xt77wm13r23c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13r23c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 1985 1985 1985-09-20 2020 true xt77wm13r23c section xt77wm13r23c _—___________________ Wfl
Velmflgcl” . Wield Unlvmltyolkonmtty. lexlngton, Kentucky lndopendontelnce im Friday. September 20, 1985 ' -
O .
CHE agrees . .. In. . - Agriculture forum - v
' e o ,. .- w c‘ . ‘g :. .9 M-LF, I .
to maintain , t . - W N V “if“ , addresses OSS- bl . -. <
- . t w: ‘ . e . , ,
. .. - / '; .’ J
from the Council on Higher Educa- . ’ :‘- " ; :T‘ . it 9' . . $24 8 millzwn Mina a new farm u , w: '
tion‘sax. I w ; 1 - . . .0 _~.~* 1' ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ . \ decilllfidlfrlglafllrlllr: {\griceudlture Stu- to research poll-mm. p ,I‘ C , I ' . .'
The preliminary agreement is " “V v‘ j ‘ - " m' “s Us“? IV on the ; l of C “:qu primari Kemp and “ulkttl‘ both stressed '
similar to me worked out last week I \I i- ’ 8 ‘ _- I “is if." «a: 4 . III F. 4‘ a‘re tracfélo: tedobet reamka 1:73 that the board wil not consider any ’ i‘ " ‘ ' . . 1‘ 4,‘
~~ , between UK and the University of 2 r c ' ” . " . , ‘ ._ ,.£ , " W ' - ._. ‘ d“ R d g 1154 “Swipe“ ” proposals“: still the Eand unless they " '-‘ ».
Louisville to save their dental h‘ 1‘ 3‘ ' . . . IIIIIcIIIIq'fl.‘ . . «it 0a an an ‘73 inter- includeaiiew lfK'vlllUll I' ‘1 , I‘ I" - I .’ ,.
. schools. I" ‘ 5 . ' '75 ‘ . . _ ;I¢.‘.fi,_.. ’ ' I b ‘5 Walker mm t nlil>lrvam Farm is I‘ . .
lt calls for limiting the number of .‘i . I. ' . . ~ w» «L: To make new faculties adequate being considered lur sale because it ; ‘ ' f '-
' instate students at the law schools, 1/ I I): . . _ “NM“, ~ ' would require about 2,300 acres. bald ls [00 small It. hilllse 'llt‘ necessary .I I- ' ‘J; I
while lifting caps on “flotsam en- of :3. .9. .g ‘Vrr: ~ 1, ; John Walker. associate dean for de lamltlltk (int: hm become the \‘lCllm .' - '_t ... ,, .f .
rollmentbutwith higher tuitions. ; . . ,; (“it 34771:, ,. t. . velopment in the College of Agricul; Ufurlldli>plklulillntl pollumn I' « ’II.
Under the plan, the total instate —~ _ , . ”“5“”? a??? .6.” ture South ram. s Nani; tonsidered ' 2
enrollment in the law schools would ‘x : i ‘. IgI k" ~' to Many were skeptical that the because lhv‘ dlli=>ulll oi pedestrian . 'I . l "
be reduced to 1150 when fully imple- r. l I ' ‘ . I Board of Trustees would be able to traffic ntw. pom: ’hz‘ouuh i'. has llm- I. III_ J"
mented in 1909. UK would have the . a" . -» J‘ \Io‘. . :3. . -'. " . find a su1table area close enough to ited its th‘ltliflt‘» as 1 research {3. I 1 .I'I . ,
largest number, 410, followed by , 2 Kg ' I/ l », 1. new» 3 campus so that it could be used for Cllll} party. mailm- pooplo 5[e31 ' '. I
. ville with 400, and 250 m the I c'.- § §.,;:' hands-ontranlmng experimentalt'rtp . .
Chase Law School at Northern Ken- . :~ ~ ' » ~’ " \lalker. however. said large tracts He saw 'ht‘ fame art- no longer ; e “ _ 5
tucky University. ‘ ‘-‘ . he; . ’ near campus doexist roan) ammo 9H,- rwmm and that ; - 1- g.
Currently. 1302 students are en- mm“: "‘ ' .3 .- .~ . ‘ Board of Trimees member James research is one in the mainstays of “1‘ ~. . 1' '-
rolledatthethreeschools. gfi“ ' . . c? ' loose-ed Kemp said in the event Coldstream theagncuiturelulu-W} ' ' ' . .
U of L President Donald Swain ‘ 5' i *‘a "l ' 4 {1; 56‘5" '5 sold and a farm 15 “Ol found near Student (mint-i? President Glenn .‘ i. ‘ . ~
raised the question about how to de- "-25. . a f .I .. waif": campus. funding would have to be slack said 'hv ioruni out a \uccess ' ' T : w " ,
fineenrollment. ctr". I‘I . .. .. . . W II "T t m“. l .« increased for full-time labor and stu; "We got automplhhm what we ‘I* ; ~ : . .
Swain said WSWHC'S night ./ l w. ”W w“, "3,5 {We . .._." ,4 “ "5.. de'}! labor may havetobecut back wanted to Jtl'il't‘h Ali: to let stu- - ' , . 1
school program is run on a (0“,.er . 21' - - n » .2» 1}; 3333.45' *1; - 4 ‘- Students 3150 asked where the dents express their new,» he said ' ‘I ‘ , .
schedule. rather than the traditional , g \ - i g . I: -. 4 .
threeyear schedule in day pro ‘5) / . . .I. i Homecomln V tl , . . ; .
grams. -. . » . ' 0 ng ' », 5 ‘ .‘
Swain said Louisville would be pe- ; , \Y - \9 ’ ‘ ”*2 g : . ’ a ’ .
nalined if enrollment were defined l. , ~ "‘wy,‘ “ fl 3 , e‘ o . ‘ ‘ ~
only as the actual number of people ,' ‘ , l l . ‘ -' ' . ,'
mamas. t t...» . . ; eglns on on ay
Council Executive Director Harry "% . a ; ’ l = 7‘ ‘ ‘ ~ "3
Snyder said the issue, though. is not of. ”r6 I} ’ . , . , .. , » ' ' ' '
enrollments, but the number of new i . _ 3“, ~ I .4, v, ; II . By \.-\.SlI\I.»\.-\.\S.-\Rl some Dillllutm mniaznzng prizes 3' * I ; .
lawyers being produced in Ken- . . . .. r.» . \ ‘. aInd.li).\\:\TP?R such a> ill!‘ wraitates and dinners ~ I. I ._ {- ..
tucky. gourd-H ‘ 3 t ' ’tontributinngiters fortwo .; , I, - . .
Terry McBrayer. chairman of the . ‘l . ‘N “V” e ,3 . I - . Th0 llnalislh ttlll he: t'st'urled h)‘ 16 I I . i
special council commjtm appointed .- g . ., e i I; . \Ollng Will begln Monday for m” male students and 'llt' hostess for " . v_ ' '
to study the law school issue. urged * .u . I' .. . n ” 1» fl 5‘95" year sHomecIoming Queen the cwnmg ‘.\ iiloria Sillalelur} w . - . ‘ .'

' the university ”idem: m comm ; : MM ‘ ..' I 1") ' Iittludtfl'ilb will be, dilly 'tu ‘vULc iol The ‘33.» Que?“ alfll llt‘! COUTI W'lll ‘ I , .
misc on some formula before a rec- ." ‘ . . 'I.‘ ‘ three contestants this year rather be announced illlrlfi; halftime of the " ’ ,. , '
omlllllmdtfllm is adopt“, prObably H ' d tutu-IVAN! - 3“”; [fidufual fulfi- T0 1‘5)“: dStul (gimp 59p! [)4 Th“ Homecommg w " ‘I {I I
wi "n10 ys. anglng aroun ' ’ en n I oprese a V81 5 ll 9“ ueer. mil Tt‘l‘t’lH‘ a \ flier bowl and . - _ ' .

The recommendation will be pre- lDand actit'ltycard. the runners up wzll receive Revere ' . ., ' ,
sented to the full council, bl . . . . I, The list of 33 contestants was nar~ cups ' I. I- ~ ; . .
inmid-October. Pm y Xgiljoggaszbgénglozf3:22;:272’31eJerl‘:Z 33"??? CloynstIlIorentIs/IcrehPIhIIXZ on? To 0 rowed to 16 Wednesday night by The finalists an: their sponsors I i ‘1

SecLAW.pagc9 O I I oy. e onus 0 arts ors ea eyee judges Barbara Bailey. anchor; are a> follows Peggy Barton. '1 ‘ f I. ,

woman at Channel 27: Jim Allison of kappa Alpha Them \Ol‘Ul‘llIV. Mich- ' ' , *1 . . -, ', ;

. V’lIAPrFM. and Ann Garrlty. assxs' elle Fackler lit-it... Zeta sorority. . ' ' ‘7

J d t t M tant to the chancellor for the Lexmg- Ket-ia Flgge Sigma \u fraternity, I .I ' ' . '.
u ge o sen ence 219 or on o ay w... ~
ontestan were Ju e( on at” Lee Anna Harris. l‘hi llmeEa soron- . .' . ~: .- . - '

S‘Illl'em sodomy. and life imprisonment with and defense attorneys to submit Chen‘s body was {0 d l “1919 and warmth. communicatne t_\' . ,I ,- , . .
no chance of parole for 25 years for briefs outlining whether judges have the bathrooms of mt” ghlmofixf. “1“,”; leadership. goals. “no" A150 Mdm‘ 1““ Kappd Delta ’, . . ’ . .. ;i'

Elzie Alexander Morton. convicted themm-der. the power to override the jury's rec- Physics Building on .lune 9 ”8'4 arShlP- P059 and appearance sororlt}. Kathleen Liedtke. Delta i'. .I'- I, . .. 1. u
murderer 0‘ UK graduate student Prosecuting Attorney Ray Lawson ommendation and sentence Morton Morton fled to California and was The Homecoming Queen imam} pelta Delta “"0“” J1“ Marcum, ., I: ' 3 7‘ .. i" I
Lin-lung Chen, is tobe formally sen- had requested that Morton receive todeath, arrested in Long Beach two months fasmo.” Show w‘“ take place Tueb' heenel'dnd ”d” “MM-‘9’“ ”351911 " ,’ ' . :9 1 ' »
tenced today for her murder. rape “693319903“! Lawson‘s brief said the judge does later. gfimafin xix??? {CS/$.11: $8 1: Asp? x51?“ ”0“” “5 P 5115"“ Me ' ; .1 .. 3 '.
andsodomy. Formal sentencing was scheduled ve that wer. while ublic de- . - I ’ ' . ' 5.8 o. .» p a imiicron l sorority; 3 V "t . 1 v".

The jury in the case on May 21 for July 19. bl“ Fayette Cll'Clllt l‘fnders Ed‘sard C. Monghan and Morton's conviction was his third Shde, show vnth close-ups 0‘ the “"13;me 816‘"de T‘N’t’r .' .V .I" '1
recommended tthtI IMorIItgl. 32. If; Court Judge Armand Angellucci de- Erwin Lewis filed briefs that said in six years. all three relating to as- fgggltinmngcfiiofhéasggg iffy???) RIIAndI PIegg) Ml IXIPhIa £13m": :. ’ '~ "1‘, , -'

. ~ . ~ . . ~ 0 ra ernitx ,eslc ’a on. -' ’ ' T‘; t
ceive 20 years ea 0: :ape layed it. requesting the prosecuting the opposne. saults on women. local stores and a balloon drop with \t'ullil‘lH mum. NR5 .I . I. , .. .
ExerCismg options

UK fitness program offers adults chance to make phySical assessments, Jog, sw1m or aerobiCize their way to better health ; ,, . ',
this 5 er and want to waive the : ~ y - dance class. which was added Just . I . I II

Good news for all you fitness buffs initial assessments need pay only ‘I a“ a ‘ " [tiger all the testtss have been eval- [ms 59mm” ' . H ' ' . .
—thehealth. physical education and $50. ' ‘7‘ g 3’ ' Hikercisgadrglcfiélgtionare given an "This is a popular type of exer« ' ' . '
recreation department isoffering its Noland said participants get their ‘. y“ if“ ‘7 "You are given a working hear; Clse. and we have had many re. ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ .'
adult fitness program again this se- money's worth. “We have a profes- - 1r“ 4’ A X’a 4.31% rate based upon the physmal evalua- quests W 1‘ “l he added 10 the pro ' l . ‘ H
mIIeshtIiIar. hich the sional 5&1th much better than those S, 'I a“ flq ‘ l . tions and as you exercise you gram H “land ‘3’” 5 ‘ ~ - ’ ' -,

program. w ‘ is to at most ths s, and we are also 2 ‘ . . . ' . - .' .. ‘~ _. ‘ . . ~ ' _

public. is for people 21 ym of age less expensive."pa q. , s fi . a; 7 -‘ ' 2;;“..fi‘ft’fs $330;an 56:21:? During the 18>” purl “l the DW ‘ ‘. - .
or older. said Melody Noland, coor- For safety reasons, a doctor's I ll I ? \ I“ '.~.»“:~“ ‘l 4.. ; ‘ . . - - .y .p gram 9am 99W)“ “'1“ be reeval‘ ' ~ .

, , ; ”III”. M MI , W .3. . . _. your actiVity. If it is too fast. you . . . _.
dlnatorofthepropct. clearance is needed before anyone '9; l I , N. slow do“11 the activity This reallv uated on bod} lat dnd “”1955 lelels . , ;

wiunss pfogdi'éaam developed as 3:: start the program. Those who ‘9 I ’ \I. x, ‘9. __ ‘e‘I __ i gives the individual his-own Dem”; and will recelreaprogress report I ~ ‘ . ;

a rtmenta i in the fall of 't receive permission from their .» r~ , -~—— = “— - -- . . . ‘

1983 because “we thought we could doctors cannot participate, said Jay “E *‘ l” alexemse program WT" h €125”? Hill‘s; gfg‘";‘.‘,’fi ' '-
offer a service to the community," Kearney, a professor of health. I . . I ”nun/mm The fitness program offers many openugand those Inwrégléd can call , . .
Noland said. physwaleducatlon and recreation. age of body fat, baSic flexibility and classes begin and after the course is types of exerClse. Classes include a 257-3695 for more information . ~ .

“We have been averaging about 60 strength tests and stationary bicycle completed. walk-jog sequence. in which partici- ' '
people per semester, many of whom The program starts with physical tests to measure heart and breath- pants can either walk. jog. or do a \ ~ ~ .
are repeaters and we also have evaluations, such as underwater ing rates. An overall moss assess- The tests “provide an objective little ofboth; aswimming sequence. *
manynewpeople,"shesaid. weighing to determine the percent- ment is administered before the statement.“ giving participants where participants swim and watch INSIDE ‘ '

0 O o o ..
Earthquake leaves MeXico City in ruins, at least 170 dead he; vim-3;; ;; or;
By EUOY AGUILAR "Unfortunately thereappear to be snapped gas and Power lines tain slid away. falling on several State Department spokesman Ber- M-msmiwlo-
WIMP!!!“ my dead," de la Madrid said on touchedoff doaensof fires. peasants who were jtst getting up to mm Kalb said the US. Embassy in
, Maxim television. “All of the hos- In the state of blow. 100 miles to gotowork,"Sanchez said. Mexico City was undamaged and
“MEMO: Em ”cgfiv'fitm": Intelsat“;e on a state 1‘: alert to take mmagl? ”530 mwelf: in other Jalisco towns ”the streets that communicatiom with the em-

mw "Wk care in . arm is ina ' a a u i. in . . ' ‘ ‘ hadbeen tored. -
rested-y mature. townie build- summons?“ y Juan Manuel W said “0'“ the mmy”p$‘i'°d§£ ‘33]; in; hwy m n. W" m "I
W» M llree and lamina Drum of aftershock: rattled the fire 6098mm“ helm in sidechurchee "he said ' First reports of the quake which ”tam '_‘ m can." .fm m m
hundreth in ribble in the world's area W the da Report; on thestetecapitaloquadalajere. . I .' ed t bef ' tmlght with guest pianist Grant Jo-

y~, . . TeleVlsa said that in Guzman 25 occurr jus 0" “3" hour 9‘ hm. For the no, ,3 p
"1mm" alim- Nice old It the Mexico City TV station Nevis.- The Mexican Embassy 1n Wash- . . . . v. A5
. . people celebrating Mass m the up 7.18 em. or 9.18 am. EDT, came m 3

'“lmmmmmuldhflldlwcmumwcomm immorteddImnmthesutesM. “ed h from theUS Geological Surve m'
injured. but: far none loll w u- and debris from other: was telling of Gutmm and wan-can. which flux” b When the cm“ which said it measured 7.3 on tile
peeled- liltoeu'eetehotnaftethe que. lie to the south of Jalisco alone the ' . Richter scale of mid motion. The

“W later the my Ind Police By nightfall half the city lacked coast. 1" ““9“; “ "5°" 1‘5‘ “0"“ 9‘ survey put the epicenter on the Pa-
v-lmlld “lined M null-t loot- electrical paws. Local telqlhone Only minor d-mse was reported “W”; “W m“ "90"“ "W cilic Coast 150 miles northwest of
era as fine still unddued in Mod- we, tad been restored but inter- in the cities of Acapulco and Guilda- “Hm W91 was “like" and ”the Acapulco ahd about 250 miles south-
°° CW. 350 mllee ml 0‘ “‘9 netitnal telephone lines were still lIlIfl- damage was 1““ WlWH weetofMexicoClty.
qlnke'eceatualthel’edflcmeet. m, analisco,moetofthedeadwu'e "urgechmofcememandglm Mflumbmymm
mwmahw.d¢- inthetownsoquunenandAtenti- started uddmdownand people RedioetationXEQinMeadcoCity *lImMfi-Todehfilh

Mlmmmw- Atlflflwmmedlnflexlco M.50maldmlmmmultintoqyullobby"saidoale saidilhadconfinnedrqxxfaofzso ..-ulydeerwllllthelavhthfl
cy. mmw City.acityoii7millioopeople. tervlewbmedcutllvebytheflalotl Zolnai,6 .batanc'bcpartmait dead andtheSlNWmm summonses-anal.
and amulet! fa pewle to run-in what We. 100$.th lnd radiostatimCancol. staffepecl'aliet. whoreturned toDel- said ‘without Ittributlai my ”a. it. with e 5' in the lee 3*.
cehnendetayindoore. fulfil-rin- m nattaled and “in Attention: e pert-of e motll- mummyunmmowmpn. meetimetediptoalo. ‘

 2-KENTUMYKERNEL My, 8.3mm I“ . . .
Open house features Appalachian photo exhibit .
Center attempts to promote a better understanding of lifestyle, problems in eastern Kentucky area / . \.
i'fl (.5 'e’ . 4:-
8\ ANN ROGERS est in the lifestyle and problems of that the center works heavily in t2: contribute to the mountain commu- ”33“!)wa the mountain PM”?
Contributing Writer the le hung in the Appalachian area of supporting students w nity. ra yw . . _ V
nioufiegfns. said Ron Ellec. director come from the mountain area. he The open house will provide the Ellec sfald the centeergntnatomogmer HEHTUCH Ann“: ..
The L'K Appalachian t‘enter “l“ of thecenter. plans to reform the Appalachian portunity for any interested per- support “me 'th . up... Mm
. host an open house from 2 to 5 p m Mme Appalachian Center's goal is Student Club, which has not been ac- (8):" to meet the staff and see the taim, whotV b at: plfiiguedc WI I1.”
today to show off the center's new to faCilitate University activities re- tive forfourorfiveyears photo exhibit titled “Portraits and misconceptons y P0 - .. ..
- ‘ renovations and .i photo gallery ex- lated to the Appalachian area 0f “We need 10 SUPPOI't %9h5tu®gt Dreams." The photographs and sto— “The Appalachian mountains is a Stamina-y! III-Ibo
. hibit eastern Kentucky.’ he said. "We en- when they come to UK. e fsat ; ries in this exhibition are the prod- land of both problems and promise." HIrtd-yuldnlgml
» The purpose ot the open house l> gage in mearch and help faculty, There are a smaller number 0 AP not of four years of work by moun— he said. ”The human spirit is Sun "PINK nOVDTHI WAuu
' to inform the public oi the serxices graduate students and undergrad- palachian students who 8° to 9011.989 - ~ 1' there." m-
. . .. f the U ted tain children. age 6 to 15, who a we
' . . .' provided by the Appalachian tenter uale students in this area. than any other part 0 an sound-ymdnlahol
“ of6418 Limestone St Ellec. who is in his first year as [5}:thst wetcartthzelphthem adduls; :3 Ara youl In. "mu“ HILLSCOP"
. . . ._ ._. i, . tr sed ““1851 y. n ey can e 00'! .,
. , - i ' The organization pm” m H I” director 0f the center. also 5 es farachurch wl'h... V. . _ I can VO'O Openln. wumm qul
. V . -_ ,U IIWLA"
~ . - . - Hollywood holds AIDS fund-raiser o...c....i..........., __ - _
_ . Informal Craaflva Warship ' (Intmn Star”
’ ‘ ' B) Jl-IFI-‘\\'ll..\'0\ Mlss tauper. Rod Stewart. Carol power w ensuhfi ma" Q1: FEMS “d."y “fl" ovum L i... m... n. m "“V'
‘ ' " _ . _ . , . Assomated Press Burnett and Sammy Davis Jr, with syndrome is ted in l . ac an F “ 'XCUJSIVE 1It RUN!
.1 finale featuring Bette Midler. sing- ultimately cured," Presrdent Rea~ UNITE::::;:CH 0 Can YOU? E' ..
. ‘. _ LOS ANGELEE From l‘tk‘k Sldl‘ mg from Germany via an audio and gan said In a message 0‘ SUPPQFt [0 Ch ‘ L ‘ ' ‘ mm‘ ‘ k E
' t ' _ " Cyndi Lauper lii former llln‘, ~ldl‘ Vldeo hookup and accompanied by the $250- tO $500-a-plate black-tie af- Theglpoicalgrngtizz SGA VO'OI’ Gan” - '
' ‘ " ‘ Ronald Reagan. “0”}“00d ~Mini-d the Gay Men‘s Chorus of Los An- fairattheBonaventui-e Hotel. :31 sumo 'Y aggluraflan Over II " ‘
‘~ ,1 I ~ the battle against Allis l‘hiirsda} geles Rock Hudson, the mov1e and tele- S . B . ”0.00 5.9,. 23.21. 19.5 with”). g .. >- ,
. ' . ‘ I .‘ night as it aimed to misi- $1 million vision leading man whose battle erVIces egin a . o.m. (X) I
' - . A . in a glitterinU 'i‘ommiiiiient to “I hope that all Americans will re- with the lethal immune-system dis-
. , ' ' , -. ‘ , Lite” benefit b fleet consCientiously on their rapon- ease has gained worldWide publiCity. l F‘rft Time at
i: ‘3 ' .- t , Scheduled perlnl‘mt'rs lllk'ludt‘tl sihility to do whatever is in their wastooilltoattend. ; (h Hi h
.- GI'I'LJ Q i.
'. .‘ . , . . - - are n
~_ " '"p'" ' ALI. sens $1.75
"I , I. ‘ '. my 9 p-m- ' 1 am. Unlvanl'y Plaza Shopplng Cantor ' f, '4 St. Elmo's Fire (R)
. ' ’ ' , ’ eti’ 5:35-7:50-9250
: , i ‘I j y \ I TRE N DELLS “I (Weakand only: 12 midnight, F“
. » ' " ' LIBIX \ mhie: E :51’6)
. _ Friday and Saturday ‘2, . - ‘(
. ' » . ‘ lOUNGE DOMINO’S ~93 . 5:45-8:00-10:05
" , - , '3 a... (Weekend only: 1215 AM. Fri.
. . _ FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR PIZZA 0 @) tFur 269--OOI Galena Ava.
V - ~ V 4444¥¥** 5-8 P.m.: 50C DTIHRS 8-‘OPJ'L: $1.25 Dr'l'Iks DELIVERS MW} - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
. . I I ‘1; _/_ V_ ’ 51.".
- ' , » 4! Coming * c8 GENERAL CINEMA
'. ' " * T esda 24th * Saturday Hours: mmmmts-Imv 1
. . :' , i u y «k 7-9p.m.: FREE GODFATHER'S PIZZA and it“;’£;’i3&$“1m“ $2.50é‘raum .
I . l. , 'L 5:5. . .V .
.1 . _ _ __ _ . i ,3 Q 4: 75¢ mums/mun r"""""'""""""'l
. I I. V * \" $v ‘k I I HARRODSOMG ID Iunuuiu m-uu
_ _. , , +1 ‘\ ‘ it Tuesdays: wxoo LAUGH TRACK LIVE! : $2 00 O FF : mm»:
7 1‘ .. * w w * The LIBRARY Is now available for prlvata parties on Sun- ' . : mammalian
__ . V. . . ‘k v C“ * days and Mondays. 254.131 27 255-9616 : ' 2......” ..
4 . . .» . $200 0" any 16" pizza. I . ;.:»..,.;.;.;.;.;.;...;.;.;.:.;v -.;;.,.;.;.; . 31'
' ~ . ~ * MOONLIGHT * l Onecom 0...... . {Asvflmflfitw
' Ex res 9-22-09 "'0' ”V ‘ ‘
,. _ _. ‘k a ,V/ vv 7 . ,<. /V g ‘13 "' fl 2 mm.» -
‘ - , , ‘k SALE! * \ ‘ . I L74 5.; Fast. Free Delivery" l t‘guuu" ‘
, , , . “ ,, I { .1 E a Good at any Lexington I f "utmost!
. .. - _ . ¥ ‘ x \\ * b ‘ I . I. g: 0 location. I usmsuwiw
.‘ i ’ . * x. * F l l WM... ,
, - - . i l t‘ The Country/S Best lbgurt. L----..--..----------..--V.J ._....,.,.
' . . * ,f ‘u lS heret , Ourorwmcmymmun szo.oo.L.mtioa comm, Inn 01905 beam-u PIuIJnc .
I . . . ¥ . . 3‘ f" * t ,
. . , .k ‘ «k ’ off Nicholasvllla Rd. ’, ‘
. ; . - ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ V 278-1631 . / /
« ’ » THE JAZZ ARTIST OF THE 80's » [Z we
. 4T|ME GRAMMY ’ , All "ii/en Nogiirt l\ EL" it great deal (in .im (ll tllll
_ ' ’ ' ( N‘dlt‘d equal And the tiiun- delii mus treats
V ‘ . AWARD WINNER ~ 4 . "\ \ li_i:t i~ here Come in with \(m ' ‘ .
_ - , » ' , , I. To (elehriite. we re Ewing hawn't tasted the best iiiitil . ‘ G l
. ' . . THE .5 _ V .max tree samples 0t ()Ul \iiti'to tasted T(‘B\
H l l c WYNIDN 3/ flrf’ill'lil\7ln}.{, 96 Hi tat-tree. \iigiirt g \'\ hen \tiii (ltt.
' . 1 ‘ - - ; ltm thulestertfl. '0“ (alone \t)tl H s.“ lhh l\ 'Tllt’ (tulip .
‘.~ . _ A“ .12? T('B\ \(igurti. And the m '\ Best Yogurt . I
.. . . V' ' ' _ _ .. i- iiiiiptm lwlrm will gm) you And ll isf’ , .
- MARSAU if “new I: Q; .
. H .
. at , Vogur. ,
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'. ' , .‘ UVE! , V ’ II"....V./..........."nu-nu...""u..."................."E . I
: . .- iN comm! '5 ,/ - _ A Buy One, Get One FREE! ;“
- _ a . UK CENTER FOR THE ARTS .\ .. Anything In m. 5.0... . A b , . / Ch . B
p I ‘ WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCT. 2 : x v' ‘ -~ V' 1'11:133:}“.1;.:",‘.’;'.‘:;:.;:?:.‘ ’12:;11 5 f ys TBQU W 0/09 urger,
‘ . ' V ' V. V. 8.00 PM E ‘ “TIA - "tltul i_ltlll' i» turn tuiwtt .i' m" w' t 't H‘ : . / 0
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. . . " . \ I i _. ‘. it. “it t. [l'tlll‘l‘lll‘t' 'i m . _ ,
. . 1 -. . ,3 .V .' Reserved seatttcliets available at i "33!! ‘ on E. . “Vb/8’ xx : , ' $
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. -.-- -- . .; 4' - Us... ad. . mm .. Thatsa betterburgerata
3;--. _~ Grab one. Now!
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‘V : .‘. V. V V“; [riff/{’L“; "Eureka”! .i- *1".\‘\~_‘.‘. _.
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A record store and more! ' MM” W immmw

n ‘h i ' ’ :l 4 \ ’n' Gary Horne
a 9n) ‘ -4 [- r \ | Arts Editor
l O) / .’ ’ ' c . O K l ' l
- .fl' / l . 7 ml . i (\(‘r . Lyn Corftete ,
‘:-‘ . / . 0, . “4 £41" ‘7‘ ' I Assistant Arts Editor .
. .
mi “1' , , r ree concert, « - D. . y
.. . - . ire ran 5 score -.-
m -. , film on tap . ~ :
viral , I h' k d , ‘ 'th dual No 1’s "
r _ _ ,
i‘?,l‘. ‘ ' \B 1 0 . t IS wee en ,' 1/; m 7 W1 . ..I’ . ,' ‘> , ‘l
. A ggnggmggggp . . kl row I: / r, in room pr... ,
The lot -— 224 E. Main St. Toni t and tomorrow. T 40/disca music on a 4. . ' 1V" , , ' : 3- -' 5 ,5. :7
sound syflem. 4 P.m. to l amnesty hours on Saturzy from i a.m. to 3:” If you're looking for a free dose 0‘ I .. , It}. , The following are illlboards half record hits a? . the) i 1‘ ' F: ’
a.m.$3cover. culture and refinement this week- rA / if”, appear in next. nee 5 issue 0 Bii.aoavr. magacine i'v‘. -; ‘1 .i '-
eeneei Una - 361 w. Short sv. tonight and tomorrow. Jumpsimi (50': end. the UK Center for the Arts has / ‘“ “’” 74‘; mpyr‘gm was. B'ub‘md Pum‘cam’m' I“ ““prm‘m “‘mwm‘w’” ,- ,~ ' ’ .3553“ ,.. ',
danceondbluee .9 .m.tola.m.$3cover. adea oryou ‘ 1? ‘ , y w . f My. ; -. r.
Ireee A salsa-i 2;» Richmond Road. Tonight and tomorrow. Straight Away The bexlnston Philharmonic will Q“ ’ , Hilasnl’y‘: ml . D” s: L W H '.- '1
(Top40dance).9P.m.tolo.m.Covervaries. perform the first of eight concerts E y. ‘ ‘y. iniqreyholr". 0“;th (hue. 11‘2“; arner rm 1.... '2‘": .12, !
hedtng‘l _. was New Circle Road. Tonight and tomorrow. Doug Breeding they will do at the center this year ' 3‘" \\ , \ iv 3 ..} 8;; $118 , fiffmgb ’6 “‘9 “7 :. .- ,7 t
andttlefloys (country rock), 9p.m. tolo.m. $2.50cover. at 8 pm, tonight in the Concert Hall. . / % 4 ”Db ,[fnl “ ”\an b: Erghlff 11 \il' 3. .-| 5:1,"; ', '.'.
Cl“ woe —- 337 E. Main St. Tonight, kicking off the grand opening of The The performance Wl” feature guest \ 7;: . t. . "()hrhh Are. ‘R; an}? L; W] ldo ‘11? ' dm“ ”'. "5'3 5: '.'.v'_l' r, .1
Back Room. is The Exotic Bluegrass Gender Blur Review (male I. female im- pianist Grant Johannwen Rm “In“ ”I“ My“ WM _. Z "Drdssel'gu L' é'tlagbnn: «(:8 . A .- 3 Vila"; I..' .
Tmtlonlrglo p.rn.‘to l a.rn. $3 Cover. Tomorrow. Modern Mannequins “Mr. Johannesen is a very well . g 7. “TakeUn Me'PAdla warnér Bros )4 “ ‘1‘; . 31-;
(ec ML p.m.to o'm'ncovfl' known in his circle," said Nanci may obtain‘free ticlrets for the con- 8 "St Elmo sFire”.l0hn Parr Atlantic '. ' ”-3.? : .:
Greet Scott's Depot — 684 S. Broadway. Tonight and tomorrow. Nervous Unger. public relations director of pert at the; Student (.em" T‘Ckel ”f" 9 ' Saving All My Love For You" Whitney Houston *\rl\ld ‘ ffg it. i, a“;
Melvin andtheMistalres(roclr trom Louisville). 9p.m. to l a.m. sacover. the center. ”He not only has a full- (1C3 and t e 9m“ 0’ PM dean 0f the 1o "Lonely or Night" John (‘ougar Mellencamp Riva j ..--,-"r‘ "3- .’. if}:
m Devle Inn -— 102 W. High St. Tonight and tomorrow, Steve Goinz time performing schedule. but he is .0 .ege of rule Arts kams are 3 - l" -’:-- ,4
(«Wflkwllwlflnm '0 l o.m.Sl cover. also president of the Cleveland Insti- limited. however, and M“ be g‘"e" 'ror Li’s ."- 3. if ‘3: .i
' tule of Music " cm on a first-come. “5‘59"" has” 1 Brothers In Arm» Dire Straits \karner Bros l‘latznuir: More . ..i ‘ .23.?
library — 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrow, The Trendells (Top 40 This particular concert WI“ {ea~ Prlces for the general pUbllC range than i llllllllln unit) 50M ' li- . r” “.- "‘." .2
dance/Motown). 9pm. to I am. $3.50cover. lure the music of Beethoven and from $12 .iOlO $20 3 1m, Drum, O} the Rim, Tum” Sllnk’. A5,“ ”me”. .' 'l. ,li' _-'. :2. j;
MLVP club _ 5539 Athens-Boonesboro Road. Tonight and tomorrow, The Brahms The Philharmonic Will per- The Fine Arts department Will 3 Songs 1mm tho Big (‘iiritr'l'c’ars for [rte-am MerL-ur} ~ Piilllnurt. ‘ '. ‘ ‘. 3'. ":‘ "1“?-
Works (ToplOrock),9p.m. to 1 am. Tonight, ”cover; $4cover tomorrow. form two Beethoven works. the 3150 present the mm "M“ Man 4 Born in the L' 5 A ljlrUCt” hpl'lng-‘lt‘l‘n ( olumtna l’la'.:liu.".‘. 7: '2 ’15" .3. .'
“Piano Concerto No. 4 m G Major, (‘rodfrev' at 1:30 p m Sept 2.2 m the :3 Whitrwi Hointont’thitne} Houston ‘Arista Platinuzi: 'f -, K31“ ‘3'},
Up. 58 and "Leonore N0, 3." as ReCital Hall of the (‘enter The film. 6 (ivcotmt Hits \’r,~.‘ 161- 11 Billy Joel toiumtria _‘ i. ‘ ii“,
. well as Brahms" “Symphony No, 4 starring (jamie Lombard and Wil- T .VoJucier-thiquiwdPhilt‘ollins Atlantic Platinum, 7 ,1 . 4-;
in E Minor. 0p. 98 " llam Ptmell. is a comedy about a 8 RMRir’ss Bryan Adams Adhl Platinum | s . it...- .. . 3:. xi:
' .. .. -. ‘ ~ poor man’s relationship mm a hub: ‘5 Heart Heart (apitolv ('rllld \‘liirothar )Ill‘) oliliuii.K \oi‘ .' -.‘, ~
l lhlnk ll 5 important for students hie-headed blonde \(K‘lalltt‘ during lti Theutw oi Pain Motley t rue Electra 1’liit1nuii: ; ' - ~ ; .
g to go to at least one of these con ”19“,.an Depression.
0‘: ;! certs.“ L'nger said "It gives them (‘()['NTI{Y,\II\'(;LES 5‘ r :-
. not only the exposure to a different Th]. presentation .. pd” of my. 1 "Lost inthc Fifties Tonight Ronnie .‘tliisap 1U \ l ’ ’, ' ,';i_ ‘55
I type 0f music. bl“ to What the com» \‘ew il)ealk Art exhibit currentlv ‘.‘ “llrinkin and [ireiiniin ’\\a_\lon .lt‘linifihb it! .»\ ., “f ‘r . '.
munlty 15 doing 35 well. I lhlnk that showmg at [he [JK ~\rl \luseum ,1 ‘Betmx-n Blue Eyes .indJcarLV (Kimmy 'lur'tv “armor '3‘.l"l\ .. '.' .l I I. ‘ .
ll students can experience the exclt- also located -m the ..gnm‘ The 55 4 Meet Klein Montana Marietlsmond t'api‘oilurl' ' ' f ,' (. 'st
led: to the Future — Ten weeks and Slso million dollars ago Michael J. ement of listening to a live classical “6““ m the ethn were all done l \\'iih.lu~i (me Look in your Hi” i harly 31cm“: Epi ‘ ;“ ’ ‘. ~ l ‘ .
Fox was just that smug kid on TV's ”Family Ties.” Now, Fox teams with concert. many would find that they during the lkprbsmn The showing .; "\'0u Make Me Wanttohlake You “W. I’m“. \w‘rnr; Rt i_ I" f. ‘ ‘ ‘
Christopher Lloyd ("Buckaroo Banzai," "Star Trek III") in this summer’s biggest like classical music after all." i< tree and upon to‘the public 7 - Touch 8 Hand. .‘llakt' a Friend The l tak Ridge Bo} \ «‘1. \ - ‘," ‘ '. '1 ‘;
hit. Rated PG. (Southpark and Northpark: 2:30, 4:50, 7:30, 9:50, Friday and Starting today. full-time students ’ H “she s (‘omin Back to Say Goodbyv riddii' l‘LJ'rY'." ‘rlirriir-z .. g \
Saturday 0' ll:55.) “1‘05 ‘. é r,e ' ‘. >
My mlle Cop — Coinciding with the release at his new musi-comedy LP, 0 e e St 110“. {ark} Ronnie McDowell E u. . x : _-.. -.
Eddie Murphy, as Axel Foley, makes the some trip to the West Coast to do sat] rlc Bllly Bragg LP in ' h [2 werpn ( For Him Vince (,‘iiip Rid. : _ . 5: Y: “'
battle with drug smugglers. Rated R. (Northpark: 2.25, 4:55. 7:40, 9:40. Friday " . _ . -
“"d 5°"’"’°Y °'”:‘°-) e e ADL'LTl'l)NTEMPURARY sixoirs ~ .' x. z ' . f
Cocoon — Aliens otter eternal Youth to the people of a small Florida retire- b ‘N7 1 t k 1 ..(rhemh- km! (”mam “elm, ‘ ._ . . . 1
meat community. Stars Steve Guttenberg ("Police Academy") and Don re S up pO 1 ICS ’ roc '3 “Saving All My Love For \siu 'Vthitncy Houston ‘irzsfd . ‘- ~ ‘ '
Amecha ("Trading Places"). Rated PG-la. (Scuthpark 2, 4:30, 7