xt77wm13ng0p_76 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. T-U text T-U 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_7/Folder_10/3977.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_76 xt77wm13ng0p L F. TégéPNIIXSTER. F. el-SSTfithfiMASTER.
‘er GLASGOW. KY. ,2/221/57 2 / , 190
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m1“. %. E21111“): 'l"':"":"””"""“ j 31?? .Lfif
éuin‘ 51111-111 Itmrkr Blaming
fiovembcr 1,1907.
Hon. Cileh Powers,
Georgetown, Ky.
Dear Caleb:

I herewith enclose to you an official copy of so
much of the nroceeiings in the Federal Court in thc oaoe of
the Unitei States againat Henry Wrape, et al, a3 will be of
servioe to you in your future trial.

Thim is an historical case an; to all lovers of
justice anl judicial integrity, it must appeal.

A: is shown 1113£r7 Moores' éiPFiiavi< tins original
trial jury was comnooei of ficver Lbruhlioun37 four Democrats
uni one Greenback, and yet Governor Heniriola Nae constrained
to sun em: to Julge Gresham, tlmt m jury thus unequally iividei
in a case growing out of politics, ought to be liochargei.

For this reason and no other, Judge Gresnam iischargei the
jury and personally iirectei the Marshal to SUJHOHS twenty-two
men, naming them himself, eleven Republicans ani eleven Demo m
crate. From this Rpooial venire were solectel a jury of six
Republicans uni six Democrats, all high class honorable men.

It may be proper to call your attention to the fact
tout in 1879 the Federal Judge selected two Jury Commissioners
uni might have them of the some political Faith and the
April jury commissioners, or the commissioners selected in.
Aori; LSToj nmiely WillimiiP. Fishback anl William W. Dudley,
both Lopuolicans, were by the rules of'the court uppointel to
oeleot the jury for the May term. 1379, Evidently they were
liberal enough to #9153: some Democrats, because there were
four Dcnocruis on the jury that were selootcd to try the case.
After this cage was tried, Senator MacDonuli, as I understand,

‘seourei the passage of the preaent law governing the jury
IL\Commiooioner3 in the Federal Court, which now requires that
"Ithoy be of opoosite political faith. The conditions in the

Wraps case suggested the importance and wioiom70f the present
law, in order that it might be imooseible in the future to

pack Feler Z juries for nolitioal purposes. So you will see
that Julge Gresham'e ruling was not only juot and wise, but that
his rule of fairnesszwas effectually crystallizel into a law.

it ioes seem to me that this recorfi ought to greatly aid you

in your struggle for fair and impartial jury. A court muat oc
loot to every SEHSC of hOiUF if it cannot he rea;ncl upon the
presentation of these facts and this precedent. I recoanise that
it loos not bind the State judges, so far as the letter of the
law ifi figmaeynei, but the rule and course of Judge Gresham ices
bini all honorable judges everywheree It is the brightest star
in the official crown of Judge Gresham tosloy.

I have had much trouble in finding this recorl,
but I feel well repaid for my efforts and I trust that it may
serve a good purpose in your case.

With very best wishes, I beg to remain, _
Truly your friend,
fl 1 ‘ ‘ 7 AV
,, 714747644ch Wfi, /b§. ,f

 M111- %. @aglnr '“*"“""""* 3 313.5335"Mm-
931m? 51151—111 Emurkr Eutlhimj
Ionvem’b-Qr 6,1907.
Hon. Cale?) Powers,
Geo 139%. cm; , KJ;
.3631" Caleb: -
Your ez'fieez'ne‘i 1:“ yrs}: cf yesterday recei‘v'rad...
I am almost toe full for utterance, It is asimplgr . ‘\
glorious; surely it :16: L116: imming of a brighter 1a}.
I am glad. you. are pleasei wi Ll; the Erecori‘.
As m M2“. MerrillMoores,1;c is one of the. a‘olest plum:
in the City. He was Assistant Attorney General under
17. A. Ketcham, hepublican, Alonzo Greene Smith, Democrat,
8.111 Willialzl L. Taylor, Republican. He has a large practice
anal is now presi-ient of the In Liana. State Bar Association,
He is a very high claws, Citizen.
lumpectfullJWg , w

141111111. E.P. CLARKE
, {Hg}: $1le 31 :. fififig A. S . TH o M P s o N AN D W. F. TALB OTT, D. S.
:fltm ~- “ $2...
* . ,1 ./
m A; “LL-M 9’ LKA/ yfi 7
[W .4 2% J4 1:63,“ 524$ .
471.64, 14%
”W W.
\ t ‘
M” 5%

BARBOURVILLE ,KY. 3. 'T .,, Q-‘I 1 n {\W
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Ceciaeuowuj 1y.
UV dear P Wt???
C.» _' ~' .- .. G: ’-. ‘, .. . T: T'V‘: "VVV. VV "7;. ..‘“ '- .V g -!-
JVI.V., :'-‘g"."- L... (1":2‘_’r:».’.:'-’» .\.2 :5 11;" -... _’ '.:,VV -. _.... 2. :.. "-.x, . '.=VV.L :.”, . ..._..L "~.'
A,“ ..V .V..L, _, »:2 , ; . .' :5. ,»‘ .. ......7 '; .7. .2‘ .
J.. .. .'.. {._. -.., —L' ”A. '1. ..,,4 +: ... .2-‘ .,,fl. 2.35,. '.‘ ‘ ;- : . '. ', .. V ..,
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.. . ‘2 ..- ,3 ,.1», ,.V‘./‘. i‘ ‘ ' 2-7 ., . . . .. . "‘.. ‘. .. w _..; 2. - .
42'.“ .L ., 4.--._.. .7 ..._,5 .\..f.‘ .. T .'.;2» .-. . .._. , :»..V .» .V:—" 2:, V,
-“i L. f>~7 5;,f’7 . 1: 979? f“ Ccorgesown and assist you in every
way possible, but want 30 do so Wifih as little Lime taken from my
work as possible,
Please t0 confer with your attorneys, and advise me 2‘1? .f"g
WT VI .' j. z. :42" .LV ..,.2' 3111”,; :" .
1.“ . , .---. ,
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 d ' Myaékaé7é§é§§éé§w駧§a®zi wxwmzwmm omé‘o‘éné ‘

W lei-hljgilglléfgfibuv ‘ KNOX EQUNH/ FAIR ASSOCIATION. fr“ .2. .2“ meme,

J. :1;(3:;!::I:\M $g;:::;::::oo .‘Efi—T J. M. TINSLEY.

""1‘r'flgil‘.’§.i’.5“" émb W. W. TINSLEY, Secretary. 4&5 d- 9». MILLER.
@ )Barbourvtllc, fixv %Aӣ7 7/>[1907
éfl: Q9 £76m %r%&

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lo NoveMbar, 1907
Caleb PowerS
neorgetown, Kya Dear Sir:

A number of the Hiddlesbnreugh
people who have been summoned to aypear at Georgetown the 11th take it that the
agreement madm at the last term of Court now stands - that is that thqz will
appear whenever actually needed, and wired for with a fsw hours notice.

Yours t' , w
i x ‘n “KM/[b L V ((7
1 v u ‘ 4‘ ~
‘1 x/‘% /
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