttrt‘y‘s
('ats, lt gaye l'ls' time to polish its
ottense attd make changes l'K's
detense. which has played extreme-
ly well. is ranked illth til the nation.

l'K has the opportunity to play
well the last halt ol the season and
ttgltt tor a bowl bid atid possibly an
all title It l‘K can meet these
high goals, the team can look back
at this oil week as the big turna—
round toi tnany teasons

':\I‘Is.lll\tt.s goes the Wildcats a

game against

antes ot the yeai

I Kentucky vs. LSU

Rocords: Kentucky 2-0
LSU 5-0

When: Saturday 7r: rt-

(Central Time‘,

Whore: Baton Rouge La

Radio: Live on
Ralph Hacker Charlie
Alexander and Dick

Television: No two
televt5toty coverage

On the Air:

About the l St! leads the 42~game
Series: series 31-10-t
including last year 5
29-26 VlClOly at

Coaches: Kentucky Bill Curry.
10-17-0 at UK
LSU Cutie Hallmen

6-tt-Oatl. U



BYL HENSLEV Ke'ne Gaol" cs

reason to belieye they czut win on
the road :utd the confidence that
they can de teat a good learn.

-’l‘he week off gives (‘urry a
chance to tnake some changes and
get some injured players healthy

-'l‘he week off gives the team a
chance to reflect oti the game at
(tie .‘yliss. lust when l'K seemed
down and out. it catne back with a
t'lourish l‘hen. when the Wildcats
looked unstoppable. they let then
immaturity get iii the way [his
may be the week l‘K matures

I)“ ember 5. /W.‘. l‘he inaugural
SH‘ title game tti Birmtnghzun.
.-\la. Whethet l'K will be tlierc
hinges oti tltc l..\‘| ' ganie tomorrow

Irmuart /. [WK (‘an l'K make a
bowl tor the tirst time tn eight
yeats' lndtatta t‘cceiy'etl a bid last
year with ottly a 0—4—1 record. You
itist ttttght be watching (‘tti'ry pa-
rade the sidelines on New Year‘s

l .\l' is the titst roadblock.

()t'l'll’t’l i" IWJ, l'K atl Sl'

Result: Stay tuned.

Stall lit/tit /\ Hal/mt l\ litm-
laws IllilIltIL't'lllt'lll \o/t/toiitore (Hit/t1
Kits/ail r Ix't'rtti'l t'o/tmtrttt't




DANIEL VAN DALSEM/rst— "e :' t"

Matt Riazzi, a senior tailback from Kettering. Ohio. blocks a
member of the UK scout team during practice.


Student tickets

Staff reports



Student tickets to the ('ieorgia
and Mississippi State football
games are still available.

Students must present a validat-
ed 17K It) iutd activity card at the
ticket window at Memorial ("oli-
seum today between 9 am. and 4

Students can also receiye one
additional ticket if they bring an—


still available

other student's II) and activity
card (iuest tickets can also be
purchased at a cost of SN for
end lone seats and SIX tor stadi-
um seats.

Director of Administrative
Sen-ices Rodney Stiles urged
students to get tickets as early as
possible because the ticket oi-
lice will begin selling titt-
claimed studiiet tickets to the
public Monday.



Men’s soccer team defeats Hilltoppers 3-1


By Mark Teague
Contributing Writer

l'K men's soccer coach Sam
Wooten has been using t'cy'ettge as
a tnottyattonal tactic all week to
pictptit his te tlIl lot I aim against
intiastatt. iiyal \\cstctn Kentucky.
which dclcated l‘K (y-ll last season

\\ootcn achieved his re\enge
yestciday as [K cattte liom behind
.ittd scored two late goals in the last
scyen minutes ot the HM halt to go
into the intetmisston leading ll
l'ls' added another goal II] the sce
ond hall. and the Wildcats beat tlte
\VKI' lltlltoppets H in front ot
more than ltttt lans at (‘age l-ield.

\Vooten was glad to get the wm.
despite the tact that both teams


played a sloppy game and the phys»
tcal play. at times. teseinbled that
ol tootball rather than a soccer
lllt lc‘\cllge \\ is sweet “(it

ten said ‘llut I didnt tcel we
played that well We could ltayc
played better delensiyely. We are
happy with the win ey'en iti :ut ugly
game "

l'ls' lost tntdtielder Steve Miller
less tltatt Ill minutes ttito the tirst
halt attd later lost stopper l’at (ic-
tak Miller lctt the tield. attd when
he returned later he was wearing
street clothes attd his lett ankle was
wrapped. (ierak tried to cotne back
tn the game btit didn‘t play much

“'lhete were a lot hospital balls
today." \Vooten said. "At times. I
tell that this was ttot a good soccer




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game It ttist got to be too physical
ol a game H

[K striker lodd \Vctssmtieller
lelt the brunt ot the physical play.

as he was hit and knocked me!
throughout the gatne
“You‘re going to get knocked

down III a garlic like this." \Veiss-
mneller said. “It didn‘t bother tnc
It‘s no big deal when the game gets
this physical "

\VKl' started the scoring oti its
totit'th shot ot the gatne as Roty
l,ithgow' scored on a header limit a
corner kick by Michael llendcrsott
at the l‘lz-ll mark.

Despite the goal. l‘l's’ goal keepe
er Matt Stanley held ot'l other early
tushes t'rom \VKI' attd held thctn
scoreless the rest ol the gattie. stop-
ping a total ol sey‘en shots.

late in the first hall. the momen-
tum started to \IIIII l'K‘s way as
Brian l)ausman scored the tirst ol
his two goals at the 17-11 tnark.
lilting his pcttalty kick met the
wall of delenders and into the net
past the diye ot' goalkeeper Shane

”i just kicked it over the wall."

llausman said “ l he goalkeepci
was too tar oll his line, and l matr
aged to get the ball oy er his ltcad "

\t\ minutes later. striket .lohn
\kectets scoted his lirst goal ot tltc
year on an assist trotn llordwine

“l snack in atid managed to get a
toe-in." \kcetet‘s said "ll was more
ot a sttap play as i got past the do
tendet "

l'hc two teams played the sec-
ond hall eycti lllllll the NHII tnatk

when llattsman taught a tlttow-
tit oit his t'llt'sl. atid. bel‘otc the ball
hit the ground. he managed to kick
it into the ttct tt'om 40 yards out.

l'K‘s t'ccotd iinproyed to (vJ‘l
\\ Kl ' dropped to NH


ollrian |)ausman‘s two goals attd
one assist yesterday tnade liitn the
team‘s top ottensiye player llatis»
man has ll points

-_\lil|ei attd (tetak.
in the game. are listed

-lhe lady Kats squad
dropped a ‘Hl decision to lith—
rattked Notre Dame on Wednesday.

botlt intuit-d
as day to

st tt‘t'et‘

Kentucky Kernel

S pa rtS

Exp 10/19/92

Exp 10/19/92





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Kentucky Kernel. Friday. October 16. 1992 - 3

O’Ferral anxious to surprise everyone in first collegiate action

New Yorker
brings tough
style, attitude
to UK camp


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


When New York high school
football star Antonio ()‘l~‘erral
headed south to play for l'K. he en-
countered more than Kentucky
bluegrass and Southern hospitality

()‘l‘erral met something he had
never seen before ~— the bench.
And he didn‘t like it.

A knee injury and a lack ol eypc-
rience kept the redshirt freshmtui
quarterback relegated to third string
behind sophoiitore l’ookie
and senior Ryan llockmzut.

“I‘ve never sail the bench ever iii
my‘ life. never since even Pee Wee

"Never. No matter what sport
I've played. I've never sat the
bench,“ he said. “So. it‘s been very.
very. very frustrating."

Some of ()‘l‘erral's frustration


should end this week. As part of

(‘urry‘s lineup juggling act.
()‘li‘erral moved this week from
third string to backup quarterback.

And (any promises ()‘l-erral
will see some action tomorrow
night against l Sl'

()‘l-‘erral n'imcd I‘Nll New York
Player of the Year by l‘.\';\ l'oday.
said his promotion itistit’ies his de-
cision to siiub the big name rcertiit—
ers :utd come to l 'K.

“I'm a t‘edsltirt freshman. and I‘ll

be playing this week. That says it
all. I tunted away the Penn States
and the big schools because. if I
went there. I probably wouldn‘t
have played until my third year And
I‘m not used to sitting around." he

So untiscd to sitting around was
()‘l’erral that he was willing to
change positions just to get on the
field He worked out as fourth-string
tailback for a couple of weeks and
had been considering moving back
to conterback. where he originally
was projected to play his freshman

"l‘ye thought about it all the
time." he said of switching posi—
lions. “I‘ve thought about it this
whole season. right tip to the mo-
ment where they switched the to sec-
ond string quarterback. It they
wouldn’t have switched the. l was
going to go to (‘oach (tiny and ask
him to move me back to eornerhack
iie\t week "

In fact. U'l‘erral said ll ll weren‘t
lor l'K‘s switch to the triple»optioit
offense. he would have switched to

"I think (the offense) tits perfectly
into everything I‘m able to do." he
said. “I'm able to run the option
well. I‘m able to throw. I‘m able to
run. I would never be quzu'terback
without this option."

Despite that he hasn't played in
two years arid will .see his first colle»
giate action on the road against tra—
ditional Southeastern (‘oiit‘erenee
power l.Sl '. ()‘lfrral said he‘s ”not
nervous at all."

“l'm anytious." he said " lhis is lootr
ball. and he been playing football
all my ltle "

“l tliitik I'll do very well. lltlpt‘ltlk
ly. l‘ll do so well that they'll want to
keep me iii there longer than they
anticipated "


McCarver calls Sanders
ploy cowardly, deliberate


Staff reports


team that night.

breach of contract."


and Sanders.

on taking," McCarver said.


NEW YORK —- Tim McCarver says Atlanta Braves outfielder
Deion Sanders committed an act of cowardice when be dumped ice
water on him three times, and he wants National league president
Bill White to do something about it.

Sanders poured the ice water on the (T88 announcer after
Wednesday night‘s game, when the Braves
the National League pennant. The act was in apparent retaliatitm
for comments McCarver made, criticizing Sanders {or playing in an
Atlanta Falcons football game Sunday before rejoining his baseball

“How can he leave in the playoffs and go play in a football
game?" McCain/er asked during Saturday’s telecast.
look at it. that’s just flat wrong and I guess could be construed as a

McCarvcr said the first time Sanders doused him, he was so
shocked he pulled a muscle in the right side of his back. After he
was doused a third time while doing interviews. McCarver said he
went in search of Sanders in the Braves clubhouse.

“I didn‘t know what I would do or say but as I was going toward
the middle of the clubhouse, Sanders was creeping up with another
tub of water." McCarvcr said on a conference call yesterday. “lie
said, ‘Where‘s MeCarver,‘ and i said, ‘l'm right here.‘

“He tried to hit me with another tub that missed me, and I said.
‘You know. Deion, you’re a real man. you are a real man.‘ 1
thought it was a deliberate. cowardly act."

McCain/er said he would talk the matter over with White. who al-
ready has spoken about it with CBS senior vice president Rick (len-

The Atlanta Journal quoted officials of the Atlanta CBS affiliate,
WAGA, as saying that White asked for Copies of a tape shot by a
cameraman, showing the final confrontation between McCarver

"i don‘t know what steps I plan on taking or what steps Bill plans-

beat Pittsburgh 3-2 for

” .. The way i




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Fans make the


ll' (l’l5en‘al emerges the way he
thinks he will. the next few sL‘JMHls
might bring something every toot-
ball coach despises _ a qtiaiiei
back controversy But (l'l‘erial
takes a different stew of a possible
future competition for the starting
job between him and Jones

“Hopefully. there will be tortuo-
yersy.” he said. “l hope that I‘m
good enough that I will cause Lon-

Jones. who battled llocknian tor
the starting job this season. said
he‘s used to quarterback disputes
and will take ll in stride

"l‘m sure that there will be teoii<
troyetsy'l. btit I'll] post gonna go oitt
there tutd do what I do best and let
my abilities take place." .lotics said
"I‘m sure he's going to be pushing
me rust like Ryan did. btit I‘m not
going to let that pressure the "

One thing surely itot to be disput»
ed is ()‘l‘eiTal‘s athletic ability In
high school. he played t‘oi'iicibat'k
and quarterback. rushing for more
than lllll yards l‘l different times
He lettered tor three years on the
baseball team attd on the lacrosse

lacrosse .’

“l loye lacrosse." he said “I only
wish I could have played laciosse .l
lot longer I probably would have
ended tip doing that,"

He said he also hopes to play
football a lot longer and see a
lot tnore action. He said he can see
himself making a big play tomor
row. either with a long pass or an
electrifying run.

And he said he plans to make .1
lot ittoic of them lll llit years to

”As far as llte lultiie. 1 hope to
take oyer llte starting position and
get nationally tanked lll
everything I «lo " he said



By Ty Halpin
Staff Writer

l'K‘s \olleyball team takes its
high-octane ottensiye show to l'lt‘l'
Ma and Auburn this weekend Ill two
Slxl‘ Iitalehes l'K (14-4) plays the
(iators tonight lll (iatnesytlle and
the l igers on Sunday

['K ltas plenty of reasons to play
well this weekend:

'( ‘oach Kathy l)elloei”s llllltli
win at l ‘K could come at Auburn

°lltese lyyo SH.
games will decide whether l'ls' will
challenge lor the title

0| ,ookiiig alieatl, these games also
are important lor Nt ‘AA tourna
ment hltls.

DcBocI said she
games won‘t be easy,

“I his is. by far, out toughest road
trip of the year l‘lttl’ltlil and Aubum
always play its tough." she said

Auburn and l-loritla beat l'ls' last
season on this trip Helloci' said she
thinks the meiiioiy of last year‘s
trip will help the team stay focused
this time tuotmtl

"We remember
last year." Delloer said



lslltiyys lllt‘w

what happened
"i )m kids




‘ 3i

‘5 .r




J?” l' lt‘ l .‘v '

Antonio O'Ferral will play in his first game as a Wildcat Saturday against Louismna State in Ba-
ton Rouge. La. UK football coach Bill Curry said O'Ferral will play at least one series

Volleyball squad hits road for SEC pla

itmtmbti what
they H l\ it My "
lll‘llila the nation s eighth
tanked team. “I“ be l 'k\ toughest
"\Vt'dt‘ eycited about playing in
lloiida lliey eypeet about WWI
people at the game."
llte (iatois are a team lat‘etl \\llll
talent and e\perience. as they start
seniors from a team that finished its
season “1”! a ‘5»? i'ecoitl Honda
is the «leleiitlmg SH ‘ champion
l-loi'ttla's top players nitlutle our
side hitter and first team \ll
\merit‘ai. (tutlula .\latib. seltti llt'l'
\ll Anderson and middle blot kei \u—
mime lluglies .\ll three [‘l.l\‘tl\ .tie

llic (ialois also start two

it; tppenttl llltl

\llt‘ \;lltl


.\tibiiin is a learn plagued \\llll
llllllllt'\ to some ol its key playtis
lliey liaye played well with carries
and then not so well the nest ll.
lioei warns that the learn l\ not to
be taken lightly

“ | hey .ue up and down lllt“s \k
had some key mimics. but they .llk‘

still lll the eonleientt'.” lit-ltoei




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lltt' \\l‘ltlt tls lotik ‘otsl .is (lit v
head to llic ioatl last ..tkttitl tutti! t-l . in
they tltllllllllllt‘il ltuke ,mil \oitli ,l
(lii'olllia. .iittl tlie'~ look to toiitimi.
their successes team

llcliot't‘ saitl she thinks llt‘l l. llll \s lot llLl ‘""ll nr.‘ i. l‘ l r
\\ lll . ‘ .i.

l 'lt ll .1“. Mt. lllll ‘lt ..
lxlldlll‘liv 1~ “a ll_.‘
tori-'l: Miliw‘ \l‘ mil ..itli« ll
lstitl .u l.lll"tl-
“sllt \tlil
has a gootl chance to toatli lh‘ltot: ..ii Mo i: i ..._.H

mite ll takes the total .is lsllk" tan «I II




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