xt77wm13nm5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13nm5t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1932 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 09, no. 04, 1932 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 09, no. 04, 1932 1932 2012 true xt77wm13nm5t section xt77wm13nm5t ‘  W ’  ·`
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V   {   — Ofilclal Organ ot the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky ,  
 ji? n Published Monthly, except July and August, on the Campus of the University, at Lexington   AS
 ii  1  i—4;   .
I   A Volume IV. MAY, 1932 Number g     ggrgé
  Enterrd as Second Class Matter at 1‘~·- Postofnce at Lexington, Ky. May 22. 1929. under the Act of March 3, 1879 i    
 ‘ ' ‘   kl 7
  l BlC'l"I`Y Hlll.l~Z'l"l`, .30 ____   I _ . l·Zlll'I`(r);r)nr7W->—>4rA WI    
i     I Hl·Zl.l·ZN KING, `25 ,.,.,.. \SSlS'l'.·\Nl` l·Zlll'l`()R   grogx.
'   i A l).·\l‘l.lNl·Y HARAIOX. V35 ..... S'I`liDl~iN'I` l·1lil'l`()R   ’2 an
A 1  i '   `   dl
 ·¢ · Exacurive coivrmrrrnr   gm _
 A}  _ % orrrcnas or THE ALUMNI Assocmrion w.c.xvi1Se¤·ia, Dr. E. c. Elliott oz, Lune regains   gl?
.  A ~ LEON K_ FRANKELH »OO _ _ _ president Dr. G§o1.lH. Wils0uI;04, Wayland Rhoads 'le, Walter   Ofahi
{ A ;. . A mss SARAH BLANDING, ·2s . vice-President I1   §;_é`{Ig;§,!B?,;;Ef;;°F0g16·   gram
, 2 ;, ' JAS. S. SHROPSHIRE, ‘29 . Secretary-Treasure! Marguerite McLaughlin, ‘03  _1 prov;
' Q     
I   .1. Snead Yager, President, Blackstone buim- :'°h“ I? ?““°°}‘» ,P'°si!*°¤*·_‘*12 Dixie T"-  
I  if 1 ing, Ashland, 11*;*1% lgligmg. gincuginatié Ohio.  
_   1 . . e um, ice- esi ent.  
i  22 ; ATLANTA ALUMNI CLUB Cm R‘°f"“‘~ S°°'*’>m'Y·  
  z. Lawton Daley, Treasurer, 2111 Eastern Ave,  
I  ‘·?‘ Warren Clare, President, care Clare & Co., COVlIlg't0Il, Ky.  
I   _ Bona Allen building.  
    . John Marsh, Vice-President, 463 Electric Bldg CLEVELAND ALUMNI CLUB  
( E; R, L, Porter, Secretary-Treasurer, 1310 At- R- E. Clark, President, 1388 East 101st St.,  
, E Iatita. Trust C0. Bldg. Cleveland, ()hi0_  
Q Y C. R. McClu , S t -t  
3   BELL COUNTY CLUB P8 €CI'€ Z.I'y l'82.Sl1I`8l'.  
1 A Pilxirjillfiggge W McKee, Secretary, Box 66, Margumm McLaughlin, President, 226 East  
    ’ ‘ M1}IWB'll·St.§ J. E. Parker, Jr., ’20, vice-president.  
E   BIRMINGHAM ALUMNI CLUB VIYEIHIR Bfiyil, Secretary, 119 Waller Ave.  
    J. M. Sprague, President, Box 66, Ensley, Ala. LOUISVILLE CLUB  
i ig S. C. Ebbert, Vice-President, 231 Brown-Marx Bell Garr King, ’28, President,  
  3 building, Birmingham. Levi O. Coleman, ’14, Vice-President.  
,   A. B. Haswell, Treasurer, Box 1174, Birming- 0Scar J. Stoesser, ’28, Secretary,  
    ham, Ala,. D- (“DUd”) O. Williams, ’27, Treasurer,  
‘ Q C. G. Bl k 1 , 1>· ·.1 z;    ·  
{ .. g I ·  ji?
  ‘ ·~* ~| .

 \ *. _· .
    R ° of Cl
    AS this issue or our Alumnus goes the former students living in Lex- cmnley Elliott, chairman or the
W   _ to pressv rnany' plans are · going illgtilll. 9;l1ldd3l;\’3YSl§f13·¤Y of thgln program and banquet committee, is
cl Q ,; ,— through their final stages plepara- HI‘€ OH BU OY 3 DaI‘tS of 8 going to have attractive souvenir
—     tory fo the entertaining of all the Dl`0gl`8~m- programs, and says he is going to
gi;   i alumni who are going to Y€tUI`¤ to This year has so far been a very See that Mr. Hlllenmeyer steps
  3 the campus at tl‘liS I`€l1I`ll0Il Um€· successful one as far as the Alumni things up to a snappy, short, good
LTL, For several months letters and Association is concerned, 1-landi- time.}
"   r notices have b€€Il gfilllg Out of this capped by the lac}; of funds, the R€·g1stI`atiO1‘1 Wil] come first on
Y · Office relative to the d3t€$ and tbl? work has been carried on in a Mbig Alumni Day, JUNE 4, This yvlll
  program for the classes Clldlflg Ul way" by the agsgcigtion ()ffjc€rg_ EBKE pl8&C€ 1H ·lLl“l€ Alumni QfIi1C8,
i _ *2 and ’7_ and BUY and all old Active in the support of the uni- 3S€ITl€l1 ACi1’I111‘11StI`3t1OI‘l building,
-——~ 2 graduates that will again stroll the versity in the late state legislature, You Will also slit Y0U1‘ b3¤€1U9t
U walks for a short. visit tothe school The executive committee has car- tickets here Noon Saturday will
»¤’13 i that gave them the opportunities ried on. meeting each month. Many be given over to class luncheons
'““°’ ‘ Of higher education. Now, all pro- towns in Kentucky where alumni The class or ’02, Clyde Grady and
~ It grams are ready for your final ap- live were visited by someone of the Mat Clay are planning a luncheon;
F. ` proval. W. C. Wilson, class of '13, officers, and much interest in the the class of ’07, the class that has
  has written to all the former stu- school revived, and in some instan- been planning for this occasion
i A  ‘
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F dents of the classes reuning and ces the alumni were aroused to the since last _ Septémbél. 15 30mg D
- · -· ‘ ‘ manent have a big party Saturday “°°n‘
ug ` ¤UEIl§3r€£ls class secretaries have sent point. of organizing a D9! Howell Spears and Several Others
' _ ‘ 0U e ers to classmates urging group. _ _ · €_
‘ them to return for JUNE 4, 5, 6, L_ K_ Frnnkel_ ‘00, retiring pi‘€Sl· gelggls clgfbeile Iggggg aganghe
i ,` HOW l0l1g has it been since you dent of the association, is mtllilllg __ ‘ ,, ,30 ho es ` that his
Street, § ( were back on the campus? Many an earnest appeal to all tl1€ "1'€L1ll· Cgzggycggaiieét tégethir at noon Ou
g i Changes have probably been wrought ing" classes to return in l2i1`S€ Illlm- the Same day'
mhhg.     by the progressive- administration; bers, and if as many coine kgack as SUIOHBYS Of Coursey calm be two
z r Yetr the SZIHB traditions and many have indicated they WOl1d. lll? 95 ~ b t those who are
, of the Same faces are here and will sociation has completed D1'00¤blY ?l3C€;I$§ sgiiét gltenkl a class 1uu_ I
make your stay a joy and a bene- its most succcSSfUl Y€PU`· _ lm"? , · f th ·.
i git the Campus in its beautiful Walter Hilleiuneyeigvex utf, actégi (clliepii, will have a meeting 0 011
rl ‘·‘ ·. ·_ . t r, ·_ - ICS ia. '-
l l ¤$m“gOf&$§.Ey‘SiJ¥€i‘§’§fit“§§ui§i ;§3i.EfEC§“ZI3i“i£€ téfifilts     F<>¤¤wi¤e lee lugggeggs gg S3;
1 ' Year of class reunions at the Uni- He says he is §0iU€i to limit me m`day' all allmn d Mrs Mcvey
* ' Verstiy of Kent lr · Q f - aeygys to fifteen minutes guests of Pr€S1d€¤t all ·
erstatc § . , _ UC y. _ Since the b.- wo spca . _ td t _ for tea in the afternoon at the
Chew _ gmmllg of class reunions four years each. ClU$S0$ will be Sea E O _ . t. lome On the campus, l
?g0_th€ idea h3,S gl`O\V]`l [,0 be gl] g€th€l' at tl`l€ ballqllet, and the Vtray pleslden S 1 f Ou  
: l¤St1tution and .— isses are Corning Maxwell Place. Those 0 Y _
' Bach yew 18 1°°k€d Some Of me C a` · ll f the universtlv be-
"""/ f°lW¤1‘dto by faculty and unlver-sit bqek it looks like the hotel will re- left the we S 0 _ ~
, students alike. It means muchi tg litre the days of former years. D1`- iC°““““€d °“ Page Fw`?)
I 7

   T  3i   _
T  ill  .
2: 6 { .
    ° Pl C l I  
r   if Class Reunion ans omp e c   I
J l l ,T .; 
i   Ei By W. C. Wilson, Chairman  
  `t At last we are able to announce of one talk—the Honorable James we make a special effort to lm,   T.
 it   the complete plans for the 1932 Park, ’l5, who is now Common- the 2·and 7 classes come back,.b,y; -2;;
  l class reunions. The following is a wealtlrs attorney of Fayette Coun- we_w1sh to extend a cordial nm.   Thy
· ‘ i·.;   brief outline; ty ,will deliver this adress. There tation to all alumni of our Umm.   _ fl;
  ` Friday, June 3 Senior Ball will be special music numbers, sity, Whether grad of former sit.   gig Sm
 {EZ   Saturday, June 4 Alumni Day, in- group singing iand Ivgelhope to hayg xg?. grae mvaititezvalgllgagllygulrmxglit   Alum]
,   C · ; a dance. Wa er 1 enmeyer W · _ C  
. ·      ll:00—Registration in Ad- be toastmaster and the President knew that they Wlll be heartily   ggyi;1
  Tg mimstmmn Bui1ding_ will wglggmg the visitors to the ;r&;el;1iiegi;f1tl§;elyiOll1nd that they can   mum
‘ “ -:i·.a Y - - oll r Universi . · se, 
_         12'30 Class luncheons, Su;. B,. WB h3.§€ tI`l€d to SEE 3.SlCl€ Dl€UtY ····—·—*"*;**‘;"~   Slug]
  jj _? of time when old friends may min-   id T
V Q   E Alumni Banquet gle and review old times and hap- TO3StIn3,St€r  . gland
2 ;._ { penings. Those members of the re-   Mmm
; Z ‘ 2 S]§)€2lk€l` 1ll1l9ll elesses 97*19 ere 119W 1`esminei - ·-l:-: LS ·.=: ZT -;:...:;   »=:‘= T e:¤* 2.T.§i`¥*:E.’=iii‘?¤.§i.§@52fz%¢¥e%§:e:  ’> to gl
 if T T in Lexington are Dienhing te ferm   l V ThE
T  5 T T: ~ —»-— —-—~~ - — themselves inte e reeeetlen eem·    < for E,
1  7 l     inittee Whleh will ele lhstelbllly lll     cial f
~  P _»:= ;@§f¥l;ee"i‘i.; .....   lnereesine the eleesnre el ell re- %i%@%2%2é@%*     in tw
, . . .       ¤:» i,. turning ellmnl. This eemmlttee     ij  1930
T  =   T . ;‘“ ` M   Will be en the eembtls t9 esreet   I     ,.€m{i.
·   T 5 T‘’_;=   their eiessmetes. tell them ebellt     e2 
I   ( `     their eless luneheens, and furnish       .W·
T     .,_.;;   elly ether l1lf9l1lle9191l· Ae Y911   `i‘*¥i?i?i*i’$i;·=¤§;.;..T' ~`‘`." *’ T‘i°`    m R`
. ;*  T 7;-  knevv. members ef the einsses ef     i`  make
.  #1 *1 · {   1877 1882. 1887 1992. 1997 1992·   lzl   I  M9
2   . T TZ l   1997- 1912· 1917 1922 1927 and 1939     bw
T T E, .§   ere te he Weleehiee heme in June   4  f§y’
= m i;   President McVey end Mrs. Me-     ‘ B (
_     ’*’T   Vey are inviting all returning alum-     Blam
1  ii 1   nl te tee et Melrweii Piece et 4 D-m.     mst
r   T ‘ ,..i   senrreev. June 4.     Km
.   1   Reverend WT E. Ellis. Dester ef     ~~`~. °°m
Y     the Chlletlell Cbllreb et Paris. KY-.     WI
i     ;__ _ hes been asked te deliver the here-   --..C Qijii Ti  Of 8
T l ¤r . ‘   eeleereete serrnen. Reverend Ellie    2 heel"
l T i?“?? ‘ =`  is well kn0W11 fer his splendid ad-     °°a9(
1 3.   ‘‘eT·.  ; dresses end eleeslne rnenner.     wee
2    " " Q    L The C9llllllell<>elllellt sbeekel‘ Will       glgmg,
i   Q   -.·;¤   re eur president, Deeter Mevey.   _..;T=         ·
1   JK    =T‘ ,.7* A11 ef you who were in sensor be-     le  Tr
 ` gt:           the   have ‘-·> '»‘-·»   T.;.;.; ..   __5;;;::;;;:;ip;-;····-‘·*‘    O:
{ _ ` ‘ something to look forward to if you T Tf  lllle
- gs , JAMES mm, us hive never new nm. And tim-. WALTER “‘LLENMEYE“· “   giver
;   __ ______.i;. W 0 h5lV€ heard him will not want     10
L E to miss hearing this address. ·   Hist
; g luncheon, and annual Stroller Letters have been Sent to an 1’REe111ENT MCVEY T9 S*’E’“‘   oin
¥ e meeting. members of the reunion classes, . · le  the men
Q    2:30 to 4;0O—Visits to Campus llfglllg them to 1`€iil1I‘I`l, and replies thgriillgévigk   10
-   4:00-Tea with President and from these letters have been very tm. cmwes gof the Various h5g; _Fr5*- llllti
  E _ Mrs, McVey at Maxwell Place. encouraging. It is expected that ,Ch%O1S.”“   (Till
j Q I 6;30—Annua1 Alumni Banquet Zi? the number Of Old grads and former o ' 90,  10
; é the Phoenix hotel. students returning will exceed a May 19—CmT°ut°n; May In  (lllh
l g Sunday, June 5 Baccalaureate. thousand. A few of the classes are Midway; May 24`"G1`ayS°P’ JSE,.   19
l   , T Faculty Tea in University Club working on a kind or contest, each —Eeete1`11 $tele Tee911e1”S ee E;  Alur
_ it M room, Mcvgygall. _ P d class. trying to have the largest pei-- li/E1§eSV?@$i;&°;;910;*I$$li1 a‘g1‘;,‘3§sS,,,    
 T e l ‘é“?.?.¥;.i‘é‘Q.$m. ““““   "" €§£.§5§g1“a.a€§8“de?e9’ time hee reeeners ent or nnvenrr [1  it
e · T O , Gy Calm, O S OW . . . i le?
T Q t _ ' Universty Luncheon in Commons, `which class has more of the old Cmcmnami June 6'”C°mmm`  (T11
l   [ McVey Hall. college spirit. The class of *07 is try- ment et U- K·   19
’ · Annual Alumni Association meet- ing to win the distinction or having —?—‘1""'“   9l`<>i
i ing. the greatest percentage back, It Elizabeth Smith, ex ’30, has lll9‘j §§s Glas
  ; $ No set program will be arranged looks now as if they will win in a ed to Lexington after livlllg (“‘  1C
{ Q ° for the class luncheons, but each walk. years in Corbin, Kentucky.   feel
_. i class will get together at noon, to There is one thing which we wish -————-*·‘   l(
 _ ‘.—i reminisce, spin yarns, and tell of to make clear. The class reunions P. T. Ecton, ’29, agricultural ilgtlg gj (Til
° ·i such experiences as they may are held ,not only for the 2 and '7 for the I. C. R. R., was a viSlt9lj, §; if
l ih choose. classes, but for all alumni of the the alumni office during tlrel1e .;;?;5 and
.     The banquet program will consist University. This is the year that month. `   Chg
2 ei  
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L ` 1 *1  
' at Ti ·  E9
  = ii _ .| __

   2 T`} Cyn ? .  
i ~ -   ti
. | {  
— éi i
  _   march and welcome the new alum-      1
ir  Aluulnl Programa      »?h·tx  £:&;?our ranks. WILL YOU BE   t
"` /. [   ’*;V e  T00 much can hardly be said at *L A
$0 have ` To BB Broadcast fx  j"   this time of year when interest is   t ’
l Mk, bu: ,_‘“ 1 ;     fumling high, in graduation and re- Z- f `
rdial ima. `g  I _ _ .  AS b, d t_ 4    .__V» ,   unions, for we are prone to forget   ·
ur Univer.   _ This ls i;1am%IgliV€1_Sity’Of1:§`E;€§c_ '   f /_     Very soon after leaving our Alma. fi
Hmm Sm Aihy  ll i;I;gs£;i$e§?os St Lexington. Tune in ~ _     ». `'», E”;f Mater th°$€ who h¤V€‘ done much   . ~
’§Efm.§“§   _~¤m¤¤ rgreggg gjggguyglog? h it      §3¤2€}§s€“ih%’i§$£e0fTie }§f§‘J..{?   l l
2 heartily   0** ugge  May 2.3, with a special   i —      pus, with its pretty walks and beau-     .  
tt they can N; gglnion pgégmm Sponsored by thc, _  V _y .,,,_   tgul trees. Or do we actually lose .. .
__   Alumni Association. The time will  2% ·   View   nlgss r€k§’1§51%*;;YanEihi7v G sgglg . g
`   be 11;30 to 12 p.m. Eastern Stand-   4;%     t b . _ ;
er   ed Time 1¤=3°w¤ pm Cem]     ‘     c?as§.a2i2“1‘$dr‘§‘ak2fu§1$..,.f,‘3i§.2.11*;  
  standard Time; 9:30 .tO 10 p‘m'    {F  r/  [ baok for 2, real enjoyable visit ~  
  ,_._. . ....,.,,   M°u¤tam Standard Tlmer wd 8:30     Y?   Any school is just as stron as Y
‘.‘i$‘.?·¤2?i:PF?¥i$$?l?$f y .·A`    . t° 9 P·m· Pacific Standard T1m€‘ ’i!§F~ "@ J T. the alumni supporting it- thereiore J { V
 ’§Q2V¤gE:=.;;_;_QZZ?§§§§€f;‘   The program has been planned =~ lab We must an contribute   few mm;   ‘ 
    for every U. K. Alumnus with spe- V . . ‘ g
 ’ 5Ei%§i;€§-F..5§?E;Yi   cial features for the classes ending DEAN F' PAUL ANDERSON Utes thought. and a.htt1€ mm`? Bach L'
w_,,_  __  .___.., H  _ year to the institution that started   .
ii?5ziE$E5€iEEE¤; ‘;  °L.»· iiiéz   m two and Seven and the Class Of —-·—--——-;-———~———— us, Think what Support that woum ·;·
    1930, all of which are scheduled for _ _ be if all Curr 7000 ad t 1 a _ Q
§E§E§E¢E;E¤21§¢E¤E¤; ¢E:§i`    . · · 10:58 Closin theme explanation . · , gr ue es Mme   . ·
.;.;.::2.%;.     1eun1ons this June. _ E i would do ust tm Th th . Q »
2:2:;:2:2:2:2:;:;%; .;;;S;¤;;£;    . . 7 and closing error. J S· an em are e—
 ;¤;:;: ;¤ ;;;g;g§  Q  W. C. Wilson, chairman of Alum- The Blue and White Orchestra is many more thousands that are pg .
    m R‘*“‘“.°“s· ‘S W°“F‘“g md ”° composed or University students wai t¤ the Sm€¢0m1Hg from Jlms and former Students who are d0_ though they did not finish its I l
    3to 6 inclusive, the biggest and · T · - courses. It is entirely tme that r t 
~ .~.· ·__;;;;;$;.;;    . . . _ nating their services to make this .  
¢;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;·    best m the history of the Univer- program 3 Success and the K€ntuC_ our UNIVERSITY is it state sup- r » 
    ii? me this “F“° *”°g“mr umm ky Cardinals is yalso a group or Pmed i¤Sm¤¤<>¤» bw it is am li .
;;;;;;;;;;;¤;;;¤    · e chairmanship of Dean Sarah Universit bo S who are wm their true that the alumni, moze than q l
    Blanding, is going to be one of the Services ywgéle Cartel? hegd rar anyone else, know and appreciate ig; ,
 _%§§§;g§j§;i§§§§§g§£   most interesting features of an ad- . ' y ’ . . its great work. Only strong alumni ZF _
 .;,;.;;;.;;.;.;.;;».; ·...~ S _- . . dio announcer at the Umversity . . . . gf
 pz:ae2s2·ae;=;»2e2=;e;e;.   Va“°" campalgn t° mduce YOU tO studies and Harris Sullivan con- °rgamZa°‘°“S Cam lmst that the   g
    °°‘“‘* “°““’ · mi tpmtm-, are other students to glglgergltvheetjl the Staigi Sugvgy e . r 
 iiE2":E:¥:;:$$2`;E;?¥ Vi?  0fVzIg§Sk.?§€rit€S (md a hfmqugncy whom the Alumni owe their thanks mid; nc Y Eserves an S0 a Y {E ’
  ».-.. i-·tE‘   1 CYC BS an as €€¤ · 1;* tn · `bl . L. . 3 '  
    heard as far west as fhs Pacific {Sing? a(_`;,n@\,11Zf§‘ ¥Z£$$$?§Y Yfisslthee A mt at new Spark °f me 9**1   ·
   Q <=¤¤st sv ¤1¤¤ t¤ stay at home the University Egttehsien studios, nas 1°V"~ new “‘t*°’¥"’$tr MW “q“a“?‘ ii .
  lift  evening of May 23 and have the cooperated with the committee in tances, a growing Alma Mater will l 1
    mlm Of hwi¤e y¤¤r Alma Mater making this program interesting result mn? a few days SPM at % 1 ·
    <>¤ the aw and attractive. mss i€¤¤*°¤S· WE WANT YOU i —
    The_¤r¤g~·m mm: (rms is -—--—-— §;;‘§§.·TOYg§jERAN§,L*;IS1;]S;&RN{..*;¤“g“°1$I .   =
sym: ’11   · T mg ·° B SC E “ O —— crm MAKE THE PILGRIMAGE? s 
’   gwel? above) (Continued from page 31 ____;_ y i j
  H.10'30 Theme Song (Along the fO1`€ DI'. MCV€y came will h2lV€ all DEAN ANNDERSON T0 SPEAK    
0 SPEAK   lghway Of I-·°V€)—B1¤€ and Wh1t€ opportunity to meet and know the · 1
_  E3?  gQ§°“"a md ‘°p€m“g a“¤°“¤°€· educatm and ¤¢¤¤¤mis¤» Fwd his neat F. Paul Anderson nas been Q f
y will mei?  mm Blue and White O1_Ch€St1_a  ohai‘m11}g W1f€. Whv afs guidlng 0¤i` chosen as one oi the speakers on   r
to HYad‘}t   and K t . 1¤S*i1@¤U0¤· _ _ the Alumni Radio Broadcast, Mon- 2 y
irious ht ? (TumF3lgggseg?1;d}ggai;0§?a1`t€tt€ H     bshghgngiig day_ May 23. Dean Anderson is `   1
  l0i34 Orchestra and Iquarette bgnquet As previously statéd W6 Fry inxuiliqs that many afluneilm I-il ` x ‘
M 20-   · ~ urn or e reunions an W1 ‘ 1
VSOIEYJUW   €¤l;18e3Ff0rTclass ot>190'7> program will be very short and fr have a special message for them. g
are Collezf-   Ammus ‘¥°U ‘?“¤}*F€ speech by "big time will be had by ¤11"· We know that all alumni will be · 2
June     10:39 C; ¤1Y€1S1iiy. i 'Sunday afternoon all old gmds 3TB interested in hearing him.  
laddrcsstt p (Tu chestw and qumette, urged to attend the baccalaureate .._.;-—..—- {
. sity gf   UB for class of 1912) S€]‘I]]()]]‘ to be held in Memorial ENGINEERS- DAY MAY 25 ?
mver me   10**2 Ofchéstra and quartette, Hall Monday graduation day, will ...   { i
"C°mm€   (illgée f0r class of 1917) bg Q lively Ocgasion for new and old Dean F. Paul Anderson, of the    
  0_ h·45_ S*¥9·U0n announcement and grads alike, The parade will as- College of Engineering, University I . A ‘
mov  cic estia and quartette, (Tune for Sgmblg and ma.;-eh to the Alumni of Kentucky, today announced that X 4
?0* .h?S N;  i%S_4°f 1922) _ gymnasium where the exercises will the annual engineers day would be i ?
lwmg 5i  ‘ 8 TWO minute speech by be held, The alumni that are here observed at the college May 25. _ L 
*°ky‘   faculty m€mb€1`· always have a space reserved in the The public will be welcome to z ’
""  El i  10:50 O1'°h€$@1‘a sud quartette, parade and march with the faculty visit the college during the after- ‘ I
¤“>¤Y**l_“g€LQ.E*  (T¤¤€f<>rc1asses 1927 and 1930) and students to the ceremonies. noon of that day according to | ·
i Q   $**33 _SD€¤i&1ty number by Blue Reserve Seats await those that take Dean Anderson. and all shops and ·  
mg Q.   10_56hl§F O1`Ch9St·1`¤- part in the procession. You are departments of the college will be , i
 `-5;; mesh O¤· OD U. Of K."—-Or- expected to be on hand in time to open for inspection. Work of the V . 
  ra and qu¤1`t€¥3©€. take your place in the line of students will be on display. ; `
  » t
  l l i
 t · l

 ;. gf. 'f'  ·   ,'_ ·. A ' l
t l   . i
 ta 2 l .
4 g=_l J  .
y   `,·,     is KENTUCKY ALUMNUS j 
    Ed · 1  
    1l1OI‘1é1 S  
 EE »l   ]
  if;   1001*1-I ANNIVERSARY principal of the Greenville P1·esby— University of Kentucky for lunch. ¥_;;  SUM;
·* {QQ ‘ CELEBRATION terial Academy, at Greenville, Ky. eon at the University Commons   U_ K
    .é.. UIIQBY h1S d11°€CC10I1 tihé school gI`€W i (jgrdgn W€]]s, Gggpgja, School Oi  
= ·g}, g A1; the last meeting of the Execu- until both he and his brother were Technology, and William F_ Pm ,.5 A E
 _· Y tive Committee of the Alumni A5- engaged to teach. After that, he nary, Tulane University, were the   Smde
l   i, soeiation, it was decided to b€€l¤ taught for Svme Years at T1`¤¤SYl· speakers at the second business ses.   and 1
  »_ plans for celebration of the 100th vania College in Lexington. Later, sion' ··Stud€m Publications and gf; be Of]
K ¥  .·.i * i anniversary of thé birth ef PFW- he taught at Sayre Institute and Edirenei Pi-eb1ems·· was Mr. writ   lucky
    ; dent James Kennedy Patterson. the Agricultural College, while subject and Myne Honor System?   Jung
. li   , President Patterson was b01`I1 OH teaching at Transylvania. was the topic Of ML Penneys M_   teach
 f} , the 26th day of March, 1833, in the The organization of the A & M dr8SS_ The delegates witnessed th,   Cours
Q V   Parish of Gorbels, Glasgow, S<>0t— College was made definite in l8§6. mtemational tennis exhibition 0,   grade
 ~f  Q   land, the first of six children b01`1'l James Patterson became 1ts hthird the University courts late Friday   Wism
_  Tg · to the union of Andrew and Janet president in 1869, and held this po- afbemoon   lgsst
, ,  `A 4 Kennedy Patterson. sition until 1910. He fought for . _.   ed` O
    ° Y In the spring of 1842, Andrew the University at all times. He t€;Fh0€fU3;]1$;;gtg (géignggky challé   Work,
  2 and Janet Patterson decided, due has been called the "Builder of a the mens Student coumglm on  i at th
l g to the difficulty of finding employ- Great Universtiy". hosts to the dem ams at a dmiell   CO,
J  ment, to emigrate to America. AC- President Patterson had many dance at the Liga Emi hotel aslf   regull
E i `. Z — eordingly, the family took p3.SS3g€ trials and hardships in his term of dclock Frida m gt There Wl   only
a  2 L on the Perthshire on April 26th and President. However, it is due to another busigess gseésion of     grade
i   landed in New York h&rb0l‘ 011 his great work at the beginning of convention at 9_3O dclock Sat dj   and ;
Q  L;  V June 19th. Afer many hardships the history of the University that m 1_ in in 1_ mh 314 U i gl     in ty
- , 2  — in New York, Janet Pattel‘SOH’S has been an aid in helping those brzrn Evhen Oofficerg wgrgelglytl   train]
; , , ` · j brother, William Kennedy, furnish- of later years to carry on and make They; was a motor tour Ofectgt   ali si
,   ` ed money for a farm which they of it a still greater institution. Blue rags re ion for th deh? ate:   _-_  wish
` ; S· ,_ z bought in Indiana at the high price And that is why, at this time, we Satuida aftimocn B » g ·   to Su]
I   · of $7,00 per acre. William Kenne— are making plans to have a. great _ y ‘   receiw
i  fl _ dy also furnished the transporter celebration next year. We hope _Offlool oolagoos lo the oom’€ll‘   in in
; rg . _ tion money. that many alumni will return to ¤¤¤ were Umvefslty ¤f_Al¤l>¤m¤,   plieeu
·g ‘ James Kennedy Patterson learned pay homage to the memory of this E·   G· Branch ·lI`·§_ UHIVBTSIW Ol ii  ceive.
.   , many practical lessons from the great man on the 100th anniversary Flol`loa» Wllllom _HoYm ooo Solm   Some
, _; farm life. The nearest school WaS of his birth, a man who helped so C· Ivosi Bll`ml¤gham‘SoUlh€m-   By
` » too far away for him to attend, S0 much in the moulding and making Cloroooo Glov ol` ooo Komlell   the 1
  he learned what he could from the of our University of Kentucky. Goa"? Tulénéy Wllllom F· Poollel   and
I . mm, from his mother, and from .-1-- Nerth ¤¤r¤1¤¤¤ State Mark WM fil  mgr
5 gl the few books which they possessed. sronmm LEADERS oonvsns and ¤· E- Brake: Umyerswv Pl   may
r   This training was or great vaiue AT U. or KY. Merriam, Ralph 1 Wllhamsc Mr gi  in rh
i   to him when he was called m the —— Sloslopl State, P~· 0- COX: GMM   vided
l   Presidency of an Agricultural and Representatives of student gov- Tom-, Ivan All€¤ JY· aml Gordo   atten
K   Mechanical College. He had oppor- ernment organizations of 12 south- Wells? C€¤@1‘€y Fwd Rowell: Wasllj   fund;
;-   tunities, also, to study with a neigh- ern colleges and universities at- metvn and L€€» Jam€$ CoD€la¤l`l·   the ·
{   bor, an Englishman who had a good tended sessions of the 11th annual U}11V€YS1ty of K€I1t}1CkY. G0Y