xt780g3h1393 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3h1393/data/mets.xml Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1941 Prepared by the Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; The National Archives and Louisana State University, Cooperating Sponsors; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), National Archives (U.S.), University of New Orleans, United States Work Projects Administration, Division of Community Service Programs; v, 27 leaves, 28 cm; Mimeographed; Emergency Conservation Work, Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, Federal Home Loan Land Bank, Federal Housing Administration, Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation, National Youth Administration, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Tennessee Valley Authority, United States Civil Service Commission; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.17/23 books English New Orleans: Texas Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series XVII Miscellaneous agencies, Number 23 Mississippi text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series XVII Miscellaneous agencies, Number 23 Mississippi 1941 1941 2015 true xt780g3h1393 section xt780g3h1393 fl V n if /` V V V I ` liN|YEpt5T·y QF TE;NTl:I(?KY A ` " I . ‘;¢ 1 · ‘ L M ` ` ` I y\`1»j\ *11 » I I I\\\I\\uem\\&¤E\I\w\kI\\w\I\ \I\\e¤\»\Ix\\¤\»\ <»\\I\\A\\M\\; _ j] R GMES MLHLBTL H I, A , _ if I ‘ I is VV·~ _ gi -‘ . I ‘! _ , ‘ / I A IN\/ENTORY OF i I , Ae 5: I r' r· r·‘ r r (4 1 r ~ _ I ;D.·;A.#\L AAL A WL; {N THE ·h ‘ 3 I » I E V Il I? T I .» SEEUES ><\/Ii! i ! ‘ ,_,,_ I -,, g ‘ »·~» eELLANt<,>U> /MEN;1k> I UOIQIU I g ·/\é5S!S51I’P4 I V I .‘_ l I S - A 1 V _'§ I ' . I 1 i1 . L, .,.. . ei I E j SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES A ij * WORK PROJECTS ADE·i1I€ISTYll. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, AND APPLICATIONS, 1955 - 1956. General correspondence with Washington, applications for employ- ment, engineering correspondence before final appointment, engineers• ‘ applications forwarded to Washington, division of economic and statis- tical reports, and general complaints. Filed chronologically. (Fre- quently, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft. L in., in drawer of steel V rinag ease. R.2}l1. (sew) 1 1 12. DETAILED ESTIMATES AND PERSONNEL APPOINTMENTS, 1955 to date. _ Detailed estimates and breakdown of materials used on projects, show- ing quantity and cost; and personnel appointments in office. Detailed estimates filed chronologically; personnel appointments filed alphabeti- cally. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 folders and ll x 16 sheets, · 7 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 2hl. (905) 15. ADMINISTRATIVE AND INSPECTION ORDERS, 1955 to date. No appar- ent filing order. (Frequently, official.) Variously sized vols. (9), 1 ft. 5 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 2Ml. (906) lb. BLUEPRINTS OF ACTIVE PROJECTS, 1955 to date. Filed by proj- . ect. (Frequently, official.) Variously sized blueprints, 5 ft., in blueprint filing cabinet. R. 2bl. (915) 15. CORRESPONDENCE RECORD, 1955 to date. Showing routing and action taken. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 5 ( slips, 6 ft., in 5 pasteboard boxes R. 2Ml. (89L) 16. LEGAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 to date. Between attorneys, PWA officials, and project sponsors. Filed by docket numbers. (Fre- quently, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 5 ft. L in., in 5 drawers of steel filing case. R. 2Ll. (@95) 17. LEGAL FILE, 1955 to date. Correspondence, reports, and legal documents pertaining to projects. Filed by docket numbers. (Fro- quently, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 10 ft., in 6 drawers of steel fil- . ing cases. R. 2hl. (901) 18. MISCELLANEOUS CCRRESPONDENCE, 1955 to date. Between local of- fice, Washington, Atlanta, and individuals. (Frequently, official.) T 10 x 12 folders, S ft., in M drawers of steel filing case. R. 2hl. (896) i Public Works Administration, Jackson 5 ( 19. FINANCE FILE, 195M - 1956. Correspondence and reports per- ’ paining to work of finance division (duplicates). Filed by docket 1 number. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 6 ft., in M drawers ` of steel filing case. R. 2hl. (908) 20. ENGINEERS' AND LABOR REPORTS, 195h to date. Employment rec— ords, engineers' project reports, daily records of progress made, and requests for inspection. Filed chronologically. (Frequently, offi- cial.) 1O x 12 folders, 2 ft. L in., in drawer of steel filing case. 7 R. ani. (aca) 21. PROJECT INVENTORIES, 1955. Of building progress, grading, graveling, hard surfacing of streets, park improvement and beautify- ing. Filed by county. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 6 ft., in 5 drawers of steel filing case. R. 2hl. (918) 22. REPORTS ON STATE EROJECTS, 1955. Engineers* reports, citizens' · resolutions to Congress, and congressional acts and documents, rela- tive to flood control in Yazoo Basin; reports on highway construction; progress reports; expense reports; and inventories on state projects, V including tick eradication. Filed chronologically by subject. (Occa~ sionally, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in 2 drawers of I steel filing case. R. 2Rl. (916) 25. ACCOUNTING CORRESPONDENCE AND FORMS, 1955 to date. Relative to disbursements, invoices, pay rolls, requisitions, purchase vouchers, and telephone, telegraph, and transportation requests. Filed chrono~ logically. (Frequently, official.) 1O x 12 folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case, R. 2Ml. (899) 2M. CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDA AND ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, 1955 to date. Concerning method of handling intermediate and final grants, labor, hours, and rules with reference to projects. Filed by order numbers. (Frequently, official.) 8 1/2 x ll sheets, 7 ft. 6 in., in 5 drawers of steel filing ease. R. 2hl. (917) 25. DOCKET FILES, 1955 to date. Nos. lOOl-1259, including applica- tions, legal information, repcrts, bids, awards, change orders, esti- rmtes, contracts, plans, and specifications, and correspondence on · each project. Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 51 ft. L in., in 28 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 2hl. (905) 26. PROJECT LEGAL RECORD, 1955 to date. Showing location, type of project, name of sponsor, beginning and finishing dates, alloca- tions, kinds of material used, and name of attorney handling project. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 1 ft., _ in pasteboard box. R. 2hl. (ooo) 27. SUPPLEMENTAL PLANS, 1955 to date. Applications and blueprints ° of supplemental plans, request for changes in project and finance. ' Filed numerically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 1 ft. R in., y in drawer of steel filing case. R. 2hl. (90h) 1) Public`Works)Administration, Jackson 6 Q 28. MISCELLANEOUS FILE, 1956. Plans, contracts, and documents on Q projects. (Frequently, official.) Variously sized sheets and plans, i§ p 6 in., in 2 wooden drawers. R. 2nl. (911) 1 29. CHANGE ORDERS ON CONTRACTS, 1956 to date. (Frequently, offi- ; cial.) 8 x 12 blueprints, 8 in., on filing case. R. 2hl. (910) Q, 50. CHANGE ORDERS ON SCHOOL BUILDING CONTRACTS, 1956 to date. `Q (Frequently, official.) 9 x 15 blueprints, l ft. 6 in., on wooden i desk. R. 2n1. (912) E 51. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1956 to date. Relative to 1956 I. appropriation, PWA program orders, progress, and chart report. Filed § numerically by docket number. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 15 folders, I 5 ft., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. R. 2nl, (898) E 52. DOCKET RECORDS, Jan. 1956 to date. General correspondence, g change orders, weekly construction reports, weekly questionnaires, I miscellaneous forms, construction reports, blueprints, inspection data Q by field inspectors, and contract documents. Filed numerically. 1% (Daily, official,) 1O x 15 folders, 2M ft., in 12 drawers of steel é filing cases. R. 1501. (5MB) - E 55. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS, Nov. 1956 to date. Applications Q -pending for various reasons, such as lack of information on engineer*s § reports, bond issues not clear, specifications not settled, labor A disputes, and wage scale disputes. Filed numerically. (Frequently, Q official.) 9 x 15 folders, 1 ft. M in., in drawer of steel filing j oase. R. 2hl. (907) A A . I i Yi 7 l QEQEBAL BANK BOARD I , h_—·-‘_·—~'°`°""""""""‘_""‘"""*"*‘—···•·•· I . imaionw 5 H@® E 58. RECONDITIORING DATA, Aug. 12, 1955 to date. Giving loan g` number, name and address of borrower, reports of appraisers, amount y necessary for repairs, copy of contracts for reconditioning, and Q, final report of same. Filed by name and loan number. (Occasionally, Q official.) 10 x 15 folders, 16 ft., in 8 drawers of steel filing gi eases. R. lh05. (92) Q 59. SERVICE REPORTS, Aug. 12, 1955 to date. Containing request { forms, giving loan number, name and address of borrower, and number 5 of payments delinquent. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official,) ;€ 5 x 8 folders, 7 ft., in L transfer cases. R. lh01. (88) Q? 8 (il FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION t t E .. . jp, JACKSON lm p{ OFFICE OF THE STATE DIRECTOR §y Lamar Bldg. §, E. Capitol St. between S.‘lest and S. Congress Sts. § This office was established in 195M and has maintained quarters at ‘jy its present address since inception. No records have been lost, de- Q stroyed, or sent to Washington. igp M0. PERSONNEL FILE, 195M. Applications accepted and rejected by l ig, FHA in its early stages. Filed alphabetically. (Inactive file, jj rarely, official.) 10 x 15 folders, M ft., in 2 drawers of steel fil- 1} ing case. R. 211. (1082) id Ml. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE FILE, TITLE II, CIOSED, 195M — 1956. Q Insured mortgages, information on banks, reports, instructions, gen- l if eral and official organization file, pay rolls, and inquiries on Title , { II of the National Housing Act of 195M. Filed alphabetically by sub- E ject. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 5 ft., in 5 drawers Q of steel filing case. R. 211. (1070) Q M2. CORRESPONDENCE, VOUCHERS, REPORTS, AND REQUISITIONS, 195M to § date. Between the state office, Washington, and individuals, with In supporting papers. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) F 10 x12 folders, 9 ft. 6 in., in 5 drawers of steel filing case. R. y. 211. (1075) pg M5. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, TITLE I, 195M to date. Correspondence lj with banks and better housing committees. Filed alphabetically by _p town and subject. (Frequently. official.) 10 x 12 folders, 5 ft., ig in 2 drawers of steel filing case. R. 211. (1072) §{ MMA PERSONNEL FILE, 195M te date. Applications of persons pres- Yj ently employed by FHA. Filed alphabetically by position and name. (fp (Frequently, official.) 1O x 15 folders, l ft. 8 in., in drawer of ;l steel filing case. R. 208. (1065) (gi M5. ARCHITECTURAL CORRESPONDENCE, 195M to date. Regarding valua- lgi tion, location, and construction between the chief architect and fee- ` IE5 men. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders, .€` 1 ft. 5 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 215. (IOSM) ia M6. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS, 195M to date. Correspond- if ence between chief underwriter and Washington Office; weekly reports; A and subdivision filo, giving information on realty subdivisions pro- F - . ' d 1 h b-tf ll . F tli ff' ' l. ‘i8S§di£°§..?1Pi*6°.`£°i5 rgiéiya? 1 ie? é°?¤.°f 1.}d¥§%E?nOr’se§.i1§1iia§ j_ case. R. 215. (1085) ‘ ly il Federal Housing Administration, Jackson 9 )§? LQ. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 195L to date. Correspondence with gig lWashington Office and with FHA committees. Filed alphabetically by gf , subjects. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drawer (gf of steel filing case. R. 211. (1069) wf M8. MORTGAGOR INDEX, 105b.to date. Index to all applications for li insurance under FHA plan, showing address of property, serial number, gf owner, and residence. Filed alphabetically by names of mortgagors. in (Frequently, official.) This is an index to records under entries ({7 51 and 60. 5 x 9 cards, l ft. 10 in., in 5 drawers of steel card yl cabinet. R. 208. (1065) i A, I 5 Itf M9. RECCRD OF ALL CASES, 195h to date. Pending, expired, insured, €;, and rejected applications, showing ownership, location, date, and ?Q receipt of commitments. Filed numerically. (Frequently, official.) i, h x 6 cards, 5 ft. 5 in., in Kardex steel cabinet. R. 211. (1079) § 50. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE FILE, TITLE I, Aug. 195h to date. In— i 1% cluding instructions, reports, expense accounts, vouchers, bank in~ P)` formation, mailing list, pay roll information, and publicity data. §' Filed alphabetically by subject. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 ll folders, 1 ft. 10 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 211. (1071) - % 51. CLOSED APPLICATIONS, Dec. 29, 195M to date. Insured, rejected, Lg withdrawn, and expired applications for loans; Form 200h, application g` for loan; Form 20lh, report of architect; Form 2015, report of valua- »§‘ tion; Form 2016, report of mortgage-risk examiner; Form 2017, report Q, of chief underwriter; Forms 2007 and 2008, commitments for insurance; (Q, Form 2028, letter transmitting notes; Form 2077~C, closing review; §` Form 2051, compliance inspection report; Form 2155~D, deod~of~trust if, note; and Form 2l55—B, deed of trust. Each application has a photo~ ,l graph of applicant attached. Filed numerically by serial number. (Q. 5 x 9 card index (see entry M8). (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 .§. folders, 55 ft. 2 in., in 22 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 211. (3 (ieee) All 52. CORRESPONDENCE AED MEMORAEDA, 1955. Supporting papers between IQY county agents and extension agents, and inquiries regarding farm prep- Q§( erty, pertaining to Title I. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, of- 111 ficial.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in drawer of steel filing case. § R. 208. (1061) Qi 55, COM ITMEDHS, 1955 ~ Apr. 1956. Recommended and rejected, giv~ lt ing all necessary information as to location and estimated valuation. li Filed alphabetically by city. (Occasionally, official.) 10 x lh QQ l00se—leaf books (6), 9 in., on steel cabinet. R. 211. (1075) § 5L. BLUEPRINTS OF COMPLETED HOMES, CLOSED, 1955 to date. Plans fi of houses insured by FHA. Filed numerically by serial number. *l. (Rarely, official.) Variously sized blueprints (65), 8 in., in steel JI cabinet. R. 206. (1060) if 55. DISBURSEEEET AED TRAVEL VOUCHERS, 1955 to date. Form 106h, ii_ Schedule of disbursement; and Form 1012, travel voucher, submitted ’% 1 . (jj Federal Housing Administration, Jackson 10 M2 Mi lQ§ by members of organization. Filed chronologically. (Frequently, of— Qj fieial.) (l06x)l2 folders, 2 ft., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. g@ ‘ R. 208. 10 2 1Q* 56. RECOMMENDED AND REJECTED CONMITMENTS, 1955 to date. Recording tf, property location, card number FHA—2075, showing serial number, size Qif of lot, valuation, year built, type of building and estimated cost of 7Qj replacements. Filed alphabetically by cities. (Frequently, official.) lp} R x i)cards, 2 ft. 6 in., in 5 drawers of steel card cabinet. R. 211. V5 ; 107 it 57. RECORD OF REJECTED, WITHDRAUN, AND EXPIRED APPLICATIONS, 1955 [j' to date. Showing owner, serial number, location of property, and ap~ *j. praisal fee. Filed numerically by serial number. (Frequently, offi~ jj, cial.) h x)6 cards, 1 ft. M in., in drawer of steel card cabinet. R. 211· (1077 it 58. RECORD OF INSURED CASES, 1955 to date. Showing mortgagor, ,Y serial number, location of property, and appraisal fee. Filed nu~ 1» merically by serial number under mortgagee's name. (Frequently, offi- 5{ cial.) M x 6 cards, 2 ft. 6 in., in 2 drawers of steel card cabinet. _ Q, R. 211. (1078) je 59. REPORTS OF COLLECTIONS AND DEPOSITS, 1955 to date. Forms FHA E? 2058-A and 2072, daily reports; Form.l0nL, schedule of collections; (Qi and Form 6599, certificate of deposits. Filed chronologically. (Fre- _§ quontly, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in drawer of steel '£. filing case. R. 208. (106h) ;· 60. PENDING APPLICATIONS, Aug. l, 1955 to date. Form 20OL, ap- ;§. plication for loan; Form 20lh, report of architect; Form 2015, report lil of valuation; Form 2016, report of mortgage risk; Form 2017, report H§ of chief underwriter; and Forms 2007 and 2008, commitments for insur~ 1fY ance and photographs made by FHA for inspection purposes. Each ap~ 1Qi plication has a photograph of applicant attached. Filed numerically li by serial number. 5 x 9 card index (see entry L8). (Frequently, of- ia ficial.) 10 X l5(fo;d§rs, 6 ft. L in., in 6 drawers of steel filing ;§ eases. R, 211. 10 7 l}? 61. MAPS, 1956 to date, Showing cities throughout the state, to yi; determine property valuation in each city. Filed alphabetically by ks town. (Frequently, official.) l0 x 15 folders, 1 ft. M in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 215. (1086) I;. lg} 62. BLUEPRINTS, 1956 to date. Showing houses under construction. yi? Filed numerically by serial number. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 15 if folders, 12 ft. 6 in., in 7 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 211. (ical) ml Vi? 65. PHOTOGRAPHS, 1956 to date. For inspection of houses being con~ .¥i structed, completed, and insured by FHA. Filed alphabetically by town, Y§ (Frequently, official.) Variously sized, l ft. 2 in., in 2 drawers of Wooden card cabinet. R, 211. (1068) 1- . §£% Federal Housing Administration, Jackson 11 iii én. SPECIFICATIONS, BLUEPRINTS, AND CORRESPONDENCE, 1956 to date. rl Pertaining to houses under construction and dealing with matters rela- EQ ' tive tc buildings. Filed numerically by serial number. (Frequently, Q2 official.) 10 x 15 folders, 7 ft. 6 in., in L drawers of steel fil- Q ing case. R. 211. (1076) 1;; 65. VALUATION FILE, 1956 to date. Reports and field notes concern- Q1 ing property investigations made by field men. Filed by staff va1ua— gd tor*s name. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 2 ft., in l y V‘ drawer of steel filing case. R. 215. (1085) it 66. BLUEPRINTS AND CORRESPONDENCE, 1957. Covering cases under if process of examination, but not yet approved. Filed numerically by § serial number. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 2 ft., in gr drawer of steel filing case. R. 211. (1080) i :i A W “ I ‘ , * 12 1 I g * § _SE~RPL_ES__O genes ir iss c oaromr 1 ow eager OFFICE OF THE FIELD DIRECT CR Q1 Nickle Wholesale Bldg., 2lO E. South St. f This office was established in 1955 under the Federal Emergency i Relief Administration, and was transferred to the Works Progress *‘ Administration in 1955. It is new jointly under administrative su- ` Q pervision of the`WPA and FSCC, being a branch office of the latter, pi and a project of the former, sponsored by the state. It had occu- @» pied offices in the Tower Building, South Roach and West Pearl li Streets, but dates are not known. This office is charged with dis- _ .}» tribution of food, clothing, and other surplus commodities to per~ nt sons eligible to receive them. i No records have been lost, destroyed, or sent to Washington. ‘ if 67. REQUISITIONS, INVOICES, AND CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 - 1955. I Letters of request, records of distribution, reports, and resettle- 7 _; ment records, No apparent filing order, (Rarely, official.) 10 x 12 I Q1 folders and M x 6 and 9 x lh sheets and slips, M2 ft., in 17 drawers ( R of transfer cases. Storage Basement. (956) { 68. COMMODITY DISTRICT GUIDE, 1955 to date. Instructions by which QV commodities are distributed. Filed chronologically. (Frequently, of- ft ficial.) ll x l2 loose-leaf books (7), l ft., on desk. R. not num- it bored. (958) r 69. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 to date. With corporation head- if quarters at Washington, including notices o