MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1890 - page 95 The Board of Trustees met as per adjournment in the Presidents room June 4, 1890 at 9-1/2 A. M. Present W. B. Kinkead, Chairman R. J. Spurr R. A. Spurr Hart Gibson Philemon Bird P. P. Johnston W. D. Nicholas J. D. Clardy, Col. Gibson a chairman of the Committee on the Report of the President and accompanying reports of heads of Departments made the following Report viz: June 4, 1890. Your Committee to whom was referred the report of the President for the current year beg leave to report that they have carefully examined the detailed reports of the various departments of the College and are of the opinion that they confirm in every particular the general assurance of the continued property and progress of the College. An aggregate attendence of 117 students in the Dept. of Agriculture indicates a gratifying interest in that branch of industry, special attention is called to the report of Prof. Stark on the subject of student cabin. The Dept. of Natural History under the guidance of Professor Orr shows a similarly prosperous condition 151 students having been in attendance upon the course of instruction. Particular attention is called to this report and the recommendations contained therein are commended to the favorable consideration of the Board.