xt783b5w703q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt783b5w703q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18710523 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1871-05-nov23. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1871-05-nov23. 1871 2011 true xt783b5w703q section xt783b5w703q 


Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Nov. 2?, 1871

Curator Gratz
ask to be ex-
cused from vot-
ing not graTlted

Ten minute

to notify

Meeting of
Nov. 23, 1871

     Previous question as amended. was then adopted.
     Curator Gra~tz asked to be excused from voting.
     Curator Ricketts moved
     That said request be granted but the motion was not carried.
     Curr.tor Campbell moved /208/
     That no Curator shall be allowedl to speak more than .en (19)
minutes at a time and only once on the same subject until all t
that desire to speak shall have done so unless by the consent of
all the members present.
     Curator Withers moved
     That a Committee of three (3) be appointed to notify Brethren
Milligan, 'cGarvey & Pickett of the action of this Board - and the
Chair appointed Curator Withers, J. A. Willieams & J. G. Allen.
     Curator Carmpbell moved
     That a Committee of five be taken on the subject - adopted
and the following Curators were appointed to compose said Committee
E. Campbell, C. T. Worthington, B. R. Sloan, E. C. Ricketts, W. L.
     Upon motion the Board adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at
9 o'clock A. M.
               Jos. S. Woolfolk


           Morrison College, Nov. 23, 1871

     Board of Curators met pursuant to adjournment at 9 otclock
A. M. the following members were present -
R. M. Bishop, J. B. Bowman, J. G. Allen, Benj. Gretz, Andrew
Steele, Joseph Wasson, D. S. Goodloe, G. W. Elley, J. S. Woolfolk,
A. H. Bowman, C. T. Worthington, Jpseph Smith, 'F. L. Williams,
A. G. Hernion, R. C. Ricketts, Z.  . Smith. J. P. Tarbitt, E. R.
Sloan, John Shackelford, W. T. Witfers, B. B. Groom, Bnos, Camp-
bell, James L. Caldwell, L. B. Wilkes, Z. MI. Sherley, John Aug.
Williamst S. M. Wing, Horace Miller, H. C. Graves, Wm. E. Rogers,
Landon A. Thomas.
     The minutes of the previous meeting being read and corrected
were approved.
     The Chairman of the Covaty. of five who had. under consideration
the difficulties in the Bible College asked fore further time to
complete their report.
     Curator Joseph Smith offered the following Resolutions for
the consideration of the Board of Curators.
     Resolved that the Regent be urgently requested at the ear-
liest practicable period to obtain at least one hundred thousand
dollars as a special endowment of the Bible College.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Nov. 23, 1871

Reli gious
oosi tion
of all the


as to

Bowman makes
changes &
asks for an

Committee of
I nve s ti gat ion

Jno. Aug.
offers re-

     2. That when this is obtained - each Professor in said
College shall be paid a salary of twenty-five hundred dollars.
     3. That after said endowment is obtained and said salary
increased to that amount named: No Professor of said College
shall have anv official connection With any Christian Conhre-
gation nor receive any Compensation as a Minister of the Gos- /210/
pel during the sessions of the College.
     Curator Jihn Aug. Williams offered the following.
     Resolved that the Regent of the University be requested to
inform this Board in writing as early as may be considered what
is at present the Denominational or professed religious position
of the several Professors, Instructors & Tutors in the University
in the order of the Faculties to which they belong m Adopted.
     Curator Withers moved to amend to        by specifying dis-
tinctly if they are connected with any congregation at the pre-
sent time   Amendment rejected.
     Curator John Aug. Williams offered the following as a sub-.
     Resolved that a Committee of three be appointed to enquire
& report whether any of the Professors in the University are
open and avowed Infidels or Skeptics and whether any of them are
justly chargeable with a want of respect - for the word of God -
It was adopted and Curators J. A. Williams, R. R. Sloan & B.. B.
Groom are appointed salid comtee
     Regent Bowman rose to a Question of privilege and stated that
slanderous and unjust reports effecting his character eas a Gentle-
man & as a Regent and as Treasurer of Ky. University had been in
circulation end charged Curator W. T. Withers, L. B. Wilkes and
Professor McGarvey with being connected with these reports/?ll/
and asked for a committee to investigate these charges to be
prepared in writing.
     Curator J. A. Williams offered the following Resolved that
a committee of five be einpointed to receive in writing and in-
vestigate thoroughly, certain charges this day verbally prefered
by Regent Bowman against Curators L. B. Wilkes,. W. T. Withers
& Prof. Mc~arvey. Said motion was unanimously adopted.
     And the following Curators were appointed to compose said
Comtee J. G. Allen, Z. M. Sherley, H. Miller, R. J. White,
Andrew Steele.
     Curator John Aug. Williams offered certain resolutions which
were male and left on the table for tne consideration of the
Curators and they read as follows.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Nov. 23, 1671

' 4

.d r.

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43 4
AH (1

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offers a

     Whereas the ownership and Control of Ky. University has
been vested by law in a Board of Curators of not less than thirty
members, two thirds of whom at least must be members of the
Christian Church in Kentucky, whereas in said Board there must
be a representation of our Number from each County in the State
that has subscribed Fifteen Thousand Dollars to the Endowment
Fund .

             Therefore Resolved that this Board thus legally consitutted
        and qualified do recognise the University as being under the
        auspices & fostering care of the Christian Brotherhood and they
        will endeavor faithfully as Trustees to control the same and every
        Department there of, in thie interests of the Beneficaries for
        whose advantage the Trust ha's been created always keeping in
        view the ends for  which the University has been established and
        which are set forth in the Charter, and faithfully applying every
/212/   donation made for any specific purpose according to the instruc-
        tions of the Donor or benefactor.
             Curator W. T. Withers offered the following as a substitute-
             Be it resolved by the Curators of -ITy. University -
             1. That all the Colleges of Ky. University except the Agris-
e!      cultural and Mechanical College of Ky. are under the patronage,
        ownership and control of the Christian Church of Kentucky for
        the ownership and control of said University."
             2. That the funds and property transfered by Transylvania
        University to Kentucky University are as much under the control
        of the Curators of Ky. University as any other funds or property
        of the Institution subject only to the provisions of the act of
        the Legislature of Kentucky approved Yeby. 28th '1865.
             3. That it is the intention and desire of the Board of
        Curators to conform in all things to the act establishing the
        Agriculturval an1 Mechanical College of Kentucky the act consoli-
        dating Transylvania & Ky. University and sacredly to respect and
        carry out their provisions
             Ar. That while all the Colleges of the University except the
        /213/ Agricultural and Mechanical College are under the patronage
        of the Christian Church and the Church through the Board of
        Curators who renrespnt various Chairs of these Colleges with men
        who have her conffilence yet it is distinctly announced that The-
        ology is not taught in any of the Colleges of the Bible end they
        are open to men and youth of all Parties, religious and political-
        the object being to cheapen education and offer facilities for all
        both rich and poor to avail themselves of its benefits.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Nov. 2?, 1871

Renort from
of five.

     The Comt" of F1 ve being ready to report TTheir Thairrnan E.
Campbell said that Professors JMillir-pn, IlcGarvey and Pickett
wished to read their responses after which the Comntoe had
certain resolutions to present to the Beard.
     Prest. Milligren proceeded to read his response marked A.
and. which is filed. with papers of importance connecteda *ith Ky.
Univerlsi ty.
     Professor McGarvey also read. his response marked B:. 7hich
is also filed.
     Professor Pickett also delivered. part orally and part in
writing his renly to theze responses, the latter of which to-
gether with his original Protest is filed, marked C.
     After the reading of all of which Prest. Milligan stated
that he had no rejoinder to make but was ready to answer /214/
any questions that might be propounded  to him by any member of
the Board Professor McGarvey states that he wished to make an
additional statement in re-ard to some points missed by Profes-
sor Pickett which would accompany the resolutions of the Comn
     On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 2 F. M.

     The Board. met 2 P. M. the loll being called the Curators
,were found present those had been in attendance at the previous
     The secretary not being ready with the minutes of the morn-
Ing session they were not repn - n
     The Committee of five composing the investigating Comtee
of which Curator Campbell was Chairnan resumed the makingr of
their report.
     Regent Bowman offered the followirng Pesolved that the
resolutions be taken up singly and acted upon which motion rWsVE
     Your Curator to whom was comnitted the Protest of Prof.
J. D. Pickett rwith instructions to collect all the facts within
their power on the subject beg leave respectffufly to Report.
     That Prest. Milligan, Prof. McGarvey and Prof. Pickett met
with us & furnished us the facts .within their kno-ledge each
making such explanations as were needed to throw additional
light on the same. Prest. Milligan furnished a rritten statement
herewith t.aded you & Prof. 'McGarvey will furnish the 3oard
with similar on both of which wg recommend to the consideration
of the whole Body - From all these we glean and summarize the
following facts substantiated by the concurrent statements of
all parties.


Report of
Comt . oC  
five .



                Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Nov. 23, 1871

                1. That for the first two months of the current session
          President Milligan, did, in the exercises of the Bible College,
          call upon Prof. Pickett in connection with others to lead in
          prayer in the opening service:. Prof. Picketts turn wad Friday
          so regularly that it assumed the appearance of custom, but all
          parties agree in stating that no fixed or permanent arrangement
          existed either as to the practice or the day.
               2. That Thursday the 2d of November 1971, Prest. Milligan
          called upon Prof. Pickett and informed him that he could no lon-
          ger conscientiously call upon him to apTeer in morning worship
          until his church difficulties were all properly settled. In
          this interview strictly private Prest. Milligan requested Prof.
          Pickettbto decline officiating in the Chapel - thus to avoid
          great publicity in the matter & to release him (Prest Milligan)
          from the embarrassment he felt in view of the respect cherished
          for him as a man and Professor.
               3. On Friday morning the 3d, Professor Pickett presented
          for perusal to Prest. Milligan the Protest which is now before
          this board of Curators after which Prest. M. having now the
          scriptures himself called upon one of the students to lead irn
          prayer _ Prest. Milligan alleges as the reason for his course in
          this matter that the Main Street Church had excleied Prof.
          Pickett for disorderly conduct & schismatic course.
               4. Prest. Milligan takes upon himself the entire responsi..
/216/     bility in this action having the ap-srobation however of Prof.
          Mcfarvey whom he consulted after his private interview 'ith Prof.
               Prof. McGarvey added to this statement that he fully en-
          dorsed the action of Prest. Milligan, having weeks before sug-
          gested that in the event of Prof. Pickett exclusion a serious
          question would arise and assume this form.
               5th It is further gatnered from these statements that Prest.
          Milligan so soon as intimated to him that the Students of the
          Bible College intended to publish a statement sought to chech &
          suppress the same and though no formal Faculty action was taken,
          a Public admonition was given Prof. denies having anything to
          do with the public action of his protest or any other document.
               It seems too that the students in their use of art 15th
          Pa~ge 71 published a garbled extract from the laws of the
          College and perverted the same to their own use Prof. Pickett on
          his part claims as set forth on his protest that the other mem-
          bers of the Faculty of the Bible College have no right to ex-
          ercise such jurisdiction on him their Peer - that he is degraded



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Nov. 2R, 1871

Upon motion
this resolu-
tion was re-

Com. on re-

Corn. of In-
of Regent
Boawm ans
charges to
meet tomorrow

Report of
Com. on
finances read
& adopted

by this action in the presence of his own students while in the
College of Arts - Prest. White not merely gives to him his
wonted privileges but has disciplined the Pupils of that school
who insulted his authority.
Your Curstor in views of these facts respectfully recommend the
following Resolutions.
1. That as Curators we can take nocognizance of Church troubles
or decisions as such
2. That by         of Custom which has the force of Common Law-
it belongs to the President of the College as his undoubted
right to conduct the Devotional exercises of the Chapel services
himself or invite others to do so, a s he may choose
3. That Prest. Milligan havinE the right to invite has for conse-
quence, the right to withdra.w the invitation but should not have
given Prof. Pickett's church standing as the reason for that ,. th-
drawal because it complicates us and the Faculties under us with
a subject over which we end they have no control
      (Continued to page 218)
/217/ Curator Elley tendered the resignation of Curator Henry
Bell which upon motion of Curator Joseph Smith accepted Curator
Gratz being the only one voting nay - Motion afterwards reconsid-
ered .
     Curator John Aug. Williams offered the following
     Resolved - That a Committee of three be appointed to devise
& propose some scheme or measure looking to the reconciliation
of all the members *f this Board and members of the Fadulties of
the institution one with the other - Adopted unanimously JL. G.
Allen, Z. F. Smith_ R. M. Bishop.
     Curator Ricketts offered the following
     Resolved - that the Committee of investigation of which
Curator J. G. Allen is Chairman shall report to-morrow morning
immediately after the opening of the sessio# - ado:pted.
     Curator Allen asked for the reading of the report of the
Committee (appointed at the last mteting of the Board) to examine
into the finances and investments of the funis of the University.
The published report was then made and upon motion of Curator
Allen unanimously adoptea.
     Upon motion the Board adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Nov. 23, 1871

from page

of N'ov.
24, 1F71

Comn. of five
asked to be
not granted

Substitute of
Withers taken
up for con-
si zerati on

     4th That Prof. Picketts for prudential reasons should have
voluntarily declined to fill a place which the President could
not longer conscientiously tender hi,.
     5. That in view of the common and ecual rights belonging to
every member of the same Faculty in any college Prof. Pickett, so
long as he occupies the place tc which the Curators have celled
him, is, vithout respect to other outside matters over which the
Board hrve no control, entitled to all the rights which any other
member of the Faculty enjoys, the prerogative of the President
as such only excepted -
     6. That we respectfully call attention of the Faculty to the
action of the Students of the Bible College as respects their
newspaper publication hereby recommending thp.t they be called up-
on to make acknowledgement, that they did wrong in making that
publication and that said acknowledgment be published for them by
President Milligan
                  Sinned Enos Campbell
                          C. T. Worthington
                          R. C. Ricketts
                          W. L. Williams
                          R. R. Sloan.

/219/ Morrison College, November 24th, 1871

     Board met pursuant to adjournment at 9 o'clock.
     Roll being called the following Curators were found present.
R. M. dishop, J. B. Bowman, John G. Allen, Benj. Gratz, Andrew
Steele, Joseph Wpsson, D. S. %ocdloe, G. W. .Elley, J. S. Woolfolk,
A. H. Bowman, C. T. Worthington, Joseph Smith, J. P. Tarbitt,
R. R. Sloan, W. T. Withers, Enos Caipbell, L. B. Wilkes, Z. M*
Sherley, S. IM. Wing, Horace Miller, William Rogers.
     The Secretary reae the minute- of yesterday which v'ere ap-
proved by the Board.
     The Committee of Five not beinE ready to report asked through
their Chairman to be released from farther duty and that the sub-
ject refered to them be refered to the Comtee of three who were
appointed on yesterday for the purpose of trying to reconcile the
difficultues now existing between the Brethren & Feculties con-
nected with Ky. University - not granted -
     Curator Worthington moved that the Comtee of five be discharged -
wi thdrawn
     Moved anti adorted that the substitute of Curator Withers to
J. A. Williams resolution on the subject of declaring the -purpose
and design of the various Colleges of Ky. University be taken up
conscientiously paragraph by paragraph.