xt77sq8qd99h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77sq8qd99h/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_521 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 521 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 521  2014 true xt77sq8qd99h section xt77sq8qd99h _ F
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For Control of
Insects and Diseases
Circulc1r 521 r
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture ond Home Economics. ‘
C°ll€9€ of Agriculture and Home Economics, University of Kentucky Q
`lixlriln and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating V
FRANK J. WELCH, Director
lssued in furtherance 0f The Acts of May 8 and June 30, l9l4. I

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Suitable equipment for spraying home fruit plantings: a wheelbarrow spray at left, too 1
` and a 3-gallon knapsack sprayer. ·_ SUCCI
L t disez
l amp]
Pest Control by Sanitation ..........,..,.............................................. 3 lm)
Whether to Dust or to Spray .........................................,.,.............. 4 hdl)
General-Purpose Spray .....................................,........................4... 5 will-I
Some Points on Using Sprays and Dusts .......................,................ 6 Slillw
Separate Spray Schedules ........,..........,...,....................................., 7 Shgh

 V  G
Sprays for Home Fruit P|cmtmgs*
A This circular describes insect and disease control programs
that are adapted to small backyard fruit plantings and small
orchards, grown primarily for home use. Two plans are suggest-
ed-the general—purpose spray mixture program for those who
_ desire the simplest method possible, and separate spray schedules
for those who desire to follow a program specifically adapted to
_ the different kinds of fruit.
Healthy, vigorous trees and plants will yield more fruit than
, sickly ones. A liberal supply of mineral nutrients provided by the
_ · application of fertilizers and manure will help assure a harvest
  despite losses due to insects and disease. It is important, how-
ever, not to apply too much nitrogen to fruit plantings. \Vhere
at ieee, t00 much nitrogen is present the set of fruit is reduced, and a
j succulent growth is produced that may be more susceptible to
disease than where there is less nitrogen. This is true, for cx-
ample, with fireblight on apples and pears.
Apple scab and cherry leaf spot
These diseases live over winter on the fallen leaves of these
3 two trees. Baking and burning all of the leaves in the fall will
4 help prevent infection of the new foliage the next spring. Of ·
5 course. leaves from neglected trees in the neighborhood may
6 serve as sources of these diseases but their effect will be relatively
7 slight. especially if they are some distance away.
Apple, peach, and plum fruit rots
To aid in the control of all these diseases, fruits that start
rotting before ripe should be removed at once from the trccs l
lpicked up if they drop), and destroyed, to help prevent spread _
°Pl'CplII`(f(l   tl`lC I'IOI`tlCLlltl.ll`C DC}_)2lI`tI]]CIIt ll] (J()OpC1`2ltlO1`1 \Vltll tll€ Eilltf)- I
ll"’l"¥}` Mil Botany Department and the Plant Pathology Division of the l)<·part» _
llll'lll of _‘\gl°OHOln}'-

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  Q   of the trouble. Removal of dead and broken limbs, limbs with are a
  , l cankers, and mummies also helps in the program to control rots, s mixe
A l   Curculio 1 pg
l l   Curculio beetles cause wormy fruits of peach, plums, and “’€ll
l l cherries, and often damage nearby young apple fruits. The small equa
l   grayish—black snout beetle (about the size of a grape seed) with leafd
e Q small bumps on its back, overwinters as an adult in tufts of grass, lhOl`(
l l brush piles, in litters and debris in and near the trees. The beetles V3 ba]
` come out of these wintering places about the time of petal fall K f€V
A of peaches, and soon begin to lay eggs in the young fruits. This V
  causes the fruits to fall. Picking up and destroying these small » in ra
i fruits is an excellent aid in the control of curculio. The second The
brood appears in late ]une and early ]uly, “stinging” the half- ‘ inorr
» grown to nearly grown fruits of peaches and plums, and causing °
  them to be wormy at harvest.
Apple worms lcodling moth)
L Worm damage to apples can be reduced by removing and ml;
` burning nearby rubbish and scraping loose bark from the ti‘G€ {mit
A trunk and main limbs which serve as wintering places for worms msec
Also, many worms can be killed by picking up and destroying {Tuul
dropped fruit. As the worms leave the fruit soon after it falls, the Spr;
drops should be gathered and destroyed daily. Sometimes whew tum
only a few apple trees are grown, and those not near other applv Phu]?
plantings, the apples can be kept quite free of worms by followiiigi Sum
these precautions, but usually it is best to spray also. mm
Pigs or chickens under and around fruit trees help to 1`GlllO\ll`
and destroy dropped fruits, improving insect and disease conti‘0l- Ul;
\Vhere trees are small and a suitable duster is availablc, Wllll lhou
f01`C€ €nOugl1 to cover the trees, applications of dust may be ilidflf wml
after the dormant—season spray has been applied. Some HPDl“ tie
gl`OW€l`S get Splendid control of apple seal) from frequent Slilllll Films
dusts before and during the blooming season. Some peach gl‘O“” Map
ers usc only dusts and no sprays during the growing season. S
Many combinations of dusts are commercially blended. Tllfsf dust

- 5
with are advised for use where available, rather than the use of home-
1-OH mixed dusts.
For home mixing, 8 parts of finely divided sulfur (325 mesh),
3 lpart lime, and 1 part lead arsenate are suitable for a dust, when
and ` well mixed, and where this mixture is needed. Also, a mixture of
mall - equal parts of lime and lead arsenate is suitable for use where
with leaf-eating insects are to be stopped. The materials must be
,mSS_ thoroughly mixed. This may be done by rolling the materials in
kde; a barrel, or, for smaller amounts, by mixing in a closed can with
1 fan a few rocks as agitators.
This When dusting, follow the same timing as with spraying except
small in rainy weather, when the dusts should be applied more often.
econd The best time to apply dust is late in the evening or early in the
half- ‘ morning when the dew is still on and there is little wind.
T ld " General—purpose spray mixtures available from local dealers
3 me in most areas of Kentucky have become popular with many home
* fruit growers. These mixtures are combinations of fungicides and
(Om]; insecticides suitable for use on apples, peaches, grapes, and other
loyal; fruits. They are sold under such names as “One Package Fruit
St _ Spray,” “All—Purpose Spray,” or “Home Fruit Spray.” These mix-
Whew f lures have proved very satisfactory for those who have a small
appl; planting of several kinds of fruit and find it desirable to use the
OWU]: Same mixture for each summer spray. A spray mixture containing
Bmw methoxychlor, malathion and captan is recommended. V
dntrol. The dormant sprays should be used as indicated in the sched-
ules for different kinds of fruit (pages 8 to 9). V
Because of variations in the mixtures made by different 1nanu—
facturers, the directions for dilution rate given on the package
,7 wah $h0l\ld be followed carefully. However, for the timing of the
, made $D1`€lyS it may be better to follow the timing shown in the sched-
awk tiles for the different fruits on pages 8 to 12 of this circular, be- ·
Sulfur C¥lU$€ the directions on the package are likely to apply tO 21 Wider
gl,O“._ We than Kentucky. V
,0n. 801116 Of the general-purpose mixtures are suitable fO1' use GS n
These dusts by adding an equal amount of Hour. (

 1 ‘   6 .
1 t y Cup!
q I i i 1. C ompiete Coverage: Every spray or dust operation should pail.
  completely cover all parts of each plant. A mature peach tree be (
I ~ l requires 4 to 5 gallons at each spraying and a good-sized apple and
E   tree 6 to 10 gallons. rum
i { 2. Purpose: Each spray application on each type of fruit t
L t should have a definite purpose. Learn which pests are giving in C
l T trouble and are to be controlled. If y
` 3. Timing: Spray and dust applications must be properly cial]
timed if control is to be satisfactory. mal
l I stab
t 4. D0n’t Experiment; Do not experiment with new combi-
nations of materials. Serious tree or plant damage is often caused -
by using improper materials or combinations. ' gil
_ 5. Dwarf Trees: Small trees that are well pruned are easier Pm
to spray. This fact makes dwarf trees attractive to home fruit
growers. · b ·
· _ ett
i 6. Equipment: Suitable equipment makes spraying more ef bm
. fective and more pleasant. It is not advisable to use anything me
smaller than the bucket type pumps or 3-gallon compressed-zur
sprayers. There are several types of wheelbarrow sprayers of lf
to 15 gallon size and of the larger barrel sprayer (50 gallonsl.
all operated by hand pumps. Several satisfactory small spr·ayers
.also are available with motor driven pumps. The size of planting
determines the size of equipment needed. OH];
Tn Spraying it is important to keep the materials in the tallli mi
well mixed in the water and to prevent settling. In small tanl1‘¢t}` me
stream into a fine mist are desired. Additional hose can be (lll 267
tained and extra lengths of brass or iron tubing to make suitillllt
spray rods of 6 to 8 feet, if needed. I

 · 7
8. Measuring Deoices and Mixing: Use measuring spoons and
cu s and kee them es eciall for this ur ose. Also, a ood
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