xt780g3h183b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3h183b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-02-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1982 1982 1982-02-10 2020 true xt780g3h183b section xt780g3h183b . .
esda :-'-'/
Wedn y _ W .5.
KEN I UCKY Sprlng Iroali where are you? '
Brrr. That's about all you can say tor to- »_ Fooay no Iowla

day's weather. it will be cloudy today, ,-’ ‘g‘ , .
with a chance at light snow. Today's highs ’ V , ' Kentucky tons wont get a chance to see ' ;
will be in the mid 20s to near 1!). Tonight . q Sam Bowie in action this year. since the ,i '
the lows.will fall to around 20. Even 4" _‘_ star pivotman has decided to red-shirt
though this torcost stinks, here is some ‘ ‘ ‘E'M . ‘ himself lot the 1981-82 season so the
good news: Spring Break is only about ' ‘ ‘l 3 (V Kernel takes a last look at the big man in - '
tour weeks away! .., _» . .. I/ \, action See page 5 ,

Vol.l.XXXIV, No.1“! Wednesday. February )0. ”02 University of Kentucky Lumgton KIntuchy An independent student newspaper slltfe I97t _V . ,

.. .'V .4“ . *V ’Vfiwé-V ..V¢,“:“,I; . a}; , “l . 3‘5” 1*? 3 :W . _ ,; 1;: ”{4ng 4.: ‘5’ N. .. :2. .1. - '

Vi. -- ‘ ., » ~ . om , V H ostlle Democrats challen e ‘ '

1‘». i V j I V I c - V" g I V

' ~ 2 2 , .3; (1."; "..,, V; o my. r, .,; 3.., '

.., ~ . .- ----~ o Rea an's b d et d f' It
. a. ' -' I V g u g e ICI .;

' E . ‘ _. .«l . By OWEN ULLMANN ' billion this year and $91.5 billion in benefitprograms andthePentagon at
~41 _ ,, . .3.er AssociatedPressWritcr 1%3, andhiscontention that they will 1982 levels. Hollings also proposed
’ > , ‘t 1 ..,-3... ~ not drive up interest rates — as con- scrubbing the 10 percent cut in per-
. 1 3 _. .' «- i ._____._.__._._._ servativc Republicans traditionally sona] income taxes scheduled to take _ '.‘ f}
., minimum um.» , Q '. ;_ ..,. «so. ‘h WASHINGTON— Skeptical Home have believed. effect inJuly, 1%.. , ‘ . 1
~ .. W ,- .. V , u Republicans challenged President And“ said “01111185 was Sim r ehh‘ 1' a ‘3
, .. s.- ,, Q 2:?! . . , , In the Senate, Baker, of Tennessee, lng his proposal. But the aide said _;
,_. “VJ-96‘ «..,-5 -. ‘ , . ‘ .-,. '& Bums mom-«fiat budget pro- tOld re rte” ”I S“ rt the ‘_ - - - - , 1 ,
. . , . 3. , , , . M \ am esterda as hostile Democrats .. P° . PP: . presl prelumnary estimates showed it 3 .-
2 , _... ; -- _ 5' y y . . . . dent. He also found intriguing a would result in a deficit for the 1983 .- ,
g. ..W-.. ..,”-.. . _ . ‘~ - . or . charged that the nation is again being I - _ . . . , , .-
. . _ . _ ., led do . propose by Sen. Ernest Hollln85, D fiscal year of between $40 billion and . . ,
, 3 ,, . g , st, . wnthe path toward depression. S C the top Democrat on the Budget $50 bill . . In}
4% ., K . . ., _> - .7. - a - . . Committee, to freeze 1&3 spending on forecasts, ., ;
.= f _ 3‘. .. .., * .-,... ' ‘ " ' " "" “ ' WW at least passing interest in a . l I - _ -.‘.- :-
. __ , . , *fil‘ A, Demon... W .., ..,... ..,... Reagan fin/shes sales trip, ..,...
,, ' 1% red ink by freezing spending at - - l , A. '
.__. g . - we... tells critics put up or shut up ..
2' s -' {b Reagan's chief economic salesmen ’, '3 .
a; , lobbied Congress on the new budget —— means business. It's a question of EU.
. V ‘ ' . . , ,. Vibwm .. l for the first time and ran intoa biPaP- By JAMES GERSTE.NZANG whether (3011055 Will buy ll" l'. '
:3. c; .1, p . ’ " - _, " ' " r/j’ tisan wall of protests, concerts and Assoc1ated Press Writer The Indiana stop was the second 0‘
. " , ow nervom questioning about the im- ___- the day for Reagan. Earlier, he told a :7 “i1
W..- - _ 3:. ff}, pfications of deficits projected to ex- INDIANAPOLIS — President joint session of the Iowa Legislature . ..
Sfudlum lump J.D.VANMO°“/Karnal$tofl ceedwobillioninboth years- ' 31288", winding up a kickoff sales in Des Moines that the critics of his -‘
The reception the-House Appropna- trip for his latest economic program, three-year tax cut plan were ,. ; ,
Debbie Pullen, interior design sophomore, found that the cold had robbed her battery of starting power tiom Committee gave Treasury declared yesterday he has yet to “elitists" who said “the American :1 ~‘
when she returned to it of Commonwealth Stadium. But soon after she raised the hood John Sights (right) Secretary Donald T. Regan, Budget witness 8 better product offered by 990919 could "0‘ be trusted With a“ in— V - I ‘
and Lynn Williams, civil engineering senior, stopped to help by iump~starting her car. Director David A. Stockman and critics who should “put up or shut creased share oftheir own earnings."
I I . . chief White House economist Murray up." Touting his new federalism plan to '~
Newsweek editors discuss ..w..................... - ~ W” ..,.
major Imes predictions that Reagan will have ,Bl't, m. Washington, there was no states. the president told the Iowans: 7"
great difficulty gaining approval of a dlmlmshlngof the outcry, from foe "They say the people we elect to state V . V . -
-————--—- neth Auchincloss and also included several state government sources in budget with deep new cuts in social and 9"?" friend, °Ve’_ ms b‘gdeflc“ and local office can‘t be trusted torun -= i .
By ,Bn‘!‘ STBIDEN Howard Finemann, Washington Ohio and Michigan, which are facing programs, another record jump in scenario for the?” “5“.“ year. one state and local affairs, Well then, who , . .
Ed‘wh‘mme‘ bureau correspondent, Richard Man- $1.2 billion and $250 million budget military spending and the largest “93’ Demwat‘ 1" fad» (“Put up — can we trust? Ahandful of individuals ‘ g
____________ ning, Detroit bureau dlief and State deficits respectively, before the State deficits in history. Wh a Plan ‘0 ”em exhend'tum an,“ with a strong case of Potomac fever”. ‘. 5 ' .
Department Correspondent Doug ofthe Union address, and found them “I think this issue is bigger than Junk the 1933 Phase 0‘ the Woment S The very individuals who got us into -;:'-~ :

President Ronald Reagan will pro- Ramsey. “frantically trying to balance their let Democratic and Republican taxcut. , , this mess?" :
bably have about $10 billion in new Other questions answered by the budgets by slashing away at all sorts policies,” Appropriations Chairman The preSldent, 0" a 'twoday tnp to In Iowa, an estimated 1,200 people ” 1,
defense spending cuts “crammed panel included: ofprograms.” Jamie L. Whitten, D-Miss., told the the Midw‘o‘h °°mhlam°d ”‘3‘ eve“ marched in sub-zero temperatures to i
downhisdiroatwhetherhelikesitor Following the president’s speech, three. hefhre he amouhhéd the 1983 hhdge“ protest Reagan‘s policies as he ad» , .
not" before the end 0f the W681“ Willtherebea decreaseintbe prime he said he recontacted his sources The ranking Republican on the calling for a defic“ 0f $915 bllllon- dressed the Legislature ‘ ‘:
Cone-easional session. according to interest rate? andfmindall“inaquandry." committee, Rep. Silvio o. Conte of ,Y°‘.’ could he” the 50“.“d °‘ knees Reagan. in Indianapolis. reflected is,
Newsweek magazine White Home Ramsey said he expects to see a “When you calculate the cost of the Massachmetts, complained Reagan's led“? all over. Washington. The particular sensitivity overhis propos-
correspondentTom DeFrank. slow but not deep decrease in the swaps, they come up another $300 $757.6 billion budget for the fiscal khee'lhrh reaction and "main ed 18.1 percent increase for the Pen- . j

7 DeFrank, answering questions ad- prime rate, but added that “so long as million to $400 million short," he said. year beginning in October calls for a analyssare as hasty as they were m‘ tagon in fiscal 1983. saying, “As presi- "- f: 7 i

. dressed to a panel of Newsweek cor- the money supply continues to rise “The states don’t havethetaxcapaci- large increase in military spending °°“'°°t- dent. I cannot close my eyes, cross ' , ’
respondents and editors appearing at quickly, inflationwillnotletup. tytotake overthoseprograms." and a deep cut in everything else, Meanwhile, Reagan‘s chief my fingers and Simply hope the ' " . ,
the Seventh Biennial legislative Con- “(Federal Reserve Board Chair- when inflation is taken into account. economic strategists were buffeted Soviets will behave themselves." VA .1
fereme last night, said the president man) Paul Volcker is responding to ls there any prospect of recovery in Stockman said it would be “impru- by Republicans and Democrats alike “Today a major conflict involving .

. is almost completely without support what he sees as wrongminded White the auto industry and will the govern. dent” for Congress to make large cuts as they opened the administration’s the United States could occur without ;.:,L' .r
in his effort to maintain present House policies" in trying to “put the meat enact legislation limiting the in the defense because military pay pitch for the $757.6 billion package on adequate time to upgrade U.S. force '.
defense spending levels. brakes” on the growth of the money importation of Japanese cars to pro- raises and combat readiness im- Capitol Hill. readiness." Reagan said to the In- ,

“$33 billion in defense spending in- supply, hesaid. tect U.S. automakers? provements wouldbe jeopardized. Reagan, in an address to the In- diana Iesislature, “It is morally im- _ ; ' .
creases thisyear alone is too muchin DeFrank said there will probably Manning said most auto industry “We think there’s a good mix (of diana Legislature, said, “We will not perative that we take steps to protect
the opinion 0f everybody in Congress be a “summit meeting” between executives are predicting a recovery priorities). We think the numbers are play hop-scotch economics, jumping America's safety and preserve the
and just about everybody in the White Volcker and Reagan sometime this in the thirdquarter of 1982, but be ad- justified," Stockman told Conte. here and jumping there as the daily peace. "
H0186.”saidDeFrank. week, in which Reagan will try to ded, “youcango for that kindofstuff He indicated, though, the ad- situation changes. To the paid The president began the trip in the

But DeFrank also noted that, “turn ontheoldcharmtowinVolcker if youbelieveinthe tooth fairy, too.” ministration was willing to show political complainers, let me say as frigid MldWSt in Bloomington. -' '
because of forecasted record federal over to his side.” He said, however, it Manning said the problems facing some “general flexibility in this politelyas Ican: Put up or shut up.“ Minn Monday evening at a rally and 3-25? '
budget deficits, Congressional is doubtful Volcker will alter his posi- Detroit trace, for the most part, back sweeping program to reduce the As for the broad retreat of the finano fund-raiser for Republican Sen " 3' 7
Democrats maybeforcedto“another h'on. tolabor costs. deficit and get it out of the danger cial markets since Reagan unveiled David Durenberger, who is running, ‘.
$7 billion in social spending 0113-" “We pay our workers about $19.50 zone." his budget, spokesman Larry Speakes for reelection. ' T ‘ . ‘

The panel, which answered quee- Will the states have the capacity to and hour, where the Japanese pay Other committee members pep- declared enroute back to Washington The trip was the first 0‘ several ; :iv'
tions submitted anonymously by the absorb the trade-off In programs pro- their workers about 810,” he said. pered the officials with doubts about that “Wall Street still has to be con- Reagan has planned to the Midwest. " t . . .‘V
audience 0f legislators and state posed by the president in his State of “The UAW (United Auto Workers) is the president's forecast of an vinced that we mean business and South, Southwest and Far West in the ‘> i ‘
government experts, was moderated the Union address? trying to negotiate cutbacks in order economic recovery, his projection of Congress means btsiness, There coming weeks on behalf Of his Pl‘t‘r .V
by Newsweek Managing Editor Ken- Manning said he had contacted See NEWSWEEK, page 8 deficits limited to a record $8.6 shouldn't be any doubt the president gram and Republican candidates. fl f. -,’

_———-——————-————-_——-—_ _. I (i . .» .
I I I I 4 -' r
. Bowue makes his decision
, .'i ', r . t
N m I" V ” ‘
° ° re h r de n 'o be a r if)?!" I :3
moi-g.— bone) was discover“ last July. would In hard for me,” BOWIe said Of the year- we can concentrate MW Indiana Coach BObby Klught. lS Ole Miss in scoring with a 20 9 ll"
30m Editor Although he underwent an intensive abouttheposslbllity ofturmng profes- onlsettling down, knowmg what we re known for squeezmg every bit of average. Second in scoring is center .3. l, '3'
program of weightlifting and running Slonal before his remaining two years going to have and knowmg 'what it s talent out of his players as well as us- Roger Steig, while senior Sean 'I‘uohy. .-

. ___________ before finally bong able to practice of eligibility expire. “I will say that I gang to take to get us back in the na- mg a variety of picks and screens on a preseason AllSEC choice, heads ; . ,g.

Unlike a nagging cold or. more ap- with the team Jan. 29, Bowie feels he am looking forward to another two tional picture." offense and a sticky man-to-man on the Rebel backcourt. 4- . ~ "
propriately, an injured left tibia, the has not been able to recover suffi- years, I‘m happy at the University, I UK, 15-5 overall and just one game defense— just like Coach Knight. 3".3
“bln'den” on the shoulders of the UK ciently to make enough of an effect enjoy helm around the program andl behind a trio of SEC co-leaders at 8-4, Carlos Clark, a 64 forward, leads 'Iipoff is 7:30pm. - "
basketball team has finally been rid down the stretch for the Wildcats. like the college atmosphere. has relied the entire year on 'Iurpin to h t u,” 3;; 5‘ .
of. “(Monday) night, I was back and “It would take an awful lot of fill Bowie’s big shoes, and Hall ex- ~' ‘ ., ';T' f 1,5"

That burden - whether preseason forth (about the decision)," said money for me to leave the University. pressed his satisfaction and con- ’2. 1. .- -. I‘-
All-American Sam Bowie would ned- Bowie. “In my heart, I definitely I feel that the money will always be fidence withtheperformanceof thes- . V ,. ‘3; ‘- 3? i
shirthimselffortheremainderofthis wantedtoplay. Aslsitonthebench,l therewhaleverldecidetogopro.” 11 Iexlngton native. “V " ,
season ——was lifted yesterday when see places where I could help the Bowie’s decision towait may have “I have been impressed with p - , .3 ,'
Bowie revealed his decision that he team. been influenced by the youth of this Melvin's improvement this year," he I. ,3. -.
would indeed sideline himself for the “But then, looking at things year’s UK team and the chances its said. “If he continues toplay with the ,' - ,_ ‘5, ‘
rest of the year, leaving him two full realistically, I'm jut not in the form members will have in the next two enthusiasm and intensity that he has . , o . .' .S' ,
years d eligibility to fulfill dreams of and shape togo outandcontribute the years for a national crown. Only theentire year, then I’ll continue tobe ugh”? p, '- 1 . z
anatiomlchampionshipatUK. way I think I’m capable of con- Cluck Verderber and Bo Lanter will happy with havim him in the mid- " " ,, 1.....an ' ,' '. 4- '

"I let don’t feel [can contribute to tributing." be missing from the squad next year, dle." ' . t » .."V . ' ‘
the team at this point," Bowie said Bowie said that he felt his offensive while Dirk Mlnniefield, Derrick Hard, ‘ . -' . ’ '
yesta-day alts-noon before the game was not up to par became his Charles Hurt each have another year 4 “ .-, ‘ fl . '_.-
team‘s practice at Rupp Arena. “My timingwas offon his jump shot, and left and Melvin 'nu-pin, Jim Master Mississippi visits UK tonight and . - , », .' 3, .
instincts andmysklllsaral’t back to defauively, he was lacking the and Dicky Beal have two years re- will attempt to foil the Cats’ attempt ~ ‘ , . ' a} . : ’ - , ‘
wheelfeellt wouldbeworth comliu “court use” needed to be an all- malning. to tie a record We Rupp Arena . r . V“ ~ ' . i - _ ‘
backfa'therestofthiueason. armmdperforma. "What Melvin and I are both in winning streak. The Rebels whipped . gwcio v“ _ . , ., ..,, ~ '

“I feel like a fig burden has been “Basketball is a game played with tllere, the opposing defense will have Kentucky 67-65 in an earlier meeting = §3Vfi§ - V ' ' . , ’
lifted from me —— not pm from me, intenity and with habits,” he said, a tough time became they won’t be tliisyearatOxfm'd,steallllgawaytoa if V , -. , ‘_ . ~.
butfromtheteamalao,"headded. “and right now I’m having to think nbletokeymeitha-mofm,"Bowle 13-pointadvantagethattheCats could , _ ‘ ‘

UK Coach Joe B. Hall, perhaps aboutwhat I'mdolngouttha-e." said. mtovercome. , ' >. ._ 1 ..,-H . ‘-
disappdntedbutnmetheleurelleved Bowle,whowassuppoeedtohave SaldHall,“Agaln,itwillbeSam's “OleMisoiaateamwithmewed / ‘ . '

. by Bowle’s smelt. said be his leg mmlned yuterday, intend decisionwbenhedecldatogo [roof optimism,"l-IallsaidofBobWetlich's ,_ ‘ ' . .
maintained In role as an umbtrmive rescheduled ids appointment with the canoe. He will have plenty of time to defendim tournament champions, of“: ' - x, »
bystandu‘totheveryuld. doctorandwentahead withmaklnga work «i paperlm himself for mat wlloarelz-aoveralland7-5inthecon- - ‘ . ~ ‘ “M ‘0 ‘~ .

“Thu-s was no nature from me decisionanyway. year." fu'ence. "I‘hey’ve really gained - , . \ .
fa Sam to decide one way tr Nowthatbehuucertalned that l-hllsaldthatthebtn'danllftedm mommtumgoinglntotbesecondhalf Q Q
anotllu',“ Hall said. “It was a cbci- the injury he: hindered a suitable the collective shoulders of the UK album.” 7 h, ' .
donnedebySsmlnhtsownbatln— reeovaryapslrofquestialssrestfll teammbuuhouldhaveapositive Inltsluttwogames,01eMiuhu ‘
teat-endinthelntcestofthe puldlmwbereBowieandblsteam- dectmtheCstsfortherutofthe knockedofaneueeandAlabam, ‘- ..,i; .
team.” matesmconca‘ned—wlllSamiIe year. bothofwhicbmtledwlthtsvfor , V

machionculmlnatednmtban Immorunalmngyunofellglbllity, “(Sam's statiI) he: been on commune. Including 1’ .
slxmmtllofspeculatlonmw' andwbatwlllbeoomeofthisyear‘s everybody'smmdslncetlninjtu'y thevlctu'yovu-UK,theMbehhave -» M
hmmdtln‘I-foot-l Junla'dncee club? hemmed," he said. “It shoukl take wonslxofthdrlutelght outings. " V “m I“ WW“ '
Illll Mm 0‘ HI I!" out (the “N m tony one way or m m of the ‘myltary' out of the NI! Walton. I former mount under Bowie tells reporters about his decision to redshirt. ” ,

~ .-,. - V F t b r .

 \ I I I
’ Kié“mel'”““
Edmond! Editov
‘ ‘ I II“ S'oldon [an AIVIM m Mg", m Alon Crouch Klrby “W M. (W lolln ‘
' .tormcmet a, dilOv Lbcvle )polu no. Am no. ’09 in ”or halo liar
' » . - Ed D E Mmzmlnuonll Ed Ed 0 h M P Ed
. Ann. chum Llnl limb- mm mm "WI I-tw lull. Michelson Pmy melt Todd cannu-
‘ Managing Editor Copy (duo: Militant Managing Edilou Assistant $po’l) Educ] Assistant Am Editor Layout Editot Chm Photographer
i \I . . I I I
’ ’ A non-9’ a V9 decmmn Mb” °" "mm“ “mm" mm“
- ~ ‘ g . It’s a crying shame. For some reason, Congress last week. In his budget announce- H r I DON T NEED A WALLTO He 'Us't needs it
. ' - » Washington waited until more than 25 people ment Saturday, Reagan noted the increased FALL 0N ME T'F‘QURE OUT
~ were killed in coal-mine disasters before MSHA allocation would vide t
» encugh money was allocated to increase the ly 300 more inspectors and otba‘ . HAT MlNE WE! ‘ (5‘ AN 0 S3 Oh. Someone
. g _ ' . ' number of mine inspectors. workers inthecoal-safety divisionand / z
. .. , _ , fundingtothelevelitwaswhenJimmy lMPOR'TANT PROGRAM. e sen"
‘. _. . A recent rash of deep-mine explosives in left office. ' ’-:t;-"_ -.,
‘ :- 5 ‘. ._ EaStern KentUCky dunng the paSt two months :EEEZEzn:::::::§:::::2:3253353353533535 7- “7-,“: {t .I . '
'~ acted as o catalyst to tooos total ottootioo tooddtttootottttsiooreeoo. thoodmtot-tn- .. :it ~-- . * :2; .
= .- toward Washington, and the men responsible tion about-faced on a second issue involving g; 12’ "
= , - . for allocating operating funds for the coming MSHA- The newest proposal shoot in half the
; ., . fiscal year. The safety of miners should have amount of money to be cut in 1982 for hiring 3/ ///i g , -
- -' been a priority item remaining tree from new personnel—originally ionotunds were to l \\1‘ ' :i’ .2 mafia»
-. . 7 budgetcutbam- bered“°°°“'"““°“- \ // *1? fi‘figsfll’r-fi

‘r M ‘ ' - - iiéiiifiééiééiiiiiiéiééii . . '
r13. (The recent coal-mine fatalities have been Reagan received f8V°rable mac?” t° "“5 \f /

., blamed on several factors: useot an outdated "1°“-Bu¥°nesh°uld"“F’etwqmckmplace /~— t 1???
.2 .1. - blasting system known as shooting from the the Warmth" t°wb°y 1" the “memento rel MlNdl‘df

; . solid, failure of the miners toobserve proper spotlight Tinsmvet‘eflectso Sutolevel.‘°e" it J‘fe. ""“-~‘5—‘.§;¢- —-, it to
- . safety techniques and inadequate follow-up of ms othelplto‘imsiandidwiwremm 0“ g / ‘ + ' , u-

'_ » - t' the correct Side of public opinion. In other . :iéiiiiiiiiiééiiii « on ' " A '-
_ . , mspec Ions.) . . . . .2::::::::::::::::: \§/\ .\\\ -~;;~:::;:::::::::::::::::::: .~ . ' '~ - ’- tr

,. . . . words,hewaspressuredmtohisdeCiSion. .\ _ ngfi. / . ,
“ 7 . » But safety was seen as important- 1’1““ . . . . , ~ '“iirtrif‘ ' ’ ,, ~ 7/

. j "_ ‘ dent Ronald Reagan proposed toslash funding LaStweek: 111311109th Wlth MSHA dlfiecm}: V ‘ , '_' ‘4, Jigwfigr' -:-’ it); ~ \3

_ for the Mine Safety and Health Administra— Ford B. Ford, Kentucky Rep. Harold HP] 3 r t) \ / f : 7;:‘.'l;,;‘::‘;-'t 21%;: (\‘3 .~ up. 9:3".7'l’3

«.- .. . tion’s coal-safety division by 7 percent. iower- Rotors, Roth District» asked the oooottooi , 3" ~.- “for“ \ll
‘ ', < ing its share of funds from 3149-3 milli°n ‘0 .. . . m ‘i \t ‘ woe-xii”

' .1. . .- $138.8 million. However, deep-mine disasters Are you more comfortable with chtgtting e .4) I 5',

- . -. put the red-tape budget intoa frenzy. creating "Pmbezsf “Wm “h?" Y°“ ” ““8 “hi; v Ni.

a situation where Reagan needed to protect c'dents- “ff" 3338305 announcement /// fl‘ ”5535355225322: . , , ; ._.. »
. v his image.Soheordered $15 million tobeadd- commented. Iflunkwesotthttanswer: , 4"! . . ; ' ,‘ {Wig/J, .'
'_ ' edtom519839r°p°saL Onehopes thata trendhasbeenstarted, and I "7 4 ’ “if? ° )7, ' is. . 9f /
' 5‘ , This move came so suddenly the change was funds for a much needed service continue to ////, . - ‘ .. /, '33,”; ’ 1’ i.
_ ,1 V. . not noted in copies of the budget distributed to become available atasuitable level. K? . a "Ari.”- . '., '. . t. ." §tvta
R ’ l' ' EIS I d ' '
___.-_ eagan 8 p0 Icy In a va or 18 less than deSIrable

.. E _' . To the surprise of no one, Ronald ment—Vietnam's—which hesaid em- a great deal about our side in El helicopters lost in a rebel raid ' ' ' '

. . = .. . . '. to . ch .

- , - . . :aaggan has CH3?“ hurtnan fngthhts phatlcglly, El Salvador in no way Salvador that we expect its enemies and $30 muggy for unspecified pur- mmm: enamored bombing ”3193.“, would, finally, be brought
" ro ress on e par 0 e M 5- tOrescuepeoplefromit. - -- . ' ..

1,; I; g ., Salvadoran government. Given his Enders looks the ultimate diplomat. Reagan. in his certification, said mgmmme wlghe “figmfipgggl ffifmxgnfiggfimfid con.- hatcheefanmilies fie“ “we: who ‘
- ., ind-set about leftist ins ' of mi hei tanddistinc- - ' . ' - ' ' . play' “we" mum ”the
m . . “item‘s: aman one 0‘3. 5" the trend m 05‘0““ murdtn- ‘5 The guemlla leaders reject elec- an endorsement of elections by the State Department are not mollified

fr I -. 2,9,3? “a“m‘“ “ f” "‘e ‘1‘?"- ma’e‘eftmmt “will“ “WWW-”Thefisumdomtsw tions; perhaps they are all on a Bishops Conference of El Salvador. They want to send observers They ' -
r . ‘ f (loll eace ze. will not say in support of Foggy Bot- port him. According to Reuben government-proscribed list and The lone member who does not sup- don’twanttoknowjtst who pulled the l
. . . ' spolicy toward the murderous tom fantasy. anzed about other Zamora, an exiled leftist leader, would be shot on sight as they ap- port the government Archbishop nigger they want to know who gave

2.3,: , .. Juntaisasngldasnisuncoordinated. alleged government atrocities, he quoting the legal aid office of the ched their local lling place. at Y ' th orders
‘ ‘ ’ ‘ glided intotheabsurd. diocese “.191 Salvador, the total 0‘ m favcr negotiating, which the sig‘fitzriesnam' was among the (find Rep Gerry Studds D-Mass
,.. .. - $3.2m? termini mammmrrm too soon oomotottooo not we . coo to oooo moot-om W;
‘ . . , . . _ ~ . tion. Department, which has encountered introducinsaresolutiontodeclarethe
it ‘ . : 31.. Mary borne by theleftists. It was not P093“ the 133‘ three months ‘3 explained by OnepersonintheState Department fierce resistance to its course from Reagan certification null and void. It . ’
I Mch ble ‘° prove 0" “Pr“? that the the fact W“ "“1589” hasmoved'out apparatus apparently did not get the US bishops. Ithas had much better would have no binding effect, but
3 -_ government troops hadlilled flun- ofthecmes tind_mtotheoovntryside. word about the “political” solution. it luck with the Vatican, which takes a many membersochngress blanch at
- . . ~ .' .‘ Immediately following—me award of dredsof Fungi he 3?”:th the whee ”90111118181110“ d1ffic“_“- was none other than ourambassador more sympathetic view of the civil goingonthe record in favorof financ-
'7“. the gold star. government troops ma? mfifi’t‘ge fang“: Salmdumwd Stanti‘i’lhyanuwyvew in El Salvador, DeaneHinton, who warasanEast-Westshowdowninthe ingofficial terrorinayeartheyhave
Elli-i- f 1 ”med “was“ salvadmsmm and pa ' ' ' vs mugs onto acme gtzutnotutlhe on:w mwmcn be M the Endorsagid t t' the crud ”501:3?”me d1 te
" '5 murdered 19 people. It was a con- . ' l' I ' . . . . no men '0“ e ’ niversa yn I“
1|: tinuation of their program of winning 1 l t - :fliv .' ‘ There may be no chonce, he said in bargain being offered to sweeten the

.4... heartsandmintkthroughmassacre. . | ‘ l / \\ 9‘. q anunguardedmanent,buttogofora preposta'miscertification-apronuse Mary McGrory won a 1975 Pulitzer
‘ .4 H.411 Millions of Americans watched on I t x?“ r‘: ' ',- -. l militarywctory. that the six soldiers accused of the for her commentary while with the
f .f’.‘ , their weekend television news shows I [ "\3‘1" . I", “In“ 'l‘heideathat wecanbuymemere- 1&0 murder of four U'S' chur- Washington Star.
page.» *f as bullet-ridden bodies were hauled l \ r' ‘ .“G ll all?" {gl/ / 1? WW; “‘0" “mange?

-f._ onto trucks and the ‘t' ' ‘ ' ‘K 'e- a t . ‘ .’ com ing. eonewayi _ ,
, an unnamed dialing: ; (till "fix a. lt - one woidbebroosbommeeo A W 09mmn 0" El Salvador .

.‘ a]: eyes wide with horror. We had just " ' \ ” i ’éw‘i ‘ U's‘ adfim' Ge-tm was 'to
”My beentold thatthe praidentprm 1 EL‘ . l l kl ¢mfig€é jig, vote for more direct military m- Last year, after the bloody murder many unarmed non-combatants have
3 ., to subsidize this policy of extermina- SAL "'R} l ., 9‘ .o,‘ i , Wenttmmttt} .elechonyeansmta offour nuns bygovemment troopsin been gunned down in cold blood for
:- tion Wm, an immediate additional 355 ‘ ‘ realisticposslbility. _ ElSalvador.ourgovenunent promis- refusing to hand over nonexistent
rt; ff ' millioninaid. "‘ l R‘ ’ " ' innton,whtalaskedifhesawaway edtowithholdfurtheraidtotheruling weapom?

m? admmtmmn view of the at“ W - l _ .‘I. ‘7'! . ‘_ outofthewar,saiidi,s Idaon $12:de military jlmtalmtil it demonstrated According mayo-witnesses. that is

y. ._- atrocity, which came so embarram- o; ’“y . vfi~"8mthfl"flé , . . - ‘ Enders 8h00k _ gr y improvement in the area of human what brought on themassacre of the

fiffl inglyon the heels .of official us. ap- ' ”A $159 ”7.44:6" r“ /I) wqu'fmmdm‘gu‘mwwm“ "8h“;- Salvadmm “"889— “ the United

31:» ., proval, was aimed to the Senate 4:511:41 1" ‘ f. 1.9,, .4 [029“ bones“ _ytn r . . U _ Last week, the press revealed that States is going to point an accusing

3' .4; {hi-l Foreign Relations Committee by ‘_ '6"- \:.§) ,1 4* 35:! . It IS notumy View. he said suc- ElSalvador’s governmenttroopshad finger at Soviet-inspired oppression .

1.5!}. Thomas 0' Enders, assistant . w- 2. . cinctly. We are Prop0smg slaughtered close to 1,000 unarmed (and we should)wemust also,asthe

secretary for inter-American affairs, «av/x '9 (flip m " uistltutlon-buildlng. men, women and children, including saying 8003i clean up 001' own back '
I‘i‘it..~-lt{;.;:j a suave sumvor of another adven- “T‘Hnrmf new-kNWHUMNS..N'WPWWTSWWSM' “'He. d_ld [118. {5105‘ notable babies. The next day, theReaganad- yard. We are forcing a dictatorial

. l. ture in supporting unpopular govem- mnmthD-bufldlns asllmbfiIISadOI' ministration announced that E] government on a people who don’t

.f‘ .I , ————-————-———————-——-—-——-——-—————Billets Salvador’stgovernment has shown wantit,andkillingthemforresisting.

,‘ h” 3.1”; “significan improvement" in the Everyone involved admits that the
{‘4 - _ area of human rights, and will main problem faced byDuarteand
z. I .1, I“ therefore receive855million worthof his army is “a lack of popular 3

. DOUX CPR training response memoir. an." “‘*
in“. .24 . _ , W ,__,. , 7" The next day. these exemplars of The saddest part of all this is that
-4_.‘t,:':,- . . ""’””‘“————W concernforhumanri tsres ded through inati
- 2' ,‘- ‘, 'As someone trained in CPR and not breathing and has no heart beat Perhaps my experiences with CPR to the good news hyullnurderipglg 20 governing: to nfakog’uswscgimig ’
instaidlwouldliketocallthefollow-- yotican'tdoanyfurtherdamse,but asaregisterednursemakemefeelas morepeasants.Mththiskindof“im- inthesemurdetsmrtaxmoneyis '.

.' - . :_ ulgtoyourattentlon. Attempts tapro- you might saves life. . strongly as I do, but no one can im- provement" in human rights, there keeping these hooligans' in arms. We

;. Iii. V'lde first aid assistance toanlniured, ' CPR requires eight hours of train- "Are UK cops [roperly trained?” aginehowgratifyingitisfa' metosee will indeed soon be no human rights who scream in righteous indignatioii
. I mt'stlll llvmg, person maylncrease mg. The Red Cmos and American asks the capfim beneath the picture people Walkingdownthestreet that! violatiom in El Salvador. became what someone on welfare gets one
.1; . 1,3. theiniuryorcausenewmjunes‘ Heart Association offer‘ frequent mmmmMcmtgm-ym helpedtoresuscitate. there will be no more unarmed dollar more than they are allowed
. :- r: The fears of the UKPD. officers courses. The Lexington Chnic offers Monday’s (Feb_ 1) K.,,..(_ 11m cap- Ithink CPR}: a skill that not only peasantslefttomurder. cheerfully give millionstopay forthe .
.' -.'.'-‘ about lawsuits andthequeshms con- CPR. courses every week. Every donpoeeeagood waflaLIVu .p. the UK Police Department, but WhiletheUnitedStateesuppliesthe Slauflhw'dlnnocentcivmammcgw .
. 1., , . earningKentuckys GoodSamai-ltan physicianattheUKMedicalCenteris pfllflmlmfiutu‘Wewm everyone should know. It’s not dif- bullets for wholesale human in] America. Some of ll would ‘
~. . 'l'f‘v“ Law mayormay notbepertinent trainedinCPR and manyarecer- unforcedlelawandprovideasafeen- ficulttolearnortoadministerandis slaughta'inElSalvador,wesponsor prefer that thetssmilllon be used :
Z .. . here. However. the “1.3mm mm ,3 Med” instructors. virotment on cnmpl- do not know the most rewarding skill anyone can a worldwide television special (“let here to reduce unemployment or the 3
. . _; ‘ death. A Victim who is not breathing The cost of such a course varies how to perform CPR (Car- learn. PolandbePoland") tobewail the butt defi '
~ -' ndwhohasmheartbeat' dead! f f to 1 The little ~ 0? d dt' '
a is rom we 8 0. re seems diopuimomrynesmcltotlm). - pro—almotPollshworkers.Andwhile rho letter we. signed by eight 1
, 2" 1'“ , All ofugie CPR cgnutses I know of reason not to provide our UKPD of- An even g-eatq- shock came when Cheryl Per-due, RN. no mahould deny that the situation sociology graduate students who I
, make pom nothing the floats with CPR u'ainig (and legal Andrew Wm W um UK Junior,B.S.inNursing inPolandisareprehensible one,liow claimtobe"eonccrnedAmel-icana." T

. , rescuer do: cam the Victim murameenothatthenutperm Police GlidPaulHarrison "expl'ew ‘
't “moredea l“ amwerpro- who dieeontheUKcampushul eddwbtthatofficerswmld

' [g f video in CPR courses. presumably greatn- dance to be revived. Even meCPReveniftheyhadreceiw‘defi “I'm“ com by W W ~>
‘ . . based on competent legal advice. is better, how about some reepomlble trainim became of the po-lbllity of minimums
. . .1 . thatnolegal basis for damages exists organizations s