xt780g3gxs20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3gxs20/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 20041026 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2004-10-oct26. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2004-10-oct26. 2004 2011 true xt780g3gxs20 section xt780g3gxs20 


                 Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                      University of Kentucky
                            1:00 P.M.
                         October 26, 2004
                 18th Floor Patterson Office Tower

Accompanying materials:

President's Report and Action Items
PR 1     President's Report to the Trustees
PR 2     Personnel Actions

Academic Affairs Committee Report
AACR 1   Creation of the Department of Orthopedics

Finance Committee Report
FCR 1    Robert and Nellie Ellis Foundation Gift
FCR 2    Estate of Betty Jo Heick
FCR 3    Greg Wells Pledge
FCR 4    Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc. Gift to Replace Unfulfilled
          Pledges to Chair in Neurorehabilitation Fund and Professorship in
          Traumatic Brain Iniury
FCR 5    Dr. Charles E. Pritchett and Dr. Robert Sims Gifts and Pledges
FCR 6    Estate of Regina J. Drury Gift and Children's Miracle Network Pledge
FCR 7    Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc. and Children's Miracle
          Network Council Pledges
FCR 8    Dr. Helen Thacker Hill Gift
FCR 9    Fit-up 4th Floor of the Biomedical/Biological Sciences Research Building
FCR 10   Renovate Football Practice Fields
FCR 11   Renovate Commonwealth Stadium Locker Room
FCR 12   Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for
         Three Months Ended September 30, 2004
FCR 13   Approval of 2003-04 Endowment Match Program Annual Report


      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
October 26, 2004.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time) on
Tuesday, October 26, 2004, in the Board Room on the 1 8th Floor of Patterson Office Tower.

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Mr. James F. Hardymon, Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m., and Mr. Stephen
Branscum gave the invocation.

      B.    Roll Call

        The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Mira S.
Ball, Stephen P. Branscum, Ann Brand Haney, James F. Hardymon (Chair), Michael Kennedy,
Pamela May, Billy Joe Miles, Roy Moore, Frank Shoop, Alice Sparks, Myra Leigh Tobin, Rachel
Watts, JoEtta Y. Wickliffe (Vice Chair), Billy B. Wilcoxson, Russ Williams, Elaine A. Wilson
(Secretary), and Barbara S. Young. Absent from the meeting were Marianne Smith Edge, Phillip
Patton, and Steven S. Reed. The University administration was represented by President Lee T.
Todd, Jr., Provost Michael Nietzel, Acting Executive Vice President for Finance and
Administration Frank Butler, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Michael Karpf, Executive
Vice President for Research Wendy Baldwin, and General Counsel Barbara W. Jones.

      C.    Consent Agenda

      Mr. Hardymon called attention to the items on the consent agenda; approval of Minutes,
Personnel Actions, and FCRs 1 through 8. He asked if anyone had any comments, corrections, or
changes to the Minutes. He entertained a motion of approval of the consent agenda. Ms. Sparks
moved approval. Her motion, seconded by Ms. Tobin, carried without dissent. The items on the
consent agenda follow:

      Minutes - September 21, 2004
      PR 2   Personnel Actions
      FCR 1 Robert and Nellie Ellis Foundation Gift
      FCR 2 Estate of Betty Jo Heick
      FCR 3 Greg Wells Pledge
      FCR 4 Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc. Gift to Replace Unfulfilled
               Pledges to Chair in Neurorehabilitation Fund and Professorship in
               Traumatic Brain Injury
      FCR 5 Dr. Charles E. Pritchett and Dr. Robert Sims Gifts and Pledges
      FCR 6 Estate of Regina J. Drury Gift and Children's Miracle Network
      FCR 7 Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc. and Children's Miracle
               Network Council Pledges
      FCR 8 Dr. Helen Thacker Hill Gift


                                              -2 -

       D.           President's Report

       President Todd called attention to the Kaleidoscope publication in the Board packets. He
said that the publication contains some interesting material. It focuses on UK's top students and
undergraduate scholarships. He noted that the publication has grown and said that he is very proud
of it. He encouraged the Board to review it.

       President Todd mentioned the following items in PR 1:

       UK has awarded Host Communications Inc. and Gray Television Inc. the university's
       expanded athletic multimedia marketing rights. It is an $80.5 million contract. The
       Athletics Department and Purchasing Department were very effective in negotiating the
       contract and did a tremendous job. He said, in his opinion, they maximized the benefit for
       the University.

       Mitch Barnhart has been willing to help invest in five new Singletary scholarships. The
       Singletary Scholarships have not increased in approximately 20 years. This money, in
       addition to the $1 million a year Athletics has already pledged for scholarships, will help the
       scholarship program.

       The UK College of Dentistry has been awarded a Center of Biomedical Research Excellence
       (COBRE) grant totaling more than $10.9 million for research in oral health. He noted that
       this is the University's second $10 million COBRE grant in the past month.

       The National Science Foundation has renewed the Appalachian Mathematics and Science
       Grant for $5.7 million to continue the University's program. This is part of the $22 million
       grant received a few years ago. It is the biggest in the University's history.

       The University recently announced 8 new initiatives to improve the safety of women on

       A National Science Foundation grant of nearly $2 million will enable UK to evaluate the
       science skills of more than 10,000 seventh and eighth grade Appalachian students during the
       next five years. He noted that this will be $2 million well spent.

       The National Science Foundation has chosen UK to lead a $3 million project to facilitate
       improved computational research in chemistry. This is $3 million for a multi-university
       project with the University of Illinois, Louisiana State University, Ohio State University,
       and the University of Texas. This is impressive because it has to do with UK's Hewlett-
       Packard SuperDome computer which is capable of more than a trillion calculations per
       second. UK has already chosen the contract. The UK proposal was one of only 14
       proposals funded out of 141 submitted. UK's Computational Science group continues to
       bring in money to make the University look good.


3 -

      UK and Cardinal Hill have announced a joint research appointment. A $2 million grant
      from Cardinal Hill to UK in 1999, along with $2 million in matching funds from the state's
      Research Challenge Trust Fund, has made possible the appointment of three shared faculty
      positions in Neurorehabilitation Research. A press conference was held last week to
      announce that UK professor Joe Springer has accepted the Cardinal Hill Endowed Chair in
      Neurorehabilitation Research. It will be a $4 million chair, and it will allow UK to work
      very closely with Cardinal Hill in its area of Neurorehabilitation Research.

      A press conference was recently held to announce a Lethal Cancer Project in Kentucky's 5th
      Congressional District. This is a $1 million earmark the University received with the help of
      Congressman Hal Rogers for the Marty Driesler Lethal Cancer Project. Dr. Al Cohen, who
      heads the Markey Cancer Center, and other UK physicians will be involved with this
      project. They will be working with the community physicians in the 5th Congressional
      District to try to profile that population to understand why they lead the nation in lethal
      cancer. He said that he is very proud of the outreach of the Markey Cancer Center.

      A $4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy was recently awarded to Secat Inc.,
      a Kentucky aluminum research and testing firm to improve energy efficiency in the
      aluminum industry. There are 142 facilities that will benefit from this grant with more than
      $5 billion in shipments of aluminum.

      UK had a two-day coal conference that was very well attended. It was a joint effort with
      Cinergy when Cinergy was celebrating its 10-year anniversary. Jim Rogers, who is a UK
      graduate, and Dr. Baldwin were involved in putting together a plan for a Coal 2020
      Conference. Leaders from across the nation attended and talked about the future of coal
      from an environmental perspective and a production perspective. Governor Ernie Fletcher
      was there to kick off the Conference.

      The National Institutes of Health presented a $3.7 million grant to UK to complete the
      neuroscience research space on the fourth floor of the Biomedical/Biological Sciences
      Research Building (BBSRB). Dr. Baldwin and Dr. Del Collins are to be congratulated for
      bringing this $3.7 million grant to UK to complete the BBSRB open space.

      The Sloan Foundation has established a UK Center for a Sustainable Aluminum Industry.
      Secat, a consortium aluminum company, applied for a Sloan Foundation Center grant. The
      Sloan Foundation selects Centers of Excellence around the country to try to keep the country
      in the manufacturing business. The new center joins 23 other Sloan Centers for Industry
      housed at 15 universities across the country, including MIT, Harvard University, Carnegie
      Mellon University, and the Georgia Institute of Technology. The Sloan Foundation initially
      provided $300,000, the State of Kentucky and the Governor himself provided $150,000, and
      $360,000 was provided by the aluminum industry to establish this Center.

      President Todd asked the Board to review the other great announcements and achievements
of the faculty, staff, and students in PR 1.


- 4 -

       President Todd called upon Dean David Mohney, College of Design, to speak about his

       E.    College of Design Report

       Dean Mohney said that it was a pleasure to be at the meeting. He said that it was
approximately this date 11 years ago that the Board of Trustees confirmed his appointment as Dean
of the College of Architecture. The Board also approved the design of the William T. Young
Library that day. Architecture matters on UK's campus. The William T. Young Library and the
Main Building are two very worthy projects that have done a lot to make the case that design of
buildings, interior design, and architecture can matter to a university and can really work to improve
it. A summary of Dean Mohney's presentation follows:

       Since the mid-1990s, design education has undergone a significant transformation at the
University of Kentucky. Professional schools in architecture and interior design, along with the
Department of Historic Preservation, have joined in the creation of a new College of Design. This
new College replaced the College of Architecture in January 2003. Thus, the College now
encompasses five degree programs, three of which are graduate degrees, for its 550 students.
Developing a research culture within the College which supports the university's goals for research
is the primary objective at this time.

       The College of Design has a significant outreach presence across Kentucky. Utilizing
community design centers in Lexington and Louisville, along with project-based work in smaller
communities across the state, the design programs have developed and worked closely to advance
public knowledge about design through a variety of projects. From zoning analyses of Old
Louisville to new housing in Morehead to participation in Lexington's downtown master plan, both
faculty and students have engaged real-world issues of design to improve Kentucky.

       The College continues a longstanding tradition of significant international travel programs
with students in Germany and Italy this fall and recently in Chile, Japan, India, and France. A
number of awards, for integration of design education with professional objectives, for innovative
housing projects in rural Kentucky that respect the traditions of rural Kentucky, and for furniture
design, have further increased the visibility of the college's programs at a national, and even
international, level.

       The faculty has received a number of different fellowships and awards. Architecture and
Interior Design projects are often judged in design competition by a group of peers. The College
has done very well in the past few years with a number of different projects based in Kentucky
having been recognized at a national and international level. The students who finish as
undergraduates have gone on to very prominent programs with fellowships around the country and
with very prominent firms located all around the world. Some of the leading architects are very
pleased with the quality of students who graduate from UK and work for them.

       The program has been recognized with a number of other awards as well, most prominently
a major national prize from the National Organization of Architecture Registration Board
(NCARB). UK won a prize as well as an honorable mention, being the first school to win two of


these awards out of all the 120 architecture schools around the country. This summer 24 schools
submitted projects to a national furniture competition in Atlanta where they gave 50 awards, and
UK received 5 of those awards. Two weeks ago in Beirut, Lebanon at an international furniture
competition, UK students walked away with second and third prizes overall.

       Following his presentation, Dean Mohney received a round of applause from the Board. He
asked for any questions or comments from the Board.

       Mr. Hardymon asked him to expand a little on the international information he had
provided. He said that he was intrigued with the international exposure of students.

       Dean Mohney said that Architecture has had longstanding international programs based in
Venice for the past 25 years, but there are temporary programs in Africa, in Asia, and throughout
Europe as well as in this country. Interior Design, since joining architecture, has been able to
participate in those programs. They are looking at a long-term program that will have both
architecture and interior design students in Berlin, Germany.

       Mr. Hardymon asked about the size of the facility and the number of people there.

       Dean Mohney reported that Venice can handle about 16 or 17 students, which is the normal
studio size, and there are 14 students in Berlin right now.

       President Todd said that Dean Mohney has done an outstanding job with the outreach
addition. He gets his hands dirty with everything from deplorable houses, to sustainability issues, to
urban development. He puts a good face on the University of Kentucky. He thanked Dean Mohney
for his report and called upon Dean Allan Vestal, College of Law, for his report.

       F.    College of Law Report

       Dean Vestal said that he was pleased to be at the meeting. A summary of Dean Vestal's
presentation follows:

       The College was initiated in 1908 as part of the general transition from Kentucky State
College to Kentucky State University. It has always been a standalone college with no departments,
and for accreditation reasons, this is really the model nationwide. The College's three-year, full-
time program, leads to the Juris Doctor Degree.

       The College of Law is poised to make a quantum leap in the excellence of its program and
in the contribution it makes to Top 20 status for the University. The College of Law already has a
student body equivalent to those of some of the top public law schools. The entering class is
approximately 145 students every year, and people who come to the College of Law tend to
graduate in three years. The College is getting applications from the majority of well-qualified
students in Kentucky who want to attend law school. The number of nonresident applications is
increasing, and it is very difficult to get into UK law school as a nonresident.



       The College could try to become a national law school or a nationally regarded school. The
profitable model for UK is to become a nationally regarded law school, and the examples in this
type of scenario are schools like Iowa, North Carolina, Illinois, and Wisconsin, that tend to be a
little bit larger than UK now, that tend to have a concentration of residents that is about where UK
is right now, but that are nationally regarded in the sense that graduates from these schools can go
anyplace in the country and have their law degree be a source of strength for them when they get

       The College has a strong, nationally regarded faculty, which is known for its teaching,
scholarship, and service. Recent faculty hires have added strength in new areas. The College now
has five assistant professors. The College has a good mix of permanent faculty members teaching
the vast majority of courses in the curriculum, but it is also using adjunct professors in substantive
areas where it is appropriate.

       The College has four elected members to the American Law Institute. It also has a strong
publication performance. During the past year, 23 faculty members published 26 books or chapters
in books and 41 journal articles. The placement of the journal articles is strong.

       The College has a diverse group of faculty members who have individual accomplishments
of note: a member inducted into the Civil Rights Hall of Fame last year, a member who argued a
case before the Supreme Court, faculty member Bob Lawson who won the Acorn Award, and a
variety of people who over the years have been named Great Teachers within the University. It is a
strong and diverse faculty that is highly accomplished.

       The College has some challenges. Reductions in funding have hurt the College of Law.
Progress that might have been made has been deferred. Because of the leadership of the Board, the
President, and the Provost, responses of the University to budget cuts have been well-conceived and
fair. The burden of these cuts has been equitably spread across the University, and the departments
and colleges of the University now are poised to make a lot of progress moving forward.

       The total budget for the College is about $7.4 million, and 73 percent of that is salaries and
other compensation. The College spends about 10.9 percent of its resources on scholarships. The
fellowship in memory of Paul Van Booven should add about 10 percent to the total budget. It will
bring between $800,000 and $1 million when it is completed. That has been a very successful
program in Paul's memory. The operating expenses are around 9.8 percent. Continuing legal
education program produces about 6 percent of the total budget although it operates as an
independent entity and really is not a part of the law school for most of its purposes.

       Tuition has increased 43 percent in two years. Law school tuition remains competitive, but
it is not the bargain it once was. In-state tuition is about $10,000 a year, and non-resident tuition is
about $20,000 a year.

       Federally funded renovations of the existing law building have bought some time, but the
key to the advance of the College of Law is its projected new building. The existing building is
qualitatively and quantitatively inadequate for the law school. This has been noted in accreditation
visits. The American Bar Association (ABA) evaluated the College in 1999, and they will be



coming back next year. The University has made this capital project a high priority. It is now
number three on the building list. The President and Provost have been very supportive in terms of
the College getting out there, doing the planning necessary for new buildings, and raising the
private funds that will be required for it.

      The College is poised to launch a $15 million capital campaign which will be part of the $1
billion University campaign. This goal has been tested by an outside consultant who found it
ambitious but achievable. The people are in place with a new communications director and a new
development director. The College is now using an institutional advancement model where
development, communications, and alumni all work together pushing the project.

      The College is going to have to continue to recruit strong faculty members, secure adequate
faculty and scholarship resources, and attract the best students to make the quantum leap forward,
and it is on track to do all of those things. The reputation, program, and competitive opportunities
for the law school depend upon the new building. The College has plans for the new building
across the street from Taylor Education Building on Scott Street. The architectural style will
compliment the University and will be a gem on campus for years to come.

      Mr. Hardymon said that the reports about the colleges are good sessions, and the Board will
continue having them as they can be put into the agenda. He called on Ms. Sparks for the Academic
Affairs Committee report.

      G.    Creation of the Department of Orthopedics (AACR 1)

      Ms. Sparks, Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, reported that the Committee met that
morning and had one item on its agenda. It is the Creation of the Department of Orthopedics. The
recommendation is that the Board of Trustees approve the creation of the Department of
Orthopedics by separating the current Division of Orthopedics from the Department of Surgery
effective November 1.

      Dr. Karpf appointed an ad hoc committee to examine the status of the Division, and it has
gone through all the necessary steps of the University, including the Board's Academic Affairs
Committee. This separation should accomplish several things. The development of such
subspecialties in orthopedics would be a productive strategy to expand the clinical operation at UK
and provide needed service to an aging population. It would allow the recruitment of more faculty
in orthopedics, ideally at the middle level or senior level with national reputations in critical areas
such as joint replacement. Orthopedics at the University of Kentucky will best reach its clinical and
scholarly potential if granted departmental status. The department should be the cornerstone of
development of a musculoskeletal center of excellence. This has become commonplace in other
universities, and Michigan has just recently separated orthopedics from surgery. It will involve 14
orthopedic faculty members moving out of surgery, but 78 faculty members will remain in the
Department of Surgery. On behalf of the Committee, she moved approval of AACR 1. Professor
Kennedy seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See AACR 1 at the end of the



      Ms. Sparks announced that the Committee is continuing its quest for information in
Academic Affairs. The Committee has a meeting tentatively scheduled for December 2 at 9:30 a.m.
The Committee has several items to look at and then bring to the Board's attention. She noted that
it could be a two-hour or possibly a three-hour meeting. She invited all Trustees to attend the
meeting. The Committee will be receiving information about the Direct Federal Loan Program that
UK uses for financial aid and the effects of enrollment growth on classroom size which has gotten
some publicity lately.

      Mr. Hardymon said that it is good that the Committee is taking the time to separate from
normal administrative duties and look into these things. He said he thinks that this is the way for it
to work. The committees should look hard at these items and then bring them to the Board after a
number of people have researched them. He called upon Ms. Wickliffe for the Finance Committee

      Ms. Wickliffe, Chair of the Finance Committee, thanked the staff for all the background
materials they supplied the Committee prior to the meeting. It is helpful to understand the items
before the Committee meeting.

      H.    Gifts and Pledges (FCRs 1 through 8)

      She reported that FCRs 1 through 8 were on the consent agenda. The gifts and pledges in
those items total $3,342, 500. Of that amount, $1,757,500 was cash gifts, and $1,585,000 was
pledges. She noted that FCRs 5, 6, 7, and 8 are eligible for matching by the state's Research
Challenge Trust Fund (RCTF), and they total $1,750,000. (See FCRs 1 through 8 at the end of the

      I.    Fit-Up 4th Floor of the Biomedical/Biological Sciences Research Building (FCR 9)

      Ms. Wickliffe said that FCR 9 is the Fit-up of the 4th floor of the Biomedical/Biological
Sciences Research Building (BBSRB). On behalf of the Committee, she asked for approval of
$7,963,250 for the fit-up of the 4th floor of the BBSRB building. Of this amount, $3,685,000 will
be in the form of a federal grant from the National Center for Research Resources Extramural
Research Facilities Improvement Program. The University of Kentucky Research Foundation will
fund the remaining amount. On behalf of the Finance Committee, she recommended the approval
of FCR 9. Ms. Tobin seconded her motion, and it carried without dissent. (See FCR 9 at the end of
the Minutes.)

      Mr. Harydmon noted that this is a big project on top of a big project. The project is going as
planned, and researchers are ready to use the new building as soon as it is finished, which is always
good when you put a facility together.

      J.    Renovate Football Practice Fields (FCR 10) and Renovate Commonwealth Stadium
Locker Room (FCR 11)

      Ms. Wickliffe requested that she be allowed to present FCR 10 and FCR 11 as one item.
FCR 10 is to renovate the football practice fields, and FCR 11 is to renovate the Commonwealth



Stadium locker room. She called upon Mitch Barnhart, Athletics Director, to give a brief synopsis
of his presentation at the Finance Committee meeting to the Board.

      Mr. Barnhart said that these are two items relating to football facilities that the Athletics
Department needs to do in order to continue moving the facility program forward. The Athletics
Department will take the funds out of the quasi-endowment for both items and replace the funds
with pledges that are made to the program.

      He said that the first item is a safety practice issue for athletes on the football fields. All the
water comes off of Cooper Drive and makes the fields almost unplayable because of a drainage
problem. Athletes must go indoors to practice under minimal precipitation. The coaches want to
practice outside and would also like to have an artificial surface to be able to practice on in case of
inclement weather.

      Mr. Barnhart explained that the other project involves a locker room. UK is probably one of
the few programs in Division I football that has two locker rooms separated by a hallway. The
offense team is on one end, and the defense team is at the other end. The coach has to give two
separate talks to the teams, and having two separate locker rooms does not create a team
atmosphere. The space was originally planned to accommodate about 60 people and is not
conducive to having 105 to 120 people. The time line is to be able to get the safety issue taken care
of on the practice fields, to be able to practice outside, and to get the ability to be one team in one
locker room for the next season.

      On behalf of the Finance Committee, Ms. Wickliffe moved that FCR 10 and FCR 11 be
approved by the Board. Mr. Branscum seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See
FCR 10 and 11 at the end of the Minutes.)

      K.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for Three
Months Ended September 30, 2004 (FCR 12)

      Ms. Wickliffe said that FCR 12 is the acceptance of the Interim Financial Report for the
University for the three months that ended September 30, 2004. As of September 30, 2004 the
University had realized income of $458,191,000. That represents 31 percent of the 2004-05
estimate of $1,471,304,000. The expenditures and the commitments total $369,315,000 or 25
percent of the approved budget. She referred to the detailed report that shows that the cash flow is
very good at this time. On behalf of the Committee, she recommended the acceptance of FCR 12.

      Mr. Hardymon asked if all Board members received the two-page summary report that the
Committee received. He said that he was not trying to make the members financial geniuses, but it
is a language just like other languages. The summary report provides highlights so the Board can
come back with questions or comments. He noted that the assets are strong, and the liabilities are
growing slower than the assets. This is very important. He asked if there were any comments or
questions on FCR 12. Ms. Watts seconded Ms. Wickliffe's motion, and it carried without dissent.
(See FCR 12 at the end of the Minutes.)


10 -

      L.    Approval of 2003-04 Endowment Match Program Annual Report (FCR 13)

      Ms. Wickliffe said that FCR 13 is a very detailed report that also includes a CD. It is the
annual report of the Endowment Match Program. She pointed out the executive summary of the
report. She said that the report is very thorough. It shows that the University had 437 endowed
activities created or enhanced through the Research Challenge Trust Fund (RCTF) endowment
match program better known as the Bucks for Brains. She encouraged the Board to review the
report in detail because the University has done a great job with that program. On behalf of the
Committee, she recommended the adoption of FCR 13. Ms. Tobin seconded her motion, and it
carried without dissent. (See FCR 13 at the end of the Minutes.)

      M.    Other Business

      Professor Kennedy said that he would like to make a short statement. He read the following

      Most of the people sitting around this table have heard me say this in individual
      conversations or in formal discussions. I want to say it to all of you together because it
      speaks to the current financial strain that we are under, and because it relates to a goal I
      believe we can endorse, and one that almost all faculty would support wholeheartedly.

      Somewhat more than 30 percent of those who contribute to the UK athletic program also
      contribute to the academic program. It would be wonderful for UK's principle mission if
      fundraising procedures could be instituted that would make that number 100 percent.

      Coming close to reaching such a goal might not be hard. Fundraising for the academic
      program could be piggybacked onto athletic department fundraising. For example, after a
      commitment for a donation to athletics was secured, the fundraiser could suggest that an
      additional 5 to 10 percent would really help UK out on the teaching side, especially given
      the tough times. Wouldn't most donors respond positively?

      I understand that in many cases the additional money contributed would be a token amount.
      We'll take it. We need it. I understand that in many cases the funds would be nonrecurring.
      We'll take them. We need them.

      I very much appreciate the previous efforts at de-silo-fication that have been made by the
      administration so far, and I believe this proposal could be a major step toward extending
      those efforts.

      If next year we could say that all those who supported the UK athletics program also
      supported the teaching mission of the University, we would have accomplished much, and
      benefits would accrue to both programs.

Thank you.


11 -

      Mr. Hardymon said that everyone had a copy of