xt77wm13nm22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13nm22/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19310320  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 20, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 20, 1931 1931 2012 true xt77wm13nm22 section xt77wm13nm22 "'1W Best Copy Available










Must Be

or Less

Entire and Final Listing of
Detailed Report
Is Given


An important revision of the ac
tivitlcs point System for women on
the campus was released last night
to The Kernel by the Women's Ad
Council, working
through Mortar Board as a commit
tee on revision. The new system
will go into effect immediately, and
will affect all women except seniors
graduating in June:
au women students who are
sophomores, Juniors or first semester seniors have been requested to
nil out cards In the form shown be
low and bring them to the' dean of
women's office, bv March 28. stu
dents who' are not supplied with a
card through'' the president of some
organization to which they belong.
may call atMiss Standing's office
xor one. mj one wno ooes not nu
out one of these cards and file it
willrnot fceaittible for an office
'hereafter, 'Until she has' filed her
Each girl has been asked to print
'her name at the top of the card,
"last name first, in the space so
"reserved. In the column activities
fare to be listed, noting the office
'held 'in each case, and opposite it
the nunwer or points the activity
carries must be put The points
snouw oe listed under the column
'marked 2 by sophomores; 3 by Juniors; and 4 by seniors. Transfer
"students will list their points under
the column of the year In which
they are registered that Is, sophomore; junior, and so on Just as will
the 'other students. Points for Che
'yearn already passed are not to be
"In compiling this point system
care- - was taken to give the points
on the relative amount of ' work
' that each bSce carried; rather than
the honor which accrues to the one
who holds it; for the point system
is devised, not. to keep a girl from
having honors, but to safeguard
her health, to Insure the organixa-tk- m
in which she is becoming active
that she will have time to serve
them weU, fBiu('tbdiride the activities on the campus among a larger
group of women," Mary Virginia
Hailey, president of Mortar Board
The point system is as follows:
Tea Points
Editor in Chief of Kentucky, President of Y. W. C. A., President of
W. S. G. A., Hall Presidents, Managing editor of the Kernel.
tight Feints
President of Women's Athletic
Seven Feints
President of a social sorority, President of Phi Beta Fraternity of
Music and Drama.
Five Feints
Editor in Chief of Kernel, Presiof Mortar Board, Society Edident
tor of Kernel, News Editor of Kernel, President of Theta Sigma Phi.
Few Feints
Treasurer of Y. W. C. A., Treasurer of Social Sorority, Treasurer
of SuKy, Pledge Captain of Social
Sorority, Executive Secretary of Pan
Polttikon, Assistant Editor of Kernel,, President of Chi Delta Phi,
Presiden of Phi Upsilon Omlcron,
of Foreign Language
Club, Band Sponsor.
Three Points
Art Editor of Kentucklan, Member "Bulletin" Committee, Kernel
Staff '(not elsehere noted), Prsldent
Foreign Language Club, Editor of
"Kopper Kettle", Member Y. W. C.
A. Cabinet, Vice President of Phi
Upsilon Omlcron, President of Eta
Sigma Phi, President of Sophomore
Xwe Feints
Officer of W. A. A. (not otherwise
Office Manager of Oulgn-o- l,
Officer in Honorary or Professional group (not otherwise specified), Officers of Social Sorority (not
otherwise specified), Sorority House
President, Member W. A. A. Council, Member Y. W .0. A.
Secretary of Strollers, Associate Edior of Kernel, R. O. T. O.
One Feint
Officer in W. A. C, President of
Glee Club, President of Co-e- d Band,
President of Departmental club (not
otherwise specified), Officer of
Secretary of Alma Magna
of Alma MagMater,
na Mater, Secretary of W. S. G. A.,
S. G. A., Class
Treasurer of W.
Officer, Kentucklan staff, "Letters"
staff, Literary Editor of Kernel,
Member Board of Publications,
Membership in honorary fraternity,
without office, Member of Suky.
One Half Point
Member of a Senior Class
on Page Six)

Macbeth to Have 0J).K. ANNOUNCES
Formal Opening PLEDGING OF 12

Each Everything Is in Readiness Golden Key Is Used on Cam-pu- s
for Guignol's Fourth
(o Divulge Names
of Pledges



All women students are requested to report to their mail
boxes daily. Notices which
nronaDt attention are being
' 'sent out from the office of the
dean of women, and the students
should report at the time designated on the notices.
Assistant Dean of Women.

"Macbeth" will open Monday
night at 8:30 at the Qulgnol thca
tcr as the fourth production on the
little theater's
current schedule
The opening will bo formal.
Director Prank Fowler has been
rehearsing the large cast this week
and, in a statement issued yesterday, said that everything was in
readiness ior the premiere.
Dr. George K. Brady, of the
English department, will be seen in
the leading role of the Shakespearian tragedy. It will be remembered that Doctor Brady appeared
to good advantage In "The Second
Mrs. Tanaueray" last season and
in "The Plight of the Duchess" the
season previous.
Lolo Robinson has the role of
Lady Macbeth. Mrs. Robinson has
appeared in "Camlne" this season
and in "East Lynne" last year. The
difficult role Is, according to report, well placed in her hands.
Macduff will be enacted by Wayne
Haffler while Prof. L. Cass Robinson will be seen as Banquo. Virginia McVey is cast as the gentle-womDuke Johnson, as Malcolm, Morton Webb, as Donaldbain,
and Horace Miner, as Duncan, 'are
the chief supporting cast members.
Other roles are taken by C. Perry
Kraatz, John Noonan, Woodson
Knight, Donald Pratt, George Whitfield, and Carl Howell. The three
witches will be seen in the persons
of Neal Cain, Hugh McQuire, and
Robert; Btaford. For the most part,
each'member of the "Macbeth" cast
has, had previous experience in
Gulgnol productions.
The Gulgnol orchestra, under the
direction of 'Louis Friedman; has
prepared a special musical score for
Marlon Galloway and her staff of
assistants created the costumes for
"Macbeth" and it ,1s, expected that
they"will cause "much favorable
comment for their authenticity and'
artistry. '
Seats for the presentation may
be obtained at the theater box-offior by calling Ashland 5412
and making reservations.", r r




Thirteen Groups to Be Represented in Contest to Be
Sponsored by "Fifteen,"
New Honorary
Final plans for the university
women's song contest to be held at
8 p. m., Thursday, March 26, in
Memorial hall, were completed at a
meeting of the honorary sophomore
sorority for women last night in the
reading room of Boyd hall. The
contest, which has met with popularity in many of the larger universities and is being tried on this
this campus for the first time, in
sponsored by "Fifteen."
There will be 13 entries in the
contest: the 10 social sororities on
the campus, a group, from Patterson and Boyd halls, one from Smith
hall, and a group of town girls.
Dorothy Gould, is in charge of the
girls from Patterson and Boyd halls;
Justine White has "organized the
Smith hall group, and Mollie Mack
Offutt has charge of the town girls.
Each sorority is to sing two of its
sorority songs, and each of the other group may sing either two university songs or two of any type
desired. A third song, which Is to
be original, may or may not be sung
according to the desires of the
group. However, this original song
will be taken into consideration by




Bagwell to Be
Journal Editors
to the editorial
board of the Kentucky Law Journal,
quarterly publication of the College
of Law, of Prof. Roy Moreland, John
Bagwell, Gordon Flnley , Edward
Denney, and Lon Rogers, has been
announced by the faculty of the
college. Other members of the board
whose appointments have recently
been affirmed are J. D. Bond, Hugh
Broadhurst, William Dysard, Martin
Hanks, Charles
Glenn, Francis
Summers, Ralph Holman, James
Hume, James Lyne, Rawlins Rag-lan- d,
and Clarence Rothenberg.
The offices which these men will
fill are Prof. Roy Moreland, faculty
editor; John Bagwell, student editor; Gordon Flnley, case editor;
Edward Denney, circulation manager; and Lon Rogers, business
manager. Selections of these meu
are based on scholastic standing in
the College of Law, and on ability
to perform the necessary work. Each
person appointed must have a
standing of more than 2.
The Journal Is the official publication of the College of Law and
contains book reviews, case comments, notes and articles on current
law topics. It Is published in November, January, March and May
Material for the magazine is written by faculty members and outstanding students of the college, u
standing of two Mag a requirement
for undergraduate position on the

Vesper Soloist


and Dean Taylor Named
Associate Members

And Wiest Attend
Mining Conference
Pres. Frank L. McVey. Dean F.
Paul Anderson, and Dean Edward
wiest attended the sixth annual
conference of the Industrial Divis
ion of the American Mining Congress, which was hsld at the Brown
hotel In Louisville. March 16 to 18.
The meeting was called by Gover
nor Sampson, and the Kentucky
Progress Commission acted as hosts
for the occasion.
Several hundred persons were m
attendance at the various sessions.
The principal speakers Monday
were: Dr. E. r. uerrlsb, representing Doctor Klein of the United
States Department of Commerce;
of the
Judge Jouette,
L. and N Railroad; Doctor Jlllson,
geologist of Kentucky; Dr.
Dudley Haddock, executive secretary
of the Arkansas 8tate Chamber of
Commerce; James O. Stone, chairman of the Federal Farm Board;
and CoL John B. Reynolds, of
The general topic of the day
Tuesday was "Coordlntion of Indus
trial Development in the south".
Governor Sampson and Governor
Graves of Alabama spoke In the
morning. Dean Anderson presided
Tuesday. At
at the dinner-meetin- g
this time Pres. S. L. Mather, of the
delivered an
uddress. At the same meeting, Doc
tor MoVey spoke on ''Education
and Industry," and John E. Edger- ton,. president of the National Association of Manufacturers, discussed
"Whither America?" in relation to
the industrial development.
On Wednesday the guests went on
a tour of the Blue Grass.



LuVING CUPS TO Brethren! Sistern!

Judge Stoll, Coach Shively,

McVey, Anderson,




Through the medium of a replica
df the golden key of Omlcron Delta
Kappa, displayed In front of the
Administration building at 8 o'clock
yesterday morning, Nu Circle, the
university's chapter of this national
honorary campus leaders' fraternity,
announced pledges for the spring
exercises. Twelve men, Including
one honorary member and two faculty members, were honored by the
Men pledged yesterday were:
Judge R. C. Stoll, Lexington, the
first honorary member ever selected
by the Kentucky chapter; Coach
Bernie Shively and Dean W. S. Taylor, Lexington, chosen from the university faculty to act as associate
members with all the privileges of
actives; Morton Walker, Hartford;
Kendall Holmes, Lexington; Al
Kikel, Youngstown, . Ohio; Horace
Miner, 'Lexington; Duke Johnson,
Montclair, N. J.; Ben LeRoy,
Kenneth Andrews, Lexington; Robert Tucker, Bloomfleld; and
Glenn Welman, Dayton, Ohio.
Nu Circle, which was established
on the campus in 1925, and twice
a year selects upper classmen on
the basis of five fields of leadership, scholastic, athletic, forensic,
character, and publications. To in
O. D. K., a man must be at
least a Junior and must have se
cured a number of points through
participation in various campus activities. At the present time ,14
points are required for junior' eligi- 1
bility and 161for seniors.
' 1 Judge Btoll was graduated' from
the university in 1896 and Is chairman of the Board of Trustees. Stoll
field was named in his honor. He
is the senior member of the Lexington law firm of Stoll, Parks, Town-sen- d:
and Muir: .The name of R.
placed on the
C. Stoll was the-flr- st
Dean Taylor, of the College of
Education, is a graduate of the
university. Coach Shively, a graduate of the University of. IWhoU.
and present football line coach for
the university, will be the first
representative the athletic department has placed in Nu Circle.
Shively was named on the
football selection while in
college, and has held the Big Ten
wrestling title.
Walker Is a senior in the College
of Arts and Sciences, and member of
Phi Kappa Tau. Among his activities are associate editor of The
Kernel and the Kentucklan. editor
of the Y. M. C. A. 1930 K book,
president of Y. M. C. A.. Sigma
Delta Chi, president of the Men's
Dormitory association,
of the
committee, and Sigma Upsilon.
Miner, a Junior in the College of
Art and Sciences and a member
of Delta Tau Delta, secured a number of his points through Omega
Beta Pi, Strollers, Gulgnol. Pershing Rifles, the university editorship
of the Kentucklan, and assistant
editor of The Kernel. Duke Johnson, a Junior in the College of Arts
and Sciences is an S. A. E., this
year's football manager, president
of junior class, and a member fo
Lamp and Cross, the Student Board
of Publicatinos, and Scabbard and
Ben LeRoy, who is registered in
the College of Engineering, Is a
member of Triangle, Keys, Lamp
(Continued on Page Six)


FRIDAY. MARCH 20, 1931

Lexington Leader and Alpha
Delta Sigma Sponsor
Yearly Contests
Marcian Thalberg, noted pianist,
who will present a piano recital
at Vesper hoar, Sanday, March 22
In Memorial hall, is being brought
to Lexington by Phi Beta, honorary marie sorority.. Thalberg,
who is a native of Switzerland,
is now connected with the Con
servatory ef Marie at Cincinnati.

Entries to Close at Noon,
Today; Presentation
Is Saturday
As a
will be

continuance of the contest
of the annual spring conof the Kentucky IntercolPress Association, two cups
awarded Saturday, by
to the best all around col-ar- d
Watters, president of the asso-leg- e
paper and to the paper having
the best advertising make-uThe cup to the publication having
the best all around paper is presented by the Lexington Leader;
and the cup to the paper having the
best advertising make-u- p is donated
by Alpha Delta Sigma, honorary advertising fraternity. The Judges in
Marcian Thalberg, Member of the contest will be Prof. Victor
the department of
Faculty of Cincinnati Con- Portmann, of Charles
servatory of Music to Have Journalism, editor of The Dickerson,
Part in Vespers
Leader, Robert 'Rouse, city 'editor of
'Lexington Herald, and James
' Marcian Thalberg, noted, Swiss Shropshire, manager of student
pianist, and a 'member of the fac publications.
In 1927, The Kentucky Kernel
ulty of the Cincinnati Conservatory won the first award for the best all
will be presented in a con around college paper. In 1929, The
of Music
cert at Vespers at 4' o'clock Sunday Georgetonian. edited by John Owen,
afternoon at Memorial hall. Kappa won this honor, and The' Kernel,
chapter of Phi Beta;, women's musi edited by William' Glanz, won the
cup for
cal and dramatic fraternity, is spon- make-u- p. having the best advertising
soring his appearance.
In 1930, at the convention held
Mr. Thalberg is famous as a conCollege Heights
cert pianist as well as a teacher, in Georgetown, The
Teachers Normal,
Europe and Bowling Western won
having appeared is
the prise for
After appearances with the best all around paper, and The
maay oi xne leaainfsympnonies oi Kernel' was again awarded the prize
Europe, the artist gave' three mem- for
the best advertising make-u- p.
orable concerts in London in celEntries for these two contests will
ebration of the Liszt centennial.
close at noon today. At the presMr. Thalberg 's press criticisms ent time the majority of the memacknowledge him as "a distinguish- bers of the association have entered
ed personality tn the world of copies of their papers. Contesting
music." Equally capable both as an papers are taken from the issues
interpreter and a technician, he has published in May, October, arid Dewon for himself an enviable reputa- cember of 1930.
tion in the world of music.
Robert Salyers. a former member
The faculty, assisted by members of the Kentucky Intercollegiate
of Phi Beta, will be hosts to Mr. Press Association, from Eastern
Thalberg's friends in the faculty State Teachers College, will return
after the concert. Miss to Lexington to attend the sessions
Emily Hardin Is in charge of ar- of the spring meeting. Mr. Salyers
who was one of the founders" of the
association, has been invited to adThe program is as follows:
dress the delegates.
Rhapsody B Minor Brahms.
An innovation at this meeting is
Major Chopin.
Nocture E.
Prelude Opus 28 D Mincjr Chopin. the use of registration Cards calling
for the position and class In school
Perceuse Chfiptn.
Sonata B Flat Minor, Agitato, of the detonates. An attempt isyear
ing made to determine in which
Scherzo, Marcla, funebre. Presto
of their college careers, stuaenis
do the most work and hold the most
Ballade P Major Debussy.
offices on college publications.
Jeux D'Eau Ravel.
Prelude Opus 32 B Minor



University Debaters
To Engage in Three
McDowell Music Club
Forensic Contests
Holds Open Meeting
debates have been schedulPolonaise E Major



university debate team
Mrs. A. C. Zembrod, Month's ed the the
coming week. Those colfor
Chairman, Presents Enleges which will oppose the univer-

tertaining Program

The McDowell Music club held
an open meeting In Memorial hall,
at 8 o'clock Tuesday night, March
17. Mrs. A. C. Zembrod was chairman of the month and prepared the
following program:
Rhapsody In G. minor, Brahms
Sonata In F sharp minor, Schumann
Perpetual motion, Von Weber
Miss Edith Rose.
The Lotus Flower, Schumann
Halden Rosleln, Schubert
Der Erlkonlg, Schubert
Mrs. H. C. Robinson, contralto
Mrs. Lela Cullls, accompanist.
First and second movement from
Concerto, Op. 64, Mendelssohn
Prof. Carl Lampert.
Mrs. Lela Cullls at the piano.
Auf dem Wosser zusingen, Schu
Marie, Franz
Mrs. W. H. Hansen, soprano
Miss Virginia Tyler, accompanist.
Romance, Beethoven
Waltz, Brahms
Professor Lampert
Concerto In A minor, Schumann
First Movement
Miss Caroline Pike, piano
Mrs. Lewis Bradley, organ.


Dr. Henry Beaumont, of the de
partmewt of psychology, Is com'
piling statistics obtained from the
financial questionnaires given to the
students at the time of registration
this semester. The questionnaires
were for the purpose of finding how
university student earn money and
how many work. Dr. Beaumont
said that he has found some very
interesting information which will
be released when the compilation
is complete.

sity ore Marquette University of
Milwaukee, Western State Teachers
College of Kalamasoo, Michigan and
Berea College.
The Marquette University team
will meet the Kentucky team in
McVey hall at 8 o'clock Saturday
John Kane and Sidney
Schell will take the affirmative of
the Issue "Unemployment and Social Insurance" for the university.
Charles Rowan, sophomore In the
law school, and Robert Hansen,
freshman in the law school will
uphold the negative for the Northern school.
On Monday at 8 p. m. Kentucky
will uphold the affirmative of the
same question against the debaters
from Western Sate Teachers College of Kalamazoo, Michigan. Kane,
Schell, and Reeves will comprise
the Kentucky team.
Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock
Beren College will send her represent e lint to debate the question of f ee trade In the United
State ,
Bern will uphold the
affirmative while Kane, Schell, and
Reeve will take the negative for
Kentucky This debate will also be
held in McVey hall.

All persons interested in taking part In the forthcoming
Stroller Revue are hereby called
to report Wednesday, March 25,
at room 111 in McVey hall. This
call includes people in all lines,
chorus girls, chorus men, dancers, singers, comedians, performers, specialty people", writers,
stage hands, electricians, actors
and those desiring producing positions.
Production Manager.

Ruth Cameron
Well known
newspaper writer, Is a loyal
member of Alphi XI Delta,
Harry T. Baker Delta Tau
Delta, is a nationally known
writer. He Is a feature writer
of The North American Review
and The Outlook. He is also a
member of Phi Beta Kappa.
Wiilllam P. Beazell Assistant
managing ditor of The New York
World, Is a member of Phi Delta
Theta and Sigma Delta Chi.
Jay Darling (J. N. Ding) cartoonist, is a member of Beta
Theta Pi.
Paul Porter
Editor of the
Mangum Star, Mangum, Oklahoma Is an S. A. E. from the
University of Kentucky chapter
Charles B Harper-Capt-ain
the University of Illinois bosket- Atetm ?r 1930' ,s a member
of Alpha Sigma Phi.
Patrick Hurley-Slg- ma
Chi. is
the present Secretary of War.
Sarah W. Lutes Delta Delta
Delta, is assistant dean of women
at the Unlversiy of Michigan.
John E. Drewery Professor of
Journalism and publicity director
at the University of Georgia,
wears the badge of Kappa Alpha.
Luke Lea Publisher of The
Tennessean, is a member of Alpha Tau Omega.
Fox Famous cartoonist, is-- a 8igma Chi. (Fontaine attended Louisville High
School prior to entering college).

Mortar Board Requests Women Students to Indicate 15
Outstanding Co-efrom
Group of 63
Mortar Board, senior women's
honorary f rateniity;- - has compiled
the following list of Junior women
whose scholastic standing makes
them eligible for membership In the
organization. In order to have the
coming election on May Day be
fair and impartial, it is desired to
obtain the campus opinion on the
leadership of the girls who are being
Every women in the university,
therefore, has been requested by
Mary Virginia Hailey, president, to
clip the following list ana araw a
light pencil line through the names
of the 15 girls on the list whom
she considers the most worthy o;
Mortar Board membership. In vot
ing, the students are asked to bear
in mind that service to our Alma
Mater and personal qualities of
leadership are the things most to
be considered. Personal prejudices
and politics should not be allowed
to Influence one's choice, as evidence to this effect will work against
a candidate rather than for her,
Miss Hailey stated. Votes will only
be valid if the name of the person
voting is signed to the clipping.
Those whose names appear on this
list are also eligible to a vote.
The ballots must be placed in the
box designated for that purpose on
the counter in the basement of
McVey hall before Tuesday noon of
next week.
The list is as follows:
Rosalind Angeluccl
Edna Backer
Margaret Baldwin
Georgia Bird
Malinda Bush
Josephine Ccuty
Betty Crawford
Myra Dickerson
Dorothy Downing
Alice May Durllng
Elizabeth Eaton
Mary Elizabeth Fisher
Jean Allen Glbbs
Mary Margaret Howes
Mary Lynn Hudson
Margaret Bell Humphreys
Nancy Johnson
Letltia Kimsey
Nancy Layson
Nancy Duke Lewis
Frances McCandless
Alice McDonald
Margaret McLeod
Kathleen Montgomery
Elizabeth Napier
Annette Newlin
Bonnie Perkins
Elizabeth Poole
Elizabeth Ragland
Vivian Rawlins
Sidney Redmon
Edythe Reynolds
Myra Dee Rice
Frieda Robinson
Ruby Rodgers
Virginia Schafer
Alice Sharpe
Mary Esther Sheridan
Eleanor M. Smith
Katherlne L. Smith
Edna Ray Spusley
Artie Lee Taylor
Mary A. Threlkeld
Elizabeth Wheeler
Virginia Nevins
Katliryn Brock
Nanalyne Brown
Elizabeth. B. Collins
Florence Cox
(Continued on Page Mx)





to Deliver
Principal Address on
Practical Journalism


TO MEET AT 9:30 A. M.
Session Will Begin

Two-Da- y

This Morning in
Dicker Hall
Approximately 30 delegates to the
Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Asso
ciation from seven colleges of the
state, will arrive in Lexington today
to attend the annual spring convention which is being held with The
Kentucky Kernel Friday and Saturday, March 20 and 21. Meetings
will be held in Dicker ,halL
Mr. Gerald Griffin, instructor in
the department of Journalism at the
university and head of the Lexing
news Bureau,
ton Courier-Journ- al
will make the principal address of
two-da- y
session af. trie aiter-noo- n
meeting1, today, which,. will
open at 2:15 p. m. The topic of this
talk will be "Practical Journalism".
Mr. Griffin will be introduced to
the delegates by Miss Frances
convention chairman, who
charge of the meeting.
will have
The election of officers for the
coming year, the selection of the
convention site for the fall of 1931,
and other business matters of the
association will be taken up Saturday morning at the final 'session
which will be conducted byiRlafcard
Watters, Georgetown College, .president of K. I. P. A. An invitation,
substantiated by letters from the
president and other officials of
Western State Teachers College,
will be extended to the delegates
for the fall meeting by The .College
Heights Herald, student publication
of that college. Standing committees on national
affiliation, amendments, and awards
will meet at 0:30 this morning.
Members of these committees are:
national affiliation, Charles Patterson, Frances L. Holliday, Mildred
(Continued on Page Six)


Noted Engineer

Mr. John Bellamy Taylor, consulting engineer of the General
Company; Schenectady,
New York, under the Joint auspices
of the Electrical League of Lexington and the College of, Engineering of the university will come to
Lexington on Tuesday, March 24,
bringing with him several cases of
equipment from the
company's famous research laboratory. Mr. Taylor will demonstrate
at the Phoenix hotel, at 7:30 p. m.
"Audible Lights" in the ballroom
He will be Introduced by Dean F.
Paul Anderson.
The public has been invited to
attend this demonstration, which
attracted more attention before the
last annual meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers than any other presentation.
The lecture, while of a technical
character, will be accompanied by
demonstrations which represent the
latest manifestations of electrical
energy. The students of the University of Kentucky have been especially invited to this lecture and
accompanying demonstrations.
As an Incidental revelation, some
things scientific men have accomresearchplished in electro-physices in that approximate emptiness,
the vacuum, this lecture is full o!
enlightening surprises. Mr. Taylor
will set up apparatus
to light and let the audience hear
rather than see, from a variety pi.
Illuminating sources, much that the
eye is Incapable of detecting. Thus
two lights which look identical may
sound entirely unlike when conditions are set up enabling one to
listen to them. Still more striking
are his demonstrations in which
speech, song and instrumental music
are carried in a beam of light.
Mr. Tqylor Is well known among
engineers for his many contributions to the electrical art; in particular for his early work on the
of telephone systems
with power transmission lines. A
long continued Interest in musical
lnstrumens, acoustics, and microscopic photography, followed
hobbles, prepared him to take an
active part in radio broadcasting
developments and more recently in
solving certain problems of the
"talking movies". He has been active in the work of the American
Institute Electrical Engineers. In
addition to serving a term as
of this body he has been
its representative on the council of
the American Association for the
.Advancement of Science and as a
member of the International


* Best Copy
with the Ol? Lexington's landmarks, and al tin) li rf"mlThe- - Kernel -- tfdcoltcrestcd Kentucky students. Interesting geolog- University paper for the prize for the best
subical collections, the gift to the College of Engi- lege paper published In the United 8tates,
mitted In contest before the National Interneering from former graduates and from IntiON TUWDAV AMD mm AY
mate friends of Dean Anderson, are always collegiate Press Association.
on display. The mnsslvc fireplace before which
The present editor and managing editor of
National College Press Association
myriads of students have sat during many win- The Kernel are women, and the paper has been
Lexington Board of Commerce
MKMBKll K. I. P. A.
ters gives an air of gpiilallty to the room. noted throughout Its career for the contributions
of the
of the OtudenU
An equally beautiful structure Is the miniature
of the university.
mnde by the co-eof Kentuckr. Lexington
lake, with Its overflowing fountain, which faces
The Kernel believes that it is Justified in
aubcrlptlon tJ.OO ft year. Entered t Lexlnjtoft, Kj., the fireplace from the opposite side of the room.
feeling proud of its record and of Its standing
Poitoffire m wcond clsi me.ll nutter
Nature lovers will enjoy the floral collections. as compared with other student publications in
Animal lovers will find the antics of the foxes the United States. The Kernel wishes also
and monkeys the source of much amusement, to foster any student work along Journalistic
and dog fanciers have but to step outside the lines with which It may meet, and knows that
lUnSftnt Mltor
room to view many of Dean Ander.
Its contact with the student publications in the
As'ltnt MnMtln Editor convention
Prftmttle Editor son's favorite airdales. Within the building arc state will prove most beneficial )n further
miniature trains, perfect In detail, and exact progress.
replicas of powerful locomotives. Indeed, hours
nlne Bonnell
Morton Wlker
Margaret CundlfT
may be pleasantly spent In a profitable tour of
Dicker hall.
Virginia Hatcher
Virginia Nevin
To the young Journalists there Is one spot
Louise Thompson
Daniel Goodman
particularly which may well have e?n created
News Editor
as an Inspiration toward success In their chosen
Sue DIeker-o- n
William Bhafer
field. Above the lake above the colored panes JOURNEY'S END by R. C. Sheriff. A play In
from which there Is always the glow of sun- three act. Now York. Bentano's. 204 pp. $2.00.
Horace Miner shine
Georee Walte
appears this Inscription: "Labor omnia
Here is a war play which takes place in a
Jack Keyser
Mary E. Price
dugout of the British trenches before St, Quen-tl- n.
Society Editor
It tells about how men were annoyed
when a dugout was blown up and dirt fell into
EmUy Hardin
Polly Reee
Eleanor Smith
their tea; It tells about cots lh which men must
Sports Editor
The Kernel, host to the spring convention of He with their legs over the sides, because these
W. D. Dhon
Totsy Rose
Ralph Johnson
the Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association cots do not have bottoms to them. Even then
Edgar Turley Woodson Knight Lewrence Crump
Hill Luther
Marvin Wachs
J. D. Adams
extends Its warmest welcome to the delegates the officers are In danger of having their boots
G. Ij .Curtis
and expresses pleasure that It can entertain gnawed by rats. It is rather Interesting to
those students of the state who are Interested know that men stay for weeks In the trenches
Fannie Curie Woodhead
Davis Rankin
R. C. Sheriff points out
In journalistic endeavor for such a progressive without undressing.
Gertrude Evans
Edythe Reynolds
that these human being during the war are
and beneficial gathering. Without undue modREPORTERS
esty, The Kernel, feeling that you who arc frightened by the extreme quiet rather than
Harry Varlle
Eleanor Dawson
the continual cracking of shells. Again it is
Buford Dph