xt783b5w7227 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt783b5w7227/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1957 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 28, 1957 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 28, 1957 1957 2012 true xt783b5w7227 section xt783b5w7227 . K, » II
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¤ ume XXVIII May, I957 Nu er 2 . I I
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` ‘ KENTUCKY No. ol Total KENTUCKY No. of '1`ota1 OUT-O1•`-S'l`A'l`E No. of 1_
(by counties) Alumni Donors Funds (continued) Alumni Donors Funds Alumni Donors F__ {1*.
_ Adair .......,.......... 44 7 S 17.50 Larue .... . ............. 40 8 S 20.00 Alabama ...,........ 177 42 s 1,, ?_
Allen .................. 14 2 5.00 Laurel ............ 89 16 40.00 Arizona .,............ 19 :3 1:
Anderson ............ 67 1 1 55.00 Lawrence .......,.... 30 5 20,00 Arkansas ............ 47 9 1; {Lf
Ballard ................ 44 4 25.00 Lee . ......,............ 25 3 17.50 California ....,..... 414 96 S]!
Barren ...,.. . ......... 79 15 47.50 Leslie .................. 20 1 5.00 Colorado ..........,. 58 13 Q;
Bath ............ . ....... 56 4 10.00 Leteher .............. 78 21 25.00 Connecticut ........ 80 1-1 {Q A
` Bell .................... 120 19 55.00 Lewis .................. 40 10 35.00 Delaware ......,..... 42 7 if
Boom- ................ 83 12 25.00 Lincoln .....,...... .. 101 18 35.00 l)ist. of Columbia 138 -12 1;
Bourbon ............ 303 51 232.50 Livingston .......... 13 0 0.00 Florida ...... . ......... 430 93 iii
Boyd ............. . .... 309 77 420.00 Logan .. ....... . ...... 46 11 50.00 Georgia .............. 2.69 89 1Qi
Boyle .................. 197 41 172.50 Lyon ................. . 18 3 10.00 Idaho .............,.... 10 2 'S ;_`j_
Bracken .............. 60 6 50.00 \IcCrat-ken .......... 203 27 95.50 lllinois .............. .. 445 116 1:1 'ii] K
Breathitt ............ 54 8 10.()0 K1eCreary .......... 40 -1 15.00 Indiana .............. 544 103 1] · _
Breekinridgze ...... 35 3 15.00 X-1cI.t-an . .......,..... 26 3 10.00 Iowa ................., 49 6 1: .; rPubllSh9d
· Bullitt .. .............. 30 6 25.00 Nladisou .. ............ 204 33 132.50 Kansas ........ . ....... 44 6 Q €ll1U(;ky 01
Butler .,..........,... 6 2 10.00 Niagorlin ,....,... 27 1 0.00 Louisiana ............ 110 30 17 L€X1¤E10Y
Caldwell ............ 57 14 55.00 Marion .......,...,.... 80 1-1 5l).()0 Maine ................ 12 0 Q .00- '1V1€m1
Calloway ............ 83 12 41.00 Xlarshall .............. 35 8 15.00 Maryland ............ 173 34 2-` _~f§4E = OCIBUOU
Campbell ......... 213 41 160.00 Martin ................ 19 1 0.00 Massachusetts .... 77 17 -1 ¤m¤U$·
Carlisle .............. 20 4 10.00 Xlason ...... . ......... 142 31 2()7.50 Michigan . ........... 239 59 11-
Carroll .. .............. 64 12 45.00 Meade ..,..... . ....... 25 2 ().00 1\linnesota ,......... 44 9 i €m1J€I` cf
Carter ..,.. . .......... 53 7 20.00 Blenilee .............. 10 0 0.00 Mississippi .,......,. 78 12 KEUWQKY
Casey . ................. 49 11 95.00 Xlereer ................ 130 2-1 75.00 Xlissouri .............. 159 26 1,._ Alumm C1
Christian ............ 145 20 82.50 Metcalfe ............ 13 2 0.()0 Montana ............ 11 2 E Zi. .
_ Clark .................. 250 51 150.00 Nlonroe ,..._,.. _ ..,,_ ts :3 5_oo yr-1,m$krr _.____,____, 18 1 g Entered as
Clay .................... 28 3 10.00 Nlontgoint-ry ........ 125 20 57.50 Nevada .............. 8 0 at Le?
Clinton .............. 13 3 5.00 Morgan .............. 38 6 30.00 New llampshire .. 10 0 - act of A1
Crittenden ....,..... 35 6 15.00 Nluhlenberg ........ 76 9 35.00 New jersey ........ 241 72 1;. ··§i',A$S°C1at1°
Cumberland ........ 26 2 0.00 Nelson ................ 127 31 85.00 New Mexico ...... 54 17 a .
‘ Daviess .............. 305 105 640.00 Nicholas .............. 61 10 15.00 New York .......... 530 127 v;. elm G- K11
Edmonson .......... 5 1 0.00 Ohio .... . .......... 65 6 15,00 North Carolina .... 178 30 11: *1*% MCC]
Elliott ................ 14 2 10.00 Oldham .............. 53 6 30.00 North Dakota .... 5 0 s EXW g“°’11° 1
`1 Estill .,................ 52 2 0.00 Owen .................. 57 4 5.()0 Ohio .................. 1.028 246 1_11; ne W1€m°
I F`;ryr-(te .... . ......... 4,163 1.018 4,132.50 Owsley ................ 20 1 5.00 Oklahoma .......... 74 18 A
. Fleming .............. 67 6 20.00 Pendleton .......... 55 13 42.50 Oregon ................ 19 2 ;= 1956;,-;
Z Floyd .................. 166 17 27.50 Perry .................. 154 17 15.00 Pennsylvania ...... 290 76 gjr -m Ed C
{ Franklin ............ 428 103 585.00 Pike .................... 193 39 60.00 llhode lslanrl ...... 13 4 if V A E1
Fulton ................ 87 19 90.00 Powell ................ 24 3 5.00 South Carolina .... 88 12 gi imgih Ps (
Gallatin .............. 26 4 15.00 Pulaski ................ 202 36 132.50 South Dakota .... 15 2 j ; élen G
Garrard .............. 65 8 32.00 Robertson .......... 20 4 20.()0 Tennessee . ......... 518 91 j2= .522 saglrel
1 Grant .................. 77 10 20.00 Rockcastle .... . ..... 41 4 5.00 Texas .................. 381 99 35A shiver
_ 1 Graves ................ 92 19 82.50 Rowan ................ 56 6 10.00 Utah .................. 14 2 _‘ kms Uni'
I Grayson .............. 34 4 10.0() Russell . ............... 36 7 5,00 Vermont .............. 3 () Pfqmph
. 1 (lryen _____________.____ 40 S 20,00 Scott .................. 200 36 102.50 \'ii·;;iuia .............. 351 80 4% Mvérsailles
Greenup ............ 71 14 50.00 Shelby ................ 141 15 4().00 Washington ........ 43 9 `Q 19591
Hancock ............ 18 2 5.00 Simpson .............. 51 8 20,00 West Virginia 306 85 4, Fiwmjam M
1 Hardin ..... . .......... 134 38 127.50 Spencer .............. 21 6 22.50 \Visconsin .......... 59 10 " (Tém
' . Harlan ....... . ........ 219 51 160.00 Taylor ................ 64 11 35.00 · \V$'llll1l1l){ ........... . 8 () ipgm G_ Bla
, Harrison .............. 162 19 82.50 Todd .................. 30 -1 _ 5.00 Outside of LYS. .. 289 42 Z1’ ;*1i`Ashland ('
. Hart .................... 44 8 27.50 Trim: .................. 25 6 18.00 ———— —-44 —--- wmgam H_ A
;_ Henderson .......... 141 24 185.0() Trimble .............. 30 6 15.00 I Bldg., Lex
1 Henry ................ 124 18 27.00 Union ................ 79 11 45.00 Sub—'l`otals ...... 8,212 1.855 ¤ 9.% __ ‘R_ R_ DHWSO
', Hiekmnn ..___,_____, :31 7 25,00 Warren .............. 134 26 105.00 t .19511)
. ; Hopkins .............. 150 40 212.50 wvashington ........ 57 13 47.50 ’l`—»t¤¤1< .............. 248*+4 5.266 $il*" Bnntgii L. (
_ 1 lackson ......,... 25 2 5.00 VVayne ................ 50 7 22.50 . inglon |Te
- § It-ft;-rson . ..,...,. , .... 2.:372 58-4 3,288.50 l·Vt*l>Stel’ .............. 70 6 15.00 ‘ Richard E. (
Q ]t-ssamine ............ 195 33 102.50 l·Vl1iil¤·}‘ ..·........... 176 32 73.00 _' Dires 1957)
. Iohnson ............ .. 78 16 55.00 Wolfe .................. 22 4 0.00 Herndon ,]_
_{ ‘ Kenton ...........,.... 359 57 260.50 Woodford .......... 2-10 39 94.50 ’ ton (Term
· - - Knott .................. 62 6 13.00 —~—~ ———- —----7 ~ ;- Gerald (gym;
. ,. Knox .................. 64 11 10.00 Suh-'1`otals ...... 16,672 3,411 $14.280.50 1 t0n1Tgrm
, 1 · , Di;. Ralph A
: · _ _ _ ` i V h i U » on lB0ard
i 1 - "Ihe hnal report on the Annual Alumni Roll (rall tor 19o6-57 shows a grand total ol o2l>l»· ·.-1·(§6\1;¤t1;i
· ‘~ . . . . . . . . . . " .31 0
. tributmg members and $23,070.75. This is twenty-—one percent ol. the 2-1,884 alumni listed in our mil ,... ; iam; CRX.};
F . 1
` ‘ V 11165. S- Second
. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ I 1 presidentl
. · I The above report includes all active alu1nn1: Gilt Members—l95o graduating seniors; Annual l»< M1¤r1g11er1ti1v
. . . . . . . . . ’ . . . · °“ ' ii
. . bers—alu1nn1 contributing $5.00 or more; Associate Members-lriends ot the Unrversitv who did 1i<>1:¤lt ,.HbgP;¤1m¤i
. I _ _ _ _ · _ _ _ · ry
1 1 but who have contributed $5.00 or more; Life Members—alumm who have bought a hte 111€11ll)€l`>ll111· ;-D1;] george
, , _ on 4Li.
I . 1 . . . _ _ ` ` ` r` V 1 ~ · V 1Sen1or Class
1 ‘· A special recognition to O1-\'1;NbBO1{O AND DAVIL88 COUNTY lor their support ol the .1111, 1§s£4Jr..s;
. . . .. . . . . , 1- ; 310nal B
· , I· und. 105 alumni ol the 300 are active contributing members this year or 3190 —Thanl *1 :·1·_igtH31_dW
Fund. ` 11k-lkez
1 S Herbert $$1,1
¤ YOLIYS l<)1` it gl’€1tt€1` U111\'€1'S1[\' ol l\€l1llI(`1<\'. V 1
. - . , ’Adair count.
lames A. Bearlev iAl1¤n coumi
ir I · · ·-11¤)¤entm C.;
1 . , . * ure
1 1 Alumm 1·un<1 Drrector
1 1).8. PI,1;A8l; R1;A1) TH1; BA(r1» PAGI;. TH; KE
g 3
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96 qt _ ‘~ , ` .
89 lm ~ B · · · vl d c t —W'1l' H A11 ‘i
n ; ` allard.County—Mrs. Shnrley W11l1ams0n, 1 93 6 Olm Y 1 13m €¤l‘y GH. ,
he Kentucky Bzx,;§§llé?unty—Basi1 Preston, Glasgow M§;§:gEg€¤`:;$y—F¤k€I C. Bailey. Frenchburg [
*1 ublished quarterly by th° hU"“"°FS‘*y.t°f Bath C0unty—George Gibson, Owingsville Mercer C¤unty—Mrs. Axmee Alexander. 653 é - t
(. E; ntucky on the °¤*¥*¤l*S °f ‘ Q U““’°”* y· Bell county-R. H. Barker, Pineville Park Place. Harrvdsbure _ Y I { _
36 Lexington. $l{b5°N¤t1°“S t°_“°"‘m€mb€'sy Bourbon C0unty—Bg5j] Hayden, paris Monroe C0unty—Justus L. Elhs, Tompkms- : . =
' 1-Z _gg_ Membership (TYPE A) _m,the Alumm Boyd C0unty—Francis Martin Gute. The v¤11¤ _ ·
G2 N} Ocjation includes Subscription *-0 the Mayo A1-cade_ Ashland Montgomery County—Mrs. Rezm C. Howell, V
vu- umnuS· Boyle County—James M. Norvell, Green Sycamore SL. Mt- Stefling _ j
_q 3;; _ _ _ _ I A _ t_ Acres Danville Morgan C0unty—Ear1Kmncr,‘West’L1bet·ty ;
{ -; of National Edlwke S$<>¤¤==*.*°¤· Bracken c0u..ty-MlSS Lillian mxstm, Muhlenberg €<>¤¤$y—R¤1vh ‘B¤b¤ W¤sh¢· ·
IQ ry ` gntucky Press Assocxatwn, Ame;-lean Brooksville Box 254_ Grcem/que {
;“ :· ` C0‘m°i1· B kinrid e Count —Fx·ed Peters Hardins— Nelson C0¤¤tY—D1‘· J- J· Whéai. 210 S- ` `
26 1 »‘»· “""" "° g y ’ Third st B d l
J v_ _ burg _ ., ar stown · _
— t temd as Second Class MHUBT at the Post Caldwell C0unty_Wmiam Mccormeu prince- N1ChOl8S C0unty—M1ss Mame Flora, Carhsle
l 2 . · Ma 1 1952 under ’ · ·
; J. ce at Lexmgton, Ky., _ Y . » ton Ohm County—Whayne Pnest, Hartford ;
8 l mo? Aug- 2* 1912- Edlted by the Alum- Carlisle c0unty—Ra1p1~. Edrington, Arlington Owen €¤¤¤ty—E· G- Traylvr. New Liberty 1 l
7, 4:; ;Ass¤c¤at¤¤¤- carmu cmmty—E_ R, wauace, Ky. ummes Egig`;¤g2;s;1§J¤¤§¤;ipLN-BW%¤§lh1;;ke§gEt0n
Z ’? H _ · C ., Carrollton _ _ · · ’
1%% G; gg. Gvlggggn ,....... . ..... Casgy COum_y_GEm.g€ Noble, Liberty]; P1g;sxlA{(;r;¢:unty—J0hn Prather, Box 106, `I
T ; E9 ····· : ······ . . Cl' t C t —Ch 1 L tt 11, A1
ig M; mite Mcmughlm AsS¤¢¤et•= Edw C.{Qs‘{§‘a,, ‘§f,’§,,$}y_J‘§‘,{,,§’S-,,,2,,"§,,,,k,,,§,,’§§e Robertson C0unty—Ray N.Dryden,Mt.O1ivet .
q · E ° Wi€m¤¤¤ ······· Vltal Staushcs Edlmr Clark (;mmty-Mr_ Beverly white, BOX 133, Rockcastle County—Rudo1ph Burnett, Renfro |
'Am UL `~ Winchester Valley V
12 J, V 19565; EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Clay County-.Car1 Stmslm, Manchester Russell C0unty—OtheIla Gaskms, Russell
..7 ,3, . . · - · Clinton CountyJChar1es Luttrell, Albany Springs _
*6 I Ed C°"’“g*°“· P”S’d€“t* 2655 V"g‘""" cnttenden County—Louis D. cmpps, Marion Scctt C<>u¤ty—-T. C. Mclimght. Georgetown ,
lg it lt-~ Kgéh gshgsgin vice President Frankfort Cumbefmd C¤¤¤*y—L•=S*i¤ M¤C¤m¤S· §?“’“°" °‘}§‘“‘yfF*I'f“§h S’{‘_I°;§; S"°1¥’y"Q}F’
:· 1 Agt_ · _ •_ * _ , B k S ·H 1mpSO¤ OU!] y— Q oy Ll ES, Tan III! I
qi °L$nS§§r§lXZ€}8D1ii¥?;g3,€,Alumm Affmm Dav¥ss€E>ui1ty—]. E. Abell, 401 Magnolia §_g;T§;=¤"CC<;;13tY·i{H¤;;>,ldRL¤g*€·_tzabéigrfgéggs `
` ‘”_ ,J* '* ' O y— HT . ITU , · i
99 ·A_5hive1y, Treasurer, Department of Ath- Pgvg Owensbomh R, I _ Vine
2 I ems, University oi Kentucky Em °““tY*st§g Ulm me- GF§“; . Pk Todd Cmmty_L0gan Webb Guthrie }
0 _ E-it A Hampton C. Adams, Old Keen Place, Fagrette County- rs. mer 1 , ans 1 G, T _ C t —T M · C d_ X
, H `· . . . - gt Tlgg OUTA y Om HgI`3W, 3 IZ
hg ·i_ égatlles Pxke, Lexmgton (Term explres Flesigig g2unty_Dr· C- D‘ Blair, FlemingS_ Enmblzcclimygl G_ D&€i1B€dfg§drg·
Q_ .' (N _ . . . _ b , I`|l0l'l DUH y— OWEIS 3 BCE, ll IS
li lim(·1&U§a;;p?fI(;sO?é§g)Bm1dmgY Owens Fl0;ggCounty-—-Robert Allen, Wheelwright Warren C0unty—Harry Lane, 803 Edgewood, i
O l` ·E“? G Blazer Jr 2717 Cumberland Ave Franklin COU¤tY—Al1gl1St Luscher, Jr., c/0 B°V§’h¤g Green
; _,·=:· · · ·· _ ‘* · · Vashmgton County—Charles J. Haydon,
42 it wataq- (Term exp1res 1959) Schenley Distillers, Inc., Frankfort \ S r_ E Id
._,, -ss. {mam H_ T0Wns,·md_ First National Bank Fulton County—Dr. Ward Bushart, Bushart Wal? iéigcgunt _C1im R Collins Monticello
_ Bld€·» Lexington (Term Expires 1958) . Chmn Fulton · M t . Wel?>;er Coun;c’y—Haro1d· Trader; Providence V
"" ‘“’"` °`¥$$??¥·??““t°"’*’?S ,, °“ §f“`§'§g, 2Xf}§§L€%.%%‘€§‘y@iiZ1.€€.5?§."‘eE‘£§Bi2¤
was saw f lanton L.Co1lier, zos Ridgeway noaa, Lex- Graves C¤¤¤tv--W¤111¤m PM ¤m· ay EE Woodford CO,],,y_R0bm lvgcntgomm, R I
yjéingwn {Term expires 1953) Hancock County—Harry Black, Hawesvnlle R 6 Versailles ~· · .
illichard E. Cooper, Somerset, Ky. ¤Term ex- Hardm C¤¤¤tY—R0b€1‘t McNamara. A ‘ ‘ . {
·. · tlanta Ga.- Elhott Beard 1410 Peachtree
pu-es 1957) Elxzabethtown _ . _ .
, emd¤n J. Evans, Herald-Leader, Lexing- H¤g1a¤5g9¤u¤¤ty—Jchn Crosthwante. Jr. B§_;'§§;l£A EXIEASQI 69I?h0maS Brooks S
{Jian 1Term expires 1957) OX _ _ B . M ;.x Blé ` '
Gerald Griffin, 233 Kingsway Drive. Lexing- H31‘1‘iS0¤ C0¤1`¤tY—W1U1¤m Rfmakei`- Hmm! Ch ww']- E T g' W G M le`, 5005
,5 to {T . 1957 N0. 1, Cynthiana H 81100gH. · €lll`l.— yllll . 058 ,, .
*Di'·¥(alpi1rn2\:§(;lif§§i, 109) Esplanade, Lexing— Hart County—R. W. Poynter, Horse Cave Cg<*3‘t;" Dgfvev Ewell W Hatfield 415_
ion ¢Board of Trusteesl Henderson County—Sam Lambert. Henderson 4;;,7 °Pg§·1Es· Big` ‘ * {
O[ 5‘)(}t] L Watkins, 251 E. High St., Lexington Hexgy C01éntyTO. glcgllrog, Engfjlence Chnrlestonp W Vailacbert Bleidt 514 22nd A
` , Oard of Trustees) Hic man oun y— ac ew on, IH on ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ;
1 our Img uis Cox, Frankfort 4BOm-d gf Trustees) Hopkins County—Fred E. Nichols, Madison- Gligieliuggiaczhggiixggrank V Benton In 29 x l
0¤1€F L. Baker, Louisville Cement C0., 501 ville _ E Orchard Rd Ft Mitcheli K ’ [
is- Second, Louisville (Immediate past Jefferson County—McKay Reed, 2448 Grm- Chi& m_P··V ·K atm *13;; North t
I \l iigljesident) stead Dr., Louisville, Ky. R tt N_ h 1 Brgigh Si 6ak'Pask Ig' g
yl ,1 V Elwfiie McLaughlin, 226 E. Maxwell, Lex- Jessamine County—Wi1s0n ou , IC 0 as· Y " . __ ‘ ‘ Q
xuull fiziyngtcn [LHB member, honorary) ville C1_<;:;•i1a£d, Ohm Robert McDowell, 3203 W. I
id []()l1lUi E*'D·P;i}m¤1‘€, Frankfort (Life member, hon- Johnson County-—Mrs. Alpharetta Archer, Dall; Texas Chester C Young 2921 Fair ` i
_ · - .°T¤¤'l’ Paintsville ‘ — ' ’ ` i I
·, ur. D¤‘· George W'1 , 200 N. U st., L - K · c t -12 rd Mcxeehan, Barbour- ***0*1* _ , l
mbehl I ’§g‘;Et°¥él¤Li&¤;11i1l2e1;11ber, hone;-I;;g;§ ex Qgfie oun y arm F d P I D&§;<;;1{OI€l)1}$¢;§g/Irs. Wmston Blythe, 120
{ ·‘ _.,, OF HSS epresentative, C. Gibson Down· Knott County—Claude ra y, rincipa , . . ` . t 3
[ [he .e\\¤li ‘#*§¤£_Jr.. % Stoll, Keenan and park, mm Hindman High School D%{j¤¤*33g;{§:;$jl%*éhE· Bell. 2210 Cnmbndze - t
, B ' _ - ~» · · .
Ul ""°‘“ mA;·;l§$$g §;QQ`;;°§S wifffi °°“’“’ S“""°y A" H"’g"`“ “°“g°" ¤ng¤a»¤. Texaen. J. Rum., 207 E.Map1e y
—§ J . * VE. g
J-‘LC¤{liSle Myers, Jr., 1211 Richmond Road, E;$;2n;:E°zgggbiégbrg;1§inégfg;g§nLOuiSa Middle Tennessee——Robert T. Hanna, Trimble
Exmgc ‘ ’ - R .d, N. h ‘11 , T . t
_ §°b*m H·_1;‘Ii}I€nmeyer, Hillenmeyer Nurser- Iieel.C0gnty?Drb€_}$;$_n(XEd§I$:?b§i)E1;;2tyv111€ Nev€']Orle;;s}uL§.—C€2§¤‘g& E. Jones, 4969 * ~
,.0 mow ¢?°‘¤L€*¤¤¤*¤¤ fihi ‘é;‘2,T.$T.'§ L Hays whnesburg M¤*~>¤¤¤*=~¤ Dm L
· ,v #$*1 O· Watson, 1726 Beverly Blvd., Ashland Le °. me [mt Yichérlés Staégs Vanceburg New York City—Bertel Sparks, School oi ¤
1) mm wl 1; mes B- AUM. Box 112, Winchester gms ° B _ , _ - C ’tt St f d Law, New York Umversnty, Washmgton Sq.,
I I Ward Bennett, Schenley Dismml-ies Frank- %“‘°°1“CC°“;‘“ EM"'Ya?€ Cgnli ‘RuS‘;Qu°;§u€ N Y City. ¤
,. -‘ Tort ' ogan oun y- l`8llVl~ a , .· ‘ . _ i `
glpbtlw "I T’H_Ha1_dwick _ V Lyon Cmmty_J_ Philhp Glenn, Kuttawa Ph1ladelph1a;PaY. Palmsr D Evans, 971 Hunt A I
_A E . Kentucklan Hotel, Lexmgton k C 1 ,_JOhn Blackburn Pa_ Road, hem town Sq., a. `
gN·w Walker, Box 308, Mt, staging Mccrac all k °1§“d’ h ’ \Vashingt0n. D. C.—C1yde Harrison. 3520 Van |»
iHérb'N€El¤ Clty EHgi¤€€I"S OfFlC€, H€HdEl'SOH ducah Ban ` tai lgaw Hume Stearns Ness SIL. N.YV. I { ,
=i m Hmm JI`·» MaYE€ld ¥gEg;?1r)2:gx°n%;iEhér1Es`Gatmé Sacramento Williamson. W. Va.—C. R. Wilson, Jr., 109 1 I { _
{Ada' CLUB PRESIDENTS hllagoffin County—Luther Rice, Salyersville J°S°¥?h AY€· _ ~l {
; 1rC¤umy-Ea,1Hudd1ESt0¤ Columbia _ P 1 O ns Lebanon Executwe Lommxttee meets second Monday U
`Anm C¤¤¤1y—Jolm pedjgo Ségttsville Mamm C°Lmty_ au we ’_ night of each month, September through t ~ I
¥A¤d€1‘S¤n C¤umy_wa1t€I. pétrick Lawremv Marshall C0unty——J. H0m€1‘ M1U€¤`» B€¤*·0¤ May, 6:30 p.m., Colonial Room, Lafayette ,
burg I Mason County—·Wil1iam D. Calvert. Maysville Hotel, Lexington l , t
i , _
·T H E K 3 I
Y THE covert . . . ER
O O • · nn
Active Membership Pays Dividends i»iam—ca are of at Gu
May ALUMNUS arc menibcritlla j Sixts
We have been preaching the gospel of active mem- [llc Ulfm Ol wot Einhcml in l
, . . . . _ . 1932 tor their 25th reiinitllll ~ To ll
bershzp zn the Alumni Association for a long time They will bn bnk niii iiiimii
. . . . ‘ ‘ ll
V V now, and sometimes we have felt like a voice crying ini, dinii. Golden ilnbilnn ini Tlinn i
in the wilderness but the prophecy that “everythzng ln-ation. ‘;i._U,iil-Ctgity
i comes to him who waits" has been VfllSli]li€(l, and you M thc time 0lV ill\€ rcuniaa il-lay 25 W
who have stayed with the organization in the lean tllem were 70 hvmg “"““b€l* f’Al‘“*‘ Ma
— . . ol the class and 33 attended. " Headed
days and in the days of fulfillment have just now innini is
l"’g"" *0 "“‘l’ ?"’i"" ""w“"dj _ nl-. rmt n. maui, member it t i}“'"*’ ‘Tl 1*
It has been pointed out in other columns of this Uiiiycisiiy Of Kentucky music iiiiiili silllillllllllg
issue of the KENTUCKY ALUIWNUS that our long- lor the past 12 years, has receivgtli ij- lllailillgiisli
. . _ . rise.-
tzme dream of an Alumni-1·aculty House has come *W°‘l’€*“` D€l’;‘“m;’mii‘ff Sm? Mt giiini ldll
true! With the purchase by the Governor of the mem as A cu Him a mis °fh°°*"ll *—_y€i~,i,,-yi l
t _ V _ the U. S. Foreign Servnce. Follow; =· __ :_
$1,850,000 Coldstream Farm in Fayette county and iwn innndis ni nrinnnninn miiiiini i 1955. ill.
. its presentation to the University ]cO1` USE 05 CUL CX- \Vashingt0n, he will be assignctllh V) \iMui;]}"l
perimental farm, there has come to the University G€1`1¤1¤¤·Sl>€11l l’€€“
V , house, with daily use of its facilities. and to the umm’ arms
_ other active members of the Alumni Association.- N€“‘ 5mdf’¤¤l$_ Pla_m}l“§ l" Q. Tlicigi
j— wherever they may be, will be extended the courtes— (inter the Umvcrmy Ot I*€m“°l` is being [
V l . _ ii .i.i. _ h ii V _ . L . i V lor the fall semester must sub- - ni nV in
_ Vi A ies of ie fact i ies w en iey are in exing on. mit an nppiicinion in nic lin UcnV yV
‘ i " You who have maintained an active interest in istrar’s Office not later than
the Alum ni Association through the years are reap- Aug- l5· OY [fl' lan- 2 lm ‘l" isiidencc
;. . ing the reward of your stewardship, even though you Slmgg nimlii Hi? €d€2%l;;l:€€i"iii i tlmlly to
. . zi ovec · i in ·s .
i i. _ have kept up your loyal association through com- iiggnini nndlwill gn inin din ‘V *¤€ fsf
. 1 V l 1 i· l
. ll l l
és Qi i l
ll 2 l
‘ . 5 `
or T l ,
Reunions To Set New Attendance Record l, ,
lol tht e . . lll
mbmul · I ses · • Mrs, Dickey will hold the traditional ll ` l
neretl in Slxteen C Us Presldent l’resident’s Reception for alumni, sen- ll f l \
reunioll il; To Return MUY Be BCInqUBl' Sp€CIk€I' iors, their parents, faculty and friends ° =
s lllellll . . t.itV r ..,;.iti.;,i ttz ;t·t;t r .;,;t »;;».. r ,ii~ V »-ir,;_r;;it_:tt:t:;;:....;;:,;.t.;.;.:t;iti;i;.;.;.;.ZV:.;.:.;.ZV:.;:;;;;;;;,;_;t;;;:;;;;;,:;r:r;, at llemwell l’l=leel elllsl the slllllllell bell- l E
lee duff Z There will be nblg d°‘“`s" °“ the '‘V`‘‘``‘:t :’;`: I ’i;`:“ `:’:’i quel ef the Alumni Asseeielien will l
t Unlversityt of Kenlllfky <’ellllPl1S 011 ;i` _ _'___ i _Ar_ Q follow at six p.m. in the ballroom of .:
r~eu..ut Jury 25 when slxteell °'**S*°S mum *0 tlltt ;r§§Q.iZf the Studelll U¤l0¤» wllll l’leslde¤l V l
meulhea `llws Mem ‘° “‘°"“"‘° "““‘°“s· ” ’’ ’ i``` Y? `lt`‘‘i ’“’ E Dlelser es the speaker- Tlekels fer I ·
eudetl. Hcrlelell br lhc °°·l'€*"` °`l”“l ‘*’° ` the lmlqllel will he $250 eeell- l
_l hlsssl l9°7» and ****2 25·l““` °‘*‘”s ‘*‘° »i’’ — reatrrrer of the banquet program l l
rmua.~t,t.t llltt tl "’“2· thee “""?°“ $¥`°"l?s,“‘“° —-— r l;t.t.- will he l¤·l¤·<>¤ <>l re¤¤l<>¤ classes-
msta MZ §l>'*"‘""‘g ". l"°g”"" (ll b“”'"€’° mil ...t llllll Pl`€$€lll?lll°ll el testimonials el l
S rclclwyt hw l`<·l` l'l°l*` "'€€k‘“"‘l l`;Q;‘_"" ;l°];J9l‘· =·ppreci=¤li<>¤¤ t<> all past presielems el l
,‘ ls classes returning =·¤`e= ·l¤ all 7; I ii · s · · Ti ·. I ;
St t · . ,. , _ ., · . · . , · 5-si;.2Z42lag2Eai¢ii;’2i2§z:2§z§2§i§;§;§2§zj;§;§2)§;;;§z§2§2§: §2§§;§;§a§2§2§2§2€ ;r;&;&;$;i;2;&;€;E;E;5;i;£;5;i;5;E;€;E me ‘ umm ‘ SSOCIBUOIL lc msu
Olliailiii jim'; NIL Clwmiuig its 4?[h' ‘m.m_ mtmials will be presented by Governor I
Fellow ?l$,li§"?§l'Z§‘i,,,f[*l.,;}" r§Z}‘l»t§§,:,,§iZ§; ili Glllelt lt- <>lll·¤lllet» =·l¤ml¤l$ tl; mg l
· · v --—· — · · ‘ " l ‘*‘ " ‘ ` ‘ sli uiversitv aut (il?lll`milll o` tle oar ‘
lfralnéllgf i Alllllllll ml wm "l’“" "" S“““d‘“‘¥'· ¥% ; l?éE%%?%$¥ i :;`: ` `”V` of Trustees. I
;°°`§1;_€'°l‘ illzu 25 wllll reslsllllllllll lllllll lll [ll ‘:i` V ¥ZZ€E?¥i§Q~_i, ,,._._ t.,;~;zji§i ``i‘:: The t,att-atrtt.rar.te services for the l
lasrtrne ‘‘‘‘ °"U ‘'‘. *"°. M`.? '·‘l. QT? ‘’‘‘‘ .°f 2;* ‘‘ltseslrs l ‘l·‘sctsslrt tau aa uelrl Sunday i
g the imdll issmdfm .11nl;;"é€:€;; m I Imc le mb I- . ’ 'A'' { afternoon at four o’clock in the Coli— l
· lime" S “" V · ‘· ` ;;-¥i?%E§£%€?¥ — . b f ll · d b· · ` A
hum M s, The llllllllal Plclllc lunch for all 4 ’’:l'l §l *2€·[i£$:i iill?lgelS)tucEi11f)l§):1`ii)H lalllliobiisptlon
£»ll“*““lt “i““i°“ "l"““ "“d f“°“l‘l' Y ' A A cornmerreerrrent exercises will be l
-_-— Ehud mf; Elcingers {wu lf ?§;dN;h1S ` ...t. . `Zt. held Monday morning, May 27 at 10
guearat o sr am arm n w- _ -- 1 , . Y . . t
F! slow!] Pike, the Hue new farm which President Frank Graves Dickey, who .i,m. 1l1_.[l1€ Coliseum, at tthlchqllrge l
01. _b€€u ivcn to the Universit, bv tgqk office last September as prcsi_ lll€I11l)€I$ of [11C 30-y€ZlI` Cl21SS·W\’1 ·€ t
$3* g l ~ dent of the University of Kentucky, ralled to the platform to receive their
its cfu the Governor and Commonwealth of will address the alumni at the Alumni I_Iull_C€muw Club Cenmcamsl {
_ Y W S ‘·—* Kentucky. Ass0ciati0n’s annual reunion banquet S _ __l l' r hmmm S Ecial l
nl?;§ml\ t I The residence on this beautiful farm g;"“;P°d :1** $***;*}*;*135}; lllghlh Ml=t}Yt;5 if Cm. C agsiiegtiilf) mth icgnion
X . . I . IX p. ., 111 e 3, room g g l)2i1`1CS 111 C I ’
4 being transformed 1I`l[O an Alumni- . . . r
must tuh ;_fs Student U¤l0¤· Week-End, and information about l
ture at lm lg; gse Pl Wh parties will aa arariaara at tue l
ater that isumvmlty gT0ups’ an t E pmmg to and annual meetin · · 'oi desks at the Music Room of A 1
‘ . ' vbc held on the grounds near this fine ° . gf mum I '. , ’
2 lor tht lfmidencc will ive visitors an 0 Op That afternoon, lrom 3:30 to 5;30 the Student Union at ten oclock Sat- ,
idline lll? clunky U; see tie house and befggmc p.m., President Frank C. Dickey and urday morning.
iacquaiuted with the facilities avail- l
l l Q:—
sable there . _ (PLEASE FILL our BLANK AND RETURN AT ONCE) l
lst) ttliulie 3:2 The P‘°'“C ls Schedulcd fer 1230 (T O ALUMNI OFFICE, ROOM 124, STUDENT UNION) g
e droiptd t-;P·lll. on May 25, and the Alumni As- l
emcrluk ragoclalluu ls urmuglug {Ol. u.uuSPOl.lu_ 1957 ALUMNI REUNION RESERVATIONS `
is ll0l’ from the picnic for these Make ( ) Reservations for the picnic Saturday, May 25, 12:30 p.m.
— ·tl'u it _ " mal' come Oreumom Y $1.50 er ticket l A
fgoléegm Clpublur transportation. The price of P l
lime lull lgigllll? Pl€lliC luncheon will be $1,50, and Make ( ) Reservations for the Alumni Banquet. May 25, 6100 l>.m. ` `
cars amd Alllllllll would 3l)l)r3(;ia[€ $2.50 l)€l` ticket t `
Y d .’.h00l, ell ll all who plan to attend will an _ . , _ . . l
le 1* l ln me form Printed in this issue Of the I will need [l`2ll]S1)()l`[i][l()ll for ( ) to (iOl(lS