xt77wm13qz4s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13qz4s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2004 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Kentucky Press Association's 2004 Advertising Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers text Kentucky Press Association's 2004 Advertising Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers 2004 2019 true xt77wm13qz4s section xt77wm13qz4s 7 , , ,, ‘ vii}? ,;
« ADAIR finganzsa . LAUREL NEWS JOURNAL. > 3 I’ I. 3,}: ,
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MAY 2004
. Page 2 - 2004 Advertising Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers
Brittne Ja ers/ Jenn Searc AND GARDEN Ste hanie Flowers
W e e k ly C l a S S 1 Good lbokigngg. Readeryinteradtion. First Place ~ McLean County News, Neil/axis is all about people.
Category 1 - DEPARTMENT/ Third Place - Fulton Leader, Benita Keith Bratcher/ Lynn Saffran
DISCOUNT / JEWELRY STORES Gammon/ William Mitchell Bold! Good cut out. Stands out.
Certificate of Merit - Leitchfield Record, Nice idea, beautifully done! W e e k ly C l a S S 2
Alice Farstad / Jenny Searcy Honorable Mention — Fulton Leader, Category 17 - CLASSIFIED Category 1 _ DEPARTMENT /
Category 2 - AUTOMOTIVE Well done! No Entries First Place ~ Springfield Sun, Shorty
Certificate of Merit - McLean County Lassiter/ Kim Hupman
News, Keith Bratcher/ Linda Durbin Category 11 - CREATIVE USE OF THE Category 18 — SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS Good graphic!
NEWSPAPER No Entries Second Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty
Category 3 - First Place — McLean County News, Lassiter/ Kim Hupman
HARDWARE/APPLIANCE STORES Stephanie Flowers Category 19 - BEST USE OF COLOR Good balance of art and type.
Certificate of Merit - McLean County A neat idea that should generate a lot of First Place ~ Tri-City News, Rachel Ison Third Place - McCreary County Voice,
News, Keith Bratcher/Linda Durbin entries and some income, too. Nice color usage. Not overly bright, Suzanna Martinez
Second Place — Leitchfield Record, Jenny good graphics and nice border. Decent layout, noticeable color.
Category 4 - FINANCIAL Searcy Second Place - Tri-City News, Rachel
First Place - Leitchfield Record, Debi Ad is well done and attention grabber. I Ison Category 2 - AUTOMOTIVE
Skaggs/ Jenny Searcy question the use of cardinals in a Nice border/ trees. Graphic art holiday First Place - Laurel News Journal, Rick
Color creates two messages in one head- Christmas ad. Otherwise could have appropriate. Chandler/ Terri Smallwood
line. Clever, draws eye to logo. been a first place. Third Place - Leitchfield Record, Good use of an unusual layout.
Second Place ~ Leitchfield Record, Debi Third Place - Leitchfield Record, Jenny Brittney Jaggers/ Jenny Searcy Second Place - Cadiz Record, Cynthia
Skaggs / Jenny Searcy Searcy Lots of different colors. Some dark col- Mitchell/ Jennifer Wallace
Dominates page. Not the ad as much as it was the idea of ored backgrounds make text difficult to Different shape catches eye. Good use of .
Third Place - Tri-City News, Rachel Ison helping your local food pantry that read. white space. Simplicity!
Cool artwork. deserved recognition. Third Place - Citizen Voice & Times,
Third Place - Tri-City News, Rachel Ison Category 20 - BEST AD SERIES Earline Arvin/ Tracy King
Good fun message. Category 12 - ENTERTAINMENT / First Place - Leitchfield Record, Debi Clean, easy to read. Nice use of color.
DINING Skaggs/ Jenny Searcy Honorable Mention - Citizen Voice &
Category 5 - PROFESSIONAL First Place - Leitchfield Record, Debi Shows consistency in font and theme. Times, Alanna Aldridge/ Lisa
SERVICES Skaggs/ Jenny Searcy Second Place - McLean County News, Baber/ Cindi Cusick
First Place - Leitchfield Record, Debi Nice use of birthday cake graphic to lay Keith Bratcher / Lynn Saffran Nice use Of color.
Skaggs/ Jenny Searcy behind text. Eye catching. Consistant in message. Honorable Mention - McCreary County
Calm and soothing background. Quick Second Place - Tri-City News, Rachel Third Place - McLean County News, Voice, Suzanna Martinez
read for packges. Ison - Jessica West Bratcher/ Linda Durbin Great layout! Good use of key graphic!
First Place - Tri—City News, Rachel Ison Photo background sideways give cre- Catchy headlines.
Good headline treatment. ative twist. Nice faded background. Category 3 - HARDWARE/ «a ,
Second Place - Leitchfield Record, Debi Third Place - McLean County News, Category 21 - GENERAL APPLIANCE STORES :
Skaggs / Jenny Searcy Keith Bratcher/ Linda Durbin MISCELLANEOUS First Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty
Good use of artwork. Graphic art good. First Place - McLean County News, ' Lassiter/ Kim Hupman .
Third Place - Leitchfield Record, Debi Keith Bratcher/ Lynn Saffran Good use of color, an attention getter! i
Skaggs/ Jenny Searcy Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS Second Place - McLean County News, Second Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty -
Nice tie-in between headline and art. First Place — Tri-City News, Rachel Ison Keith Bratcher/ Linda Durbin Lassiter/ Kim Hupman
Good color and background of school Touching. Good graphic. Urged me to shop at Ace
Category 6 - FOOD, DRUG, LIQUOR sports and functions. All ads sharp, real- Second Place - McLean County News, for Christmas.
Certificate of Merit - Tri-City News, ly good make up! Keith Bratcher/ Linda Durbin Third Place - Cadiz Record, Cynthia
Rachel Ison Second Place - McLean County News, Touching! Mitchell/ Jennifer Wallace
Keith Bratcher Third Place - Tri-City News, Rachel Ison Clean, good use of reverse. Good
Category 7 - FURNITURE Ad borders simple and to the point. Bold, clean stands out. graphics. Good headline.
First Place - Leitchfield Record, Debi Great layout. Third Place - Tri-City News, Rachel Ison .
Skaggs / Jenny Searcy Third Place - Tri-City News, Rachel Ison Bold and clean really stands out. Category 4 - FINANCIAL .
Exciting” Front page pictures are sharp. Good ad First Place - Grayson Journal Enquirer,
Second Place - Leitchfield Record, Debi layout. Category 22 — SPORTING Mara Harlow
Skaggs/ Jenny Searcy Goods/ Athletics Simplicity at its best!
Clean and orderly. Category 14 — GROUP PROMOTIONS First Place - McLean County News, Second Place - Cadiz Record, Cynthia
Certificate of Merit - Tri-City News, Keith Bratcher/ Linda Durbin Mitchell/ Jennifer Wallace ‘
Category 8 - REAL ESTATE Rachel Ison Great use of artwork as the border! Well balanced ad.
Certificate of Merit - McLean County Third Place - McCreary County Voice,
News, Keith Bratcher/ Linda Durbin Category 15 - HOLIDAY GREETING Category 23 - SPECIAL EVENTS Staff
ADS First Place - Leitchfield Record, Jenny Exciting color! Eye-catching headline.
Category 9 ~ CLOTHING STORES First Place - Fulton Leader, Benita Searcy
First Place - McLean County News, Gammon Great use of artwork! Category 5 - PROFESSIONAL
Keith Bratcher/ Linda Durbin Nice photo of staff placed in ornament. Second Place - Leitchfield Record, SERVICES
Nice border. Nice attractive person Nice sentiment and lists staff by name! Angelia Hawkins/ Jenny Searcy First Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty
photo With dress. Second Place - McLean County News, Good use of reversed background. Lassiter/ Kim Hupman
Keith Bratcher/ Linda Durbin Third Place - McLean County News, Clean, simple, great graphic!
Category 10 - MULTIPLE Nice border and photo. Clean and neat. Keith Bratcher/ Lynn Saffran Second Place - Owenton News Herald,
ADVERTISER/ ”SIG” PAGE Third Place - McLean County News, Good headline. Photograph is interest- Patti Clark
First Place - Leitchfield Record, Debi Keith Bratcher/ Linda Durbin » ing. _ Simple use of color, nice layout.
Skaggs/ Jenny Searcy Evergreen border at top looks good. Too Third Place - Cadiz Record, Rebecca
Great idea, well executed. Good reader much white space. Category 25 - BEST NEWSPAPER Boggess/ Jennifer Wallace
interaction. Promotion
Second Place — Leitchfield Record, Category 16 - AGRICULTURE/ LAWN First Place - McLean County News, Continued on Page 4
2004 Advertising Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers - Page 3 53’
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Top,:left. Deb1 Skaggs and :Jenny §earcy of: the Leltchfreld Record picked v 5 2 _, 5 m? ’: :';., «W l
; up first place honors for this furnlture ad 1n Category 7. The Record bed 5 5 . 5 " 5 1 :,T 5' I : ” A; 55: , g 3
for first place honors in General Excellence in Weekly Class 1. Top, right: 5 ' :‘5 , ¢ 5* 31111311113113 ,1 ; ‘
The Fulton Leader’s Benita Gammon picked up top honors with this .3- 1 11 1? 1' I 5
Christmas Greeting. The judge commented on the nice photo and senfi- ' f .* , 5:. “ 5 1
ment of listing the staff by name. Bottom, right: Keith Bratcher and Lynn =, 2 : W” W , 1 1
Saffran took home first place for the McLean County Newsinthe General _' {3&5ng '1,I"I':537,; 1 “3’11":‘51 , , , :
Miscellaneous category. McLean County News tied with the Leitchfield ‘ _: ‘1‘”?“9?” 55553513? E
Record for first place General Excellence in Weekly Class 1. 1' '1' '11 " - ,'
‘5 ., " “i”; .. ‘1
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f Page 4 - 2004 Advertising Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers M AY ’Zflflé
: Continued from Page 2 First Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty Good use of “spooky” print.
I Lassiter/ Kim Hupman Category 16 - AGRICULTURE/ LAWN
Good use of white space. Good graphic Excellent use of white space. Simple copy, AND GARDEN Category 22 - SPORTING
1‘ and good headline. creative use of copy. First Place - Cadiz Record, Rebecca GOODS/ ATHLETICS
Honorable Mention - McCreary County Second Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty Boggess/ Jennifer Wallace First Place - Citizen Voice & Times, Cindi
‘ Voice, Suzanna Martinez Lassiter/ Kim Hupman Nice headline! Cusick/ Lisa Baber
Nice use of color; interesting idea, Second Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty Compelling color, good logo to work
Category 6 - FOOD, DRUG, LIQUOR humorous graphic. Lassiter/ Kim Hupman with, nice layout.
First Place — McCreary County Voice, Third Place - Laurel News Journal, Terri Nice graphic! Second Place - Henry County Local,
f Suzanna Martinez Smallwood Third Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty Tiffany Clark
Dynamic graphic! Photo grabs your Interesting background, orals. Lassiter/ Diane McDaniel Eye catching black and white design,
‘; attention. Honorable Mention — Owenton News good use of fonts.
'1 Second Place — LaRue County Herald Herald, Carrie Bennett Category 17 - CLASSIFIED Third Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty
News, Melissa Nalley/ Monica Hayes Great copy, not executed properly. PAGE/ SECTION Lassiter/ Kim Hupman
I Good color, easy to read. First Place - Henry County Local, Staff Nice graphic, excellent use of black and
f Third Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty Category 12 - ENTERTAINMENT / Good information box. white.
;I Lassiter/ Kim Hupman DINING Second Place - LaRue County Herald
Simple, easy to read, good shape. First Place - Tompkinsville News, Sonja News, Staff Category 23 - SPECIAL EVENTS
. Honorable Mention - Clay City Times, Carrow Categories listed clearly. First Place — McCreary County Voice,
_ Alanna Aldridge/ Cindi Cusick Simple, creative, funny. Third Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty Suzanne Martinez
't Good use of white space. Second Place - Tompkinsville News, Lassiter/ Kim Hupman Nice use of photos and artwork.
7 Sonja Carrow Second Place — Grayson Journal Enquirer,
‘; Category 7 ~ FURNITURE Great headline! Category 18 - SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS Mara Harlow
3’ First Place — Springfield Sun, Shorty Third Place - Cadiz Record, Rebecca First Place - Laurel News Journal, Terri Great headline and great visualll
‘ Lassiter / Kim Hupman Boggess / Jennifer Wallace Smallwood / Ronica Brandenburg Third Place - Laurel News Journal, Diane ~
Excellent use of color!! Nice ad design. Good use of graphics. ' Unique publication. Feltner/ Terri Smallwood
‘ Second Place - Citizen Voice & Times, Honorable Mention - Laurel News Second Place — Cadiz Record, Cynthia Very clean.
. Tracy King/ Earline Arvin Journal, Ken Moore/ Terri Smallwood Mitchell / Rebecca Boggess / Jennifer
.1 Good use of process color. Could have Theme runs throughout ad. Good use of Wallace Category 25 - BEST NEWSPAPER ’
: been first if store logo was bigger. color. Excellent package. PROMOTION V
I Third Place - McCreary County Voice, Third Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty First Place - LaRue County Herald News,
. Staff Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS Lassiter/ Kim Hupman Staff
f First Place — Henry County Local, Tiffany Great package. Excellent use of art and color. Very thor-
: Category 8 - REAL ESTATE Clark . ough compilation of materials. Unique
I First Place - Tompkinsville News, Sharon Very clean layout. Easy to read. Category 19 — BEST USE OF COLOR ads.
Barnard Second Place - Cadiz Record, Rebecca First Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty Second Place - Laurel News Journal,
Great Visual throughout ad. Easy to fol— Boggess/ Cynthia Mitchell/ Jennifer Lassiter/ Kim Hupman Ronica Brandenburg/ Terri Smallwood
1 low. Excellent photos! Wallace A happy ad.The world pops off the page, Very thorough and uniorm from page to » ..._
I Second Place ~ Cadiz Record, Cynthia Ad design nice. clean ad layout. great headline! page.
‘ Mitchell / Jennifer Wallace Third Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty Second Place - McCreary County Voice, Third Place — Cadiz Record, Vyron
S Clever, stands out! Lassiter/ Kim Hupman / Diane McDaniel Suzanna Martinez Mitchell/ Jennifer Wallace
. Third Place - Laurel News Journal, Ken Incorporated topic into ads well. Clean Soft color makes a bold statement. Good ads, series, compelling reasons to ‘
j Moore / Terri Smallwood layout. Third Place - Cadiz Record, Rebecca use this newspaper vs. others. '
; Wonderful use of color and arrangement. Honorable Mention - LaRue County Boggess / Cynthia Mitchell / Jennifer
‘ Herald News, Melissa Nalley/ Monica Wallace
.1 Category 9 - CLOTHING STORES Hayes Pastels, what a refreshing change. we e k ly C la S S 3
" First Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty Irmovative. Neat concept. Amazingly clarity. Category 1 - DEPARTMENT/
Lassiter/ Kim Hupman Honorable Mention — Carrollton News DISCOUNT / JEWELRY STORES
Great idea! Creative! Needs work on Category 14 - GROUP PROMOTIONS Democrat, Carla Kidwell First Place - Pulaski News Journal,
L type. First Place — Springfield Sun, Shorty Good color contrast, clean. Mechelle Phillipi / Tori Gooch
‘ Second Place - Laurel News Journal, Lassiter/ Kim Hupman ' Art is very clean, no clutter, a warm ad
Diane Feltner/ Terri Smallwood Well designed theme ad. Clean. Category 20 - BEST AD SERIES that wants to be read.
. Great simplicity with graphic. Second Place — LaRue County Herald First Place - Tompkinsville News, Sonja Second Place — Cynthjana Democrat, Trish
Third Place — Owenton News Herald, News, Melissa Nalley/ Monica Hayes Carrow Jenkins / Suzie Fryman
. Carrie Bennett Clever design. Clean layout. Nice place- Clever! Can't wait till the next week to All pics show well, layout draws you in.
1 Good use of blue. ment of ads. Nice spot color. see the new ad! Third Place - Jessamine Journal, Peggy .
; Third Place - Owenton News Herald, Second Place - Cadiz Record, Cynthia Adkins / Sharon Bailey
. Category 10 - MULTIPLE Carrie Bennett / Patti Clark Mitchell/ Jennifer Wallace Reverse ads pull. Solid art. Crisp.
ADVERTISER / ”SIG” PAGE Wonderful use of white space, great non— We loved these ads! Retro look was very
. First Place - Clay City Times, Alannna cluttered ad. refreshing. Category 2 - Automotive
' Aldridge/ Jenny Poole/ Lisa Baber Third Place - McCreary County Voice, First Place — Adair Progress, Donna
, Good color. All ads are in theme. Category 15 - HOLIDAY GREETING Staff Hancock / Andrea Waggener
Second Place - Carrollton News ADS The photo makes the ad. Nice layout, easy to read. Nice color.
Democrat, Carla Kidwell First Place — Citizen Voice 8: Times, Cindi Second Place - Pulaski News Journal,
Clever concept. Catches the eye, the Cusick Category 21 - GENERAL Mechelle Phillipi/ Lisa Rowell
ABC’s of Safety. Excellent photo! Sense of anticipation. MISCELLANEOUS Nice layout, easy to read. Colorful.
. Third Place - Springfield Sun, Shorty Great use of color. First Place — Clay City Times, Tracy Third Place - Mountain Advocate, Wanda
, Lassiter/ Kim Hupman Second Place - LaRue County Herald King / Lisa Baber Blevins/ Melissa Newman
.\ The ads make you act, good color com— News, Melissa Nalley/ Monica Hayes Simple! Clean. White space, nice graphic.
mands response. Clever! Classic. Second Place — Tompkinsville News,
Third Place - Clay City Times, Alanna Sonja Carrow/ Teresa Gerughty Category 3 - HARDWARE /
’ Category 11 — CREATIVE USE OF THE Aldridge/ Lisa Baber Third Place - Citizen Voice & Times,
NEWSPAPER Good use of white space. Earline Arvin ' Continued on Page 6
_LL, _, ,1 7, a ___'.. 1.. _ 775 7 7 , 7—,
MAY 2604 '3
2004 Advertlsmg Excellence In Kentucky Newspapers - Page 5 g.
.- 1: =-' .--.-= ..2. . - z . ..222»......-52:25.3;1:521:15?:v' 3'53 .25: »'.>=5 0.2.5 ” - - - - - ' '
s.’ 5. .3. .. 4 51.35””; ,1 «4%.{4/3/ ,. Top, left: Tlus ad 1n the Sprmgheld Sun plcked up first place honors for Shorty
. 2 fig. 1‘53 h ' - 2 5?; a. é; LaSSIter and Klm Hupman 1n the Clothmg Store category. The Sun took home j
2522;: : 5' ,_v - '_ 3 z 31;. :25" {... first place 1n the Weekly Class 2 General Excellence. Bottom, left: Sonja Carrow
.5 g f 2 - .2 2. W35“? " ‘1 ‘ é of The Tompk1nsv1lle News took home top honors w1th thxs ad m the '
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~ E ‘ '33“ ’g g: - _ j W 30X FQEE : 2 funny.” Bottom, right: Mara Harlow of the Grayson Journal Enqu1rer was the first ;
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‘ Page 6 -2004 Advertising Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers M AY ?
‘ . Cate or 8 - REAL ESTATE Co le/ Cind Centers Janie Gumm/ Lisa Rowell
Continued from P age 4 FirstgPlaZe — Adair Progress, Rita Gobd themellNice way the words match Great mix of price and product.
APPLIANCE STORES Murrell / Lisa White the rotation of the graphic. Not too Third Place - Butler County Banner, Jeff
_ First Place _ Jessamine Journal, Dawn Cow is fun. Really draws you in. crowded. ' Jobe .
: Pennington /Sharon Bailey Second Place -.Jessam'ine Journal, Dawn Third Place — Jessamine Journal, Peggy Sharp andto the point. You know where
; Laid out well. Good white space. Eenniingtonf/ Lipda Wiley SAdkins/Sharon liailey ff to go for bird supplies.
_ . 00 use 0 co or. imp e art, ots o spacing, jumps 0
EEC: #:1131113: e Union County Advocate, Thirdglace -/I;ul::ki News Journal, page. gzggjry 1:7T-I SEASSIFIED
; ~ _ Janie umm ta SE
2:11:13]: ngrgie‘zsaorp News, Bud Simple, clean ad. Good graphic. Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS First Place - Mountain Advocate,
“ First Place - Anderson News, Staff Suzanne Saunders .
Category 4 _ FINANCIAL Category 9 - Clothing Stores People like to read about people. Color Strong header, having arrest reports will
T, First Place _ Mountain Advocate, Nancy First Place - Jessamine Journal, Peggy cover outstanding. Full but looks like pull readers.
Napier /M eli s s a Newman Adkins/ Sharon Bailey lots of white spave, solid ad stack. Second Place - Anderson News, Staff
: Kiss graphic makes you look. Headline Nice layout, easy to read. Second Place - Jessamine Journal, Dawn Fat with ads, lots to see, yard sales have
is good. Not crowded. Second Place - Pulaski News Journal, Pennington / Peggy Adkins/ Sharon good presentation.
. Second Place _ Pulaski News Journal, Janie Gumm/ Stuart Arnold Bailey Third Place — Pulaski News Journal,
_; Stuart Arnold /Lis a R ow ell Third Place - Pulaski News Journal, Lisa Layout and design very good. Color Marlene Keeton/ Staff
f Good use of green. Shadows and fades Rowell also very good! Bigger page count could Crossword answers good draw. Needs
i make ad soft and homey. have made it a first! some order.
, - Third Place _ Pulaski News Journal, Category 10 - MULTIPLE Third Place — Jessamine Journal, Dawn
_ Stuart Arnold /Lisa R ow ell Advertiser / "Sig” Page Pennington/ Peggy Adkins / Sharon Category 18 — SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS .
3, Very personable. Very real. Photo could First Place - Jessamine Journal, Peggy Bailey First Place - Pulaski News Journal, .
I have been better, but gives a good Adkins/ Dawn Pennington / Sharon Fresh, forward thinking cover design Stuart Arnold ..
ho m e-t own feel. . Bailey / Linda Wiley ”Class of 2015.” Inside needs warmer Very nice layout. Great color.
. Honorable Mention _ Pulaski News Sharp ad despite dark colors. Fun. read. Second Place - Pulaski News Journal,
I _ . Journal, Stuart Arnold /Lis a R ow ell Second Place - Jessamine Journal, Peggy Honorable Mention — Woodford Sun, Lisa Rowell
: Good graphics eye cat chin g. Adkins/ Dawn Pennington / Sharon Margie Holbrook/ Mary King Nice layout. Great idea for childs activi- ‘ .
I ' ' Bailey/ Linda Wiley Wireman / Marla Carroll ty in paper.
‘1 ' ; Good use of color. Sharp graphic. Very Very good, cover jumps. ’ .
31$?ng PROFESSIONAL clean. ' Category 19 — BEST USE OF COLOR
First Place _ Meade County Messenger , . Third Place :— Pulaski News Journal, Category 14 - GROUP PROMOTIONS First Place - Cynthiana Democrat, Trish .
. Anne Mull enix Staff . . First Place- Cynthiana Democrat, ‘ Jenkins/ Suzie Fryman _ .
j ’ ' Makes you curious. Good images , Gooduse of spot red. Good spacing. Beverly Linville/ Suzie Fryman Great pastel colors.
“ _ ., around ad draw you in . Honorable Mention 7 Jessamine Journal, Has all the elements to make you read Second Place - Jessamine Journal, Dawn »
1 '~ , Second Place"- Cynthiana Democrat, ,. Peggy Adkins/ Dawn , and stay in the ads. Good use of white Pennington / Peggy Adkins/ Sharon . .. ,
I , Trish Jenkins /SuZie Fryman Pennington/ Sharon Bailey/ Linda Wiley space. , Bailey ‘
_ . Good graphic with the basketball.- . Good concept. Well laid out. Would Second Place - Mountain Advocate, Third Place - Mountain Advocate,
. Personal touch with the photos. Good have been Winner if ad was double . Wanda Blevins/ Melissa Newman , Wanda Blevins/ Melissa Newman . .
_ , use of white space. p . , truck. Since it‘was front and back as a Could have been. first place ad, however Good use of color. - . p
3 . Third Place _ Pulaski News Journal, . section, makes it incontinuous, boxes at bottom breaks the flow of the
i I", ' Janie Gumm/Staff . » ad. Should have drop out boxes. . Category 20 - BEST AD SERIES
Good header graphic: Nice use of color. Category 11 - CREATIVE USE OF THE However very good. ~ First Place - Jessamine Journal, Dave . ..
l. Honorable Mention _ Jessamine Journal, NEWSPAPER Third Place - Woodford Sun, Margie Eldridge
1: Dawn Pennington / Sharon Bailey First Place - Pulaski News Journal, Holbrook/ Mary King Wireman/ Marla Consistent. Good headlines, good .
T Good tagline. Nice use of spacing. Stuart Amelq _ , Carroll , . graphics. .
: Cartoon graphic makes you look. Cute duck! Simple idea, but it made me Ads do not fix the graphic, good use of Second Place - Pulaski News Journal,
_ laugh. color needs direction to stores, phone Janie Gumm / Lisa Rowell
; Category 6 _ FOOD, DRUG, LIQUOR Second Place - Jessamine Journal, Dave numbers or small map. Very personable. Good artwork.
First Place _ Cynthian a Democrat, Trish Eldridge Third Place - Cynthiana Democrat, Trish
Jenkins /Suzie Fryman Good graphic combined with humorous