xt780g3h1b9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3h1b9z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-10-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 2005 2005 2005-10-17 2020 true xt780g3h1b9z section xt780g3h1b9z OPINIONS mmmm'ma.



‘ /

Womens' rugby has its own sense of fun.


Monday, October 17. 2005

Celebrating 34 years of independence

ky Ke rnel


UK begins hospital renovation with demolition

By Shannon Mason
in: whom KERMEL

The demolition of four
go rties on Conn Terrace

1 ay marked the first V151-
ble step of the UK Health-
Care expanston.

“We have four houses in
ties of rubble." said Jim
onner, [giroject manager

With the niverSIty’s Ca ital
Project Management ivi-

The deconstruction is the

first step in phase 1A of the
hospital expansion plan.

Conner said altogether
there were nine buildings, in
cluding the four demolished

'Frida , on the block being de-

molis ed right now. The re-
maining five buildings. three
houses and two a artment
complexes. will be own “by
the end of the month."

Conner said that before
any of the buildings are torn
down, workers go through
and clean out t e asbestos
and old floors. They also look
for appliances or other items
in working condition that
could be of use to others.

“So far we have donated a
dozen refrigerators and
ranges to Habitat for Human-
ity," Conner said.

‘Conner. said the universi-
ty is working on purchasin
groperties down to Elizabet

treet and it may take six
months to close deals on all
of those.

Dr. Michael Karpf. execu-
tive Vice president of health
affairs at UK, said that in
ghase 1A, a new hospital

uildmg will be built in the
location of the hospital’s cur-
rent parking garage. In order

for the old garage to be torn
down, a new garage must be
built. The new parking
garage will be built at the
current deconstruction site
on Conn Terrace and will be
wn between January and
arch of 2007. Karpf said.
Karpf said phase 1A is
Birojected to cost $450 million.
e said $250 million of that
will come from bonds. which
are state-approved but paid
by the university. and the
other $200 million will come
from operations.
Karpf said construction

of the new hospital facility
will start in 2007 and the fa
cility should be completed by

According to the UK
HealthCare Strategic Plan.
phase 18 includes the con-
struction of a new research
facility across South Lime-
stone Street and the con-
struction of a combined med
ical and dental education

Kargf said phase 18
should e complete by 2015.

“We hope to overla 1A

and 18." Karpf said. “I‘ like

to get out of the old hospital
by 2012." Overlapping the
p ases could mean phase Ill
would be completed earlier
than 2015.

Phase 2 includes knock-
ing down the old hospital and
building a new facility for
ambulatory care. Karpf said.
This phase should be com
plete between 2015 and 2018.

Phase 3. the last phase. in-
cludes tearing the critical
care tower down and build-
ing a facility to provide bet-

See Renovate on page 2


Party plan
quiets down


By Naitore lliogora

Nearly four years after it became
law, the Lexington Area Party Plan
continues to govern the conduct and
consequences of parties in the Lex-
ington-Fayette County area.

The ordinance states that the
plan is designed to decrease the
number of disturbance complaints
from citizens and that it will “benefit
the health, safety, and welfare of the

Two alcohol-related deaths in the
past two years have sparked police
crackdowns on parties and returned
attention to the party plan. but some
students still feel slighted by the law.

”I understand the concern. but at
the same time not all of us are exces
sively partying. Some of us are mere
1y fellowshipping with peers in a ma-
ture and civilized manner and we are
still going to receive the short end of
the straw because of policy and regu-
lation," said anthropology sophomore
Marcus Richardson.

According to the ordinance. a resi-
dence can be considered a “no party
property” if multiple disturbance
complaints are reported to the police
within one year.

Property owners and occupants
are notified of this through a notice.
as well as a copy of the provisions.
and a sticker or similar document to
remain visible during the period of
time the property 18 considered a “no
party property“

If a disturbance complaint is re-
ceived while a residence is deemed a
“no party property" the oneyear pro
hibition will be renewed.

Tenants and properties can appeal
the certification as a “no party prop
erty” by contacting the Commission-
er of Public Safety in writing. Each
appellant must show they understand
the reason for their certification and
promise that no further disturbance
problems will occur. If the appeal is
approved the “no party property" cer-
tification will be removed.

According to the ordinance, the
fine for a first-time violation of the
plan can be between $50 and $500. A
second violation occurring within 12
months of the first violation will in-
clude a fine between $100 and $500. A
third violation occurring within
twelve months of the first and second
violation will include a fine between
$250 and $500.

Additionally, other consequences
may be in store for violators. Some off
campus apartments. such as New-
town Crossing, have party contracts
or regulations tenants must adhere

University Commons apartments
on Red Mile Road requires tenants to
register parties of 10 or more guests
with the main office and sign con-
tracts acceptingqu responsibility for
damage or complaints. Tienants must
agree with party regulations. such as
ending the party at 2 am. a one-keg
limit and a maximum of 25 invited

“The rules enforced at the Com-
mons are fair for everyone because
people who have to work or go to
school shouldn’t have to be woken up
by music or parties." said business
freshman Piere Davis.

At some locations, tenants are al-
lowed to throw parties in their apart-
ments but they do so at their own dis-
cretion. -

“If they (tenants) have too many





UK men's basketball coach TubbLSmilt‘h dance'scin'the middle of his team durin
in mom a iseum.

1982 to 2005, the event was he

Alleyne, a 7-
foot-3 junior
center, hard-
ly has to hop
over 7-foot
junior center
Obrzut in the
dunk contest
during Fri- '
day's Big
Blue Mad-

I’d like to meet the guy who sells
Randolph Morris gum.

Because the prodigal center‘s
Dubble Bubble
seems to be the only
thing he gets jazzed
up about.

Friday at Mid-
night Madness. he
got a tepid response
from an otherwise
wild crowd. then
played another
tepid game in his
pursuit of NBA

He got the third
largest crowd re-
sponse. if you put him against equip
ment manager Bill Keightley and for-
mer reserve Josh Carrier.

Given the loud ovations extended
to adopted sons Rajon Rondo. Patrick
Sparks. Lukasz Obrzut and Shagari

Morris must be more bubbly to Win ~ back loyalty


issr sronrs tonne


Record crowd watches first practice

BlJosh Sullivan

UK led the nation in college basketball atten-
dance for 12 of the last 19 years.

But Friday. man. we were talking about prac-

Last weekend. 23.174 UK basketball fans
packed Rupp Arena for Big Blue Madness. setting
a new NCAA attendance record for a college
hoops practice.

Since 1982. the Wildcats have opened the sea-
son in mid-October with an annual “Madness"
event in Memorial Coliseum. This year. UK offi-
cials moved the extravaganza to Rupp because of
the practice facility renovations in progress at
the Coliseum.

The two-hour pep rally included a rafter-
dwelling mascot. a legendary emcee. a travel
through time and an array of videos celebrating
the 30 years of UK basketball at Rupp.

Just after 9 o’clock. the Wildcat mascot rap-
pelled from the rafters down to the court amidst a
raucous ovation from the crowd. That kicked off
a two-hour long celebration of both the history
and the future of UK basketball.

Fans were treated to several videos document-
ing legendary UK basketball moments in Rupp
Arena. The No. 1 moment was Tayshaun Prince‘s



g Big Blue Madness on Friday. It was the first time the event was held at Rupp Arena. From

flurry of five consecutive three-point baskets "A
the fifth one with Prince just two walking steps
away from the ‘UK‘ logo at Rupp's center court
against North Carolina in 2001.

Many explayers joined the celebration as
well. Rupp‘s Rum-turned television broadcaster
Larry Conley was the master of ceremonies for
the event. interviewing fan favorites such as for-
mer head coach Joe B. Hall who guided the
Cats to the 1978 national championship and
former all-American Kenny “Sky" Walker.

“These fans without a doubt are the best fans
in the world.” said Walker. “and that‘s what
makes this place so special.“

Current players also got in on the early fun.
appearing on the big screen in spoofs of 1980‘s
music videos. Forward Bobby Perry lip-synced an
Eddie Murphy tune and sophomore guard Ramel
Bradley. 7-foot-3 center Shagari Alleyne and
sophomore Joe Crawford portrayed rap trio Run-
DMC as members of the women's team danced in
the background.

The prelude came to a close as fans were in-
troduced to the women's hoops team. Third-year
head coach Mickie l)eMoss entered to a standing
ovation. Last season. she led her team to the
semifinals of the Women's National Invitational
Tournament. the program's longest foray into the

See Madness on page 2


Alleyne —— some with more game suc-


cess than others —7 one would expect
applause to greet the return of a cen~
ter who could help the team.

Instead. UK fans searched behind
Morris. who was in his usual stroll.
most of his bodily activity coming
from the rapidly working chiclet in
his jawbone. for the next returning

Morris’s summer didn't particu-
larly endear him to the Wildcat le-
gions. To fans. it was kind of like
your girlfriend flirting with the rich
guy right in front of you. dumping
you. then getting dumped and com-
ing back to you without a word of
apology. expecting you to take her

And understandably. Wildcat fans
weren‘t entirely thrilled with the

See Hustle on page 2

The 'udges were unanimous in ivin
10 a er he dunked over fellow -foo
left to right) Former UK players Jetl Shel”)
young U of

fan and Donna Smith, wife

eta-Mr; mer

junior center Shagari Alleyne a pe

er and junior center Lukasz Obrzut. (From
ard and Cameron Mills joined a
head coach Tubby Smith.

Newsroom: 257-1915


 mm | Monday, Oct. 17. 2005



Continued from page]


After a 10-minute scrim-
mage the women's team left
the court. waving to an ap-
preciative audience.

Moments later. the crowd
exploded along with the py-
rotechnics. as each member
of the men‘s team entered in-
dividually while flames shot
out toward the ceiling from
each side of both baskets.

As the crowd chanted
“'I‘u-bby. Tu-bby." UK head
coach Tubby Smith made his
way through the crowd to
take the court for his eighth
season at the helm of the

Former UK guards Jeff
Sheppard and Cameron
Mills. members of UK‘s 1998
national championship team.
joined the players in pre-
scrimmage warm~ups. At one
point. Tubby Smith hit Shep-
pard with an alley-00p pass.


Continued from page i


ter inpatient and outpatient
access. Kar f said. This
phase shoul ultimately be
completed by 2020.

“We are trying to use the

real estate on cam us as effi-
ciently as ossib e." Karpf
said. “So. t is all has to be
done in a sequential fash-
KarEf said about a year
and a alf has been spent
planning the project thus far
and at least another vear is
needed in planning for the
new hospita .


Continued from page 1

UK fans. though. are no»
toriously fickle. There are
three ways Morris can get
back into fans' hearts: get
playing time. play hard and
play well.

This strolling around
business isn‘t going to cut it
with Wildcat fans. who have
expected nothing more out of
Tubby-time than to see play-
ers on the floor. scrapping for
rebounds. garbage baskets.
and every inch of post posi-
tion they can get.

Morris scored six points.
grabbed several rebounds in
traffic. ran the floor well
when he felt like it. and hit a
13-foot fadeaway jumper.

He also lost several re
bound battles. jogged the
court at times. and got a shot
blocked by 7~foot-2 freshman
Jared Carter.

His heart was questioned
at many points through last
season. when the l\/Icl)onald‘s
All-American finished with
8.8 points and 4.2 rebounds

ContinuedTrompaqe i

warnings. it's grounds for
eviction." said Matt McK-
night. assistant manager of
The Meadows off Kirkleving-
ton Road.

Some apartments allow
tenants to rent the properties
clubhouse to host parties.

The Meadows apartments
rents its clubhouse for 8200.


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and Sheppard threw down a newcomer. He's very versa-
dunk. tile. very physical.”

Mills and Sheppard com- Of Williams. Smith said.
peted against senior guards "I love his attitude, I love his
Ravi Moss and Patrick work ethic. He’ll help make
Sparks in a three-point everybody better."
shootout. Moss and Sparks Finally. Smith turned to
prevailed, despite Sheppard's Carter.
attempt to derail them by “I like his style. He's very
stealing away their ball and aggressive He‘s as skilled
tossing it into the crowd. a post player as we’ve had."

Sophomore point guard Carter sent a Randolph
Rajon Rondo won the dunk MOFI‘IS DUt-bfiiCk attempt
contest for the second batik at Morris during the
straight year. beating out the scrimmage-
sophomore Crawford and MOFFIS. the sophomore
freshman guard Adam Center “13959 playmg Status
Williams who donned a for 2005-06 IS StlII yet to be re-

. ' - . - . , _ solved. came out toatepid re-
Sheppard jersey Whlle slam s onse from the crowd and
ming .the a reverse dunk. ayed a careful scrimmage,

Williamsa W?“ Virginia Finishing with six points
native. 53?" playing-time in with several rebounds in
the 16-minute scrimmage. traffic.
along with fellow newcomers The men‘s scrimmage
Jared Carter. 3 7‘f00t'2 Center ended with walk_0n senior
from Georgetown. and junior guard Preston LeMaster nail-
college transfer Rekalin mg a gamevwinning three-
Sims. a t‘rfoot-G forward. Ear- point basket from the corner.
lier that night. Smith spoke UK’s Blue-White scrim-
about his new trio. ma 9 is on Oct. 22 at Memor-

()n Sims. Smith said. ial oliseum. .
“he‘s a guy that I think will ' . ' E‘mazl
have the biggest impact as a Jsullzvanmkykernelrom

Currently. planners of can do." Karpf said.
the expansion are in the de- The center's Level One
tailed pro rammin’ phase. trauma center. organ trans-
Karpf sait. wheret e num~ plant capabilities and full-
bers of rooms. such as pa- service pediatric rogram
tient rooms. in the facilities are examples. he sai .
are decided. This phase ends He said UK HealthCare is
Dec. 15. he said. also im ortant for its role in
The next phase will be researc and in the training
the schematic phase. where health care workers. Karpf
the sketches of the rooms are said research brings in mon—
drawn out. ey and when you build the re-
Karpf said the expansion search rograms. you bring
is important because it is the more jo 3.
university hospital's job to In two years. Karpf said
make sure the tople of Cen- about 800 jobs have been
tral. Eastern. . outhern and added.
Northern Kentucky have ac- “We've brought in 100
cess to the very best health physicians and hundreds of
care available to them. nurses." he said. “This is a
“There are a number of major economic engine."
special programs that only Email
an academic medical center smasonmkykernelrom

per game in the also-ran ready a blowout.
Southeastern Conference. ()r the time he didn't have
One would imagine that his second foul at halftime.
the supposed lack of effort If Morris would exhibit a
was a main reason he. and little bit of hustle. a slight
former UK star forward Ke— splash of grit. or even a frac-
Ienna Azubuike. weren‘t tion of excitement on the
drafted. court. maybe fans would be
But. like everything else. quicker to take him back.
it doesn't seem to have affect- If Morris would do so litv
ed him. tle as to smile on the court.
A note to prospective pretend that he‘s having fun.
NBA players: being as cool as instead of playing like he's
the other side of the pillow got one more year before he
only helps if you're as good gets paroled. then UK fans
as you think you are. would be quicker to take him
Tayshaun Prince could back.
pull it off. Prince played at If Morris would. all of a
UK for four years. and the ex sudden. play like he's trying
pression on his face changed to win a pro contract instead
only when he rose up to of being given the league
throw down an alley-oop minimum to sit on the bench
dunk. and not get hurt. then maybe
But when Prince got the the fans would be quicker to
ball. he produced. like in take him back.
what was shown at Madness If Morris would act like
as UK fans‘ favorite moment he's here for the team. in-
in the 30-year history of stead of on a temporary stop
Rupp Arena. the five three- to NBA riches. the fans
pointers on five possessions would try and take him back.
he hit against North (iaroli- If he even wants them to.
ha in 2001. Because as of right now.
Morris' most famous mo- it doesn‘t appear that he
ment is a thunderous dunk gives a damn about anything
against some I)-2 team last besides his bubblegum.
season. in a game that was ei- Email
ther in the first half or al- (tie/insonwkykernelrom
which includes a $101) deposit. the surrounding area on the
a 3.30 rental fee and a $50 Iexington-Fayette County Ur-
maintenance fee. McKnight ban (‘ounty Council. said
said. there are currently no pro-
Secondary education ju- posed revisions or additions
nior .Ioe Latin said he would to the party plan.
not consider renting the club- Despite the stiff fines.
house “because they close too some students said they be-
early" Iieve a good party is worth it.
Students who lease homes “One night for my friends
or condominiums. such as to enjoy themselves is very
(‘ampus Downs Condomini- much worth it for me."
urns off of Virginia Avenue. Richardson said. “If I receive
typically do not have property a citation and have to pay a
party regulations. fine then so be it."
Council Member Dick De- E—mail
camp who represents UK and newsmlt‘ykemelrom




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Oct. 17. 2005

Chris Johnson
Asst. Sports Editor


Phone: 257-815 | EM dotnsonOkykernelcom

UK rugby m1xes pleasure with

g Charlie Denlson


Cyndi Lauper once sang.
“Girls just wanna have fun."
For the 37 girls on the UK
women's rugby team, fun
leaves bruises. After all the
tearing of clothing and tack
ling of teammates, the girls
release aggression as well as
a few laughs.

“Rugby is the weirdest
sport I’ve ever played,” said
junior flyhalf Bethany Zick.
“There aren’t many rules."

From the opposite side of
the grassy field the sound of
a shirt being torn could be

After practice, the girls
were showing off bruises.

Junior inside/outside
center Cara Nocero asked
some teammates to feel the
new bump on her head.
laughing it off as another
hard day’s work.

Rugby is not a sport made
to look easy, and the UK
women’s club seems to have
learned to love the difficult
sport — making the game
more fun to play and more
fun for others to watch.

Ever since fall of 2001,
rugby has been offered as a
club sport for women at UK.
Adrianne Bouchet and her
husband Jason have coached
the men’s and women’s
teams since the start. Adri-
anne says she is especially
excited about this season.

“We have our best re-
cruiting class,” Bouchet said.
“We also have more players
and more talent than before."

Karen Stone
(front). a physi-
cal therapy
grad student,
and Kristin
Fitch (back), a
history senior,
focus on their
before the
scrum engages.
Both are mem-
bers of UK's
club women's
rugby team.



Among the talent on the
team is Zick, who is from
Rochelle, Ill., and played on
the women’s under-19 nation-
al team in the summer of

Unaware of what to ex-
pect when joining the team
her freshman year. Zick said
her favorite part about the
team is the friendships. She
lives with two other rugby
teammates and said several
other teammates also live to-

“We’re just one big rugby
family," Zick said.

Senior Kay Anderson, a
rugby veteran, enjoys the
team aspect of the game
more than other sports she
has played.

“You’re not playing for
yourself," Anderson said.
“The team is so close that
you really feel we're all out
there together.“

In some instances. the
team is family, literally: full-
back Jessica Smith. a veter-
an on the team who just re-
turned after having a child.
is the godmother of Coach
Bouchet’s daughter, Wilkin-
son w named after Newcastle
(England) Falcon rugby play-
er Johnny Wilkinson.

Bouchet especially enjoys
watching the relationships
form among teammates.

“I‘ve bad girls tell me that
the rugby team is their fa-
vorite part of college."
Bouchet said. “Some have
even said that the team is
what kept them from trans-

Bouchet also mentioned

,. «a,




humus STAFF

Kim Kookendoffer, a telecommunications senior, is hoisted to catch the
ball during a line-out to retain possession during a home game of the
UK’s club women's rugby team Saturday.

that rugby is for everybody

“You don‘t have to have
ever played a sport. and
everyone gets a chance to
play," she said.

Freshman flanker Alison
Geimen is one of 20 rookies
on the team. With no prior
rugby experience. Geimen
has been thrilled with the
veteran leadership from play-
ers such as Zick and Nocero.

“The vets have really
pointed us in the right direc-
tion." Geimen said. “Plus
they do a good job watching
out for us."

Geimen also mentioned
that rugby is the most ag-

gressive sport she has played.

“I don't think I ever got a
bruise in track." she said.

The team had its first
home game of the season
Saturday against Ohio Uni-
versity. winning 38-5. If the
team defeats Miami (Ohio)
this weekend. they will
clinch a playoff spot.

Although Lauper was not
referring to rugby in her hit
song, the UK women's rugby
team definitely wants to
and does 7 have fun.

sportsru kykernel. com

The team is so close that you really feel

we’re all out there together.”
- Kay Anderson , a senior on the UK women's rugby team



UK took two tough ones
on the chin this weekend, los-
ing twice to American Col-
lege Hockey Association de-
fending Division 2 national
champions Oakland (Mich)
8-5 and 11-1 at the Lexington
Ice Center.

Mike Barnes scored twice
on Friday for the Cool Cats.
joining Tony Valerino, Bran-
don Polk and Aaron Leichty
in the scoring column. Jonny
Micka scored UK's lone goal

Men's soccer git:



ry over East Carolina Sun-
day, winning the shot advan-
tage 12-6 and never being se-
riously threatened besides a
deflection. which led to the
Pirates’ first goal. and a de-
fensive breakdown on a goal
kick. which held to the sec-

Michael D'Agostino
scored his third goal of the
season and added his sixth
assist. good for eighth best in
school history. Michael
Strong and Tim Walters also
scored for the Cats. Walters‘
goal was his first career tally.

On Friday. South Caroli-
na scored on its only shot on

O’Neill and Nathan Marks
were forced to sit out for dis-
ciplinary reasons. as O'Neill
received a red card against
Southern Methodist last
weekend and Marks took his
fifth yellow of the season.

UK hosts Conference USA
foe Memphis at 7:30 Friday
night at the UK Soccer Com

Swimmin and diving
sweeps y. Relays

UK‘s men's and women's
swimming and diving teams
each swept through the Ken-
tucky Relays at the Lancaster
Aquatic Center Saturday

The women won all 12

events. scoring 168 points
and besting second-place
Transylvania University.
who finished with 92.

The men won every event
but one. finishing with 154
points and topping the Uni-
versity of the Cumberlands.
who finished second with 98

The event hosted aquatics
teams from across the Com—
monwealth, including East-
ern Kentucky. Asbury Col—
lege and Union College. None
of UK‘s opponents were Divi-
sion.l schools.



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