- ’1 1‘ . 1‘ . ' ‘1 CONTENTS 1 #_ , Introduction by L. F. Sinclair, one of prisoner’s local attorneys.....,,......... 1 i '.‘ Introductory remarks of prisoner, including a discussion ofthelawofthecase...............-----....-.-- 5 . Position of bothsides outlined........................ 17 7' Was there a conspiracy between the prisoner and any of 3 the alleged accessories before the fact, to the murder .,. ofWilliamGoebel........................--...... 19 I" Did the prisoner aid, counsel or advise either of the four . a} named principals—Holland Whitaker, Dick Combs, ‘ -‘ Jim Howard or Berry Howard—to murder Mr. Goebel 273' f Did prisoner aid, counsel or advlse the other alleged prin- ‘ , cipal. Henry E. Youtsey. to murder Mr. Goebel . . . . . . 331 2‘ Did the use of the militia form a part of the alleged con- . ‘f It: spiracy 835 ' i What did the mountain crowd have to do with the killing ' l“ oer.Goebel,ifanything...........-..........’... 95 1 The pardons of Governor Taylor discussed. . . . . . . . . . - . . - . 115 I ' E Toomanystarwitnessess..........................,,, 123 Toomany detectives in the case...--- -- 125 :‘ Conclusion...........................---....-....... 139 ' Copies of this book may be secured by addressing - . K. F. BRADLEY, Georgetown, Ky. .,, 3 _ ,