xt77wm13p99q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13p99q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19891208 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, December 8, 1989, no. 563 text The Green Bean, December 8, 1989, no. 563 1989 2014 true xt77wm13p99q section xt77wm13p99q Number 563 December 8, 1989
The Library Staff Organization Christmas Luncheon is Friday,
L December 15 from 11:30-1:30 at the Alumni House. All staff mem-
bers are invited. Members bring a dish, non-members bring a dish
and pay $3.00. (Submitted by Judy Brown.)
In addition to the general Christmas toy drive traditionally 4
· sponsored by the Library Staff Organization, this year the LSO
will collect presents specially earmarked for members of one
designated family. This family consists of a mother, father, and
three small children (ages 1, 3, and 5). Anyone wishing to con-
tribute a present to be directed to one of the family members
should contact Mary Geyer (7-8391) regarding the need, age, sex,
and size of that particular person. Undesignated toys will still ‘
be gladly accepted at the Christmas Party (Dec. 15). These will
be donated to the Community Kitchen. (Submitted by Mary McLa-
A special collection of white cotton socks will be taken up at
the Library Christmas Party (Dec. 15). These socks will be dis-
tributed to the homeless and needy through the services of the
Community Kitchen. Please bring the unwrapped socks to the party
or give them to any LSO officer (Judy Brown, Patty Hornback, Mary
Geyer, or Mary McLaren). All sizes are needed--men's, women's, ‘
and children's. (Submitted by Mary McLaren.)
R Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

A reception to honor Lil Blackburn, supervisor of the UK Libra-
ries’ Microfilm Center, will be held on Dec. 22, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
in the staff lounge of King Library—North. Lil is retiring after
more than twenty-two years of service in the UK Library system.
All library staff members are invited to attend. ’
(Submitted by Judy Sackett.)
The Office of Fire and Accident Protection would appreciate your
cooperation in reminding employees and students of the following
holiday precautions:
1. All decorations, including christmas trees, must be artifi-
cial, U.L. listed as being non—combustible.
2. Decorations shall be arranged in a manner not to obstruct
exits, emergency lighting, or corridors.
’ 3. Do not use open flame such as candles. Smoking is not per-
mitted around decorations. j
4. If a fire strikes-—evacuate the buildigg and dial 333.
5. All decorations in campus buildings must be removed prior to lg`
the holiday vacation.
Make "SAFETY" a holiday tradition! Beware of fire hazards when
decorating for the holidays. Limit your toast-—never drive while ‘
under the influence of alcohol. Drive with extra care in holiday ·
traffic and on wintry streets and roads. Be sure to "BUCKLE-
UP"! Put "SAFETY" at the top of your holiday list and select ·
toys and gifts with safety in mind. -
If you have any questions, please contact:
The Office of Fire and Accident Prevention
Phone: 257-6326
. . .   *~*¥*!~*‘¤*» .
The UK Computing Center will be offering two ,cl@sses of interest
to librarians and staff members using BITNET. ...=.. On January 29 and
30 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in Room 103 of Movey Hall, Introduction to
2 ,

 VM/CMS and XEDEE will be presented. It i· 2 tvo-session ··V{ class.
On January 3l from 2:00-4:00 p.m., lEgrEg;g;EgE“_;o Electronic
Mail on the IEE will be offered in Rexx iT”. Iii; is a class in
how to use BITNET. If you are interested in either class, you
can call 7-ukcc and leave a message on HZai" ’‘‘~ ‘`·. éMX. They will
confirm your registration within five days *g ,3; _·.· 2, These pre-
sentations are most helpful to the novioe ;4»_, Anyone who is
interested is encouraged to attend. (Sutmittoi 27 Teri Keller.)
The Twenty-seventh Annual Clinic on Library lynn; ations of Data
Processing will be held March 25-27, 1990 at xna University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Sponsored by the Graduate School
of Library and Information Science, the to;,c of the clinic will
be "Artificial Intelligence and Expert Syyt ms Will They Change
the Library?" Registration is $l95 00. Fov fw· ner .:. information,
contact Annetta Holt at 217-333-3250.
The University of Kentucky Women Writers Cwwiexewue announces its
12th Annual Conference March 28-31, IQQO at the UR Student Cen-
ter. _The conference will feature two evenlrq theatrical perfor-
mances: a staged reading of Jo Carson‘s Egyjgj§E;and.Spiderwoman
Tht&tt<·>'S WihhtthwS.§h.ete:1QiLr$rIer..,;rr2rtr£le;e1e2.1 ..,. £¢.i;e;;;;¤ The third
evening event will be a reading by Pulitzer Prize winning poet,
Gwendolyn Brooks. Tentative plans are to prestnu discussions of _
Myths and Sources of Poetry and Fictior; Ce acrrbipp Race, Class _
and Gender in Poetry; When the World Writes tar, inblic Recogni-
tion; and Small Presses and Magazines. ww sr=i;Uay, March 31,
there will be hands-on workshops for there -h< submit work in
advance. Conference brochures will he ¢¢ejleble in February.
For further information, contact Patti ‘’`· *~°t `I,. rw, Women Writers
Conference Assistant, 106 Fraree hel _ P. I ,`ngttn, KY 40506-

The Gaines Fellowships are given in recognition of outstanding
academic performance, demonstrated independent study, an interest
in public issues, and a desire to enhance understanding of the
human condition. Ten fellowships will be awarded in the stu-
dents' sophomore year for tenure in the junior and senior years,
or for the last two years of a five—year program. They carry a
stipend of $2,000.00 in the junior year and $3,000.00 in the
senior year. The application deadline is February 7, 1990. For
information, contact the Gaines Center for the Humanities, 257-
The New York State Library is seeking applications for its five
1990 Research Residency awards. They are offered to recognize
and encourage individual research, especially relating to the
1, history, culture, environment, and public policy of New York
State, and to promote the use of the Library's collections in
scholarly research. Application deadline is December 15, 1989.
» For information, call James Corsaro (519) 474-5963.
,. ABOVE_AND BEYOND permanent part of our recruit-
, _ V ment package.
'· The following letter was re- Andre, I want to thank you
“ ceived by Andre Kinney, OIR, also for your helpfulness and
I from Michele D. Ripley, Direc- professional courtesy. I know
I tor of Public Relations for the my request for a finished
College of Fine Arts: product in just over one week
L was a tall order. But you
A Many, many thanks for all of handled it with ease and en-
· your hard work on the College thusiasm from start to finish.
of Fine Arts Benefit video. It
was a tremendous success at our I look forward to working with
j recruiting day this past Fri- you on future College of Fine
7 day. The high school students Arts video ventures. Thanks
y were in awe of Doc Severinsen's again for all your efforts.
> abilities; you captured his
; gift so well in both the video-
g graphy and editing. I know the
i Dean wants to make this video a
1 4

 John Mitchell of Photographic ment indicated plus the page
Services received this letter of our animal use protocol
from Michael Romano of the UK application with the questions
Dept. of Oral Health Science: asked. I sure appreciate your
offer to write an article
Since I took on the respon- about methods of searching for
sibility as Editor of our Col- our next newsletter. Have a
lege journal PERSPECTIVES, I good holiday season.
have depended heavily on the
services of your unit.
This note is to express my
sincere appreciation for the This anonymous poem was found
way you have supported me. Let in the Green Bean folder:
me commend you on the quality
of the services and the un- ODE TO PAULA
usually positive and helpful
attitude of all your people. Faces vermillion, tinged with
greed, .
_ I am particularly pleased with "Three-fourths of a million is
the work Bill Wells has done what we need,"
for us. Not only is he a fine Said Upper Admin. "Go grovel
professional who really under- and plead!"
stands his craft, but addi-
tionally he is accommodating in To put these Furies then at
` every respect and under all ease,
circumstances. Recently, he She penned a thousand-page
did a color series for us of "pretty please"
our reception areas and one of To Endowment for the Eumeni-
our clinics. The photographs des.
were superb and it was a plea-
sure to work with him. And now no more by poverty
Finally, having been an ad- Librarial coffers soon shall
ministrator for many years, I be burst--
want to acknowledge your key Thanks to the skill of Pope
role in making that unit work. Paula I.
Keep it up and thanks!
The following letter was re-
ceived by Toni Powell from Ward
Crowe, University Veterinarianu An article titled "Training
i Library Staff for Automation
Thank you again for your help in a Decentralized Library
in informing our animal re- System; The University of
searchers how to best conduct Kentucky Experience" by Joanne
literature searches for alter- M. Goode and Mary M. Vass has
natives and duplication. En- been published in The South-
closed is a copy of the federal eastern Liprarian, 39/3 (Fall
regulations with the require- 1989), 97-lOl.
5   I

Caro1’ Marsh--President Emeri- Trudy Day--Collection Develop-
tus' Office. ment.
Fraley, Ruth A. and Bill Katz, eds. Finance, Budget, and Manage-
ment for Reference Services. New York: Haworth Press, 1988. ~
[Z711 .F55 1988]
National Online Meeting: Proceedings of the Tenth National Online
Meeting, New York, May 9-11, 1989. Medford, NJ: Learned Informa-
tion, 1989. ‘
[Z699 .A1 N37O 198912
j Richardson, John, Jr. and Jinnie Y. Davis. Academic Librarian-
1 ship Past, Present, and Future: A Festschrift in Honor of David
Y Kaser. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1989.
  » [Z675 .U5 A317 1989] (Submitted by Rob Aken.)
  Staff Asst. VII, grade 8, Catalog Librarian, Music Lib-
I Acquisitions/Accounting. Con- rary, Yale University. Sala-
. tact Ann Howell. ry: $26,250 min. Deadline:
E Library Technician VII, grade Jan. 1, 1990.
3 11, Microfilm center. Contact
Q Ann Howell.
§ Library Technician V, grade 9,
j IBM Technology Library. Con-
f tact Ann Howell. DELAWARE
f Library Technician IV, grade 8,
5 Med. Center Library, Catalog-
i ing. Contact Lynne Bowman. Asst. Librarian for Circ./Re-
Q serve, Access Services Dept.,
g Univ. of Bel. Salary: $23,288
Q min. Deadline: Jan. 15, 1990.
  6 .

Asst. Director, Research Ser- Head, Documents Div., Texas
vices, Smithsonian Institution A&M. Salary: $32,000 min.
Libraries. Salary: $57,158- »‘ Deadline: March 1, 1990.
$74,303. Deadline: Feb, 1, Reference Librarian, Documents
1990. Div., Texas_ A&M. Salary:
$23,000 min. Deadline: Jan.
’ 12, 1990. ig;
INDIANA Business Reference Librarian-
Bibliographer, Univ. of Hous-
ton. Salary: $20,500 min.
Asst. Librarian, Reference Deadline: review begins im-
Dept., Ind. Univ. Salary: mediately.
$23,400 min. Deadline: Jan. 1, Social Sciences Reference Lib-
1990. rarian/Bibliographer, Univ. of
Houston. Salary: $20,500 min.
Serials Librarian, Purdue Univ. Deadline: review begins im-
Salary: $23,500 min. Deadline: mediately.
Dec. 31, 1990. Sciences Reference Librarian-
Bibliographer, Univ. of Hous-
ton. Salary: $20,500 min.
Deadline: review begins im- V
· MISSOURI mediately.
Head of Access Services, Univ.
of MO-Columbia. Salary: VIRGINIA
$25,000-30,000. Deadline: Jan.· '
15, 1990.
V Reference/Education Librarian, Head, Preservation Section, VA
Univ._of MO-Columbia. Salary: Commonwealth Univ. Salary:
$20,000 min. Deadline: March $25,000 min. Deadline: Feb.
V 31, 1990. 5, 1990.
Lew Bowling, editor and typist; Cecil Madison, printer.