xt780g3h1596 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3h1596/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 2000 Vol.71 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, November 2000 Vol.71 No.11 2000 2019 true xt780g3h1596 section xt780g3h1596 I r‘ (UK) LEX 405
LEXINLI 573 ~.; '
. ‘ ’9' 40506-003
Volume 71. Number 11 - November 2000 I I es S
ACC€SS KPA.COI11 700th Anniversary marked A
o o ’0
Vb] ‘. s
:54 :2. "k‘ 1
By LISA (‘ARNAHAN tor approval ”rice the sign up is m";
KI’A News Bureau .tlllll'HVt'tl. tin iii-ususznw Il.‘.\ "

‘x u~~~l\'l’.\ct-m tin Iniiw‘n ‘il! .ii't'esstoiiie ”ilt '_ i ‘ -
To I\I’.\3- "‘.1ii’llli :w.ii'ii sys‘u-ir' Iiiiili‘ 'n~.\ .\tt" ‘ i\l‘\.wn ‘4" 1
tWV‘W-II'XM . 'rlli'i‘,‘ .: ‘.*..:ru1 mam-rt wit I\e".-.w_ 1! .‘.\:r ‘1 I
*M U: ": Ixeifzickx 1w per» lent t' . 1'“: it x “v M! _ _ I g I ”a,” "M I

v' \w'ew‘l‘ i‘ TJHM‘ ' Wt) I'wimu.‘ ~1'1T‘5“ . " “wk“ . .1 I
tl ' " it '_I ' ‘1 it 1', t‘," .l--:\v‘t2 it’l' , 'r , ll‘t t' lii' in II -.i .‘ ' i'v :E‘2sx":ag;_gi U’ I " ‘
-~ . !'~~ .. . ~ an: .
. At“ t', " ‘ .

t‘lt l-.i . r, 3, not .1.-. i. t". IIHImHvH \..« H g. xix-Hun“ gfirufii
,2 ~~ moviW‘ \ \\ t'»ii=iiv-m.’\lt‘. ,\3 i‘\\t’rY'I\ \\ iuiw YIir ~ re”: Efiswrxw i I
’r.ii‘»4'!~Il.:(IthIliiI illiii.tt;1:>iit‘ll‘iill l‘,l;t_\ lull lie 11‘}: '* ‘1 7” flit htzgjfiylffig‘v)

IIH‘ ('entiul (lt‘iiw. illll nun our Indiana ll(‘\\,\l).‘tllt its. smut: them
neu'spapers can gtl the same kind access to the site .ilimxs us to semi DaVIfflreer ublisher of The Kentuck Standard Bardstown cut a
' oi inlerniation ot't‘ the internet. displm ads electronicalh to news . .p . y ‘ .‘
.. , , .‘ ,. ‘ ‘ , .. g . ~ . cake during an open house Nov. 1 In honor of the 100th anniversary
Accesslxl .-\.com is also sectue. it s papers in IHIIII .‘ltll(‘\. . .

. . , .. t _ . . of the newspaper. The newspaper has marked the milestone With a
password protected and ne\\spa- (ommon.\et “as one ot the ear_'on celebration and activities that included a weekl series
pet‘s have to sign up to receive per— more successful bulletin board sys- examinir? decade b decade the most im ortant events id, Nelson
mission to access the site. tems operated In state press associ— Count Eistor andy a ictorial histor hook that was recen“

The sign up is done the first ations and now AccessKl’Acom is y y' p y . . y

. . . . . . .. . , , . , released. The newspaper plans a commemorative Issue on Dec. 15.
time a newspaper accesses the site following suit. said lxl A I‘Aecutn'e the exact date of The Standards 100th anniversary
and thats forwarded to our office See ACCESSKPA, page 7
O o o o
SCI’I S UI'C h 21868 ~ Nominatlons being accepted
' i
for Hall of Fame, Owens award
Gl‘ al I‘ r Ad \/ 0‘ at‘ i Nominations are currently Kentucky.
3 i bein r acce ted by the Universitv of The deadline for nominations is
g“ p . . - . u v .
, , _ Kentucky Journalism Alumni Jan. 3, 2001. Further information
By LIBBY 1" KEELING th1nk,1nJust about every way the Association for inductees into the may be obtained by writing the ‘
Gleaner staff _ markets are “1985““, “Wdt‘rs‘m Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame. School of Journalism and

Medla glant E'W' Scrlpps CO' County. ‘5 Imke‘i wlth _th“ The Hall of Fame recogmizes Telecommunications. 107 (lrehan
acqu1red The Henderson Gleaner EvanSVille market. said‘ VIII“). individuals who have made signiii— Building. University of Kentucky.
01.] va 1,mak1ng the'newspaper a Vawt‘er. preSIdent and pUthh" ”I cant contributions to journalism, Lexington, Ky. 40506—0042. or by
dwision ofthe Evansv1lle Courier & the ‘(pourier & Press. . ) I Selection is from persons. living or calling (859) 257-1730.

Press. . . I th‘pk the (iourier & lress J deceased. who are Kentucky natives Nominations for the Lewis K.
V S-crlp‘ps, Wthh has owned the and The Gleaner now can some the I or have spent a substantial part of ()wens are also being accepted by
9011118.? for 14 years, announced its market better. . I their journalism careers in See NOMINATIONS, page 10
intention Oct. 5 to purchase the The Gleaner, however, is to

Henderson newspaper from Belo retain its independent editorial " ,‘ fa
Corp. pending government voice and focus on the ”Fri—county , .£21.03patcg. p , ' , ,
approval. area. It will also continue to be (Wflw ' , » ,. _ ';

Terms of the sale, which printed in Henderson. $537 .‘v j»...13,.2'157‘35 bf: . I \ ,
include the Union County Advocate “It's been around 11.") years. We wmwwwmjfiw p m l’;j§;.;m.;.;.g, m i. * ;

. . . «(4’0“ ‘ ”* -’ m.- "'ifl;’::i,5‘;.f-“"r . .' 2““ , '
and Audubon Printers, were not see all of the awards its won. I 9(9’ j;:.;;‘¢csfmsa I
. . . . MM)Y‘MV»_, _. v‘
disclosed. think it can only be classified as a fiMWMEfi/‘fi? ’“ '-

“(The Gleaner) will be a divi- true community newspaper. That's ego‘wxhéegggvééj} , ’

. . . - - 2w", '9,03???"’151?..51‘9593";kc:r ' n" W,“ t . - w'é‘ ‘ , ,T' ,. a , ,:riiwi'i'i‘i.”»32u‘»i¥7i'5:; ',
sion of the Courier & Press, and it what we think it ought to be, and £(1: ,y‘y . ,;.;v:<3j§itwsww§w» 1

,- u . “ ~ . ’15 m M? m - ,ij“t=$; 5,15" ,: ~",é.’_ . t
“1“ b" H‘ "(let-‘0“ S “empdper- We See GLEANER, page 6 i . ,. .

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, November 2000
K k 1 ' h
entuc y peop e, papers in t e new 3
Hel'ald—Lfiudcr prOanteS Luecke worked as an editor at Salyersville paper SOId l'niyersitvrl‘ias taken 'a position at
The (‘ourier-Journal and the I) 'l 1 Fr t h I)” hi d the Tampa lll'ibune in\l‘ampa. l‘la
, \ . , ‘. ,' . Hartford ‘('onn.i (‘ourant before :l\'l( i. a er as l‘t' :50 ()rigina }' from . t, Hter ing.
LUkaL‘ CdUlhlnb becoming the Ilerald—Ia-ader‘s edi- ”l" SHINHV‘WTHV Independent from Back completed internships at the
The l,ex1iigtonl”"TT'TT"W“? torial page editor in 199:3, She TH“ and (‘arol “"5““ “ll" hill“ l.ex1ngton Herald»Leader. The
Herald - lieaderl "3" I became editor in 1996. "WW9 and "l“‘l‘i‘lml ill" WNW" ()regonian in l’ortland. ()re.. The
has promoted twol #3}: | (‘aulkinsc who grew up in since 1971 f‘llt'“ ”W." lWUflhl 1‘ (‘olumlius Dispatch in ()liio and The
executives to l .. gm Louisiana. was retail advertising ”Um Sandy \ fillt‘fi’ [M’s-‘7 lleraldsl)ispatch in Huntington. W
senior vice presi— w _ director of the Fort Worth 4Texas) Tlm Bil-"UR Wh“ had llt‘l‘l Ill“ Va.
dent. " ’1“: Star-Telegram before she was 111]“ “f editor and llUl)ll-"ll“r- W1” Hack. who also Sprypd as co»edi»
l’ain Iiuecke, i l named Herald—la-ader advertising WITHIN" 1" “TV“ 415 1h“ llllhllt'ii' tor of \\'l\'l"s (‘ollege Heights
editor and vice i __. director in 1997. tion‘s editor. l’rater. who said he Herald. will cover education for the
president. has LUECKE She is now responsible for pro— holds a sentimental attachment to Tampa Tribune.
been named edi- _ ww motion and creative services. marv lllt‘ PMWF. hi” SUM lH‘ 11111115 1‘)
tor and senior " Wrfl’ ket research, advertising and circu— “'“l‘k Willi tht‘ “(t-"1165 I“ improve it. ' . ' ' . , , ‘ ‘
vice president. ‘_ ‘3 lation. A new advertising director l’rater attended Eastern Sllnphun JOINS Std“
Ann (‘aulkinsy i“ 3 will be named and will report to Kentucky l'niversity and served at Kentucky Standard
vice president of 3" ' her. one term on the Sal‘versville (‘ity
advertising, has i 3,, (‘aulkins was honored in 1999 (‘ouncil His grandfather was once 2‘”?le Simpson hasjoined tht‘
been named ‘ 25E; Vi with the Excellence Award in editor and part owner ofthe paper. statt “1 The hentucky Standard 1‘5
Tim“; ”“11"”: " ‘5. «.3 RdvelltisRiniglgivenl alinually l” a $215211;(1((’;1§13<1‘r-hl Dr \N u 1‘ .
(cm or 5:105 21m 'ni r t i( ( er, w1ici owns t ie ' ~ . ‘ ~ * 5’ ~ v 15' t" ’ 5 .'
marketing. CAULKINS HerildLeader. COHIH‘S tdkeh [Op pOSt worked as a member of the
at Hazard Herald Louisville ‘sales team at the
———-——-—- The Kentuck Press --—-————- R “V ”v . 1' V b H . . ) Landmark (ommunications corpo-
y 1‘“ ” _m“ ”5 “n appointtd rate office. He also spent time
The Kentucky PressilSSN-tX123-(1324) is pub~ District 13 pullll‘islherlof El“ lil‘tlz‘lrf: llfxr‘ilgl‘,1‘;“ Worklng for 'L()tllS\'lll(‘ Homes
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Glenn Cray, Manchester linterpnse “1 ‘_‘;‘“ “"1 ml“ V” ‘1‘ a” P“ 1““ " Magazme, which is also owned by
ASMK‘IJHUH/Kt‘lli’llt‘ky Press Service, Inc. or (ll. I‘he Pl()}d ("11ml Tlmeh' d Landmark.
lli\ritllll:al-c:i;s postage is paid {isprdnkfflrt District 14 piosition tile has held sinccl‘ laIsIt yealia. Simpson holds a degree in
'. ..iss v 1 ‘2“5 '2 2' "t . -. .- ‘ .
l’ostinaiter: ;.,ltlr:lllt‘::ll;:illilidgfiiif,”VTLlli David Thornberry, Commonwealth—lournal l)t:l)li:lii?r 11:13“) Ririfl‘ilril “4152;“ graphic (iv-“£5“ from 110111“ 1”“ TWh-
Kentuc v Pressltil Consumer ane, , u ,, ,‘ , , . , c , , .
Frankfort,KY.4ttot11,(502)223-8821. District IS-A Sill:(1);)‘;:)ll::nt:l::dwr t“ purhu‘ Berry hired at C'ddlZ
titticersand Directors memm’ Andemm News . “I have wrestled for months Tom Berry has been hired as a
Ketitttckyl’re» Association District 15-13 with my decision to resign as pub:~ reporter at The Cadiz Record. He
‘ ‘ ‘ . lisher of the Hazard Herald, most recently worked for the
lingldm‘“ , _ . . ‘ , lohn Nelson, [)i]H\'1llL‘ Advocate—Messenger Rindahl s‘t’iid. “But I feel this is (me Kentucky New Era in Hopkinsville.
1"rC5‘ll“‘\l"lt’M‘LNI‘LUW“ Nil” qt t) H H ofthose opportunities one shouldn't He holds a bachelor‘s degree in
President ““1 SD:}:(:T Tiiiiiinski Winchester Sun puss Up' . print journalism from Austin .Peay
Marty Backus, Appalachian News Express ’ Both papers which are owned State University and an assoCiate's
. . . , by Community Newspaper degree from Hopkinsville
lerJ’ft’Sidt’m . T‘m HMS" 8mm” Trlbmwkwmr Holdings, Inc. will remain indepen— Community College.
Tom Laudill, LexnigtonHemld~Leader ’ . . . ‘ dent. Berry, who is also an editorial
“a. President Taylor Hayes, Kentucky New Era . ca rtoonist. worked for the
Dave Eldridge, Jessamine Journal Associates Division Kentucky natlve takgs lnternational Paper‘Co. and served
T . Armando Arrastia, . b T T b 1n the Uh Navy betore beginning a
Drii’iiiiilérreer, The Kentuckv Standard, KthCkY Department “f Education JO at ampa r1 une career in newspapers.
Bardstown ' Shannon Back, a 2000 gradu-
Advertising Division ate of Western Kentucky See PEOPLE, page 10
District 1 Elaine Morgan, Owensboro _——————————————-
Alice Rouse, Murray Ledger 8: Times Messenger-Inquirer .
1 _ Former guard conv1cted
Jed Dillingham, Dawson bprmgs Progress Chris Poore, Lexington Herald-Leader . .
was . . in fire at Herald-Leader
Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer loumalism Education
District 4 3:32?“ of Kenmck By PATRICIA LYNCH kIMBRo pen if he held the lighter to the cor-
Charlie Portmann, Franklin Favorite Y Y Herald-Leader Staff writer ner Of a waxed wrapper that had
GeneralCounsels . After 20 minutes 0f delibera— come loose from one of the
District?» Ion Fleischakerand Kim Greene “9‘15 on _OCt- 9, a Fayette County newsprint rolls. The paper is
Da'v'ldCt‘eer,The KentuckyStandard, DinsmoreoSzShohl Circuit Jury conVicted a former stored in the warehouse area on
Bardsmwn i security guard 0f third-degree the first floor of the Herald-Leader
District6 Kentucky Press Association 3:23 dfire:dc§rrien¥eb1:teial;;xmgton at 100 Midland Avenue.
Dorothy Abemathy,0|dham Era Kentucky Press SerViCQStaff Jeffrey Scott Kelso 27 a for- Connie Carter, a contracted
District7 David T. Thompson, Executive Director mer volunteer fireman who said cleaning employee, teStlfled that
Kelley Wamick, Callatin County News Bonnie H‘Mard' Controller . _ he'd never fought a fire, testified she was taking a break when she
LisaCamahan, Member SerVices Director he took a Cigarette lighter and SpOtted K8180 movmg his arm up
District 89 ‘ Larry Brooks, Advertising Director held it up to a frayed edge on a roll and down around the newsprint.
Ken Metz, Bath County News Outlook Reba LeWIS,Research/Marketing‘CtXermator of newsprint. Kelso said he did Defense attorney AliCia Sneed
DistrictIO-ll mm“ WV?“ New Med“ Amtrf‘t‘” this twice before the fire actually argued that although K9150 started
Jerry Pennington, Ashland Daily Independent Sue Cammack, Administrative ASSistant started. Damage from the blaze the fire, he never fled the budding.
Buffy Sams, BOOkkeerg ASS‘stant and water was put at $100,000, Instead he called 911 to report the
Districtlz RaChelMccaflylAdvemsmg ASSi-‘tam Kelso said curiosity and stupid- fire as the 50 employees working
Stephen Bowling, lackson Times Holly Stigers, Tearsheet Coordinator ity led him to see what would hap— that evening evacuated.

 The Kentucky Press, November 2000 - Page 3
Regs gOVBm Gra son J E em lo ' '
y — p yees use to the occasmn
employment when off'i ce hrea ened b f °
t t y 1re that killed one
0 0 On Sept. 9, employees of the Grayson Journal- T——————f——T
advertISIHg Enquirer were faced with a tough question: Do we _ , e were working at the tlme 0" 3 Pride
stay 0,- do we go? edition, highlighting the good qualities of our
Two Kentucky Administrative The building that houses the newspaper, which is community...Seeing all those people working
Regulations govern the posting, located 1“ Grayson, was threatened by a fire tWO together to help their neighbor really brought
distribution and advertising of doors d°w“' home that sense of pride in our community. I got
employment opportunities in Unbelknownst the GJE staffers, a man. had a little choked u to be honest ,,
Kentucky. already died in the fire. _Jeremy Marcum, 20, died of p. ‘ '
Based on requests from indi- smoke inhalation, according to investigators. _ ”——
vidual newspapers for employ- Ad rep Bonnie Pence ‘found out about the fire as Bonnie Pence
ment advertising specifics, KPA is She drove through town. She immediately paged (rJE Grayson Journal-Enquirer ad rep
making both administrative regu- Managing 1E2?” Jason Hartt.“ ff th ' " ' ' ' _ "' "' " "
- d y . ) , a 0 my scanner a ie 0 ice, as e compa- . .
?:;::C‘k:¥:;::blt through Thk n.V pOIiCO scanner was out of commission, so I was ‘ 'h xvi)itarmdffhlhymg- out computer fiqplgmvnt' ad

For more information on unaware of the fire, Hart said. “I m Just glad Bonnie MI “1“ ‘5' ”l” 0““ "’f~ *1” "t ”3 Hart Nud- Tl?“ Pf’O’
employment advertising and the spotted m p e t iat work here absolutely did an outstanding Job
expected requirements of newspa— Pence opened the office to find that there was no m gifting ‘l’l‘lr istu‘ff‘out. ‘ . ' 'h' ‘
pers in publishing such ads, con- smoke m the bUilding yet. “‘2 helped other Thcoup c outcnse moments punctuated thec aos.‘
tact Joseph Brown at the bystanders carry merchandise from (xrayson Sporting "k “dim“ “ml“ when Marshall was backing h”

. Kentucky Human Rights Goods to that store s warelivuse up the street. pic iii!) own the blocked—off street to load up comput~
Commission (502) 5954024. Pence also allowed others to use her cell phone to “re- 0 W35 _-‘t”PP“d “Dd ordered ”Ut “1 the “T93 t"
‘ make emergency calls. make room for an aerial truck that was en route to

104 KAR 1:010. Posting, “I really think Bonnie should be commended for th“ fire.

distribution and availability her actions," Hart said. “She really rose to the occa- “D319 and I talked th“ firefighters into giving US
of notices and pamphlets. Si0n_" five minutes, and they let him in," Hart said. “They
When Hart arrived. he found a scene of chaos. said if we weren't out in five. they Would arrest us

ANgECCE§§P%Yfib§‘IIT§?TIT9hIiIs “The whole bloch was “1.95““ off S“, [ had 1,, talk and tow his truck. Needless to say, we hurried." .
administrative regulation is nec- my way past the fireman," Hart said. “1 used my Another tense 'moment came when IIart slipped
essarv to establish requirements press 1D, and they let me m_ . under a firefiline tape and was threatened With
for persons defined in KRS . Pence and her daughter‘Michelle were busy help- arrest again.“I had set my camera down oh my desk
344.010 344.030 344.130 and ing carry‘merchandise u, safety. “Iiust started taking to help load, IIart said. I asked a fire fighter if I
344 367 ’ to post distribute and photos of everything. 'Hart said. “There was a Whole could go back in and he gave me permission, but I

' ’ . ’ .‘ ' ‘ crowd of people helping carry stu‘i out of Gravson #111055 the WI) dldnt ““1" him-
make available notices and pam— Sporting Goods and into their wanihnugo I‘saw I'Iart said the police officer told him to ‘get out or
phlets. Bonnie working like crazy to help them carry stuff," get arrested.‘ The matter was quickly straightened
Section 1. Equal Employment Pence said the experienceclarified the meaning (if out and ”art was allowed to retrieve the camera. “I'm

Opportunity Notices ‘community' for her. just glad the cops and firefighters know me. and that

(1) An employer, employment “We were working at the time on a ‘l’ride‘ edition. I know them." IIart said. “I couldn't stand the
agency, licensing agency and highlighting the good qualities ”f our community." thought of losing that camera and the pictures of the
labor organization. shall post and Pence said. “Seeing all those people working together fire, and then having to explain those losses to my
maintain 111 its establishment to help their neighbor really brought home that sense lmb‘h'"
equal employment opportunity of pride in our comiiiunitv I got a little choked up. to (‘ompnters and other equipment were .oaded into
notices. be honest," \‘i-liicles belonging to I’ence. Hart. and Marshall.

(‘2‘ Equal employment oppor- Pence and Hart kept an eve on the spreading firc. The (LIIC building was not damaged. so staffers
tunitv notices shall be posted and discussing whether they should start moving out com» brought the ('olliplltt'l‘s and other equipment back
shall be readily apparent to an puiers. that weekend and set them up. I‘lxcepi fora lingering
employee and applicant for Office Manager Mara IIarlow arrived later with smoky smell. the building was untouched hv the lll‘t'
ei‘iipl<)_\'iiieiit. They shall be postv her daughter Melissa. and her daughter‘s boyfriend. “\‘i'e Wt‘l‘t' fortunate.” Ilart said. “We are lucky
ed: Ilale Marshall. in tow that I’ioniiie spotted the fire. that we have great

(a) in easily-accessible As the fire spread and firefighters started limit- ciiiployci-s. friends, and family who helped. The peo-
and well-lighted places; and ing access to the (LIE building. the decision was pic I work with deserve a huge pat on the back. as do
(b) At or near each loca- made. all the people who helped us."
tion where the employee's ser-
vices are ' . W “ '
pert-med. Murray State News picked as Pacemaker finalist

(3) A Labor organization shall
post ”equal employment opportu- , , _ , , . _ , . ,
nitv" notices in easily-accessible For the fourth consecutive year. years competition were from The year IS'iliiNili hates, a senior print
and well—lighted places. The The Murray State {News has been Washington Post. iourhalism iiidlflf‘lf‘nni I‘ulton'
notices shall be readily apparent recognized as oneof the best colle- The newspaper was named :1 ‘()ur staff of writers. editors.
to member and an applicant for giate newspapers in the country, _ national wmner in 1998 and 1999. cartoonists. designers. copy .editors.
membership. ._ The student staff has been noti— . Ihe Murray State I\ews is one photographers and advertising rep-

’ _ tied that the newspaper is once of only two Kentucky newspapers to resentatives work hard week after
Section 2' P‘fbllc again a finalist for the national be named finalists. week to produce a quality newspa-
Accommodations ' Pacemaker award. The College Heights IIerald, per," adviser Joe Iledges said. "To
Welcome Notice The Murray State News is the student newspaper at Western be named a Pacemaker finalist for

(1) An owner, lessee, propri— among 24 non-daily finalists for the Kentucky University, is a finalist four consecutive years is a tribute
etor, or manager of a place of pub— 2000 Pacemaker Award. and also a Pacemaker recipient in to our students.

Iic accommodation, resort, or Ten of the 24 finalists will be 1999. "This recognition puts Murray
amusement. shall post and main- named Pacemakers at the National Jennifer Sacharnoski, a senior State in an elite group ofjournalism
tain at a place of public accommo- College Media Convention Nov. 12 print journalism major from programs in the Commonwealth
dation. resort or amusement wel— in Washington. DC. Louisville, was editor in chief from and the country. I am proud of our
come notices. The Associated Collegiate Press fall 1998 to spring 2000, the period students, our journalism program

(2) Public accommodation wel- and the Newspaper Association of of the 1999 Pacemaker award and and Murray State for its support of

come notices shall be posted where America Foundation sponsor the the 2000 Pacemaker finalist. our efforts to provide students an
See EMPLOYMENT, page 6 Pacemaker Award. Judges for this Servuig as editor in chief this environment of excellence."

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, November 2000
Many design SHOTS aren’t P t. 1 t l d
, O 0 0 O
- they re edltln g errors for eth1cs...even on deadhne
, ‘ t h t ll t You spent some time thinking why it was wrong for the Los
D i is "we; ‘1 1p 0 0t (a pu t9“? e or a or talking about ethics this week. Angeles Times to enter into that
es 9" o " grap 1? e cgnlcnr borrtIlitmhbl evenka Maybe it was the call from a moth- Staples Center agreement. It's
Everything F: pkilece‘o awfflllc g) E? ' ‘ 0 tlfp ma ‘ er, pleading to keep her son’s name much harder for a reporter working
a; ._ tfe at?” lit ' ““33? .“b '15 it" out ofthe DUI listings. Or you were on deadline to learn to appreciate
B Ed d F a. a tcrt Qfigh ’ 0 eln e Vlkula’ lib trying to decide how to obtain an that approach.
31” near ' "Sm WI ‘WL ony a wca m to incident report that the sheriff But never mind Aristotle.
enninger 9 ' t e sStoi'yi H b tt 'd didn’t want to release. Journalists who care about improv-
ouion: aveaeeriea ,- .. u , ,- , - --.
Often the mistakes readers see from the outset just how long the Maybe it was that picturc of the ing thc quality of cthics deCisions
I), , ) th4 F It f . _ . ‘ ‘ ‘ fatal wreck at the edge of town — can find excellent, accessible tools
on our past-5 d“ t ”bu 0 PO"r story is going to be. Plan better for - - . ' - - .
. - , ~ ~ , was it too graphic to run across four literally at their fingertips. Here
editing, not poor designing. So even where you’re gomg to place the
though we commit occasional design h If ’ '1 columns Of Page 1? Other staff are four:
sins the root cause often is the sin story on t kc page you re 5“ 1 members may have been involved. 1) Think-tanks: The Poynter
Quin,“ editin ,0; {1mm ,WL,“ i caught, ma 0 sure you use an 010' Or maybe it was just you, staring Institute in St. Petersburg, FL,
Here .1ri’c0nljj (‘X'ln:-,)lt‘s‘ __ ‘11](l ment that dppl'” to. the particular at the the mirror early in the morn- offers a half dozen intensive short-
) rh U iiiiiesolutioii . l ‘ ‘ story. It” example, If your story 1“ ing. It is not likely that you Were in courses in ethics topics for editors
H l) . about pool “mt-V m th“ “th 11“ b“ an ethics class or at an ethics con- and reporters (details online at
‘tmhlt‘nl? Tht’ small headline. ter to run a map locating city pools ference. ww'w povnter 0m,
Irllutllltll m tw'eekl‘ielsl and. fulfill] than Sllp art ‘lf a swimmer. If you Because I teach a media ethics The American Press Institute
ii,“ {“1521 if no “[315”; ;) 5.“, .H cant find a suitable V1593] element. course. I spent a couple of hours Iwww_newspaperorgl has no specif-
12‘.“ 1“” ”“4”.“ ft ‘ r‘on' lllm‘hi 1? W“ try another deck‘ot h‘WHWSW filling out two surveys this week. ic ethics course. but weaves ethics
' ). l)m,;llt‘ llullf‘fl): 1‘ sma} ll), insert a drophead. If ”H else “”1"" They came from colleagues at into its programs for newspaper
will“, lb VEHIHIXf‘EUM fl“ "hm”! 100k for ways to grow another ele~ other universities who are doing executives. including one for weekly
“ll ”(‘7 "i li‘llh‘t.” ‘11 3““ ”in. fill“ ment “(l-WWI“ t” th" “M." such “5 research about ethics education. newspaper managers.

' I “A” lug 51/195 it t.” m] Am It t l“ 1‘ Phht" ”1" another story -- or plilt't‘ In different ways. both asked “ls 2' The Society of Professional
headline typeface 1" WK” [Sm-h ”5 th“ problem story somewhere (“l-“‘7' formal education in media ethic.s Journalists ethics handbook; l‘ye
nt‘Wt cmurx ht‘hnhlt’nt’kh th“ llml" 0n th“ P313“- And .WU “’Uhl ”I‘VW‘“ making any difference?" praised this book, “Doing Ethics in
“I" is.Uimtlilmmtid‘ tl . f tl br‘h‘r5{:‘l‘;tlll” 5%);“5‘ onto fl“; page. My Answer: Books and magazine Journalism. A Handbook with (‘ase

'So u um: i et ie size o ie 0 ro ) em: ie 1ump tint s too articles are 'tliund‘int and more Studies r for it' L ,. - . ., ..

. _ _ _ _ . i . i i i . i .. .. s iucstions, Lasts.
headline first. then write the head short. Because our story comes up journalism students are taking and (.xuirmg from nowgpnpm-S‘
hn" t‘_’ ht short. Wf‘ hav“ "“1." two or three ethics classes. Working journalists ethics guidelines. It should be on

It you need more space to tell inches of text to place on the Jump are more “mg-mm” (,f the ethical “I.“ editor‘s desk.
lktlmll'thv story in about. ”dd 21 drop Wig“- Shortfunips frustrate readers. dimensions of their work, ethics 3) Ethics online discussion group:
NW ”N‘- WW is”) t” t W Jump page 0”)“th decisions more visible than they You can sign up by UoinU to
Th“ lt‘ittl headline on page 1 “t a t” find enough material there I" have ever been before, and profes— spj.org/ethics/sources.htni.(“The
ht'nitd-‘l‘n‘t’t “Utlht t0 ht' no smaller make thetrip worthwhllh- ' _ sionals have become much more thoughtful, spirited back-aiid~fortli
than 4h Pnlnt —‘ and I often reconi— f h”ll(‘)tl"n-lhdltth“ 5th?“ 1” tolthe willing to critique each other‘s debates and discussions will help
mend 60 point. ront. ne (‘55 .luml) 1* one “”3“ ethics in public. you think about your own ethics
’l’mhh'lni StlUt’t‘Zlng or down- bothe}r)toil*lreadeyrls. d . . 1 Yet in the newsroom. doing ethics dilemmas. And by subscribing to
cizing text type. Editors will occa- ' T0) em: A “ ominant “5“" is still a scramble. not a thoughtful the list. you can ask your own ques-
sionally :21th libertlies with tin}; sczile (riliiintoml 0: t'iwdpiigviirrhi Tn“: prtlilcess.dMostflethics]discuissions are tionsdand get a flock of replies with-
or size o ext so t iey can ma 'e t ie t 00 0 t1 « n V'(‘ I 113' ‘0 “'11 sti ma e re exive y an reactiye~ in a ay or two.
story fit — especially ifthey've been t0 Jump. 5” W9 fall t0 t‘dlt‘. Instead. ly. responding quickly to specific 4) Brill's Content: You’re probably
given a story that's longer than they “'0 run tht‘ story 1n ltS entirety and situations. already familiar with Quill,
expected. squeeze what Shhtlld b0 3 three-col— Few reporters and editors spend Columbia Journalism Review, and
'Solution: Edit. There‘s no story umn PhOtO Into a two-column h0h‘- much time thinking about how they American Journalism Review, all 0
that can't be cut. Even if deadline The .PhOt” was planned 35 .VOUF make their ethics calls. although which offer intelligent discussions
pressures seem insurmountable, we dominant. element. At tht't‘t‘ more attention to the process would of ethics almost every month. But I
owe it to readers to give them a columns Wldt‘» 1t WOUld hi‘Vt‘ht‘t‘h produce more rational and defensi- turn first to Steven Brill‘s lively,
story that’s physically readable. f‘lght 1hCht‘S dt‘GP- But by placmg 1t ble decisions and less second-guess- irreverent magazine, Brill’s
Readers understand that we m a two-column 110101 1t S now only 3 ing after the paper comes out. Content. Take a look at the web
have space limitations and would tad more than five lnCht‘S deep -" By concentrating on ethics in the version at www.brillscontent.com,
rather have a shorter story than one hardly enough to lend the page. ‘ classroom three times a week for 15 then get your own subscription.
they cant read because the text is '30”th Trim the stories. weeks I can acquaint students with (Author: Garrett Ray, former editor
too small. Let‘s remember that we Perhaps move a story t0 another Aristotle, Confuc1us and the of the Littleton (CO) Independent,
are editors first. And there’s nothing page. USO fewer “51181 elements In Utilitarian philosopherst as well as teaches journalism at the Colorado
illegal, immoral or fattening about the body 0f the page, allowmg the With ways of approaching ethics. State UniverSLty. He can be reached at
instructing our reporters to write to key element some 5129 and F0011} They begin to see how this leads the Department of Journalism and
fit. Here 5 a tip: always place the domi- directly to better deCISions on han- Technical Communications, CSU,
0Problem: The bogus visual €19- nant Visual element fiTSt and COD- dling a sensitive interview or a Fort Collins, CO 80523, or
ment. Our story is short, so we’ll See DESIGN, page 11 blOOdY photograph ‘- as well as gray@vines.colostate.edu.)
G t n th ARK' l
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