xt780g3h1701 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3h1701/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-02-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1972 1972 1972-02-16 2020 true xt780g3h1701 section xt780g3h1701 By GEORGE GIBSON The voting results were about what was
Assistant Managing Editor anticipated. according to Mark Paster.
The results from Tuesday‘s University ”SAC co-chairman.
Student Advisory Committee-sponsored "The vote is a re-affirmation of the .
referendum indicate only 4.9-percent 0f endorsement of the General Student .
the students polled are in favor of the Assembly.” Paster said. “It is a ' .
' ‘ proposed Arts and Sciences degree significant endorsement of the position
. changes. we‘ve been taking all along.“ , '
. Responding to part A of question one. The results of this referendum will have ‘ ‘
1.015 students voted in favor of choosing it” “”0“ 0” today's ANS and Sciences , I .
tn 8 n t8 re 8 0 five out of eight general studies areas plus faculty meeting. according to S“ I
a major. while 52 voted against it. favoring President Scott Wendelsdorf. - .
the A&S additional requirements and V’“ ‘
. major. _ lhe 4 pm. Arts and Sciences
Question two. which concerned the faculty meeting has been moved l
e ree C an 38 proposed Bachelor of General Studies to room 139‘ (‘hemtstry—Physncs
degree. got predominantly positive Building. all students are .
* responses. with 767 votes in favor of the welcome and an overflow room _
idea and 238 against it. equipped with closed-ctrcunt TV .
will be provided.
. For the entire referendum. some 1,067 -Mgns/ "
votes were cast covering 23.4 percent of “Undoubtedly this will have some ell
, all students in the College of Arts and feet." Wendelsdorf said. "The question is. . ‘ ‘
Sciences. according to a computer print— how much? ‘.
out supplied by the college, “These result clearly reject the idea that .
students don't know what they want. and , .
()fthese VOWS. 95-1 percent opposed A855 that they know they don't know what they ' '
degree changes and 763 percent were in want. These figures definitely indicate I
favor of the BUS degree. what the students feel.” he said.
, 56 plans sporled The Hen'ugkg '
- Board lacks quorum; ,
‘ trustee bu ' ‘ ’
smess halts '
. , ' By Mikr: wrxns students chossing to go on to UK _ ‘ ' . .
' . Editor-in-chief has dropped from 65 percent to 42 ' — 4 “
, ' ELIZABETHTOWN—A funny percent. while the proportion .
. - ' thing happened at Tuesday‘s choosing regional colleges has ’ fl
‘l. Board of Trustees meeting on the risen from 20 to 29 percent. W 2' ‘ ‘
miles .from ‘1 exington universrtyiibut by no gleans lis Wm.“vm.r.~___”~.w._,.w.3i‘ 1 5" z... ,
. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' gom o exm on e on y . , . ‘r
luverybody showed up but the solutgion to your pgoblem. or even 1 5 Nah . ,/
‘ trustees. . , always the best solution.” . . hf. : ‘ ' V/ . ,
[‘0 be exact. only Six of the In S" . . . M. .- \ ~ . V. ~ “ ‘
. . ingletary said. - . 4. , y .x
, voting members of the board _ /”\g g, ' « ' .- " W a
made it [0 yesterday's meeting. Singletary also said it was time -g; :1»? $531: 7"“ “'f': _ ~ f . s, “a” . W. v. .
‘ leaving the group three short of a ‘0 “‘JQC‘ ”‘0 allegation by some Eg " , ‘“ ‘- - ,-: " ~ h” M . ‘ (
. ‘ quorum. And although the that l'K lagged in providing W f; 5" " ‘ ‘\j ' ' I '
. , ‘ meeting was attended by a full vocational and technical training 3? ., ’ ‘ - W. . ’w'" " x .
, complement of UK vice- ill lllt‘ 51310. ”0 said the ""2- , -— ' )? s. %« ’ V ' '
. V presidents and Elizabethtown l'lliVOI‘Sil)‘ actually is closing in -. . ~ , " - ' I I V " -. a i ' g
‘ . administrators. acting chairman 0” 1110 118001181 average for SUCh / W i" "“me " ‘L '39: E» .
. .. Albert (‘lay said the board was training. “and while there's a .5 .5 “my”. '~_ 3 Z; a? .
. legally unable to carry out any very clear need for more ll’l the ‘ .. ‘ ' ' Z3 1;? V 335% :5?
business. area of technical and vocational § " W; '
The failure to reach a quorum programs... the problem is ' . , g V ..
spoiled plans by SC president simple. “‘8 dOllfll‘S.” §W i W; , 1 " - ._ ‘
Scott Wendelsdorf to revive last The lack of a quorum also W - . ‘ . ’ '
. year‘s Tripartite proposal for prevented the board's Student ' ' ' ' '
reapport-ionment of the (‘()d(‘ Revision Committee from nhaga Tre’at 'b‘l‘ougth a rgcprd 3450.000 WIIaI (l Trp(lt
. ' University Senate. and left issuingareport. TVUSK"? Tommy ‘ onay ”.1 d“ lxcntuc ”V TrainingCenter
Wendelsdorf with a tight Bell. the only committee member ““"t'hh- (Staff PhOtO by Jerry Lewis.)
schedule for pushing both in attendence besides Wen- o o O ' ‘
. Tripartite and Student Code (lclsdorf. said either March 2 or 1 ’I( to be l" 81" lg dlStrlCt ,
. . revisions through the board March 7 would be selected as a g ' ,
' before the semester ends. day for open hearings on code ‘ O . '
' Singletary defends revisions. a te r me r e r r0 re dlc t8
For l'K President this I \t'endelsdorf. whose plans for 9 .
‘ Singletary. “OWCVCK ”19 lack 0f both Tripartite and the code were I
“USiM‘SS GHOWPd time for 3 5“” crimped by yesterday's meeting. Bv KFITII BRL'IHKFR included in the new districts. be are complaining there are too
defense of [KS handling 0f the criticized the trustees for their lKerlnel Staff writer Nilid- many taxes and not enough
community college system. The failure to attend the session. The [K communitv will l‘K dormitory students will be services.'_'
l’l'hS'dhht used a barrage 0f ‘t)ur people show up‘ probably be included in £1 single Included in the mt“- districts. be If put into effect the merged
statistics to answer charges by “They had better not use a lack reprosogmmo district according said l.(‘Xlngton-Fayett(\ government
, . . leaders 0‘ ht‘lltUCkY 5 four of student responsibility tat to the Lexington-l"avette (‘ountv Students eligible to vote will replace the two present
"“8""“1' colleges that UK was l'niversity Senate meetings! its merger plan. Dr. William Lvons. In a recent Fayette (‘ountv governments Lyons “hid
using community colleges as a an “GUS“ ‘0 kl“ Tripartite." he l'K political science professor (‘ourt decision Judge Max Lexington is ”h" "f th" {35‘0“ I
“feeder"system tothc Lexington said- “At “‘35“ our 900919 show and county merger commission Swinford ruled that [K students growing metropolitan areas in
"‘"hPUS ‘ “ll" chairman. said Tuesday. are eligible to vote in city elece the nation and needs a unified
Singletary said that although The failure to reach a quorum ()f the several new districting tions providing they meet the ngth plan.
h" was P'Cmrhd “5 “‘hh'hg “ was the third embarrassment in plans being considered. “most of standard voting requirements. Lexington has UHSUCCPS-‘imlly
, S'hlsu'r underground railway by as many board meetings them sort of have UK in one Swinford ruled that no extra tried ”"99 times since
“this.“ I would take yoir to scheduled ‘0 involve community district.” Lyons said. The new requirements mav be placed WOI‘MWUF lltoannex portions or
Lexuigton. presumably 3%“th colleges in UK dealings and to districts will be based on upon students. . ”W metropolitan area. Lyons -
Wm M” andcertainlynaga'lnst publicize the closeness of the population. he said. The redistricting plans are the Mild ”W “result “'35 piece-meal
your but" judgment. I“ S schools'relationships. An earlier "Th“ problem is [K students "“5”“ ”f the proposed Lexington- annexation Take a look at the
share of community college meeting in Lowsvitle was are included in the census." Fayette (‘ounty merger. Like city map, Thprp's no rationale for
trimhfi'r SiUdt‘mS was actually delayed while trustees sought a Lyons continued. “We have [0 many other cities. Lexington is the boundaries,“
‘h’f'lhhlhg- _ . member to reach a quorum. and build the districts on that trying to restore 8 dwindling tax l'ntil the Peak»Mc(‘ann bl”
h'hc“ 19:“th ”'9‘; the, “per- a meeting scheduled for basis.”' base. Fayette (‘ounty Judge passed in March of l970
(entage o (ommuni y (0 eg6 Continued on Page 3. Col. 1 l'K dormitory students will be Robert Slt‘th‘nS said. ”P909“? (‘ontinued on Page 3. Col. 3
. {x .

 E—TIII'I KI‘INTI'FKY KI‘IRNI‘IL Wednesday. February I6. I972 ’ . I , .
t I ' ii,» "'
D o f o ' ' ‘ .2 , s; a
- . . octors call abortlon re orm blll w
. _ ~ 1 bera , but un am to some '~- ~ My"
. » ' ' ’ ' ’ .thjffj ; “is l . V, ,...
. I ‘ I I, Members oi the medical i'eser\.'itioiis about the proposed mentally defective. or where the M 4;? I “‘17:. “my I " ‘ “l“L-‘lfl;
'- .t ' . Iii:'titt‘.I\'sitiIii I IiallIedI‘ . tor llltt‘l'iilI/ttlltlll bill.” pregnancy \iasa result of rape or g lvggz “
- - I . , I )era 11a ion o en ue '_\' s 62- ,. , llit't'st, a ' «vi-traitfld-E
I ', ‘ _\eai>old abortion law during the ”I‘I propo:al being debated m ”950,”ng the statement of -' é' § ‘2? ..
I. I , I , . . “ml hearings of pro abortion “Ullt extent the present law . I , .. . . H , ," 4, M m? ' a
n : I I . t I it‘stliiitiln III l9raiiktort 'l‘iiesda\ \\ lilt‘ll allows abortion only ll“ Ix“ (lliuitlll ( y‘lImInIm,l(‘It_ tor j?! .i "M t ..
_ . . ' V i ' ~ . , ‘_ , , , , ' , to sa\e the mother's life to three um‘m li’ ”5‘ L” “\ asman w i ? t. .I
, . . llit subtoniiiiimt oi tht lloust I ’l‘l \ugmisuid tuo ehanges m the ., 3“th . I_ . i.
- .- :I , I'lldmau “munmw \\l‘.lt'll is ot ier t'LlM's l‘t‘St‘ include cases i. I I c. ,. I .. . ' M” :3}: g t Q g» 3 t
_' ; '. holdinghearingson eonti'oversial \\lit‘l't‘ carrying a pregnaney to iililti‘tiiiiiilllfifth:ii‘ltioiiiiilelldiiiteliiiiei: “My???“ “i ' " ‘ e "“‘
I . . , . st't‘litiil.\ oi the proposed penal termination \Hililtl endanger the l . I I lb ”E I ‘t‘ t . ,I‘ w ‘ll ‘15. “‘1 I (afii‘m é’g It ' l;
‘. t . ‘I , -, '. ”III“ “I“ told that "\ihereas \H‘ tilt).\lt'£il or mental health of the li:):l)ll\ll'l(l\‘ in“;JIfI‘IlIfII‘h“; ”IX” ,1 - 3. ’s‘ v I Q “E
- ' Ii ' ' , I \\ 'llll l\'('lll‘l('i\'\ l(l l“\‘3[“llll(l H , llllllllt'l“ \\ llt‘l‘t' tllt’l‘t‘ \\ US (liillgt’l' ' I i i i t - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I (I ( ii: I. ’ 2:35" w“
' > 4 ' . I . , ' ‘ _ l K . ' ‘ Ii 4 B ”w tetus II ,I‘ l .- .. ll I . llil‘t‘t'rPliIVSlt'lilll board. consent ,c ,- ..t‘
I,_ II II I I, illlll it Nil lltill >lilllllt ‘ “t 1tl\( . . t i p 1} 5K «1 _\ Ul llt‘t‘(l llt‘ t)l)i£llll(‘(l 0”“, l)‘\ ”19 (at o IIIII_ v- I ‘ t,
I' . v . x . if \ . “Mgtiva: ~ ' T ,' 1 decision \\ ithin the confines of the '33; {If I '
' ~ I. V ' . " y ~ ' I174 f' ,_,. . ~ ‘ ‘ ’ A f. {if}? )e rso it al doc t or . pa t ient i t «’ §.\ ,- - '
I, _ I . i . 0 ~:_\ i a“ ’8. :::z.- 1-23 I --:.=:s::<2::" at ’
'. - I t, , . V . .z I; , i . __ 3‘1? , treine inequality in distribution of " ' ‘ ' ' " i
., _I f g -’ f t; ' ’ ' ' ‘34., health care personnel and ..‘L; ,' \
,V . . . . 2' \/ 11-5.; ,- .. i _ " 'a facilities." saying there are 35 * a i i: i
'- ,, <2. “ so... a. “' i a ottstott-tt- -it.\-ttot-otog.v specialists M a
._ ; f ‘ - ' v. ' ‘ “ ~.. m “"53” i in the Bluegrass region com- to at a .' Q: A.
» I; < . i. I . I pared to seven specialists in the fit“ 323“" t: %
L ' = “A \E Y()U three-region area of Eastern ... ‘ i i ’ £3»? 1 '
L.‘ i , RII’I’LE TRIED PUTT? “’"Wk’" . .; _ ' W &W at?
i f , ,- I ' '31" \V [V [4‘ Din l’hillip (‘rossen. a a”; ”we 4
4, , -' t , Q" ‘ ‘ Lexin’t ’vv'ol i‘t. ' [*d - . if i
. . I I . . III I \(Wfi' I“ ,TT R U i“ I it I It-iI {it} I fail (L QgIIS t IPO'I” (t I Leslie Stevens walks to the Complex cafeteria with the help of a
I ', I: . I . .32“); (.1, ' ”5 ‘5 iImon} la 1‘ (I05 5 friend and her seeing-eve dog, Jody. (Staff photo by David
i , I . , '. t *I__/, v. ()NLY $4.24 5230 Ito obtain a New \ouk James) ‘ ’
t . . 2 ,. {a I I \: abortion. while “compliance with o C
, - . , ”a ,. A i ii TH 7 too rogotattoo in the proposed Blind students: sympathy
'. -, 1 . 5’ . 2‘»; F ,’ section would make the cost a . V V
.~ ; I s v ». ‘ fur}: ’. ,// I minimum of $400-$500.” t all A“) (i9
. ‘ gear/7.3 ’\ 'l‘om James, [K med student. Is "at u at e nee 8
II, - I t, , , I / said this would mean "no equal B _ “It‘s.“ l "OFF“ \V . , l;
~~ -‘ i -' THRF ‘ V 1 / protection under the proposed \“ , ‘ K ' V . ‘ I ' A blmd student ‘5 apt to be even f
I, I . .. .' _ J3 (,RLAT . . .. kernel Staff “riter ' ' ' 'o ' -
. , I II \ la“. "B . . . . more indiVidualistic and self ..
'. _ A FL A\Y()RS' /\\ 'hlndness‘krtlollis “I0 f'InaEC'alt sufficient than other students. %
I v ' - V 'I .- ‘ k ' / t .--:;'e.>*-=:It=:= assign: x*2::2-+’:::<:.:.~:-~.;~.:-a:2:35:s::-'.:zrrz-;::r=:3:r::::::r=s:r.*:rtrsaaa;.7“ SOC}? ‘ or m 6 CC ua oun‘ sophomore Leslie Stephens said if
_ RED . PEAR and /. // OVERSEAS JOBS FOR STUDENTS dariesII' Isaidhons ofthe l4 blind or She finds the lack of un-
,. . V , \ ~ v a, I i/i Australia Europe 5. America Africa is: par Id "V. Mg te StUdents at UK' derStanding among mOSt
I _. V I t I' . PA ()Al‘ PINK i 11%? i All professions and occupationséi l1 Therelsa tendency 0n clampus, StUdents ”a real drag"-
. . it _ . 1 I I \ 35700 to $3,000 monthly, Expenses paid,t§§ owever. to ump al han—
~‘ I " . , - 2' ' )A . \\~- e it e, ight eei g. F i t ti {5? - - .
'. II t, I ( \LY S 81 A FIFTH ~_\ ‘I’YNI’IIemJogsIOfIER"SEA;f;ezI‘f’3f’Bgz I dicapped people into the same “There is nothing more
l. , V I ' II III ‘ 0r $9.10 (:ASE IIIISOTI, San Diego, CA. ”its I jg: catggory some IOfI the students devastating for a handicapped
; .. II ,II. I v 7 , 1 531 ll Astigmaisimplied by the person “than feeling alienated
I- I_ . 4 BL‘ i A (ASE AND sAVE : Madmen. o. ins t gfipgar tefdency ‘0 ‘56“ a." tram others-onecceoted as a
I . : II I 1" IP90!) 6. the same said person," said Midge Ball.
. I. A Contemporary American Comedy | Dennis Bowling, 3 JUNOF- Prohibited from spending her
, , .' I . . ,. BEER SPECIAL i - People ShQUld try to get t0 senior year in Blazer Hall where
. V : , . ‘ , i I I LlnlE knowI their blind classmates as she was an Officer for two years, -
.. , , sPELiAL NEW SIR EDWARD STOUT ‘"‘3‘V‘d“alst B9wl'"gC°"ti"ued- Ba” lives in “lonesome" "
.I . I , , _..... Each has a different degree of Cooperstown, she said. ’
I". - p . ' " I_ ('73:: Q ; w l factors, such as hearing, he said. The guide dog she got this past .
. .I .. I. 31.40 (fig I... gif‘HM‘L“ (as WARM Being lumped together with other summer is not allowed in the 't
i ,I . I I 8 k g - w “es Fem blind people of different abilities dorms by housing officials. This
. I _ .‘ I . -pa Mi, .5 . 1p 01‘ . creates an awkward situation, problem is being negotiated on a i
i t . , ‘ a «tax if?” '«1‘ D'eCledbyRQ’ll'O' id SUI“ Bowling explained. “friendly basis," but only »
' I. » « . .. $4.20 {rial "w Emmi” I COLD M B l’ gBowlintgl suIes ht Cooperstown is open to the five I
.. . I , : “flaw 'e- 0W1“ recen y roug suit students with d ' ‘ i
. I . I . . I case I W I m _ . _ ogs, said Michael
. I I I W“? +— Iflgamsft Pasquale S P1223 Parlor Bell, UK coordinator of State .
tII , - . . I. _“‘——— ~’* _ Febrler’ylb, 123187. ‘3; 0:30pm. ”gram ”Sltngthhls gitnde dfg 1?: Rehabilitation services.
. I I I 397 Waller Av . e ruary : p.m. l ance 0 e I'E‘S auran . e “According to Federal and '
.' l ,I= .- e. 252 894' i For reservationscall258-2680trom noon proprietor, Who pleaded guilty, State laws‘ seeing-eye dogs ~’
| I I .. ; wassternly warned andthe case should not be disallowed from
II I , I I A . II I _‘—-——-—7 '- ——— dismissed, to the satisfaction of admittance from any place " '
II ,- I , ‘. I both parties, Bowling said. Bell said. i ’
.- II, I MOSt 890919 Just do“ un- Bell eases the hardships for
I derstand, said senior Norbert blind and partially sighted
. I II - Keissler. who is partially sighted. students b rovidin texts j .
., . i . “S 'm th' ' , y p g n
, . .- . I- ,- de—‘ppgg Dir: "0t Emil? a han- large print, Braille. or recor- t
II I 1 , '. ' on nee 5- dings. Thanks to about 50
, II II. . . I . . \ I ‘ ‘ volunteer readers, mostly faculty
x ,I 4. I L ,I I I SpBClal \ wives‘ Bell‘s office at the Human
: ‘v I. I § ;‘ ltelationsCenter is able to record
. I I I _ I N’s ‘ any book a student needs.
~I I t - 'I : o o . '
-- .- .. " . $.50 off on any pizza or sandwmh -‘~ N‘ "
.. - . .t / "’ §
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_ . A FREE ’ (; gith guilt-in 8 track and -
II I ,I . . I arrar Changer. $1 l9.95 ~
I I II I DELIVE ' ' only you can each. inspect at
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III I I ,I , _, _::':—-v—-:_fi III M * 2123 Oxford Circle
I II I 890 E05? High READ THE KERNEL Hours: Monday-Saturday, 9-9 .
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 ‘ , ' 1 ~ ‘ V ’I , . V .V ' ‘ V l I. . ’ 'V ,
.\ V .. . . . r'l ‘ ' ‘ .‘VV .- IV ': ,-,Vi
- t I _ r‘ 4
.I . , ‘ _
. 'I‘IIE KPLN'l'l'(‘K\' KENNEL. Wednesday. Februar) lti. lltTI-:l fl.- , V
' Board lacks quorum | IK b ' ° 1 d. ° t V
‘ may 6 1 1 'I'lC '1
.. V n 3 ng e lst
ll rom i v s V - i - .:"'v'il-
b ageV (10V. Wendel] I. 0rdV Superln (,ontlnued from Page 1 I) k \I ( l; H .15 \1 _V . -I‘ I, V,_ii ..
‘omerset Communlt Colle e . . , - , , ,, , “it ’- t' 11”” I “115 PWH‘“ le l-l'gel‘ l'llmllllssloli t-.\. ‘,-.4 i
y g tendent of Public lnstructto thmgton “ould have hdd t” _ . . . l \ , .. . . . . ; -‘ ' V - .
was called off. reportedly due to a ,. , f ll . h , .. , . ._ . . titllstltullund .- tt st mm “as pt't'h to iltflt‘ its Illlal [)iilll -. J ' ‘ .=
.. - ., Lyman (linger and Agriculture 0 0“ t ‘ Sdm‘ WW“ d5 , , ., , (. , ..~ .~ . ._ ., .-
lack of busmess. : . . , louisville The bill ”enables llllildtt‘d and P dVH‘ilt' hunt) (‘tllllpit‘it‘ti In this summer, ' -,
T ‘t ‘ d' (0mml55loner Wendell Butler. 1 i- I - - - - ~ . (‘ll‘t'ult ('ourt Jud e l'lmes P'irk -] l i t' . «i i i ll . 5-" t w ~
I‘US ees not atten lng countles containing Cltles of the l | V V ‘l ”g m .V s 1 MIL lit ”IL, in llltlglllL H d tit}: x: '3. '.'f,‘.-.'.—
, . . t, x ~ . ‘ ‘ V . ~ , . -( S ( - , ‘, .5 ) ‘ *. ., 'l V‘ w VV,V-_lV
fl“ yesterday s meeting included (.055 has been troubled by a second class to merge gm'ern- Fl l IU UV 1)“ )l ( lll Illu Illld tountl sillltt s Limit lt guts , ,, _ ,VV .
V ‘ ~ - -_ I 1 . . . . *V _ . .i—L, , _. ‘ ,.. , "rVAVVVt'"v'V--
(reorge (,nfme Richard [L Illness m his family, Whll ments and form an urban-county t ). 4. l i Illilt tllltl iltl\.H \t l. a majority '. . .v.’ . .V
, .. ii . . . . , .. )- . - ..' ~ - t i ‘ .. .~\ . . » ,i'v'.. ,' .'
(.ooper. AB. Happy Chandler, (handler 15 recovering in the b government. 1 dl ks (it Halon niust lit upht id Hi .ll \ottl “it“ “Wm M mid” .' 4' 2 1‘ '. 3‘
Jesse Alverson. Floyd Wright. Medical Center from a recen Merger ('ommlssion members. by the ( lilll‘t (Ii Appeals l._\=VVt V¢.V‘,I V. V N V22,
HOUSE -WhY rent while your in SCHOOL BUY WW sesston. A t . V 1',” C'VVI‘V“ :_
a house, then resell at a profit upon .Publlshed by The Kernel Press. Inc., 113 2; ~._ ,‘ VV 4 \I't, .
graduation. Inave the perfect house, within MALE ROOMMATE: To share modern two Journalism Building. l'niversity of Ken- - ‘ . .- ' i. .-V
walking distance. Ca”.Jim Baker bedroom furnished apartment. $51 monthly NICK.“ l-Hinxmn- KY- 40506- 347 S. LI’VtE Phone 252‘1722 . V_:‘ g V 'T :
Thouroughbred Reany, Office 273.0392, Including utilities. call 2910217 or 2992445 Begun as The ('adet in 1894 and published VV s,\ , . ,s
Home 2556529. lSFlb after 6 p.m. ldFlo continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since T ,x -. fl .' , ', ’;_ ‘1‘? -
————————— ___.— 1915. SPECIAL GOOD ONLY ._ :3 -
FOR SALE—I966 Chevy van. Good con- FEMALE ROOMMATE to Share housewth Advertising published herein is intended to : t. f .-
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2d 5 277-6135, 3305.30, AF25 519 GLENROCK AVE.. sum»: 203 CHOU” BLACK IN AMERICA. ':
.‘. __ » - ~ 7‘5??— LOS ANGELES, . _ —Rolllng Stone s, & Pop Ne s ‘V -.- _ iV‘ .
2d LOST alueV,A/laytielo High School ring. 2nd ARTIST— For advemsmg agency, Abimy § (213)477-8474C:L‘I;7952g§4 at. w -, . V.
floor CP buuldlng. Reward. Call 258-3232. in layout and use of aste u 5 Fl ‘bl H ' -- .~. . .. , I . .1
a 14F” . D . D YDE. ex. 6 we need a locai salesman” § . . i 3 -' -: ‘ '~ " r
. hours. Call for Inteerew. 277-4602. 14mg ‘- .- .'
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‘ ‘ Trustee absences ruin a good plan I
. . Universityadministrators must sights and mishaps that have academic committee, and revival quorum was that some trustees
, ' ' ' be heaving a sigh of relief that made UK‘s community college of the Tripartite proposal were didn‘t feel like driving 80 miles.
, I. ‘ they only have to endure one more meetings an insult to the group among the pressing issues at that And if 80 miles a month is too
. . , , Off-campus meeting of the Board they were supposed to serve. meeting. which drew only six much to ask of a trustee for the
~ . ‘ w of Trustees this semester. _ . trustees. running of a 30,000-student in-
.I .' . ‘. , Tuesday‘s t' II b In Louisville last November, a Some ab - stitution, then perhaps it’s time
I I I I I , t mee mg Id oard meeting was delayed over sences were un the trustee left his pOSition for
I . I I . . hlizabethtown Community an hour while administrators doubtedly excusable. GOV- someone else
7. . -. I I‘ . ‘ . College almost put the death blow frantically sought another trustee Wendell Ford has, in effect, I
» , I' “ », ‘0 what was originally 3 fairly [0 give the board a quorum. Last Lemoved himself from the board. “Loyoizdmw
» II - promising idea--t0 decentralize month's meetin , scheduled for appy Chandler is recoverin g ‘ .
.' ' 4 . the l'niversity‘s power, to involve Somerset Comignunity College, from a heart attack. Eugene G05: Kernel Forunf' '
, - .- the 10,000 community college was called off, allegedly due to a has been attending to a family § the readers wrlte
I ' f students and their administrators lack of business. illness. r
1 . ' * firthfizcifiélrs 0f the UniverSity Of No such excuse could be given But excuses begin to wear thin. Campus 0.‘ ”3"")
I ; - . ‘ l-OI‘ yesterday ‘8 session, We SUSpeCt the main reason For at least a week there has been a half ‘
'- Instead. the Tuesday meeting Revisions of the student code, yesterday‘s meeting--and the destroyedproject0fthearchitectureclass
'. : I was more like a White House formation of an important Louisville meeting--didn’t draw a in front ofI'IMIK library. Ithink it is about
.‘ ~ . I I, .:‘ . press conference with the un- mm £33022 5 [moms of beamydean Up their
_ . , dersIecretary of the Interior filling ‘ L ‘ Wavne (‘atron
‘ ,4 ', y. in or Richard Nixon. Before Th H r k H I AhSJUPiOI‘
.431 ,, perhaps 80 student and faculty e en u‘ 9 er“:
I ~. ; ' ”19m 7 Establishe 194
j ' ' 'I ' ; men t1):rtshelos(t)£fltt:efi:rlll(esdt 31:21:] d 8 LEXINGTON'KENTUCKY l‘Il)l'l‘(I)R'IS Ntl'l‘li: All letters to
I I, ' their required appearance to Anindependent newspaper published by studentsatthe Universityof Kentucky :llzgfféugnl:|ll:(t)thenltt‘)'l“):dt‘h:(:lulist;
. ‘.I 3* 4': . , i. handle the affairs of their Mike Wines,Editorin Chiet ; Jane Brown,Managing Editor words in length. The writer must
Ni ,. , “ university. The Board