xt783b5w6t66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt783b5w6t66/data/mets.xml Sharp, L. J. (Leander J.)  Sharp, L. J. (Leander J.) 1827 books  English Amos Kendall and Company, Frankfort  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection.  Sharp, Solomon P., 1787-1825 Beauchamp, Jereboam O., 1802-1826 Darby, Patrick Henry Vindication of the Character of the Late Col. Solomon P. Sharp, from the Calumnies Published Against Him Since His Murder, by Patrick Darby and Jeroboam O. Beauchamp, 1827 text 140 pages 21 cm, Call Number: CT275.S44 S Vindication of the Character of the Late Col. Solomon P. Sharp, from the Calumnies Published Against Him Since His Murder, by Patrick Darby and Jeroboam O. Beauchamp, 1827 1827 1827 2022 true xt783b5w6t66 section xt783b5w6t66  







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BY L. J. SHflRPn
1897a ”

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THE public will recollect the charges made against the char-
acterof my brother, Col. Solomon P. Sharp, his widow and con-
nections, by Patrick Darby, soon after his murder, and the prom-
ise then made by me to vindicate his memory. It was then my
intention to perform this sacred duty in the course of a few weeks;
but'a variety of circumstances have delayed it until this time.
Rumors of the murderer’s confession, and of its intended publi-
cation, led me to suspend this Vindication before his execution.
After that awful event and the attendant circumstances, rumors
of another and different confession which would probably soon be
ushered to the world, induced me still to delay, that I might be
able to meet all the accusations brought against my brother by
his two accusers, Darby and Beauchamp. That production is
now before the world; and although it carries upon its face an
ample refutation of all its material statements, yet, as the asser— '
tions of this man and Darby have made some impression on the
minds of strangers who know nothing of their characters and
motives, I feel it my duty to submit to the public the ample refuta-
tion whichl promised.

In performing this duty, I shall not assail the character of any
man or set of men, further than is necessary for the development
of truth; but from the free use of names and characters, so far as
that object makes it necessary, I am not to be deterred by any
earthly power. By one man, John U. Waring, whose name must
necessarily be used in my narrative, l have already been threaten-
ed with death, if I ventured to mention him in connection with my
brother’s murder. His threatswill notinduce melto say one word
less or more of him than I-intended; but, should he choose to e};-
ccute his avowed intentions, he will find that l have left behind-
me the certain means of his detection. Wholly resigned to the
fate which the friends or accomplices of Beauchamp may have
prepared for me, I enter upon the performance of my most sacred
duty, with a determination to “be Just and fear not.”





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Parentage, education, progress and character of Col. 671(11let

SOLOMON P. SHARP was born in the County of Washington,
State of Virginia, on the 22d day of August 1787. His father

_ Was a soldier of the revolution and fought in the celebrated battle

of King’s mountain. Solomon was but a few months old when
our father removed to the frontiers of Tennessee, where he en-
countered new dangers in the Indian wars which so long raged
throughout the western country.

Raised far from the abodes of polished‘life,'in the midst of dan-
gers, privations and alarms, the education of Solomon was only
such as the rudeness of the times afforded. At the age of nine-
teen he entered upon the practice of the law, and by unwearicd
application, aided by a clear, discriminating mind, he not only ‘
acquired a degree of information seldom equalled by the gradu= .
ates of our colleges, but rose to eminence in his profession. In .
his manners he was mild and a able; in the performance of every
duty, determined and inflexible. He suffered no passion to drive
him into the commission of injustice; nor did he permit any fear ,
of consequences to deter him from doing justice, both in public
and private. In morals he was exemplary, and towards females,
was always remarked to exhibit a degree of modesty and reserve
very uncommon among young men in this age and this country. ‘
He was generous and liberal, but never extravagant; he neither can
couraged nor mingled in any kind of dissipation, but was forward .
to promote every meritorious object and useful design. By his
honor and punctuality towards his clients, he soon gained a gem .
eral confidence, and his business accumulated beyond that of
almost every other man of his profession.

So great had been his progress in the affections of the people,
and such was the confidence reposed in his integrity, that in the
years 1810 and 1811, he was elected a member of the Kentucky
Legislature from the County of Warren, and performed his duty
with such zeal and ability as to ensure him the reward of still
higher promotion. During, the war,1n 1819., he was elected to
Congress from the district in which he resided, and served in that
capacity four or five sessions in succession,

In the years 1818 and 1819, he was again elected a member of
the House of Representatives of Kentucky from the County of
Warren, and performed his duties to the entire satisfaction of his
constituents. ’ .

It was during his service in the Legislature, that he became
“acquainted with Miss Eliza T. Scott, daughter of the late Doctor


 . . /
John M. Scott, whom he married on the 17th of December 1818.
This connection was the frutt of a most ardent and ”disinterested
attachment on his side, sincerely reciprocated on hers. It brought
him nothing but an excellent, amiable and beautiful wife, to
whom he remained wholly devoted until the day of his death.
After his marriage, he returned with his lady to Bowlinggreen,





ion, in Warren County, and immediately Commenced housekeeping.
her He there continued in the successful practice of his profession and
ttle the management of the extensive property which his industry and
hen economy had enabled him to accumulate.
en- In the year 1821, he became a candidate for the Senate. The
ged elections were to take place on the first Monday in' August and the
two succeeding days, ‘
lan- 0n the lst of June of that year, Governor Adair addressed to
mly him a letter offering him the office of Attorney General for the
ine- State of Kentucky, and concluding with the following remarks:
'icd “I need not say to you, that the oflice has fallen into disrepute
)nly in public estimation, and the salary been improperly reduced,
tdu“ , more from an eye to the former. occupant, than to the office. It
In is my wish so to fill it at present, that it may be again renovated
cry and take its due stand in the government.”

‘ive To this letter Col. Sharp replied on the 13th of June, accept-
:"ear ingthe appointment. His commission was dated June the 18th, '
blic and having made preparations ‘to remove his family as soon as the
les, health of Mrs. Sharp would permit, he went to Frankfort himself
we the latter part of September, to be present at the meeting of the
try. Court of Appeals on the first Monday in October. According to
cm previous arrangements, I went up to Frankfort with his family,
ard . and arrived there about the 20th of that month. He immediate-
his iy took up his residence in the house of Mrs. Scott, the mother of

genn » Mrs. Sharp.
t of When he was nominated to the Senate as Attorney General,
certain charges, hereafter to be noticed, were preferred against
ple, ’ him; but after an investigation by a committee, he was pronounc-
the ed guiltless, and his appointment was unanimously confirmed.
cky After this period, he devoted himself wholly to his profession,
luty his property and his family, until the year 18%. His success was
still equal to his most sanguine anticipations. His practice in the
l to superior courts held in Frankfort daily became more extensive,
that and he constantly gained on the affections Of his friends and the
cenfidence of society. Three charming children had blessed his
r of ~ union with Miss Scott; it was thought all old enmitics had died
y of , away, and it seemed that he had nothing before him but a long
his ' life of private happiness and public usefulness.

, : As a proof of his high character at that timc.l give the following
ame statements of respectable men, and men high in the Confidence of
ctor . their country.

- " ‘ ~~ ~’ _ w




Dear Sir: ' '

Having been called on by you to give my views of the chars
actor and standing of the late Col. Solomon P. Sharp, your broth-
er, I can state that I was intimately acquainted with him from his
childhood until'his death. I lived a neighbor and was well no-
quainted with his father and the family, and I am conusant to his
having received an exemplary moral education, which was veri-
tied throughout his life and conduct.

He sustained an excellent moral character, free from most of
the vices and foibles common to young men, so far as came within
my observation. He appeared sincere in his friendship, generous
and hospitable, decent, decorous and forbearing in his deportment
to all men, so far as my observation extended; and by his virtues
and talents, he had become one of the most popular and distin-
guished men in the State.

I served with him in the army during the late war, in which he
volunteered his services as a private soldier, and was, in the organ-

ization of the army, preferred tothe command of a battalion in a .

regimentl had the honor to command, and in no single instance,
had Ireason to complain; for I always found him prompt, decisive
and manly, in executing all orders coming from the commanding
General or myself. Nor has any circumstance of his life, to my
knowledge or belief, evinced a want of personal or moral courage.
I was a member of the Legislature in the Senate of Kentucky
that met the 13th of October 1821. I recollect perfectly ofmeet-
ing Col. Sharp shortly after my arrival in Frankfort, on Saturday
evening before the Legislature met, which was on the Monday
following, and I recollect seeing and conversing with the Colonel
perhaps every day after my arrival until the confirmation of his
nomination as Attorney General, which took place on the 30th
October 1821. '

l was at Col. Sharp’s shortly afterthe meeting of the Legisla-
ture, lll company with several gentlemenfiind was introduced to
Mrs. Sharp, Col. Sharp‘s lady, and to Mrs. Scott, her mother.
Col. Sharp’s family were then living with Mrs. Scott .in Frank-

I will state some of the reasons why my recollection serves me
on this subject. Col. Sharp had, previous to the meeting of the
Legislature, received a pro tem. appointment as Attorney General
for the State of Kentucky, and of course, his nomination would
be laid before the (Senate for their approbation or‘rejection. It
was also known, that, previous to the meeting of the Legislature,
John U. Waring had caused a publication prejudicial to the
moral character of Col. Sharp, in which publication the story of
the seduction of‘Ann Cook, the late Ann Beauéhamp, was one of
the most, prominent charges, and it was believed that Waring


 , “.WWHAM,W W5“

would lay this publication before the Senate, in order to prevent
the confirmation of his protem. appointment. From myintimate
knowledge of Col. Sharp’s character, and his eminent qualifica-
th. tions and friendly intercourse, he had a right to expect and did
‘ rely on me in befriending him on this particular occasion, which
caused me to have frequent conversations on that as on many other
fig subjects. The nomination was laid before the Senate on the 24th
of October 1891, and was, on the 26111 of the same month, com-
mitted to a select committee, for the purpose of examining into
of the truth of the charges, that of the seduction of Ann Cook being


iin one. Iconversed with the members of the committee often, and

tug the evidence adduced, perhaps from Col. Bowmar and others, in

:nt which they did not spare Mr. Waring’s character, by which evi-

es deuce, strengthened by others, the committee unanimously re-

m. ported favorably to the confirmation of the Colonel’s appoint-

he “In Senate, October the 30th, 1821: Resolved, That the Senate

unanimously advise and consent to the said Col. Sharp’s appoint- .


1a . ment, and. that Messrs. Ewing and Go'rin acquaint the Governor

:e, therewith.”

ve I have thus, sir, given you a small sketch of my knowledge of

mg your brother, and a few transactions relative to his appointment;

ny and in doing this, I have only done what was due from me to his

re. memory. lam not in good health, or I would and could say much

ky more in favor of that amiable man, Col. Solomon 1’. Sharp, who

et— 15 no more.



,e’l We, the undersigned subscribers, state, that we have been well

iis acquainted with Col. Solomon PISharp, and that his gentlemanly

m and decorous deportment and moral character as a man and as a
citizen, placed him far above all injury in his reputation while he

[3- lived, from the false and ridiculous statements made in relation to

to the seduction of Ann Cook, late Ann Beaucbamp, which were not

3r. believed so as to injure his reputation or standing in society dur-

|l{- ing his life, but which have been, with increased colouring and
heightened malignity, propagated to affect his reputation where he

no is not known, since his death.

he Richard M. Hannum, - M. B. Morton,

“1 William I. Morton, James Allison,

1d John Ewing, Young Ewing,

It ‘ Daniel M’Goodwin, John I). Patten,

-e, _ Charles Robinson, J. H. Rice,

be James Baham, William Murrell,

of , Charles Rhice, James Morehead,

of Thomas G. M’Koin, N. S. Dallam,

3g James K. M’Goodwin, ‘ Abraham Stites,




John M’Goodwin, James Bradley,

{ l ' Jeremiah C. Wilkins, John Burgess, film
1: ~ _ p Payton L. Parish, B. Greenfield. Bea
January 12th, 1827. ~ said

' han

. _ befc

The subjoined statements are from Gen. S. Caldwell and the com

Hon. Benjamin Shackleford. , for l

' . ' lm:

{i Col. Solomon P. Sharp was raised immediately in my neighbor.‘ had
3 hood, from achild until he went into the practice of the law; we Was

‘ then practised law together for several years, and I viewed him afte
as a gentleman, and especially so, as respected any kind of seduce forr

tion or ill treatment towards females. . f ron
3 She
' - HOPKINSVILLE, January 92d, I827. 666i

(Sir: abo

. In compliance with your request, I with pleasure state, that P131
f i I was acquainted with Col. S. P. Sharp many years while he prac- l
tised law in the Green river country, and in justice to his memory Soil
feel no hesitation to say, that from my knowledge of him, I think 58“

hismoral character was as good as that of any man. was

. - Yours respectfully, tha‘

; ' ‘ i B. SHACKLEFORD. “3 T

1; A. M. SHARP, Esq. the

1 ~ , eve

i, - _ ' ~ seri

.‘ HormnserLE, January 27th, 1827. girl

., l ,p, Dear Sir: ' 5}”

1 2: In obedience to your request, I state, that I was a member 5|“

3 \ of the Legislature of Kentucky in the year 1821; thatI arrived- 1“”
5 1, at Frankfort, as well as I recollect, on Tuesday, the Legislature
2 3. having convened the day before. Having been intimately ac-

\ quainted with your brother, the late Col. Solomon P. Sharp, for I
many years a previous thereto, I met with him. on the first day of

my arrival, and to the best of my recollection, I saw Col. Sharp in l

1‘ Frankfort during the whole of the session of the Legislature in ha‘

1’ said year. The following Circumstances induced me 'to belieVe “'l‘

4‘ Col. Sharp was not absent at any time during the session of 1821. C.”

I; A short time after my arrival in Frankfort, lwas informed that: “0

3 11 Col. Sharp had received aprotem. appointment as Attorney (3611- , "E“

i l; eral for the State of Kentucky, andI was informed that his nomir 1.16

g 1‘ nation-would be laid before the Senate at an early part of the ses- tin"

l '1; sion. I likewise was infOrmed, that one John U. Waring had ‘1‘:

‘ \ ' \ published a handbill prejudicial to the moral character of Col. 2';




n is


:n~ '



31. .

Sharp, and that the story of the seduction of Ann Cook, late Ann
Beauchamp, was one of the most prominent charges contained in
said handbill. To the best of my knowledge, I never read said
handbill; but it was expected that said handbill would be laid
before the Senate, with a view of preventing the Senate from the
confirmationrof said nomination. l, feeling a warm attachment
for Col. Sharp, was interested in his success in said appointment.

a 1 made some inquiryinto the matter, and was informed the charges

had been made against Col. Sharp in the Senate. Therefore, I
Was informed the nomination was referred to a committee, and
after a full, fair and minute examination into all the charges pre-
ferred against Col. Sharp, the Senate honorably acquitted him
from said charges, by unanimously concurring in his nomination.
l,w1th many others of the members of that session, solicited Col.
Sharp to suffer his name to be used as a candidate for the presi-
dency of the Bank of Kentucky. 1 well recollect of frequently
seeing Col. Sharp and conversing with him on divers subjects,
about the time the election of the President of said Bank took
place, which was near the close ‘of said session.

l can say, sir, from my long acquaintance with your brother,
Solomon P. Sharp, his virtues, as well as his talents, were de-
servedly admired and esteemed by his acquaintances, and there
was no circumstance of his life which came within my knowledge,
that evinced any want of moral courage. I would further add,
as respected the celebrated and boasted story, (of his enemies,)
the seduction of Ann Cook, if understood by others as it has always,
even by his most violent enemies, been represented to me, it de—
serves but little notice; for they always admitted that she was a
girl of good mind, having on her side 35 or 40 years experience,
surrounded by wealthy connections, and a full knowledge of Col.
Sharp being a married man and living in perfect peace and
harmony with his family in the same town.

I am, respectfully, yours, 81c.

F. C. SHARP, Esq.

We, the undersigned citizens of Bowlinggreen and vicinity,
having becnacquainted with the late Col. Solomon P. Sharp,
who res1dcd as our neighbor for many years, feel it our duty to
express our contempt for the slanderous, insidious, false and mali-
cious rumors, calculated 'to stain the character and memory of our
much lamented fellow citizen, that have been circulated through
the medium of the presses in this State, charging him with sedua
lion and other crimes. From a knowledge of many of the cir-
(sumstances under which these rumors took place, and of his up-
right, correct and moral deportment, we feel it a duty we owe to
ourselves, to his friends, and to the world, to bear testimony to our





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total disbelief of the slanders, and our admiration of his correct, ;
moral, honest, honorable and dignified deportment. ‘

E. M. Covington, J. Vanmeter,
A. Larsh, John S. Lucas,

' James B. Sterett, John Maxey,

' Joseph Rees, James R. Parker,

’ P. Doneldson, W. H. Rochester,
James T. Morehead, R. W. Lucas,
Charles Campbell, Robert O. Hendricks, ;
John Keel, Samuel S. Brooking,
James Keel, . Thomas Sterett,
Eli Barkley, James M. Blakey.

F. Bettersworth,
February 15th, 1826.

I add the testimony of the Rev. Silas .M. Noel, D. D. and the
Rev. Gideon Blackburn, D. D. with whom my brother was on terms
of the most friendly intercourse. The following letters were ad
dressed to Mrs. Sharp:

OAKLEY, QBth March 1827.
Dear Madam: ’

Were testimony needful, to repel that very surprising impu-
tation on the memory of our much esteemed friend and fellow,
citizen, (the late Col. 5. P. Shai-p,) which attributes to him sen- p
timents sceptical or deistical, the appeal might not be made to his
personal friends; for lam persuaded, among those who knew him,
there is scarcely an enemy vindictive and malignant enough to ,
deny him this tribute, which truth and justice imperiously de-
mand. Detraction so barefaced and daring, is not the offspring of
ordinary spleen, even in factions times. t argues that depravity .
and malignity which death cannot destroy—that ruthless and fiend.
like spirit which can fearlessly invade the sanctity of the tomb and
stab afresh the murdered dead.

In that community where Col. Sharp_resided, he needed no
commendation either from friends or foes. His talents and virtues
had given him the most enviable ascendancy in the affections of his
countrymen, who delighted to cherish the fondest regard for his
exalted worth. Those catch—penny scribblers, (in other States,)
whose interest it is to make out a good story, have over-reached
themselves, in attributing to him the impurities of infidelity.
The free and unreserved manner in which he was accustomed to
express his belief in the divine authenticity of the Holy Scrip-
tures and his admiration of the principles they inculcate, togeth-
er with his profound veneration for the Christian religion, as a
system of practical truth, calculated pre-eminently to purify the
heart and to renovate the world, will ever protect his memory
from an imputation so unmerited and misapplied.



‘ect, Allow me, madam, the pleasure of tendering you for myself,

' (and l mightsay for those with whom I am assoctated In a so-
ciety way,) assurances of high regard for the public and private
character of your deceased husband, and a fervent desire that the
unparallelled deed which forced him from the bosom of his family _
and country, may work for you “a far more exceeding and eternal
weight of glory.”

Yours most sincerely,

\ks, , ‘ s. M. NOEL.

' LoviSVILLE, March End, 1827.
.Mg dear friend: ,

I have long tenderly sympathised With you under the deep

afllictions you have been called to experience. They are certain-

ly such as must have brought you to a Throne of Grace and to the

the heart of a Friend, who is the affectionate husband of the afflicted


rms widow. That any human being should be found base enough to
:ad: inflict unnecessary wounds, is a mark of great depravity. My ac-

quaintance with Col. Sharp was pretty intimate for nearly two
7. years,and his character was familiar for several years. lconsidered

him a gentleman of talents, politeness, probity and honor, strictly
moral and respectful to religion, so far as his conductcame under


] -

12?, my notice. His sentiments respecting the authenticity ofthe Chris—
sen- tian Scriptures, and of all the important and essential doctrines of
, his‘ the Christian religion, were matter of frequent conversation he-
iim, ' tween us, in hours ot'social intercourse, while lwas entertained un-
, to der his friendly roof; and i can most unequivocally state, that he not

de- only professed a firm beliefin the Christian religion, but a peculiar-

g of ly accurate and correct knowledge of its leading doctrines and
vity . precepts, and seemed to feel a sacred veneration for all its
3”(1,, claims; and further, that I had strong evidence, from the tenOr
and of his conversation, that his conscrence was deeply affected
with the necessity of his own personal interest in the concerns of
I no rellglon-
tues I feel pretty certain, that his views and feelings were as can-
' his didly developed to me as to any other man, from the cordial friend-
his ship which subsistcd between us, and the unreserved confidence
tes,) he appeared to repose in me. After a sermon] had preached in
bed Frankfort on the authenticity of‘the Bible, he remarked, that he
:ity. thought the evidence in favor of the Bible was so clear, that no
i to good man ought to oppose it, and that the benevolent tendency of
rip- the Gospel and its moralizing efi'ect on mankind, were fully sufli-
eth- cient to shew that God was its author. He indeed seemed to me
,5 a to have a perfect abhorrence of infidelity. Col. Sharp had a re-
the lined understanding, and could not yield his assent to the incon-
tor! sistent dogmas of sectarists, who were more solicttous to make
proselytes, than to lead souls in the highway of holiness; but to
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a clear display of the Gospel in its symmetry and connections, he?"
yielded the most explicit consent.

This, my dear friend, I consider but a just tribute to the memo«
ry of my respected friend, who, I much regret, was hurried so
wantonly to an untimely grave by unfeeling and bloody hands. ,
Whatever might have been the cause of that. horrid deed, it is in
my View unjust to brand his memory with the charge of infidel-
ity, if by it he meant the denial of the truth of the Bible or of the
leading doctrines of Christianity. _

l hope these very severe trials will purify you, like gold passing
through the furnace, and lead you at last to rest comfortably in
the bosom of the Redeemer, where “the wicked ccase from troub-
ling and the weary are at rest.”

Yours in bonds of affection,



‘ 9‘9qu


.4217; Cook, aflerwards flnn Beauchanm—origz'n of the story minute to
the seduction of flnnCook—John U. Waring.

When Col. Sharp took his lady to Bowlinggreen, after mar-
riage, Ann Cook was living with her brother, John W. Cook, who
then kept a boarding house in that place. She was then, accord-
ing to the most accurate information i can obtain, 33 or ’34 years
old. She was small in stature, probably not exceeding 99 pounds
in weight, had dark hair and eyes, dark skin inclined to sallow,
a large forehead, slender nose, large mouth, low chin, face taper-
ing downwards, had lost her fore teeth, was stoop shouldered, and ‘
in no way a handsome or desirable woman. Her tone of voice ,
appeared to be affected even to childishness, and she was remark- ‘
ably frivolous in her conversation. Vivacity, often amounting to
frivolity, was her only recommendation. She had read consid-
erable, especially of Novels, and delighted to converse upon
scenes of romance and fiction. Of moral and religious principles, _
she was wholly destitute. She was an avowed disciple of Mary
Woolstoncraft, and scoffed at the institutions of soc1ety, especially
matrimony. She believed in no future state of existence, and de-
clared, that in her opinion, mankind are brought into being
with an entire right to dispose of their persons and lives as they
please. The whole Christian system she denounced as a fraud on
mankind, propagated and sustained by cunning and priestcraft.
Havingbeenacquainted Wl'tl] her at least twelve years before the









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birth of her illegitimate child, I knew her principles well, so far at:
least as they were developed in her conversations.

At the time alluded to, she was in the habit of visiting many of
the most respectable families in Bowlinggreen. The house of
Col. Sharp being near that of her brother, she frequently called
on Mrs. Sharp. At that time, Mrs. Sharp was seriously impressed
on the subject: of religion, and found nothing in the conversation
ofAnn Cook, which could, in any degree, make her soc1ety agree-
able. On the contrary, her visitantbccame, from her extreme
frivolity, not only unacceptable, but often disgusting. There
never was any intimacy or any degree of confidence between them‘.
But she was tolerated on account of her relatives and connec-
tions, who were among the most respectablein that section of the

Nothing was publicly known of the private habits of this
woman until the summer of 1820, when her shame became noto-
rious by her pregnancy. Of this child, she declared that Col.
Sharp was the father! At the time this alleged seduction must:

‘ have taken place, he had been married to a beautiful and amiable

woman, whom he tenderly loved, .not one year! Such a thing is
not'probable—nay, it is hardly possible. The heart cannot be
so soon estranged from a lovely object on which it has placed all
its affections. Mrs. Sharp was far the superior of Ann Cook, in
youth, intelligence, personal charms, and every genteel accomplish-
ment. That Col. Sharp could so soon forget the young wife of
his bosom, not then 20 years old, to associate with a frivolous,
waning flirt of 35, who had nothing but forwardness and pertness
to recommend her, is wholly incredible! it is more likely, that
Ann Cook wished to give importance to herself by connecting her
infamy with a man whom society heldlin the highest estimation;
or with that jealousy and malice which the female bosom some
times cherishes, she may have desired to involve in her ruin,
the hopes and happiness of the more accomplished Mrs. Sharp,
whose good fortune she had so much room to envy.

The sensation produced in my brother’s family was one of deep
mortification, notwithstanding they never entertained (a moment’s
doubt of his innocence. They were satisfied, that he was select-
ed by an unprincipled and shameless woman, as one whose spotless
character and high standing would afford her some apology for
the surrender of that virtue which subsequent information fully
proved she had long ceased to possess.

Facts within the personal knowledge of Mrs. Sharp, satisfied
her of the fonlness of the charge, and of her husband’s innocence.
Ann Cook was specific as to the time when the criminal act was
committed. She said it was on a particular Sunday, September
the 18th, 1819; that Mrs. Sharp had gone to meeting; that she
went into Col. Sharp’s office and found him alone, &c. In relation





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to that day, there were many events which brought it more fully
to the recollection ofCol. Sharp’s family than almost any other day

in the calendar, as if Heaven had so ordered it, as to detect the ‘

vile impostnre. It was the Sabbath before the birth of Mrs.
Sharp’s first child; and Mrs. Sharp’s mother, Mrs. Scott, had gone
down to attend her in her sickness. Col. Sharp on that day went

to meeting with. Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Scott, which was held in an .

unfinished room belonging to the Messrs. Keels. The room was
so crowded that Col. Sharp and Col. Johnson had to take seats
upon the Clerk’s desk or table, where they were conspicuous to
the Whole congregation. Col. Johnson stated last summer, that
he perfectly well recollected sitting there with Col. Sharp during
the sermon. When service was over, Col. Sharp invited Mr.
Lapsley, the preacher, to dine with him. After dinner, Col. Sharp
read to Mrs. Scott the Cumberland Presbyterian Confession of
Faith, in which he was occupied until night. The next morning
he started to Glasgow, to attend the Barren Circuit Court, in com-
pany With Col. Johnson. Those who knew these facts were at
once satisfied of the falsehood of the charge, and of Col. Sharp’s
innocence. A man who is now dead, afterwards stated, that he
had seen Ann Cook in the act of criminal intercourse with another
individual, on that very day. '

This scandalous charge against Col. Sharp created a great deal
of conversation, and was followed by a variety of rumors, that Ann
Cook had, for many years, been guilty of shameless prostitution.
It was stated, that a young man named Reavis, who had formerly
lived in the house of John W. Cook and had then gone to Mis-
souri, had some direct knowledge of her habits. Mr. John Keel
and John W. Cook both wrote to this young man, and both receiv-

ed answers, the substance of which was, th