xt77sq8qft01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77sq8qft01/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-10-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1977 1977 1977-10-06 2020 true xt77sq8qft01 section xt77sq8qft01  

volume LXIX, Number 35
Thursday. October 6, 1977




an independent student n



UK student loses suit
against Lexington cop

Managing Editor

Boyd t‘ofer learned yesterday that you (an fight city
hall only to a certain point w hen a Ii‘ ayette (.‘ircuit ( ourt
Jury failedto award him damages in 2i civil suit against
a Lexington police officer and the Irban (‘ounty
tiovernmenti ill(?(‘.r.

(‘ofer. psychology senior. named I)et. Philip Vogcl
and the I'L‘tl as codefend2urts in 22 $152100 suit stem-
mingfr‘om anincidentthatoccurredl)ec 4.1976.

(in that date Vigel struck (‘oter in the mouth witha
flashlight during 22 routine questioning of Cofer and
Matt Dillon biology junior. Vogel claimed he was
protecting himself from menacing gestures by (“.ofer
who contended that the blow was unprovoked.

Vogel arrested t‘ofer that night for public in»
tmieation. (ofer was found innocent of the char gein
criminal iouit last June 2.

However. results of criminal proceedings are inad—
missablein civilsuits. According to Judge Jim Keller.
who presided in the civil suit. previous results are
irrelevant because the two respective juries operate
under a different set ofinsti‘uctions.

llie jurV for the criminaltrial must agree beyond a
shadow of 2i doubt that the defendant is guilty hesaid
andit must be 2i unanimous decision. In a civil c2 ise. he
said. jurors have to decide only if a charge is likely to be
true or not. and a minimal vote of 9-3 is acceptable

The jury yesterday considered two questions:
whither t‘of'er was intoxicated at the scene. and
w liethei‘ Vogcl had used proper judgement in striking
t'ofer. Both questions were decided in favor of the
defendant but 2i different combination of nine jUI‘OI‘S
iompiised ea ach vote

'Iimothy \lills ("ofers attorney said he had no
20mment. 'Notieally. he said. “We com inced three
prople. who held out for a long time. It was a tough

i‘of'ei‘ tcar‘l'ully declined comment.

V'ogcl and his chief counsel. llarold Slone. left the
courthouse immediately after the verdict and could not
be reached for comment. llowever, Burl McCoy.
2l2-fensecounsel for the Ii't‘tl. said. “I thought it was a
great verdict It obviously was the correct verdict.“

The iury deliberated for more than two hours after
the sis hour trial, .\lc(‘oy said he was notsurprisedat
the length of deliberation. “Not rcally."he said. “You
neVei‘ c2ui tell how long ajui‘y will be out. or what
they‘re talking about.”

Judge Keller requested that the jurors not be in-
terviewed Jury forewoman.l)iane Robinson. said she
had no comment. anyway.

t'oler‘ asked sioooo in damages for personal anguish
and sum to cover medical and court costs. The blow
from the flashlight broke two teeth, he testified.

'I'he llecembii incident occurred at the Hanover
I 'iquoi Shoppe parking Iotatabout _ am \ccording to
testimony by the plaintiff andhis witnesses (‘ ofer had
accompanied Dillon who was driving David I)illy
telccommunications senior. to I)il|y‘s apartment
behind the liquor store on llanover Avenue.

I’laintiff witnesses said it was more convenient for 22
driver to pull into the parking lot and drive behind the
store to a fence hole. which led to I)illy‘s apartment.
than to move through the narrow driveway near the
apartments front entrance.

t‘ofc I‘ and Ilillon testified that a few seconds after
llilly had disaprx-ared through the fence. they pulled
aw 2iy to leave when Vogel. driving 2m unmarked car.
pulled into the lot and motioned for them to stop,

Both said Vogel asked first Dillon. and then Cofer, to
get out of the car. Vogel asked for [D‘s and. while he
w as inspecting them near his unit. Cofer moved toward
him. i‘ofer said he was attempting to clear up a
nnsundci‘standing about his driver‘s license.

According to both w rtnesses, when t.‘ofer reached out

(‘ontinued on back page

Health Service provides
early pregnancy detection

It \(‘III21I “0|. I-‘tlItD
Kcriie’ll 2=‘2poit2ir

and has nearly

llrocepttl. an early detection curacy.

'l‘liciadioactive procedure maybe and Marvin \‘ussman. MI). of the
performed on 2i few di‘opsof plasma 1 iirV'cisity of Louisville School of
loo per cent ac [\2cdrcine.

Improved clinical

the actual test for Biocepttl was

pregnancy test. is now available at iir2aiag2-mcnt and early diagnosis ilt‘V’t‘lflpt‘d by ltobert Landesman.

the I l\’ Student Health Service.

’iioceptfi involves 22 simple blood topic


has been possible in early con ,\tll. and Ih'ij Saxena. PM). of
Reliable to days after conception. ccption. tln'eatcned

abortion. ec- iornelll nivei‘sity Medical Schoolin
2g2-station New York.


University ofKentuchy
Lexington. Kentucky



alunne “Ihnti

Art pot-icipant

tlirislina .lariielelt. wife of a Visiting biochemistry
pi olessoi‘fi‘oiii Helsinki. Finland. is up to her wrists in

ilay. Slic isc on22=iitr ating on throwing 2i pot" din mg
lrii pollc l V class III tliiil me \.its Iiuilding' s art studio




Investors and the federal government should stop con-
ieritr‘atrng on costly new home construction and spend more
irroney on rehabilitation.the league recommended.

”It“. SI‘.T\.\'I'E. ll \\ IMI lll‘lJl‘Il 'I'EI) l’i'csitlenl (‘arter's
proposal for natural gas [ll‘lt't't't'llll‘ftlS. is now aiming a blow

test. and laboratory results can be
processed in an hour.

However. officials at the Ilealth
Service say they plan to provide the
test only if medical complications
foreshadow the possible pregnancy.
such as 2i genetic disease en-
dangering the mother‘s life through
the pregnancy or passing along the
disease to the child.

Lance t‘liurchill. chief
technologist. estimates diagnosis at
the Health Service to take as long as
one week since the test is more
t‘\p(‘lISl\’t' than the traditional
biologic tests.

lliocepHI is one of the most ac»
curate measures of Human
t'horionic (ionadotropin fllt‘tli
known to laboratory medicine'l'his
test provides to times more specific
diagnosis of the hormone level than
the equivocal tests which are not
Valid until ;~'. to -l weeks after con—

U-Council waives

Kernel Staff Writer
Acting on a request from
Associate Arts & Sciences Dean Ray
Cox. the University Senate (‘ouncil
agreed late yesterday to waive its
withdrawal rule for mathematics
students for the spring semester.
The withdawal nile (v.18). as
amended by the University Senate
on March 2| of thh year, allows
students to withdraw from classes
without 2i grade through the first
quarter of the semester. The
counci‘s waiver will allowstudents
towithdraw from certain courses in

rlscwhere than in the uterus) and
molar disease,

I’icliminai‘y research on the
measurement of ll(‘.(r‘. by
radioiecptorassay was done by
Richard Irvin. Ml). V. liao.l’hD‘.

l'a thology and (‘ytology
Laboratories in Lexington is the only
other lab in the area w her‘c Biocept»
22‘ is available'l'lic test is currently
oridci‘cvalnation at Good Samaritan
Hospital and International t‘linical
I aim.


Because (1' record demand for
student block seating. many
students were not permitted to
purchase guest tickets for
Saturday‘s football game with
\ussissippi State. In addition.
ni22ny students who wanted
them did not get their student

In order to assure that as
many students who want to
afh rid the game can do so the
Man of Students office has


Return spare tickets!

announced that itis extending a
special service to students for
the remainder of the week.

If. for any reason. a student
finds him on herrself with more
t ickcts than w ill be needed using
on Saturday. he (or she) should
take it ioi‘themi to the Itean of
Students office on the fifth floor
of l‘atter‘son Tower. The nice
people there will be happy to
finda new home for them.



the math department through the 22
third of the spring semester.

'l‘bcd2cision was reached near the
end ota meeting that lasted almost
three hours and saw several heated
exchanges between council mem-
bers. The motion for the waiver was
made by student senator I)on
Further and seconded by Professor
.Iane Emanuel.

Many students have complained
about the amended policy. The new
withdrawal deadline comes so early
in the semester that students have
not had 2i chance to assess their
progress in many classes.

at his electrn ity pricing plan.

the Senate was 2'.\pi'(‘l(‘2l to go along with lllt "l‘t'lflll
iriciidation of its Energy (‘onrrnittec to st rap entirely the
electric tale overhaul proposed by t'arter and approved by
the House.

f'ai‘ter asked t‘oiigress togiie the gin iii'lillil'lll tire powei to
order electric utilitics to revise their i‘;-te ~~ii‘i.ictut‘2-2

The step would make electricity cheaper if consinrred a?
night or during othei‘ off-peak tiniiis “iltll‘ banning utilities
from continuing to sell 2 heap power to industries ii ho use a
lot of if.

'I‘Ill’. l'Nl'l‘l‘lll \llVI-I “UllKHtS lNlllN. wracked by
internal dissent and wildcat strikes. begins negotiations
today on a new labor contract with a nation-wide coal strike
likely in 2'2» days.

hear of 2i long and crippling strike has cased in recent
werks andgovei‘nnicirt officials now bclieVe a walkout would
have little impact on the nations energy needs this winter

'IIII S.\\ INt-S \\Il l.tt\.\ I\I)l'S’I'I{\' opened a cam
paign yesterday to pron-2t its in2 issive inurr citV mortgage
in\2= stnie nl w ith; trail for the fedeialgoier rr merit to par liallV
insuie honieimprmc m2- nt loans tirade in sun .ri urban areas

'I lie I' S League of Savings Associations also urged 2i tax
t‘St'lllpllOll for profits on rehabilitation investments in city


I l2‘t2lSl..\'I'I\ I2. lth‘ll-TIIIINTS \l.\l|2'.|) .\’l‘ reducing the
soaring coslol product liability insurance will be difficult to
.ichaiVi- wrthout infringing on the consumer's right to due. a
eoVi-i‘nor's committee was told yesterday.

(..n y We iss a I. ouisVrlle attorney and one of the lit
iIIl inhti‘s of the tomnrission on Products liability. said
ii in proposals would help 2 ase what some have called a
2i‘isrs lIl products liability insurance hilt would also limit the
2 orNin 2- i‘ s iiglu to litigation

\. sttt 'I III; \‘l'IC l=‘IIlI2I.\I.\.\ S.\II) he made “very super-
lltlll inspeitioris' of the IleVerly IIills Supper ('lub ac
. nt‘i Inn: to tristrnroiiy in the recently released probe of the
\IaV In line that killed IIH persons

s‘oufhgatc l2t‘ir2i 'apt .Iolin Ilraun told the State Police he

rouldn t ii at! ablue pt‘ int but did see ”'obVious wiring. you
t..r.o==. hanging all oVer‘ the place “dur ing an inspection prior
to the in 2= ||i2 ill" at the club was blanicdona short circuit


slliIIH-llts Sllol LI) lit-7 ENDING this morning. Skies will
or par trally clear with high temperatures near the 60s Clear
and cold this evening with 2i chance of scattered frost Low
t- lll|H 2‘ run es in the rind :ios, Sunny and cool on Friday with
highs in thr- upper .tfs

(oirrpilcd from \ssmiatcd I'i‘iss dispatches

withdrawal rule for math students

In his letter to council (‘hair-
woman t'onnie Wilson. (‘ox
described the problems that the
amended withdrawal policy has
caused in his department.

The department's faculty gives
“uniform hour examinations“ in two
of its largest courses. Next
semester. students in those courses
2M2\ Hz: and MA r23» are not
scheduled to take their first
examinations until li‘eh. l4 arid 15.
respectively. The Iastday to with-
draw l'rom classes is l-‘cb. lit.

The departmert also offers “fall
lrack"coiirses for students who find

that they are not suffucicntly alter the withdrawal deadline. the that many stiiderts took their first
luickgroundcd for courses in which \llltlt'lll cannot drop the class exams in classcsthis week. Thelast

they had enrolled. The “fall backs“ without receiving 2i grade.

for the spring semester are not
scheduled to begin until Feb. 2f.
the effect of the early withdrawal
date is this. a student‘s first real
oppurtunity to asses his progress in
a class is after his first exam If a
student finds out after taking the
first exam that there is 21 problem
w rtlr learning the material in one of
the classes, it might be desirable to
either drop the class completely or
transfer intoone of the ' 'fall backs."
If. however. that first exam occurs

The in: ith d2 partment is not the
only d2 paitmi nt that giVes late
mum in its large‘ c.ourses The
dc p2‘ir tmcnts of «hemistrv and
physics give unifor‘ m exams in their
large roiiises inrost notably their
freshman coursesi and those exam 2
fall after the first quarter of the

Student (itWt‘I‘mIlt‘I'll l’resident
.Iim Newberry presented the council
v ith a random sampling of student
schedulesfor this semestershowjing

day to drop classes without 2i grade
was S2 pt l2. almostfour weeks ago.
Many students are complaining

that the early deadline has caused ‘

them 2onsidi rable scheduling and
grading head2 ehes and that the two
weeks allotcd them before that
deadline were not emugh for them
to get a real feeling for the classes in
which they were enrolled.

Some council members present at
yesterday 5 meeting h'nted that the
matter might soon come before the
l nivers'ty Senate again.





Non Edit-c

W Chief Photograph" l‘rvy I anon |
a.“ um." Sun-n Durham Bill Klght
Judith H‘Pfuin
M m “at“ m 9m. [1611“ Lynn Funk
M (3.“ Mario Mitchell David Iltbbltts buy Pearce
Phil Ruth-41: “
M “u“ 8““ Ant“ An: Elliot
In Home Wlllhm [unto ’momu Fink


a editorials 8: comments

Maximum judge minimizes sentences



appealed their convictions and sentences to the
Supreme Court without success and the only
judicial procedure left was Sirica's action.

Had the judge taken no action, then the con-
victs’ fate could have been determined by
President Carter.

Maximum John J. Sirica, the US. District
(hurt judge who was involved with the
Watergate case for five years, became not so
maximum Tuesday when he reduced the sen-
fences of some of the scandal’s big names—John
N. Mitchell, HR. Haldeman and John D.

Such reductions are commonplace in federal
cases involving perjury. A person who is sent to
prison for one year for lying under oath usually
ends up sewing about four months.

Sirica cut the Zlgyear to 8-year sentences of
the trio to a period of “not less than one nor more
than four years."

But the political wreckage caused by Richard
Nixon‘s former henchmen does not justify
leniency in their behalf.

Besides, what’s going to happen to the prisons’

Mitchell (eligible for parole next June 22),
Haldeman (next June 21) and Ehrlichman (three
weeks) were convicted of conspiring to cover up
White House involvement in the Watergate
scandal and of lying about it afterwards. They





golf teams when the three gentlemen leave? t






Graves’ campaign assumes desperate appearance

There is nothing more dangerous paign can resort to tactics Carroll administration. releasing copies of the script of this legally questionable statements, so mass the Hagan“. aspects of the
than a wounded animal, trapped by unimaginable in the early euphoria “Buthually if not more distur- news story,“ we‘ re holding it until those opponent. mm” than mp posit“?
the hunter. Have you ever tried to 0f optimism. bing than the revelation 0f highly The unfortunate part ofthis whole statements can be cleared up or aspects of flit‘?!’ mun Jaz- C:- m .;

pick up a dog that had just been hit
by a car’? It's likely you got a
horrible bite from the terrified
animal. who probably couldn’t
reason you were trying to help.
Thee is a similar feeling of
desperation in politicians and their


A ’ié‘fs . 1%,, . ken
" kagan




managers when election day nears
and they find themselves trailing
with time and issues running out.
The pulse quickens and eyes,
figuratively. dart nervously.

The trailing. losing candidate can
be a dangerous animal. His cam-

The campaign of Joe Graves has
taken onthat desperate appearance.
It haslost theintegrity that once was
its most salient characteristic, its
most refreshing attraction.

Last Friday, the Graves campaign
hekl a press conference at Graves
headquarters, conducted by Marty
Barth, campaign manager. Graves
was absent, she said, because the
statementto be issued was coming
from thecampaign, not from Graves
personally. Does she really think it's
possible to separate the two?

In her prepared statement,Barth
said it had come to the attention of
the campaign that while ABC
commissioner. Jim Amato may
have presided over the issuing of
questionable and perhaps illegal
liquor licenses to friends of the

questionable conducton the part of
Mr. Amato," she said, “is the fact
that a major news outlet attempted
to suppress and cover up these
alleged wrongdoings."

WKYT-TV, Channel 27 had
prepared a news documentary on
the sub ject.lt had been scheduled to
air sometime before the mayoral
election, but now may not be run
before then. The investigation and
script was prepared by reporter Al

Barth then said, “Why this story
was killed we donot know. Wedo
know the reporter involved was
given no reason why the story was
killed. We also know the reporter
has resigned in disgust.

“Therefore, in the interest of the
public‘s right to know, we are

King’s death comes alive
during TV tribute to Elvis


We read allabout that other...the
death. And read. And read Now
this ..the dying:

Elvis Presley stood for an age and
you didn't have to be a fanaticalfan
of the image to be a friend to the
man ifthat age belonged to you. For


those friends who had not seen him
in the months proceeding his death,
Monday night‘s tribute by CBS was a



Sure. someone had said he was
battling obesity,that his voice had
lost its range. that his words were
slurred. but this didn't matter to his
frienrb. They would take him this
way just to see him again. But it
shoulm‘thave been.

For when it was over, they wished
they hain ‘t watcle They hadn't
wanted to see him dying. They had
only wanted something more to keep
him alive‘to keep alive the age.

The program, taped two months
prior to h: (bath, had been carefully
edted so thatonly the best of what
was ldt of the Elvis image was

You have to wonder about the
email! of fhd m. Ya: found

yourself straining with him by the
end ofa song, straining to help him
reach for and hold that last note
without dropping it.

Perspiration laved his face like he
stood in a pouring rain and you
wishedhe wouldn‘ttry so hard. He
thought you wanted to see him
swivel his hips but you didn‘t care
about that. He tried anyway and
when they wouldn‘t work, you were
embarased for him.

His movements were contortive
and his fingers seemed to draw up
convulsively at times.

His body appeared to be filled with
an unnatural amount of fluid,
causing a puffiness in his face and a
swelling to the point of tightness
over the rest of his body.

The protruding stomach and fat
fingers didn‘t belong to a man
struggling against obesity, they
belonged to a sick man—~a dying

Before Elvis sang “My Way," he
took a piece of paper from one ofthe
members of the group. “l don’t know
the words," he mumbled and
proceerhd to give the appearance of
reading the first few lines as he

"And mw theendis near. so i face
the final cwtain. My friencb, I'll
state it cletl‘, 1’] state my caseof
which l‘m certain.“

But after he got into the song, the
paper was forgotten. He had made
this same gesture at other recent
concerts. Was he trying to feign an
indifference to the song so we
wouldn'tassociate ittoo closely with
him? Or was hetrying to tell us
something by eating our attention to
the sorg in this way?

The thinking was that he knew he
was dyingand that his friemls knew
he was dying, so that what happened
was much the same as what always
happens between friends when one is
dying. They pretended. Butthe truth
was in their eyes.

80 all this had gone on before, and
when he died h's frienrb went on
pretendirg. Oh, they knew, but
asong as they were watching his old
movies, listening to h'B old songs,
see'ngthe specials, reading all that
was being written trout him and. .-
they ddn‘th ave to let go completely.
But Monday night they were there
for the dying.

In one of EmilyDickinson's many
poems concerning death, she writes
after the (bath of a friend:

"And We—We placed the flair,

And drew the Head erect, And then ' ‘

an awful leiaire, Belef to regrlate."

We have placethe hair and drawn
the head erect. Perhaps now it is


Betty Peterson In In English jailer.


incident is that the Graves cam-
paign made little if any effort to find
out why the story was not run. At
least three people at WKYT—TV
could have explained it — the station
manager, the program director or
the news director.

Ken Kurtz. news director for
WKYT, was present at the press
conference. In fact, the Graves
campaign called him the day before
to invite him to the cmference, but
did not ask him about the story.To
Kurtz‘ knowletge. no one at WKYT-
TV was asked. '

At the conference, Kurtz
responded indignantly to Barth’s
charges. The story was not run,
Kurtz said, “because our legal
counsel advised as it contained at
least six potentially libelous or

more proof can be found.

“AndParsons did not resign in
disgtst to my knowledge. Frankly,
he quit to take a higher paying job
with a mayoral candidate in
Jacksonville, Fla. A simple phone
call to me would have explained that
to you."

Barth‘s statement went on to say.
”There are powerful people who
evidently do not want the govemor
and Jim Amato in particular to be
embarrassed -— to be implicated in
possible illegal activity.

“Worse yet, they do not want to
dry up a source for dispersing
political favors to political friends, a
practice we are finding all too often
in the present administration."

Gravcs’ campaign has taken on a
negative image. lthas attempted to



While "midi-“R irilitir‘n‘.
ncctions and thn- goi'cmor‘s ap-
parent intrusion inte ii nonpartisan
election is an issue. the Graves
campaign has made it thr- issue.

November it is only five weeks
away. The Graves r-zizripaign had
better start stressing what it can
offer the voters of Lexington in a
positive way rather than resorting
to tactics offear and suspicion and

And the next time that es wants to
pornt out the unsavory past prac
tices ofhis opponent. he had better
check the story first.



Ken Kagan has her-n con-ring lUK' il'
politics and the :iiayoral (iiiiipaign
since January. ilis column “Ill
appear wheneu-r his bile rises.


Many of us at t' .iunrc tlmt u i- are
cutting dour. mm tn. es lilu'l \ezire
replanting. tiur urstrm torosts .n r
starting to look l-kv a patchwork
quilt 5mm in «humid n Suriilierim'ks'.

l l\ students (unmet lll'lllL’, h it'lt.
those lm‘i‘sls lull lllt‘y \ul'. :».'t\ r other
u lltlt'!'?lt‘.‘~.\' areas by it"i \‘L‘llliii lht‘ll‘

'l'hvl‘Iiivii‘oimi' titul \rhon Merely
tins: and Shalom litht‘l'lIlllt‘l-l are
\‘USlMllls‘tll‘lliiJ .‘l l'f'i'\('lliit_’ program
tliisscmesti-r (‘ontnim-r» have lX‘t‘li
placed Ill the hi'ilouizii: dorms
llolmi's. l\t‘('lll‘li'llti. lilitlt‘l‘.
lltlllttlel, lilnndint ‘ .‘tll(l Ill and
lilnndmg :ind lx'iiunii tom-rs

lll lllt trout llllllll‘ nr- liopi'to placi-
(trimmers in 'i‘i‘i (ll thr- ilorrzis and
mphtidlhr iirogiiin to lllt".li(lt' glass
and .il'iiiunnm \ :iris

E-it tut-tits 'till’l’t‘~lt'{i in lit‘lpll‘.;{ ‘..illl
tlvi~ p'ogiziin may cl! linger lll'lll‘y,
.'.i.l luiii

Stew Hayes
l‘. \.\ President


letters and comments should be
addressed to the Editorial Editor.
llt Journalism liuilding. l'niu-rsity
of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky.

All articles siilniiitteel should it:-
(‘lllde the writer's name. address.
telephone number and classificat-
tion. Letters should he limited to 230
words: comments should be limited
to Lift words. \Il submissions should
betypcd and double spaced.

The editor reserves the right to
editor shorten all submissions.

‘ ‘b ’M’W-w 'r-‘wk‘vrw "a r -.


n ‘4'







'ls ()lll’lt‘
‘ positive
»(?i' m -;
:‘a'i ,
ior‘s ap-
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at it can
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( anipaign
luniri \\ ill
* rises.


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‘tlori Nit'it'tji'
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i have lit-en
at: tloi'nis'
lIl(l III and
itipeto place
dorias and
nelude alass

helping ‘..llll
toga-r itt'iiry,

Sieu‘ \iayt's‘
i.‘ President

its should be
orial Editor.
11. l'niiersity
n. Kentucky,

~.-I should it:-
nie. address.
(I classifica-
limited to 230
tld Iie Iiinited
ssions should

the right to


‘ “ctr .M.‘ . 1 :wfit-«mn



Joint statement draws Israeli criticism

The joint li.S.~vSoviet
statement ontlie Middle East
represents the Iatt-st attempt
to bring the question to 3

Geneva con ference. The.
statement has brought
criticism from Israeli

government spokesmen and
from American Jewish

The joint statement issued
last Saturday. calls for
Israel‘s withdrawal from
land occupied sine e the 19637
sixday u ar for the establish

___._. ..._.___.___.__——-—._

__ schaad

ments of dernilitarized zones
patrolled by l'iiited Nations
tiYNi peace keeping forces
and for the recognition of the
"legitimate rights" of
Palestinian Arabs

The immediate barrier to a
Geneva conference is the
dispute ovc r the composition
of the Arab delegation. Israel
refuses to negotiate with the
Palestine Liberation
Orgruiiration iI’Lti i. which it
brands as “terrorist" ',

Israel insists on a united
Arab delegation which ex-
cludes all known PLO
members, though the \rabs
have agreed to be
represent ed as a united
group. they emphasize that
the PLO is the legitimate
representative of Palestinian
Arab interests and must be

The ultimate conflict is
over the creation of a
Palestinian state. probably
on the West Bank of the
Jordan Israel is afraid that
the American eovei'nnicnt‘s
reference to “Palestinian
rights" primers an intention
to force the creation of a
Palestinian siwtr- on it. the
ctiiieerreai that
such a state would be a base
for tet'it,::~: n' operations
against their country.
'I‘lieI'S is in ii delicate and


lsraelis are

contradictory position.
seeking on the one hand to
persuade Israel that there is
no change in policy while on
the other, assuring the Arabs
that progress is being made
toward resolving the
Palestinian question.

Israel‘s reluctance to ac-
cept a Palestinian state is
understandable because of
past events. The PLO position
has historically been to deny
the legit i maey oflsrael and to
tail for a secular state in

Many Israelis survived the
li'ilticast in Nazi occupied
lands during. the I93tis and

liven those Jews who had
no direct experience in the
tragedy accurately perceive
European history as a
progression of pogroms and
similar iepressiori Indeed,
repression of Jews continues
in the Soviet Union and

These people think that the
only security is a strong,
militant Jewish state. They
also think a PLOcontrolled
state ill Palestine would
jeopardize their nation;
believing the PLO's spirit is
best typified by the murders
:ll the Munich Olympics in

Nevertheless. the op-
portunities for peace are
better now than they have
been for some time. Last
month. Israeli troops invaded
the border regions of Lebanon
to force Palestinian troops
away from the area. A
potentially dangerous
situation was avoided when
both sides withdrew.

In another development,
PLO leader Yassir Arafat
indicated to ABC com-
iiiei‘itator Barbara Walters
that his group is ready to
arm- to [N resolution 242,
which among other things,
itiiara ntees the right of Israel
to exist as aJevn‘sh state.

Israel. for its part. has



increased the hopes for an
agreement by cracking down
on unauthorized Jewish
settlements on the occupied
West Bank.

Certainly Israel will have
no security until a lasting
peace is achieved. But peace
isn't possible until the rights
of the Palestinians are
acknowleged Arafat‘s PLO
willnot be satisfied unless it
has its own state,which was
part of the original 1948 UN
partition plan.

The Carter Administration
is trying to manuever the
parties to the Geneva
bargaining table. In addition
to the politicaladvantages of
reactinga settlement and the
concern over US.
vulnerability in the event of
another Arab oil embargo,
Carter and Secretary of State
Cyrus Vance know that the
Middle East will remain a
threat to world peace unless
something constructive is

Once the parties are finally
brought to Geneva. the
success of their talks will
depend on Israel’s
willingness to okay 3 PLO



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____.___.___vasir arafa

Undoubtedly such ac»
ceptance will require strong
assurances of Israeli
security, including
demiiitarized buffer zones
and probably I'N peace-
keeping forces. Additional
U.S. weapons for Israel may
also be a part of the deal,

Unless the Palestinians are

present at the talks. however.
there will be no deal and no
Israel and its sup
porters will have to decide if



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