xt77sq8qfw52 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77sq8qfw52/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 2000 2000 2000-02-11 2020 true xt77sq8qfw52 section xt77sq8qfw52 LEFIOFCENIER

(it‘w it. tizznie‘rs

and their






A.J. Beard
Rotary Engine
July 5. 1892

AJ. Beard
November 23. 1897

6.12. Becket
Letter Box
October 4, 1892

L Bell
Locomotive smoke
May 23, 1871

ME. Benjamin
Gong and signal
chairs for hotels
July 17. 1888

A.L Cralle
Ice-cream mold
February 2. 1897





M.W. Binga
Street sprinkling
July 22, 1879

AB. Blackburn
Railway signal
January 10, 1888

Henry Blair
Corn planter
October 14, 1834

Henry Blair
Cotton planter
August 31, 1836

Sarah Boone
Ironing board
April 26. 1892

CB. Brooks
March 17, 1896

0.E. Brown
August 23. 1892

J.A. Burr
Lawn mower
May 9, 1899


-Source: http:/lwww.


Compiled by: Tracy

won that“

4.3 2.1

Mother Nature faked
us out. Expect snow

VOL. 8105 ISSUE #99


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Close to home



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Carl Westmoreland, external affairs director of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, stands inside a jail once used to hold slaves,
which is inside a tobacco barn in Germantown, Ky. The slave jail will be displayed as one of the centerpieces of the museum. The advertisements
(right) from the 18005 offer rewards for fugitive slaves.

By Chris Markus

It is 1840. A Kentucky farmer sits on
the veranda of his modest home. watching
the last rays of the sun disappear behind
the distant hills ofthe horizon.

The only sounds are the chirps of

crickets and the low. distant croaking of
the bullfrogs.

The farmer is just about to retreat
from the hot. heavy haze of the summer
air into his house when he hears brisk
footsteps and heavy breathing.

From the dark shroud of night
emerges the figure of a black man. His
clothes are torn and dirty anti his face con-
veys the look of desperation.

The jaw of the farmer drops. and be—
fore he can speak. the figure says. “Mister.
I was wondering ifl might be able to stay
in your barn for the night?“

The farmer guesses from the man‘s ap-
pearance that he is a runaway slave. He
knows that according to the Fugitive Slave
Law. he may face fines or jail time for giv-
ing the ex-slave a place to sleep.

But. the look of desperate hope in the
man‘s eyes changes the way the farmer
looks at him. No longer does he see the

To learn more...

man as black or white. as slave or free
man. but rather as a human a human in
dire need of help.

The farmer nods his head say ing.
“Yeah. go ahead. stay in the barn for the
night. Just be out by dawn."

Without thinking about it. the farmer
just opened another depot on the under-
ground railroad.

History professor Mark Summers said
that the incident just described was a ti pi-
cal one from the nous to the ltltitls.

“It comes down to the individual deci-
sion: (Tan you send someone back to slav~
cry‘.’ And most people can‘t do that." Sum-
mers said.

Summers said that even though those
people who kept up the underground rail
road (lid it at the expense of their own
hides. in many cases of the underground
railroad. human compassion trumped
southern law.

"Most people can‘t morally send a
slave back because that makes them an ac-
complice to an institution that at heart
they know is wrong." Summers said.

(‘ontrary to popular belief. the under
ground railroad was not an organized. co-
hesive network of hiding places for es-
caped slaves. Instead. it was an unofficial.

The National l'ndcrground Railroad I’rccdom (‘cnter
is a multimedia. interactive Iiiuscilnt set to open in BIIIII-‘i at

:il! I‘Ilm St. t‘incinnati. ()hio 133w.

t‘urrcntly. the center is sponsoring a traveling exhibit
called. "I‘rce at Last." lllt' t‘Xlllltll (locuiiiciils the (li‘llillt‘
ti\t'l' slavery from the framing of the (‘onstitution to the

end ofthe t‘ivil \Var.
"I’i‘i-i' at last." \\ill he at
Indianapolis. Ind. on l’chruary Ill.
18771111; lost;



uu\\.nndcrgrtiiindrailriiadcom Iiomchtml

l'nivcrsity in

loose organization whose only goal was
to give slaves something that every oth-
er American already enjoyed free-

The safe houses along the way could
be anything as elaborate as secret rooms

in houses. to a small shed on the edge of

a farmer's field.
The path of the underground rail-

road runs all the way from the heart of

the Dixie-Land to Canada.

Summers said that to this day there
still exist black communities on the
(‘anadian side of the Great Lakes whose
roots stem back to the days of the under
ground railroad.

According to Summers. both those
who used and those who housed the Lil]
dcrground railroad are American heroes
who stood up to a government and laws
that they knew were wrong.

Summers likened the heroes of the
underground railroad to the unknown
student who stood up to a tank in
'l‘iananmen Square. and to the German
citizens who dismantled lllt Berlin Wall.

“The underground railroad is some
thing that casts honor on anyone that
was involved in liclping it along." Suiti-
iners said.

Artists renditions of the interior and exterior of the Freedom Center.

”ninth is a time to reflect

By Tracy kershaw

African-American History Month is a
time of reflection on the past accomplish-
ments of African Americans.

“African-American students are ex-
posed to their own culture and history he-
comes like a mirror." said Chester
Grundy. director of African-American stu-
dent affairs and director of the Martin
Luther King Cultural Center.

Keisha Carter. a political science ju—
nior. agrees with Grundy.

“It should be a month where everyone
reflects on the contributions those of
African descent have made on this coun-
try and the world." Carter said.

However. she does not think the
month accomplishes what it is meant to.

“More would be accomplished if peo-
ple in education would realize the impor-
tance of Airman—American history in their
daily lives." she said. “Every time you
stop at a stop light or pick up an ironing

board. you are experiencing the contribu-
tions of African Americans."

Grundy said it would take changes in
the curriculum for the month to accom-
plish its purpose.

"When we see the authentic story of
African history in the curriculum. then
the month will accomplish its mission." he

Other students think AfricanAmeri»
can history should not be contained to just
one month.

“I celebrate African-American history
all year round. One month does not make
a difference. Black history is American
history." said Yvette (,‘lay. a political sci
ence junior.

This year the month is celebrated on
the heels of the 50th anniversary of deseg-
regation at UK.

Carter wonders why UK has not done
more to celebrate African-American Histo-
ry Month in light of the anniversary.

“It is a let down that the university
did not get more involved." (‘arter said.

The month originated as Negro HlSlti-
ry Week in 1926 by African-American
scholar l)r. (‘arter G. Vi'oodson.

Woodson established the week in re
sponse to what he saw as a negative. hos»
tile social environment for African Amcri

“From World War I until the mid to
late 192(1s. it was probably the most ditTi
cult period that African Americans experi
enced in this country trying to survive in
a hostile environment." Grundy said.

In the 196(ls. Negro History Week blos-
somed into Black History Month. The
name was later changed to African-Ameri-
can History Month.

According to Grundy. \‘Voodson want
ed the week to bring public awareness to
great contributions of African American

Grundy said we study history to learn
what our possibilities are.

“History plays a powerful role in cm
ating a sense of equity in the world com
inunity," he said.


Some 45 years after Columbus landed
in the New World, Esteban was born in
Morocco. a country in Africa.


Frances Williams publishes a

collection of latin poems. Williams is the
first African American to graduate from


Macon 8. Allen is admitted to the

bar in Maine, and becomes the first
licensed African American attorney in
the United States. In 1945, he was
admitted to the bar in Massachusetts.


Confederate Troops attack Fort
Sumter, South Carolina, and the Civil
War begins.


Slavery is abolished in
Washington, D.C.


The Emancipation Proclamation is

signed by President Abraham Lincoln. On
January ist. slaves living in areas of the
south that were in rebellion were freed.


Congress passes the Civil Rights

Act. This act granted citizenship to
African Americans, and was designed to
guarantee them equal rights.


James Weldon Johnson writes the

lyrics for "Lift Every Voice and Sing."
The song, with music by Johnson‘s
brother J. Rosamond, becomes known as
the Negro National Anthem.


Mathew Henson accompanies

Commander Robert Peary discovery of the
North Pole. Although Peary is given all

of the credit for the discovery, he admits
that he could not have made it without


Eleanor Fagan is born in East

Baltimore. Millions will come to know
her as "Billie Holiday," or "Lady Day," a
jazz and blues singer most remembered
for her songs, "God Bless the Child,"
“Strange Fruit," and "Lover Man."


Colonel Charles Young, is the first African
American to become a colonel in the US.


The Harlem Globetrotters, a
sensational and talented basketball team.
is formed by Abe Saperstein.


Though the struggle for racial equality in
America began long before her act of defiance
that cold December day, to many Americans
Mrs. Rosa Parks started momentum when she
refused to give up her seat on a bus to a
white person.


The Little Rock Nine The “Little

Rock Nine" were nine African American
students who were to attend the all white
Central High School in the fall of 1957.


Muhammad All, known for his legendary
"float like a butterfly, sting like a bee,“
style. wins the world heavyweight boxing
championship for the third time when he
defeats Leon Spinks.


Doug Williams, the first African
American quaterback to play a Super
Bowl Game. is named Most Valuable
Player for leading the Washington
Redskins to a 42-10 win over the
Denver Broncos.


Lawrence Douglas Wilder of

Virginia becomes the first African
American to be elected governor in the
United States.


1.5 million African American men converged
upon the nation's capitol for the Million Man
March. Called a "day of atonement and
reconciliation," the march was a catalyst
for unification and healing.


The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington







i | FRIDAY. rcsrtummooo | Emmy IEIHEI. A


The Low-down

or being
raped or
having a
disease of
the week,
so to go to
work and
laugh and
fall in
love and
get angry
. . . was

- Jaclyn Smith.
Angels" star, on
her latest TV
movie, Monday's
romantic comedy
on Lifetime.
"Navigating the
Heart," to the

Alaska Air grounds planes

LOS ANGELES Two Alaska Airlines MD-
80 series planes were grounded yesterday after
problems were found in the jackscrews. one fo-
cus of the investigation into the crash of its
Flight 261. The planes "were found to have metal
filings or shavings in or around the horizontal
stabilizer jackscrews.“ said the National Trans.
portaticm Safety Board. The problems were dis-
covered during inspections that started after
such a damaged tail part was pulled from the
AID-86 wreckage in the Pacific off Los Angeles.

House passes tax cut

WASHINGTON The House yesterday
passed a (lOPled. lilyear. $182 billion tax cut for
married couples. including 25 million who pay
more than single people. “Most Americans un~
derstand that it is ridiculous for our government
to penalize married couples." said House Speak-
er Dennis Hastert. R-lll. The House voted 268-158
to send the bill to the Senate. despite President
Clinton's veto threat. The vote. insufficient to
override a veto. was timed to coincide with
Valentine's Day next week.

Hacker attacks worry Clinton

WASHINGTON President Clinton will
meet next week with the nation's top computer
security experts and technology executives fol-
lowing hacker attacks against prominent Inter-
net sites. “Certainly what happened this week
will be at the top of the agenda." David Leavy 0f
the National Security Council said. The meeting
was not in response to this week‘s attacks. but
was organized after the president's budget pro-
posal for $2.03 billion to protect the country's
most important computer systems.

Taliban fights hijacking

KABUL. Afghanistan — Hoping to prevent
another hijacking. the Taliban‘s supreme leader
Mullah Mohammed Omar says armed comman-
dos will be on board all flights of the state-run
airline from now on. After about half the 150 peo-
ple flown to Britain on a hijacked Afghan airlin-
er sought asylum yesterday. the Taliban ap-
pealed to Britain to punish the hijackers. Few
people in the povertyvstricken Afghan capital
were surprised to hear that the four-day drama
had ended with so many Afghanis asking to stay
in Britain.

‘ .


Jim Vamy. the
comic who por-
trayed his ruhe
“Ernest" from
hundreds of
television com-
mercials to a
series of
movies. died
today. He was
50. Varney died
of lung cancer
at his home in
White House,
Tenn., about 20
miles north of
Nashville, said
his attorney.

Producers of
the hit ABC sit-
com ”Spin
City" have
asked Charlie
Sheen to keep
the show alive
following the
departure of
star Michael J.

College fire cause found

DAYTON. Tenn. — Investigators blame an
electrical problem for a fire that hurt no one but
damaged the main administration and classroom
building at Bryan College. The Sunday night
blaze was accidental sparked by an electrical
problem in the ceiling of a third-floor classroom.
said Dick Garner of the state fire marshall's of~
tice. Combustible products stored in the area and
used in the science classrooms probably acceler-
ated the blaze, he said.

‘Smart' developement sought

FRANKFURT. Ky. - With tobacco quotas in
a free-fall. houses and factories may begin
sprouting from more of Kentucky's rural land
scape. Rep. Jim Wayne said yesterday. He wants
local planners to be prepared for any develop-
ment onslaught. Wayne. a Louisville Democrat.
touted bills that would encourage local compre-
hensive planning to ensure best land use and to
make sure planning officials are prepared to han~
dle complex issues that will shape a community‘s

NEW YORK The Nasdaq composite index
soared to a new high yesterday while blue-chip
stocks lagged again. pulled down by persistent
worries that their earnings aren‘t growing fast
enough to offset rising interest rates. The Nasdaq
rose 122.37 to 4,485.61, the fourth new closing
high in five sessions. The Dow Jones industrial
average fell 55.53 to Close at 10,643.63. On the
NYSE. losers led gainers 1.7881252.

Reds get Griffey

NEW YORK — Ken Griffey Jr. was traded
from the Seattle Mariners to the Cincinnati Reds
yesterday after agreeing to a contract with his
hometown team. The agreement was confirmed
to The Associated Press by a source who spoke
on the condition he not be identified. The deal
sends pitcher Bret Tomko and outfielder Mike
Cameron to Seattle along with minor league in-
fielder Antonio Perez and another minor leaguer.
the source said. Cincinnati called a news confer-
ence for 6:45 pm. EST. Seattle and Cincinnati
agreed Wednesday night to a tentative trade in»
volving Griffey.

Rocker Testifies

NEW YORK Atlanta Braves reliever John
Rocker testified yesterday before an arbitrator in
an attempt to overturn his suspension for com-
ments about gays. minorities and foreigners.

Compiled to from wire reports



Smokers ponder
their own room


John WHICH, a
civil minuring
smokes a ciga-
rette In the
smoking room in
the Student
Center Food

The lounge: Non-smokers have confined
the haze: what's it like in that little room?

By Aaron Workman

As the cloud of smoke clears. all that is left is a tiny little
room in the corner. It is the smokers‘ lounge.

The lounge in the Student Center is a small room to the side
of the dining hall. out of the way of the non-smoking section. It
is the only refuge smokers have. but is the size of this little room
sufficient to the smokers needs?

“I agree that smokers should be separated. but the lounge is
way too small. all of the people in the room look as if they were
cramped." said Macon White. a non-smoking political science

Angela Becker. an English sophomore and an ex-smoker
feels the room is sufficient.

“As a smoker I didn‘t like to smell smoke. and even more
now. I feel that people eating should have the most room. Smok»
ers should go outside. or smoke in the facility that they have
available to them.“ said Becker.

Other students agree that the space is ample.

“Although the room is relatively small. the ventilation is
good. and the smoking of others does not affect my eating.“ said
Adam Elkins. a business junior.

In 1994. Kentucky passed a law that prohibits smoking in
government and office buildings.

State-funded buildings (including universities) allow smok-
ing if there are properly designated smoking rooms. These
rooms must be equipped with a ventilation and heating and
cooling system.

UK's smoking lounge was installed about 10 years ago. so in-
dividuals could smoke while inside.

The rootn is not enough for everyone though.

“Just because some of us smoke should not mean we have to
choke on others' smoke.“ said Foster Ridpath. a physical educa-
tion senior. “We should have a room for smoking so we do not
bother others. but shouldn't we be comfortable also?"



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John Dobson
Assistant Editor
niche; 257-1915 Email: trueniueadameyahoocom




Mattox shuffles Cats’ deck

“Iron Five" remodeled: UK changes starting
lineup in advance of South Carolina matchup

By Matt Ellison
5161?? iii? FriTiEiz

l'K women's coach Bernadette Mattox wants to end LIK‘s five-
game losing streak. Had.

Badly enough to make a significant change in the “Iron Five,"
LTK's starting lineup. which started the last :18 regular-season
games together. spanning the course of two seasons.

Last Sunday's 83-71) loss at Arkansas saw junior forward Lau
ra Meadows head to the bench in favor of freshman guard Rita
Adams. it was more of a symbolic gesture than anything: Mead-
ows wound up playing more minutes in that game than anyone ex‘
cept Tiffany Wait. and Adams logged only nine minutes.

“The reason 1 did that is because we weren't getting the pro-
duction we needed at that position." Mattox said. ”We weren't get-
ting the points and rebounds from Laura."

"Whatever they say goes.” Meadows said when asked about
the decision. "They're the coaches. and we try to back them up."

Mattox said the change is permanent until something con-
vinces her otherwise.

"We‘re going to stay with it." Mattox said. “When there's no
productivity at a position. you‘ve got to play well."

Meadows" rebounding numbers seem to mirror the decline of
the entire team

In the last six games shes averaged under fiye. rebounds per
game including just one carom in the loss to Arkansas. UK was
outrebounded 38-22 in that game. continuing the streak of being

outrebounded by every Southeastern t‘onference opponent this

The Arkansas game also saw UK‘s leading rebounder. Shantia
Owens. foul out after just five minutes of play and two rebounds.

“They're relying on Shantia to rebound." Mattox said. “That‘s
not rebounding as a team. You're talking about post players who
combined for only six or seven rebounds."

“We need all five players crashing the boards. instead of just
two post players." Meadows said. “We need to put pressure on
their players. We need to make it hard for them to get offensive re
botmds They're getting them too easily."

Now. l'K looks to rebound (literally and figuratively) on Sun
day at Memorial (‘oliseum against South t‘arolina. who is near the
bottom ofthe SEt‘ standings (they played No. 2 Georgia late 'l‘hurs

178(‘ comes into the game without the services of point guard
Shaunzinski (iortman. who lead the Lady (‘iamecocks in scoring.
assists anti steals this season. (lortman suffered a torn At‘l. 111
1781‘s game with Florida on Jan. :10.

South t‘arolina has rebounded well since the injury. playing
No. 11 Auburn tight (losing by nine) and trouncing Ole Miss 73.38.

"That’s a sign of a very good basketball team." Mattox said.
"They rallied together because of adversity. That‘s dangerous."

“i remember how young they were." Meadows said. thinking
back to L'K‘s ($2131) win at USC last season. "They hustled the entire

The USL‘ forward tandem of senior Annie Lester and sopho-
more Jocelyn l’enn are the Lady (lamecocks' top two scorers. and
second and third-leading rebounders.

“Lester does a lot for them inside." Mattox said. "Jocelyn
Penn is very active. They do a lot of different things defensively.
They trap a lot in the corners. If you don‘t come out to play ag-
gressive ball against them. you‘ll be in trouble.“




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The A111 isory (‘onmiittcc lor the Donovan Trust is seeking
proposals lroin interested faculty. staff and students lor thc ltiiids
to be awarded from the
Herman Lee and Stuart Donovan Endowment
for the 2000-2001 academic year. The purpose of the
endowment is to promote an atmosphere of culture and to enrich
educational opportunities to develop students‘ appreciation of the
qualitics of beauty arid lovliIICss in the environment in which
they live and study. Funding requests may range from $1000 to
$15000. The application deadline is March 20. 2000.

for more information and an application




Freshmen talent,
strong offense
herald Cats' 2000
softball club

Freshmen Angus,
Jones, Dardis and
Marr set to play key
roles this season

By John Dohson

At the outset of the team‘s
fourth campaign. the UK Soft-
ball squad is poised for its best
showing yet.

The addition of four talented
freshmen plus the benefits of ex-
perience reaped by returning
players figures to yield a year of
success for coach Beth Kircbn»
er's team.

“We have very high expecta-
tions for this season." Kirchner
said. "We're better defensively.
we‘re faster. we're better offen-
sively and we‘re better pitching-
wise. We also have a lot of expe~
rience. We can't wait to hit the

The Cats‘ offense is of par-
ticular interest. Along with es-
tablished threats in junior out-
fielders Tiffany Kruse (.346. 31
R815. 1 HR) and Leslie
Kwiatkowski (.372 43 R815. 8
HR). UK will benefit from a
stronger offensive presence at
the catcher‘s position w fresh-
man backstop Lyndsey Angus.

Angus. who hit over .500 all
four years in high school. al-
ready has been penciled into the
starting lineup.

Kwiatkowski‘s analysis of
the freshman is quite favorable.

“She‘s definitely one of the
best athletes I‘ve ever seen."
Kwiatkowski said.

Three other freshmen
first baseman Jamie Dardis. sec-
ond baseman Nikki Jones. and
pitcher Morgan Marr » will bat»
tle for starting spots.

“Nikki Jones is battling for
a starting spot at second. so obvi-
ously she’s getting it done."
Kirchner said. "It's the same
with Jamie Dardis at first. Mor-
gan Marr is a pitcher who's go-
ing to get some innings. We have
high expectations for her to
come in right away."

Kirchner‘s team is also
blessed with four seniors. a rari-
ty for the young program.

"We finally have seniors.
It‘s very exciting." Kirchner
said. “We have four seniors. two
of whom are on the pitching
staff — Keary Camunas and
Colleen Boddy. We expect them
to really be a strong suit for us.

"Sarah Snider is a catcher
for us who does a great job as far
as leadership goes. and Michelle
Bucci will be patrolling the out-
field again this year."

While she is certainly im-
pressed with the Cats‘ potential
with the bats. Kirchner is not
fearful of a shortfall in other

"Our offense is stronger.
and we‘re more footfast. so the
combination of the two is really
going to help us out offensively."
Kirchner said. “But I wouldn‘t
say that we‘re offensively orient-
ed. I think we have a good bal-
ance of offense and defense.
Hopefully. we‘ll be very well

As for the ballclub‘s goals.
making the Southeastern Con-
ference Tournament for the first
time definitely stands at the top
of the list.

Camunas said making the
postseason tourney is of para-
mount importance.

“Our goal is to go to the
SEC. For as long as I‘ve been
here. I‘ve never been,“ Camunas
said rather emphatically.

The marathon towards that
mark starts today.


02/11-13 Texas-Arlington Tourney

Arlington, Tex. TBA
02/18-20 Arizona Tournament
Tucson. Ariz. TBA
02/25-27 Choo Choo Tourney
Chattanooga, Tenn. TBA
03/01 Wed Eastern Kentucky
Richmond, Ky. 3 pm. ET
03/04-5 TN Tourney
Bristol, Tenn. TBA

03/08 Wed 0H
Lexington, Ky.

Morehead State
2/4 pm. ET

03/11-12 Kentucky Invitational
Lexington, Ky. TBA
03/22 Wed DH Akron
Lexington. Ky. 3/5 pm. ET
03/24 Fri DH Auburn
Lexington, Ky. 4/6 pm. ET
03/25 Sat DH Alabama
Lexington, Ky. 2/4 pm. ET
03/29 Wed DH Louisville
Lexington, Ky. 6/8 pm. ET
03/31 Fri DH Georgia
Athens, Ga. 5/7 pm. ET
04/01 Sat DH Georgia
Athens, Ga. 1/3 pm. ET
04/05 Wed DH Louisville
Louisville, Ky. 6/8 pm. ET

South Carolina
5/7 pm. ET

04/07 Fri DH
Lexington, Ky.



Hardcourt action

Tho ZZM-ronkod UK women's ton-
nio too: will loco their toughest
test of the young season when they
take on tho second-rook“ Florida
Gators at 2 on. on Friday. m. 11
lo the llllory J. Boone Indoor Ton-



04/08 Sat DH South Carolina

Lexington. Ky. 1/3 pm. ET
04/14 Fri DH Mississippi
University. Miss. 5/7 pm. ET

04/15 Sat DH Mississippi State
Starkville, Miss. 12:30/2230 p.m.

04/20 Thu DH Western Ky.
Lexington, Ky. 6/8 pm. ET
04/21 Fri DH Florida
Lexington, Ky. 5/7 pm. ET
04/22 Sat DH Florida
Lexington, Ky. 1/3 pm. ET

04/26 Wed DH
Morehead, Ky.

Morehead State
3/5 pm. ET

04/28 Fri DH Louisiana State

Baton Rouge, La. 5]? pm. ET
04/30 Sun 0H Arkansas
Fayetteville, Ark 12/2 pm ET
05/02 Tue DH Tennessee
Lexington, Ky. TBA/TBA
05/03 Wed. DH Tennessee
Lexington, Ky. TBA/T BA

05/11-14 SEC Tournament
Columbus. GA TBA
05/18-21 NCAA Regional
Tournament TBA

05/25-29 Women's College Worid
Series Oklahoma City, 0k. TBA

DH denotes double header

UK Junior Leslie
enjoyed a prolific
year with the hat in
1999, finishing with
UK record marks in
batting average
(.372). R81; (43).
home runs (8), hits
(77) and slugging
percentage (.565).








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:4 l moirrtonwiiivttzooo [Wm


Born to play

31143391" "Whit?!


Ten years ago. playing
hockey made Pasi Holopainen
and Toni Haalapa friends. Last
year. it took thent halfway
around the world.

The two came to UK last
fall from ’l‘aiiipere. Finland.
and have been racking up goals
for the (‘ool (‘ats ever since.

It wasn't just hockey that
brought the two to Kentucky.
Both wanted to study sports ad-
ministration but only one uni-
versity in Finland offered a
program. When a coworker
went to study in England.
Haalapa asked his friend if he
was interested in going to
school in America.

Alter considering several
other schools. including the
l'niversity of Louisville. they
decided to attend ['K.

"There were a lot of small
pieces that fell into place and
we just chose l'K." Holopainen

Even though the two lived
in the same town. they attend-
ed different schools and it was-
n't until they got on the ice to-
gether that they met for the
first time.

"Without hockey we proba
bly would never know each oth~
er." Holopainen said.

For the next eight years.
Holopainen. ‘24. and Haapala.
23. played hockey with each
other in their hometown of
200.000 people 100 miles north
of Helsinki.

Holopainen. like many oth-
er Finnish kids. had dreams of
playing professional hockey
and was talented enough to
play in the country's third
highest league.

"When I was younger I
aimed for it but never made it."
he said.

Holopainen started skating
at age three and was playing on
his older brother's team by the
time he was nine.

Haapala on the other hand
was a late blooiner by Finnish
standards: he didn