xt77sq8qfw04 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77sq8qfw04/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-10-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 1995 1995 1995-10-17 2020 true xt77sq8qfw04 section xt77sq8qfw04 K










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October I 7, I 995

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- -
a.“ iiinnoiii 400 000 march
By Mary Does the last five months to complete. It was — ’ _
(.‘ontrilrutmg ”rm”. dedicated by David Mohoney, dean of WI!“ Farrakhan In B c
the (Iollege of Architecture. . I
The'room is large and built_in'an “()ne‘of the most beneficial things \\';\SlllN(-"l‘()\' . hmmuj together at the
_ auditorium deSign. It smells‘ of pine was seeing songt‘thing you drew" on {0“, of the (Iapitol, a “N throng ”‘f black men,
“‘ and seats about 100 people. T hewalls paper be. built, said Belcher. a fifth some with fists raised, plctlgctl to improve them—
are brick and the room was designed year architecture student. , _ SCI,“ ij forswear ”Olen“. m J revival—style chant
and butlt by five Lilx students. ‘ Powell said he hopes he will receive led j“ Nation oflslam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Pence Hall s room 300 was the future recognition for the project. “I'pledge that from this day forward, I will never /
result of a competition held in the fall “I'Itipchllly all the benefits have not mi“. ,m. hand with a knife or gun ,0 beat, cut “r ’
of 1994. Pence Hall, built in the early been reaped yet. .\Iaybe 1 ll get a job shoot any member ”f n“. family or any human
1900s, was in need of slight renovation, out of it, he said. being, except in selfdefense," they chanted vest”-
thus causing the architecture depart— Belcher said he has already received ,1,“- Qt the climax “hi“. day—long gathering (,j‘ black
ment to sponsor a competition of who great benefit from the project. mg.” amid {hr ”3mm; monuments. ‘
could design the best plan for a new “I've learned a lot .ibout :lrcliitccr [Farrakhdn'g “Millinn Alan March" called
lecture hall. TUFL‘ IIS :1 profession and IIHW In (It) CHII‘ [UL’CIIICI‘ black mcn {or a (lay of? Praying" singing

This was the first time in UK histo— struction," he said. and reveling in racial unity. The throng‘stretched
ry a classroom has been renovated by In addition, to the dedication of for blocks down the grassvieiqianse. L
students. room 20‘), a lecture was given by The National Park Service estiinat~

“It’s not so much of a dedication, Joseph Ainisano, .iii Atlanta architect. ed the crowd at 400,000,

; but more of something to honor the Amisano has dedicated 7.200 slides, As the rally‘s dramatic finale,
5 students who worked on it," said Linda valued at $16,000 to the college. This Farrakhan spoke for more than two
i Talbott of the College ofArchitecture. is the largest donation ever given to the hours. often addressing white
l Construction began the second 3‘” ""Ehsmx K‘W‘l‘WI (Iollege of Architecture. America. “\Vhite supremacy," he
:1 week in hIay of 1995 Out of 10 entries [DDKING AHEADJUU ximimno, an Atlanta architect, donated 7,3()/).\‘11t.’evto UK} ('01— Anibal", chose L‘K out of 43 said, is the root of America‘s .suffer— \
5 submitted, the five student project ["516”fitlnl—VNWWCI”1“” ”kg/”t“ [WWW ball WWWYIO’I- schools through out the United States ing. ~
designers chosen were Clay (Iollier, and (Ianada. He said he chose ['K “That "WINS YOU sick," Far— Farrakhan
Dean Belcher, Rob Hibbard, Jeff “The hardest part of the job was The new classroom will be used for because of its excellent program and rakhan 51ml, “and )“U produce 3
j Lockwood and Brandon Powell. They coordinating everything. A lot of peo- classes in architecture history and the— the small city atmosphere. Slt‘kfim‘lt‘t)’ and 3 “Ch “'Urhl-H _ _
received assistance with construction ple were involved in working on this," ory. It was built by University funds. “I have seemed to have gotten more I-arrakhan “(ng the ”W“ t” g0 hm”: and 10'"
from the UK Physical Plant Division said Powell, a 1004 architecture gradu- ()verall plans have been in progress for out ofthe people, than anything else," black organizations — CW" th‘“? that‘refused m"
and other students. ate. almost a year with construction taking Amisano said. ““1013“ I115 rally ” t" ”I“: h"“ "I l’”htlc'r'l POWER
' ‘ unite against racism and cleanse black communities
cocoon-0000000000000too.o...a...ooooononooo-oooncoo-o.oo.000oon.on.ooooooooooooooooooooooooonococo-0.000000000000000 ()l‘L‘l‘IITIL‘,(lI'Ug$2Intl VIUICITCC.
Ile brushed aside critics who have condemned
- his inflammatory statements aboutjews, Catholics.
ac Ines 0 er gays and Asians, saying he had divine guidance in
bringing to \Vashington the largest assemblage of
black .-\iiiericans since the 1963 March on \Vash-
th d ington.
more an can y Clinton calls for racial harmony
AUSTIN, ’l‘exas ,_. A thousand miles from the
By Jennifer Fleming rally in \Vashington, President Clinton appealed to
-Si"’.l_fill”r"”“7‘ both whites and blacks yesterday to “clean our
house of racism" before it tears the nation apart.

Hundreds of quarters, nickels and dimes used in He cited bigotry on both sides, making clear ~—
vending machines every day fund a scholarship that is although unspecified w references to Nation of
not known by many UK students. Islam leader Lotus Farrakhan and to Mark

For 16 years, the vending service at UK has given Fuhrman, the Los Angeles police detective in the
18 percent of the money received to the Student (3 50) (4 50" (l..I-Si111[)50nCaSC-

Financial Aid Office to form a scholarship for stu— ‘ “The rift that we see before us is tearing at the
dents. heart of America," (Ilinton said in a lecture at the

“In 1989, UK Food Services assumed operation of University ofTexas.
the vending services for the campus. Because much .
of the vendin 7 income comes from students, we NAMEdTO I”
talked with t en-Chancellor Robert Hemenway pp g
about the possibility of returning a portion of this v
income to students, and the scholarships were the ~. . .
result,” said Allen Rieman, director of auxiliary ser- EQFIIIIISIBEII Pen-"ms WIth album
VICCS for the University- NFVV YORK -._ Bruce Springsteen's first all-

The scholarship selection process begins when the new album in 3 1/2 vears pays homage to john
Student Financial Aid Office receives each of the Steinbeck. ' ' k
hhahdi‘l aid applications. “The Ghost ofTom joad" arrives in stores Nov:

After grants 811d OthCF scholarships aregiven, stu— . _ _ 21. Its title refers to a character in Steinbeck's
dents Wh” meet the application criteria a" Still need , . . . . . MATT BARTON .Amn/"fh Pulitzer Prize-winning novel “The Grapes of
assistance paying for college are granted the vending DIPlVDMATIc .EATING litany students at Uls benefit from I't’lldlllg machine .\'t‘l}()ldl‘a‘l]lp.\‘. Applications are nzmlnlrle m \Vrath."
machine scholarships. When a student receives a ”3" Student FlmmcmlAuI 0/1“"- “In Bruce's career, 1 don't know if there’s any
scholarship, he or she ‘5 h‘mhed by the Student were awarded $43,000 in vendin r scholarships, for dents must meet specific qualifications to receive the one record that shows 0” hi5 gifts “5 1‘ IYTICISt and
Financial Aid Office. . their education at UK.This year the money per per- award. SUHEIWFIICF more than this one does." said Jon Lan—

, Last year the total amount ”f ”1“th that “'35 ‘hs‘ son is being raised from $500 to $1,000. . Incoming freshmen must complete a Free Appli— dau, Springsteen's manager.
tributed to students was $20‘),884.Therevvere 37‘) The money is equallv divided for each semester of cation for Federal Student Aid form and to have The release Will he followed by Springsteen's
vending machine scholarships that were given away the academicyear. . achieved a minimum ACT score of28. first 5010 300%th tour, playing venues With 2500
h!“ year worth more than $1/()’(.)00' Students with inquiries about the scholarship can The deadline for incoming freshmen to file the [0 3,000 seats. Details 11W Still being “1”de ”Ut-

F'fty transferring community college students call the Student Financial Aid office at 257—3172.Stu- financial aid form is Feb. 15. ‘ (A'mflllt‘dfi'm 7“” "'P"”~"~

I - - - I I
By Lisa King Observational astronomy and astrophysics also are and only then can a visitor walk into the lab, and
Crmtrl'ltunng Writer taught and researched in the (Zhenrl’hys Building. from there into the tower.
The wonders of the universe adorn the hallways. The outer lab leads to another room. which slopes
Most students have noticed the yellow tower on Large, glass—encased photographs of galactic phe- downward and is shielded by rows of concrete blocks.
the lawn of the Chemistry—Physics Building. The nomcna are lighted from within. There are rows of sophisticated equipment and ’
brick cylinder stands three stories high. It is perfect» Sometimes, after an evening astronomy class, monitors, and a high—pitched hum from the vacuum
ly round. It has no windows and only one door. The instructors haul out the trusty telescope for some pumps grows more audible with every step.
roofis flat. It looks like a huge silo. ' stargazing on the lawn beside the accelerator. At the top of the stairs you encounter the tower
But what is it? Tim Knauer, demonstration supervisor of astron— room and the accelerator, which take up about a
If you ask students for their opinions, most will omy. prefers to observe the moon. .lupiter and Sat~ quarter ofthe space. ‘ .
be clueless. Asked to speculate, they frown, shrug urn‘s rings. The cylindrical machine is in full view, from its
and take on a general look of puzzlement. He likes conducting observation base to its top, about 25 feet tall and about four feet
3' 3; “Maybe it's part of the ventilation system,“ sessions. Students cluster around in diameter. . ‘
i said David Chang, a senior. ‘ . him as he sets up the telescope. Large metal coils encircle its middle like a gigantic
‘33 § Philip Brashear, a junior, suggested it could “I just think that people want to spring. It is surrounded by an enormous meta scaf-
g i 3 be a mustard gas disposal site. I l . k . look at the sky," Knauer said. fold, with rungs for climbing and a platform on top.
' »2 The most common response was that it’s ”m It “It's one thing to look at pictures Van de Graaff engineer Bob Perraut explained
used for water stora e. must be some in a book, it’s quite another to look some basic facts.
i But graduate stu